Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, March 04, 1795, Image 4

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    City of Washington, j
s c trE m e
Of THfc
l A magnificent > 20,000 DolUis, and
dwelling house, \ c.Ch 35,000 ate
t ditto i j,660 Jk e»(h 000 40.000
) ditto 4c cafli 15,000 30,000
! ditto 10,000 & cash 10,000 20,000
1 ditto 5,000 h calh 5,000 10 000
1 ditt® 5,000 & cj(h 5,000 >0,000
j pine ol «0,000,
2 ditto 5,00 a each, are io,o> o
jo ditto «,000 :0,000
ditto 500 10,000
ioo d'uc" »°° 10,000
2 00 ditto 50 10,000
4 00 ditto 25 «0,000
1,000 d 111<> «° 20.00 c
15 ,000 ditto t' 150,000
*6,739 p "' cs
33,261 Blanks
50,000 Ticke*. at 8 dollar! 490,000
Thu Lottery will aftord an elegant fi>eci
men of the private buildings |o beercA d in
the City <>f W»(Viington—Two besuutul de
fignj are already feie fled for thp eniire fronit .
on two of the pubi c fquates ; fiom these J
drawings, it is proposed to'errfl two centre
and lour corn'* building!, aa soon « poflihle
alter this Louery is told, and to'convey them
wl.en complete, to the.lortunatfc adventurers,
in tho manner defenbed in the fclieme for
the Hotel lottery. A nett deJu®o» of five
per cent. Will he made to defray the necef.
fa>y exprnccs of ptiniinf, &c. and the '■ or
pins will be made a part ot thi fund intended
for the National Univeifity, to be eretted
within'he City ol Walbington. I
$9" The drawing will comnae«ce as soon
as the Tickets are fold off. The
money will be payable in thirty days
after it is finifhed, and any priies for which
fortunate numbers are not pioduccd within
twelve months after the closed are
to be conftdered as given towards the lund
ft,, the Uilivtrfuy, it being determined to
fettle the whole bufinefi in a yeai from the
ending of the drawing and to take up the
bond' given esfecunty.
The real feeurities given for the payment
of the Prizes, are he'd by the President and
two Direflors of the Bank of Columbii,and
are ralued at'more than half the amount of
The twenty four g;ntlem;n who by ap
pointment of the late Conamifitoners aflifted
in the management of the Hotel Lottery are
requested to undertake thii arduous talk a fe
•ond tirae on behalf of the public ; a fuffici
- ent number of these having kindly accepted,
it is hoped that the friends to a National Uni
"• V erCty and the other federal obje&s may con
tinue to favor the design. The fynopfts of
one of the Colleges, to form a branch of the
National Institution, is already in the prel's,
and will be speedily puhlifhed, together with
its constitution. _j: —
A compleatJ , LAN of the whole of this
Important Viffitution, compiled from a fe
leflion of the best materials, ancient and mo
dem, will be submitted to the public when
ever the fame may have gons through such
revisions as -.iay be nccelfary to establish th«
perfeift confidence and general approbation, .
so essential to itsprefent rife and future exis
tence for the general good of America.
By accounts from the different
parts of the Continent as well at from Eu
rope, where the tickets have beep sent for
falc, the public are aflured that the drawing
■will speedily commence, and that the care
and caution unavoidably to insure a
fife disposal of thf tickets, has rendered the
fcort fufpenfton indispensable.
February 14, 1795-
Samuel Blodget.
* * Tickets may be had at the Bank of
Columbia ; of James Weft & Co. Baltimore;
o< Gideon Denilon, Savannah; of Pe< r
Gilman, Bofeon: of Jolin Hopkins, Rcli
mond : and »f Richard \Velk, Cooper's Fer-
Aug 33 * "
A Lot of Ground,
ON the wist fide of Third, at tKc|corncr
of New or Story ftuct, in the City ot Pmla
delphia ; it being 34 feet 8 inches in liont
»n Third street, and 86 leet deep on Siory,
itreet. On said lot ale two framed d wiling
house-, two ftortes high ; the corner house
almost new, with a good cellar.
For terms and other particulars, apply at
the Office of Edward Bonfall Ic Co. or at
&o. 60, north Second ilreet.
J-n. 26 '»&f3 w
Wants Employment,
AN person, who writes a good
hand, and understands accounts, and (who a|-
so can be w'U rccomrocnded fci his hontfty
and industry.
Any tradesman or mechanic who may wifli
for such a p«.rfon to keep his books,?nd make
out his bills, may r. ceive information by ap
plying to James Hnidie, comer ot Lombard
a«d Fifth ftfeet.
Jart. 23 gawtf
By ThomasDobfon, No. 41, fo«th Second
Ilreet, John Ormrod, No. 41, Chefnut
street, and the Editor hereof,
Secretary of the Treasury
Read in the House of Representatives of the
United States,
January 19, 1795.
SoHtaining a PLAN for the further
Support ot
Public Credit.
Bohea Tea, u
GIN in Pipes,
Now Landing from on board the ftiip
Peggy, John Elliott master, de
from Amsterdam. Ri
dlfo Imported by the late Arrrvals, vil
Kuflia tlcinp, Hrll quality la
Ditto Kail Duek atl
Ditto Havens Dock ni
Brown Russia SheetinE gl
Oznaburgs er
Brown Flanders Sheeting* :n
Heflians and Brm*n Rolls Of
Cotton Stripes and Checks cc
Flanders Bedricki R
Holland Sail Duck ot
Seine Twine p:
Dutch Great Coattj qi
Gin in cases gi
Madder at
Window Glass, Bby is
Jei'uits Bark ti
.Opium. cc
Affafcetida a
\ German Steel
Mill and Crofs-ctit Saws <ji
Hoes and Cut tng Knives at
Sythes and Skates le
Coffee Mills , d;
Black Lead Crucibles ' b]
Anchors from 3 c« :. to tj cwt T j
Ani a General AJforttnent of r
5-4 & 6-4 Boulting Cloth, fc
Pragers & Co.
Not. 1 d "
— k
no,ooo weight of p-
Green Coffee, 2
In 87 hhds. 40 barrels, and ?®o bags, entit
led to the drawback, stored on McflTrs c
Witling & Francis's wharf.
ijl id & 4th Pr9of
Bourdeaux Brandy, p'
30 pipes of London particular Teneriff , fc
London particular Madeira WINES,
' in hfcds. pipes, and quarter casks, n
Malaga Do. in quarter casks, ti
Anriguaand otlier RUMin hlids.
St. Croix SUGAR of the firft quality* r(
| Hyion TEA, f f
Jamaica SPIRITS, K
Holland GIN, in {j
LOAF SU(i AR, hi hhds. b
J PEPPER, &c. 0
Levinus Clarkfon, e
No. 216, jouth Water St'tet.
, D c. 4
Monday March id, 1795.
, f Inland Navigation.
» /
1 This Day is publilhed, and to be fold by
5 Zacharlah Tou 1 fort jmr. -7
No. Bc, ChefHUt street,
And at the Philadelphia Library, c
j AN '
, or thi
" Rife, progrel's, and present f
t state a '
J Canal Navigation in Penn- 1
Jylvania. j
e With an Appendix, containing Abftra&s of N
the Arts of the Legislature 11 nee the year J
1790, and their Grants of Moneyfor im
proving Roads and Navigable Waters
thronghout the state ——to which is tu- j
" An Explanatory Map"
PuMifhed by Direction ot the President and {
Managers of the Schuylkill Sufcjuc
" hanna, and the Delav. are and Schuylkill
Navigation Companies.
~~ 44 Here smooth Canals, across th' extend. 1
ert plain 1
Stretch their lo ig arms to join the distant 1
main. 1
The Ton* of toil, with ™any a weary stroke 1
' r Scoop the hard hofom ol the solid rock ;
1 Refiltlels through the ft ffoppofmgclay,
1 patience, work their gradual :
'' way ;
Compel the Genius of th'unwilling flood
C Through the brosvn horrors oi the aged
Cross the lone waste the silver ui'n
And cheer the barren heath,or fallen moor
« The traveller, with pleafmg wonder
The white fail gleaming through the dulky
|_ trees;
And views the alter'd landscape with iur
(}, And doubts the magic fcenei round
cc him rile.
p. Now like a flock «f swans, above his head,
'd Fheir woven wings the fly ing spread
Now meeting ft reams,in art'ul mazcs,g!jde
While each, unmingled, pours a separate
— tide;
Now, through the hidden vein's o( earth
uj they flow
at And visit sulphurous miues and caves be
The dutf ile streams obey the guiding hand,
And social Plenty erownsthe happy land!
Of the cel&biated Peiformance under tht
Signature of
M A N L I U S,
M.»v be had of \ .
John Ormrod, No. 41, Chef
nut Jlreet.
PHILADELPHIA t —Printed by JOHN FENNO, No. Cremut Street*—Price Six Dollars J?er Akxum.
* -
Une Terre Superbe fituedans
l'Etat de la Nouvclle T (
York. J j
LA EELI.E Habitation connuc par h nom 1
de SCOTIA, iitue fur le bor Jdu nord <*c la 5
Riviere dc Mohawk et vis a vis la fiori£Tnite
vilie dc Schfcne6i-dy qui eft a Textremitc dc J
la communication par ean entre la Caneda et *
autre* parties occidental avec la yille d Alba
nic dont clie eft eloignee de feize,miles An-
gloi? ou cinq lieues un tiers de france.
Cette terre eft bornee par la dite Riviere ( —
enviro* deux tiers de lieue—les grands Che
inins des parties de l'oueft et du nord fe joig
nent en cet endroit avec plufieurs autres et
conduifent a l'endroit par ou Ton travcrfe la
Riviere vis a vis la dite ville—ette habitati
on contient plus de mille acres, une grande
partie de 1a quelle eft en plaine de la premier,
qualite et propres pour des prairies- ou du
arain dont elle produit une grand abon- T1
On pourroit la deviser en plufieurs habita
tions donnant a chacune des situations tres
commodes a placer des maifons- —elle contient
a present deux maifons grandes et bien com- E\
modes avec des Granges £curies, Magazns,
des pour les Voitures et plufiers
autres batimens qui font tres convenables
le tout fitue fur une elevation au bord de la
dite Riviere d'ou Ton a une vue bien agreea
ble fur la dite ville, des prairies dan* fes en- ]
▼irons et dc la Riviere aulli bien que d'un p a
Reservoir d'environ trente acres, qui eft t#en ev
fourni de poiffon et de gibier.
II y a aufli fur la dite terre une Moulin a
eau fur un courant qui ne manque Jamais, J
avec une roaifon pour le meunir ;on y pour
rqit ajouter d'autres moulins, &c.—fur cettc
terre ell aufli un bon Verger des meilleurs
fruits de ce pais d'environ mille arbres> entes, f c i
les Jardins abondent de toutcs fortes de fruit at
pro£re pour cc climat—Dependent aufli de
cette terre plufieurs tenements avec des lots vy«
de terre dont les baux font d'une courte dure. C<
II n'y a point de dans ces parties que at
ioit plus feconde pour toutes fortes de grain
d'hiver doflt il en a ete feme l'automnc vo
pafle prefque deux cents bftifleaux ce que sera m
compris dans la Vente auffi bien que deux G<
I lies dans la Riviere vi 6 a vis ala mai- 2,
ion. 11 c
On penfe que la rue de ces terres on don
nera une plus haute idee qu*aucun descrip
tion qu'on pourroit en donner.
Pour les conditions de Ventes il faut fe. tu
rendre chez le foufligne demeturant fur les f n
lieux ou a meflieurs OliveryWendcl et Harri- au
son G. Otis, a Bofton—meflieurs Cornelius R
Ray et De Wit Clinton, a New-York—mef- ih
fieurs James Gordon et Henry Glen, mem- th
bres du Congres, a present a Ptiiladelphie, m
ou a monsieur Stephen Bayard dans la ville pa
dc Schenedlady, qui feront conrioitre le prix m
et conditions de la Vente.
' au
Valuable Property c
'For Sale, pi
IN THt 1 ct
STATE of. NZWjrQRK- .2
fITHAT valuable and well known F.flate,
called SCOTLA, situate on the north bank of
the Mehawk river, dire&ly opposite the po- (•
pulous and flourilbing town of ScheueSady, j
at the foot of the from
the Western Country, and Upper Qanada ;
sixteen miles from the city of Albany, ex- ni
tending about two miles on the bank of the ct
river above and below the said town; this p
river is the only <vater communication in the a.
United States with the great western Lakes. 1,
The roads from the western and northern ri
parts of the state of New York, together It
with a number of othec public roads here
meet, and lead to the noted ferry kept oppo- V
Cte the said town. ■'*
; It contains upwards of acres, E
a great proportion of which is intervale or
lowland, calculated both for grass or grain,
producing great burthens annually ;it may a
be laid into a number of valuable farms, as
' fording convenient and handsome building
grounds; ioreis now on the premises two b
very large and commodious dwelling houses,
with large Dutch barns, barracks, shovels, J:
. (tables ca rt and waggon house, carriage house
store house, fuinmer house, and other out- p
t hotrfes, on a commanding eminence near the
bark of the river, affording; a beautiful and
e extensive profpeit of the river for ieveral u
miles, the lowland, the town, and a fine lake q
of water, covering about th'rty acres, well
1 stored with all kinds of river fifh, fowl, &c. j.
There : s a good grift mill on a never failing ,
stream of water, a good frame house, &c.
d for the miller, also convenience above the mill 0
for erecting more water works ; there i» a e
> bearing orchard with nearly one thousand ap- a
pie trees, set out, grafted of the-bell fruit,the n
gardens are stocked with a'.l the various fruits [
r the climate will admit; aHo several tenements
with portions of land on short leases. c
y The land in paint of fertility of foil, is ex- c
ceededby none in the state; there is now in r
.. the grou d near two hundred bushels winter r
grain, which will be included in the above r
d sale. 1
Also two small islands in the river, opposite
the mansion house.
A view of the premises, it is presumed, '
e wfil fully equal any description tfyat can be '
e given thereof.
For terms of sale apply to the Subscriber, (
h residing on the premises, Messrs. Oliver Wen
dell or Harrifon G. Otis, Esquires, ia the ,
town of Boston, Cornelius Ray, or De Witt ;
Clinton, Esquires, at the city of Naw York:
| t James Gordon or Henry Glen, Esquires, two i
i! of the member* of Congress, at the city of
Philadelphia; Stephen N. Bayard, in the
town of Schenedady, by whom the price &
terms of sale will be commmnicated.
ScotU, Jan. 28, 1795.
N. B. The remaining stock unfold, and ,
all the farming utensil*, the purchaser or pur- i
, ohafers may be accommodated with.
Philad. Feb. 7. aawjm
At the STORES of 5
JefTe & Robert Wain, J'
PORT WINE in pipes, hhds. and quar
ter calks
LISBON pipes and quanercafks
Soucliongand Congo TEAS, in quarter
cherts im
A quantity of Lilbonand CadizSALT
Soft (helled ALMONDS in bales
VeivetCOßKS, iy do. ;
Kudia MATTS. "
June 9 d j
Robert Campbell,
No. 54, south Second flreet, second door
below the corner of Chef nut Jlreet,
The most General and Extensive AflTort- day
ment of the
800 K s
Ever offered for sale in this City, among!! the
which are a number of the latest Euro
pean Publications F
Also a Complete AJfortment of
English h American Wririn-g
Paper, Dutch Quills, Playing Casds, and ne f,
ei cry Article in tlie Stationary Line.
R. C. has lately printed the following
BOOKS, ten
I. Religious cases of Con- ™
science, anfw led in tn Evangelical niaiujc;, . '
at th« cafuiftica! in Little St> Helens, *
oy S. Pike and S. Ha)-
waid, ro which is now acideH, xhc Spiritual Pc
Compnn'inn,or the Jf*rofcffing Chfiftiar, tried on
at the Bar o! God—Pi ice One D War. rim
2. Mcdnanans ?n«! Conte*T»pl'.t»dm, in 2 can
volumev, ccn'aimng Voi. i, M duat ous a
mong the Tombs ; R efledions on a Flo wcr
Gard« n ; and a Descant upon Crfaeion. V«i.
o t Contomplations on the Night ; Contempla- A , ,
tion« op »he ftairy H*eavens ; and a Wimn °. C
Piece. Bv James Hcrvev. A. M. late hc- ' ,m
tor of Wrfton Foveli, Norihaiuptoufhiic—
Price 8o Cents. "V
3. Beauties of ; or defcriptive.oic
turefque, and inftfu&tve
from the woiks of this defe»v<dly adinired.
author ; viz. Meditations among the Tombs, Sat'
Rrfltftioys on a Flower Gard n, Descant on the
iheCreanon, Comem latiousoa the N'ght,
the Heavens ; and a Winter Piece ; the I
most important intcrefting pi&ufefqjuc Mc
pafTages, of Xheron & 4fpafio ; letters & fer- Fi*i
mons. Miscellaneous tracts, religmns ednca- for;
tion of daughters ; and rcmai k.5 on Lord
ingUicke's letiers- To which arc added M<-_ j
moirs of the Author's life and character,with
au Elegiac Poem on his death—Puce etgh y rec
Ccnts * da-y
4. Rife and Progress of Religion in the anc
S.'ill, illuftratcd in a courfc of lerious and
practical addreflVs, suited to perfonsof « v< ry
cha?a(sler and circumftaince ; wn*h a devou, -
mediwtionand prayer added to each chap-
- -<t. To aIL. ■ >i •- L irr f" »
sermon o*l thf one ihmg needlul. By Philip
Doddridge, D. D l®r:ce 60 Cents. ]
5. Sermonsby Hugh BJ»i»,D. D. F. R. 5. K j
£dinhurgh, one of the mincers of theH gh eve
Church, and ProfeiTor of Rheiotic and Belles jy j
Letters in the Univerfny o; Edinburgh. Vol. ol)
4 — Pi ice One Dollar.
6. A Sermon on the Freedom and Happi
ness of the United States of America,or« ach
ed in Carhfle, on the 5h of Odo'?er 1 Sc tcn
pubt;fbed at the rcqui ft of the PlnJacielphia
and Lancaster troops of Light Horff. By Ro- , 1
bifrt DavicJfon, D.D. Pastor of the Piefbyte- .a
rian church in Carlifl , and one of the Pro't I- in
lors in Dickenfoii's College—Price 20 Cents.
7. The Philotophy of Natural HiOoi y, by
William Smellie, Member of the Kov*l and t
Antiquarian Society of Edinbuigh—Price 2
Dollars. o*c
8. The WeHminfter AfTembly's Shorter eac
Catechism, explained by wav of qm ftion and Re
answer, by Fisher and trfkinr — Price 80 ev<
Cents. liv
9. Menforia, mr the Young Ladies Friend, at
bv Mrs. Rowfoci of the New Theitre, Phila- ing
delphia, aurhor of the Inquifitf>r, Ftlle dt at
Chambre, Victoria, Charlotte, fta. y
Cents. M
10. A Simple Story. By Mrs. Inch bald— wl
Price One Dollar.
11. The Fool Qujality, or
of Henry, Earl of Moreland, in thiee vol
nmrs, by Mr. Brooke, Price 2 Dollars 40
Ccnts - . . t\v
12. Sermons on important fnbjefls, by no
late rev. pious Samuel Davis, A.M. son e
lime President of the College in Ntw Jrrfev
in 2 volsi To wh ; ch are nrrw added, thrtr ,
occasional sermons, not included in the form
er editions ; memoirs and chara&er o' the ev
author, and two krmons on account of his
death, by the rev. Drs. Gibbons, and Finley,
Priee 4 Dollars.
13. The Life of Baron Frederick Trenck,
conuining h s adventure 4 , hi* cruel and ex- 1
cefTive fufferings during jrn years imprison- > n
ment in the fortrefs of M gdeburg, by com
mand of the'ate Kng of Prussia ; also anec- an
dotes,hiHorical, political, and personal ni
Puce One Dollar. m
14. The Conductor Gcneralis, Or the Of- if
ficej, duty, and ant horitv ol lu ft ices of the C o
Peace; high fheriffs, under Iheriffs, coroners, ar
| constables, jury men, and overiteis C( j
»»f the poor ; as also the office of of as
size, and of th* Peace, &r. to which are ad
' d«d. the cxcife and r»ijkta Jaws of the tTni"-
ed?Siates, and the called the ten Pound
of ihe state ol Pcnnfylvania, and New York;
Prtce 2 Dollars. p 1
15. »The History of a Reprobate; by Mr.
1 Biooke—Pnc 20 Cents. cc
f 16. A Trearifc o« *tbe Fever of Jamaica, eA
with some observations on the int< rmitting
America, and an appendix, contain- 11
ng some hints on the means of prelf r vng e:
the health of Sold ; ers in Ijo' c*iares ;by Ro- a(
ben Jackson, M. D. Price One Dollar. Ci
Country s?torekeepers can be fuppli- a
' ed with Books and Stationary as above, f,
by the quantity on rery low terrr.s. tl
Jan. 27
ssr !»««>"»•
Just arrived in the Rebecca, Captain
Hughes, from Jamaica.
Peter Blight.
Who has alio now landing out of the Mer
cury, from Oporto, Choice
Red Port Wine,
IN P J P f. S.
Dec. 7i d
_ •
PROPOSALS will he receiv
ed at the Gcneral-Poft-Office until the 31ft
day of March next, inclusively, for carrying
the malls of the United States between Phi
ladelphia and the city of New York—Phila
delphia and Baltimore—Baltimore and Alex
andria—and Philadelphia and Pittlborgh—
the times of arrival to be as"Iollow—
1. Pbitadelp ia and N vj-Tt-k.
Receive the mail at Philadelphia every
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thudd*y f
Fridey and Saturday at one o'clock in the af
ternoon—and deliver it at New-York (in
twenty hours after, viz) every Tuefday,Wed
nefday, 1 hurfday, Fr:day, Saturday and
Monday at nine o'clock in the morning. Re
turning, receive the mail at New-York e
very Tuesday, Wednesday, 1 "hurfday, Fri
day, Saturday and Monday, atone in the af
ternoon, and deliver it at Philadelphia (in
nine teen hours, viz.) every Wednefday,l hurf»
day, Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tues
day, at eight o'clack in the morning.
2. Philadelphia and Bultimoj e.
Persons offering proposals re desired to ? rte
on what terms they will qirry this.mail three
times a week, and on what terms they will
carry it fix times a week.
I bree times a week.
Receive the mail at Philadelphia, every
Monday, Wednsfday, and Friday, at eleven
o'clock in the forenoon, and deliver it at Bal
timore, (in twenty-eight hours) every Tues
day, Thursday, and Saturday, at three o'clock
in the afternoon. P„etvrniJ:o, receive tile
Mail at Baltimore every Tnefdav, Thursday
and Sunday, at ten o'clock in the evening and
deliver it at Philadelphia, every Thursday,
Saturday, and Tuesday, at nine o'clock in
the morning, (35 hours.)
Six timts a iveek.
Receive the! at Philadelphia every
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 7'hurfday,
F.idoy, and Saturday at eleve» o'clockia the
forenoon, and deliver it at Baltimore (in
twenty eight hours) every Tuesday, Wednes
day, Thursday, Friday, S turday, artd Mon
day afternoons by three e'clock—Returning
receive the mail at Baltimore every Tues
day, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday
and Monday evenings by ten o'clock, and de
liver it at Philadelphia (in 34 hours) every
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tues
day and Wednesday mornings, by eight »'-
.. l i" r ' f 7-
3. Baltimore and Alexandria.
Receive the mail at Baltimore, from the
firjl of April to the JirJl of November,
every Monday, WednefiJay and Friday, ear
ly rn the morning (or by half pall ten o'clock
od each preceding evening) and deliver it at
Alexandria the fame daysat fix o'clock in the
even eg. Returning, receive the mail at
Alexandria the fame evenings by half pafl
ten o'clock, or early the next morning, and
deliver it at Baltimore, every Tuefday,'Thurf
day and Saturday, by h..lf past four o'clock
in the afternoon.
From the ifl of November to the J ? of
April, receive the mail at Baltimore as
before, *nd delimit at Georgetown every
Monday, and Friday, by live*
o'clock in the evening, and at Alexandria,
• each fueceeding morning at eight o'clock.
Returning, receive the mail at Alexandria
I every Moh day, Wednesday and Friday, at
five o'clock in the afternoon, and deliver it
, at Georgetown at seven o'clock in the even
ing, and at Baltimore on each succeeding day
at half past four in the afternoon.
ji Note. Persons proposing to carry the
Mails on this route, are requested to state o*
what ttrms they will carry it every day (Sun
days excepted) the hours for receiving and
I delivering the n-.ailbeing the fame.
4. Philadelphia and Pitt/huryh.
Receive the Mail at Philadelphia every Sa
| turday at S&lf past eleven o'clock iatkefure
r noon, and deliver it at Pittsburgh every Fri
c day at no n. Returning, receive the mail
v at Pittfbyrgh every Friday at five o'clock in
the afternoon, and deliver it at Philadelphia
every Friday at noon.
, Note t. The contrails for carrying thefc
Mails will be made to commence on the 15 th .
day of April next (exc pt the mail No. 4,
the carriage of which (hail commence on Sa
t rday the ißthdayof April) and continue
1- in force until the iftday of April 1799.
1- Note 2. Should tfie hours of receiving
and delivering these Mails be fonnd inconve
nient to the public, the Poll-Master-General,
may at any time change them; provided that
if fnch changes would prove injurious to the
' contractors, they shall not be made without
>' an adequate compensation previously ftipulat
's ed. •
Note 3. For *very quarter of an hour's
delay, not exceeding twelve quarters, and for
every hour's delay thereafter, fubfequert t»
the times prcfcribed for delivering the three
firft mails at the Poft-Oflices in New York,
| Philadelphia, Baltimore and Alexandria, tlit /
contradlors (hall forfeit one dollar ; and for
> every hour's delay in delivering the fourth
' mail at Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, respec
tively, they shall forfeit one dollar. And no
excuses to save a forfeiture for delays wi 1 be
0 _ admitted, unless reafona le proof be produc
ed to the Poft-Mafier-General, that the de
lays were occafioned*hy impaffibiiity of riv-
II ers '
Note 4. The contrafiors fSall be respon
sible for the fidelity of the persons, to whom
they entrust the mails.
General Post OfEce, Philadelphia.
Jan. 29th, 1795. l.rv-ow