Nvitnuu ?4c 9. ] lO* The prtc* of this irtiatte is Etc,in QaVlfins {ier cnn-jyn to Suiteriters residing in the city ,f Philadelphia. All others paj one E.tllar additionuL, far tndesmg-and di rcctiig ; per sun in :tis city mill become onrttefMc ftt tie subscription, il must be paid Six Months in Advance. *,* No Subscription will be received for a shot terpen;. fb'an six Months. De«e«n v « , r r 1799. aLMaNaO Fr'm Augufl 1 j—id 19. man WATik. H. M* Vriwfilij • 8 .j6 Tfcarfaijr - - 9*4 Fridif • ■ " lO 15 Bunr«!iy * n 8. Sunday - - • • It 48 > - - .c »l Tutttry - • i; '9 scUM- 'in »'«» ini Wednefdiy - • S 9 —-6* j 1 ThurVrj • - S 1° * J°' Friday - - - S ««•—49' •»tord«7 - "-5 M - —*> 47 «Kfay ■ S U < 1* Uwar •. - s u—l4 45' TutCif - J it 6 44 For fa he, , THE Ship India, Now lyiny at £.ofs & Sims u's eZEZSrarwharf, burthen 401 tons. For Urns apply to JOSEPH S. LEWIS. August 5 For Sale, THE NEW PILOT BUILT Kgp St. TAMMANY, ■ j£bo&(LVIN'G at Say'* Wharf, above Market Street, burthen 70 t n«. fuppofcd ta he a remarkable fait i'a ling vesT , aid may hof.t» ted for tea in a few dayt. Jnrentory to be feeu and terms of file known by applying to the fub ferifecr*" CROOKE STEVENSON, No, 4. S tutb Water S'rctt A LSO FOR SALE, Hlidi M'jfci't d Sugar. and brown Hava. nab (fit o in bnxes. Ind i do. in ''ags. We!!-India and C u try R jm. too H(.d MoUflt-i. Holland Gin frrrnck and Spanish Brandy. Ptppet, C file. Sic. Aiyull 9. F R SAL&, Java Coffee & Sugar, TJ- E GAR&O Of the Ship JefTerfoo, E. E. Mosris, Commander from Batavia, c-:■ sistiicg or 220,000 pounds Ceribon and Jaca tn Coffee. 220,000 pounds Sngar in cannifters. AL X O Til £ BR! C AN TINK NEWTON, ggIBU ILT of Live Oak. and Red Ce 3ac, fcill carry about twenty-two ht-n.l. ti barrel*, nswr (boath«d with cedar, and wiii be in compteat order to receive a cargo in a fen davs. Apply to 11 H. WILCOCKS & Cr>. Augwfl 9 d6t WAR DEPARTMENT, August 4tb, ißco. •HPHE* commanding' Officers i f corps, de- Jl tachraeaispoflj garrison», and patties, bclongi: g t the military <(UMiDimtnt of the United Stales, ar- to report to, a«d receive orders from Brigadier General Wil kinfon, in the City of \Vafbingt«ii, and all •officers on furlough are to report theinfelves to. the fame officer with all pcflible difpartli. SAMUEL DEXTER, Secretary of War. ill- IVii.Kri wi>bn> iK« Uniitii Slate* nil* hayc pulililM invjtitkiM f<*e cwtriitiof I,lth o! Match lift are rMjuiltd to iafrrt the »'ore ir> their re!f«£U»e pipeu.osoi i -wrek for lw« innmhi. ' BENJAMIN CLARK, Clock 'Jf WATCH MAKER, HAS REMOVED • To No, 36, Makkst Street, Where he has for Sa'e, Sp' luff and other Clocks ; gold and filvrr 'Watches ; Tools, X~ 11 e 3 and Materials; fleel and >;tlt Chains, Seals and Keys ; Springs, ~&c. £cc. CI OCKS AND WATCHES Repaired as ufuai. June 3 Just Arrived, AN'n Full SAr.B-Illf THE SUDSCRIBEUS, THE CARGO or TIM S/I/r PHILADELPHIA, Theodore lilifs, Commander, front Boogi. COXSISTJKC. OF An aiTortnciit of Pfcce Goods. fiTugara of the f.rft Muaiity, 'And »oo qr. cheP.» of l'upcricr qvality Kyfon Teas. Willing! 'S- Frcncis, and Thomas cy Join Clifford- Mirch I? 1 Gazette of the United States, & Daily Advertiser. MarflwJ's Sale. Utiiiril Stah t > _ Pen-syt a-lio Dist 5 ilj? V.mu»«f» Wilt r»» «>ertiffflrdfrrtm tK« •* »«h.« Hch»r« ftttn Esq. JudiM of re Court •( the United tn *"d forrXe Pt-.:irfy!»«iiia Dfflf'H, will bfc dl' P fcd to public fair nil TVurluif »li- *Bih «f *.ui;uft irilL it uVcXkH mkMCd rrtrfprifl; fc, Wo. «Ij, Krnth fhi.ci ft the ri'y f WrMWteh, Two Hogsheads of RutrL The feme havftrg beeh leized, Sc. »nd"libel led agoidh, jjrufccutcd and condemned as for feited, 4cc- • Just Arrived, AND FAR SALS IT TUE S'/USCRIgE 119, THE CARGO Of the Ship) C a vf^ov, Richard Dale, Commander, from Cuftton, Consisting OK Bohea •) Sowtmng- j liyfon Skin TEAS. Younn Hyson j and Hyson. j ■ SSL'; } nankeens. Sofjar of 1 ft quality* China Ware. Gallia. Fan 3. An afToTtnient of Silits. x WILLINGS to FRANCIS, No. 31, Penn Street. April 14. d. HIS COUNTING HOUSE, To No. 79, South Fourth Stbkrt, Gorntr of Union Street—whre he hat far sal« EARTHEN WARE, Affcrted tot exportation or home market. G'afi Ware doable fli it, ij cases. Prufli Cloves Nutmegs and Mace. July 24 ttl.th fa.tf. Received By the ship ca i.iin Adamsov, fe tu&th.tf. Also on band, received by the late arrivals, Ay Astoxvmew or Hoiiery, Checks, Fustians, Jians, Ginghams, Callimancoes, Durants, &c. , 1 For sale by ROBERT SMITH V C&. No. 58, fo»th Front-flreet. July a*. daw Now Landing, Ar.d for salt by toe subscribers, 150 PIPES OF Lisbon WINE. JIiSSE & ROBERT W.ILN. July 30 d»w A FEW COPIES OF The Anti-Jacobin Review & Magazine, (VOL* IV.) Have jud been nccivcd and are now for fair, Bv A. I)IGF'INS, Oppodte Christ Church. Jnly it. Rum Sugar ' ' Coffee Cocoa Castor Oil, and FRUIT, Just received per tba sloop Supply Jrom Kingston, Jamaica, FOR S/\I E MY Thomas & Peter Mackie. Who have on hand, Old Madeira Wir:c, fit Tor immediate life, ii Pipes of Old Pom Wine, and ias> Bags E»ft-India Sugar, &e. July A^teoft Saulnier & Wilson, WOOLEN DRAPERS, MERCERS, tie. No. 63, Nerthfide Marftet-tireec, HAVE a geceral assortment. of befl London fupcrfine Bri.aJ Cloths and Caffimej-es, (of the newifHalhion) silk ftripi* and feccml quality Cloths, fifhioßabl* waiß coating, fijk ftriye and twill'a Naubeert, Ji-an, Follian, GiliglAms Dimi ty, Tbic'ufer, fancy Cord, V(rf.vot«j Scarlet, yellow and white Fianoels, Flanders, lri!h ar.li brown Liiicr.s, D>wUs r m«r,s' and wnmt'fn' lilk and cotton Hr>f;e;y, coit ar.d veil pearl, fire I, gilt and plated Buttons, ilifMent coU>uraSilk Velvets tarii bcure.'. ar.d Cambric Mr. 11 in 9, Caitom-8, CUiririn coes, Sh.wlg, Packet H.JidluiYcUefs, Gloves „.hcci:s, &c Sic. N. B. Taylor*' bell quality Trinstnirgs all which they wiHfirll very low. Ji«y def ■» tukf tf PHII.ADE LPII lA, THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 14, 1800. JOHN MALI,, Marshall Mardiall's Office, } Fhihdelphia, Aug. 13 I Bio $ giwtS Simon Walker HAS IKMOVf D JVST SECtivtn, frofn Lor'dhn, A (JJJ AN T i I Y O F Browa RujEa Sheetings, and Kavena-Duek, Of a fopericr qualify. By C. P. Wayne, No. (5, South Frontrftreet. Madeira Wine: The fnbferibtrhas recei'»fdin tha Apollo, worm Liverpool, a Quantity of Hill's Old Loudon particular Wine, In pipes, fohdir. Sc calks. GIDEON HILL WELLS, atigoft 4. JUW&I4W Jacob Speny & Co: Nt). 195, MARKET-STREET, Nave received by the snip Ecgle, sni other late arrives from Hamburg. The following Goods, x Which thty offerou liberal terms ; ESTOHU.AS, -1 . /-Dscanters, Cafferiilas, 2*2 Coffee-Mi !1», Hcccadiflot, [5-? ! Tapus, twilt'd/plain ■Rooans, r.s J 1 and coloured, Creas ala MorUix, |fi I Sealinv Wax, Coutils, J** L fr&n London, A eons'gfmeM oj % Faclcages of Sadlers' Welihing, and 3 of the TValhington Vvint. ifl hancfeme ftamcs of fall length Fugraving. A L SO, 2 New Cables, Ea«h 12,5 latliomi. >o and II inch. •Ugii!' 4. d6t m&th I m The Bankrupt Law OF THF. UNITED STATES. Wa4 this Day PuKtilhed by '. DK' Kl N §, op jofite Chrill Church.—[ rice t$ Cents.] A.. DIC K INS • ' HAS JUST RFC IVED FROM N I* W - Y O K K» DESULTORY REFLECTIONS ' ON THE New Political Afpeft cf Public Affairs Ik lie United st Tts. [Pri»e eliJ ] august i; ,1. to LEr, OX FOk SALE, A 2-story brick house Situate in Dtthe-street ( r Art tilery lane J Northern Liberties, T'X'Q r.ioMi oh a floor, ki'cHeli and wafb houfe, all k .uik ot -he material#, artd in exccl ent order; cf.trr- under the wh U, Pfie pared, and ha? two lattice cl ~>fc ts wi h ! ock.i. a 1 gai linartd yard leviral truit-treai ii: tin garden, two i ui.lpof fxcsllotit water neur the premises. E quire at No, 39, Arch street. : uly <5 tuSf6w TO BR SOLD, Very low for Cash) or exchanged for Goods, \ Large, Elegant, and well si' iflied 2-story Frame House IN the borough of Franh'ofi"; containing an entry and two Urge parlours on the firt> floor, trri'c bedchambers and two garrets Thf l"t, which i»'34o deep, fronting ft two (Herts, and has the privilege of a to feet alliy through ; t contains a kitchen, ft»b>, and c>aclj.h u s «, a ■vet) of txcellentwatfr. art For-terms apply to JO}W WCLIiLLEX, Juljaf. tu'h&s tf HIGH-STREET. The House, LATELY occupied by the Giisvslier rj'Yrujo, Spanilli Aivb.-itMor, will be Id bit to .ill approved person or family) 011 ealy conditions. It is l::ge, commodious and elegant, with coach-lioufe and ftabhs conformable* Enquire at No. too. Spruce ftreft. .SAMUEL MAG AW, Arcb Si re ft, No. 04. July 23. eodif. Port Wine 6c Claret In Cascv, rfthtJinf duality. Wirfe and Cyder Viiiegar. In Pipes and Quarter Casts—For Sale by BENJAMIN W. MORRIS Co. Julyi9 jjw.iw. A Summer Retreat. TO BE RENTED, A GENTEEL HOUSE, WfTPI a ftdliie, tarriiigt hnufc and lot, fitnated in a pleafani part of Yrctit'on. Tfie tffrms will brf rnod'eraic, at.d can be had immediately ; hilt the triwnt will not be' wanted to occupy the prem'rfes after ih<? 10th of nrjtt November. For terms ap'gly t» tha printer, or t« ABRAHAM HUNT, efiQuire, if* Tren-on. J«r.e 14. 'tfftlMwti 1 For Safe, Landing fr m on loa d the Sehormtf An* from Tenerijft "James M'urig ger, Majttt, 7 5 Pipes 40 Hhtis. > 64 Cafcs-, j for terms apply to MATHIASKEELEY, or JOHN SLESMAN. augtid 1, ojt. For Sale, By M-ITrs, Rice, Woodhoufe* Patten, Mc. Gultough, Patterfon & Cochran, and I). Mogan—Jhohitkrs, [Price 25 cents per pack.]—A seCond 3idi- tioh of the much admired Conversation Cards, Itr Phose & Verse. Eich pack contains 30 Queftioris on the fubjeft of Love, printed black, and 30 An swers, apropos to the Questions (printtd red) tho'played indifcriroinately. l'heyare ftri&ly decent in their compofrtion, and are put up in neat cases to prevent being foiled. From oth«: cards, and dice, much mifchief These cards have neither Aces, Jaifes, nor King*, Nor Qaeen>, uor Knaves, nor Diamond Club, nor Spade, For Love's chaste purpose th»f are fold and made— Of Oamlr'g Gairjs they don't poffefsone part, Save, that at times they tend to win the heart: Love's language foft you'll find in their contents, , Thf whole will costb»t fivo-and-twenty Cent*. «% Thei'e Cards may be had of Mr. John Grirt, Book Binder, Watkins'S Alley, price l per dozen. Ang'uft I 2. Writing, drawing & printing Papers AND Stationary Wares* FOR SALE, AT W. YOUNG'S BOOK-STOUE, iW 52, South Second Stf-eet, the corner of Cbtfnut Srrct. Who has received an cxtenfive and gene ral and of the best quality. - A CONSIGNMENT Of royal, double crown and ddahle pott Frfotuig. and also of writing ioofs cap PAPER. A TXU V K *0 F Ladies Slippers. Which wi'l fold low, for cash, or negotiable Notea. W. Young has also received a complete afTort tneftt ot hngl'ijby Latin % and (7reek ClaJJics. A libe -3I allowance made to whulcfaic puExhafera. July 31 iaw?Vr Jtjbt IMPORTED AND FOR SALE, AT mcßltfS'S BOOK - STORE, Opp<T.te Chiifi- Church, AN ASSORT MENT OF English Papers AND OTHER STATIONARY. Philadelphia, Aug. 6. THE CARGO Of the Ship Criterion, B. Wickej,'tn. coin mahder, from Bengal, cossisrittc of A complete assortment of BENGAL GOODS, JG ARS of the firft quality, BLACK PEPPER do. rat saLx by WILLINGS £s? FRANCIS, No. il, Pena-ftreet. M-iy r - dtf TftE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE Mjt SALE, AT NO. DOCK-STREET, 1000 Boxes heS mafbltd Soap,") ' 80 Boxes Swctt Oil, j From on board the aoo Hall chelKLucca Oil, . Louisa, J Hales Paper, I from Leghorn, RrimftcinS, Parm-IV, Cheese, J JfX3 Pipes brtt Bordeaux Brandy, aoo C aret fupwior quality, 700 Cases r itch Sweft Oil, 60' Cases Catherine Plumbs, 6 Caflcs Prum s, 400 bo*e« Capers, Olives, Anchovies and Cor nichons, too do. be ft alfr.rted Cordials, DRY OOODS aborted for ths Wtfl-ltidia market, Clatet in oases of afuperior quality, London dfy White Lead, A small invoice of Coffee, 6 & 4 Poutd Cannon, mounted. Thomas Murgatroyd fc 5 Sons. May 10. tuth&s tf ■1 hree Lents Rrviard. RUN away from, the Subfcriher on the evetiiDg of the ißth Inft. a bound Servant CIRf,, namei Eliza! t'h Howchel, had on and took with her thrce,di{fergnt changes of garment and money, proud,bold and itrpudent, a noted lyar ■, any p-r ---fon apprjheriding her (hall he entitled to the above reward—no'cofff or charges will tcpaid. N: B, Sfea had 2 years and fdme months to serve danifj. fitzpatkick. Goiin TowEftip.Cheflur County, Jaly 19. augulf 6 ?awtf For Sale-/ A LOT In ,tbe Borough of Frankfbrd, BORDERING on the fide of Frankford creek, with a large well friifhed ftoue dwelling houfe tliereon, with a brick -kitchen adjoining ; ant? alio a large and convenient frame coaji houfe and liable. The (mutton is healthy and agreeable. For further particulars apply to the fnbfcribor on the ptemdes. WILLIAM GEORGE. •Aujufl 5. tu mStf^ CHINA GOODS. Landing fron ihc ship Amcriea, Watte. Sims, Commander, f<~om Canton, ■ . . AN if fob sale bt NICKLIN, GRIFFITH esr Co. BOUEA, 1 Congo, i So«efiong, ift & and quality, I Caper i'ouchong, Tonkay, Sirpo, j Young hyf-n, I Hyfm, tft &id quality, I Imperial, j Yellow & white nankeens Lutcflrings, b:atk. & colcr*d (In Boxea . Sin(haw« do. f aflorted, Sattias do. J Lutestrings, ir.az. blue & dirk green") T Siiilhaws do. > j Persian taff-tas, dark j 1,0xe5 - They have also on band for sale, received i* | the late arrivals from Europe, isfe. $ ") Infma!!p*clc» Str i[j;d and checked gingftatas i ages a(T >rted, White figure J & color M Muf- | calculated for Hnetts j>the VVeff-In- White corded dimities i dii market & Color'd (i!k, :!r,pe.J Nankeens j entitled to J drawback^ 14 Trunks printed Calicoes, 5 (Eiititled to to Casts Englilh Chint ware, (drawback, in teal its 6 Cniks mincra! black, 3 do. white, 10 do. coif other, 3 Cases purple brown, 35 do. nails aflorted, 9 do. London porter in bottle*. Eniriifh fail canvas, No. I, »'& 3, 17 BoJtei white Havarttia fugtr, 13 Pipes old Madeira wine, Gunpowder, Empty wine bott!es> 11 do. 9 do. W& I? do. 9 do. with earriaget, &c ---aßo,occlbs.Cerihort coffVe, ill") quality ( Fntitled to jo,cmolbs black peppet fdraw'l itk. ab L'igl ebony J May 23. For Sale, BY PUBLIC AUCTION—IN THE ciTY or Washington. THE following property belonging to the Trus tees of the egate Fund. provided for the pkytriefit of certain creditors of Edward Fox and James Green.eaf On ATondyt the 6lb October inst. PART of the property of said fund, in tfifc City ol WaEiiagton, that now is ren ered clear of every incumbrance, will be exposed at Public uSion at Tlilh idifl Tavern, ainoripft whith are the following valuable fittiatiol., viz. it Lots in square No 973, 2 lots in square 974, 15 lots iij jquarc N» 995, 2 lots in square south of fquarr <Ol9, 19 lots in square ioio, 1 lot in square iO«e, 1 lot in square 102:, 7 lots in square ion 4 lets in square 1044, 3 lots in square 114J, 3 lo:s in square 1046, 9 lots in square 1C47 12 16ts in fqiia.-e 1048, with fan.'ry others, aiivar.ugeoufly f.tuated ill various parts of tlifc city. Also the » ft. rv Jrane houle low occujntd'l y Mr.-Dehloii, beautifully situated (with an exteuiive view ol sev eral miles down the l'otomac) on the fonth east corherof fijiure973,fronti .g 4« fettonii ilrett raft, and 42 fectonfouth G street: a commodious Kitch«n with an ovtii, &c. adjoining the south front. A large irami: flablc, carriage hnufe and hay loft 50 feet by 25, and a pump of excellent • water rear the back door of th • kitchen, the lot extending 91 feet on 11 ftreat, ar.d 139 feeti inch in G street, comprizing lots Nos 1, 2, J, ar.d part ol 2t, in the r-gitlered division of the Iqs^re. The faleswiil commence at the said t vsrn at ten o'clock in the forenoon. The tcrmscrie fourth c.-fli, cne fourth in fi< months, when a de.-rf will be given, the remain- ; og moiety in two years, payment to be secured by bond and mortgage But the creditors in the above fund, may in lir u of mortgage secure pay ment of their !on !s by depotit <>> certificates of the truflers at the rate of five OiilKi gs in the pound, to the an ount fecurnd and (braid a dividend take place Vefore the expirJtioj of the tw years it will 11 set Iff gainlt th« bond, ai.d the certifi cates returned in the fame propsrtion. Henry Pratt ") Tliomai VV. Francis | John Miller, jao. Truflees. Johfi Afb'ey | Jacob B.ikur. J THOMAS TINGEY, Agent. Aiiguft 4. 3">.w ts LOR SALE, ■ A VAiUABLF TRACT OF LAND, LYING on the Potomac River, county of Nor thumberland, state ot Virginia; containing about 1400 aeres—its situation is equal to any o' s her in the Northern Neck, remarkable lor ev«ry kind of wildfowl, joyOers, fife and crab, and fionebet ter for health. I t is abcut the fame diflance from Baltimore, Alexandria and Norfolk, and not more than one days fail from either. Thr-re are three improved plantations with dwelli+ig houses, the one known by the name ol i''xetcr I ojge, former ly the refidenct of col. Jo* n Gordon is an cl"gant two [lory brick house, with four rooms on a floor, and a pillage sixteen fiet wide The other two are commodious and convenient ly fitted, with good and fui'tahlecur houses at ore of which John Murphy, Eft}. (now of WeiVmire land county) lived ftveral years; 011 this fatm there is a good grift mill, with wa'ei fullicient to turn any number of flones ; alfa con»eni«nt llore hou ses and granaries on a pablic road, wcil fituattd for a country {lore. On each of those places there ire fine apple and peach orchard*. "The greater proportion of the land is of th<' firft quality, asd near the half i f the whole heavily timbered. The 1 terms may be known! y applying to Wm P. Tebbs Baltimore, Fo'ifliee G. T;b'>s, esq. of Richmond county, Virginia, or t«'Tliomas M,urgstrojd and ' Sons, Philadelphia, leb.j—l4. 3 taw •4Ut- [ VoLUMK XVIII. ' '["Tv. -S" • <k:V -mv ro&w tf *\ r '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers