Gazette fCT* The price of this Gazttte is Eight Doll An s per annum to Subscribers residing in tbe city of Philadelphia• All others pay ere Dollar-additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and wiless-some person in this city will become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six -Months in Advance. %* No Subscription will be received for « shorter term than six months. December 1 1799. ALMANAC Fr»m JiAj *3 —to %<?. kich war Ik. Wednesday Tharfday Fti<Uy Saturday Sunday ♦ Monday JvSiti . Wednofday Thnrfday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Notice is hereby given, THAT application will be made to the President and Directors of the Bank of the United States for the renewal of the following Certificates ef Shares in the said Bink, which were loft on board the fliip T >hn, of Baltimore, Hugh Davty, mailer, bound to London, viz : 3. No. 29884") 49885 | Eachfor one stare, in the name 49886 of Tho's Holy, Sheffield (G. B) *9887 | dated id January, 1800 : 49888 J Of which application, all peifon; concerned, will pleafc to take notice. SAMUEL STERETT. Baltimore, jtb iprfl, 1800 aawim - To Printers. WANTED—in Exchange, A FOUNT of Long Primer, weighing 6 or 700 lb. or upward*, and a Fount of Brevier weighing 400lbs. or upwards—they roust not be much worn—Any person having types of the above description and disposed to Exchaijgfc them for ether printing materials 1 or will fell cheap, may apply at the Office of the Gazette of the United States. July 14. Just Arrived, AND FOR SALB BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, TIIE CARGO OF TUB SHIP FUtLJDBWKIA, Theodore Bliss, Commander, from Btng* CONSISTING OF An affortmeiit of Picci Goods. Sugars of the fi'ft quality. And »oo qr. cfiefis of superior quality Hyson Tea*. Willingt W Francis, and Tiomas V John Clifford. March 17. Imported In the Pomona, from Liverpool, aiid for fate, Ironmongery, Sadlery, Cutlery, Brass & Japan'd Wares, Per the Brutus and Penelope, via N, York, HATS aflorted in cases, and PINS in Boxes—Br ELtSHA FISHERY Co. No. 3q, North Front street. dim June a 6 Just Arrived, AND fOR SAL* BT THE SVBSCRIBKR9, THE CARGO Of the Ship CAW f OK, Richard Dale, Commander, from Canton, CONSISTING OF Bohea } Souchong Hyson Skin f> TEAS. Young Hyson I and Hyson. J I NANKEENS. Yellow tSugar of irt quality China Waie. Caiiu. Fans. An assortment of ?ilks. WILLINGS is FRANCIS, No. ai, Penn Street. d. April 14. A fa/hionable Horse and Gig FOR SALE. The Horie young, and the Gig as good as new. Apply to the Editor. N.B. NEW WATCHES will be taken in payment at a fair whokl'ale price. Tune it. A PARTNERSHIP. A PERSON pofltffing forae capita!, a consi derable lhafe of indoftry, ami defirous'nf engaging as a partner in a lucrative business, raav hear of a fituatiftn. AH prfl-pofals on this ft'bjtfl to Pc in writing, sealed and direiled to W. H. J. New York, am) left with the-printer of the Gazette of the United Statts, will be at tended to. A Prister would'find it to Hil advantage 1, Jsii: H. M" 3 4 S 4 SI 5 38 6 »i 7 u 8 a SETS ■RISES - 4 49 7 II 4 49 7 11 4 40 7 10 - 4 41 —"7 9 - 4 4* 7 8 4 43 7 7 4 44 7 6 RUN away from the Subscriber on the evening of the »Bth inft. a bound Servant GIRL, named Elizabeth Howchel, had on and took with hsr three different changes of garment and money, proud, bold and impudent, a noted lyar ; any par son apprehending her {hall be entitled to the above reward—no costs or charges will be paijl. N: B, She had a years and some months to serve DANIEL FITZPA -THICK. Gofben Townlhip.Cheftur County, July 19. averuft 6, lawtf A VALUABLE and dafirable Eft ate, situated so the river Raritan in Jersey, near Somer set Court-House, 16 miles from Brunfwick, and 18 from Princeton ; confiding of upwards of 700 acres, equally divided into meadow, arable aud wood land ; the whole within a ring fence ; the bare, stables, &c. are spacious, and adequate to the size of the Farm ; there is a plenitude of game, with a good fhid filhery. The estate is now in the hands of Mr. Henry Worley. Further particulars may fee known of Messrs. NICKLIN & GRIFFITH Merchants, Philadelphia,sad of JAMES GIBSON, Esq. Of Mr. RICHARD POTTER, A SINGLE Man,capable of inftru&ing twelve Boys, in the Latin, Greek and French lan guages, also writing aud arichmetick. Suih a person coming well recommended, for his abili ties ani good behaviour, will receive four hun dred dollars per annum, and be accommodated, much to his fatisfa&ioo, witk meat, drink, wash ing and lodging ; by applying to the fubferibers, living near Berry's-ville, in Frederick county and ftateof Virginia WHEREAS roy wife, Margaret Cannor, has absented herfelf from my bed and board, without any jufl caule. I hereby for- Warn all from harbouring or crediting her do my accotirit, a»I am detaririined not to pay any dcbtrof her contraftiKg. AN attachment was lately iflued out of the in ferior court ps common pleas of the county of Essex, in the state of New Jerfejr, direited to the fheriff of the fa>d county, against the right 9, credits, monies and effeils, goods and chattel*, lands and TrnemtfrES of Jtbn Clcvti Syrimrs at the suit o-f WTthan IVelh, in a plea of trel'pafs on the cafe to his damage thrcethoufand dollars; — And luitrtai, the laid fheriff did, at the term of June lift pail, return to the said court that he had attached thedofcndant hy a certain Bond given by Matthias Denmnn and Samuel Meeker to the said defendant, to the amount of near two thoufaad dollars,and alfoby sixty land warrants ; Now tltrtfore, unlcfs the said John Cleves Symmes shall appear, give special bail, and receive a declaration at the suit of the {•lairitiff, judgment wili be entered against him, and his property herein attached, will be fold agreeably to the ftztute in such cafe made aad prev : ded. Rcilor of St. Paul's Church, and formorly Vice- Provost of the University of Pennsylvania, AND JAMES ABERCROMBIE, A. M. One of the Afliftant Minittersof Chrifl church and St. Peter's, AN English Stht»ol, a Classical School, and I i Mathematical School, in which all the branches of science connected with ihofe de partments are taught. N. B 7be Mathema tical Department is conduded by Mr. Pftsr DeIAMaR, formerly Profijfor of Mathematia in tbe Royal Acad'my, Dublin. % June 6. AN APPRENTICE WANTED, At the Office of the Gazette of the United States. of the United States, & Daily 'PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 24, 1800. FOR SALE—a complete Printing-Office, WITH A Newspaper Establishment, In the pleafint and healthy town of Newark, New - ' ferfey, about nine miles from New-York : Also, a complete set of BOOK BINDING TOOLS. THE above is worthy the attention of any Pointer wilhing to ellabli(h himfelf in a country town. The rapid population, and ex treme plf.ifantnefs of the tawn, apd its vicinity to New York, is a consideration which every person will know how to appreciate. It will be fold very cheap for cash ; or a liberal credit will be given for one half of the purchase money, if deftred. Further particulars may be known by fending a line, post paid, to JACOB HALSEY, Newark. tuth&s aw July 19 " Ibrce Cents Reward. RARITAN FARM, fOS SALS. Or of the Tenant on the premises Stf May 9. wastbd, As TUTOR, John Milton, Warner Washington. tuth&f lptj June *o NOTICE. BERNARD CONNOR. f 8° 3' July 17, 180 c. WHEREAS, Aaron Ogden, Clerk, fcfr. Elizabeth-town, July 8, 1799 (ll) lawiam Philadelphia Academy. SAMUEL MAGAW, D. D. opeite&, At No. 34, Spruce Street, AN ACADEMY, consisting of By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flreet. Germantown, For terms apply to Samuel Mifflin, corner of Market and nth ftrcets. January 54. WITH a liable, carriage-hnufc and lot) situated in a pleasant part of Trenton. The terms will be moderate, and pofleffion can be had immediately ; but the tenant will not be wanted to occupy the Dremifes after the 10th of next November. For terms apply te ths pritrter, or to ABRAHAM HUNT, esquire, in Trenton. June 14. And entered upon this month, the House, Sta ble, Goach-Koufe and Lots, now in the tenure of Major Butler, situate as above. Enquire at No. 18, r.crth Fifth July 10. Schuylkill Permanent Bridge: A DIVIDEND of? per centum per annum is de clared by the Prefideat and Directors of the Company for ereiftirg a Permanent Bridge ever the River Shuylkill, at or near the city of Phila. delphia, on the amounts paid in on the ill day nf April lad, (the time when the fubferiptioni to the stock of the said company were compltated, and to be from thence computed) payable to the stock holders or their legal representatives after tke 10th day of the present month, out of thfe profits ari fißg from the Floating Bridge Ferry and Tavern, at the Weetend of High Street, on application to the Treafurcr, No. 13, Church Alley. WILLIAM BANKS, Secretary. July I. tuthslm OF abilities, integrity and experience in mercantile business, would willingly en gage as CLERK to a merchant or public of fice, or be concerned with any person as part ner, as he has an interest of about one thousand pounds in real estate in the city. Please to ap ply to the Printer ; or a line left at the office for B. Y. will be attended to immediately. Mayib d3t m&th tf Baltimore and New York Mail Stage Office IS removed from No. 13 South Fourth street, to No. 18 South Third street. An Office for those stages is also kept at mr, Kardy's Inn, No. 98 Market street. General Post Office, April 28. Strayed away, ON Sunday the 13th inft. a small straw.berry coloured MAUE, fourteen hands high, has three white feet, a white face, about ten old. Any information will be thankfully received, and if delivered at John Negus's Ferry, at Market street, a reward of four Dol lars will be paid. w tf MARSHAL'S SALES. United, 7 , Pennsylvania Distrrct. j| * BY virtue offandry writscf venditioni erponas, iifued out of the DiflnS Court of the United' States, for the Diiiriol aforefaid, will be sxpofrd to public sale, on the premises, on WedrieWay the 30th of Juiy next, at iot>'clock in the forenoon of the fame day, all that i'rSift of Land called C6ne dogwinnet Trait, fitwatein Saft Peunfbury town- Clip, Cumberland county, cjai-iinirig five hundred and thirty two acres, more er less, with the Mel fuagei thereon eredled. Also all that Trail of Land called Locufl Valley, adjoining the .above, containing three hundred and seventeen acres, more or less, with the Mefiuages thereon ere&ed. Also all that Trail of Land called Oak Bank, si tuate as above, containing two hundred and seven ty acres, more or less, with the Messuages thereon ereited. The property will be surveyed and fold in lot> to suit the purchasers; ploti of which will be ex hibited on the day of sale. Seized and taken in execution, and to be fold as the property of Oliver Pollock, Efq, by JOHN HALL, Marshal. Marshal's Office, ) Philadelphia, June 21, iß®o. *[ eot 3°Jy* FOR LONDON, ilifl Roebuck, Bernard Rafer, Mailer ; His a coniiderable part of her Cargo engaged, and will fail with all expedition. For freight or passage, apply to the Cap tain, or to THOMAS JOHN CLIFFORD. July 12. eod 3t VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE, About 25 acres of Land, LAYING on the east fide of the Falls Road.—• On the Ea/l it is bounded by property belong ing to Mr. Tench Francis, f«n on the south, by a 1 nad of two perches, and on the north by a lane, which separates it from Mr. M'Call. It is propo sed to divide this land into 5 equal parts in order to suit the purchalersi Also, j 1 acres, fituatcd on the weft fide of Germantown roid, adjoining Matters'# eftite, fceing part of ths property of the late Samuel Mifflin. TO BE LET, Either separately or together, The Two Houses, LATELY occuj-ied as a HOTEL by Mr. Sa muel Francis, No. 13, south Fourth street. For terms apply to BENJAMIN R.MORGAN, 41, Arch fireet. 3 tew iw July 10 A Summer Retreat. TO BE RENTED, A GENTEEL HOUSE, That large and commodious HOUSE, At the corn res Arch ard NinthJlrects. TO BE RENTED, A PERSON W HERS AS by in a£t of Congress pafled on the feventb day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred, the President of the United States is authorized to borrow, on behalf of the United States, from the Bank ofth.- Uni ted States, or from any other body or bo dies politic or corporate, or from any per son or persons, and upon such ter.-ns and conditions as he shall judge most njvaiv.a geous for the United States, a sum pot exceeding Three Millions Five Hundred Thousand Dollar*, so however, that no contrast or engagement be made, which 'hall preclude the United States from reim bursing any sum or sums borrowed, at any time after the expiration of fifteen years from the date of such Loan. And Where as it is declared by said aft, that so much as may be necessary of the surplus of the duties on imports and tonnage, beyond the permanent appropriations heretofore char ged upon them by law, /hall be pledged and appropriated for paying the interest ; and also for paying and discharging the princi ple sum or sums of all the monies which may be borrowed according to the term or terms which may be fixed purfuaot to the authority aforefaid. AND WHEREAS by the said ad the faith of the U. States, is pledged to eftabliih fufficicnt permanent revenues, tor making up any deficiency that may hereafter appear in the provisions b«- fore mentioned, for p ying the interest and principal sums, or either of them, or any monies which may be borrowed pursuant to the said aft. AND WHEREAS the President of the United States, did by an Aft or Comraiffion under his hand, da ted the seventeenth day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred, autho rize and empower the Secretary of the Treasury to borrow on behalf of the Uni ted States, any sum not exceeding in the whole Three Millions Five Hundred Thou sand Dollars, and to make such contrast or contrails as ihsuld be neceflary, and for the interest of the United States, in pur suance of the aft of Congress abpve recited. NOW THEREFORE, theunderfigned Secretary of the Treasury, in pursuance of the aft of Congress and the authority from the Prelident of the United States above mentioned—-Doth Hereby, on behalf of the United States of America, contrast and en gage in manner following, to wit : ift. 1 here (hall be created a funded Ca pital Stock, to a.i amount hereafter to be de signated by the said Secretary, but not ex ceeding 1 hree Millions Five Hundred Thou sand Dollars, which Capital Stack {hall he divisible into shares of one hundred dollars each, bearing interest, at eight per centum per annum, payable quarter yearly at the Treasury of the United States, or at the Loan Offices, where the said Stock may (land credited, until the last day.of December in the year eighteen hundred and eight. 2d. After the last day of December in the said year one thousand eight hundred and eight, and after reasonable notice to the cre ditors, which (hall be given by an advertise ment in forne public liewfpaper printed at the feat of the government of the United States, the said Capital Stock {hall be re deemable at the pleasure of the United States, by the reimbuffement of the whole sum or sums borrowed and which uiaycon ftitute the said Capital Stock, either at the Treasury of the United States, or at the Loan Offices where the fame may ttand cre dited. 3d. The credits for the said Capital Stock {hall and may be separately certified in loins either for one hundred, four hundred, one thousand, four thousand, or ten thousand dollars, and the credits so certified {hall, be transferable by the creditors, or their attor nies, at the Treasury and Loan Offices re fpeftively, in pursuance of the rules which have been or which may be established rela tive to the transfer of the funded Stock of the United States. dtf. tuth&s tf m&th 3w 4th. A fufficient sum of the furphis of the on imparts and tonnage beyond the permanent appropriations heretofore charged upon them by law—together with the faith of the United States, are hereby pledged for the fulfilment of this contratt, in pursuance of, and according to the terms and conditions of the aft of Congress herein before recited. GIVEN under my hand, and the seal of the Treasury of the United States, at Philadelphia, thjs second day of June, one thousand eight hundred; and of the Independence the twenty-fourth . OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of ibe Treasury. BANK or the UNITED STATES. June at, iSoc. PropofaJs will be received until th-» last day of July next inclufivs, at the Bank of the United States, and the Offices of Dis count and Boftou, New-York, Baltimore, Norfolk, and Qiarlefton, for the purchase of.One Million and Five Hundred Thousand Dollars of Stock, dire&ed by the Secretary of the Treasury, to be ifl'ued in pursuance of the abovementioned con trad. The proposals mod advantageous to the United States will be accepted, but no Stock will be iflued at less than five per centum advance, or one hundred and five dollars in money for one hundred dollars in stock. In raff, the fmv.s -W. Ifi-M ;» 9 *J Advertiser. .»I ofTered for sale at tlie place? abovementioned, , they jvil] be accepted, labject to a propor t tional dedudlion. s CafliV. J AWAY fro:n rh tfce 18th i. V of JttEo iu;t TWO I'S ; viz a negro v.-tcun named Fit, a"r-wu t man and cook, of about fifty tw© years of aye- I tail and well fhap'ed, of a Mack complexion. She j has had teeth, those of her under jaw are much j difcoloure,4 and projoft a good deal. She has a full head of wooly hair-—a very cross forbidding countenance, is very impertinent, and laughs and * r talks loud. Pat was born in South-Carolina, and 3 speaks bad Finglifli, with the negro dialed. She . lias on the upper part of her breast, two pretty large lumps of flelh refembhng Wens, or rather , with . the appearance of the marks of a burn. She carried away with her fevcral chargesef cloaths, : and gowns of white muslin, and of" coloured and . figured printed cottons fafhionably made up. Sht j also carried away with her, I CLARA her daughter—a very flout, robust, strong made girl, ot a short fiature, and round shouldered appearing to ba about 14 years of 1 age. Clara has large daring eyes, a flat nose, an - oval flat face, her under j.;w pr< jet Sling a little, . and good teeth. She is very artlul and impu- der.t, has a great fluency of speech, uses good lan guage,and has been taught to read.—She has the » appearance of ring worms on her left cheek and t chin ; thefkin in spots appearing much paler than t the reft of her complexion, which is much lighter . than her mother's—Her hair is short and wooly; j wore a pink grounded printed cotton with a small black figure, with naw lore parts. Also ran away, on Wednesday the nth inft. > June, DICK and Dick, or as he Vas ; lately called hinifelf, Richard Wearer, is a hyufc r servant, heisabouts feet 7 inches high, rather small made, is about years old, of a good smooth, black complexion—has a flit nose, with : very large open nollrilf. He carried his head ■ and neck a* if he were ftiffin the neck and fhoul ; ders, which are high aad tolerably square, and his neck short—his lags are ftraigbt but small and illy made, with scarce any calf. He has ha<i bad teeth, is left handed, and exceedingly awkward— he has a full head of wooly hair, which he phits and drefles to the best advantage. His voi<-« is • small, his l'peech commoly mild and flow, and his , manners appear extremely Ample, hut he is at bottom an artful knave, and when spoken to is ' very apt to b paflionate and impertii ent. Dick 1 is a native of South-Carolina, and speaks bad English—he seduced and carried away with him 1 Amelia, who he called his wife. * Amelia is a very complete, Well infiruded la dies maid, much, below the cotnmos stature and of a small make—her complexion is that of ■ dark mulatto or meftizoe, nearlyrefembling that of the Dafcars of India, with black curling hair, and a very low forehead—her right eye has a great . weaknefi, owing to the small pox in her infancy— under her eye. very black—a flat face, flat broad nose, with fcarcc any rising at the bridge; a large mouth, with thick lips, and good firong teeth. On the nape, of her neck flu has the marks of a ; Seton. Drcffcs with talle, and imitates the French ; style ; is very fenfiblt, and exprefles herfelf well. , She took with fur a variety ot clothes, fattiioß ably nude—fhehasfor more than two years, past been liable to fit;, which at times give her a wi'.d nefs in her eyes—her healthis generally rielicati she it at present likely to encrcafe her family, and is about years of age—she can dress hair, clear starch, has a taste for millinary and mantua-ma kiug; and as she is very ingenious, ran turn her hand to any thing and may probably offer herfelf to forae milliner or roantua maker as a work woman. As Amelia has heretofore been a great favourite of a very indulgent mistress, and 'tis believed ha? been led away by the ptrfuaiion of her paramour Dick, if flie will return to mi, flis will be forgiven and treated with the fame teri» dernefs she has always received. FIFTY DOLLARS Ueward' for each will be paid for the delivery of Pat and Clara to the fubferiber, or to any goal in the United States, so tllatlmry get poifeflion of them—One Hundred Dollars each for Dick and Amelia, 011 the like delivery. The fubferiber warns all matter of vtficls, from taking these Runaway^'fervants from ihe United States, and requ:(ls such of his friends and acquaintance as it may notiuic to arrest them, to give information, lh mid they hear of either of the fHgifives, to the fubferiber by letter dii eiled to the post office, Philadelphia, which will find him, wherever he may* pais the summer, or to the Printer of the Gazette ®f the United States, who will communicate it to a friend in Philadelphia to ail en his behalf. JACOB READ, Of South-Carolina, corner of Fourth and Union-streets, Philadelphia. June ij. w&sst JUST PUBLISHED, AND TO BE SOLD BY JAMES HUMPHREYS, No. 106, fouthjfd# of Market ft. (Price One Quarter of a Dollar,) Pleasing Incitements TO WISDOVf AND VIRTUE, Conveyed through the Medium, of Anecdote, Tale, and Adventure ; Calculated to entertain, fortify and improve the Juvenile Mind. Translated chief j from the German. 63" Said Humphreys has just received, and is now opening a haadfame collection of BOOKS. July 19 s.jt ADVERTISEMENT. ALL persons who have any demands against the estate of WILLIAM FISHER, are desired. to bring in their accounts to the fubferiber, in order that they may be discharged ; and all persons who are indebted to said ei'late by con trail, bond, bill, book debt, foi* rent or other wise, are required to discharge the fame, other wise they may expedf to be proceeded against according to law. THOMAS'RUSTON, fVolume XVIII.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers