by the President of the United States of Amenca, A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS from a hope, thai the combinations against tile GynltitUtion and Laws of r the United States ( in cer tain of the Weltern counties of Penn sylvania would yield to tirrle and reflec tion, 1 thought it filflicicnt, in the firfl indanCc, rather to tale meafuht for call ing,forth tile militia, than immediately to embody them- ; —but the *mdinent is now come, when the Overtures of for givenefs with nd other condition, than a fubmilfiOri to Law, have Wen only partially accepted—when every form of conciliation not inconsistent with the being of Government, has been adopt ed without effect; —when the well dis posed in those counties, are unable by their influenceaud example to reclaim the wicked from their fury, arid are compelled to afTociate in their own de fence ;—when the proffered lenity has been peiverfely mifiriterpreted into an apprehenfiort, that the citizens Will mfo-ch with relu&ance j—when the op portunity of examining the feriohs con sequences of a treafanable opposition lias' been employed in propagating prin ciples of anarchy, endeavoring through emHfaries to alienate the friends of or der from itsfuppoit,- and inviting its e nemies to perpetrate fimilaf a£ls of in furreftion j—when it is rhanifeft that vio! ;nce would continue to be exercised upon every attempt to enforce the Law* —When therefore government is set at defiance, the contiilt being whether a small portion of the United States (hall didlate to the whole union, and at thi 539 Pti&s and 23,461 Blanks, about one and an half Blanks to a Prize. THE Dire&ors of the Society foreftablifh mg Ufcful Manufactures, ha"ing resolv ed to erect LOTTERIES for raising One Hundred Thousand DOl, lars, agreeably to an A6l of the Legifl uure of the State of . New-Jersey, have appointed the following . p"erlons to superintend and direst the draw ing of the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rules King, Herman Le Roy, James Wat ion, Richard Harrifon, Abijali Hammond, and Cornelius Ray, 1 of the city of New-York— | Thomas Willing, Joseph Ball, Matthew M*- Cpnnel inJ Andrew Bayard, of the,city of Philadelphia— His Excellency Richard How ell, Efcj. Elias Boudiiiot, Gencxal EliasDay ton, s Parker, John Bayard, Doctor Lewis l)onham, Samuel W. Stockton, Jolhua M. Wallace, Joseph Bloomfield, and Elifha Botidinot, of NeV/- Jersey, who offer the sol Jo wing Scheme ot a Lottery, and pledge ihemfelvts to the public, that they willtakc every affur incc and precaution in their power to have the Monies paid by the Managers, from tinae to time, as received, into the Banks at Mew-fork and Philadelphia, to i f main for the purpose of paying Prizes, which (hall be immediately discharged by a check ripon one of tfi<* Banks. $ d & E ME: Prize of 20,000 Dollars i« 20,00© f IOfOOO 10,000 2 SjOOO to,OOO 5 a a IV?flfck A 10,000 10 j" 4((l ,c > 00& 20 $00 I^,ooo 100 100 10,000 3 CO 15,000 100 c 26 20,000 2006 1 $ 30,000 12 10 3000 8100 , 4»539 Prizes. 262,000 23,461 Blanks. First drawn n&'tiber, 2,000 Last drawn number, 2,000 38,000 Tickets at 7 Dolltfrs each is 266.000 The drawing will under the Uifpeftion of a Committee of the Superin tendants, as soon as the Tickets are fold* of which timely notice will be given. The Superintendants have appointed John N. Cammiflg, of Newark, Jacob R. Har denberg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers thereof, who have given ample" security tor difellarging the trust reposed in them. In order to secure tfye pun&ual pay mentofthe Prizes, the Superintendants of the Lottery have directed that the Managers shall each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars, with~four fufftcient lecuritirs, to perform their inft*u£tions, the substance of which is I. That whenever either of the Managers shall receive the sum of Three hundred Dol lars, he'fhall immdiately plate the fame in one of the Banks of New-York«ar Philadel- phia, to the ciediiot the Governor of the Society, and such of the Superiniendants as five in the city where the monies are placed, to remain there nntil the Lottery is dra wo, 'or the paymnt of the Prizes. 11. The Managers to take fufficient se curity for any Tickets they may trull, other wise to be refpoimble for them. 111. To keep regular books of Tickets fold, Monies received and paid into the Bank, abftra&s of which shall be sent, monthly, to the Governor of the Society* Paterfon, January 1, 1794. Or» application to either of the above gen tlemen, information will be given where tickets may be had. February 24, $3" The Lottery pubHflied by the u Society for establishing uleful Inanufac tures," will commence drawing the firft Tuesday in November next «— WANTED, An Apprentice To the Watch Making and Repairing Business, APP h Y TO C. Campbell. No. 3, south Fourth street, two doors frojm Market-street." » Sept. .! PHILADELPHIA: PKINTEB BT JOHN FLNNO, N». 119, Chssnut STREET.—PRISE S;X P9II.AKS PER ANNUM. Applications on Business within my Agency for 4'upplying with pro visions ihe Militia lately called into service —may be made in this city to Meifrs. Whe len a- d Miller, at the comer of Market anl Fourth iheets. Elie Williams, Agent for the XJntted States in the Frovi- fion Department. Sep'. 14 TO BE SOLD, By THOMAS DOBSON, A N Alphabetical DUTIES Payable by law on all Goods, Wares; and Merchandize imported into the United Saates of A.iftrica, after the )ail day of Jnne >794) rates payable oh thole imported in Aiips or veiTels rtf the United States—and the rates payiib.'e in Jo ' eign flitps Or velicls, iriciuuiiig the audi tUmal duties, to which the refpc&ive arti cles are liable. . - The French Language J. M. BAR T, North Second Street,. No. 158, WHO begs leave to inform - is Friends and the Public, that Ke intends to inftruft in that Tongut 1 . a" iiwribef of Scholars on reasonable terms. Tliofe who'wilt be pled fed to employ him, (hall be exa£lly attend ed to at' their ovn Appartmeßts. Sept- '7 m&thtf Ile&orsof the city and county of Philadelphia. I Gentlemen, THIS being the last year of the pre sent Sheriff's time in office. I take I the liberty to offer myfelf a Candidate, and solicit vour votes and interelts in my favour, to place me on the return at the next general Election, as his fucceflor for fairi office; in doing wbicl}, yon will confer an obligation that will be gratefully re membered, by To t TVTny- 3, STATE of SOUTH-CAROLINA In the House of Reprefentat'rves, Declmbi r 2tit, t 793. Whereas theCommiffwn rs ol pub-> sV V lie Accounts,h.iVc reported, fliat they cannot proceed 10 the inveftigatron of the Trcalury Accounts, re(pe6ling special In dents, without knowing the outftnnding a mount thereof iq cit culation: —Therefore, Refoivcd, That ail holders of special In dents be direftcd, and required, on or before ihc firfl day of*Novcmber next,to deliver the special Indents in-their potfeflion to one or >thcr ol the CommilTioners ©f the Treasury, who are t« g'vc recctpts for the fame, and to report to the Commifliorierh on public ac counts, on or before the tenth day of Nov ember next, the amount by them refpeftive- ; ly received, and a'.jo to the Legislature, at their meeting in November next, and that all special Indents not rendered into the Treasury as above, on or before thefirft day ot November next, /hall be, and the fame are heiehy barred. That public notice of this resolu tion be given in th< fcveral Gazettes in this State, once eve/y.thfec weeks, until the firft day o* November nejtt. And that the Dele gates of this State in theCongrefs of the Uui tcd States, be requHtcd to cause this retolu- I ti«n| to be puhlifhed in one or more papers in the cities ot Philadelphia and New-York, and thiat provision will be made for the ex pencrs attending such publication. Ofdtredy That the rcfolut.ion be sent to the •Senate tor their concurrence. By order of the House, JOHN SANFORD DART, C.H.R: 56,000 81,000 In the SENATE, December 21(1,17193. Rcfolvrd. That this-Houfe do concur with tht House oi Reprefeatatives ill the forego ing rcfblutions. Ordered, That the refolutioni T be lent to the House of Representative«. by ortlcr of the Senate, FELIX WARLEY Clerk, ewt N. And'for sale at Mat hew Careys Store, No. 1 18, Market street, Price half a dollar, enibeliifticd with a likened of Mr Margarot, The T R I A L o F Maurice Margarot, Before the High Court of Jufliciary at Edinburgh, on an indiUment for SEDITIOUS PRACTICES. " OF the many remarkable trials which the pi efent extraordinary system of crinii nal Jurifprudenc'e in G. Britain and Ireland has brought before the public eye ; this, certainly is mod entitled to universal pe rufat and attention. It devclopes, more fully than any publication extant, the lat est viewt and objects «f the Britifli conven tion ; and proves incOnfeftibly, that judi cial profccutiOns (or persecutions( and de cisions are now more the result of the pre sent order of things, than arty oldfafliion ed attachment to the laws or the conftitu tion. Add to this, that it holdn up to the wonder and admitatitfn of mankind, the the firm, manly, and patriotic conduct of this devoted v i