DAILY EVEN [No. 129 of Vol. Vl.] J. M. Bart, Nt>. 170, North Second Street» !Ulpe£Hu!lv inforra3 ihr Citizens, that lie >ut<n4t t» »p?n «n Evening School, >,■ ftnmS!X to NINE oVioc:-, l.e-innini; neat Mfioday, 27 th ;«ft. Vlierc lie 'ArilJ tr-ichtbe French & Italian languages Arithtiicuck and Jiook-keeping. On the mojl rcafonabh Terms. A ftrift attendance may be depended upon by tfcol'e who will favour him with einplovment 0». 27 d FOR SALE, At the STORES of Jefle & Robert Wain, PORT WINE in pipes, hhds. and quar tei casks LISBON da.in pipe 9 and qtiartercafks Souchong and Congo TEAS, in quarter chcfts A quantity of Lilbon and Cadiz SALT Soft shelled ALMOMDSin bates VclvctCORKS, in do. It aft* St»T» Thomas M'Euen, Stock and Land Broker, No- 78, C**»mJT-«Ta*|T, INFOKMS hU Friends that during his ab enct from Philadelphia (on the Western Expedition) his Bufinefswill be carried on at his Office as uiual, by Mr. "fhomaj Hale where Orders in his line will be thankfully received, and eveiy Attention paid to them. OA. to A FEy BALES QF Brown Russia (heeting Inportnd in the William Penn, from London, FOR SALE BT Curtis Clay, No. J7, Hioh Street. JUST PUBLISHED, And to be fold by Benjamin Davies, No. 68, Market (tract. J'rice a Dais- 33 cents per doz.and 44 cents Jingle, THE American Repository. This neat Pocket Aimanack, is firlt of the kind that h?th been executed in Phila delphia, or perhap?, in any of the United tates; and contains, b< fides, A Compleat Calendar, OR ALMANACK, for the 1795. Lifts of the Officers of the American Go vernment, Civil aud Military. The terms of the Federal Circuit & Dif trift Courts. The Latitudes and Longitudes from "he Meridian of Philadelphia, of all the Capi tal Cities in the Union. The dates of rhe periods when each of the States was firft fettled; 'Their refprttive Territories and num bers of People \ The number of Inhab : tants of each, in each ftjuare mile—and a brief State of their relative prog r efs in Population ; to gether with various other Articles of In formation. >. Ornamented with an elegant Front if itece, Title Page, and twelve VIG NETTES, alluding to fcenetin Thomp son's Seasons, engraved by the mojl inge nious Artifls in the City. Speedily <zvill be publi/hcd, and fold at the funic place, APL A N OF THE City and Suburbs OF PHILADELPHIA. Taken from late and accurate survey. This Mm* will be 26 inches square ; and teili be delivered a', may best suit the pur ehafers, either in (beets plain or coloured, or canv a (Ted »nd affixed to rollers; or to fit them for the pocket, they will be cut and folded in caTej. Those who have been so obliging, as to receive Subscriptions for thia Plan, are re r q 'efted to forward the names to the Edito_ at No. 68, in Market-Street, as above di" rested ; as he intends 10 close the. lift in a short time, and to fend it to the Prels, to be inserted in the front of the Pamphlet which will be delivered withthe Plan. Oft. >4- 4w3*aw?. oi\sCttr of & ifrifT T,w SHIP . Gtn. Wa/bington, fiIMY GUSU, T O lali;fliV* l|fh 'frlnvefriberj as g»ott Mcitomartatiirfij for p* 'Jenger-, hav ing been bnilt lor the Dublin trade. For freight or pjflJVgJr»„*Ppi}' on bo»rd ar Cuth bert's wbarf, • OeHde<, n ' l» UOLftjES KAIKfiY, WILLIAM SMITH, jun, and Co. or oa. 31 For LONDON, tThe SHIP WILLIAM PENN, James Josiah, Mailer. ith all convenient speed. For freight or'pafiip'', apply to JOHN FIELD & SON, . ' Or, JESSE & ROBT. WALN. Oft. 14 • £ For Hamburgh, ' P£RSEVERANCE, James Williamfan, Majltr. Now ready to receive a cargo on board. Thi« veflel is completely found,built of live oak and cedar, and has good accommoda tion# for paffeujfers, to Tail with all con venient speed. For freight or pafiige, apply to Ibt Captain on board, or 7bos, & John Ketland. OA. IT • d For Amsterdam, THE SHIP ® HOLLAND, ChriUoyl'Cr Franklip, jun. HAS excellent for paflen gers, will vvHh all convenient fpecd, hav ing the great eft part of her cargo ready to go on ' wgrttf For freight or apply to the master on board, to ' PETER BLIGHT, Aue. VANIA, BURTHEN about 3400 barrels. For erms apply to Gurney is? Smith. Qfi. 20 HAS a confidcrable part of her cargo ready to go on boa'd, and will fail so qs to return to lbi* port an early Spi ing (hip. For Freight or p-sflage, apply to the Captain on board at Walnut street wharf, or Rundle & Murgatroyd, No. 11, Walnut ft' eet. Nov. 3 German Paflengers. Healtliy :Trade/men, Aie just arrived in the ship from Amfterdain, whose are to be agreed for, by applying on board Paid ship, or to Rundle & Murgatroyd, No. ii, Walnut Jlreet wharf. Nov. 4 tutbpf Fine Liverpool Salt, To Bt Sold From the Ship Thomas, The second wharf below Pine-Street, ap ply at said wharf, to -■ Tehu Hollingfworth, & Co. Aug. »6. &> v All Persons : ndebted to the Subscriber are hereby defned to make im mediate pa'yni--. t; and those ro whom he is indebted, will please to furt.tfh their ac counts in Older to ieceive their notes, a ccording to the Let«r of Licence obtained SAMUEL EDWARDS, No. J9- North, SEcond-ftrctt^ November j, i7?4. For Dublin, George Latimer. I ' 4 " PHAGERS & CO. 4 For Charter, For Liverpool, AFt W Monday, November 10, 1794- ADDRESS. Tiie Public arc refpeiSlfutty informed ti*; the SubfcriptioßS for thi» Gazette are daily increafiTtg in the City—that it* cir culatioil is extenfivr, h<-l. fert to every lfcate in the Union —«fl#/ is probably ex changed with more Printer; in the diffe cent States than any other Gazette — tiefe circumftany. enhance ifs utility as an idvertifiug Vehicle. , The generous patronage which the pub lication h»s already received, demands the Editor's most grateful acknowledgments —He solicits a continuation of idvertlfing favorsJ From these principally arifc the resources which enable the publisher of a daily paper to extend his plan of general ptertainment and information. LANDING From on board the Birmingham Packet, Lockyer, and the Henry and Charles, from Hamburgh, HEMP, Peterjburgb's firft quality BAft IKON, Sivedef, ajjorted 2"/A r , in plates, do. da. ■GENEVA in hhds. BAGGING, German affprted GLASS TUMI}LEB.S, and Black Quart Bottles, DEMIJOHNS, Window Glajs, Feathers of superior quality, MATTS, &c. &c. ■ FOfc SALE BY Thomas & John Ketland. Aug. 26 A City of Walhington. SCHEME OF THE LOTTERY,; No. fA FOR THE IMPROVEMENT O F T H E FEDERAL CITY. I A magnificent / jii.ooo Hnllsis} and \Jj)>elHn| tvnufe, J caln '30,000 aic jc,ooo i diito 15,000 4 cash 45,000 40,000 1. dinrt i£,ooo & caih 1 5,000 30,000 1 ditto 10,000 $< cafb 10,000 30,000 , ditto 5,000 £ c»lfi 5,000 »o 000 1 ditio 5.000 5,000 >0,000 1 C»(V> pi's Ot 10,00 c 2 ditto 5,000 each, arc 10,010 ,o ditto 1,000 10,000 2 0 ditto 500 io,co.j , 00 d«t» «oo 10,000. 2 00 ditto 50 10,000 4 00 ditto *5 ia,oocr 1,000 ditto 20 io.onc 15,000 ditto 1° iso,ocO 16,739 P''"« 33,261 Blanks 50,000 Tickcts at $ dollars This Lottery will afford an e.egant fpeci mcn of the private building* to bcereft d in , the Cjiy of Washington—Two beautifpl de li gM are already fek fled sor 1 the entire fronts • n twd of the pubflid iquare* ; from tliefe drawings? ii is proposed to erect two centrc <ind tour corner buildings, *» soon as possible after this Lottery is fold, and to convey them when complete, to the fortunate adventuiers, in the manner described in the scheme fo> the Hotel Lottery. A nettdedu&ion 6f five per cent- be made todefiajr rhe neCes sary expinces of printing, See. and the lui plus will be made a part of the fund intgnHdd for the National University, to be erected within the City of Waftungton. The drawing wi 1,1 com me nee as jjoo»> as the Tickets are fold, or at all events on Monday, the 22ud of December next: The money prir.es will be payable in thirty after it it finifticd, abd any prizes for which fortunate numbfrj are not produced wulnn twelve months after the drawing is closed i>re o be confideud as gften towards the fund foi the Urviverfity, w bring determined to fettle the whole bufmef? in a year from the ending of the drawing and to take up the bonds given asfecurity. The real frcuritics given for the payment of the prir.es, are he!d by the President and two Dmflors of the Hank, of Colombia, and are valu< d at more than half the amount of the lottery. The drawing will be under the management of 24 gentlemen approved by 5 the comnv.flioncrs for the City of Wash ington, for the time being, aqd a&ing on S. BLODGET. eodtf • # » Tickeit may be had at the Bank of Columbia ;of J, me. Weft &C-. Baltimore; ot Gideon Dcnilon, Savannah; hi Oilman, Boston ; of Jnhn Hopkins, Rich mond : and of. Richard W«IU, Coopei'»fc f rv - i.r Aug. 30 WANTID^ An Apprentice To the " Watch Making and Repairing Business, Apply TO C. Campbell. No. .1, south Fourth street, t#rO doors frofriMarket»ftreM. •* "•> 1 Sept liw ' f G ADVERTISER. A FEW PIPES °f Brf Qy*r'ty Holland Gin, Will be landed THIS DAY, from 011 board fii? Wary, A few nay hca n Jy i eg/beads of Port-au-Prince Sugars, BRANDY, in pipes, And Very good Guadeloupe MelalFes, A EIW HOGskEADS or Prime Antigua Rum, 3d, & 4//1 proof fine flavour. Sept. J9 ■ d AT THE New Caflle Pier Lottery Examining arid Officii ' . At Mr. SAMUEI. (.RAWfOUD's No' 7j, north From street, iduors from Arch street. Tickets are examined and by £oiretft Re giftei poukrs, at the t'<)l hnv trig rfloderaTe charges, viz. For examining a single ticket i-*6th of a Dollar. For regifteriHg a single ticket 1 —4*b ot a Dollar. And notice will be friit by letter (if fortunate or unfortunate) to any part oi he Continent. hi the City if Washington Lottery, No. 2, (Which will tciiimercc di n>vii,( very. Coun) Rr);iftered, and ths eai'lit'ft accfoiultftitt of tlu-ir fiiceeCs. N. B. T+ic Earliest Intelligence of each Day's drawing wi 1 be tei?iv.,d ai.this p> fict. A"d tlie flif. tlieieof will be signed by the s to be covteftj thereioit to be depended on. 5o Dollars Reward. RAN away very unexpectedly from ibe Subfcribei, on Sa- u day the October, A Mulatto Man, named George, by li s acqmintHOte tajled Ge >rge Evan , about 2$ y>ars oUJ> 5 9 or !3inches high, straight and well ma.le lie has longbwftiy black bair, which he com riionly wears qned, his clieefc bones rather liigb, bis la unit ritnpl* ; be Iras alwayssfefv cd as a waiter, was a lavori.te le viiiT,and (foiled by rxteffiva indulgence, yndev ftlnds dreii ng and (having, plays well on the viclin : lie took Wi'th h'rni a 0 own fnftian coatee and j ickst, bound with yel low fl'.k le. rett, a pan ot UfcUltujAUiUita. gathy breeches and hall boots; as he had many oihef dofcthsof cloth and lightYqni inrr wear, it is pi »l«*bte lie Hi.iy change his drels,it is mppoled he has crolfed ovet into Virginia. Whoever fecurei the above man Ih 11 re ceive th* above resvaul, mid »eafi/n->ble i charges if brought home. A 1 Mailers of Veije's will receive him oa'tdit their p lit Marfham faring. in Columbia Nov. 3 soy , 400,000 . , . - r —ttttt Dijlant Subscribers For thi . Gazette, art here'uj ly requeued o pay up their •o ilie fit ft nl' January next. The Eoitoi wilt be under rlie n'etefljty of tlioie who do not then renew their Sub fcriptioii.by piying Six Months An Ad vance, asdccliiling to take thi; friper any, [ longer. As there is »tonfiderable Sum due from remote SubfCt tbeVi for ihelate hats \V4ek )y I»aprf poWiftied by the Editor, he nloft earnt'ftly requrfts tbofe" wljo mav b» dclir, quent, to take tlje earliest 9!) remitting him 'he balance tliey may rif ' peftivefy'be indexed—the funis litfnitfi vidua!')'tiifli ig—the want of the Aggre gate is feveiely felt. Forty Dollars Reward. RAN away from fW fubfcribeis in Woodbury, County, Nesv-Jet 1 - fey, 011 Sunday mormug the 1 af-h ioftent,- Two yo.ung Negro Fellows, 1 named Jack and l>m, e&kh about 2t) yea *' of ag< ; Jilt k sos a dark black co'otir and' a four hunk ; Tour W-<»C in open coiiow nance, ol a yellowilji and mush iii(p >fed to laugh. They are fpnghtly aftivt fellows, and but little (koff of fix tee! high ; th#y Wrfe both well drefled ; Ja«.k hh*l on » Mod bioad doth coat ana Ortf-Tent kinds of cii" FOR SALE BY Levinus Clark/on, Not 2i6, Couth Water Stitet. JLSO, N 0 r 1 G E. AL 6 O TICKETS Sept. 24 ly.borye* qyA irCtiMS' ifcem in any i'oai in Ihfe* t/mttfl States, i&W.it HiWr t\i-Mert wti/geiihiW »piji Hull receive lltf reward apd wHawlrtMiip wfe" J-i:h'! 1- f*.V" t,*!T 1 ' ydm Spark t, oa, »« " -r .«* [Whole No. 679.] LANDING, from the Ship Adrmna Kicran Fitxpatriii Mcjier, from Amjlerdam. Holland Sail Duck, I into —Sheeting, Tickleiihurgfc, Ofnabitrgh, White" a rid brown Linen, Diaptr, fine Checks, Hedticks, Hair GreatCoats, boxesWindow-Gkf9, Ditto Tumbler?, Ginn in pipes, Ginn Cases, Steel, Mill Saws 6 feet. Anchors, from 7 to 14 cwt. Frying Pahs, Junk, Oakum, 4cr. FOR SALE BY Thomas S3 5 Jok?i Ketland. October »x. d. HEMP, RUSSIA SHEETINGS, RUSSIA DUCK, RAVENS DUCK, BARR IRON, OAKUV k MATTS, i Landing from on btotrd the jhip Hennato Capt. Lake, froth .St. Ptkrjb'urgb, j * AND TO BE *oto vi Mardec&i Lewis, At his STOKE, No. 44, Gnat Dack Street, 1 Who has for Salt, a v FEW HALES OF Baftas, Coffas, Err.ertios, Salamp'res, tin gum C'otli*, Hiinibums, Bo<>k Muslins, and Ha"rfkerchiefs,&rc» Barcelona Handkerchiefs, in Boxes, i A few China Silks, Dauialk aini Diapei Table Lii>eu, 1 81 ack Prpper of an excelknt>qiulit)r, Holland Cin in cases, Hyl'on, Sou h n fi , & J J7 cor.unon Guen ) y Roll Bntnfto.n^ New Cajlle Grindjioncs, Nov. 6 ;jtawira it rt The Office of the Infhrance Company, of the State of Penpfylvania, will be open for the Ttarifa<fUon of Bilfi litfe oil Wednefttay the jth November, inflant, at No, 137, South Front-Street. Nov. 4. djt. Waited* A man and woman kitchen Servant. to cookii.g. to whom ge nerotlS wages-Will be given. None Dted bui I'ucbtt can be veil teccmmendctl. £■-• qui"of the printe* ' Oft- »»...• d BOARDING IfOR GENTLEMEN. At No. 30, Walnut-flreet, three or Gentlemen may be atc'ommodated with convenient for the winter U> a small family. Nov. 7. .: ! I ■'» *»' ■ J i_ L _ ' NOTICE, IS hereby give.itoal) persons, id ill .the cafii of Britilh capture;, that Mr. Satniitl fcayard, of the City ot Phila (Tetpliia, ts anointed to pVofcceJ to 2,on iliin, as agei.t'W claims ad appeals : that the merekUuts of Philfedelpliwhofe pro perty Uas bt'eii condemned, Wivt appoii t a com ui it toe, confiding of Thomas Fitzfimoii",, James Yard, Sephen JamWUldni and J, SlioemT.Sr, to confer otcafiinajly with the Sitretary of State : That copies of tbe, letters, wkicb have paflet),ljttrvrsep. she Kpmmittee and the Se er tars, ait tianfraitted t« the leveral Coll Sois in the United Stmts, for the in jjj&.-nii of allconcemed : That the Com mittee will adopt ineafures for procuring tile records, yet wanting : And will,enter Into the proper conefpondences ill the U. nired Stater, and iri ttie Weft Indies. The appointment «>f a comniittte was at the defi e of the Secret ary of State, for the coilveutci'Cy of ferfonS at a d,iffance. Slit any letters upon this (uljetft are still t» be addrjsrffod to bi». Nov. 7, TO BE SOLD, By THOMAS DOBSON, A N 4 Alphabetical Lift OF THE D UTIE S Payab't r law on all Goods, Wares, arte', i imported the tynitei! of A.nerica, alter ! c lart day of iune 1794* <fiftinj»uirti?r ruses payable >vi th» ol c imported-in veffefi of thi United States—and the rates payable in lo t«ign fhipVo* vafl>U, iil£lfcding the adjtf* rfoftat duties, to whicfcthe'iifpfilive attU cj#* are liable. aawtf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers