DA I L Y EVEN IN G A DYE RTISE R.' [No. 26 of Vol. Vs. To the Public. PROPOSALS For Engraving in Aqualinta,jjar, ar Four lele6l Views; Three upon the "f>ver Shannatsdaali, in I J the state of Virginia ; And one npon the Schuylkill, 111 the state of Permfylvania. L< From the paintings of IV. Winjlanky ; By G. J. PARKYNS. No. t. A view, by moon-light, on the - Sbannandoah, near the Great Gift, from J jbe font of Shannon Hill. No. 2. The Sun setting—a vieSv of the Horse-Shoe, iloin Shannon Hill. No. 3. A morning vifew Upon the Schuy'- o kill, near the commencement of the Canal- No. 4. The Sun difpei ling a fog—A View nponlthe Shannandoah, from a hUi weft of the Old Bloomery. The Conditions are as follow : The Price to Subfciibr,ri will be SIX DOLLARS for the four Views —One half of which to be paid at the time of fiibfcMb ing—the other half 011 the delivery of the — Prims, according to the priority of the <ub fcnprioni. . , Snbfcriptions received at Mr. D»oion Bookfeiler, fit the Stone HouCe, Second- Steet, and at Mr. Joseph Anthony s, Silver Smith, Market St-eet, And at Mr. John M'Elwee's, No. /S, south Front street. T i i , o2w. July 11. Christiana Mills Ca For Sale. ON Monday the firft day of September _j next at 8 o'clock in the evening, at the j. Coffee House in the city of Philadelphia, ! will be fold by public vendue, two trace's or pieces of land iituated in White Clay Ciee'k hur»dr<d,New Castle county and ilate- 1 of Delaware; one of which contains about ths sixty acres of highly improved land, on it a "< area large two brick dwell a sot convenient brick oarn,' with (Sibling ard a *ul carriage house underneath, an e cellent dri kiln for drying corn j and ?he well known tnj mills called Christiana Mills (late Pauer- I m's) which' being at the head of the tide on Christiana l iver, and but about half d 1J hiYfcfrom rhe ia.«dingj 1 Itrd lor carrying the articles manufacture! j at the mills hy water to Philadelphia—This j property being close to the road leading I from Elkton to Christiana bridge, and at the head of the tide, with many other at- I lh: tendant advantage?, render its situation for I the milling business lo very valuable, as to I J be equal ed by lew and i xcelled by none. loi Thi latter tract containing 175 acre?, is I pa about one mile from trhe mills and is chief I or Iy woodland, whrcli being contiguous to I le water carriage to the city of Philadelphia, j ti mull be of iutreafing value, especially as I th there is a quantity of large timber in said I he tract suitable for the purpoles of the I 111 milis. I The terms upon which the above men- I tl tioned estates will be fold are—one thou- |ai sand pounds to be paid 011 executing the I of deed*, and seven hundred and fifty pounds I per annum, witk interest for the rehiainder I or proportionably for each part. Indisputable titles will be made for the I ( property, by JOHN NIXON, AI.EX. FOSTER, I GEO. LATIMER. | c At fame tinie and place will be fold a 1 Jarge BOAT, July 2 mwSrsts I . One thousand Dollafs r REWARD. Some Jew Counterfeit Post-Notes of the I Bank ol Maryland, having been lately disco- I vcrert in circulation, and on tracing the fame I ■were found to come from the back parts of I Virginia, where they probably firft issued ; to I avoid impofuion it is though t ncceirary to I give the following defcriptmn of them, by I which thfy may readily be detected. They have the letter D, for their alphabeti- I cal mat k, at the left hand fide of the Note. The paper on which they are printed is | wore foil and tender, the strokes of the letter*, I in the engraving are in general stronger, and I a daiker appearance than in the bills. The signature William Patterlon, is badlv done, the strokes of the letters, arc ftiff and labored, and appear to be painted over with Ibe pen, as well as the flourifhing of the name. The value is left blank in the engraving, to l»e filled up in writing, so the sum may be more or less at plrafure. No tine Post.Notes of the alphabetical mark, above deferibed, have been lately if lucd, aod *ery few are now in circulation. The above reward of One Thou sand dol lars will he f)aid to any peifon, or persons, vvho (hall discover, or prosecute to conviction, •he fevrral offenders, or any of them, of the following description, vi*. The per fun or persons, who engraved the t'.ate. The printer, or printers of the said bills. Every peifon who has aded as principal i n anyway in the counterfeiting and utteiinS the said bills. WILLIAM PATTERSON. President. • of the Bank of Maryland. Baltimore, April 8, 179 V Havannah iugars MEL ASS E S, J Landing at Hamilton's wharf, from the Brig Industry. Bourdeaux Brandy, w ® Red and White Wine, m>' In hogsheads and cases. Landing at Walnut street wharf, from the ship America, ] and for sale by Wh John Vaughan. July 7 dlw XT FOR - SALE, B V Rundle&Murgatroyd At No. 11, Walnut Jlreet, A CARGO OF • LIVERPOOL SALT, J On board the snow Mercury, which they will fell either together, or in smaller quantities. July i diw J.uft Published, And to be fold bv j JOHN ORMROD, the No. 41, Chefnut street, "'' A NEW EDITION of Latch's King's Bench REPORTS, Or Cajes determined in that Covrt during the 3 firfl years of Charles I. A July 7 4t Nicholas Diehl, jun. Attorney at Law, INFORMS his fVieiuk and the Public, that he has opened an OFFICE lor the fair and purchafc of Real Estates at No. 19 south Fourth street, w re he w 111 thank fully receive their co mands. He alf<> draws Deeds, Mortgages, and.other Writ- Si ingV June 10 tuih&stf INSURANCE COMPANY | —— OF } NORTH AMERICA. THE Stockholders are hereoy reminded I I that an inltalment of two dollars on each I I (hare of the stock io to be paid 011 the second | ** I Monday, (being the fourteenth day) ofju- I Ily next ; and tliat according to the charter I , I of Incotporation, any person or person, cq- I I pai tnerlhips, or bodies politic neg'c&ing 1 oi I or refufmg to pay the fame time p e- I I scribed for payment thereofj v *Mk relpec- j I tively forfeit to ihbufe of the Company all I I the monies previoufty paid on account of j I he ftiare and pay- I I ment whereof, such default (hall be tnade I las aforefaid, together with all rignV, ti- I I tie, interest, emolument, profit, claim I i I and demand, of, into and out of the fund N I Js I of the said company, and the profits arising I I therefrom. By ordtr of the President & Dire<slors, Ebenezer Hazard, Sec'y. I j I Office of the Insurance Company I v I of North America. | r I Jun 8 w&stMj I [STATE of SOUTH-CAROLINA U In the House of Reprefentaiives, I g Df.CbMBE R 2lft, 1793. I - I W THERE AS the Commifliopers ot pub- I 1 VV lie Accounts,have reported, that they I 1 I cannot proceed to the in\eftig«tion ot the I ! Treaiury Accounts, refpefting special In- I I dents, without knowing the outstanding a- I I mount thereof in circulation Therefore, I I Rcfoivtd, That all holders ol special In- I j dents be directed, and required, on or before I I the firft clay of November nrxt, to deliver the I I I'pfcial Indents in' their pofTellion to one or I I other of the Commiftioners of the Treaiury, I to I arC l ° reCe 'P ts or s ame > to I , I report to tbe Commiftioners on public ac- 1 y I counts, on or before the tenth day of Nov- I . I ember next, the amount by them refpettive- I I ly received, and also to the Legislature, at I . j their meeting in November next, and that I & j all special Indents not rendered into the 1 r *,' I Treafur.y as above, on or before the firft day I n los November next, lhall be, and the fame I I are heieby barred. I Rejolvtd-, That public notice of this refolu» I n , I tion be given in the several Gazettes in this! 1 I State, once every three weeks, until the firft I ne - I day of November next. And that the Dele- I *° I gates of this State in the Congress of the Urn- I " c I ted States, be requested to cause this refolu- I I tion to be publiihcd in one or more papers I I ip the cities of Philadelphia and New-York, 1 I and that provision will be made for the ex- I I pences attending such publication. I Ordered, That the be sent to 1 ,ns ' I the Senate for their concurrence. on > I Bv order of the House, ,hc I JOHN SANFORD DART, C.H.K. I ~ In the SENATE, l » e I TA A December 2111,1793. Resolved, That this House do concur with 'l I the House of Reprefcßtatives in the forego ne I *efolutions. tn ° I Ordered, That the refolutiom be feat to 1 the.House of Repre r entative». I by order of the Senate, • I f&LIX WARLEY Ocrk. I cwtNav# Saturday* July 12, 1794. For Sale or Charter, lllll* NANCY, j( Mr o DEVEREAUX, I 1 Maiter. I L SHE is well found, anil ready for (ea ; I g would take a freight to the North of Eu- I rpe or the Welt-Indies, and carries about I / iwo thousand barrels. For terms apply to I s Deblois & Brecli, j Between Walnut and Cht fnut Street I _ Wharves—Where may be had the follow I ing articles: , I 1000 lbs. I j New Orleans Indigo, A Few Casks New Rice, Sugar in Hhds. and bariefe, Coffee in Tierces anfl do. I Ruflia Duck, and anvAfTorrment of I EngHJh Earthen Ware. I July »nh, '794- d - Ito i For Sale or Charter, I ban That ret\iarhabh J'nJl fail- I Portsmouth, -Iffj' NOW lying at Cutlbert's wharf, bur- I then about 303° barrels, and in compleat I P ei order to receive a <?aVgo For terms apply 1 cr£ to . \ e [ John Craig, °~tVo. 12, Dock flrett, Ims WHO HAJ FOR SALE, HIGH PROOF Antigua *& Grenada Rum, — Hyj'on and Souchong Tea^, Roll Biimftone, I Briflol crown Window Glafc of diffe- I rent sizes I in 3 Almonds in b*gs, I ed Lampblack in hogflieads, I Ci Cotton in bales, I Rich Port W.ne in pipes, hhds. and I quarter casks, and I A few BOXES of S 1 Sugars, fnuff, chocalate, & Confectionary, th Irately received from the Havannah Jni cr PT3 * Hannah, " Lbout 10 months old ; a strong double I ci ked veflel ; burthen 116 tons. Enquire a Samuel Coates, No. 82, south Front feed. g uly 9 d6t I n Claudius Chat, f ? ILVER SMITH and JEWELLER, J t >. 4, south Fourth street, four doors j i from the corner of Market street, t MAKES and fells all kinds; ef Jewellery I and has now 1 ready for fale,:a general ai- j •tment ifcf elegant watch chains, seals, I itch key S) lockets of various kinds and I ' es, gold beads for necklaces, fierent patterns, rings with devjees and I lited hair, &c. I He gives the highest price for bid gold I d silver. Two or three apprentices of honest pa- I nts, are -wanted. July I' £_ Carolina Rice and Indigo, I JAY MAHOGANY and TRENCH 1U R R S T0 N E S,\ FOR SALE BY Gurney and Smith. May 14. d Two or three Toung Ladies I lay be Boarded 111 an airypkafant situation I 1 a genteel family—For particulars apply I > the Printer hereof. June 25. d. NANKEENS. Nankeens of Superior Quality, Long and Ihoi t pieces Long and Ihort black fattins, ■ Black Taffeties, andSenfhaws, Black and coloured I ndia sewing Silk, Ornamental jars and beakers, And a few long sets of Tea China. Coloured Sattins, Lufl rings, and r 0 B I N E s, FOR SALE AT No. 40, north Fifth Street. July 7 mw&ftf Money to be Lentj on Mortgage of Heal Estates, within the Citv and Liberties of Philadelphia. Appl) to NICHOLAS DIEHL, Jim. Attorney at Law, No. 19, South, fourth-Street; Jo)/ lOtii. eoptl. FOR SALE, I c At the STORES of Jefle & Robert Wain, PORT WINE in pipes, hbds. and quar I ter casks LISBON do. in pipes jind quarter calks I —; Souchong and Congo TEAS, in quarter! clielts # I ] A quantity of Li{bon and Cadiz SALT j Soft flielled ALMONDS in bales I q 2 . Velvet CORKSj in do. Russia MATTS. , June 9 d I J I The Ground Plan St *» I OF THE I _ City and Suburbs s { OF I lea' PHILADELPHIA. U* I wh TAKEN FROM ACTUAL SURVEY. I ne f IT is with pleasure that the publiftier iias I wii to inform his fubferibers and the public in I ( general, that the plate is now under the I oth hands of the engraver, and in gieater for- I ftri wardnfs than was at firft contemplated. At I the fame time he begs leave to remind I them, th. t fbbfcripnon papers areftill o- I pen at moftof th£, note<^ book-ftnres in the I "city ; tut n - of them to be enabled to foi m iuch a res- I peftahlfc cafalogne names, as will do aI n credit to the work, as well as afford a I reasonable encoiiragemetn to the under- j I taker. I Thijje who are defirotis of further infor- I I illation are requested t«) call on Benjamin Daviei, q No. 68, Market Tlreet. I . j Aprii 14. mfethtf I ' ADVERTISEMENT. LETTERS bn the fubjeftofthe Waih- I j I ington Lottery, being by nii'lake repeat- I I edly addrefted to the Commissioners for the I 9> | City of Washington. I I Persons cbhcerned arc hereby informed, I I that all such should be addrefled either to 3 | W. Deakins jun. of Washington, or to the 1 I Subfcritier. The commifTioners never hay- I 4' j ing contemplated any further concern in I this business, than in their afl'entto receive 5 j the bonds aiid approve the names of tl«; I g 1 managers; The prizes have been and I -1 are paying on demand by W. Deakins, I „ j Wafnington, Peter Oilman, Boston, and I | by the Sr.bfcriber. I J For theliotlery Nb. 2, the feenrities al- 8 I ready given will be retained by th'e com- I I mifConers, or transferred by them at their I I option to the bank of Columbia ; and the I 9 ■ I commtfTioners will be cbnlulted refpedling I * I a judicious and equitable disposition of the I 1 houses to be built thereby ; their treasury I I or the bank of Columbia will receive the | I money intended for the National Univer- I I fity, and they will be consulted in the no- I I minatipn of the 24 managers ; but all the I ' I responsibility refpefting the general difpo- I I fition of the tickets, and payment of pri- I ( I zes, will reft as in the Hotel Lottery, on I I the persons whose names are and may be I 3 1 hereafter published as afliftants to forward I I this business with S. BLODGET. "I N. B. Mr. Blodget will be particularly I I obliged if those persons who poflefs prizes I j I yet unpaid, will apply for their money as I £ I early as possible. j I June 7th. d. d JUST PUBLISHED, " THOMAS DOBSON, I Bcckfeller, at the Stone House in Second I [ftreet 9 Philadelphia, VOLUME XI OF ! ENCYCLOPAEDIA, ' I 08. A I Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, aud Mif-1 cellaneous Literaturej 1 ON a plan entirely new; by which the I ~ I different sciences and arts are digefled in- I I to the form of diftinft treatises orfyftems. I on I This volume contains the articles, medals, I ,|y I medicine, metallurgy, metaphyfics.metho- I I difts, Mexico, microicope, midwifry, and I I a great variety ot' biographical and inifcel- I _ I laneous articles, illustrated with nineteen I I sopperplates. \£T The tables of logarithms, &c. which I I were dtficient in the tenth volume, are v I i'ubjoiried to this. I Eleven volumes of this work are now I published, and the Xllth is infoine for- I wardnefs. On the firfl of Septehlb'er, 1792, the price I oflubfcription wai incftafed TEN dollars 1 on all setts not taken before that time— I The fubfeription isftill open on these terms, I and it ajiy copies rehiain by the firft of Jul) 1 next, the price will be railed TEN dollars I more, 011 any copies which may befubferib- I ed for alter that period. I *,*Asmanyof the fubferibers have ta 1 ken only two, three or four, &c. volumes, — I ihey are earneflly requested to take up and I pay for the remaining volumes, as it be- Jitv I comes difficult to complete the sett*, and to I the publiftier 4oes not Holdhimfelf bouud to at I make up any setts after ike firft da ot July I next. (. I April 2i. ra&th6w. [Whole No. 576.] Choice St. Croix Sugar, JUST IMPORTED, Jlnd for Sale, By JAMES YARD. Also a quantity of RUSSIA Matts. fune 24th. d. JAMAICA RUM, LANDING at Hamilton's wharf, above the Drawbridge, out of the fliip Bacchus Cept. VAnneMan, fiom Jamaica, FOR S/tLE BY PETER BLIGHT. IVliy i& d Stock Brokers Office, NoTi6, Wall-street, New-York. THE Subscriber intending to confinehim (ell entirely to the PURCHASE and SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSIONERS leave to off r hisferviceS to his Friends and othefs, in the line of a Stock Broker. Those who may please to favor him with their buffi. ness, may depend upon having it tranfafled with the utmost fidelity afid dispatch. Orders hom Philadelphia, Bolton, or any * other part of the United States, will be ftriftly attended to. LEONARD BLEECKER. ro&thtF Medical Books. JUST PI.'iiLISHPD, ■" — — j By Thomas Dobfon, at the Stone Hcu/e, No. 41, south Seco d Jlreet, VOL. 11. Medical Inquiries OBSER VA T I O N S. By BENJAMIN RUSH, M. D. | Proftffor of the Inffitutes ot Medicine, and of Clinical Praflice in the Univcr fityof Pcnnfylvanii. I contalnlnc I i. An inquiry into the influence of phyftcal I cailfes upon the moral faculty. I i. An inquiry iuto the cffe£ls of fpiritous li quors npon the human body, and their in fluence upon the happiness of society. I 3 An inquiry into the causes and cure of the I pulmonary confutnption. I 4. Oblcivafions on the fymptumsand cure of dropsies. I 5. An Inquiry into the causes and the cute of I internal dropsy of the brain. |6. An account of the me'afles, as .they ap- I pcared in Philadelphia, in the veai 1789. I 7. An account of the influenza, as it appear- I ed in Philadelphia in the yean 1789,1790, 1 1 ■- I 8. An inquiry into the causes of the tncrrat# I of bilious and remitting fevers, in Penn sylvania. I 9, An inquiry into the causes and cure of fore | 1'6 S ' , I io. An account of the (late of the body and m'i>d in old age, with obfervatfons upon its diftafts and their ftmedies. I Price one dollar and a quarter unbound, or " I 'one dollar and a half neatly bound. ' Medical Tranfa&ions • I OF TH E ■ I College of Physicians of Philadelphia. I I VOL I.—P ART I. . ? I Price one dollar in bnards. I I A Treatise on the Difeales ot Children. I, I With general dirrflions for the reanagemont s I of infants from the birth, adapted for s | the use of phyfitjians and private famlliest By Michael Underwood, M. D. I Licentiate of Midwifery in the Royal CilU lege of Physicians in London, asid Physician of the Btitilh Lying-in-Hospital. Price one Dollar. I This Is acknowledged to be the bed bool I which has been published On the fubjef},' ana I is calculated for the use of parents, nurfesj I and private lamilies, as well as for physicians I The two volumes handsomely printed in I one, and tbe price only about one third of I what the imported copies fell for. The Edinburgh >Jew Dispensatory, tw» r I dollats. ' I System of Surgery, extrafied from the I works of Benjamin Boil, by Dr. Waters, 2 -\e I dols. 50 cents. n . | System of Anatomy, extrafied from the ls . I Encyclopaedia, with 1 2 copperplates, 2 dols. | s I System of Chemistry, extradfed fiom the 0 ; I Encyclopedia, exhibiting a view of tbe pro ud | B rc f s of the fciencet, and the different fyftemj a j | whichliave been published, 2 dols. 50 cents. I Brown's Elements of Medicine, 2 dols. en I r I 67 cents. 1 I 7*. Dobfon has in the Press, 1 I An edition ot the Medical and Philofophi re I cal Commentaries of Edinburgh. Two v©U I umes aft printed >ti one at 2 dollars and 1W I cents per volume ; he has nearly finifbed the )r ~ I fivi firfl volumes, which contain the fir It ten I volumes of the European edition, which fell ce | for iwodollarseach. Nine volumes will in m I elude eighteen European volumes, which — I w ill brtog the publication up to the prffenc I time. I Like-wise for sale a conftderable number of ai I Medical Books, viz. ,b " I Ctilien's Practice, Materia Medica,*PhyG- I ology, and Synopsis. Bell's Surgery, 6 vols. ta lor 4 vols > <!o - on t" ccrs > Buchan's Domestic lts ' I Medicine, Ledran's Surgery, Chefelden's A »'d I netomy, Hunter on the Venereal, Swedeta be I »er on do. Rollo on Well India Diseases ; ind I Rigby on Uterine Hemorrhage, Hamilton'* 1 t'i I otftlices of the theory and prafiice of M'd ulv I wifery, with or without plates; do. on the I management ot Female complaints. Mca c I on Hydtophobia, &e. &c.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers