City of Washington, j s c trE m e Of THfc . LOTTERY, No. II FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE FEDERAL CITY. l A magnificent > 20,000 DolUis, and dwelling house, \ c.Ch 35,000 ate £6,000 t ditto i j,660 Jk e»(h 000 40.000 ) ditto 4c cafli 15,000 30,000 ! ditto 10,000 & cash 10,000 20,000 1 ditto 5,000 h calh 5,000 10 000 1 ditt® 5,000 & cj(h 5,000 >0,000 j pine ol «0,000, 2 ditto 5,00 a each, are io,o> o jo ditto «,000 :0,000 ditto 500 10,000 ioo d'uc" »°° 10,000 2 00 ditto 50 10,000 4 00 ditto 25 «0,000 1,000 d 111<> «° 20.00 c 15 ,000 ditto t' 150,000 *6,739 p "' cs 33,261 Blanks 50,000 Ticke*. at 8 dollar! 490,000 Thu Lottery will aftord an elegant fi>eci men of the private buildings |o beercA d in the City <>f W»(Viington—Two besuutul de fignj are already feie fled for thp eniire fronit . on two of the pubi c fquates ; fiom these J drawings, it is proposed to'errfl two centre and lour corn'* building!, aa soon « poflihle alter this Louery is told, and to'convey them wl.en complete, to the.lortunatfc adventurers, in tho manner defenbed in the fclieme for the Hotel lottery. A nett deJu®o» of five per cent. Will he made to defray the necef. fa>y exprnccs of ptiniinf, &c. and the '■ or pins will be made a part ot thi fund intended for the National Univeifity, to be eretted within'he City ol Walbington. I $9" The drawing will comnae«ce as soon as the Tickets are fold off. The money will be payable in thirty days after it is finifhed, and any priies for which fortunate numbers are not pioduccd within twelve months after the closed are to be conftdered as given towards the lund ft,, the Uilivtrfuy, it being determined to fettle the whole bufinefi in a yeai from the ending of the drawing and to take up the bond' given esfecunty. The real feeurities given for the payment of the Prizes, are he'd by the President and two Direflors of the Bank of Columbii,and are ralued at'more than half the amount of theLott-ty. The twenty four g;ntlem;n who by ap pointment of the late Conamifitoners aflifted in the management of the Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake thii arduous talk a fe •ond tirae on behalf of the public ; a fuffici - ent number of these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the friends to a National Uni "• V erCty and the other federal obje&s may con tinue to favor the design. The fynopfts of one of the Colleges, to form a branch of the National Institution, is already in the prel's, and will be speedily puhlifhed, together with its constitution. _j: — A compleatJ , LAN of the whole of this Important Viffitution, compiled from a fe leflion of the best materials, ancient and mo dem, will be submitted to the public when ever the fame may have gons through such revisions as -.iay be nccelfary to establish th« perfeift confidence and general approbation, . so essential to itsprefent rife and future exis tence for the general good of America. By accounts from the different parts of the Continent as well at from Eu rope, where the tickets have beep sent for falc, the public are aflured that the drawing ■will speedily commence, and that the care and caution unavoidably to insure a fife disposal of thf tickets, has rendered the fcort fufpenfton indispensable. February 14, 1795- Samuel Blodget. * * Tickets may be had at the Bank of Columbia ; of James Weft & Co. Baltimore; o< Gideon Denilon, Savannah; of Pe< r Gilman, Bofeon: of Jolin Hopkins, Rcli mond : and »f Richard \Velk, Cooper's Fer- Vy. Aug 33 * " FOR SALE, A Lot of Ground, ON the wist fide of Third, at tKc|corncr of New or Story ftuct, in the City ot Pmla delphia ; it being 34 feet 8 inches in liont »n Third street, and 86 leet deep on Siory, itreet. On said lot ale two framed d wiling house-, two ftortes high ; the corner house almost new, with a good cellar. For terms and other particulars, apply at the Office of Edward Bonfall Ic Co. or at &o. 60, north Second ilreet. J-n. 26 '»&f3 w Wants Employment, AN person, who writes a good hand, and understands accounts, and (who a|- so can be w'U rccomrocnded fci his hontfty and industry. Any tradesman or mechanic who may wifli for such a p«.rfon to keep his books,?nd make out his bills, may r. ceive information by ap plying to James Hnidie, comer ot Lombard a«d Fifth ftfeet. Jart. 23 gawtf TO BE SOLD, By ThomasDobfon, No. 41, fo«th Second Ilreet, John Ormrod, No. 41, Chefnut street, and the Editor hereof, REPORT THE Secretary of the Treasury Read in the House of Representatives of the United States, January 19, 1795. SoHtaining a PLAN for the further Support ot Public Credit. FRESH Bohea Tea, u GIN in Pipes, Now Landing from on board the ftiip Peggy, John Elliott master, de from Amsterdam. Ri dlfo Imported by the late Arrrvals, vil Kuflia tlcinp, Hrll quality la Ditto Kail Duek atl Ditto Havens Dock ni Brown Russia SheetinE gl Ticklcnburgs Oznaburgs er Brown Flanders Sheeting* :n Heflians and Brm*n Rolls Of Cotton Stripes and Checks cc Flanders Bedricki R Holland Sail Duck ot Seine Twine p: Dutch Great Coattj qi Gin in cases gi Madder at Window Glass, Bby is Jei'uits Bark ti .Opium. cc Affafcetida a \ German Steel Mill and Crofs-ctit Saws