Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, July 24, 1800, Image 3

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Gazette of the United States-
PaiLA.TBLpuiA, JULY 19.
8 per Cent Stock for cash 10$ tn lO'jJ p. ct.
Six per Cent. <!o, 84
Navy do. do. 84
Three per Cent. do. 51^
Deferred, - do. 80
B \HK United States, do- 49
■ Pennfylvauia, do. 14
- North America, do. 46
Infurasie comp. N. A. ft ares 8 to 10 per cent,
below par.
—— Pennsylvania, (hares, 38 per cent, adv,
East-India Company of N. A. 7 per cent advance
Land Warrant*, »j dolls, per too acros.
Billson l.on. at 30 days for cash 171 pt r ct.
Do. do. 60 days do. 170 do.
Pn. do. 90 days do 169
Bills on 6a dayj 36 a 37 ct«.
per Mark Banco
D«. in Amflerdam, 60 days 39 a 40 cts. per
{CT™ The carriers of this paper have been
Strictly firbid to sell or give away the Ga
zette of the United States. It is requested
tbat, should any perstn detect them in doing
so, they will give immediate information to
tie Editor.
Capt: Lake informs, that reports at St.
Sebattians stated, that the Cemmiflioners had
nearly compleated the negociation, and were
expe&ed to leave France for the United
States early this month.
Any person moderately Ikilled in the
English language, and in the laws of logic
will have instant occafian, in perusing the
Auroi a to apply to that paper the following
lines from Gippord.
*' Abortive thoughts, that fight and wrong
Truth facrifictd to party, sense to found ;
False glare, incongruous images combine
And noise and nonsense clatter thro* the line.'
The effufions of Lloyd and Duane that
par nobile fratrum are incorreft in expression,
falfe in fad, and lame in argument.
—The abortive progeny of pride
And Dollnefs, gentle pair, for aye al'ied
Begotten without thought, born without pains
v The ropy drivel of rheumatic brains.
Duane has been laboring, for some years,
to find an individual of the Jacobin Genus,
who can write. His efforts far from
being fuccefsful are fj abortive, that buc
few of his retainers can even read.
T. Jefferfon fitting in his Racking Clair
has discovered another big-honed animal. It
is larger than the whole earth, and drinks
a cotrple of oceans at a swallow, but then,
such i» its regards for the rights of property
and humanity, that it neither pfcls my poc
ket nor breaks my leg.
An Englifti gentleman, fatigued wi'th the
dark inuendo and involved Iricifm of the
Aurora* remarked that the title of that pa
per was a misnomer, and that it ought Co
be called! The Midnight.
An AlTociation has been formed in New
»rk, N. J. and generally figried by the
refpeftable inhabitants thereof, for the pur
pose of enforcing the laws for the observa
tion of the Sabbath.
The v Editor of the New-York Daily Ad
vertiser remarking on the news received at
Charleston, of the ftorniing of Genoa, fays—
"Our readers will recolleft that our lad
accounts by the Fa&or, state that on the
15th of May, Genoa dill held out, anddii
ly expetted to be relieved by Buonaparte,
who had eroded thr St. Bernard and arrived
at the foot of the Grand Alps on the 18th,
■which is only about four days march from
Genoa ; therefore if the above account be
true, Genoa mud have fallen between the
15th and aaJ of May, which is not impos
sible ; but from there being no mention of
the day of its furrerider we are inclined to
think the account is premature."
On the fame ftibjecl the Editor of the
Commercial Advertiler observes—
" Since receiving the above account by
mail, we have conversed. with a gentleman
who came padenger in the brig Retaliation,
arrived last evening at the Watering place,
in jz days from Lisbon, which place she left
the 26th May—who informs that the day
before he failed, a; packet had arrived in fix
days from Genoa, with the particulars of the
capture of the whole of M idena's army by
the Auftrians as above ftatej, and that it was
generally believed in Libon;"
"This packet mufl have left Genei on the
igth of May, which i; tour days later from
that quarter than by the Faftor. That M' -
las Ihould storm Genoa need not be wonder
ed at—He new that Buonaparte was advan
cing to relieve Maflena—and he also knew,
that if he could effeisl the drftrn&ion of
Genoa, he could change the front of his ar
my, and face that of the Chief Consul of
France. Therefore, if Melas has atfted thus,
■which we are inclined to believe, he has adled
Extract frem Mr. Jefferson's speech on
assuming the office of Vice-President.
" I might here proceed, and with the
greatest truth to declare, my zealous attach
ment to the Constitution of the United
States ; that I cor.fider the union of these
states as the firlt ps duties the preservation
of that confljtuti ;n which secures it 5 but
Ifuppofr those declarations not pertinent to
the occasion of entf ring into an office whose
primary business is merely to preside over
| tlis tonus of this lioufe ; and no one more
iincrreJy prays that no accident* may call me
to the higher and more important funftions
which the conflitution eventually devolves
on this office. I liefe have been justly con
fided to the eminent charader who has pre
ceded me here, whose talent 3 and integrity
have been known and revered by me through
a lont? course of vears— have been the foun
dation ot a cordial and uninterrupted friend-
Ihip between us, and devoutly pray he may
be long preserved for the government, the
hsppinels and profp<;rity of our common
* " e find that rmlv/'tLlrstanding Mr'.J's
prayer, be bas no objection tj meeting with
this ACCIDEnr.
from the
, Beer Houst Wit.
Say» Dwight the Devil and I are tw»
Yet; faith, I know not why,' Sir,
Lloyd, you're ten. if I fpcik true
He's one—and you're his cyphtr.
" ® n > f»y» Will, "an EfTay writ,
Replete with novelty and wit j"
If it have wit, to both will I agree
For wit from On malt be linelty. '
To a Jacobin Editor.
Thy Boys the leanejl things alive
So very hard tho* lov'ft to drive,
One of the Printer's Devils laid
It coll thee more for whip, than Ireai.
A Lady's Answer to a Jacobin.
A Jacobin aflc'd me," Pray name, if you can
Of all your acquaintance the worthiuft man."
I fra»kly replied, if you'd have me speak true
He's the worthiuft man, who's the most unlilt
you **
On a noted old Jacobin and Atheist.
Scorn'd by the wife, detefUd by the good.
Nor understanding aught, nor underllood.
Profane, ebfeene, loud, frivolous and pert,
Proud without fprrit, vain without desert
Affecting paflions, age has long subdued,
Defperate'y gay, and impetently lewd.
Apology Jor Democrats.
We Fids have many fauUt,
The Jacobins but two;
There's nothing good they fay
There's nothing go»d they do. t
It will be rcmembeied [that the pre
sent Governor of Pennsylvania, in his answer
to what the Senate had said refpe&ing
his appointment to office cf the most infa
mous characters, observed
" Let my appointments he judged ly an im
partial tejl, and I flatter myfelf I am rather
entitled to the approbation with which, the
House of Representatives has honoured me
in an answer to the fame address, than the
denunciation of a small majority of the Se
nate." £N. B. This small majority wag
more than 2 to 1, viz. 15 to 6.]
" Without regard to atiy personal feeling
I have feleSed, and shall always deem it a
duty to ftlfe, for public stations, men who
are tried and faithful friends to the genuine
principles of our republican injlitulian ! I
Now ye virtuous Democrats, compare the
above with the following, and judge by that
" impartial test" to which you are invited
by your Nabob, whether he is entitled to
approbation, or whether he is not juflly en
titled to the universal execration of every
clafsof citizens ihroughout the state.
From the Lancaftcr Journal.
I Was one of those who voted for the
ele&ion of Governor M'Kean. under the
j idea that he was a real republican and that
the people would be happy under his ad
i miniflration. His violence (hortly before,
. and immediately after his inauguration lorre
what surprized me, but on rccolle&ing that
much abuse had been published aga nil his
chara&er, I was willing to allow him some
(hare of repa ation or fatisf«Aion. It is
with much pain, however that I perceive
the Governor has persevered in a line of
condu£l. that as a r-publican, it is my duty
| to reprobate, a3 much as it is my duty to
j refill tyranny or arbitrary menfures in any
fliape. I had never contemplated that the
Governor would appoint to office a great
number ofß'.D men. As I find these things
have been done I have withdrawn my friend
fhip from Mr. M'Kean. I know tfiat, a
number of my friends would bcdifpleafed at
me for doing so, but I ca not surrender my
sentiments to mere party views. I trust
they will all soon be convinced that 1 am
right according to the ttuc republics.! prin
ciple. It was with pain I heard of the ap
pointments of Rob rt Philfon, Benjamin
Ogle, Judge Brannon, Henry Spering,
Te, ch Coxe, Holler &c. See. but I
think it - y duty to furnirti you with a cafe
equally drifting and lame table.
I was a few days ago in Mr. Barton's
office, when on looking over the records I
found the following .
Republica ~j Indißment for Larceny
vs. 5- found. Defendant con-
Frederick Stiver, J vi(fted for dealing 4^
Spanifii Milled Dollars of the value of 33/9
and i-J rnt dollars of the value of 11/3.
Names of the Jury.
John Jordan, ChrHlian Zorn, Thomas
Crabb, Matthias Heoning, Christian Selt
zer, Abraham Stone, Timothy Sullivan,
Chrifiian Übrick, Godfrey E chelberger,
Leonard Immel, Thomas Bafsler, and Mi- I
chael Hawke.
Guess, Sir, my surprize on finding that
Governor M'Kean had appointed the fame
Frederick Stiver, on the nth June. 1800,
a " Jiiftice of the Peace for the township of
Lebanon, in the county of Dauphin."
On enquiry, I find that additional proof
of thefc fada can be had in the P.,»»,„vh n f
Lancsftsr. >' Th<? mbfcery. CTTSm'tteJ
on the ilore of Mr. Moore of Lebanon-
Mr. M Kean was then Chief Jufticeof
Peimfylvanji.—ls any comment necessary }
Can Republican unless he is blinded by
the molt obftiuate pvfjildicc, any longer he
fuate to give up the man who has varied
from his real wiflies.
From the Norf Ik. Herald.
Advbrtisrmknt Extraordinary.
FROM fotne trifling bint thrown out in
this paper, persons have fuppofod that it is
rather vulgar, semurable, or improper, to be
talkative at the-Theatre. There is no dotibt
but a great found may drown a smaller one ;
yet, in a, it is a that
the tongue (hall net be manacled : The pub
lic are therefore re fpefi fully informed, that
ibe subscriber has a great 'affortmeiu of
Speaking Trumpets, lately sent in by
the gentleman who fu'perinten'ds the V/tis
pering Gallery at St. Paul's in London.
1 hey are made so as to kept under the arm
without being discovered, and the voice of
the loudest /rattier can be easily conveyed
the extent of two boxes without being heard
by byedanders. Its portability, its conve
nience in saving ladies the trouble of being
handed from one box to another, and withal,
its found being only heard by the person to
whose ear it is diretted in a ftraigbt line,
are confideratians worthy the attention of
" Loquacious." A neat criticism on
cldcls—too great an accuracy observed in
laying on the red and White on a cheek
the eye-brow not properly pen cill'd, or the
fafliionable wic being rather too much on
one'fide, or its colour CHANGED since
worn at the lafl play,. are obje&s, that the
fubferiber flutters himfelf will recommend
his Speaking Trumpet. He has some small
ones for young ladies not longer thai: a stgar
tube. Due attendance given every day,
Sundays excepted, at the sign o (the Air Gun,
in Mum-Alley, and are fold for-cadi, coun
try, or negotiable notes, by the public's hnm
bleTervant, WiLL WHISPER.
July 16tb 1800©.
From ALBANY, July 10.
" I am astonished at the abuse which
fame of your papers pour on General Ha
milton. Is any man's popularity so tot
tering, as to require being'propped by fa
crificing the reputation of men who Hand
foremoft in the confidence of every found
tederalift.—Men who tread the firm step of
conscious honor, and pursue with uniformi
ty a line of conduit which alone will feeure
the feats of pow'er from the pollution of
Jicobinifm, and prevent a desperate fadinn
from running our political barque upon the
rocks of perdition—Men, who, having for
med their opinions, and tested them, do not
change with the varying breeze; nor, from
the impulses of obstinacy, felf conftqucnce,
or grovelling suspicion, fly In the face of
proud vaunted and solemn declarations, and
in a moment prostrate what years have been
employed to ereft." '« I now, from some
fymptomsjwhich have been manifefted among
the New England men, we have some little
reason to apprehend that the votes will not
be unannimous for Mr. Adams and Pink
ney. If they art rot, as fhure at Jehovah
livech, a Jacobin Captain will command—
aad that commander will be Jefferfon."
tJ• A meeting of the friends of
the Federal Government is requeft
eJ at Dunwoody's Tavern on Satur
day next, at n o'Clock in the
morning, for the purpqfe of nomi
nating Candidates for the several
eleftive Offices, to be filled at the
ensuing General Ele&ion.
Fiiiud ; July 24th, 1800.
Gazette Marine Lift,
The {hip Edward, captain Breard, frcm
Liverpool, arrived yesterday, but bring, no
Ship Eagle, Dennet, Hamburgh 61 days
[Dry Goods—C. F R.iuflc-t
Brig Tarter. Stotefburg, New-Y v rk 7 days
Molafles and Plaifter—T. M ilflin
Rcdlighter, Wye, Swanfty 52 Hays
Grates—J. Warder
St. Sebaftin 45 days
[Mr. Bruil
Schr. Atlantic, Wright, Balti more
Vinegar, J. fcardiner
•» Alexandria
Flopr, to captain
Hero, Parker, New-tondon
Cheefe—Tp captain
Sea Flower, Peter, George-town
Rice Mr. Keely
Sea Flower, Bird, Richmond
Tobacco Wm, M'Cture
Parragon, Herd, New-York 5 days
Mahogany, Molafles, &c.—to Capt.
Polly, ,
Trial, Hand,
Ship Galen, Smith,
Vessels reported to fie below.
Ship Fair American, Nclbitt,Lifbon, 70 days
Eagle, Denijtt, Hamburg, 60
And a brig, name unknown.
J3rig Moses, Myers, from Madeira, to
Norfolk, has been captured on the coast, by
French privateer, fiiice re-faken by the fri
gate Philadelphia, Captain Decatur, and sent
into St. Kitts.
i: * >
[ C u ptain Lake, of snow Polly, left at St
i Scbaftiang, on the 9th June, the following
: veflel# ; '
j Ship Franklin, Oxnard, ofßoflon.
Columbus, Delhong, Baltimore,
f Thomas, Higgins, Charleston.
Brig Amiable, Creole, Eldridge, Phila
' '■■ ■ [delphia.
I Amazon, Neill, of New-York.
Schr. Minerva, Babfon, Boflon.
Sloop Louisa, Ingraham, New-York.
At Port Passage.
Brig Eucharis, Dade, of Baltimore.
Brig Au'ufhis, Smith, from hence, has
arrived at Kingston, Jam.
I Ship William, Forreft, for Charleston,
failed a few days before the Polly, Lake.
Cupr. Den not, of the ship Eagle, spoke
on the 9th July in 1at.136, ©o,
Ship Louisa, Hagcaid, out 9 cays from
1 I'iladrlphia to Leghorn, all well—June
19th boarded by the Triton Britilh fritate,
treated politely, and informed that file was
one of the (oar (hip of war that had left
Halifax in fesrch of a French privateers
which they understood was cruizing 011 the
caaft of the United States.
BOSTON, July 18.
Arrived, brig Mary, Furlonjj, Newbury-
Port, 47 days from Laguira, (Portugal) no
news. Left there, captain Baglt-y, of New
bury-Port, the only American. C.ipt. New
ell,of Newbury-port, failed from Laguira
bar, May 30 for St. Übes. June 23, lat.
58,33 long. 55, spoke (hip Henry, Ander
lon, from Baltimore, for Quebec, 14
out, all well. June 25, lat. 46, long. 42
W. spoke brig Aurora, Bartlett, of Ply
mouth, for Bilboa, 14 days out.
Ihe Lydia, Smith, failed front Batavia,
for New-Bedford, the ill February.
The Lucy, Gray, tailed from Dublin, for
Liverpool, about the 28tn of May.
June 8, lat. 33, N. long. 57, 37, W. was
spoke, brig Republican, Hodgkins, from
Savannah, for Madeira.
NEW YORK, July 23.
Ship He&or, Brown, Nantucket
S«hr. John, Ingrahra, Kinglton 28
Guftervia, St. Vincegts 22
Verigo, Fuller, Curracoa
Ship Margaret, Little, Antigua
Schr. Daphine. Mafoo, Leghorn
Friendfliip, Cbriftopher, Liv.rpool
Ship Mercury, arrived at Liverpool in
[thirty days
Brig William, Freeman, arrived at Domi
NORFOLK July 16.
Arrived schooner Maid Wills, 15 days St.
Thomas. Sailed in co. with the fleet, confid
ing of 73 fail, under convoy of the Adams
frigate, and Scammel brig.
In the above schooner came paflengers
capt. Tnpman, his mate, and two seamen,
belonging ta the schooner Thomas's, captu
red on her paflage from Norfolk to Anti
gua on the sth June, Dy the Patriots fchr.
privateer, of 14 guns, and feot to Guad
Same day schooner Olivia, Shaw, 20 days
Antigua j one of the fleet.
Brig Martha and Mary, Smith, 18 days
from St. Thomas.
Ship I ravtller, Billups, 71 days,* Bremen.
• Schooner Eleanor, Attmore, 32 days, St.
Jago. Was boarded by an English frigate
and treated politeiy.
Brig Malabar, Murphy, 23 days, St.
Ship Piamingo, Jackfort, 16 daysj from
St. Thomas. Left there brig Betsey, Low,
of Baltimore, to fail next day.
The schooner Nymph, Malty, and Brig
Hunter, —u., have arrived at Havanna.
'Consisting ef
Seribon and Jacatra
Coffee 5c Sugar,
Of an excellent quality.
fjja, TrtE SHIP
Is also offered For Sjle ;
e hc has made but one voyage since
Ihc was (hcathed with the best pa
tent Copper, and she is in good order.
Apply to
James C. & Saml. W. Fisher,
William Sanfom,
Joseph S. Lewis.
July 24.
Simon Walker V
To No. 79,
South Fourth Street,
Corner of Union Street—where he has for ft!.*
Aflortcd for exportation or homa market.
G!af» Ware double flint, io cases.
Frt-fli Cloves.
Nutmegs and Mace.
_Jul_y 34
An Invoice of Playing Cards,
Confi ting of 75 dozen afTorted—they wllbc fold"
cheap for cash. Apply to the Print«r.
At Wijling's Wharf; and
for sale,
No. i,Pcnn street.
July 24
Abraham Small,
Of the City of PhtladtlpLi i,
Modern Europe. '
With an account of the Decline and Fall of
the Roman Empire, the Rise cf Modern
Kingdoms, is'c. is'c.
| HE great applause which this excellent
A book hag received, is a sure proof ct its
merits—The vast sale which it has had for
'everal yevs, is a fair criterion by which the
public opinion of its worth can be known.
During the life of the learned author, it went
through the annual sale of a very large impref-
Son—every facceeding edition received some
improvement the reluit of his deep refearchcj
and great judgment—he lived to make it as
perfeA as in the sature of things sruld be
he is dead ! Whilst the F.nglifh language is
read, the History of Modern Europe will re
main » monument to his fame ! It is as enter,
taining a« imtruftive ; as interefiing as pro
found. Ihe pian of the work is copious, but
by ax happy arrangement, the reader is eccc
pre.etited with the cctemporary history of
every part cf Europe* The bonk now offered
to the public is from the last and m .ft correift
copy, to which this ihali be no way inferior.
IT contains—
An history ef the decline and fall of the Roman
empire. The rife of modern kingdoms, ge
nerally. A particular hi.'tory of the French
monarchy. Do Spain from the dominion
of the Vifigsths, Italy, w;th the rife and
progress of the Temporal Power of the
I opes. Britain, from its relinquifliwent by
the Homans. Ireland. The German em
pire, from Charlemagne. The empire of
Conftantinoplc to its overthrow. £n pire of
the Arabs. Rife an''progrefs of the l urks
and fall ef the Gr*rk empire. History of
Portugal ; View ol the progress of Naviga
tion ; Conquests in the Ealt and Weft Indies ;
DilcoveryofAmerica.&c. History of Sweden,
Denmark, Nrr»ay, Ruffu,Poland and Prus
sia.- North-America as coaneaed with Eu
ropean h.fto;y. A very csraprehenfive and
highly ufeful chronology.
I. The whole (hall be comprized in five larje
oiiavo volumes, printed in the bell manner,
on i fuperfine paper.
111. It is intended to deliver ene volume every
two mouths, at ibe price of Two Dollars per
volume in boards, payable on delivery.
11. As it miy be inconvenient to deliver them
to distant fubfi ribers in single volumes, tho r e
who wifti it, mai let them remain with tht
publiSieri until the whole art pr,blifhed.
The work is at press and will he printed on
a beautiful new type call for the purpose. The
cncouragers «f this undertaking may reft at
fured, that n thing now forcfeen (hall delay itt
regular procedure ; so that in one year at far
thrft the citizens of the United States (hall te
prefeiited with an American Edition of Dodlar
KuflVll'i History of Modern Eur»pe, equal to
the Er;g!i!h copy, aud at a lower price
June 14 - tub?
In the Jlip Mary Ann y Francis Stewart,
mnjler, from t(amburgh, notu lauuing %
Jacob Sperry & Co.
No. 19?, Market street,
C'.SSEP, ILLOS or white rolls of »» £ yards,
Decanters, cut and common,
Flalk Cases and fallad diihe»,
G.afs pearls and beeis ler ncckhcesof all colour*
and sizes,
Bhck and white edgings and laces,
Ribhons and tapes,
Coffee mill", Qmllm, and
9 ii, 10 it, it 14, ii 16, ii 18, 14
18, 16 ao, 18 a 4, ao a 4, ao a 6 34
6 Cases white roMi,
a do. Coatils.
On hand, which wiil L e fold reasonable to close
a new Cables of 110 fathom each 9& 10 inch.
July I -T.Vf ti.'
Commission Bufmefs,
PURCHASES and Tales of all kinds of Fublic
Stock ;
Money advanced on good Note* of Hand, ca
Mortgages, on Deposits and Merchandize.
Fur chafes Salts of Lands made*
Likewise tfooks of Acc usits at 4 jutted, and Ac
counts of every defcriptipn m:ice out with accu
iacy, iccrccy and ;iif catch, by
July 12 law
\ Book-keeper
WANTED n compile Book Keeper sni
c imptant, who is master c tlie G rman
hngnagc, ami well acquainted with the mnr.t f
of tranfa&ing business in this city— t Cave trou
ble none nee ! appiy unleft snfwering in every ref
pe<4 fully this advertilemtnt, and produce fatit
factory teftinsonials of character and talents
Apply at the office of the Gazette of the UnU
ted States, r fa tf.
8000 Feet of Honduras Bey
William Young Birch,
THAT intaluablb WORK,
- -y>r*
For Public atid Private
AT SO. 25, j!RCB-S7REE.r,
Tranfadted Eit.nfivciy.