THIS DAY'S- MAILS. OTW>yo«K. • - ;; YetVrrday nictr.iiingl his '.Britannic Majef-j ty's Iliip,oc, Afcahy'v .in"tit d iVn- I : rnx, ha-: ving mi board- Mr, Mi.- Cohwiiiflior.ers' kr,der"tl;e Sixth: Amide of the Treaty of Amity wiUi' C)r?at-3^itain. Ye Herd ay morning arrived the schooner Three Sifter J, cjptani Nc.rris, 14 days from Halifax. Game psfllnger captain Greenfield cf the.ship Charlotte, belonging to H'.M.ry A, and John G. Gutter, merchants of this city, who was taken not long by the Cieopwra frigate, and'fott into Halifax. Captain Greenfield lias f.ivoird the editor of the Mercantile'Advertifer with the fol lowing lift of American vetfels which w< re taken into Halifax—on the 26th and .29th T g " fchooneis frotji Baltimore, taken by a privateer brig fr« m Plalif,,x, condemned in Bermuda, and carried into. Halifax. One of the schooners is called the Eagle ; (lie is now fitting out as a privateer by Prior and Young, refugees, formerly of New York. From the 16th to 22d June. Brig Hannah, White, two days from Sa lem bound to Malaga, taken by the St. Al bans. Schooner Fly, Palmer, of and for New- York, taken by the schooner Eagle. Brig Union of andfer New Yor)?. Ship Juno, Dingley, from Boston. bound to Malaga ; and a schooner from Marble head, both taken by the Cleopatra. A large DanWh fliip, bound from Phila delphia to Arofterdain. As I was coming out of the harbour we saw the schooner Eagle going op, with a brig under American colours. JOHN GREENFIELD. In pafling sentence of condemnation 011 the ship Warren of this port, the Judge of the Court of Vice Admiralty at Halifax ob served, " that he could not diliinguifli the cafe of the Warren from that of the Gadf den'i and other cases, in which it appeared, that the property on board was the produce of a Spanifli crilony going to a port in Spain. It was true the sugars of the Warren were not brought in that ship from the Havana, but the ManifeflDated the cargo to.he Ha- Yanna sugar, and upon tlie late decilions of Sir William Scott, as well as the cafe of the Little Mary, decided by the laws of appeal, property of that nature cannot be legally ex po 1 ted to Spain. " 1 hebaud* mud be considered as a French man.'' * Mr, Tbebaud bud 120 bu!es oj Cotton on board the Warren. Farrnheit'a Thermometer, at 12 o'clock yesterday, placed in the Ihade, flood at 87 degrees. A person was apprehended on TuefJay lafl on suspicion ot counterfeiting money. Ihe necclTiry implements for coining gui neas, half joes, dollars, and quarter of dol lars, were found In his pofCrfiion. He was on the point of proceeding to bulinefs, hav ing the metal melted in the crucible, when the officers of jullice timely interrupted the process. He has undergone an examina tion at the police office, before the afting magilt rates, who committed him *o bride, well to take Itis .irial at the next court of oyer and terminer to be hnlden in this city in the month of September nr Oftober. He j is an old offender. Richard D. Croucher, who was convift fd at the court of oyer and terminer on 1 tie Id ay last, of committing a rflpe, was brought up to the bar yi flerday to receive fenterce. He was sddreffed in a very pathe tic manner by the Recorder, who after rc prefenting to him the heinoufnefs of his essence, pronounced the fcntence of the law, which: was that he be confined in the State Prison, to hard laboar, for the term of his natural life. ALEXANDRIA, July 7. The committee appointed by Congrel's to draught and report ,a system of government for the diftrift of Columbia, are now in ftflion in the city of Wafhiiigton. FOR .BRISTOL, Roebuck, Berna d Raftr, Mailer ; His a contiderable part/if her Cargo eneaued. and will fj. 1 with all expedition. For freight or puffage, apply to the Cap tain, or to THOMAS is" JOHN CLIFFORD '2- rod u NOTlCfc. WHEREAS Mathew Irwin did on the 8t!; day of July 1797 make an aflignnientofhis ant; fifed*, to u* the fubferibers, for the he» nefit ot such ol Ms creditors, as (Tiouid on or before the acth of fieptenii er, 1797, execute to him a full atvi filial dUchsrge—Now thpfe of his cre<'it®i> Wt.o are entitled to 3 tfividdnd under laid afiign* merit, 21c rn(jttcile<! til furniOi their accounts 03 Sanniel M«|W, with intercft calculated up 16 the Bth day of July, 1757, as a (iivjdeiij will »bfolutc ly he ttruck on the firlt day ol April next, and those who negleil ts comply with thii notice will there after lie excluded from the benefit ol the fame. Fbitrp Kicklin ' Sanmcl Meeker I Itotbfl Ltvjis, by bis Ads. »Xflurtiert2 Pearson Hunt I John M. Taylor PhiltJelphia .March 14 ~ Three Cents Rfward. D UN aw»yfrota the the evening ~X. of the aS'.t!». infl. a bound Servant GlilL, Jlfiz.iSeih Howckel, had oh ami tick with her three deferent changes of garment end money, yroud.boM and in-piiiirnt, a noted lyar ; mjr.psr lota apprehendingher stall! e GititLd to the ahovc reward—no co or charges will !>c,j?aid. ■ N: 11, She had i y*ir» aatl Inroe month* toftrvp i>ANinr tii-rxPATs jck. OoftesTflw?ftip 1 ]tty »o. sujuft t - ilw .f Gazette of the United States. [ ■ TO CO SR ESP OK BE NTS. t C? Marcanti''* Friendu have the thank pi the Kditor fqr thc.r acienti.un in futaift-.ini: accurate pricis !cr the Friee-Ciirrcnt in ih< nrtl-page of this day's pa'Der—A c.ntiuuatios «I thur.favours is folicjMd. £5 Ju -1C- (ha]| not ij e ooiittcil/ 'alrhoujjh it p,Bt fc'.WWJ f W.rfw-ei«fe»t.—The Awbo/V name is rcqscHed. , . & in • P> n ®f tWi diy.'t Jtnprr (Hon of the Ci xyte, an irroofcGM flltttiiyni al tlu- jria of B>ll< oo Himlxri# fat of. 66 * 6j CV- JUoto—rrttl j6 < jj ct>.' ICF* An arrival ar Uoflon from London, has fusT.ilhcd London dates to May 20 ; although not so la-.e as ihi>fe by "the Tryal, received at 'New-York, there ,re many in ter«6ing articles.—lt appears by atcounts from Geno-., that Mittena had been com pelfcd to effer terms of capitulation ; which General Melas would not accept ; and that in consequence, he had remonstrated with the Engliih admiral Keith'on the fubjeff, In one attack made by Maflena in person at the head cf 6 000 gren diers, he loft 3,000 Killed, and i.joo prisoners—these were picked meFwjhr flower of his /army. Ge-. naa, with Maflena and the remiiaii.t of His troops, we doubt not for rendered long ere this, and thus his terminated his bombaflic account of viftory in ten fucceflive battles with the Auftrians.' On the Rhine, the French claim the Vi&ory, but we find that the 10. 000 men which Moreau said- he had killed and taken priloners, with the numerous standards and artillery ; is now reduced by Defolles to 15*®° Prisoners and 6 pieces of cannon——it is not improbable but the next accounts will reverse the scene as in'the cafe of Maflejia ; he poor devil talked about his 10,000 killed and wounded &c. &r_But made a small mistake by placing it to theAuftrian account instead of his own.. The ccnfpiracy in Pari« is a Harlequin ' trick played by the chief consul to draw off the attention of the People from the di faf ter of the armies—and will afford a good 1 plea to encreafe his body guard some hun- j dreds. | [Official.] Extract ef a letter frum the American vice consul c.t Leghorn, dated April z6, 1800. , " Genoa it Rill in the pofTeffion of the French ; but from its absolute want of pro visions, Massena being lateh heal, and now with the remains of his army between that oj the Austrions and the. city, and the blockade being rigorously kept up both by lea and land, it is supposed must soon fall. So much a certainty is it considered, that one or two American vefleli are here wait ing to fail on the firll news of its surrender." rxtract of a letter frem tbc American con sul at Gibraltar, daied May 7. 1800, ••Three Spanilh frigates, and fourteen merchant veffcls under their convoy, failed a few days since from Cadiz for South America. Jwo of the former, viz. the Florentine and Carmen, (one loaded with quicksilver) and nine of the latter, were captured immediately after, and brought here by reap-admiral Duckworth. The Swiftfure brought in another. The remain ing frigate, the Sabina, loaded with cannon, returned to Cadiz. " Yesterday arrived four 40 guns ships, two regiments from England for this garrison ; and two ofthof- here embark to morrow for the Mediterranean. Five others from England palled here last night } scut their destination is not known. It is exp fted ewry moment that more troops from England will pass by this port into the Mediterranean, on foi:,e secret ex pedition. The whole, they fay, will com pose 20,000 men " The French line of battle ftiip Guil laume Tell, was raptured by the English coming out of Mult a. Ihe plague rages, with violence at Tangier, Tetuan, &c Minorca is the port of Rendezvous for the above mentioned Britilh arnament. They have a large numbar of heavy battering cauuon on board." MARRIED]—.OII Saturday evening last, by the Rev. Dr. Blackwell, William De wees, Esq. Attorney at Law, to Miss Mary Britton, both of this city. Extraft of a letter dated Halifax, 23d [une, 1800, to a mercantile house in thii city from a gentleman who was captured in the Danish ftip Mohlenfels, bound from this port to Amsterdam. " I am sorry to inform you that we were cspturred on the 13:h inft. by the Albans, British man of war, Capt. Har y, under a late order from England, to f<*d iiv a!I veflcls bound to or from ene my's ports, for legal adjudicaton ! !" In -me of the {hips that returned from the Weft-Indie's with the sick troops, so many died everyday as to continually em ploy leverat of the sailors in sewing them lip in fucks, and overboard. An Tridiman being rather i'lu'mfy, ran the needle into the nose of one of the' tick men, who inflantly cried out, '> J' m alive. I'm alive !" By J ■ repli-d the other, " that's nothing to me, you're dead upon the I tirjer's boots." la&cliti. The Committee at Clnildhall, Londcn, have ; gret'd to all,ow (he prefefit and all future Mayer-, an addition of fifteen hun dred poupds per annijm to support their dignity, .i * * 'f PHIL ADSL P >y ( i*iK'„ ANECDOTE. ' r Ei-t.-ail ct h letter from .c-Jptaiw Collet, of the" (fiip Aurora, dared Plymouth, May 18. We .arrived .Were fafir,- and .macte the l;md aftej jl. paffjgjf /of 3* tUvs. We were yn&rded by n ,French ■jirivntaer and treated with civility," . > • J The votaries of Mr. Jkfvfrjom vaunt '"'idly of the lenrrrintf 'gfctheir cr.icle. They talk with npuire <>f his experiments, his prbjefts, his furnice,. and iris laboratory His phihs&pjg likewife adored, and the JiCoveries made by hi? tinaffifted tettssn. fh?y forget that with ajl his preter fiona he » only a second-handed varjiilhed D ift, and • that he lacks " the one thing' needful." For reason (till, unlfffs divinely taugtt Whats'er she learns, learns nothi ftg m He ought. of reveiaiiii) iioly ffiews VSat human reason cannot pppofe, That man, in niturui rieheft jni&fle clod,, And grae'd with all pbilolophy, tan add, Though fair without, and Itimin*eu» within, In still th? progeny and h. ir of fin. Thus tanght, down falls the j.lumage«rhis pride, lie (eels his need of an unerring guide, ' And knows that falling he fliall rife no more ITnlefs the power that bad? him jland, reflors. Thii is indeed, fii/tfy>ty • this known. Makes wildem wcr f j of the flame, his own ; And, without thii, whatever he discuss. WHcthcr the between the stars tad us, Whether he tneafure «arth, compute the sea, Weigh fun beams, ca-ve a fly, r,r f..lit a fl e a The folecin triflir wirh his boalled (kill, Toiis Biuch, and is 1 falenin trifler still. Parson Mooney amuses himfelf in the Au rora with certain dreams, refye&ing the clergy of Connecticut' IJis distempered fancy views Dr. Dwlght as a Pope and his fophimorc class of pupils, as a college of Cardinals. It is truly mournful that the parson is so very crazy. ll e mull read Don ®a«<j/,and quiet hi. '• perturbed fpirit»with a turn in. the Windmill, or an adventure iu the Inckanlcdßark f It is a faft obvious to all but Jacobinical eyes, that of the immense jmuliitude of toasts, which of Uc have choaked up the columns of tfee Autora more thaq half a.e seditions and or. flagrantly im moral and flagitious. ]f the feotinjents, exhibited in the drunken revels of thede- 1 mocrats, were realized and'adjed upmn, the : state would " topple down headlong" and all the bands of morality would be unloosed. j NATURAL HISTORY.. j Extract »f a letter from a gentleman in Con necticut to t bisfriend in.tbis city. | " You Willi to know if Jfjifc are Locusts here as in PennfyWania there are rone. It is true bf this wonderful bled, that, whether they are all of one Gammon wealth or not. there-are at lead different- Provinces or Districts in Atactica. I believe.-that Hudson 's river is > boundary line ; and, if my memory firm' me, Connecticyt river is another. Their periodical return lu re is once in seventeen years. The fir ft period within my remembrance was in the year 1758. lat that time htard'two very aged men, of nice and jCjp rre & joi;j^rij? n, com paring notes upon this fubjeig, who agreed in the dates ofToui diflerent return's,of that infecl. Their appearances Ti n'ce have been in the yenrs 1775 And 1792. " Add to thii, that the incifioju rnade by L.oculb in young twigs remain and are via ble in the hearts of feme trees, particularly of the Chefnut, of the large/! growth. I have frequently had the curiosity, where the grains of the tree'were: drffinift, to count them ; and have ever found the*n to corres pond, in numbers, with Come or other of j thele periods. " That this lingular creature dee; nut appear under variants modifications in the course of the feventren as some sup pose, fcems probable'ftpni this CMCumftance : 1 hat they rife out of. the ground tinder trees which were {landing at their former period, at diflances equal, and jio more than, equal, to the extent of the brah\.hesT t|iey al.fc rife in cleared fields which hid tree's or lirulli wogd up<Mi them St the lkft peiir/tl 1 ; but, in no cafe Where there had fofcen n&tfting oS'tfw kind to receive their Jeedi Tlify have also been dug up, at a great depth in the earth, two years or more-tefortftheir rcfurreftion." From a late LonJon paper. i Some few weeks fiince, a young person who had the appearance of a boy, foliciled to be brought ofr board his Majefly'a (Jnp the Actseeon, at Lirerpool, ard, continued in the (hip upwards of seven Weeks,"perform ing the duty of his station the other boys, when l.y mtans of a letter font to some friends, it was discovered that this pretendtd boy was d fine git], about 18 years of age. The loss of a mdther and the ne gleft of a father was the on'y reafou flie wcutd ever acknowlege for such ,a dep. During ihe time (he was on board the Ac tse >n, flie condudted herfelf with the grea tell propriety, that no one had the least Cuf pic on of lier fix ; (he was sent op (We dreflVd in proper clothes, with a hand foire collection made for her by-the officers aud (hip's company, Gazette Marine Lift, PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. ARRIVED Snow Ceres, Woodman Rum and Molafles—W. Haflett. Scbr. Silly, Hazard Honduras Mahogany—Philips, Crammond & co. Fancy, Winflow, N. Carolina Nawal Stores. Ne arrivals at the Fort. Schooner Jrine, Toby, from Havanria, is brlcw. Ship W&thiiiefton, Williamfor. for Bati via, and ship America, Swain, for LoHdor, lay t NSw-G.iftfc ycftrnUy, > j Days. St. Kitts [ Ship London, Roper, for Liverpool-went i to fer oil Friday'luft. - . A'brig w . ls seen off the Capes, (Undid? • un Friday last, . . I A large (h.p came into the Capes on Sa- I turdiy mgrniiig, A fl.;op u „der Britidi colours is below, irom Turk's ifl-nd. , Ship Aflive M'Dotigal fey London went to lea on Wednesday lad. Slrrivrdat th'tfort. Ship Asia, Morgan, from Batavia and bt. Helena last, failed from Batavia, Ftbru ary l 7> in company with the (hip C«m merce. Smith, and brig fame,. Latimer, both of and ftr Baltimore. February 10, off the Great Cainbeys, spoke the (hip Her cules, Breath. from Ww York, b.uindto Batavia. out five months, all well. March 7. parted company with the Commerce, of Princes HI. (Streighta of Sundy.) March 141 latitude 12, 55, Jongtitude 103, 30, j parted company with the btit; Fame Itft in the« Port of Batavia, the (hip Morris, of and for Philadclphta, to fail in three or four days, all well. April 19, in latitude 35 30, S. longtitude 25, 3 , E. spoKe the (hip dispatch of Boston, Bri-k, from Canton-»-fai!ed from Canton, January 8, P asTed through the Strait» of Bally, Fe fcruary 25 ; saw at the latter placf, an American (hip: touched at St. Helena, the 28th, and failed from thence the 29th ; fame day arrived there (hip Ulysses, Lamb, from Canton to Bo on : March 3 in lati tude 15, S. longtitude 109, E. met with a violent tuff. ■on, which occasioned the loss of his malls and part ©fhis cargo and pro visions, the (hip being completely water kogg'd for several hours. Cap ain Lamb informs that he fell in with the Ihip Jefftrfou, Morris, of Phila delphia, in latitude 23, 30, S. longtitude 66, E. who generously supplied him with provisions, spars, &c. the Ulyfles was un der jury mails, and expefted so fail from St. Helena in two days. The Sally,- Daw son and Lydia Smith failed from Batavia, nine days before th« Alia ; the former for Philadelphia, and the latter for New Bed ford. July 9, spoke the fchr. Sifters, Thorn ton. bound to St. Jago de Cuba, out eigh teen hours, Cape Henlopen W. N; W 24, leagues, all well, and had 124 days, from Java Head, and was 30 days offthe Cape of Good Hope, with gales of wiiid from Uie weltward. BOSTON July 8. Arrived, brg Franklin, Walker London 45 Jays. Left there, ship Me.chanf, Knox, of Bolton, ready for sea—with fevcral others riameg not recolle&ed- June 27, lat 43, 26, N. long £7. spoke brig Nancy. Williams, 12 days from Salem, for Alicant. June 30, l it. 42, 43, f p „ke a brig from New-York, for Bristol, 28 days eut--could learn no particulars July j, lat. 42, 24. long 63. 38, spoke brig Mary, William Jarvib 1 , j, days from Lfbon, for Boston. Pafiengers, Capt. Barber, Cham berlain ar.d Chandlrr. Sch . EJiza, Otis, l.ifton, 55 days ; Ariel. Na!h, C. Fracois, 25 days. Lad evenu g arri» d, (hip, Hancock, 5 mouths and 5 days from C nton. We J are tint ' een able to procure the afual ma j inr articles. Arrived off Wevmruth, England, May 19» Superb, Trail, from Cbarlelion. SALEM, July 8. After C?veral weeks ot anxiety for the fate of the (hip Pallas capt •Wm Ward of tliis port, the town was yeiiercky m rnr.g cheered by a lalute from !'er in our harbor ; ard we congratulate tlic co cm-erf, and the public iti general, on herfafety. She failed from Canton the 2 til of December and touched at St. Helena the 3d May. Cp tain Ward appears to be in remarkably good , heilth, after a lung voyage, and the crew ave a!fo well. Mr. Dana, son of the hon. Jndge Dana, performed the voyage with capt. W. . The mate and one of the men of the UlyfTes of Bo fton came heme in I the Pallas April 12,' 3c ltsgues weft of Cape of Oood Hope, spoke fh p John, Ropes ef Salem, 2 . days from the cape, bound to the ea ward, who informed that Cdpts. Murph), (ltmmons, Webb, Smith, and Gibaut, of Salem, had been at the Cape within the last fix weeks ; that Capt Smith of the ship Juno, of Rhode .Island left the cape the 9th April, for Batavia, the Alert, Manfficld, of Salem, arrived a. the Cape, April 9, all well. The United 1 States frigate Eflex, Captain Preble, failed from the Ca: e the 27th March—June 12, I latitude 24, N. longtitude 51, W spoke. schooner Aurora, Brown, from Portland, I for Surrinam, all well. June 21, latitude I 31, longtitude 53, spoke ship Alliance, Defhon, from P. pperelborough, twelv- I days out, ship act so crank as had been ex- I Alio arrived, (hip Mount Vernon, Der by, Gibr 1 1 tcr, and Betsey, Obcar, from Cay enne.—Capt. D. failed from Gibralter, 28th of May, in co. with 18 fail , whigh he ft w fafe through the Straits. The Utter, Clif ton of Boston ; Cruger, Barton, of %lem ; and a (loop from Leghorn, for Providence, . was among the number. Mtiy 29, Snartel I in fight, fpeke brig Liberty, from Gh'UCe- 1 fter, bound Up. ' July 2, hit' 4.x 46, lotig.' 64, jo,fpoke .fchr. Lion, Black bunt, 3 djys from Bplton, for Tobacfo. July 4, spoke fchr. Lively, Smith, from Portfmotith for Trinidad From, Cayenne— 5 cruiser? fiiiled 17th of May, one of which had 18 twelve pounders—it was conjedhired they were bound to cruise ofTthe Jfle of Afrnllon, to c;.puirc American Ir.diairrn. ' ' • , And 1 welve 1 on s Logwood, i TV. B T.**'. wi in tfl " Bri K &ufanruh, Captain a J Smith, from Port-au Prince, and for sale by THOMAS KETLAKD. J"'y mw&f , ot i hiladelphia & Laticafler turnpike company, TUB c r, U!/', if^OO. 'decided Ma, ' a S"» hay<. tki, day oMWk f ,V ' nf , k ' Kht D " l,ars ■ share °-Hi f w } ' CiX . <!olrar * P'r (h up will he ' paid the Stockholders or their representatives any h tf l e J4!h iD U " t ' the remai nir* collar. has beer, ri tamed and expended in c.m p.eating and lc pairiii K the road agrt'eably to a r«folution o) the Kockholders. Wm. GOVETT, Treasuer. J "' y ' 4 . Wanted" ~ A . rER S? N of g<™«l addrtiV. w »:o w«!d i V be willing to vthk.take a k ~d „f bufinefc which .woUIJ rrtjuire h s being out of doer, a Ci,n.n)erable part of h.s time, and who <ould Srftp books—He must fee faithful h reft and .a,v, Sl; ch ail hear Of a Nation, '! where I,is (alary will not be enorraouj, but he (hall receive whatever is ftipu'.ated for. Arp!* * 5t.,?.! ° f :he ** Un«ed July it. Twenty Dollars REWARD. DESERTED from the Ma ine Ban acts on the *th toll art. tho frlk wing. Marines viz JOHN STEEL, f ort, near Brandy Wine in C-heller county, by prcf ffi. n a Tailor He is it y ars of age, five feet eigl t iriches hJuh grey eyes, light brewn liair.thui v.Cage aD d fallow c. m- F lex:on-hat l on a r urd h t, brown si t c at nankeen br.ech-:s, and other decent cloathiflg ' Frederick Fry, born, in Getn any,*"! ut' ( Al p e to America veryvo ng, a Ko o t thtr.ry lix ye/™ of ape.W feet level. In hes hip!,, H.;z' Black Curly ha!r aV.d very hr/iwn complexion—' «' ha.dw> uniform oh—He ws> i-'ly.i Spl .i Cr in GenAal W,iyhes Army at I' rt Detroit The absve re tfitd v. ill be i/aid. or Ten i'ol .ars f r either, ai.d-ill "x ri - ; —t ; .j.. B —.... them at the Msi ine iUrracjfjr, ftorfcidelphia, or to ar..y Officer in the Service of the United States! ROPFRT RANKIN, Adjutant Jeanne C< rps. '■ Philad July n, iSeo. d:w , * ' . . * nm u-ivpEßsiGmn, > HIS Swcdiflj MjjrOy's Cor.ful General, snd au thorized to irani .(51 thc.Confular Bufincfa, ■or his Majesty the King of i'enmaaK in the United States of America, refilling at f hiiadelphh, 'Hereby gives public Notice, fhat iu obedience to resent inltiuai.w received from hi? government, it it the duty of all Mai)era of Swedilh and Datiifh vessels, hofor* their failing 4 ' from any port in the l3id States, to call upon Kioi or the Vice Coaful in orrftr to he granted (udl Certificates for their Cargoes, which the exigency of the slate of the N- utrsl Cotr.mi rcc ani the se veral Decrees *>f the Utlligerent Powi n, renders indifperfably necefTaryj and, that any Mafirr , f v^ffelabelonging to the ,refpei)iyc nations, or na vigating Bnti.T the pfotecliofi o' if.eir.flags, in mittiog tb tjfee filch cirtKkates, will personally ftaud ra/poaCUe for the corifequenccs. RICHARD SODRRS'i'KOM. Philadf!j hia.,> 18tl> DecttnVr, 17^9. Philadelphia Slcademy. . SAMUEL MAGAW, D. D. Reilor of. ! , St. Paul'" Church, and formerly Vic#- Wovoft of the Univerlity of Bennfyiyania, a Jin •' JAMES ABERCROMP.IE, A.M. One of the Assistant Minille: sos ?hril) church «aA St. Peter's, I §at)e xipeneu, • At No. 14. Service Street, AN ACADEMY, CONSISTING OF \ AN English School, a School, sr.d a Mathematiral School, in w>ich all the branches of fcietice w tli 'hole de partments arc untht N. B '7Matiemi' tieal Department is tevdaffed by Mr. r* n Di uma*. formerly Prrf-fir cf Aiutksmatiu in the liojal DutHa. ; June 6. ff it ; x" ■ -■■ NEW-YORK, Jul) WA^iif?,.. 3ch r . Thr.e Sifters, Norm &W>JK Cleared. Ship E*rl»rgyrh(,rft o S ' AnVf!e,d„n> Bng Bnibara, O. IV ■ t SchV RcpubliM,,. Marftj t AleKandr.a, Hin ugs, Martinique at I'' /? f**" s *'? LfV >"> '■» arrived at her defrincl port. •.. „ T r fl ( 'T L:b 7' Woodham, from New. J lO , -' VIM l oo! ' ?ct on (bore h, a #jl 0 f ind rn the 4 Bth May, "a n Burb's Bank, entrance of Liverpool, w ; lrre (| )e ] t<>n I'oufs, and wrs-got off with confidcrable carnage to the (hip and some < f the cargo. For Charter, Jffifet AB IGAIL, a good ft.rur Vcffel, burthtfa aboot ****» a-.000 barrels. Apply to MOORE WKAllTOtf.' " dfw " July 14 Thespian THB mctnb<t. or the Tkt&hm qaefled u, Ckrtois, mhJIAAi o,'. Ti • dock, ao Hiftcf. of ittporfWo- 'T^*-:*"' By order of tbc'Prdl&At.' • 'V '•> *•« ' .-•" - • 7° KHl>S.—and 36 BARRIX:,, of Prime Port-au-Prince SUGARS, ;- v .V* vT- $ • <%. "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers