BENJAMIN CLARK, CLOCK (s'Watcu.MAKHR, \ ' HAS REMOVED Tq No. 36, Mahket ,, Where he has for Sale, . Spring and o.the:;Clocks ; gjaid antJ.rjlvfr Watches ; Tools,.Files-aucj Materials; Red and Chains, seals &c. £cc. - V.- • 1 . CLQQKS A SID „W ATCIIES Repaired as usual. >," e .3 WAYNE "COUNTY TAXES': owners of unimproved lands in Wayne I county, are hareUy notified, that Takesi ar« become payable therton for the years an J 1803. Thole who have not already paid thair toes, re hereby required todi(cfiarge the fame to JOHN Treafurcr of (aid County at Mfli'oM, within three month* from this date .othcrwife proceedings to fait, to the a& of /jlTemb'ly irifuch cafe projnJed, will e had by the Asa Stencon, "J Jt]bn Carton, > Qojqijufliqners Johannes Van Jit ten, J ACtoft, E. Kellogg, Qk. ; July 9, ißco : , d s o ' ~A A PERSON poflefling forae capital, a confi-' dcrjble ihire of industry, and desirous or engjgjng as 1 partner in a lucrative bufincfs, niay hear of a situation. All pnpolal* on thiW fnbjeil to be in writing, fraled and dire&ed in W. K. J New York, and If ft with the printer of the Garaite of the United State*, will be at twided to, ' A Printer would fiud it (o bis advantage June f ■ ■ out the (me diuab'ce frijm Baltimore, Alexandra ai?d Norfolk, and not more than one days fail from either. Th«re are three improved plantations with dwelling houses, the one known by the name of Exeter Lodge, former ly the rcfidente f coj. John Gordon, is an elegant twoftory brick houie, with four roonu on a floor, and a palTage fixteep icet wide. The other two art: commodious and convenient ly fitted, with gr>od and suitable out houses, atone of which Jfhti Murphjr, Esq. of Weftmore land county) liycd fcvcral years; on thii fjrm there is a good grift mill, with wafer fulficient to turn any number of (tones; alfi» convenient (lore hou ses and granaries on a public road, well situated for a country (lore. On each of those places there ate fine apple a'id peach orchaft?-. The greater proportion of'he land is of the firft quality, and near the half of the whole heavily timbered. The terms may be known by applying to Wm.P. T'fuch certificates, will perfoijaUy staid refponfif lfe f6f thecohlcmiences. HICHAKI') SODERSTI^OM. Philadelphia, 18th Drcemier, 1799.' * Philadelphia Ss? Lancaster TURNPIKE COMPANY, July 14 tb, 1800. declared a d'vi eml nf E ; gt t Dollars 011 each fiiare TO PRINTERS. of stock, of which, fix dollars per ftnre ivili be ,- ri 1, <- . r r paid the Sti ckholders or thrir representatives any rr r n ' pay a'ter the 14th instant; the reniainihg two Long, dollart hi* been retained and expanded in com- ca or ]' pleating and repairing the road agreeably to a Chiles, Lonitwfing Sticks, and asrea resolution cl 'he ftockheMers. • varit ty of articlrs neccrtary to 1 ar'ry on the Print W.M. GQVETT, Treasuer. iog HefincA, They will be fold cheap Mr cafti 11141 A Pl a 'y 10 tl.c Printer. July 14 Fifty Dollars Regard. RAILWAY fro Gen, itsdjgely of lUlti. mors, on,the 10th inli. a light coloured r.sgrcv laan, wha calls hiinWf 'xVIIvIiIA-M Mc. lIONALD •,-He is.about 14 years of age! aliqut j feet Btiche# high, neat in and "33 a gO ld /Kit .of, hair. Hid 911, W feat* a grSeh cloth coat, edgf*! with" yellow,, apd, yel. l6\i gilt buttons—a light buff caflimer, double breasted waill'coat, a pair of dark olive colour ed thickfett pantaloons—a .white linen shirt, white ribbed cotton, and a good pair or ihoes wjfh firings. He took jO'h him a dark pair of olive r .pinra l.mi'.s, au'Ta-'light corduroy paV/>fJ'?«ches j alf > a gijd or .pijiehbeck waUph, wijfi.a Iteel chain. offpiritons bq'uors,' is inso lent, has a ilupid He was bred in Chirks county, Maryland, and purchased of col. John Thomas by gen. Kidge ley. Whoever apprehends .'laid negro, indie cures him in atfjr jail" so, (tat the owner may again, rpc?]ye t jhe,#bqv<; fewjrd, with rcifo aisle pharges if brought h rntif, or de liverer! to K» •*- tu&f tf TO -BE SOL.D, A 7 PUB t L IC S Ji-L£, On Fifth Day the gtTi of October, on the premiss, The Mary- \nn forge APfWwWWV o ITU AT R K?rt mjjunfjy wi»»e, jqd. Vf r^ iTI wej-ckUnd, about xo jfrom U'frfphia.aixl anfial ..mije fropi the Turn- P«ke read, anil Downing'* town'; containing' about 330 acr s, with allowance of -6 acrcr per '9° ■ 'wo thj r ds of.ffee land is .good w»o>,(ind, f H- me (i Sfrttt, /TrijjyjtAand low prictd entitle^ VJT t.i drawback. Alio othrr cnarfe and ptnp 4 4 and r-4 Indi» Mliflin*. irifh and quadruple line»«, Geimv> Dow.ljs, India L»t fliihgi and Sejthew»;' «ibbon»,' Spades, Frying pinr, with a rarifly of other Ironmongery and leal'onablc Dry poq&. A lib, to ba SOLD or bartered, you DRY G. 09 DS, ,jf handsome y^tpry BRICK HOUSE, ( with piazza and kitchen adjoining, Gtnptejn Vine l.*ar Fourtji bu\lt;n m dern style with excellent materials and well calculated to accommodate a large family. 'augtift ij. 1 1 a it.Mit'. ~ HrGH-STREET. ' • The House, LATELY occupied by the D'Yrujo, Sptinim will be let nit to an approved perfoij or farrjily, on eal'y conditions. It is large, commodious and elegant, wilU and ftablrs conf«Vm*TJie. inquire at No. ids, Sprnce ftrett." Samuel magaw, Arcb Street, Nt. 04. July 23. ' eodif. 1 TO BE SOLD, Very low for Cash, or 1 exchanged for Goods, A Large, Elegant, and well finiflied 2-story Frame House IN the borough of Franklord; containing an entry and two large parlours on the firlt floor, three bedchambers and two garrjts. Th« lot, which i« .J4O feet deep, fronting on twp streets, arid ha* the privilege of a 10 feet alky through ; it contains a kitcheft, ftabx.'arid coach.tmufe, a well of esc6llentwat r iid pcAion, /ybefr ca alogues will be furtii(hed, and thuetros of'Uy J}£NlALpu& DQRSF.Y,. AuguH,i,.v > QHINA'6OODS. Landing the ship Ajncrica, -Waftc. Sjm*) jratn Canton, S A I,F Br NICKLIN, GRIFFITH Co. BOHEA, 1 Qougo, Souchong, ift 8c jnd rjuality, Caper foychtjug* ' Hyf.n-fc'in, ' T'Okay, r 1 ■'irtglo, j Young hyfr n, • I Hyf n, i-ft & quality, | Imperial, j Vellow Sr white nankeens "Tf Lutcftrings, b acW & color'd f In 8o*e» Sinftiaw* , , n Persian taffVtas, dark green 3 oxes ' Tbey bant a,lse qn -Sand for sq(e, recckicdii ibt date arrivals Jrain Europe, tec. 1") -Infma'.lpack Stripjd.and checked ginghams 1 agr« aff.rted, White flgwerf gc CQlpr'd ,Muf- | ior > th£ Weft-Ju- White (;qnJed dimitie.' j «Ua.roar,kot.& Color'd jiUti striped Nankeens | entitled to J 14 Tiling printed C ap forcafh—Apply at the ofQce of tic Gazette o£ ohe United S;at-s.~ WHEREAS BY a dscree of the High Court of Chancery, made in a Jaivies £gainft Newman, it it .among other things referred to Wm. Graves' Esq. one of the mailers of the said court, " to take »n account ofth; Legacies bequeathed by the will of-the teOator, WILLIAM PHILLIPS, ljte of Newgate llreet, London, tjeceafed, and ulfo to in quire and (late to the court, whether Frziitii* 'amea, the brother of the complainant's named a« , oe of the, Legatee* in the faidwill is dead,>and .whether lie,die«ieri V»roflftif which application is intended tp be made at lie said Hank, and all persona concerned are de sired to take notice. JAMES HENDERSON. May 8. d3m TO BE LET, Either separately or together, The Two Houses, LATELY occupied at a HOTEL by Mr. Sa muel Franfis, No. 13, south Foyrth street. For to benjamin r.morgan, No. 41, Arch fireet. July 10 3>aw aw ~ V Baltimore and New York Mail Stage Office 13 removed from No. 13 South Fourth {treat, to No. 18 South Tfeird street An Office for th'ofe flakes is al(o kept at mr. Hardy's Inn, No. 98 Market street. General Post Office, April *B. Ibis Day Published, By J. OuMkoß, No. 41, Chcfnut Street, (Price 15 Cents) TUB Death of General Wa/hinvton. A POEM. In imitation of th« manner of Offian. By Rev. John B. Link, A. M. Minister of the fc'irft Pre(bj terian Cftcgrcgstion of Philadelphia. £s* Mr. Chaudron's Oratian will be published on Monday morning. Ms>rch if. d. A PLEASANT COUNTRT HOUSE, WITH an excellent Orchard, Barn, Pump, flic. flee. The whole containing 17 acres, situate on the Wil'ihicnn road, between the third and fourth mile stone—May be purchafeH op reafonablp terra». —Tnyo thirds of the pgr chafe money may remain (secured on the pre mife& and onintereft) during three years. Et quir# of BONSAL 3c SHOEMAKER, No. li4i South Fimrth-fkeet, the S«b fcriber, at Moupt-Pleafant, adjoining the premises, or at N» 4?, Walnnt-flreet. JQN* WILJ-lAMS. June 13. niwf tf Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Spring Forgi, in York Coyntyia negro map, named ISAAC, other wise CUDJO, about »I years old, the property of Robert Coleman; Esq. He is about 5 ifet 8 inches high, ha- a b'lemilh in his eyes, more white in them than eomm»n, by .trade a Ferge mic; had on and teok with him a drab coloured broad clotfc coat, altnoft new, a jaikct and pantaloons printed fancy cord, a iwanfdown flriped under acket; a rorum hat; one fine and one coarse (hire' one muflvn ha - dkerchief, sprigged, two ditto flriped border, a bloc Persian uudcr jacket peir cotton (lockings. Whoevrr take« up said. negro and lodges hitn, in apv jail in this or any of the neighbouring (lates lhal! have the a! over« ward or reafonzbl: expenersif brought home. JOHN BRIEN. Spring Forge, O&ohen?, 1199. N B. As said negro (ormarly lived in Chcftcr county, it is prohibit fcc nay rcturh there. Forty,; ,and in ..whale,(heets to fubferibers at pUces wbcie it is,not,con veyed so often. 3. It (hall be carefully ,printed,op a.good type and paper,,to be enlarged ,as ;foon as fubferiptiona and .jadvortiftjneuts avilt,admit of it. 4- The price to fubfcribets ffc»H be five dollars a year,,to be paid half yearly vance ; or fix dollars a year, one half to?be p.iid at the end of each half yrar. 5. Advertifetnents will be in('erted,tlmc times at the rate of opeddlar a Square. 6. The Gazette fball poptain the earliaft intelligence foreign and-doruedic—; übljc ;rtfo»i and wife, of Pfterfburg—one do. of a Mr King one do. of Mr Juhn Tiihi+iJc, of this t'>wn, the Wik fa with » l»T(ge b-kie glafc jbd a fmsUer in the qe tre. under wt i:h wti a plaftiof \mkr L0) liil I silver d >. French, roname I do. do John I'nll, London, 744 I Rodjrt, Paris t silver do. JinßfjA Kemper Shaw 1 di>. dp. J Darlii.gron, London 1 do- do. No. 9861 1 gilt do. G. !\1 Veicalf, London, 4196 1 silver do. Ge rge Hafwoud, London, 4906 1 do. do. J Smith Lnnd n, >l4 I dquble cafe gilt watch, U. Olbum, Rich mond, 87*4 iro Dollars will be piven for the re#ot j at