* Gazette of the United States- PHILADELPHIA, THfISDiV EVKNIKG, JULT J4» I'IUCES OF STOCKS. PaiLA.TBLpuiA, JULY 19. 8 per Cent Stock for cash 10$ tn lO'jJ p. ct. Six per Cent. f»y» Will, "an EfTay writ, Replete with novelty and wit j" If it have wit, to both will I agree For wit from On malt be linelty. ' To a Jacobin Editor. Thy Boys the leanejl things alive So very hard tho* lov'ft to drive, One of the Printer's Devils laid It coll thee more for whip, than Ireai. A Lady's Answer to a Jacobin. A Jacobin aflc'd me," Pray name, if you can Of all your acquaintance the worthiuft man." I fra»kly replied, if you'd have me speak true He's the worthiuft man, who's the most unlilt you ** On a noted old Jacobin and Atheist. Scorn'd by the wife, detefUd by the good. Nor understanding aught, nor underllood. Profane, ebfeene, loud, frivolous and pert, Proud without fprrit, vain without desert Affecting paflions, age has long subdued, Defperate'y gay, and impetently lewd. Apology Jor Democrats. We Fids have many fauUt, The Jacobins but two; There's nothing good they fay There's nothing go»d they do. t Mc. KEAN& LIBERTY. It will be rcmembeied [that the pre sent Governor of Pennsylvania, in his answer to what the Senate had said refpe&ing his appointment to office cf the most infa mous characters, observed " Let my appointments he judged ly an im partial tejl, and I flatter myfelf I am rather entitled to the approbation with which, the House of Representatives has honoured me in an answer to the fame address, than the denunciation of a small majority of the Se nate." £N. B. This small majority wag more than 2 to 1, viz. 15 to 6.] " Without regard to atiy personal feeling I have feleSed, and shall always deem it a duty to ftlfe, for public stations, men who are tried and faithful friends to the genuine principles of our republican injlitulian ! I Now ye virtuous Democrats, compare the above with the following, and judge by that " impartial test" to which you are invited by your Nabob, whether he is entitled to approbation, or whether he is not juflly en titled to the universal execration of every clafsof citizens ihroughout the state. From the Lancaftcr Journal. Ml. HAMILTON, I Was one of those who voted for the ele&ion of Governor M'Kean. under the j idea that he was a real republican and that the people would be happy under his ad i miniflration. His violence (hortly before, . and immediately after his inauguration lorre what surprized me, but on rccolle&ing that much abuse had been published aga nil his chara&er, I was willing to allow him some (hare of repa ation or fatisf«Aion. It is with much pain, however that I perceive the Governor has persevered in a line of condu£l. that as a r-publican, it is my duty | to reprobate, a3 much as it is my duty to j refill tyranny or arbitrary menfures in any fliape. I had never contemplated that the Governor would appoint to office a great number ofß'.D men. As I find these things have been done I have withdrawn my friend fhip from Mr. M'Kean. I know tfiat, a number of my friends would bcdifpleafed at me for doing so, but I ca not surrender my sentiments to mere party views. I trust they will all soon be convinced that 1 am right according to the ttuc republics.! prin ciple. It was with pain I heard of the ap pointments of Rob rt Philfon, Benjamin Ogle, Judge Brannon, Henry Spering, Te, ch Coxe, Holler &c. See. but I think it - y duty to furnirti you with a cafe equally drifting and lame table. I was a few days ago in Mr. Barton's office, when on looking over the records I found the following . Republica ~j Indißment for Larceny vs. 5- found. Defendant con- Frederick Stiver, J vi(fted for dealing 4^ Spanifii Milled Dollars of the value of 33/9 and i-J rnt dollars of the value of 11/3. Names of the Jury. John Jordan, ChrHlian Zorn, Thomas Crabb, Matthias Heoning, Christian Selt zer, Abraham Stone, Timothy Sullivan, Chrifiian Übrick, Godfrey E chelberger, Leonard Immel, Thomas Bafsler, and Mi- I chael Hawke. Guess, Sir, my surprize on finding that Governor M'Kean had appointed the fame Frederick Stiver, on the nth June. 1800, a " Jiiftice of the Peace for the township of Lebanon, in the county of Dauphin." On enquiry, I find that additional proof of thefc fada can be had in the P.,»»,„vh n f Lancsftsr. >' Th Liverpool [ C u ptain Lake, of snow Polly, left at St i Scbaftiang, on the 9th June, the following : veflel# ; ' j Ship Franklin, Oxnard, ofßoflon. Columbus, Delhong, Baltimore, f Thomas, Higgins, Charleston. Brig Amiable, Creole, Eldridge, Phila ' '■■ ■ [delphia. I Amazon, Neill, of New-York. Schr. Minerva, Babfon, Boflon. Sloop Louisa, Ingraham, New-York. At Port Passage. Brig Eucharis, Dade, of Baltimore. Brig Au'ufhis, Smith, from hence, has arrived at Kingston, Jam. I Ship William, Forreft, for Charleston, failed a few days before the Polly, Lake. Cupr. Den not, of the ship Eagle, spoke on the 9th July in 1at.136, ©o, Ship Louisa, Hagcaid, out 9 cays from 1 I'iladrlphia to Leghorn, all well—June 19th boarded by the Triton Britilh fritate, treated politely, and informed that file was one of the (oar (hip of war that had left Halifax in fesrch of a French privateers which they understood was cruizing 011 the caaft of the United States. BOSTON, July 18. Arrived, brig Mary, Furlonjj, Newbury- Port, 47 days from Laguira, (Portugal) no news. Left there, captain Baglt-y, of New bury-Port, the only American. C.ipt. New ell,of Newbury-port, failed from Laguira bar, May 30 for St. Übes. June 23, lat. 58,33 long. 55, spoke (hip Henry, Ander lon, from Baltimore, for Quebec, 14 out, all well. June 25, lat. 46, long. 42 W. spoke brig Aurora, Bartlett, of Ply mouth, for Bilboa, 14 days out. Ihe Lydia, Smith, failed front Batavia, for New-Bedford, the ill February. The Lucy, Gray, tailed from Dublin, for Liverpool, about the 28tn of May. June 8, lat. 33, N. long. 57, 37, W. was spoke, brig Republican, Hodgkins, from Savannah, for Madeira. NEW YORK, July 23. ARRIVED, days Ship He&or, Brown, Nantucket S«hr. John, Ingrahra, Kinglton 28 Guftervia, St. Vincegts 22 Verigo, Fuller, Curracoa CLEARED, Ship Margaret, Little, Antigua Schr. Daphine. Mafoo, Leghorn Friendfliip, Cbriftopher, Liv.rpool Ship Mercury, arrived at Liverpool in [thirty days Brig William, Freeman, arrived at Domi [nique NORFOLK July 16. Arrived schooner Maid Wills, 15 days St. Thomas. Sailed in co. with the fleet, confid ing of 73 fail, under convoy of the Adams frigate, and Scammel brig. In the above schooner came paflengers capt. Tnpman, his mate, and two seamen, belonging ta the schooner Thomas's, captu red on her paflage from Norfolk to Anti gua on the sth June, Dy the Patriots fchr. privateer, of 14 guns, and feot to Guad eloupe. Same day schooner Olivia, Shaw, 20 days Antigua j one of the fleet. BALTIMORE, July iz. ARRIVED. Brig Martha and Mary, Smith, 18 days from St. Thomas. Ship I ravtller, Billups, 71 days,* Bremen. • Schooner Eleanor, Attmore, 32 days, St. Jago. Was boarded by an English frigate and treated politeiy. Brig Malabar, Murphy, 23 days, St. Thomas. Ship Piamingo, Jackfort, 16 daysj from St. Thomas. Left there brig Betsey, Low, of Baltimore, to fail next day. The schooner Nymph, Malty, and Brig Hunter, —u., have arrived at Havanna. FOR SALE, THE CA.RGO OF 7HB SHTP ASIA, CAPTAIN MORGAN, FHOM BAT A VIA; 'Consisting ef Seribon and Jacatra Coffee 5c Sugar, Of an excellent quality. fjja, TrtE SHIP Is also offered For Sjle ; e hc has made but one voyage since Ihc was (hcathed with the best pa tent Copper, and she is in good order. Apply to James C. & Saml. W. Fisher, William Sanfom, AND Joseph S. Lewis. July 24. Simon Walker V HAS lIF.MOVH HIS COUNTING HOUSE, To No. 79, South Fourth Street, Corner of Union Street—where he has for ft!.* JUST B ECEIVF-D, EARTHEN WARE, Aflortcd for exportation or homa market. G!af» Ware double flint, io cases. Frt-fli Cloves. Nutmegs and Mace. _Jul_y 34 FOR SALE, An Invoice of Playing Cards, Confi ting of 75 dozen afTorted—they wllbc fold" cheap for cash. Apply to the Print«r. M AHOGAN Y, landing. At Wijling's Wharf; and for sale, By SAMUEL RHO ADS, No. i,Pcnn street. July 24 Abraham Small, Of the City of PhtladtlpLi i, FOR PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRIPTION, HISTORY OF Modern Europe. ' With an account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Rise cf Modern Kingdoms, is'c. is'c. | HE great applause which this excellent A book hag received, is a sure proof ct its merits—The vast sale which it has had for 'everal yevs, is a fair criterion by which the public opinion of its worth can be known. During the life of the learned author, it went through the annual sale of a very large impref- Son—every facceeding edition received some improvement the reluit of his deep refearchcj and great judgment—he lived to make it as perfeA as in the sature of things sruld be he is dead ! Whilst the F.nglifh language is read, the History of Modern Europe will re main » monument to his fame ! It is as enter, taining a« imtruftive ; as interefiing as pro found. Ihe pian of the work is copious, but by ax happy arrangement, the reader is eccc pre.etited with the cctemporary history of every part cf Europe* The bonk now offered to the public is from the last and m .ft correift copy, to which this ihali be no way inferior. IT contains— An history ef the decline and fall of the Roman empire. The rife of modern kingdoms, ge nerally. A particular hi.'tory of the French monarchy. Do Spain from the dominion of the Vifigsths, Italy, w;th the rife and progress of the Temporal Power of the I opes. Britain, from its relinquifliwent by the Homans. Ireland. The German em pire, from Charlemagne. The empire of Conftantinoplc to its overthrow. £n pire of the Arabs. Rife an''progrefs of the l urks and fall ef the Gr*rk empire. History of Portugal ; View ol the progress of Naviga tion ; Conquests in the Ealt and Weft Indies ; DilcoveryofAmerica.&c. History of Sweden, Denmark, Nrr»ay, Ruffu,Poland and Prus sia.- North-America as coaneaed with Eu ropean h.fto;y. A very csraprehenfive and highly ufeful chronology. CONDITIONS. I. The whole (hall be comprized in five larje oiiavo volumes, printed in the bell manner, on i fuperfine paper. 111. It is intended to deliver ene volume every two mouths, at ibe price of Two Dollars per volume in boards, payable on delivery. 11. As it miy be inconvenient to deliver them to distant fubfi ribers in single volumes, tho r e who wifti it, mai let them remain with tht publiSieri until the whole art pr,blifhed. The work is at press and will he printed on a beautiful new type call for the purpose. The cncouragers «f this undertaking may reft at fured, that n thing now forcfeen (hall delay itt regular procedure ; so that in one year at far thrft the citizens of the United States (hall te prefeiited with an American Edition of Dodlar KuflVll'i History of Modern Eur»pe, equal to the Er;g!i!h copy, aud at a lower price June 14 - tub? In the Jlip Mary Ann y Francis Stewart, mnjler, from t(amburgh, notu lauuing % Jacob Sperry & Co. No. 19?, Market street, C'.SSEP, ILLOS or white rolls of »» £ yards, Rouans, Decanters, cut and common, Flalk Cases and fallad diihe», G.afs pearls and beeis ler ncckhcesof all colour* and sizes, Bhck and white edgings and laces, Ribhons and tapes, Coffee mill", Qmllm, and 9 ii, 10 it, it 14, ii 16, ii 18, 14 18, 16 ao, 18 a 4, ao a 4, ao a 6 34 3». 6 Cases white roMi, a do. Coatils. On hand, which wiil L e fold reasonable to close sales, a new Cables of 110 fathom each 9& 10 inch. July I -T.Vf ti.' Commission Bufmefs, PURCHASES and Tales of all kinds of Fublic Stock ; Money advanced on good Note* of Hand, ca Mortgages, on Deposits and Merchandize. ALSO, Fur chafes Salts of Lands made* Likewise tfooks of Acc usits at 4 jutted, and Ac counts of every defcriptipn m:ice out with accu iacy, iccrccy and ;iif catch, by JAMES NEWPORT. July 12 law it#' \ Book-keeper WANTED. WANTED n compile Book Keeper sni c imptant, who is master c tlie G rman hngnagc, ami well acquainted with the mnr.t f of tranfa&ing business in this city— t Cave trou ble none nee ! appiy unleft snfwering in every ref pe<4 fully this advertilemtnt, and produce fatit factory teftinsonials of character and talents Apply at the office of the Gazette of the UnU ted States, r tu.th fa tf. 8000 Feet of Honduras Bey A PROPOSAL BY William Young Birch, A ND THAT intaluablb WORK, DR. RUSSELL'S AND FOR SALE BY - -y>r* OFFICE For Public atid Private AT SO. 25, j!RCB-S7REE.r, Tranfadted Eit.nfivciy. enjt. •'••V