DAILY EVENING ADVERTISER. [No. 123 of Vol. Vl.] j. M. Bart, No. 170, Nerth Second Street, f.ei'pfffttuily the Citizens, that he totr-d* t» open in Evening" School," 1 ; Fi 'mS'X to NlK*4-«'clo«k, i", rYoiklb*, a;fH oft. whf»t fit Will i icli she J French $2? Italian languages Ai'ithmetick and Book-keeping. Oh the mojl rtafonaUe %4rms. A ft-i& may bfe deptndeH ujvn tiy thice will larOui" M'n» with •'' '* -7 ** for sale, At th« STORES of Jefle &t Robert Wain, PORT WINE ill pipes, hhds. and quar rcr rtjcs t LISBON <l".ln p'p«s and quaneresKJts Souchong a icf Congo TEAS, in quartet chests A quantity nf CadizSALT Soft (helled ALMON'IJSin bales Velvet COKf-S i»vtKs Ruflia MATTS. Juue 9 d JUST PUBLISHED, And to be fold by Benjamin Davies, tio. 68, Market street. Price 4 Dots. 33 cent J per doz. and 44 cents, single, THE American Repository. Thit neit Pocket Aimahack, is firtt oI tke kind that hash been executed in Phila delphia, or perhaps, maty of the United States; and contain;, Ivdde', \ A Compleat Calendar, Oil ALMANACK, for the Year 1795. Lifts of the Officers of tlw American Go vernment, Civil aud Military. The terms of the Federal Circuit & Dif- tfMCMAI. • The Latitudos »nd Longitude! from ~he Meridian ot' I'kiladelphia, ot' all the Capi. t*l Cities in the Union. The dates of t period's when each of lile PfrtnAtai firft Ctttledj,. Their re'paetive Territories and num bers of People; The number of Inhabitants of each, in elcti square mile-—ajtd a brief State of their relative progiefs in Population; to gttherwlth various other Articles of In formation. Ornamented with an elegant Frontif pifte, Title Page, and twelve VIG NETTES, alluding to scenes in Thomp son's Seasons, engraved by the mojl inge- nioHS Arttjli in the City. Speedily will be publi/bed, and fold at the fame place, A PLAN Of fM City and Suburbs OF PHILADELPHIA. Taken from late and accurate furvej. This Ma? will he 26 indies wiW be delivered uuy k>«ft suit the pur chasers, either in (heets plain v~ coloured, •r canvafTed «nd affixed to rollers; or 10 fit thira for the pocket, they will be cut and folded in cases. Those who have keen so obliging, as to receive Subscriptions for this Plan, are re quelled to forward the names to the Edito r <t N®» 68, in Market-Street, as above di reftfd ; as he intends 10 clofc the lift in a fliort time, and £0 fend it to the Prets, t» be infer ted in the front of (h# Pamphlet which will be delivered with the Plan. OS. 14. 4w3taw. Y\ iiCi Cdo dll dtldLil meat at the fait of the *dmmrftr«on>of all and Angular the goods and chatieb, r»-ht> of common pleas, in and for the Countyof MHJlelex, agai»ft the Goods and Chatties j I.andt and Tenement, of Ircnitts Martin' Jate of the county aforefaid, returnable to the rh.rdTnefday in July last. NOTICE is hereby given to the said Irenius Martin, that unless he appear and file special bail to the said aftion, on or before the thirdTwf day in January next, judgment will be en- tp } {fwpffe of tijc IJltiitfii $9 For Dublin, Wajhington, Alirjler. T O fail on t e lj h November ; Jijs gnorl »f«->fntn>d:uioiH for pitfei-gAr 5 har r-g h ejj t> u itt for'tlie Di»hlin trade. For freight or paffagc,- apply on board al Coth. bert's wharf, toCapt. GetM-i, or to HOLMES and R.AINF.Y, WILLIAM SMITH, jun, and Co. or George Latimer* 0">. Ji jgjfciFor LONDON," The fajl Jailing copper bot- Adriana, K. fITZPATRICK, Mailer. Will fail with all convenient speed. For freight or paflage, apply to the Captain 00 boards at Ha-zlehurlt's wharf, or Thoriias f "John Ketldhd. fVtnbfr 14. d. For LONDON, tflit SHIP WILLIAM PENtf, jAMts Rafter. ' idi al! convenient fpeedJ £or freight ot- pa flap e, apply to JOHN FIELD & SON, Or, JESSE & ROBT. WALN. Oft. 14 d For Hamburgh, James IVilliamfon, Majltr. Now ready to receive a cargo on board. This voflel is completely found,built of live oak and cedar, and ha£ good accommoda.- tions for paflengers, to fail with all con - venient speed. For freight or pafTage, apply to the on board, or Tbos. Sff "John Ketland. o<a. 11 d Lady IValterJlorjf, Jacob Bet/tiers, Majter. BURTHEN ahoul i7°o barrels B{<so bushels grain, fails reinnrk*bly fafl and will be ready to eceive a cargo in A lew days, Fotr terms, apfSly to the Captain on boardj or to yofeph Sims, Who has or Sale, A f&W Chejls of Red atid Pale PEAtrVIAN Bark., Of the First Quality, Madeira & Sherry Wines, Fi< for immediate use t &c. i:o Oft. 22 For BRISTOL, WILMINGTON, 7 ■ MARINER, Maste*, Burthen about 260 Tons, has excellent iccommodatioris for paflengeri, to fail the *d November, and is intended to return very early in the Spring, to this Port. For freight or paflage, apply to Capt. Mariner on board, at Stamper's wharf, or JOHN MAYO. o<£l. 16. For Amsterdam, THE SHIP imL HOLLAND, ffiSpwyjL Christopher Franklin, jun< WAS excellent accommodations for paffen gtri, will fail with all convenient speed, hav ' ing the greatift pa't of her cargo ready to go on bear J. For treight or passage, apply m thfiOaftar on board, to PETER BLIGHT, For Charter, RWNSTL VANIA, David Harding, Mafler j BURTHEN about 3100 barrels. For terms apply to Gurney & Smith. Oft. 29 d inrtt Monday, November 3, Ot PRAGERS & CO. AND iS^PORGEE, Captain fiopap, TO til politively on rn-xt Tutfday.— For freight or Jia(lagc, apply to JOHN WELSH, j No. 81, icutli Watet street, . WHO HAS' OPORTO SALT\ Afloat for fair, and a tew quarter calks Malaga Wine, SEVERAL YEARS OLD. Nov. 1 LANDING Front o" board the Birmingham Packet, Lockyer, and the Henry and Charles, from Hamburgh, HEMP, Petrrjlurgi'i firft quality BAR IRON, Swedes, ajforted TIN, in platrj, do. do. GENEVA in bbds. ■ li AGO I NO, German cffortci GLJSS TUMBLERS, and Black Quart Bottles, , DEMIJOHNS, Window GlAft, Feathers of superior quality, MATTS, for SAiR av- Thomaa & John Ketland. Aug. 26 rl City of Walhington. SCHEME OF THE LOTTERY,; Ho. IL rrtp TH * IMPROVEMENT OF THE FEDERAL CITY. 1 A magnificent > 20,0©0 Dolltri, and dwelling house, ) cafb aie I ditto 15,000 & c»?h 25,000 j ditto 15,000 & calh 1.5,000 1 di'to l ditto sjOOo & cadi s,oa® I ditto 5,000 it cash 5,000 1 Caft> ptl*t o> ~ 1 ditto 5,000 e«ch, »te io diltfl ',OOQ : 2 o ditto afto, i ,00 ditto "" too ditto s** 400 ditto 13 1,000 ditto , 5 ,000 ditto i6,?39 P rilef 33,261 Blankrf 50,000 Ticket! at Bdolhrj This Lottery wi'l afford aft e.egant fpeti rncn of the private huildmgs to be erett d in •lie City of Walhington—Two beaotilnl dc figns are already felc £led for the entire /.<>nu on two of the public squares ; from thefc drawings, • if to eredl two centre nd four corner buildings, a* food as poifibfe after this Lottery is fold, and to convey them when complete, to thf fortunate adventurers, in the manner described in the for the Hotel Lottery. A nttt drdirftion of five per cent* will be made to defray rbenec f fary enpences of printing, &.c. and the sur plus will be made a part of the fund intended for the National University, to be ere&ed within the City of Walhington. 9T The drawing will commence soon as the Tickets are fold, of at all events on Monday, the 22nd of December next: The money prir.es will be payable in thirty d'ly-s after it is firtiftfed, and any prizes for which fortunate numbers are not produced within twelve months after the drawing is closed arc 10 be considered as given towards the lund I for the Univcrfity, it being determined to fettle the whole business in a year troqi the i ending of the drawing and to take up the bonds given as security. The ieal feciuities givrtft for the payment ( of the Prizes, are held by the President and two Dire&or* of the Bank of Columbia, and »re valued at more than half the amount of > rhe Lottery. The drawing will be under the management Of t-f gentlemen a'pproved by the comroiflioners lor the City of Wash ington, for the time being, a*d a&ing on joath. S. BLODGET. Tickets may be had at the Bank of •Columbia ; of James Weft & Co. Baltimore; ol Gideon Denifon, Savannah: of Gilman, Boston; of John H«pkW*4 f Rich mond ; and of Richard Wells, Cooper's lei. f jr. Mx- Thomas M'Euen, Stock And Land Broker, No. 78, Chesnut-strset, INFOkMS hr> Friends tf«t do-ing his absence fVoui Philadelphia (on the Western Expedition) hi* Business will be carried < n at his Office as usual, by Mr. Thomas Hate where Order! in his Hire will be thankfully receive;*, and e**ry Att«mion paid ta them. 6ft. vo 1794. A FEW PIPES Of Bejl Quality Holland Gin, \i'il! I>c lun li'rf .1 HIS'DAY, fton) 00 boarrt iHe fl op Maty, ■A few -very heat'y hug/heads of Ptfrt-au-Prince Sugars, BRANDT, » pipes, And very good Gu aa a Loupe M dalles, * few UnflsttßADS ot Prime Antigua Rum, 3</. Eif 4th proof jinc jla'oonr. , 'T' 29 H AT THE New Castle Pier Lottery Examining and Rrgifiering OJJiccj At Mr. utkv-. i-crd's n< is, north From street, 2 doors from A 1c; n red r Tickets are examined end Registered hy corrpft numerical and Kc giftet E 'oKs, at thr follow ng modtratc For t'SMiiintngft tivotx a-tfirth of a Dollar. For tsiKQLt •ficKtr 1-41)1 ot :i Dollar. And notice Will b« fetrt by letter (if f'irHlHate of unfortunate) to any part of the Continent. Wkfhington Lottery, No. 2, (Which will commencedr«wii.j, very soon) Jiegiftered, and tfie cailicit account lent of their fucctfl's. N; B. TheEaHieff Intelligence of rath Day's drawing Will rec£i\ il at this ficr. And the flips thereof tvillfctf by thrMartftgiis to be correct} thtfiemrc ttf lx-depended on. 5c,000 3C,CCO 20,000 IO 000 10,000 io,«oo ic,of o I 0,006' J 6,©00 i'o,ooo 10,000 *3*o6o' 20,00 c i^o,oco Sept. 24 A PARCEL Of Prime Sugar, Received from St. Marks, in the ship Louis Ofmont. Ofl. A.i H6t * ■ .X, Dijlant Subscribers Torthi i Gaiette, are hereby refpeftful- Sly reqnefted 10 pay up their Snpfcriptiont to the firft of January nexti The Edifor will he under the neceflity of corfid'rir!> tbofe who do not then renew their S.» ftription by paying Six Slonths in A,.- vance, as declining to take the Paper any longer. As flierr Is jtrjnfi<farab!e Sum due finm remote SdrVtfcrjbSfS for thel'Jts half Wc<lt ly Taper publiihw'd by'the Editor, he moil eameftty rtquefts thoft who may be delin quent, to take th# erfrfieft ftpporruniry of remitting liim the balance they may rrf. peftively be Hidefexed—the sums are ifdi vidually tirhe want of the Aggre gate is severely felt. 40c ,060 Forty Dollars Reward. RAN jiway from ffie fubfcrifoerj in Woods* Gloucsllc €ottnt>> New.Jer- Fey, en Sunday morning the ijtth wflaut, Two yotmg Negro FeHows, nams<f Jack and I>n)»ei<;haf>out 20 yeß. r t <tf »gc ; Jiclc is of 4 ititg colour,and afottr task ; T*i ■<&* foiriff rtarrce, of a jtello«-Ubc«l»uiy and Wdth' ifllboflM t« htigfc . Th*}r art /prigfiffy fc&irtf intf taf Ifttle'Aw-f of JfottMfc Iff fib f t(<y to». * w** (btoad ctoth cuift tM> .Mftmt. kiwi* #1 .cftjehtii '■ «' ' . _ ,» ' Whoetar jjjjpaap fc)o firr***r»,>and h< tlw Uw'iKl dt»Ms r ftwMß ftwftrrj may Ret tbent %li« «b»v4 rrtfa'd Hint : > jdnareir Ofl. >4 Ephraim Cfark, Clock and 'itch Maker, 1 hiLtilripbie Has received by the William-Prim and George Barclay from LondW, and Penn fjrlvania from Liverpool, Warranted Watches, fth-er, CCftU And rt extensive I'uppfy of alf fort* ol Ft'ols, Files & Marerials, confiding of Clock !ice» and Movements, Call Sta-fi it Bells, arge and small Vicet, Watch Glass a<i(j Sprlflfgf, Chains, Sals, and itr.&cc An of wiicil are fell iff* at th*- ufnal m«- dera'c TcTe**-. VttiHrfrie mud Hetitt. OA. 24 *4 lew) fates FOR SAtE 1Y Levinui Qlark/on y No. 2j6, fntith Water S^'tct. ALSO, N O T I C E. ALSO Tickets In the City of Fame, rot sjib Br ¥ er * &e. [Whole No. 673.] LANDING, I from ihe Ship Adriana Kitran Fttzpak-iik Mcjhr, from AmJlerJam. Holland Sail Duck, Ditto—Sheeting, TicUcnbareh, Ofnaburgfi, "White atid ,Brown Lmcfy Diaper, fine Checks, Beiticks, Hair Ribbon, GreatCoats, boxes Window- Glaft, Ditto Ttimblers, Ginn in pipes, Ginn Cases, Steel, Mill Saws 6 feet, Anchot-e, fforh j tv 14 cwt. Frying Pans, Junk, Oakum, See. FOR SALE BY Thomas 13 "John Ketland. Oftob«r it. di " Philadelphia Society, for the Ir,foi»utionand A ITi fiance of Ptr« I foris Emigrating from Ptrfetgn Coins' t- tries." ' A'Monthly Meetifig will bfi heW, i .jlialfjalt Six o'eldckj on Vedrtf. lay einnihg, the jtli of November, at Sha'plefs's Set) ol Rocmj in Fromberger'j Ccti t. 1 o aceomfHfh the Viett>s of its tiOft, it will be requisite, that the Society Ihoiild poifefs ninth information ; as, wliar ;parts of the Vpitcd will afford the' grca'eft P'ofcfcbilify of ftitcefl to Vechanies of dil !'e cut d.fcriptions, and to per fans calcula ted for various other employments, and pofl\*fling certain decrees of capacity a d '»l«nt-; wfw*re and for what puipofes tls unemployed are immediately wanting j ard [in order to as much 4s poflibie, •o theimffted ate cpßjforttof Kmig'flnu in general .on th«ir arrival, it wilt be liecef lary to know the names of tlie perfohs who keep Lodging Houses, their Places of A bodc, and Terms of Accommodation. Any communicar»ontipon these particular heads will be received with pleasure by iVlr. Tho mas Pearie, at fto. 45, in fourti Third ftrtft, who is appointed Kcgtfter by tha Committee : and all infwimition of a more gent! al nature, by the fecntaiy. Ey flrdet of the Cotnmittee William Turner, Sec'ry. No. 149, Chefnul cntji W OS. 29 Wanted, A man and •woman kitchen Servant. AcciJftomed to cooking, to tfrbom gererfmi Wages will be given. None need apply but such as can be veil recommended. En quirrof the PRINTER Oct. 20 d Pursuant to the directions of the Law <or incorporating the Insurance Company of North America, it Meeting w'l be held at the Company's Office on Thtfrfday the 13 h day of November ensu ing,; when Two Directors zire to be cholen for the icmainder of the prfcfent year, to fijpply 11* places of two Gentle men who hate been elected Directors of a nother InTurance Company# The Votes may be given by the Stocks holderseither in pcrfon or by Proxy, but pohe maV vofe'- u the flock fhaTl' have flood ir their names at 'east three months preceding the time of Election." Bv order of ahd Directors Ebencxer Hazard, Sdry. oft- 2 4 tti&JtsjN. To be fold by Au&ion, On Turf day llit l \th dt)' h'fvcmbcr next, ct nao", at the houfenj Archer Gijjo'd. in A'cw art, AVtu Jtffit, if if»t previcvjly dfjpojed of by private idtftra^j I'Hf. FOLLOWING Tra&s of Land, Belonging to the American Iron Atuarr at Long Pond| at)d Cha*lottr«burg, in the Coumies of Bergen aud MortiS in the said state of New Jcr fey f via. 12 trafta of land, contain ing aboul 6533 acre*, Mt/41 Ringwoori, on pi 11 o' which fh'e' Kingwood Mansion- H»ufc and Store are erc#ed. 4 traft, of Land, conniving about 6156 acres, fituai# (in fond River. 7 tufts o( {.and, cemtffining aboGr 6165 ! Acres, frtflav at Char.lott«trtM»r£. Thtfe Eftstes are will worthy off the ai .tediioß of any or Company ill. iclined 10 engage extensively in Iron Works ; There sure leveral Buildings and fi>me conli. rierable Iwiprovrmeiitson tht fe Lards; about 250 Acres of excellent Kfeadow, are already cleared, and much more might be addrd at a E*pfiW. On the Prgmifei there are fevera! very con+citietft Seats fur FumJbes, For«e«, Mill*. &•■. There »tf*alfo tome very ♦ doable Iron Minos. Most at tire unimpfov .li Paris ot ttrrfe Lands are covered wutr Jin" healthy Timber These Ettates- ui|] be by Captlia Jof< ph of 1 ingwood, n«l the Terms oI Sale made know 1 by appying 10 him, or o Edward Edwards, In PhilaAlpfcfa, at the foimr 01 S xui and Kar-StrecCs. !wpl. I i lawtf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers