Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, September 27, 1794, Image 4

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    by the President of the United
States of Amenca,
WHEREAS from a hope, thai the
combinations against tile GynltitUtion
and Laws of r the United States ( in cer
tain of the Weltern counties of Penn
sylvania would yield to tirrle and reflec
tion, 1 thought it filflicicnt, in the firfl
indanCc, rather to tale meafuht for call
ing,forth tile militia, than immediately
to embody them- ; —but the *mdinent is
now come, when the Overtures of for
givenefs with nd other condition, than
a fubmilfiOri to Law, have Wen only
partially accepted—when every form of
conciliation not inconsistent with the
being of Government, has been adopt
ed without effect; —when the well dis
posed in those counties, are unable by
their influenceaud example to reclaim
the wicked from their fury, arid are
compelled to afTociate in their own de
fence ;—when the proffered lenity has
been peiverfely mifiriterpreted into an
apprehenfiort, that the citizens Will
mfo-ch with relu&ance j—when the op
portunity of examining the feriohs con
sequences of a treafanable opposition
lias' been employed in propagating prin
ciples of anarchy, endeavoring through
emHfaries to alienate the friends of or
der from itsfuppoit,- and inviting its e
nemies to perpetrate fimilaf a£ls of in
furreftion j—when it is rhanifeft that
vio! ;nce would continue to be exercised
upon every attempt to enforce the Law*
—When therefore government is set at
defiance, the contiilt being whether a
small portion of the United States (hall
didlate to the whole union, and at thi
<!xpence of those, who delire peace* in
indulge a desperate ambition :
Now therefore I George Washing
ton, President of the United States, in
obedience to that high and iri efiflible
duty, eonfigrted to trie by th« Gonliitu
tion " to tiffed cart tfiat the laws be
iaithfully executed #"—deploring that
the American namfc fhottid be sullied
' v .the outrages of citizens on their
own Government; commiserating fuel),
as remain obstinate from delulion ;
but resolved in perfect reliance on that
Giacious Providence whidh so signally
displays its goodness towards this Coun
try, to reduce the refractory to a due
lubordination to the law; —Do hereby
declare and make known, that with
fatisfadtion, tfhich can be equalled only
by the merits of the Militia summoned
''ltd service from the States of NeW-
Jersey, Pennfv!vania, Maryland ai)d
Virginia, I have deceived intelligence of
their patriotic alacrity,- in obeying the
call of the prefem, tho' painful,- yet
commanding necessity; t&at a force,
Which according to every rcafonable ex
pectation rs adeqvate to the exigency,
is already in motion to the faene of dif
affedtion ; —that th«£e who ha*e Confid
ed, or (hall confide in the prote&ion of
Government, (hall meet full fiiccoor
under the standard and from the arms
of the United States ; —that those who
having offended against the laws have
since entitled themselves to indemnity,
will be treated with the molt liberal
good faith, if they fhalj not have for
feited their claim by any fubfeqyent
t'ondudt, and that inft ructions.are giren
accordingly. -~
And 1 do moreover exhort all ihdi
viduals, officers, and bodies of men, to
contemplate with abhorrence the mea
sures leading diredtlv or indiredily to
those crimes, which produce this
resort to military coercion : -to check,
in their reipeftiye Spheres, the efforts of
misguided or deligning men to fubfti
tutt their misrepresentation in the place
of truth and their discontents in the
place of stable government s—and5 —and to
call to mind that as the people of the
United States have been permitted un
der the Divine favor in perfcdt freedom,
after solemn deliberation, and in- an
enlightened age, to elect -their own go
vernment ; so will their giatitiide for
this ineflimable blessing be bed distin
guished by firm exertions to maintain
the Constitution arid the laws.
And lastly 1 again warn all persons
whomsoever and wherefover, not to
abet, aid or comfort the Irtfurgents
aforefaid, as they will answer the con
trary at their peril j and I do also re
quire all officers and other citizens, ac
cording to their several duties, as fat
as may be in their power, to bring un
der the cognizance of the law all offen
ders in the Premises.
In Testimony whereof, I have caus
ed the Seal of the United States of A
merica to be' affixed to these Presents,
and signed the fame with my hand.
DONE at the City of Phila
delphia the tiuenty-ffth da\
of September, one thotifana
J'even hundred and ninety
four) and of the Indepen
dence of the United States 0
America, the nineteenth.
By the Prefidefit,
Fine Liverpool Salt*
To Be Sold
From the Ship Thomas,
The fecoud wharf below Pine-Street, ap
ply at said wharf, to
Jehu Hollingfworth, & Co.
Aug. »6. d.
lihe Ground Plan
City and Suburbs
IT is with pleasure that the publiiher has
to inform his fubifctiber* and the public in
general, that the plate is now under the
hands of in greater for
warders than contemplated. At
the fame time leave to remind
tint papers are (till o
pen .-it mod of tlife noted book-ftbre's in the
City ; and that be hopes from the whole
of them to iJe enabled to fortfi f nch a ref
peftable catalogue of namesj as will do a
credit to the work* as well as afford a
reafbnable encouragement to the under
Thtffe wTio aredefirous of further infor
mation are requeued to call on
Benjaniin Davies,
No. 6S, Market llreet.
April 14.
Scheme of a Lottery,
To raise Dollars, on 266+000
Dollars, deducing 15 6V«/. /row
the Prizes—this Lottery conjijls of
38,000 Tickets, *« which there are
1 4>539 Pti&s and 23,461 Blanks,
about one and an half Blanks to
a Prize.
THE Dire&ors of the Society foreftablifh
mg Ufcful Manufactures, ha"ing resolv
ed to erect LOTTERIES for raising One
Hundred Thousand DOl, lars, agreeably
to an A6l of the Legifl uure of the State of
. New-Jersey, have appointed the following .
p"erlons to superintend and direst the draw
ing of the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rules
King, Herman Le Roy, James Wat ion,
Richard Harrifon, Abijali Hammond, and
Cornelius Ray, 1 of the city of New-York—
| Thomas Willing, Joseph Ball, Matthew M*-
Cpnnel inJ Andrew Bayard, of the,city of
Philadelphia— His Excellency Richard How
ell, Efcj. Elias Boudiiiot, Gencxal EliasDay
ton, s Parker, John Bayard, Doctor
Lewis l)onham, Samuel W. Stockton, Jolhua
M. Wallace, Joseph Bloomfield, and Elifha
Botidinot, of NeV/- Jersey, who offer the
sol Jo wing Scheme ot a Lottery, and pledge
ihemfelvts to the public, that they willtakc
every affur incc and precaution in their power
to have the Monies paid by the Managers,
from tinae to time, as received, into the
Banks at Mew-fork and Philadelphia, to
i f main for the purpose of paying Prizes,
which (hall be immediately discharged by a
check ripon one of tfi<* Banks.
$ d & E ME:
Prize of 20,000 Dollars i« 20,00©
f IOfOOO 10,000
2 SjOOO to,OOO
5 a a IV?flfck A 10,000
10 j" 4((l ,c > 00&
20 $00 I^,ooo
100 100 10,000
3 CO 15,000
100 c 26 20,000
2006 1 $ 30,000
, 4»539 Prizes. 262,000
23,461 Blanks. First drawn n&'tiber, 2,000
Last drawn number, 2,000
38,000 Tickets at 7 Dolltfrs each is 266.000
The drawing will under the
Uifpeftion of a Committee of the Superin
tendants, as soon as the Tickets are fold* of
which timely notice will be given.
The Superintendants have appointed John
N. Cammiflg, of Newark, Jacob R. Har
denberg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan
Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers
thereof, who have given ample" security tor
difellarging the trust reposed in them.
In order to secure tfye pun&ual pay
mentofthe Prizes, the Superintendants of
the Lottery have directed that the Managers
shall each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars,
with~four fufftcient lecuritirs, to perform their
inft*u£tions, the substance of which is
I. That whenever either of the Managers
shall receive the sum of Three hundred Dol
lars, he'fhall immdiately plate the fame in
one of the Banks of New-York«ar Philadel-
phia, to the ciediiot the Governor of the
Society, and such of the Superiniendants as
five in the city where the monies are placed,
to remain there nntil the Lottery is dra wo,
'or the paymnt of the Prizes.
11. The Managers to take fufficient se
curity for any Tickets they may trull, other
wise to be refpoimble for them.
111. To keep regular books of Tickets
fold, Monies received and paid into the
Bank, abftra&s of which shall be sent,
monthly, to the Governor of the Society*
Paterfon, January 1, 1794.
Or» application to either of the above gen
tlemen, information will be given where
tickets may be had.
February 24,
$3" The Lottery pubHflied by the
u Society for establishing uleful Inanufac
tures," will commence drawing the firft
Tuesday in November next «—
An Apprentice
To the
Watch Making and
Repairing Business,
C. Campbell.
No. 3, south Fourth street, two doors
frojm Market-street."
» Sept. .!
Applications on Business
within my Agency for 4'upplying with pro
visions ihe Militia lately called into service
—may be made in this city to Meifrs. Whe
len a- d Miller, at the comer of Market
anl Fourth iheets.
Elie Williams,
Agent for the XJntted States in the Frovi-
fion Department.
Sep'. 14
Payable by law on all Goods, Wares; and
Merchandize imported into the United
Saates of A.iftrica, after the )ail day of
Jnne >794) rates payable
oh thole imported in Aiips or veiTels rtf the
United States—and the rates payiib.'e in Jo
' eign flitps Or velicls, iriciuuiiig the audi
tUmal duties, to which the refpc&ive arti
cles are liable. . -
The French Language
J. M. BAR T,
North Second Street,. No. 158,
WHO begs leave to inform - is Friends
and the Public, that Ke intends to inftruft
in that Tongut 1 . a" iiwribef of Scholars on
reasonable terms. Tliofe who'wilt be pled
fed to employ him, (hall be exa£lly attend
ed to at' their ovn Appartmeßts.
Sept- '7
Ile&orsof the city and
county of Philadelphia.
I Gentlemen,
THIS being the last year of the pre
sent Sheriff's time in office. I take
I the liberty to offer myfelf a Candidate,
and solicit vour votes and interelts in my
favour, to place me on the return at the
next general Election, as his fucceflor for
fairi office; in doing wbicl}, yon will confer
an obligation that will be gratefully re
membered, by
To t
TVTny- 3,
In the House of Reprefentat'rves,
Declmbi r 2tit, t 793.
Whereas theCommiffwn rs ol pub->
sV V lie Accounts,h.iVc reported, fliat they
cannot proceed 10 the inveftigatron of the
Trcalury Accounts, re(pe6ling special In
dents, without knowing the outftnnding a
mount thereof iq cit culation: —Therefore,
Refoivcd, That ail holders of special In
dents be direftcd, and required, on or before
ihc firfl day of*Novcmber next,to deliver the
special Indents in-their potfeflion to one or
>thcr ol the CommilTioners ©f the Treasury,
who are t« g'vc recctpts for the fame, and to
report to the Commifliorierh on public ac
counts, on or before the tenth day of Nov
ember next, the amount by them refpeftive- ;
ly received, and a'.jo to the Legislature, at
their meeting in November next, and that
all special Indents not rendered into the
Treasury as above, on or before thefirft day
ot November next, /hall be, and the fame
are heiehy barred.
That public notice of this resolu
tion be given in th< fcveral Gazettes in this
State, once eve/y.thfec weeks, until the firft
day o* November nejtt. And that the Dele
gates of this State in theCongrefs of the Uui
tcd States, be requHtcd to cause this retolu-
I ti«n| to be puhlifhed in one or more papers
in the cities ot Philadelphia and New-York,
and thiat provision will be made for the ex
pencrs attending such publication.
Ofdtredy That the rcfolut.ion be sent to
the •Senate tor their concurrence.
By order of the House,
In the SENATE,
December 21(1,17193.
Rcfolvrd. That this-Houfe do concur with
tht House oi Reprefeatatives ill the forego
ing rcfblutions.
Ordered, That the refolutioni T be lent to
the House of Representative«.
by ortlcr of the Senate,
ewt N.
And'for sale at
Mat hew Careys Store,
No. 1 18, Market street,
Price half a dollar, enibeliifticd with a
likened of Mr Margarot,
The T R I A L
o F
Maurice Margarot,
Before the High Court of Jufliciary at
Edinburgh, on an indiUment for
" OF the many remarkable trials which
the pi efent extraordinary system of crinii
nal Jurifprudenc'e in G. Britain and Ireland
has brought before the public eye ; this,
certainly is mod entitled to universal pe
rufat and attention. It devclopes, more
fully than any publication extant, the lat
est viewt and objects «f the Britifli conven
tion ; and proves incOnfeftibly, that judi
cial profccutiOns (or persecutions( and de
cisions are now more the result of the pre
sent order of things, than arty oldfafliion
ed attachment to the laws or the conftitu
tion. Add to this, that it holdn up to the
wonder and admitatitfn of mankind, the
the firm, manly, and patriotic conduct of
this devoted v i<tim—this 4 Second Sydney,'
as hC has justly and deservedly been called;
who in the course of one of the lonneft tri
als wc know of, unaflifted even by a single
member of the lortg robe, evinced such a
depth of legal and conifittitional know
ledge and, in a speech of four hours
length, displayed such a blaze of eloquence
and firft rate abilities," as alfo.iiihed
tlie court—and, strange to relate ! even
drew involuntary applsufe from the venal
and time-l'erving creature of a corrupt go
Your aioft obedient^
ana huinbie servant,
.es tf.
Just Landed, !
From on board the Jhip Wajhbigton, Capt,
John Collins from bcurileaux,
White Wines
la Ban-els i and
:n Hhds. and Cases—For Sale by
No. 26, Spruce, near Front Street.
• Atiguft 15, 1794. d.
A LARGE body of LAND 011 this river
sinditt waters, is now for fa)e to Stttitrson
ij'i 011 Moderate terms,and at a long credit.
The foil is remarkably fertile, and nu
merous ft reams of waterare interspersed
through the whole country.
The main riverflows through one tract
of about thirty thousand acres, and is with
he exception of one obftru&ion, naviga
ble to the Sufqiiehannah.
Sprang Brook Creek, which with its
branches, waters another tract of about
forty thousand acres of good Land, emp
ties itfelf into the Lachawannock, about
twelve miles from the Sulqbehannah.
It affords numerous Mill feats, & in its
courfecreates largebodies of well water
ed meadow ground.
The other trails a r« interfered by crccks
of cpnfiderable importance.
Several Mills are already effected for tKe
accommodation of thefettlers.
ftoads are cut in different direfliqns, to
wards the most convenient markets.
The county town is not more than J2
mles dillant from many parts ol the set
The Sufquehannah affords an easy and
fafe navigation to Middleton, from whence
the Canal to Schuylkill extends the com
munication to the city.
Another means of connexion with Phi
ladelphia, is by the Delaware, from which
the distance infeveralplaces is aboutthirty
The proprietors combining theirown in
terest With that of the inhabitants, are dis
posed to erert works of pnblic utility,open
uoads, &c. and in every tn miles square, a
trait of one hundred acres is allotted for a
School, and one hundred acres for thefirft
resident clergyman of any denomination of
For further partVrti'ars applv to
George Eddy.
Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County,
Pennsylvania, July 9.
'Lettersdirented tn George Eddy, atPhi-
Jadelphia, or this plate, relative to this,'
bufinefs,xviU be duly answered. eodjr^
And to be fold by
Robert Campbell,
No. 54, fouih Second Jlreeti second door
below the corner of ChefnutJirett,
The Young Lady's Friend,
• B Y
Mrs. Rowfon,
Of the New Theatre, Philadelphia; au
thor of the Incjnifitor, Fille de Chambre,
Victoria, Charlotte, &:c.
rrice neatly bound 75 Cents.
Detejied be the pen <whose baneful influ
Could to the youthful docile mind convey
v Pernicious precepts, tell loose Idles,
And paint illicit pajjton in fuel: colours,
As might mijlead the mifufpefl'mg heart,
And -vitiate the young, tinfettled judg
liuoit/d not forthc riches of the Eafl
Abuse the noblejl gifts of Heaven thus,
Or Jink my Genius to such proflitutiou.
Aug. it tauiim
S The Gazette of the United
States is now publi/hed at No. 119
Cht.snut street —to tvhichplace tht
OFFICE qf the Editor is removed, and
where Printing Work in general is
EVER folicitons to render his MUSEUM
ftjfl more-and more an objett of rationa
entertainment, and subservient to the in]
terefts of ufeful fc»'*nte, has on the
tion and with the advice of a number o
his friends, provided a Book, which will
be always open for the infpe&ion of tbofe
who visit his Muleum. in which book it is
to insert all such dffcoveries, in
ventions, improvements, scheme, obser
vations, experiments, proje&s, hints or
queues r<lating to the arts or fcicnces,' as
any. of his victors* or correfpX)ndents,may
from time totim? communicate.
Such as may chnfb to conceal th£ir names
may eitherfend tlleircoinmuhlcationsano
nymous, or at their desire, C- \V. Peale
will ir, leii their names, .with the numberor
iignature of tlier refpeftivr communica
tioirs in a private book which he fhiilkeep
for that purpnfe.
The advantages of fucha. public register
are obvious. 11 w ill refine from oblivion
many ulcful hints, whicli might nthcrwife
have died with their authors. Tt may se
cure to irtventors their jrift claims, andpie
vent others*from taking the honor or profit
of a difcovc.-y to which-they are nor. en
-1 itied, and as the Mufeitm is now vilited
byperfons from almost all parts of the
world, fuce a.regiller, it isprefumed, will
soon contain andbi? the means of dissemi
nating a vast fuml of nfeful knowledge," and
promote that spirit of enquiry and inven
tion, for which ihe people of .the United
States are already fojuftlydiftinguifhcd.
Aug. 22
Jefle & Robert Wain
PORT WINE in pipes, hhd*. and t „ar
ter calks
LISBON pipes nnd quar ler . C ast s
Souchong Congo TEAS, i„ quarter
A quantity of Lisbon and Cadiz sAI t
Soft llielled ALMONDS i» bales
Velvet CORKS, in do.
Russia MATTS.
J""e 9 H
And to be Told by the following BookfelWi
viz. John Ormrod, No. 41, Chefnut flreet
Thomas Dobfon, No. 4,, south Second
ftreef, Jose ph Crukfliank, No, 87 jjicb
street, and Wm. Young, No. 52, fouthSe*
cond ftrdet, \
A Discourse
Delivered July if, 1794.
1 N
The Jfrican Church,
Of the Guy of Pbiladelpaia.
On the occasion of opening the said church
and holding public wodhip in it the fii ft
By Samuel Magaw, D. D.
Rector of St. Paul's.
Divine Service, intrbdured with feleft
Scripture passages, and a I'pecial prayer:
and then proceeding in its ui'ual office#
having been performed
By Jdmes Abtrcrombie, A. M.
Second Assistant Minister of Cfi'rift Church
and St. Petei's.
" Ethiopia Jhall soon Jlretch out her
hands unto God."
the follctving
Tracts of Land,
in Virginia.
ONE tradt in Frederick county, contain
ing 8756 acres, being part of that whereon
col. Thomas Bryan Martin now rc-lides,
known by the name of Greentvay court, a
bout 12 miles f rom Winchtfter and 5 from
h.ewtown. For the convenience of pur
chasers, it will be divided into parcels of
various dimensions fio™ 200 to 600 acres
which may be viewed by application to col
R. K. Meade, living near theprcmifes
The greater pars is very fertilr and well
Another tiafl in the fame county on
Paflage creek, containing 230, acres, and
aajoimfig Jacob
Another tract in Hampflure county, con
taining by patent, 699 aeres, called Slim
15"ttom v fitiiate on b.jth fides of the South
Branch and.wi.thin two miles of the mouth
of it, and is supposed to have a good mill
Another tract in HamplJlire county 011
New Creek and Kettle-Lick , containing
joi acres.
Another trafiin Trhfee William county,
called Leefylvania, containing upwards of
2303 acres, iying'upon Potomack river, a-
L)()Ut23 miles below AL-xandria, and 28
below the City of Wafhirigton, compie
hending Freeftonc Point) which appears to
be a quarry of free-Cone, covering about
acres and adjoins the river, where ves
sels of joo tons conveniently harbour. On
another part of 'his tract it isfnppofed there
is a quarr-y of flite, convenient to water
carriage. Upwa ds of two thirds are in
wood*. Mr. 1' noch S. Lane, living on the
premises, will (hew this trail.
Another tract, in Fairfax county, called
Springfield, containing 2040 1-2 acres, a
boiit 13 miles from Alexandriaand 10from
Waftiington ; abounds with fine Ipriugs and
meadow ground, and may he seen by apply
ing to Mr, John Wood, living on part of
Anothertradl in Fairfax county, con
taining 392acrer, 011 Turkev-cock R uif, a
bout 6 miles from Alexandria.
Another tract in Fairfax county, contain
ing about 176 acres, adjoining Mr. J. Wat-
Ton's feat, about four miles from Alexan
Another tract, in Fairfax county, con-
acres, near Occoquan, joining
Mr. Edward Wafliiiigmn'j,
Another trat'l, in Fairfax county, con- •
taming 80 acres or thereabout, within a
mile of Pohick Landing, and within five
miles of Mount Vernon, lies level, and is
well timbered
An undivided moiety in another tract,
containing about 284 'acres, in Fairfax
county, abouts milesfVom Washington, &
9 from Alexandria, where J. Kobiufon for
merly lived.
Another parcel of land, within a mile
of Alexandria,containing about 24 acres,
and to be fold in acre or half-acre lots.
Also, ftiridry unimproved lots ofvarious
sizes, in different parts of the town of Al
1-odefcribe the premises more particu
larly is deemed unneceflary, as it is expec
ted every person will examine and view
whatever part he /hall be inclined to buy.
My only object being to raise a certain Turn
of money, by felling so many pr iiich parts
of the aforefaid tra<sl-? of land and Jots fs
ftiali be necessary for that purpose, one half
of the purcbafe money must be paid at- the
time ot contrast, and the other within a
year from the fir ft day of August next, and
at the timeof delivering possession or exe
cuting a legal conveyance The lands re
maining unfold, except the tract in Prince
WiWiam, after raising a limited sum, will
be divided info tenements, and leafed far
a rn;m of years. From the 12 th day of Oc
tober next, till the 151U of Decembf, I
shall be in the city of* Riciimond, and a.fte.
that time! (hall remain at home, in Alex*
andria, at which places, or elsewhere, I
fh-all be prepared to detail particulars, anil
to enter into con! rafts.
Alenandria, fitly 28
Ang. 8
1 Wioir