Wit JUtocBfe. Henry A. Parsons, Jr., - Editor THURSDAY, APRll, 2J, 1S82. Entered at the I'optowk; at tllDOWAY, PA., AH BKC'ONl) CLASS MAIL MATTER. Where Senator Mitchell U Strong. , Philadelphia rrcwu.J It Is easy o lo Tiro work of tins tosses by sneering ut Senator Mitchell's Independent utteratieeB heeuuse lie did not found ww party of one Instead of proposing to Teform an ulil pnrty of voters. Managing a rarty of tne is always-an easy Job, particularly in n newspaper; but Senator Mitchell Is strong, not because lie 4s a pnrty of one, but because he Isn't, and speaks Instead for a great party sick of bonnes .and disgusted with obnoxious men, measures ami mttmigonient. His posi tion is the position of the great ma jority of the party, who look on the Republican party as a good one us far s it goes, and propose to make it go a good deal farther, not by flingingstones at the organisation, but by dressing ranks, putting new men to the front, and sending on the old force of honest voters to new victories. There is a variety of ways to meet such efforts. There is the honest, straightforward way of taking them at their best, making the most of them, helping them, and supporting them in every good word and work. Or one can be independent of the principles that lie at the bottom of such move ments, sneer at them, play into tl e hands of the machine by insisting that they will never succeed, and doing what one can to mae their success Impossible. Great causes are not thus won, nor great parties reformed. Rather is this work accomplished by a generous enthusiasm which accepts aid from all quarters and rates a man's motives and his resolution at their highest value. In this spirit the great mass of Republican voters support and accept what Henator Mitchell says, and in this sentiment they go forward in a contest which may be long, but roust be successful. Shall tlicSCHii'.e.te Come J Philadelphia Wens. Mr. John F. Swift, one rr the American Commissioners tlmt npirothiUil the IhM Chinese treaty, tnltes Issue with President Arthur ns to wli.it whs understood at the time of the negotiation hv the word " reason able." He says: The time of suspension was thoroughly discussed, nnd It was agreed that a suspension of thirty-three veurs. cl one generation, would be necessary. The Chinese Government would not have con considered the faith of the treaty trespassed on if ithad been fifty years." Another Commls. cioner, Mr. Angcll, president of Michigan University, says he has no recollection of any time beins agreed to. Mr. Treseot, the third and remaining Commissioner, Is absent In South America, and probably if he should be called upon his Impression would bo found to agree with neither of his associates. Thus It Is, whenever we go outside- the re cord, we are Inn. led in a maze of contradic tions. There is n nth In,: technical nor ob Rcure In the word reasonable. To endeavor to ascertain its moaning by an examination of not very precise memoranda of conversa tions held before the treaty was concluded Is to Introduce a rule of construction which the courts would not receive. If the Commis sioners had meant to restrict the period of limitation to flvo years or less, It was clearly competent for them to have so expressed it In the treaty. The word reasonable was used with the knowledge that It was subject to the interpretation of Congress and the President 6f the United States. The former held thst twenty years was a reasonable time; the President, though, thinks It is too Ions. The new hill, which, if a suinclent majority can be rallied In its favor, will be put on Its pass age next Monday, suspends Chinese Immi gration for ten years. If President Arthur will be content to interpret an ordlnory word In its ordinary sense he will find noillffleulty In approving thiB bill, should It ever reach him. The opposition to Chinese immigration on the Pacific coast is not confined to the sand lots. All classes and conditions have the passage of some prohibition bill very close at heart. They feel sore over the veto, and should no bar bo pluced upon the further coming of the unwelcome Mongolian, they will consider that that they are not treated with Justice by their brethren of the east. It Is not without reason that the people ofCali- Muiiinre uiiiicu in inelr opposition to fur ther Chinese Immigration. Before they had experience of this alien race they thought no less of them than do so many In the east who know nothing about them. It was only nfler they had had them around and among them for years that they began to appreciate what an undesirable element had been Introduced Into their midst. They have had now thlrtv years' experience of these people, and they And them the same oriental pagan race as at the beginning, having no interest In the country or Its institutions except so far as they enable them to niako a little money. They come here without wife, without chil dren, without any expectation or desire to stay. They are unlike all other Immigrants, an dthe very points In which they differ them make them an undesirable population. Those who really believe In the principle of protection to American labor cannot consis tently oppose the restriction of Chlncso im migration. They are the one race who sys tematically underbid our native workmen, and sock to usurp their places. According to the report of our Consul-General to China the average rate of wages in tho coast cities of China Is twenty cents a duy. In the inte rior It said to be still lower. Tho Chinese have by long custom inured themselves to living an these small wages. They come to the Pacific States and offer to work, not for twenty cents a day. but Just enough below the white race to secure the Job. They con tinue to live about as cheaply as they do at home, on rloe, toa, Jlsh and non-descrlpt meats, the refuse of the slaughter-house. They dwell twenty together la a room too mall for more thau one white man, sleeping on shelves, one above another, like steerage passengers, only in much closer quarters. Unencumbered with families, they are able to live In this way with an economy impos sible to an American or Europeau workman. The latter cannot compete with the Chinese. They have been driven by their cheaper labor out of many occupations, and if other Chinese con Urine to come, they must sur render still further and further to the cheaper laborers. The publl a in teres t Is not best con sulted by encouraging this form of competi tion. There are other things of more value to the country than cheap labor. We have for years been guarding against its Influence, to tbe great advantage of our laboring classes and the general good of the county. We should make no less provlslou against this other tornvof cheap labor which now mena ce and disquiets the people of the PseUSc State. Know That Brown's Iron Bitters will cure the worst case of dyspepsia. Will insure a hearty appetite and increased digestion. Cures general debility, and gives a new lease of life. Dispels nervous depression and low spirits. "Restores an exhausted nurs ingmotherto full strength and gives abundant sus tenance for her child. Strengthens the muscles and ncrveSjCnrichcs the blood. Overcomes weakness, wake fulness, and lack of energy Keeps off all chills, fevers, and other malarial poison. Will infuse with new life the weakest invalid. 37 Walker St., Baltimore, Dee. illi. For six yean I hve been a great sufferer from Blood Disease, Dys. pepsia,amlCofipation,and became so debilitated that I could not retain anything on my stomach, in fact, life had almost become a burden. Finally, when hope had almost left me, my husband seeing Brown's Iron Bittrws advertised in the taper, induced me to give it a trial, am now taking the third bottle and have not felt so well in six years as I do at the present time. Mrs. L. F. CatrriM. Brown's Iron Bitters will have a better tonic effect upon any one who needs " bracing up," than any medicine made. PIANOS. ?1G0 up (Stool. Cover and Honk). Elegant h'quare Gnintl, 3 strings, fail Astrall'iT, every improvement, only S-43. Cabinet Grand I'priifht $210 and$2'0. Other Grand Holiday liar gains. Jubilee Organs, $35 up (Stool and Book). Excelsior, style 42, Five sect of Heeds, 15 stops, onlv $8 "Oriental," style 103. Ten set of Reeds. 20 stops, only 125. Xo. "bogus" sets of reeds or dummy" stops. All sent on 15 days trial, freight free if umatiii furtori. Fair and holiest dealing guaranteed. Sheet Music J priee. Piano. Organ, or Music Catalogue free MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., Box 2058, N. Y. ORGANS. Prof. Giiilincttc's French LIVER PAD. Will positively cure Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Cake, Bilous Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, aud all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Blood. Price $1.50 by mail. Send for Prof. Guilnit tte's Treatise on the Kid neys ami Liver free by mail. Address FRENCH PAD CO., , Toledo, Ohio. For sale Uy Cuas. MoVean, St. Marys, Pa. HOP BITTERS. (A Medicine, not a Drink.) CONTAINS nops, urrun, manduakf, DANDELION, Asn Ttra Vcfikt axd Beat M rftr i, Qr a i.f TtftS UF ALL OTHER ltlTTkUb. THEY CUBK All rUvnsrunf thrflt-vrmrh, Pov-rK Blood, LI tit, Kidneys, ti mi Criuury Orcnpi, Ner VUUHUUbS, RlreoleHnfsaufl especially x email; uiiiiuiuui. SIOOO IN COLD. Will he pntd ior a case they will not rnr or oup, or lor an vrnniff impure or injurious tuuuu ill tut: ill. AOcyonr difipyJst for Hrp TMttrs try ttiem before y"t p. ThIac no oilier D T. C. In nn nhpolntcftnd lfT',1M-Wirt fop IM'QDkeuuc&a, uso or crmim, iciUacco aud narcotics. jaaUgWBtg Rffxn FOR f.' I UCT LAB Tl All (Krtve ipM tT !--:.'. 8 I!t Pltt-r V;-. .. H !-r, N. ., ft rnrilr. Ch.. GUT THIS IT ACENl NTS 5 4 KS S4f PER MAKE l0IUUytW WEEK. We have stores In 1 5 leading Cities, frmn which our wont obtain their mitHm1 quickly. Our riirturW'S and I'rinripnl OHireH are at Krle, ln. .t-aU for our Nw CitUilotf tie ana term to utfcntM Adores I, MONROE TAYLOR ESTABLISHED 1844. 53 I Tiff Pi 1 11 V 'st r r ,trW 113 WATER ST., NEW YORK. Are purer, better, stronger, and longrr known in the market than any other article of the kind. Are always sure and reliable, and never fail to insure the best results in cookery. Ask your grocer for it and give it a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Letter-Heads, Bill-Heads, Note- Heads, Envelopes, etc., at the Advo cate office. APPkETO N'SAMERICAN CYCLO P4EDIA. This admirable work Is now com pleted 16 vols. EachVolunieeontaint800 pages. It niukesa complete ana wen selected library and no one can aftbrd to do without it who would keep well Informed. Price o ou in ciotn, $6.00 in leather, or 17.00 iu elegant half Turkey. For particulars addresa, W. H. Fail-child, Portvllle, Catt. Co.. N. Y., who has been duly appointed agent for Elk county hy C. K- Judson, 3 pj general agent. TREASURER'S jSAT.EB OP UN SEATED LANDS. NOTICE in hereby given first. Bfirrreftblv to an Act of Assembly ... ,. i , . - - & trv passed me oin'nay oi wnrr, a. If IS, mtilMI " An net to amend on net lircetlirff tlfc'ntotlo or wllingTHiseBcea l.iil r Isim nnil nrlipr rturnoses. and tire several supplement) thereto, the Rillowliifc tracts ot nnsenien lanos, situated In Elk county. Pcnnsylvnia, will be exposed to sale by public ven due or outcry, rt the court house In Kid:wnv, In antd county, "on the SECOND MONDAY OF JUNE NEXT, being te 12th MY OF JUNE A. D. fS82, for the arrearages of taxes for the years 180-!, unless the taxes are paid prior to said date: BENEZETTE TOWNSHIP. Wnr Acres. WnrrnnteeR or Owner". Txc. 5 32 H28 James Ktoke 108 00 .5.133 1007 James 8toke 122 DO 5:135 I0H7 James Stokes 122 00 5:138 1007 James KtokeH 2b5 74 r,:M4 10(17 Juntos .Stokes 122 00 514S 1007 James Stokes 251 74 5f)4 10fi'7 Jauiefl StolceB 313 30 6347 10H7 Jams Stokes 12 50 5348 1007 James Stokes 2(iu 74 537'J 469 James Stokes 209 7 oDRO 1100 James Stokes 877 00 5383 800 Jme! Stofces 00 00 5:184 1000 James Stokes 420 00 5387 1100 James Stokes 300 00 G.'14 1008 James Stokes 201 50 5342 1100 James Stokes 2i0 (Hi 5008 090 James Stokes 225 00 5:S34 1100 Myron Merrill 157 00 5380 1100 Amos P Merrill K5 (10 5287 27S Amos ii Merrill 31 50 8288 275 Amos J J Merrill 89 24 5289 223 Airos B Merrill 31 5U90 1100 Jones. Hammond &Co 314 24 5349 1100 Jonathan Brown 94 24 4994 845 Nathan W Kllis 79 00 4U95 458 Addisou Hwartwood & Cx) 129 5341 POO Cornelins Walnwright 51 50 5012 POO Mils IK-nt za 5479 500 Miles Dent 5" 2 5479 100 Miles Dent T4 5479 224 Miles Dentsouthendof iir"ey 5473 GO Miles Dent southwest corner 5011 60 Miles Dent southeast corner . 25 50 700 10 40 6481 450 John Urooks 5000 900 John Brooks 4997 481 H. C. SpauldinR 5981 5"0 II. C. Sptuilding 00123 28SJ Jno Johnson undi vided i 53S8 1100 Hezekiah Mix 5o23 60 Andrew Dent 5479 01 Hamilton Dawn 4994 15() William Shannon 5322 110 David S. Johnson 5340 550 Henry liliish 5001 990 Finney & Barrows 51 GO 114 24 110 00 ii i 00 5 74 21 00 2 74 10 5(1 S4 24 31 50 ?S1 50 100 00 4098 190 Finnev & Barrows from Fitch & Boyington 29 24 5002 990 J. O. Heading fc Co. 890 00 5013 9'.t() J. G. Rending & Co. 220 24 5014 890 J. O. Heading & Co. 203 50 5009 090 J. O. Rending & Co. 283 00 6010 990 Trulinger, Croft &Co. Fitch & Hoviiifrton 283 00 5"24 134 John fe D S'.Johnson 15 30 5025 302 John & D. S. Johnson 37 74 5003 990 Shaffer d- Johnson 839 50 5482 605 Julius Jones 115 50 5482 28 Julius Jones 3 50 5330 650 fimith, M'Cormlc & Mann 03 00 5343 1100 Cook & Pardee 220 00 5479 50 Levi Hicks i! 00 5473 1040 St. John & Ruth rock 2:i5 50 5011 930 St. John & Rothrock 156 94 6477 1100 St. John 6i Rothrock 8-1 24 6481 800 H. Merrinmn 84 24 5022 65 Amanda Apker 15 74 5022 55 Maria P. Johnson 15 74 5024 591 Maria P. Johnson 69 04 5023 2S8J Maria P. Johnson- undivided J 16 50 5481 275 Jos. Knz from Martin Knz 13 73 5023 28 Jos. Enz from Martin Enz I 40 5020 990 R. Winslow Estate 169 74 6021 375 R. Winslow Estate 85 74 5015 990 R. Winslow Estate 109 70 5027 790 R. Winslow Estate 90 24 502 000 R. Winslow Estate 75 50 5014 100 R. Winslow Estate 6 74 5027 200 R Winslow Estate HeinierA Johnson lot 23 00 183 13 80 R. Winslow Estate Brock way 23 00 109 R. Winslow Estate 12 40 290 R. Winslow Estate 42 24 107 R. Winslow Estate 12 24 BENZINGER TOWNSHIP. 4115 75 John Milne' 147 Nelson J. Wirnnier 146 Nelpon J. Whinner 24 99 23 77 23 77 21 51 41151 4107 75 Cflcsar A. Jackot 4883 330 J. J. Lawrence fr. N. Matson 118 64 4882 4959 49G0 828 990 J. J. Dawrence fr. N. Matson 277 04 J. J. Lawrenee 305 50 200 H. (J. Williams 6172 80 H. H. Williams 17 90 220 Gilbert Williams 66 10 800 James Somers Smith 80 70 500 James Somers Smith 144 24 90 James Somers Smith 20 21 900 James Somers Smith 216 84 50 A. Hobhs 6 62 825 Earley, Brickel & Hite Vine road, Nos. 7, 15, 17, 19, 21 & 23. 109 34 57 Earley, Brickel & Hite Vine road. Nos. 18, 4958 4958 49GI 4961 4992 4105 4104 (. 7. 18 80 4100 1414 Enrley, Brickel & Hite 177 08 4107 834 " " " 1 1 4108 turn " 302 73 996 " " " 335 18 4109 4110 4111 4115 " " " 301 92 1025 " " 344 06 fifi.1 " " " 233 68 4116 1049 " " " 2n3 33 4403 080 " " " 274 90 4407 4)08 4886 107 29 25 " " 23 93 " 7 66 Brussels road, E J of No. 30 23 Earley.Brickel fe Hite Brussels road, E. J of No. 84 "6- Earley, Brickel & Hite 200 " " " 6 04 48S0 8 39 9 70 4976 2357 67 3i 990 West Creek M' fir & Min. Co. 990 " " " 1483 " " " 990 " " " 990 " " " 052 Lyman W'ilraarth Estate 990 Eutrene Pavne 335 38 4878 4879 4944 4945 2274 835 38 499 09 303 87 834 27 274 68 4905 328 24 48831 MartinSorg Echbach 4887 'w road, Nos. 14, 16 & 17 81 80 4115 50 Edward Delehunt Vine street, Nos. 11 & 12 16 84 2o J. 8. Bates 22 4958 100 George Weis 17 86 4976 200 Palmer & Co. 6120 4115 25 Daniel Frasier No. 7 Cherry road 7 66 4110 60 Daniel Frasler Noa. 3 dV 6 Maple road 12 76 4960 276 Augustus Wolle From Thos. Luckenbach 73 96 4404 622 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 117 11 4404 622 " " " H7 11 4406 6221 " " " 146 88 4406 622 M " " W6 38 4407' 420 " " 117 82 4408 600 " " " 168 80 4076 1033 " " " 286 83 4106 16 Mary M'Oahan, No 8 8 45 4105 60 Marv Heevmn. Nos- 13 and 15 16 84 4998 248 E. Morre 07 4408 84 Earlev. Hrlcfcel AHite Avon 949 4401 1058 414 64 220 - 74 0,5 2 Owner Unknown 1 V n,irn .r I IroSS . TPCt 1 02 4103 76c; H Krlev Storct ve.. Nos. 22. 4 and 20 25 19 4104 47 C R Earlev Poplar road, Nos. 2 and 4 15 82 4104 55CkR Etrrley Olenn road, Nos. 8, 7 and 8 25 19 4104 28 O H Kariey Vine road. No. 5 8 47 4105 24 C H Earley Vine road, Nos. 9 and 11 8 07 4105 50 C H Earley Poplar road, Nos. 18 mid 18 18 84 4105 25 C R Earley-optat road, No. 11 8 47 4105 200 C R Early Poplar road.Nos.19,21,23,25. 27, 29, 31, 4, 8, 13, 15 nnd 17 87 63 4105 25 C R Earley Hickory road, No. 17 8 47 4106 42 C R EarH-y Vine road. Nos. 81 and '33 14 39 4106 60 C R Earlev Hickory road, Nos. "19 and 21 16 84 4106 22 C R Earlev Poplar road. No. 3i 7 35 4107 25 C R Earlev Chestnut road, No. "29 47 4107 25 CR Earlev Chestnut road. No. "30 8 47 4107 25 CR Earley Chestnut road, No. 21 8 47 4107 60 C R Earlev-Chcstntit ' road. Nos. 25 and 27 16 84 4108 60 C R , Earley East Chestnut road. Nos. 1 and 3 16 84 4108 50 C R Enrley East Vine road. Nos. 2 and 4 16 84 4110 25 C R Eorlev Maple road. No. li 6 9 4110 81 C R Earlev Clean and Maple rosd, No. 1 7 66 4110 19 c R Earlev East Ma ple road. No. 1 5 81 4110 fil C R Earley Cherry road. No. 0 and 2 17 34 4115 75 C R Enrley Cherry road, Nos t), H and 13 25 19 4115 52 C H Earley Cherry roati, Nos. 3 and B 17 40 4115 50 CHEnrlev Chestnut road, Nos. 17 and 19 1G 84 4970 200 C R Enrley, 1880 tax 37 73 4978 170 C, R. Earley 1881 tax 37 10 48?0 460 C R Earlev 154 82 4975 375 Sedonia Von Ersel 117 8: FOX TOWNSHIP. 4097 207 C R Earlev. Townsend Full lot oi 4178 90 Michael Sheehan 29 88 4077 231 Earley. Brickel Hite 47 84 4078 49 Enrley, Brickel Hite 105 Earley, Brickel Kite 144 Earley, Brickel Hite 727 Enrlev, Brickel Hite 208 Earley, Brickel Hite 2C2 Enrley, Brickel Hite 307 Earley, Brickel Hite 145 B F Tnvlor & Co 1166 4081 4087 4097 4098 4374 4082 4902 24 90 151 00 00 40 33 20 i 83 00 24 90 4890 320.10 B F Tnvlor & Co 4901 480 B F Taylor & Co 78 24 125 00 4191 4190 4190 4900 4274 4274 408" 4097 900 Hannah Barnard 439 () W Wliittaker 5'i0 Richard Gardner 293 Richard Gardner 485 II A Stephens 200 George C White 20 George Krouse 100 Wm Apple 50 Patrick Mackin 05 Armel Turley 60 Horace Little 112 0" 48 00 116 74 70 78 85 35 17 3 20 24 90 16 00 12 45 zo o 4271 380 Horace Little from couuty 72 Noble Coal & 124 69 42471 4273 ( 4247 421(1 Oil Co 29 80 249 Noble Coal & Oil Co 116 00 560 Noble Coal & Oil Co 249 00 660 Noble Coal fc Oil Co 249 00 40 Robert J Ruhl 8 40 22 Franklin Kuhn 3 52 24!JFranklin Kuhn 3 CO 12iRose Kellcv 2 00 64 James Winkle 8 04 25 j John K Jones 4 08 25 William i: Jones 4 00 25 Richard Edwards 3 00 14 Richard Edwards 1 80 150 Owner unkuown J Bartli lot 12 00 60 Jacob Hartman Jos. Faberly lot 12 45 Henry Largay 1 lot from M J I-Ciirley 4 15 363 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 120 49 769 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 219 00 200 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 66 40 41 C R Earley 10 20 GO V R Earley 12 45 58 C R Earley 14 40 60 OR Earley 24 96 45 CR Enrley U 18 37 C R Earley Birch lane, Nos. 5 and 10 9 OS 25 C R Earley St. Marv's and Ceutre- 4247 4245 1 4244 ( 4274 4097 4097 4098 4098 4098 4098 4087 4082 4077 4078 4078 4078 4081 4081 4087 40S7 ville railroad 8 30 4088 4097 4098 47 C R Earley Ridgway farm and land Co 12 03 179 C H Earley Cross road. Nts. 1.2.3. 9. 10. 11 and 14 45 35 67 C R Earley Caledo nia road. Nos. 2 and 8 and S. half of 7 14 41 4898 4890 4271 60 C R Earley 16 00 387 C R Earley 90 60 880 CR Earley 116 20 4077 I3 60 Michael Toomey 19 92 40' 4083635.42 Northwestern M & Ex Co 4094 444.50 4095 272.95 4090 478.40 4079 70 4245 84 4244 67.70 4373 169.30 4092 60 40S0 105.40 4078 80 4091 61.07 4340 490 4243 962.4? 316 23 " 221 30 ' ' 135 99 238 02 " 84 8G " 41 81 " " 28 89 84 15 24 90 " " 82 17 1 14 94 ' 25 40 244 02 " 479 06 9 90 . 20 47 1 83 4178 20 b.p.s. 45.50 s. a 1. 1.50 Minerals, &c. only on the following landsi Northwestern M & Ex Co 83.81 " " 8 30 4079 861.45 " ' " 90 05 4080 224.27 " " 803 78 4088 107 " " 26 64 4091 215.30 " " 63 63 4092 105.94 " " 26 14 199.10 " " 49 80 4094 382.79 " " 95 11 4095 685.90 " " 15 66 4096 109.64 " " 27 14 4083 174.65 " " 36 52 4243 62.50 " " 15 43 4244 80.60 " " 19 92 4245 138.22 " " 84 84 4246 143.60 " " 85 75 4247 109.60 " " 27 18 4373 79 80 " 19 92 4374 82.60 " ' 20 41 b.p.s. 12 92 2 97 h. I. 24 94 " " 5 96 4245 150 " 87 85 HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP. 8C02 831 C. B Wright Diihrirrt5 118 45 8064 831 C. B. Wright A Duhrlng 118 45 3063 831 C. B. Wright Duhring "l18 45 2019 890 Waller Bryant 127 45 140 f)5 1778 1031 Walter Bryant U0V!5 iuo a. woir 2025 100 J. and M. Mack- 18 13 North western corner 17 10 2027 402 George Dickinson 68 74 103 13 41 84 J830 954 George Dickinson 2036 830 Freeman Ellis 8788 1000 John N. Lane 171 00 3762 280 John NLnire 47 88 1831 1005 Allegheny Bank Of rittsburg 112 55 104 60 1803 902 John F. Jwtnes 1783 902 Abner Cassell 1858 888 John P. Brown 184 60 151 85 2028 1054 J. C. Chapi n -Estate 2034 90 J. C. Chapln Estate 3700 1000 J. C. Chapin Estate 151 28 12 84 171 00 2463 315 J. C. Chapin J-istate 44 91 41 21 2450 289 J. C. Chapin Estate 8(H) Nathaniel F. Jones 100 James Gallagher Sub-division No. 9. 800 Charles G. . Gillis Sub-diviaon Nos. 2. 3. 8771 64 00 1799 1799 17 10 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 136 80 1776 500 Charles O. Gillis Sub-division Nos. 13, 14, 15, 10 and 17 85 50 1799 100 Jacob Gilbert Sub. division No. 0 17 10 2031 1058 Mrs. Rickards. 105 87 3781 729 Thomas Stiuthcrs 110 81 2033 10.38 William Robinson 190 27 3700 800 Souther & Willis 136 80 2302 290 Souther & Willis 4134 2404 288 Jno. Nicholson 41 04 3055 1019 Alfred Avery 145 19 1770 100 Elizabeth Cooper Sub -division No. 18 9 60 20S8 1043 John Bryon and other. From Geo. Dickinson 178 3' 3000 490 L. Wilmnrth Estate 77 75 1770 100 William Carley 17 10 3762 1000 Geo. Brooks- 142 60 3777 400 Andrew J Knox 08 40 3785 1000 Thomas Grillllh 112 00 3" 75 KM) Thomas Griffith 96 00 200 Thomas Griffith 16 00 290 J B Sterley 41 34 180 William James 30 80 835 John G. Hall 131 10 511 Martin Dart 76 85 3771 2300 3718 3001 3701 3654 1029 Wrav & Ginhnm 140 6' 3773 006 S. Joins & Co. 180 12 3782 904 Little & Souther 154 50 2034 118 .1 O. Hail sub tiiv. 3 20 14 HORTON TOWNSHIP. North western M Ex Co 4372 702.011 do do 4271 224.20 tio do 175 68 61 58 4134 870 60 do tio 4409 805.00 do do 4451 1030.30 do do 4452 811 do do 4242 -28.70 do do 4200 319 do do 41S8 405 do do 4272 518 do do 4310 00 do do 4341 325.40 tio do 4248 116.55 do do 200) 4255 V 100.'. 10 " " 201 92 199 08 307 20 230 40 1 68 70 80 03 70 00 5 15 80 70 80 35 25 407 68 4090 J Minerals, &c. only on the following land's: Northwestern M & Ex Co 410.S9 364 555 78 52 20 08 141 50 17 08 139 737.78 89.90 111.00 203.82 259.55 294.20 450 457.80 215.00 187.30 234.50 57.30 100 107.50 184.40 151 .70 75.94 4242 200 4248 4249 21 31 38 97 55 49 03 4272 50 44 40 41 m 40 87 75 41 28 4371 4372 35 71 4390 44 92 4400 4434 4452 4469 4470 10 94 19 20 20 54 35 32 28 98 14 39 & f. 4279 4370 4248 4219 932 60 41 00 347 600 J L Ellis C & M Albert Sub- 178 94 div. No. 20 1152 Noble Coal & Oil Co 12 53 Noble Coal & Oil Co 18 50 4242 4200 N B Laneand others 53 70 Henry Loraiu Car lisle 84 48 4182 990 Henry Lorain Car lisle 126 72 John C French 45 26 4271 4370 4370 4453 4344 610 25 50 90 17 90 George Weis Sub- div. No. 19 5 70 George Weis Sub- div. No. 23 114: Horace Little from county 23 04 Hornce Little from Jas Wilson 3 84 4450 Iirnntius Grotzinirer from county 20 80 Minerals, &c, only on these lands: 48 236 58 120 50 Noble Coal & Oil Co 0 21 tio do do 45 30 do uo do 11 13 do do do 23 04 do do do 9 00 JAY TOWNSHIP. 5283 1100 Amos IS. Merrill 5288 825 Amos B. Merrill 272 8(1 300 90 306 90 203 00 277 96 5287 825 Amos B. Merrill 5289 646 Autos B. Merrill 6290 012.7 A inns li. Merrill 4194 400 William Parker 4195 676 Jitnies Lynde 4196 989 D. K. Jones 6005 980 James Stokes 4197 2203 J nines Stokes 80 80 95 90 183 95 199 40 47 95 4195 207 Sebastian Weis 4197 200 Eli Kennedy 4906 4(K) William Robinson 4845 70 William Robinson S010 990 Philip M. Price 4896 212 E. B. England 5007 990 E. IS. England 5004 990 E. B. England 38 51 43 40 11780 20 40 245 52 52 67 214 83 214 83 4185 300 Hezekiah Horton 4145 100 Hezekiah Horton 5029 50 Finley, Young A Co. 5018 990 Finley, Young A Co. 1898 990 Henry Loraine 6017 990 Henry Loraine 4895 98 Tyler A Finney 4895 98 Tyler A Finney 4893 217 Abigail Woodward 5030 207 A. E. Goff 4180 990 B. C. Bowman A Co. 4892 200 B. C. Bowman A Co. 4194 100 Thomas Heilly 4194 100 Patr'ck Reilly 4845 100 David Kirskers 5028 900 Spring Run Coal Co.- From seated 5081 727 Spring Run Coal Co.- From Seuted 4198 100 Joseph Wilhelm 4892 480 J. E. Putnam A Co. 4899 852 J. E. Putnam A Co. 55 80 18 00 10 30 184 14 491 04 834 49 24 29 24 29 47 12 74 40 184 14 3720 8 40 8 40 12 40 260 82 191 68 18 60 182 28 109 12 4198 89 Armel Turley from county 4194 200 Armel Turley from county 4194 50 Geo. Dickison from couuty 4194 100 Horace Little from county 5030 94 W. E. Phlppen JONES TOWNSHIP. 3221 212 General Thomas L. 8 49 49 60 12 40 18 60 700 Kane 46 11 8 70 8222 40 32: 8295 81 " 8295 802 8298 SVi 2610 15 Gen 6 67 5 64 27 26 5 82 Thos. L. Run 84321 jjo 211 Gen. Vhos. L. Kane 8291 J 8222 111 " ' 322l,!r0 t,el1, fh09, L K"e 24 94 84 80 87 00 21 75 43 60 3203 40 Gen. Xhos. L. Kane 2010 100 Gen. Thos. L. Kanto 2558 1200 Gen' Tho9, L Kane 8296 2610 3293 2588 3214 1 813 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 170 90 800 Gen. Thos L. 180 Gen. Thos. L. Kane Kane Kane 174.00 27 84 3290 2010 Gen. Thos. L. 21 75 25 !504 128 Gen. Thos. L. 101 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 27 64 35 09 60 40 3219 17 40 527 2553 2553 Kane 232 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 148 Gen Thos. L. Kane 80 Gen. Thos. L. Knne 2553 2553 1 2610 f 68 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 12 76 2810 109 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 12 30 84 68 89 61 110 78 43 GO 67 28 10 73 5 '80 143 65 143 52 53 94 6!? 74 15 08 52 78 123 80 38 00 43 40 21 75 8 78 2604 3221 3222 3224 8290 3201 390 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 412 Gen. Thos. L. Kne 609 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 200 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 310 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 60 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 20 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 990 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 9(10 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 247 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 275 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 70 (Jen. Thos. L. Kane 253 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 825 Robert Halsey 254 Robert Halsey 200 George Dickinson 100 Andrew J. Low 36 Andrew J. Low 8298 4903 25S9 2554 2-527 3295 2504 2331 2504 8290 3221 3222 120 W. H. Osterhout Mrs. Finnev Lot No. 204 in Wilcox 18 00 1 45 2593 1 3290 3296 3293 3400 W. II. Dykeman etnl 739 60 3291 2610 j 2588 J 4313 1025 Earley, Brickel & Hite 185 60 4112 1073 " " " 195 3) 4111 450 " " " 8120 215 I. B. Brown South of 3214. 27 55 4114 990 J. L. & W. W. Brown 143 55 3143 121 Brown & Wells Rocky run lot 10 00 3232 550 Johnson & Biddle 990 Johnson & Biddle 540 Johnson & Biddle 540 Johnson & Biddle 990 Johnson Biddle 515 Johnson & Biddle 330 Johnson & Biddle 99 75 179 45 98 02 98 02 179 45 93 38 69 74 44 37 3233 3237 3242 3243 3251 3180 3319 307 Johnson & Biddle 07 Michael Weldert 495 Collins. Hutchinson & ;!504 11 80 3231 Clay 89 1(1 990 Collins, Hutchinson & Clay 179 22 3232 440 Collins, Hutchinson & Clay 79 75 8251 475 Collins, Hutchinson & Clay 85 84 3253 900 Collins, Hutchinson & 102 98 3180 249 Collins, Hutchinson & Clay 45 24 3217 789 Collins, Hutchinson & Clay 142 97 2254 247 Collins, Hutchinson A Clay 44 06 91 326 Collins, Hutchinson & Clay 59 10 3231 495 John H. Towns Estate 89 61 3226 818 John H. Towns Estate 147 90 8229 540 John H.. Towns Estate 98 02 3230 990 John 11 Towns Estate 179 51 3-J18 600 Daniel Scull, Jr.'80 taz 01 80 228 70 Daniel Scull, Jr.'80 tax 6 30 3218 600 Jos S Potts '81 tax 67 68 3228 70 " '81 tax 5 88 2319 62 Daniel Scuil, Jr. 8 99 .'323. 598 Daniel Scull, Jr. 86 91 3218 830 Biddie & Dawsbn 69 74 3220 3228 2080 3290 2489 2593 3220 330 Biddle & Dawson 59 74 400 Biddle & Dawson 83 52 990 Biddle & Dawson 170 51 90 A. A. Clay 10 24 240 A. A.Clay 43 37 000 A. A. Clay 108 75 000 Thomas Greeves 119 48 185 Thomas Greeves 20 68 867 Thomas Greeves 15 86 400 Thomas Greeves 83 62 807 Thomas Greeves 125 80 990 Thomas Greeves 143 55 090 Thomas Greeves 143 65 62 Thomas Greeves 8 99 990 Eugene Pavne 143 65 123 Eugene Payne 17 1)8 123 Eugene Payne 17 98 990 Eugene Payne 143 65 (iOO Eugene Pay lie 95 70 990 Collins, Clay & Hacker 143 55 990 Collins. Clay A Hacker 143 65 990 Collins, Clay & Hacker 143 55 990 John Livescy's Estate 143 65 900 John Livesev's Estate 143 55 436 John Livesev's Estate 63 22 2319 2301 228 !303 2377 2425 2323 4904 2301 :303 !487 2323 2316 2329 2332 2333 2320 2319 2489 2527 744 Clay A Hacker 134 85 426 Clay A Hncker 77 14 2551 2593 2599 2004 3315 990 Clay A Hacker 143 65 390 Clay A Hacker 50 65 990 Clay & Hacker 179 42 396 Clay A Hacker 57 42 990 Robert Patterson 143 55 65 Robert Patterson 9 28 742 Robert Patterson 107 69 2000 2611 2527 2554 64 Robert Patterson 1160 246 Robert Patterson 44 00 604 Robert Patterson 91 35 990 Robert Patterson 143 55 2504 2598 2008 20 Robert Patterson 2 90 1012 890 Robert Patterson 143 6 2614 990 Robert Patterson 129 05 990 James H. Cresson 143 55 894 James H. Cresson 86 13 2591 2004 2608 2011 970 James H. Cresson 140 t5 248 James H. Cresson 85 96 :6i4 100 James H. Cresson 14 50 925 James H. Cresson 133 98 100 James H. Cressou 14 50 64 James H. Cresson 11 00 2060 2012 2627 3143 114; J. L. Brown 70 109 James Wells , 11 48 2010 MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP. 2548 2512 900 DarrahAMoore 125 24 900 Darrah A Moore 250 50 2090 675 William Dilworth 150 60 2790 2518 2518 OIK) C It Farley 167 04 60 L C Wynkoop and D L Patterson 8 99 375 L V Wiukoop and D L Patterson . 52 20 2524 900 L C Winkoon and D L Patterson 167 04 900 James O'Hara 138 24 2545 2517 900 James O'Hara 138 24 2523 2007 900 James O'Hara 167 04 675 Drexel. Duhring A Wright 167 04 000 Owner unknown 167 04 4134 4135 4129 900 Owner unknown 167 04 900 Owner unknown 167 04 207 LCWInkoop 12 00 2518 25 L C Winkoon J Stewart's Jot 8 48 100 William Crispin 7 20 :oo " " 18 92 2518 2519 2532 900 rRWrlchtA Duh- rlng 156 60 2362 000 CIS Wricrht A Duh- rinir 81 00 2639 2792 900 C B Wrltrht A Dub- ring 150 60 291 a H Wriifht & Duh- riinr 60 76 2581 65(1 C B Wrisrbt & Duh rinir 43 00 60 John Wynkoop Estate 1 45 900 R. S. Win lack 167 04 225 D. L. Patterson 8 80 198 WilllAtn Crispin 18 66 900 Joseph H. Trotlef -167 04 270 William 'Crispin, for 18S0 8 78 fclDOWAY TOWKSHrt. 210J George Dickinson 100 87 916 Brvant&Euwer 203 81 916 Brynnt Euwer 203 82 2643 2667 2548 4392 4809 4870 4270 1000 Bryant & Etiwer 222 50 4285 498 Brvnnt lt Euwer , 210 95 896 Brjant &. Etiwer 88 11 100 Andrew M'Kibben 16 8ft 48G6 45 Asa Cummlngs 6 74 133J T B Cobb '8(1 tax 19 7? 137j Elsie J Cobb 81 UX 13 30 400 B F Ely . G4 90 176 B F Ely 23 78 4l155 BFEly 264 10 8889 163 Fheldon, Strebigh A Bates 22 21 4390 501 Sheldon, Stroblgh & Bates 68 00 4394 400 Sheldon, Strebigh A Bates 64 07 4394 423 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 68 18 4392 645 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 74 60 4391 960 Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 182 45 95 Isaac Avery from Cobb, part of XJ Mead & Ely lot 6 98 183JElward Crayston j3 62 717 W II Osterhout Wil cox Lonjr lot 136 74 4848 63 ; V Gillis 4 11 102 James PGarritt-from lames Gardner 14 13 60 2tU Horace Little Horace Little 3 02 46 79. 156 62 250 79 176 19 250 79 46 71 81 94 11 64 4375 4376 4389 4377 4390 638 C R Earley from 1020 Knriey Brick'! J Hite Kennedy lot 717 1020 190 132 61 4389 SPRING CREEK TOWNSHIP 2036 1358 1502 601 2942 350 2971 800 2980 800 2915 900 2948 900 2937 1055 4550 1S2 4509 l.-.O t 7 481 2792 200 Bryant A Euwer 167 48 Bryant A Euwer 61 48 Henry Haught 103 6t Hiram Carrier A Co 301 17 " " 801 17 D Carrier Ahd others 341 38 ( Blake 924 74 Allegheny Bank of Pittsbilrg 64 55 Oeorae D Messenger 19 21 Henry Trtimnti 22 76 Soullier A Willis 99 78 Souther A Willis N. W. corner of twp 73 27 C B Wright A Duh ring 30 Gil 2775 2789 1151 329T L F Powers-und. J of 12 11 347 rn 48 Weo XV Hliines tr. county 62 83 (ieo W Kltines 15 04 Geo W Hhines N. E. cor. of strong lot 6 98 2792 200 Wm. K el ley from county 80 63 476 Francis C Elliot 63 87 98 Taylor D Hhines Arniairost tract 12 20 2954 100 A .1 (i ruber from D. O. M'Knnll 15 08 210 M 'Gallic A Truman from seated list 81 74 114 Taylor I) Hhines 20 1 10(10 liowmnn A Bros 4044 21)62 19-30 nnrts of from seated list, W. part 131 3(1 4552 200 J K Gardner 20 BO ST. MARYS BOROUGH. Lot Nos. 43, 44, 45, 1 Rldgwnv Farm and 58 and 02 1' Coal Co." Centre St. 35' 30' 37 38 1 RMRny farm A So'OJland i i.'(l,l,lf,- Mauri half of 30 J Mleel 6 71 11 08 13 " . Lewis St. 97 14 Street 3 acres Geo Gregory fr. Rev. Louis Cur tnvval 15 CREarley.Louis Street 58 Geo Krellner Erin Street 100,113 and 114 Ig. Grotzinger Amandus Street 23 Horace Little Louis Street 9 and 10 Mary Wrinkle Louis Street 4 60 30 80 86 80 80 SEATED LIST. Returned ly collwtom, upon which ther eotilil not he found Millirii'iit. ppriionftl pro perty to pay Hie hovctnl tuxes nKHtel tlier ou: 'HENZINOEII TOWNSHIP. War. Acitra. All Hi 15 82 William Young, '81 tax 20 64 Patrick M'Phllony, '81 tax 8T r.ouard isnuio, 4 ioih, tu tax M FOX TOAVNSHIP. Wm. Gibson, liotw lot 'TS-'TQ 2 84" 100 Peter 1 1 ol loiiuueli.'TB- TUlax. ) 40 Pi'torHollobmigh, " llXi John Ilollolmugh, " r.'lv.Tsunea Shelvy, ' W) Miillln JolutKon. ' 15 80 17 on 1 6.1 13 4 l'JUAbrahnm Comb FBtto,'79tx J V nnrke, 1 lot, '7 tnx 6 King Hulae, Vnll King '7S-'79 tax Alice Murphy, 1 house and lot '79 lax 70 Henry Souther, 78 tax 62 50 6 V) 2 60 HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP. S7S(1 I) Grnhiiin, K0 tnx 2 M Iru K Aclcerly, '81 tax A 17 M R Clpmenger. '81 tx I 00 Kiaiik ilovi'iicamp, '81 tax 2 74 Hi-nry Ilhoir '' " ' 20 J H Windsor, " 8 40 nORTON TOWNSHIP. ;fftiO 110 50 f. 37ri0 S752 .7711 7W)or 178(1 f " 81 Patrick Welnh. '78 tax S M 33 Junius O'Harra, '81 tax 4 20 JAY TOWNSHIP. 19 Ethan M'Cullough '79-'8-'81tax 9 11 Robt Rothrock, ,79-'80 tax 1 Robt Rothrock, " JoKiith R. Morcy " 21 Kam'l llcll Kktate " 41 Marv J Kaleiiiuii " US II train Howard " 4 4t) 12 JONKS TOWNSHIP. &l)i John Peterson, '81 tax 1 85 MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP. 24 James George, '81 tax M 42 A W I.ttthrob und. of '81 tax 170 SPRING CREEK TOWNSHIP. 21(1 M'Gnfllc Truman '77-'78-'79 tax 22 13 72 Oeo W Khtnes L B Klliotb und. ytot '79 tax 48 KM George ProciuH. '79 tax 1 (H 85 G W llunkle, 'S(-'81 tax 3 IS 25 Roseannuh S George, '80- '81 tax 2 61 100 O W Potlerfleld, 79-,80-'81 tax 9 80 831 George Procltm " 2S 2S 100(1 Iiowman A Bros. '79 tax .17 00 72 Geo W Ulilne ill L B Elliott '79 tax 1 20 3217 2792 2792 2962 ST. MARYS BOROUGH, Lot Nob. 1 Independent Fire Co. No. 1, und building, '79 tax John Holl'tnau, yt lot and liouHfl, '79 tax FrancU Kronenwetter, "79 tax NIC Kronenwetter, and new stable, 79 tax Martin Sorg, 2 lou from Bill '79 tax 7 AO 12 M I 80 Vt 2 1 1 13 and 14, GF.ORG E WEIDENBOSRNER, TreMurew Treasurer'! Olllce, , Ridgway, Va., April 1st. II j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers