h v v I'sii to Henry A. Parsons, Jr. Editor THURSDAY. JUNE 8, 18S2. ENTERED AT THE I'OHT-OFFK'B AT IUnowAY, I'a., as PKroxn clash MAlt, MATTER. M - i .. i , REPUBLICAN' STATE TICKET. For Governor, JAM EH A. HEAVER, of Ccntro County. For Lieutenant-Governor. W. T. DA VI EH. of Hradt'ord County, For Judge of the Supreme Court, WILLIAM HEN It V HAWLE. of rhilndelphin. For Secretary of Internal Affair.. JOHN M. GREER, of Butler. For Congressman-at-Large. TIIOMAH MARSHALL, of Allegheny. Time for tho Xen Convention. (Philadelphia Press.) Bosses and box? government leave no worse heritnge than the wide impres sion urul general belief that parly ac tion is impossible save through the party organization. The regular or ganization is simply a convenience to save time and trouble; a tool, not the worker; a mentis, not an end. The party organization only exists to register the expressed will of the party, to help elect its ticket, to call its con ventions, to disseminate its principles, and a party Is not bottled up because the organization concludes not to net. The action of the Republican State Committee lias deferred for the present a new Convention; but it has not made it impossible; it has not made it im probable; it has decided nothing but the fact that Senator Cameron intends to warm over the old Harrisburg Con vention and may burn his lingers do ing it. There is no hurry about the matter. The election is still live full months distant. Xo Republicans need fear that the door is closed because tne new Convention is not called nit-hund. There is room for a good many things to happen in the next few weeks, and events are a good deal more powerful than bosses or committees. The need for a new Convention will increase. The difficulty of having one will not. The sense and insight of even the Harrisburg Convention has yet to be tested as a body. It went ofl'onee with out orders; it may again. The Repub lican party through the State, as it seethes from week to week, Is sure to bring new candidates and new de mauds to the surface. None of these will make the new Convention harder to call. The ill-feeling over a split is sharpest when it comes, the need of a new bridge is generally felt strongest after the neighbors have been teaming it for a few weeks around the spot where the old one once stood. Tttt: IVcsa has reasons to know that Repub Jicans of a National reputation and high position before the country feel that the state of alVuirs within the party requires conciliation and adjust ments on a basis which shall bring peace preinnnently. This feeling will not diminish. In the State and out ride of it the pressure for harmony on the regular organize! ion will become stronger. The tide is rising. It shows no signs of ebb. Those who seek har mony through the triumph of princi ple can afford to wait. Others may find it less safe. No more remarkable thing has been seen !n a, remarkable campaign than the complete disappearance of both tickets Vh tit-iirs anything said about them, where are the personal merits or can didates being argued! This usual normal phase of every campaign is completely eclipsed by the party divi sion and the manifest danger of Demo cratic success. If a Republican ticket, as such, Is tt) be restored to its place as a leading topicof this campaign, it can ouly be by giving it a lighting chance through Republican harmony, und this can only come through a new Convention. M Giiiliiietie's Freiicli" LIVER PAD. Will positively cure Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Cake, Hi Ions Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, and all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Blood. Price 51.."n by mail. Send for I'rof. Guilnictte's Tnatiseon the Kid neys und Liver free by mail. Address FRENCH PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio. For sale by ('has. McVean, St. Marys, J'a. CUTTHISOUT! ArKTesS15isS40wpEVK. We have stores in 1 5 leading Cities, from which our agnta obtain their eupeliefl quickly. Our FactorieM and Prinripnl OrnceN are at Erie, Pa. Sad for our New Catalogue ana turiuB to atfenM Address MM I flVn I 623 French Street fit LUltLL ERIE.PENN'A. , MONROE TAYLOR ESTABLISHED 1S44. IK 113 WATCH H., YOUK. Are purer, better, stronger, and longer known in the market than any olher article cf the kind. Are always sure and reliable, and sever fail to insure the beat residu i;i cookery. Ask your grocer for it an4 j ive it a tiial. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. In countries where malaria Is prc--valeiit, or where the climulc U ubect to Biulde'i change tdinuhl bo found iu tvery houe Urown' Iron Hitter-.. f IITIlTilTT BROWtfS IRON BITTERS will cure (lyspcpsia.hcnrtl'iirn, mala ria, kidney tlisense, liver complaint, and otlivr waiting diseases. BROWN'S BITTERS enriches the blood and purifies the system; cures weakness, lack of energy, etc. Try a bottle, BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is the only Iron preparation that docs not color the teeth, and will not cause headache or constipation, as other Iron preparations will. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Ladies and all sufferers from neu ralgia, hysteria, and kindred com plaints, will find it without an equal. $500 REWARD! OVKR A MIL LION Of Prof. Gar.rr.stt8's 1UK.NIII all Imvo ulrcmly btM'U SuM til this country ami in ! ranco every (ini' of which tins given ptrtort sntlsfi'ction nntl hns ner pcrnnM euiOH every time when used ac t'oriltiii: to directions. We now nay to tho nftlietorl and doubt ii.jr onos that wo will pay the above reward fo a single Vtlii of LAME BACK Tlmt the P.1,1 falls to en re. This qro.'it rrnn-.iy wil I Positively nntl IN'mmnontly cure l.um hairo, Lump li:n'k. Scliilirii, (iravel, liiljcU'S, l'iO'Sy. I'.iltlit ' I'lscasf 01 I tic Kiilimys, In oontinriH'c liixl lU-trnMitn of the t'rinr. rain in the Itnrk. siilo in Loins. Nervous Weak ness. tinl in fuel till disorders of tiie ltliultler :inl I'linnry nvniis whether contnieted by private disouc or otherwise. LAD IKS, if you ore suffer! up; from rtnnale Woiikness. Letn-orrlio'ii, or anv tlis cnseol the Kiilnejs, Ulihhler.or I rlniuy t r (.'lins. YOU CAN BE CURED I Without swnllowint,' nauseous medlelnes, by simply wearing; PROF. GUILMETTE'S French Kidney Pad, Which Cures by Absorption. As!: your ilrutalst lor Pit"!-'. i 1'ILM KT TK'S r'reiiel. Kulncy 1'iul, .mil tnke no other. If lie has not ot it., semi sj.imi ami you will receive the Tad hy return mail. TLKTLMONIALS KKttM 'I t IK PKOPI-K. JUDtiK lirc'JIAXAN, Lawyer, Toledo, ()., says: 'One of Prof, (iullmette's Kreneh Kidney Ptols eiii'eil me oi Lumbago in liiree weeks time. My ease had been given up by the best lioetors as Incurable, During ali this lime I sull'ered untold agony and paid out larjin sums of money.'' UKOKtiK VKTTKIl, J. I'. Toledo, O "I suU'eicd for three years with Sel.clca and K idney Idsease, and often had to uo about on crutches, I was entirely Mid periiitiiteiitlv cured alter wi ariiis; Proi. (iullmclte V Kreneh kidney i'nd four weeks." StJUIItK N. C. Ht.'OTT, Sylvania, O. ' I liave been n Ki'eat. sullerer for ID years with llrisibt's Hiseasc of I lie Kiiineys. For weeks nt a timet was unable to net out ol bed; took barrels of medicine' but they (?lve me only temporary relief. I wore two of Prof. (iullmettc'K Mldnuy Puds six weeks, and I now- know thsit I ntn entirely cured." MKS. 11KLLKN JICUOMK, Toledo, O. "For years I linvn been routined, n (treat part of tho limn to my bed, with Lueorrho u unit female weeklies. I wore one of liuil incite s Kidney l'ads und was cured in one monlli." II. li. UUEEX, Inlo sale Orocer. l-'indluud, (. 'I suffered for 2"t years with lame back ami In throe weeks permanently cured by wear ing one of Prof. Uuilmette's Liver Pads." H. F. KKKSLIXO, M. 1. Druggist, LoKfinsjioi't, Ind. When sendlni; In tin order for Kidney Pads, wril.'s: "I wriro tme of the first, ones we hud and I received more benerH from tt than anything 1 every used. In fact the Pa-is nive better ceneral salisfaction than any Kidney rrmodv we ever sold." HAY & KIIOKMAKEIt, Drnecist-t, Hunnibiil, No. "W'e lire working up a lively trade In your Pads, ami are hearing of good resullH from them every day.'' pTanos. $100 up (Stool. Cover und Hook). Klegnnt (-'(jliiire ( !i'and, 3 sliins, full AgraH'es, every improvement, only tflMo. Cabinet (irand CpiiKht fl'10 andoO. Other (irand Holiday I ti r Ktiins. Jubilee Ortiim, ?oi up (Stool undliook). Excelsior, style' 42, Five Beet of Iteetls, 15 stops, only $'H7. "Oriental," style 103. Ten set ofKeeds, (1 stops, only 12". No. "Iioriih" sets of reeds or dummy" stops. All sent on 15 days trial, J'n hht J'rrc if minotiti factory. Fair and honest dealing fuaranteed. Sheet Music J price. Piano. Oruan, or Music ( 'a talojnie free MEXDELSSOHX F1AXOCO., Uox ,x.y.. ORGANS. A sure cure for impoverished blood, pimples, and sallow complexion, iu Hrown'M Iron Uitters. It will pro duce a healthy color, smooth skin, and Isubsolu'tly not injurious. TREASURER'S JSALES OF UN SEATED LANDS. ' NOTICE Is hereby tflvnn Hint, inrreeably to an Act of Assembly passed the l.illi day of March, A. 1). 1MK, entitled ' An aettonmend an act dlrcctliiK the mode of soiling tin sen ted lands for laxesi mid other Dtirnoses." mid the several supplement thereto, tlte following tracts ol unseated Inntlsi, situated In Elk county, l'eiinsylvnin, will be exposed to sale' by public ven due or outcry, at the court house In Ktdirway, in snid county, on the SECOND MONDAY OF JUNE N EXT, belnjr Hie 12th DAY OF JL'SE A. I). 1SS2, for the nrrenrntrcH of taxes for the yenrs 18P0-H1, unless the tuxes nreptdd prior to said date: 15 ION EZ ETTE TOWNSHIP. Wnr Acres. WarrnnteeHorOwners, Tnxtm. G:tft2 02H James Stokes 100 00 r:m 1007 James Stokes 122 00 fiJWft 1(107 James Stokes 12 00 5:t.18 1007 James StoUes HK5 74 frl-i l 1007 Jiuncs Stokes 122 00 145 1DH7 James Stokes 251 74 r:4 lnt'u James Stokes 310 30 G!!47 10i!7 James Stokes 182 50 5348 1007 James Stokes 20b 74 5370 45!l James Stokes 200 74 5380 1100 James Stokes 877 00 5383 800 James Stokes 5)0 00 5384 1000 James Stokes 420 00 5,"87 1100 James Stokes 300 00 5340 10C8 James Stokes 201 50 534 1100 James Stokes 2-iO 00 5008 000 James Stokes 225 00 5334 1100 Myron Merrill 157 01) 533H 1100 Amos 15 Merrill 1!5 00 5287 275 Amos H Merrill 31 50 5-J88 275 Amos H Merrill 39 24 5'J8!) 223 An-os H Merrill 81 74 53!K) 1100 Jones, Hammond &Co 314 24 5349 11(10 Jonathan Krowu 94 24 4004 345 Nathan V Ellis 79 00 4995 458 Addison Kwurtwood & Co 129 74 5341 5012 5470 5479 5479 5478 5011 5481 5000 4907 5981 5023 900 Cornelius AValnwright 61 50 900 Miles Dent " 285 74 600 Miles Dent 67 24 100 Miles Dent 8 74 224 Miles Delitsolith end of survey 25 50 GO MilesDent southwest corner 7 00 00 Miles Dent southeast corner 10 40 450 John nrooks 51 50 990 John Drooks 114 24 481 H. C. Spuulding 110 00 550 H. C. Spnuldiiii; 03 00 288J Juo Johnson undi- vitUdi 5 74 53SS lino He.cUiah Mix 217 00 5023 50 Andrew Dent 2 74 5170 01 Hamilton Dawn 10 50 4994 150 William Shannon 34 21 5322 110 David S. Johnson 31 50 5340 500 Henry lSlush 81 5(1 5001 990 Finuev & Harrows 100 00 4990 190 Finnev & Harrows from Fitch & Hoyinirton 00 24 5002 Of 0 J. O. Readine; & Co. WO 00 5013 990 J. (J. Rending & Co. 220 24 5014 890 J. (t, Rending & Co. 203 50 5009 99U .1. (. Remlini; & Co. 283 00 5010 090 Trulinpcr, Croft & Co, Filch Sr Hoviiieton 21 00 5o24 134 Jul.il k D.S.Jtilmson 15 ,()'.) hivj John At 1). S. Johnson -:'.7 500:t 990 SIimIIVt t-Johnson 339 5o 5482 50.5 Julius Jones 115 50 5-182 2S Jlllins Jones 3 50 5330 550 Smith, M'Cormie & Mann 03 00 5343 1100 (',ik & Pardee 220 00 5479 50 Levi Hicks 2 '.d 5478 l(i4o St. John & Holhroek 23,5 50 5011 930 ft. John .S: Rot h rock 150 t'4 5477 1100 St. John & Rothrock 84 24 5481 300 H. Merrinian 34 21 5022 65 Amanda Anker 16 74 5022 55 Maria P. Johnson 15 5024 old Maria P. Johnson 69 04 5023 osj Jja,.ja p, Joliiisrtll undivided j 5181 275 Ji s. Enz from Martin En z 5023 28 Jos. Eu from Martin En. 10 50 13 1 1(1 5020 5( '20 5021 5015 5027 5020 5014 5027 990 it. Winslow Estate 109 74 109 74 99(1 do do 375 do do 990 do do 790 do do 85 109 90 21 COO H. Winslow Estate !00 J!. Winslow Estate 290 It, Winslow Estate llciiner A Johnson lot 75 51 23 00 183 13-feu R. Winslow Estate Hrockway 109 H. Winslow Estate 2'.''1 it. Winslow Estate 107 it. Winslow Est.ile 23 Of 12 1( 42 2 12 2) li EX 7, X( J E K T( YXSHI P. J0S9 112 William C. Hlack 40 54 4115 75 John Milno 24 91 147 Nelson J. Whinner 23 7; 1 10 Nelson J. Wimnier 23 7i 1 1 1 f. i 75 Ca.-itr A. Jackot 20 51 II"! 4883 330 J. J. Lawrence fr. N. Matson 118 SI 48:-2 828 J. J. Lawrence fr. N. Malson . 277 04 4959 P'W J. J. Lawrence ot)5 5( 4900 2('0 II. (J. Williums 01 7: 80 JI. H. Willinnis 17 91 22i tiilbert Williams fill Id 1958 300 James Somers Smith 80 71 4958 600 James Somers Smith 144 24 4901 90 James Homers Smith 20 21 4901 900 Janus Somers Smith 210 84 1092 60 A. Hobbs 5 02 4105 325 Farley, Hrickel cvllitc Vine road, Nos. 7, 15, 17, 19, 21 & 23. 109 36 4104 57 Farley, Hrickel & Hile Vine road, Nos. 153, ct-7. IS 18 4100 1414 Eurley, Hrickel & Hite 177 08 4107 831 " " " 280 71 4108 89IS " " " 301 73 4109 990 " " " 335 18 4110 897 " " " 301 92 4111 1025 " " " 314 97 4115 094 " " " 233 58 4110 1040 " " " 253 33 4403 980 " " " 274 90 4407 107 " " " 23 93 4408 29 " " " 7 00 18S(1 25 " " " Brussels road, E J of No. 3d 4880 25 Earley.Brlckel & Hite HrusBeN road, E. i of No. 34 0 04 8 30 0 70 07 32 o.-. aii 3d Eurley, Hrickel & Hite 200 " " " 990 West Creek M' f'f fc Min. Co. ! 407(1 2357 4878 900 " " 1 325 38 490 09 303 87 834 17 274 68 4879 1483 40 H 990 4945 990 " " 2274 952 I, y man Wilmartti Estate 4905 990 Enuene Pavno 328 24 488ti l . . , Marl in Sorg Echhiich 4887 lM roa.l, Nos. J4, 10 & 17. 4115 5o Edward I'elehunt Vine htreet, Nos. 11 & 12 25 J. S. Hates 4958 v) tieorne Wels 497 5 200 Palmer & Co. 4115 25 Daniel Frasier No. 7 Cherry road 4110 50 Daniel Frasier Nos. 3 d 6 Maple road 4900 275 Augustus Wolle From Tlios. Ltiekenbach 4404 522 Sheldon, Strebiyh & 31 80 Hi 84 1 1 22 17 80 01 20 7 C 12 70 73 Oti liates 117 11 117 11 146 38 14rt ;i8 11782 108 30 2ro 83 1 r, 4404 4400 4401 4107 4I0S 522 5221 622J 420 00.) 4n7H 1033 " " 4105 25 Mt ry M'Gabsn, No 8 4105 4993 4408 60 Mary Hecnnn, Nos. 13 and 15 10 84 248 E. Moore 65 CO 84 Eurley, Brlrkle&Hlte .... -Ave. H f 4ti 10C ,ln 414 r.4 3301 4407 1 220 ofi 4403 f 2 Owner TTnknown Wnnnf('rnssH(rp(il. 1 00 4103 5C tt. Vuclev Slorer HVP.. X'na. i 24 and on or. -in 4101 47 C 1? Vnrlfv Ponbir roml. Xns. 2 and 4 1.5 82 4104 75 C It. Knrlev Olenn road. Nos. o. 7 nnd 8 25 10 4104 25 C 11 Farley Vine road. No. 6 8 47 410.5 24 (! It Earlev Vino road. Nos. 0 nntl 11 8 07 4105 50 U IX Earlev Ponlar rond. Nos. 10 nnd 18 10 84 4105 25 V, K Enrley Ponlnr road. No. 11 fi 47 4105 200" R Early Tonlnr road, Nos. 19,21,23, 25, 27, 20, 31, 4, 8, 13, 15 and 17 87 r.n 4105 25 C R Enrlev Ilickorv road. No. 17 8 47 4I0C 42 C K Enrlev Vine road, Nos. 81 nnd 33 14 39 4106 CO K Farley Hickory rond. Nos. 19 and 21 10 84 4100 22 " It Earlev Ponlnr rond, No. 31 7 35 4107 25 OR Farley Chestnut rond, No. 29 8 47 4107 25 Clt Enrlev Chestnut rond, No. 30 8 47 4107 2,5 C U Earlev Chestnut rond, No. 21 8 47 4107 60 C R, Enrley East road, Nos. 25 and 27 10 84 4108 60 O U Enrley East Chestnut road, Nos. 1 nnd 3 16 84 4108 60 " R Farley East Vine road, Nos. 2 and 4 10 84 4110 25 " R Enrley Maple rond, No. 11 0 95 4110 31" Jt Earley Olenn nnd Maple road, No. 1 7 00 4110 19 " n Farley East Ma ple road, No. 1 5 81 4110 51 " li Farley Cherry roni.', No. 0 and 2 17 34 4115 75 " Jt Farley Cherry road. Nos. 9. 11 and 13 25 19 4115 52 " 11 Enrley Cherry rond, Nos. 3 and U ' 17 40 4115 50 " II Earley Chestnut road, Nos. 17 and 10 10 84 4975 200 " it Farley, 1880 tax 37 73 4970 170 "R. Enrley 1831 tax 37 10 1880 400 " H Earley 154 82 4975 375 Sedonia Von Ersel 117 82 FOX TOWNSHIP. 4097 207 Clt Enrley. Townsend Fall lot 51 75 417S 90 Michael Sheehnn 29 88 4U77 231 Farley, Brickel & Hite 47 84 4078 40 Farley, Hrickel & Hile 11 02 4081 105 Earley, Brickel & Hile 20 75 1087 141 Farley, Hrickel d- Hite 24 90 1097 727 Earley, Hrickel & Hito 151 00 4098 2(58 Earley, Hrickel & Hite 00 10 4374 202 Farley, Brickel & Hite 33 20 1082 307 Earley, Brickel & Hile 83 00 4902 145 B F Tavlor d- Co 24 10 4890 320.10 B F Tavlor & Co 78 21 4901 480 B F Tavl.i? & Co 125 00 4187 900 Hannah Lc.rnnrd 112 05 4190 439 O W Whiltuker 48 00 4190 5(0 Richard Gardner 110 20 1900 293 Richard Gardner 74 7o 4274 485 11 A Stephens 78 85 4274 200 George C White 35 17 20 George Krouse 8 20 1087 100 Wm Apple 24 00 4097 50 Pal-ick Mnckin 10 00 05 Arniel Torley 12 45 50 Homce Little 20 75 1271 380 Horace Little from county 121 59 1273 "2 Xol-'le Coal & Oil Co 49 80 4247 4240 1 4247 4245 ) 4214 C 4274 4097 1097 4098 J098 4098 4098 4087 240 Noble Coal & Oil Co 500 Noble Coal & Oil Co 600 Noble Coal & Oil Co 40 Iiol.ert J Robl 22 Franklin Knhn 24ji'iniil;lin Kuhn 12J Hose Kelley 54 James Winkle 25jJolm K Jones 25 William 10 Jones 25 Richard Edwards 14 Richard Edwards 150 Oi lier unknown J Barth lot 60 Jacob Harlnian Jos 110 20 249 00 219 00 3 40 3 52 3 CO 2 (id 8 (14 4 08 4 00 3 00 1 Ml 12 00 Faberly lot Henry Largay 1 12 45 4 15 lot 110111 M J J'.nrloy 303 Sheldon, Strebigh Bales 709 Sheldon, Strebigh B:,tes 200 Sheldon, Strebigh 4082 4077 120 49 249 00 00 4o 10 20 12 45 14 40 14 !8 11 18 9 OS & & Bates 41 C R Earley 60 " R Enrley 68 " R Earley 00 " R Earley 45 " R Earley 37 " It Farley Birch lane, Nos. 5 and 10 25 C R Earley St. Mary's and Centre- villi railroad 47 C R Enrley Ridgwny farm and land Co 179 C R Earley Cross road, Nos. 1,2,3, 9, 10, 11 and 14 67 C R Earley Caledo nia rond, Nos. 2 and 8 end S. half of 7 00 C R Etn ley 887 C R Earley 380 C It Eurley 1078 4078 4078 4081 4081 4087 4087 8 30 12 08 45 35 4088 4097 4098 14 41 10 00 90 00 J10 20 10 92 4S98 4890 1271 4077 1 4073 60 Michael Tooniey 4083C35.42 Xorlhwcstern M & Ex Co 310 23 4091 441.50 " " 22130 4095 272.95 " ' 1.35 99 4096 478.40 " " 238 02 407'J 70 " " 34 80 424.5 84 " " 41 81 4244 57.70 " " 28 80 4373 109.30 " " 84 15 4092 50 Si " ' 2190 4080 105.40 " " 82 17 4078 30 " " 14 94 4091 51.07 " " 25 40 4340 490 " 244 02 4243 902.47 " " 470 05 4178 20 " 1" 0 90 b.p.s. 45.50 " ' 20 47 s. & 1. 1.50 " " 1 83 Minerals, &c. only 011 tho f.rllnwing hinds: Northwestern M & Ex Co 33. fi - " 8 30 4079 301.45 " " 00 05 4080 224.27 " - " 803 78 4088 ll)7 " " 20 04 4091 215.30 " " 68 53 4092 105.94 " " 2(1 14 199.10 " " 49 80 4094 382.79 " " 95 11 4095 585.90 " " 145 60 4090 109.64 " " 27 14 4083 174.55 " " 3(1 52 4243 62.50 " " 15 43 4244 80.50 " " 10 92 4245 138.2'J " " 84 84 4240 143.00 " " 86 75 4247 Io9.u0 " " 4.374 82.60 " " 20 41 b.p.s. 12.92 " 27 h. 1. 24 94 " " 6 90 4245 150 " " 37 35 HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP. 8C02 831 C. H Wright d- Duhring H8 45 3001 831 C. H. Wright & Duhrlnff 118 45 3G03 831 O. H. irriirht & Duiiriiiff 2010 BOO Walter Brvtint 118 45 127 45 14(1 95 18 13 1778 1031 Waller Bryant ion A r,.ir 02, 100 A. Wolf 2025 2027 1830 2030 100 J. nnd M. Mnnk Northwestern comer 402 George Dickinson 954 George Dickinson 17 10 08 74 103 13 41 34 171 00 2 .jo j reeman Fills Hi8 1000 JOllll W. Jjlll fj 3752 280 John NLane 47 88 1831 1803 1783 1858 1005 Allegheny Hank of Pittsburg 112 55 or,3 John F. James 104 50 902 Abner Cnssell 104 50 888 John P. Brown 151 85 20281054 J. C. Chnpin Estnte 1.51 28 2034 90 lo do 12 84 3700 1000 do do 171 00 2403 315 do do 44 91 2150 3771 1799 1799 289 do do 41 21 800 Nathaniel F. Jones 04 00 100 James Gallagher Sub-division No. 9. 17 10 800 Charles G. Gillis Sub divison Nos. 2, 8, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 nnd 10 130 80 600 Charles G. Gillis Sub-division Nos, 13, 14, 15, 1(1 nnd 17 85 50 1770 1799 100 Jacob Gilbert Sub. division No. 0 17 10 105 87 2031 3781 1058 Mrs. Rlcknrds 729 Thomas Struthers 110 81 190 27 130 80 41 84 41 01 145 19 2083 1038 William Robinson 3700 800 Soul her & Willis 2302 2404 3055 1770 290 Souther & Willis 288 Jno. Nicholson 1010 Alfred Avery 100 Elizabeth Cooper Sub -division No. 18 2038 1043 John Bryon nnd others From Geo. Dickinson 3000 400 L. Wilnmrth Estate 70 100 William Carley 02 10 J) Geo. Brooks 777 400 Andrew J. Knox 3785 10OO Thomas Gri filth 8775 Kino Thomas Grilllth 3771 200 Thomas Griffith 2300 290 J B Sterley 3718 180 William James 8001 835 John G. Hall 8701 541 Martin Hart 8054 1029 Wrav Jt Graham 3773 9oO S. Jones d- Co. 3782 901 Little it Souther 2034 118 J (4. Hall sub div. 3 HORTON TOWNSHIP. 9 00 178 37 77 75 17 10 142 50 08 40 112 00 90 00 10 00 41 84 30 8(1 131 10 70 85 140 07 180 12 154 50 20 14 Northwestern M A Ex Co 4372 1271 4134 44(i9 4451 4452 4212 4200 41aH 1272 4810 4841 1218 702. (.0 do do 175 08 61 58 201 92 199 08 807 20 230 40 7 08 70 SO 53. 70 (10 :4 15 80 224.20 870 50 805.00 1080.30 811 28.70 340 105 518 00 825.40 115.55 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do I'D do do do do do do 70 80 200 200 I ;ooJ I I 1002.10 " 407 08 ds, d'C. cnly on lowing land's: em M & Ex Co do do 78 52 do do 20 08 do do 141 50 do do 17 08 do do 21 81 do do 38 97 do do 49 08 do do 50 44 do tlo 80 40 do do 87 75 do do 41 28 do do 35 71 do do 44 92 do do 1() 94 " " 10 20 " " 20 64 14 " 85 8 " " 28 98 14 89 Minen the ml 304 410.89 18!) 787.78 K9.90 111.00 203 82 259.55 294.20 450 457.80 215.00 187.80 231.50 57.80 100 107.50 184.10 151.70 75.94 1242 200 4248 4249 4255 42 ,'J 4340 48 41 H71 4872 439(1 4400 4484 1452 440!) 4170 r. & r. l.i'.' hrti J li Eliis 178 94 4870 60 C & M Albert- Silb- div. No. 20 1152 4248 41 Noble C0.1 I d- Oil Co 12 53 4219 00 Noble Con. & Oil Co 18 51 J2-J2 H4i IS Lnucniwl others 53 (ii 4200 (iOij Henry Lorain Car lisle 84 48 4182 990 Henry Lorain Car lisle 120 7: 4271 010 John C French 45 2 4370 26 J George Weis Snb- 11 V- iNO. 19 O III 4870 50 George Weis Sub- div. No. 28 n 42 4453 90 Horace Littlt from county 23 04 4844 17 Horace Little from Jas Wilson 8 84 4450 SO Ignatius Grol.inger lrom ciMHity 20 80 Minerals, dc, only on these lands: 48 Noble Coal A Oil Co 9 21 230 do do do 45 80 58 do do do 11 13 120 do do do 23 04 50 do do do 9 (K JAY TOWNSHIP. 5283 1100 AnirsB. Merrill 272 8( 5288 82.i Amos B. Merrill 80O 90 5287 825 Amos B. Merrill 80(190 5289 540 Amos B. Merrill 203 00 5290 612.7 Amos B. Merrill 227 96 4194 400 William Parker 80 80 4195 670 James Lynde 9.5 00 4100 980 ). K. Jones 188 95 6005 OKI Janus Stokes 1:19 40 4197 220$ James Slokes 47 4195 207 Sebiisliiin WeU 88 4197 2 0 Eli Kennedy 43 40 490(1 400 William Roliinson 117 8(1 4845 70 William Robinson 20 4C 5010 990 Philip M. Price 215 5: 4896 '21'' h". H Viiirliiiul .V 57 5007 H9() E. B. England 214 8:i 5004 990 K, B. England 214 S3 4185 800 Hezekiah Horton 55 80 414.5 loo Hezekiah Horton 18 (id 502!) 50 Finlev, Young Co. 10 30 5018 090 Fin ley. Young & Co. 84 1 4 1898 9' 0 Henry Loraine 49104 6017 990 Henry Loraine 384 49 4895 98 Tvkrd Finney 24 29 4895 98 Tyler d Finney 24 29 4893 217 Abigail Woodward 47 1 5030 207 A. E. Goll" 74 40 4180 990 B. V. Bowman & Co. 184 14 4892 200 B. C. Bowman d Co. 37 20 4194 100 Thomas Rcilly 8 40 4194 100 Patrick Reilly 8 40 4845 100 David Kirskers 12 40 5028 000 Spring Run Coal Co. From seated 200 8 5031 727 Spring Run CoolC.'o From Seated 191 58 4198 100 Joseph Wilhclm 18 00 4892 480 J. E. Putnam & Co. 182 28 4899 J.52 J. E. Putnam & Co. 109 12 41'. 8 39 Armel Turley from county 8 40 4191 200 Armel Turley- from- county -I9 60 4104 50 Geo. Dick isoii front county 12 40 4194 100 Horaco Little from county 18 60 5030 94 W. E. Pliippcii . 7 00 JONES TOWNSHIP. 3221 212 General Thomas L. Krne ' V 8295 81 6 67 CO 54 27 20 8295 8200 302 2010 125 Gen Tlios. L. Kane 3432 3221 8293 8291 8222 211 Gen. Thos. L Kane 45 82 I 114 !l00 Gen. 24 P4 84 80 87 00 21 75 43 50 322: Thos. L. Kane Thos. L. Kane Thos. L. Knne 3221 3222 ) 3293 400 Gen. 201C 100 Gen 2504 553 200 Gon- TllOH L. Knne 3296 0 1 n f 813 Gen. Thos. L. Knne 170 00 2588 j 3214 8C0 Gen. Thos. 3290 130 Gen. Thos, L. L. Knne 174 00 Kane 27 84 Knne 21 75 20101 2554 2504 2527 2553 2553 2.553 2553 1 2010 f 2810 2504 8221 3'''2 8224 3290 3291 3290 4903 100 Gen. Thos. L. 128 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 27 04 101 Gen. Thos. L. Knne 35 09 232 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 50 40 148 Gen Thos. L. Kane 32 1!) 80 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 17 40 68 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 12 76 109 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 12 80 890 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 84 68 412 (Jen. Thos. L. Kane 89 01 60!) (Jen. Thos. L. Kane 110 78 200 (Jen. Thos. L. Kane 43 5o 310 Gen. Thos. L. Knne 07 28 50 (Jen. Thos. L. Kane 10 73 20 (Jen. Thos. L. Kane 5 80 990 (Jen. Thos. L. Kane 1 18 55 900 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 148 62 247 Gen. Thos. L. Kane M 94 275 Gen. Thos. L. Katie 60 74 7o Gen. Thos. L. Kane 15 08 253 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 52 78 825 Robert Halsey 123 80 254 Robert Halsey 38 00 2oo George Dickinson 43 4o 100 Andrew .1. Low 21 75 30 Andrew J. Low 3 78 120 W. H. Ostcrhnut IS (id Mrs. Finney Lot No. 204 in Wilcox 1 45 2589 2554 2527 295 2504 2331 )04 3290 8221 (222 2"93 3290 3290 8293 3100 W. H. Dyketnnn et al 730 50 3291 2010 2588 4313 1025 Farley, Hite 1073 Brickel 185 00 195 80 4112 " " " sl yo 215 I. B. Brown 990 South of 3214. 27 65 121 J L. d W. W. Brown 143 55 Brown d Wells Rocky run hit 10 Oo 550 Johnson d Biddlo 99 75 990 Johnson d Biddle 170 45 540 Johnson d Biddle 98 02 540 Johnson d Biddle 08 02 990 Johnson & Biddle 179 45 515 Johnson d Biddle 9:1 88 4114 8143 S282 1283 8237 3242 3243 3251 8180 380 Johnson d Biddle 59 74 307 Johnson d Biddle 44 87 67 Michael Weidert 11 89 4'.i.5 Collins, Hutchinson & "lay 8!" 1o 9IK1 "oliins, lluU-himon & "lay 179 22 410 "ollin, Hutchinson d "lay 79 75 8319 2504 3231 3252 3251 4 ollins, Hutchinson d "lav 85 si 900 "oliins, Hutchinson d 102 24!) "ollins, Hutchinson d "lav 45 21 .. j.i. 8180 .",217 2254 2791 3281 3220 3-J29 8230 8218 8,228 8218 8228 2810 2323 8218 .",220 8228 2086 8290 2480 25! 13 3220 2810 2301 3228 2368 2877 2125 2823 4904 2801 i"fl:l 24S7 2823 2316 2829 2882 2383 2320 2810 2480 2527 2551 25! 18 2509 2004 2315 2660 2011 2527 2554 2504 2598 2008 2012 201 2591 2004 2608 2611 2614 2000 2012 2527 3143 2010 789 ' ollins, Hutchinson d 'lay 142 07 247 "ollins, Hutchinson & "lay 41 00 820 "ollins, Hutchinson d "lay 59 if; 495 John H. Towns Estate 8') 61 818. John II. Towns Estate 117 9c 510 John H. Towns E-I;iie 09 02 990 John H Towns Estate 179 51 660 Daniel Scull, Jr.'8(i in, oi 8o 70 Daniel Scull, Jr. 80 tax 0 30 O',0 Jos S Potts 81 lax 70 " '81 fax 02 Daniel Scull, Jr. 698 Daniel Scull, Jr. 880 Biddie d Dawson 880 Biddle d I 'a wson 400 Biddle d Dawson 990 Biddle. d Dawson flo A. A. Clay 240 A. A. Clav ooo A. A. Clay 9 0 Thomas ( i reeve s 1 8.5 Thomas G reeves 807 Thomas G reeve 460 Thomas Greevis 867 Thomas ( i reeves 09O Thninas G reeves 990 Thomas Greeves 62 Thomas ( J reeves 990 Eugene Payne 123 Eugene Payne 128 Etl'rllo I'nyno 990 Eugene Payne 060 Eugene Pavne 57 68 5 88 8 99 8l 91 69 71 5!) 7 ; 88 .52 179 51 10 24 44 37 108 75 110 -1K 20 ("8 125 86 8" 5L' li;5 86 148 5r 1 13 C5 8 9'.' 1 13 55 17 9S 1 7 98 11 I 55 95 7(, 090 Collins, Clay & Hacker 143 900 Collins, Clay d 1 lacker 1 18 55 990 Collins, Clay & Hacker 143 .55 090 John I.ivcscy's Estate 1 13 55 990 John Livofey's Estate 430 John Livese'v's Estale 744 Clav d Hacker 420 do tlo 990 do do 390 do do 990 do do 390 do do 990 Robert I'alterson 05 Robert Patterson 742 Robert Palteivon 04 Robert Patterson 210 Robert Patterson 604 Robert Patterson 090 Robert Putterson 20 Robert Pntrcfson 890 Robert Patterson 990 Robert Patterson 990 James 11. Cresson 304 James H. Cresson '. 70 James H. Cresson 24s James 11. Cresson loo James II. Cresson 925 James H. Cresson 100 James H. Cresson 64 James II. Cresson li J. L. Brown 100 James Wells 148 55 68 22 134 85 77 14 143 55 5'! 55 17:1 12 57 42 1 18 55 0 28 107 5'.; I I 60 44 66 M 85 143 ;-.5 2 90 143 55 19 05 1 13 55 86 18 140 65 85 90 14 50 1 33 98 14 .50 II 60 70 11 48 MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP. 2548 900 2542 900 2590 075 2790 900 2518 60 2518 373 2524 900 2545 POO 2517 !00 2523 900 1-007 075 4134 000 413.5 OOO 4120 900 207 2518 25 2518 100 2518 100 2582 900 2362 000 2639 900 2702 291 Dnrrah d Moore 125 28 Darrah it Moore 250 66 William Dilwoith 156 60 C R Earley 167 04 L C Wynkoop and D L Patterson 8 99 L (' Wiukoop and D L Patterson 52 20 li O Wiukoop and D L Patterson 107 04 James O'Hura 138 24 James )' II am 138 24 James O'Harn 167 04 IMexel, Duhring & Wright 125 28 Owner unknown 167 04 Owner unknown J07 04 Owner unknown 107 04 LCWinkoop 12 00 li C Winkoop J Stewart's lot 8 48 William Crispin 7 20 " " 13 92 C H Wright & Duh ring 150 CO Cli Wright & Duh. rintar 81 00 CU Wright & Duh rlntf 150 60 Cli Wright A Pub- . 1 4!5 107 01 88 rn 18 60 107 04 270Vi)llnm Crispin, for 1850 ItlDGW'AY TOWNSHIP. 8 78 4392 4809 4870 2103 George Dickinson 100 87 203 81 203 82 222 50 210 93 88 11 10 80 5 74 10 79 13 30 64 90 23 75 2C4 10 9io Bryant & Euwr 910 Bryant Euv.'er Bryant & Euwer Bryant & Euwer Hrj ant & Euwer Andrew M'Kihbeh Asa Cumminirs 4270 0()O 4285 498 390 100 4800 45 133 T B Cobb '80 tnx 137 Elsie J Cobb '81 tax 4oo B F Ely 175 B F Ely 4. 802 4803 3889 I3 1155 B F Ely 163 Sheldon, Strebigh & Hates 601 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 400 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 420 8'heldon, Strebigh & I Sales 515 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 000 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 95 Isnae Averv fmm 22 21 08 00 51 07 58 IS 71 50 132 45 4890 4394 4394 4302 4391 Cobb, part of C Mead d Ely lot, 6 93 183 Ed ward Cravston 3 62 747 WH Oslcrhout Wil cox Loin- lot 136 74 08 C V Gillis 4 U 102 James PGarritt-from James Gardner 14 1.5 60 Horace Little 3 02 2oo Horace Little 40 7'. 4848 4375 4:170 1889 4377 4390 088 C R Earley 102(1 from Farley o r.a 0 7! i "17 1(120" !K) 182 61 Briek'li 170 19 250 70 46 71 31 94 d Hite Kennedy lot 4889 1 1 54 SPRING CHEEK TOWNSHIP 60 John Wvnkoop Frttnte 2541 900 R. H. Winlaek 2C07 225 1). L. Puttersort 18 William Crispin 2540 M0 Joseph II. Trotlcf 2080 1858 1502 501 2942 850 2971 800 2986 800 291,5 900 -2948 900 2987 1055 4556 182 4560 150 057 481 2792 200 Bryant d Euwer 167 4H Bryant d Euwer 61 48 Henry Kaught 106 61 Hiram Currier d Co 301 17 801 17 D Cnrrlernnd others 841 88 i Blake 915 74 Allegheny Bank of Pittsburg George D Messenger Henry Truman Souther d Willis Southerd Willis N. W. corner of twp C B Wright d Duh ring 14 55 !t) 21 22 7'. 99 7!) 73 : .10 J 8'".i 347 100 48 LF Poweis-und. J of 12 11 2789 4151 Geo n Rhine fr. county Geo W Rhinos Geo W Rhjnes N. F. cor. of Strong lot Wm. Kelley from county Francis O Elliot Taylor D Rbincs Ariiingost trai t A J G ruber from D. O. M'Knall M 'Gallic d Truman from sealed list Taylor I) Rhiius Bowmaii d Bros. 19-80 parts !'- from seated list, W. part J ! Gardner 52 85 15 04 6 93 30 5.5' 63 S7 12 20 15 00, 31 74 20 ."4 2792 200 475 '.18 100 216 114 10(H), 200 2954 1044 2! 102 131 30 0 :'.o ST. MARYS BOROUGH. Lot Xii.-t 18, 44, 15, 58 ami 62 :.l, 32, 83, ) Ridgwny Farm and C".'il Co. Centre St. j r 1 . .' l.'iilirL-n r....... .IV 71 80. 36. 37. KK 39. 40.41 and half of 80 13 Coin Co. Maurice j Street 11 03 SIT 14 " Lewis St. Street (ieo Gregory fr. Rev. Louis' Car luy vid C R Earley, Louis Street Go Klelhicr Erin Street ind 114 Ig. Grotzingcr Amandus Street Horace Little 3 acres 15 58 100,113 80 80 8(1 80 23 9 nnd 10 Linus SI ret t Mary Wrinkle Loun Street SEATED LIST. Iietnrnei! I,y eolloeti.rs, upon w hleli lliere einilil not lie ft, und f iillieient pcrsiinul ,nv. perty to piiy li,,- several ln.es i.sse.si d there- in: r,i::;':i sm-.u township. Wais. .i kih. i", ; vyilliiiii) Yfinnu, 'sl tnx iu ; i-, i i 1,111 iYe,, l.-, 'i i'litilel: M'l'lilWinv, 'SI tax I'Mwanl linule, 4 ints, 'SI tnx I'OX TOWNSHIP. Win. (iiliFfin, hciiio Int. '7S-'7' I'll I'eter !!i,lioluiin;li,'7.s-'7!itux. I HI I'eter Ho llelauD-h, " i H-l .lohn I lollcilxiimli, " I'JVJiiiiirk Hielvy, " iVi Miiriin .Inliiikiiii, ' li': l,n,!i,im Idnib l''Ktnle.,'7!itnx .I ( ' lun lie, lot, '7H tux Mi Kins llnlse, VhII Klnit '7S-'7!I lux Altec XIur,hy, l house inul ... lot '7 tiix Henry Souther, '"s tux 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. A N I) TO W N8 1 1 1 V. 3 71 s I.-, Ml 17 ('') J irl 13 fi ;-2 lt :;T.-1 "Ml :i7.V" .!77(i ;i7i;n ) l-sii ir;j III! I Ciiilinin, 'so tax Ira K ekerly, 'SI lax M li Cleiiieni;er, 'sl lax I rank Mi,vi netiiii), 1 tux Henry Illiort' " " J H Wimlsor, llOItTON TONVNSHn'. 2 (M I 17 1 OJ 71 i 8 ID I'll . He, i ; SI I'litrlek Welsh, '7K tax !ij JiuneK O'Harra, Ml tnx 4 M JAY TOWN8JIJ1'. 1!) Kthnn iM'Cullonirh '7H-NJ-'8ltax 9 15 OH Unlit Kothroek. ,7U-'SU lax ) , , 12 Knot ItoMiroek, j l- (i .TiiKinh It. Moiey " 21 3 Siun l Hell I'.stulo " 41 4 Mmy J Hatenniii " Hi I Hi l li ill Howard " 4 4U JONKH TOWNSHIP. John l'ctersoh, 'sl tax 1 Ki 3217 si; M1I.I.STONK TOWytiHIP. 21 Janim fieorjie, 'SI tax 3(1 12 A VV Uitliroi-und. of '81 tax 1 70 SPRING CHEEK TOWNSHIP. 2!U M'Oallle & Triuimn '77-'7K-'7tl tax 22 13 72 Geo W It hi lies & L II Klliott und. J'jof '7lt tux 43 X'.l tieorfre PrneliiH, '7!) tax Im ;iri i W liimkle, 'H)-'S1 tax 2 15 2A KoHeHiinuli S tieorge, '8ft- "M tax 2 111 HW C W Potterfteld, '79-'SD-'Rl tax S0 a'll Ueorge ProcluK " 21 2H llKO Howiiuiii i Hrrs. '78 tax 17 U0 72 Geo V Hhlnea & L U tlllott '7Vtax 1 Q0' 702 27W ST. MARYS BOUOVOn. I.OT Nos. 1 Independent Klre Co. No. 1, niiu .iiiiniiiiu, ni lax 2 John HolltiiHn, 'A lot iioii luiUKe, '7ii tax 1 FrancU Kronenwetter, '79 tax 1 N & C Kronenwetter, anil new Htuhla, '7tnx 13 and II, Martin Son?, 2 lots frcm T!!!l 'T'l 'H?s
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers