DA I L Y EVEN IN G ADVERTISER. [No. 24 of Vol. VI SALES At AUCTION. To-Morrow the nth injl. At 10 o'clock, cn Walnut- ftrert wharf, Will le ftJS by public Vendue, For approved notes at 60 (lavs, 80 HOGSHEADS Prime St.Croix Sugars. FOOTMAN CO. Auctioneers. July 8 d3t FOR SALE By the SUBSCRIBER, No- 117, north Second Jlrcet, Imported in the Brig Betsi y, from Dub lin —a few Crates of GLASS, And a few GRQCE BOTTLES, Also on Hand, Spermaceti Candles. Louis Ofmont. June 17 d FOR SALEi B Y Rundle &Murgatroyd Sit No. 1I f Walnut Jlreeli A CARGO OF LIVERPOOL SALT.\ On board the fuow Mercury, which they will fell either together, or in smaller quantities. July 2 To the Ele&ors of the city and county of Philadelphia. Gentlemen, THIS being the lad year of the prt fent Sheriff's time in office. I take the liberty to offer mvfelf a Candidate, and falicit vour votes and interests in my favour, to pi are me on the return at the next general Election, as his fncceflor for fa id office ; in doinwhii h, you will cooler an obligation that will be gratefully re membered, by Your nwfl obedient, and humble ftuvanf, JOHN BAKER. May '3. es tf. TUITION. WILLIAM FINCH of the New Thea trr, begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public, that he has removed from the corner of Eighth and Arc!) streets to No. 68, north Eighth between Arch and Rac< ftieets, and that he continues to give In ftru&ions in the French and English Lan guages as usual, as also the Clailics. He rakes this opportunity of expreifing his ac knowledgements for the very liberal en couragement he has experienced, a conti nuation of which he begs leave to solicit. N. B. Translations from either languages correctly executed. d Christiana Mills For Sale. ON Monday the firft day of September next at 8 o'clock in the evening, at the Coffee House in the city of Philadelphia, will be fold by public vendue, two tra<sU or pieces of land lituated in White Clay Cieek hundred, New Castle county and state of Delaware; one of which contains about sixty acres of highly improved land, on it area large two story brickdwellinghoufc, a convenient brick barn, with (tablingand a carriage house underneath, an e cedent' kilo for drying corn ; and the well known mills called Christiana Mills (late Patter lon's) which being at the head of {he tide on Christiana river, and but about half a mile from the landing, is conveniently situ ated for carrying the articles manufactured at the mills by water to Philadelphia—This property being close to the road leading from Elkton to Christiana bridge, and at the bead of the tide, with many other at tendant advantages, rentier itk situation for ilk milling bulinefs lo very valuable, as to be eqnalied by lew and Excelled by none. The latter tradt containing 175 acres, is ahont one mile from the mills and is chief ly woodland, which being contiguous to water carriage to the city of Philadelphia, nnifl be of increasing value, especially as there is a quantity ol large timber in said tradl fui table for the purpoies of the miiis. The terms upon which the above men tioned estates will be fold are—one thou sand pounds to be paid oft executing the deeds, and {even hundred and fifty pounds per annum, with interest for the remainder 4>r proportionally (breach part. l"disputable titles will be made for the property, by , JOHN NIXON, ALEX. FOSTER, * GEO. LATIMER. At fame time and place will be fold a BOAT, 2 xaw&sts Havannah lugars ME LASSES, Landing at Hamihon's wharf, -from the Brig Industry, Bourdeaux Brandy, Red and White JVi/rc, In hoglheads and cases, Landing-at Walnut street wharf, from the lhip America, AND FOR SALE BY John Vaughan. July 7 diw Bank of North America, July 1, 1794. AT a meeting of the Directors this day a dividend of fix per cent was declared for the last half year, which will be paid to the Stockholders, or their representatives, at any time after the 10th inft. By order of the board, JOHN NIXON, President. July I dtlo Just Publiflied, And to be fold by JOHN ORMROD, No 41, Chefnut street, a New edition of Latch's King's Bench REPORTSi Or Cajes determined in that Court during the Z Jitjl years oj Charles I. J"'y 7 4t Nicholas Dichl, jun. Attorney at Law, INFORMS iiis friend- and the Public, that he has opened an OFFICE for the fak* and pvirchafe of Real Ertates at No. 19 south Fourthftreer, where he will tii;illk fully receive their commands. He also draws Deeds, Mqftgages, and other Writ ings. Jane 10 t-ith'Sstf INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. THE Stockholder are hereny remind-d that an inltalment of two dollars on each (hare of the (lock i; to be pa d 011 the fccond Monday, (being the foui'tenth day) of Ju ly next; and that according to ihe charter of Incoiporation, any person or perlcm, co partnerlhips, or bodies politic neglecting or refufing to pay the fame at the time p,e fcribed for payment thereof, (hall relpec tively forfeit totlieufeof the Cnnipmy all the monies previously paid on account of he (hare and fhar#s refpeftivtiv, in pay ment whereof, such default lhall be m,ide as aforefaid, together with all righ , ti tle, interest, emolument, profit, claim and demand, of, into and out of the fund of the said company, and the profits ariling therefrom. By order of the President &r Diie&ors, Ebenezer Hazard, Sec'y. Office of the Insurance Company of North America. Jun< 8 w&sti4j STATE of SOUTH-GAROLINA In the House of Representatives, December 21ft, 1793. WHEREAS the Commiflioners of pub lic Accounts,have reported, that they cannot proceed to the invelligation of the Trealury Accounts, refpt&ing special In dents, without knowing the outstanding a mount thereof in circulation :—Therefore, That all holders ot special In dents be dire&ed, and required, on or befoie ihc fiift day of November next, 10 deliver the Ipecial Indents in their poffeflion to one or other of the Commiflioners of the Treasury, who are to give receipts lor the fame, and to report to the Commissioners on public ac counts, on or before the tenth day of Nov ember next, the amount by thena refpedtive ly received, and also to the Legislature, at i heir meeting in November next, and thar all special Indents not rendered into the 1 reafury as above, on or before the fir ft t] a y of November next, lhall be, and the fame are hereby barred. Rcjofocd, That public notice of this resolu tion be given in the several Gazettes in this State, once every three werks, until the firft day of November next. And that the Dele gates of this State in the Congress of the Uui ted States, be reqnefted to cause this rclolu tion 10 be published in one or more papers | in the cities of Philadelphia and New-York, and thar provision will be made for the ex pences attending' such publication. Ordered, That the refoluMon be sent to the Senate for their concurrence. By order of the House, JOHN SANFORD DART, C. H. R. In the SENATE, December 21(1,1793. Refolved t That this House do concur with the Houle of Representatives in the forego ing resolutions. Ordered, That tb< resolutions be lent lo the House of Representatives. by order of the Senate, FELIX WARL£Y Clerk. ewtNov. Thursday, July 10, 1794. I ; s THE BRIG rM Noah's Ark, for :w-Orleans, rIAS i egun .ta take in her cargo atClif ford s v'.Marf. Gentlemen who will favor the Subkriber with some freight for what loon her cargo may leave, are requested to lend down their goods as Shortly as pos sible. LOUIS OSMONT, No. 11.7, north Second street. June 27 d or Charter, re,rar kM<: fajl-fa.il ing Jhlp the Portsmouth, NOW lying at Cuthbert's wharf, bur then about 3020 barrels, and in com pleat order to receive a cat go- For terms apply to John Craig, No. 12, Dock Jireet, WHO HAS FOR SALE, HIGH PROOF Antigua & Grenada Rum, Hylon and Souchong Teas, Roll.Bi imltone, Bristol crown Window Glak of diffe rent sizes Almonds in bags, Lampblack in hogfhea* , Cotton in bales, Rich Port Wine in pipes, bhds. 3nd quarter casks, and A feiv *BOXES of Sugars, fnuff, chocalate, & Confectionary > Lately received from the Havanhah July 3 d Hannah, About 10 months old ; a strong double decked veflel ; burthen 116 tons. Enquire of Samuel Coates, No. 82, foi'tb FrontJireet. July 9 d6t , Carolina Rice and Indigo, BAY MAHOGANY and FRENCH BURR STONES, FOR SALE BY Gurney and Smith. May 14. J Two or three Young Ladies may be Boarded in an airy pit afoot fitua ion in a genteel family—For particulars apply t »the Printer hereof. June 25. d. NANKEENS. Nankeens of Superior Quality, Long and Ihort pieces Long and (bort black fattins,* Black Taffeties. and Senihaws, Black and coloured i ndia fewlng Silk, OVnamei>tal jars and beakers, And a few long sets of Tea China. Coloured Sattins, L.ujirings, and T 0 B I N E S, FOR SALE AT No. 40, north Fifth Street. July 7 mw&ftf Bank of the United States, July 7th, 1794. NOTICE is hereby given, that there will be paid at the Bank After the sixteenth instant, to the Stockholders or their lepre fentatives duly authorised, sixteen Dollars for each lhare, being the dividend declared forthe last fix months, By order of the President ancf Directors. JOHN KEAN, Calh'ier. eodim. Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, Wall-street, New-York. TH £ Subscriber intending to confinrhim felt entirely to the PURCHASE and SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION,b<gs leave to off r hisfervices to his friends and othefs, in the line oi a Stock Broker. Those who may please to favor him with their bufi. ness, may depend upon having it tranfafted with the uunoft fidelity and dispatch. Orders from Philadelphia, Boston, orany other part of the United States, will be ftri&ly attended to. LEONARD BLEECKER. ra&thfcf Wanted on Rent, A House, In a Central part of the City, to be hired tiom the beginning of September next. Enquire of the Printer. Ju!y 3 4 FOR SALE, At the STORES of JefTe & Robert .Wain, POKT WINE in pipes, hhds. and quar ter calks LISBON do. in pipes and quarter calks Souchong and Congo in quarter c hefts A quantity of Lisbon and Cadiz SALT Soft ilielled ALMONDS in bales Velvet CORKS, in do. Kuflia MATTS. June 9 a The Ground Plan OF THE City and Suburbs OF PHILADELPHIA. TAKEN FROM ACTUAL SURFEY. IT is with pleasure that the publifber has to inform his fubferibers and the public in general, that tire plate is now under the hands of the engraver, and in greater for wardnfs than was at firft contemplated. Ac the fame time he begs leave to remind rherri, th t iVbfc iption papers areftill o- atni'Mlof tht noted book-stores in the city ; and that, he hopes from the whole of them to br enabled to f. m iuch a ref pefhibie catalogue as will do a credit rbe wr»'V, as weir as afford a reasonable encouragement to the under, toket. Those who are desirouS of further infor mation at e lequefled to ch|l on Benjamin Davies, No. 68, Mark-1 Hreet. April m&thtf ADVERTISEMENT. LETTERS 011 the ftbjea of the Wa(h ingtbn Lottery, being by tniftake repeat edly addrefled to the Commissioners for the City of Waihington. Persons concerned are hereby informed, that all such (hould be addrefled either to W. Deakins jun. of .Waihington, or to the Subscriber. The cornmiflioners never hav ing contemplated any further concern in thjs bufiriefs, than in their aflent to receive the bonds anil approve the names of the managers. The prizes have been paid and are paying on demand by W. Deakins, Waihington, Peter Oilman, Boston, and by the Subscriber. For the Lottery No. 2, the securities al ready given will be retained by the corn miflioners, or transferred by them at their option to the bank of Columbia j and the cornmiflioners will be consulted refpecSing a judicious and equitable disposition of the houses to be built thereby ; their treasury or the bank of Columbia will receive the money intended for the National Univer sity, and they will be consulted in the no mination of the 24 managers ; but all the refponfibihty refpeifling the general dispo sition of the tickets, and payment of pri zes, will reft as in the Hotel Lottery, on the persons whose flames are and may be hereafter publilhed as afliftants to forward this business with S. BLODGET. N. B. Mr. Blodgct will be particularly obliged if those persons who poflefs prizes yet unpaid, will apply for their money as early as poflible. • June, 7th. d. JUST PUBLISHED, THOMAS DOBSON, Bcckfeller, at the Stone House i/i Second Jireet, Philadelphia, VOLUME XI OF ENCYCLOPEDIA, OR A DiSicnary of Arts, Sciences, aud Mis cellaneous Literature, ON a plan entirely new ; by which the different sciences and arts hre digested in to the form of diftinft treatil'ei or systems. This volume contains the aiticlrs, medals, medicine, metallurgy, metaphyfics,metho diftsj Mexicrw microicope, midwifry, and a great biographical and niifcel laneous anicles, illustrated with nineteen copperplates. JT The tables of logarithms, &c. which were deficient in the tenth volume, are I'ubjoined to this. Eleven volumes of this work att now publilhed, and the Xllth is in some for ward ness. On the firft of September, 1792, the price of fubfeript ion tvas incrtafed Ti.N dollars on all'fetts not taken before that time.— The fubfeription isftill open on tbefe terms, and it swiy enpies remain bythe firft of July next,the price will be raised TEN dollars more, on any copies which may bel'ubtcrib ed for after that period. *,*Asmanyof the fubferibers have ta ken only two, three or four, &c. volumes, they'are earnestly requested to take up and pay for the remaining volumes, as it be comes difficult to complete the setts, and the publiflier does not holdhimfelf bound to make up any setts after the firft dayof July next. April 22. ra&th6w. [Whole No. 574.] Louis Ofmont, No. 117, north Second Jircet. Has now on hand for fa i A few Packages remaining of Lis imporia tions this Spring, consisting of- Irifli Dowlas, Baftas, Sattins, Feathers and Flowtrs, Black Lace Looking Glalfes, fiamtd. ALSO A few Chests of Hyson Tea, Burgundy Wine and Claiet in cases, Madei ra Wine, Spemacet Candles June 16 d Choice St. Croix Sugar, JUST. IMPORTED, ■And for Sale, By JAMES YARD. Also a quantity of RUSSIA Matts. June 24th. d JAMAICA RUM, LANDING at Hamilton's wharf, abov® the Drawbridge, out of the ship Bacchus Cept. Vanne,man, from Jamaica, FOR SALE BY PETER BLIGHT. May 16. d Medical Books. JUST PUISLIBHFD, By I homas Dobfon, at the Stone Houfc, No. 41, south Sees d Jireet, VOL. 11. Medical Inquiries OBSER V A T I O N S. By BENJAMIN RUSH, M. D. Proteffor of the Institutes of Medicine, and of Clinical Pia&ice in the Uuiver fityof Pcnnfy Ivania. CONTAINING 1. An inquiry into the influence of physical causes upon the moral faculty. 2. An inquiry iuto the tffetts of fpiri,t6us li quors npon the human body, and their in fluence upon the happiness of society. 3 An inquiry into the causes and cure of the pulmonary consumption. 4. Obfervafions on the fymptutnsand cure of drop ties. Inquiry inio the causes and the cure of internal dropsy of the brain, 6. An account of the measles, as they ap peared in Philadelphia, in the vear 1789. 7. An account of the influenza, as it appear ed in Philadelphia jn the years 1789,1790, and 1791. 8. An inquiry info the causes ol the increase of bilious and remitting fevers, in Penn sylvania. 9. An inquiry into the causes and cure of fore legs! 10. An accotint of the state of the body and mind in old age, with obfervatians upon its difeaf< s and their remedies. Puce one dollar and a quarter unbound, or one dollar and a half neatly bound. Medical Tranfa£tions OF TUB College of Physicians of Philadelphia. V O L ' I.—P A R T I. Price one dollar in boardt. A Treatise on the Diseases of Children. With general dire&ions for the management of Infants from the birth, adap'ed for theuleof physicians and private famiiies. By Michael Underwood, M. D. Licentiate of Midwifery in the Royal Col lege of Phyftcians in London, and Physician of the British Lying-in-HofpUal. Price one Dollar. This is acknowledged to be the best boo! which has beeu published on the fubjeft, anC is calculated for the use of parcn'.s. nuifes, and private families, as well as for physicians —The two volumes handsomely printed tn one, and the price only about one third of what the imported copies fell for. The Edinburgh New Dispensatory, tw« dollars. System of Surgery, extra&ed from the works of Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Waters, 2 dols. go cents. System of Anatomy, extraflcd from the Encyclopaedia, with 12 copperplates, 2 dols. System of Chemistry, extracted from the Encyclopaedia, exhibiting a view of the pro gress of the fciencee, and the different systems which have been published, 2 dols. 50 cents. Brown's Elements of Mcdicinc, 2 dols. 67 cents. T. Dobfon has in the Prefs> An edition of the Medical and Philofoph'v cal Commentaries of Edinburgh. Two vol umes are primed i».i one at 2 dollars and 3© cents per volume; he has nearly finifhed the fiv fit ft volumes, which contain the fiitt ten volumes of the European edition, which fell for iwodollarscach. Nine volumes will in clude eighteen European volumes, which w ill briog the publication up to the present time. Likewise for sale a considerable number of Medical Books, *viz. Cuilen's Pradice, Materia Medica, Phvfir ology, and Synopsis. Bell's Surgery, 6 vols, or 4 vols, do. on Ulcers, Buchan's Domestic Medicine, Ledran's Surgery, Chefelden's A netomy, Hunter on the Venereal, Swedeca.* vrr on do. Rollo on Weft India Disease* ; Rigby on Uterine Hemorrhage, llamihon's otttlir.es of the theory and pradlice of Mid wifery, with or without plate*; do. 00 the management of Female complaints. Mc< e on Hydrophobia, &c. See,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers