1 r 9 I' "f Mi V t4 V V .dm 1 111 PS to As the 8 Inters r(n.iie harvest M mrly nu lev inttvrfpd nlinnta In 41n 'hich Immediateiv took root. and i in juvery short time feavps could be gathe ed without injury to the youtiR trees i bott January the egijs began chfingiii into worms. The sisters gnth ered tin youngest mid tendorest leaves and plac 'd them over tho eggs. As soon as. they -ere hatched the worms began to'cat w th great voracity, clinging to a leaf until nothini but bare libers re mained.; Theft they would bn supplied with frcsli leaves The room whore they ; were stored, was always kept nt an V, even degroe of temperature. They nte - night and'day for one month. Then .' , they commenced their cocoons. In three days they were finished, and the worms were completely buried in the ;' production of their own labor. In or- ;. dor; to make the cocoons of nny value . the worm had to be destroyed. This . ' was done by leaving them in a modcr- atelv warm oven for fifteen minutes. Some' were cft undisturbed in order to '' furnish tlie eirirs for the next venr's , cropi'-! Tl"s(5 Tatter cocoons were left ; untdu'ehuiVfor exactly a week. By this ' . time thf. 'Worms had worked their way out ajjpm; and had changed lliemselves . into vjtrjety of butterllies. The co coon iAfre4 he worm 1ms come out, is tr: but ntt value, nut in Franco thev are used' iii the manufacture of an in ferior sTlk with which parasols are . ' covered'. - These butterflies were kept in a darkened " room, the walls of which a were lined with dark flannel, and on Y this flanndl they laid their eggs. These were i ivjigui oiuisn-nrown color, una r l : i . ii ' i i i i sugnuy. concave at tlie ends. The sis ters wereteminently successful in their efforts. (There are now about a dozen larga mftlberry trees in the convent grounds , Twice their crops of silk wjprnis -ere failures, but both times through;! accident. Once some coffee was , pished to parch upon the Bame stove that served to heat the room where the worms were kept, and the Htrong odor killed them. On the other occasion fire was kindled by day, and laeroom leit com and open at night and the. change of temperature caused the destruction of the sensitive crea tures, t t .,- AboiH four years ago the sisters car a"Pffl?lMrr( ,' ... ried oft .,woi gold inoda's at tho indus- trial exhibition. Again, one of the sis . , ters visiting France, displayed some co- , coons inere. iiicy were lound to com '.pre ypry lavoramy wun iiiosc in i- France." T11' ,i Uiif-me-nmr suui oi tins coterie ol J I 'i 5 "'lk Woikers was the venerable superior , Sk M .".Sicfeiaeresa. She is now too aged t( to superintend tho labors, and nearly all -,' ;- , f - ... wuw i ..... i j in 1 11 .nt.ii, -. ':Vf the material and the worms were . . ' i V -J i . i rlM ! . i sent trl ; -r J io ma xiiiuuuitux uuuvcnr, wnere " -': M t. i. ler Pioficicnt4-in, ,tlK culture of a sis the worms lSesidee. ! J Sisterp.heresa stjillkeeps a rUantity ' ! V i ' ' time. The sisters mrffle only silk thread ' ii ' , ' 7 i C from. thfir cocoonA: !Somc roses made f ' ' 1 AT: i ' with this and dyed were really beauti ' I f . ful. Tbe silk cords which bear the 'f v crosses kvere also woven with thread ? -i'.roado by them and dyed. The clotli . iii -'. i 5 fcow'd not be made on account of the Jack of the necessr.ry machinery. "i The -superior is enthusiastic over the ;nhfmghtUhat there is a possibility of :fil V-silk' cnUure becoming one of the e- -..auiiDut-u uajiui wniKft tin e, aim proui- ises to aivo all those who wish it the 'benefit of her1 knowledge and experience in Hmdine. cts of Opium Smoking. Jtne Bi ltisu consul nt Cheroo, in re nin? m the opium trade, gives the 'following account of an experiment in '' opium-si toking as tried by himself. - JDuring', iy residence in China I have Jspent .-wii uh time in visiting tho opium ', filiops oT he largo towns and small vil- VlagesSnliitny parts of the empire,and in ' Couy?rJiiaon with the customers, 1 was - surrrrijudlai. the larse. numbers who told mo yha tlieir first motive for smoking ' w as tw iieek tlie spitting of blood, to wnrfii t4y nnd become suDject. jn the end of If P. being attacked with a severe feveivwj F"h h?ftme so weak ttiat I gave hopflpfet recoverv. I felt lustified in 'iiigikrjm myself' the experiment of mmoaeMLc opium-smoking. l!ic fol owluf wre the results: 1. Tempta- lon U js.s greater than in the cascul Icojipl. 12. Excessive stimulation of ie nieniBiy. a. utter inaiiierenee to es ana iHpxe ties. 4. 1 only had one viiien, and tnnt was alter ten rt" hacd smtkins without in term is .i t .--il r - 1 i. i vjs)n was oi l pieasuiauie enrUmB ol my couch ex I Uiied I saw " The Temp. by tml Arit Is and Prospero fi.-IA Lj aonll'g, excessive smokinif pro. dd;craviiyj6r opiomania. 6. I SUjU c aw;H tlie habit, and sunered t ..8e' - 'aicfcain, ftr three days, and di ,. oi t Bring nt -irregular peri ;Vxisjfor te tilV years. Tin. pain and diseCJn !, .t It not accompanied by .mcu Some of these effects may fea 1 ipectViiu.io individual idio- individual idio the study of my ui, irom tu own" -k-3 er asos I am inclined to believ M. ait&tsthe temptation to ex ",-lneaa ii .reater in Uie.ase of opium than in tl)if,iWrffiitri 'But here it must be ;t , ; teldjwl, , -..-.(ftsfi'Alt "i fci iiut'iarkedftliat opjuui-Bmok.ng is, neces rft JpUtary enjoyment, and drink- ' ina ocl pno. "The smoker, too, has ' - : ' ""to ito-deybOTtfe1y to -work j he has to V ti ' Ho 4awnflijeUt Jifs opium-lamp, frizzle tTUtBrue Up P.1H,5 wwuuj w iiuuii mo iipo may drat li the lamp in a position so that be (M keep his pipe just overithe '.' flame AiUPf,alaP nl Ulb 'fime 119 'f Kmoking tin fact.igo through long and -sLAMar inucesscsii A mim cannot. ' rnk aarnllied intn An excess of luelwlv"' rr- -; r opium nflie oi ri. opium is not adulterated, aiuiciaB cravinsr is created by vnoi. , and no noison. bucYs potato spirt, strychnine, aiiiohJe acid. with which the drin of vi poor is drugged. 3. It is possible in long-continued course ol ejcessfrppijini-smoking might in ' pairiheintjectjual faculties and blunt Vthenoralpibilities. 3. It is proba ble that ejisive smosing iiupaua icr- tility, butle numerous cases I have wri of juoaerato smokers having .i . v.:i3 ..win. 1u rle liii- wrauufcwmmuiwii.fi-". Jttjlo that many families nn comfort to penury by ecause it is stroneer in in that of alcohol. maddened bv smokinrf onium imes of violence, nor does tfie habit smokimr onlum increase the criminal returns or swell the huniber of prison inmates. 1 Starvation In the A it tie Sens, A letter from K. P. Kye, bark Mount Wollaston, oil' Cape Lisburnc, Arctic ocean, written to the Wew lieu lord Standard, says: I his season, up to tlie present time, has been a successful one. Fifty-one whalex have been taken bv the fleet. against thirty-two nt the same time last year, nnd tlie wiiaies nave run large, av- razine about 1(H) barrels ol oil, and say 811,000 pounds of whalebone in all; also about 11,000 walruses, against 18,000 last year, the walruses making less oil than usual, as fewer females were killed, and a larger proportion of mate walruses than in years past. Not a whale lias been taken in tte strait or the Arctic ocean, and only one whale has been seen, and that bv the Helen Mar. Jour ships and several brigs and schooners got to the eastward and missed the chance. A great many whales were sei-n, and more than usual were struck and lost. The Afar struck fifteen and lost seven: the I'rotrress live and saved two. Not a whale has wn taken by the natives' of the whole coast, and the whaling party, with lueir rocket guns, which wintered in Plover bay, cot i.othine. The natives on llomede islands report seeing large numbers ol whales gomg north in May and early in June last, east of the islands, and they struck over toUape Thompson and the Point Hope, where the natives took live (one 100-barrel whale, one of about forty barrels and three small ones. without whalebone). 1 here is more ice, nnd further south, this year than usual. Ships have been in 69.40 dt g. ; yesterday lour or live snips were thirtv-livo miles east of Cape hisburne, stopped by the ice. Captain lorn uliams started four days ago with his little steamer, tho Bouquet, to reacli Wainwright inlet, Point Belcher or Point Barrow, if pos sible; he will trace the shore around; his steamer draws only three and a half feet of water, and can steam 100 miles a day. The trading vessels have about 6,000 pounds of whalebone and a small quantity of ivory, compared with for mer years; about half the fleet are in this vicinity, the other half are all over to Oapc Seege and the western shore, walrusing, destroying them by the thou sand; about 11,000 have been taken and 30,000 or 40,000 destroyed this year. Another vear or nerhans two vears will finish them; there will hardly be one left, and I advise all natural history so cieties and museums to get a specimen while they can. Fully one-third of the population south of St. Lawrence island died ; in one village of 200 inhabitants all died excepting one man. Moteers took their children to the burying grounds, stripped the clothing from 1 heir emaciated bodies and then strangled them or let the intense cold end their misery. It is heartrendiug to hear them tell how they suffered. Captain Cogun has taken very tew walruses; he says that for every hundred walruses taken a family is starved, and I concur in his opinion. A Woiiinu'g Life Work. Aii.ss. Nancy N. Clousrh died in En field. N. II., ricentlv. aired eiehtv veins and three ironths. The story of the life ol this woman, says a writer in the 15 ston Journal, seems more like ro- m.tnee than reality. It may well lie ca.led vomiinee in real life. She w.-is tho oldest of a family of ten children, live of whom arc still living. hue ihc was vet young her father's farm in Enneld became heavily encumbered, and was likoly to be sold under the hammer; his health, Too, was broken down, and the future of that family ap i e:ired weli-nigh hopeless. Nancy, iir..-sceing the disastrous consequences threatening the future, resolved to save the dear home, and went to work with heroic energy to carry the resolution 'iito effect. She enlisted her brother Theophilus, next younger than herself, in the laudable enterprise, who cordi ally seconded her efforts and gave his efficient aid. Learning of the factories that had just started in Lowell, Mass., she left homo, and went to that city to find re munerative work. She entered one of the factories as an humble operative, but wrought willi such energy an 1 skill as tonecompiish more work than two ordinary operatives, reeeivinu more than double pay. Every leisure moment outside of the mills was also faithfully employed to the same end. As her younger sisters and brothers came to a'.suitable age sho summoned their ready help, while she was iho ruling. directing genius and moving power in the undertaking. Tlie result was, that, alter some years of persistent efforts, the mortgage was lifted from the farm, and the eld home was free from every claim that others held upon it. Then she decided that the house must be rebuilt and refur nished, nnd the grounds beautified, and when all was done, the brave irirl went hack to the home of her childhood. witli three sisters and one brother, to pass Jie remainder of their days. Chicago's Meat-Cunning Industry. The business of canning meats in this city is one of comparatively recent date As enormous as it now is, it is the growth of but very few years. During the past year there were slaughtered in this city for cannine pur poses 300,000 head of cattle, the cost of which was over so,ooo,oou. In this business over 2,000 men are employed, and the amount of money yearly expended in this city in the pros ecution of this business, for labor and otherwise, is over $1,000 003. Over 40,000 cans of meat are packed daily in this city, and over 300.000 pounds of meat cooked daily for canning iiurnoses. Chicago Times. Concerninc the recent flsht between the volunteers and Victoria's band, the Messilla (New Mexico) New gives the following incident: At the first fight William T. Jones, county clerk, acted remarkably and wonderluuy strange. Although armed with a good ride and two nistnla. when an Indian rode un to him, with some of the mon calling him to shoot, he droDDed his weapons. folded his arms and moved toward the i Indian, who lanced him twice, and he nfTTil til fell dead r ng want or let throw 3W yards per alter I oax him clination it. If he him. and one. hnnri) lead hint frotni and its possible. ic ground, do h It, but bat him n a lew -minutes re- nn. and continue, until lie of it. at the first sfsrns of which the lesson. If this Is re tented twicn (lav tho puppy will soon beVerfeet. and will like tho-lesson all tho nrtterlfat tho end ti each you reward Mm with some titbit. You must then gradually extend the lensoh out t)f tlool's, throwing t'le ball into grass or elsewhere that lie may have to seek for it, and go on until he will "seek "at tlie commanding use! of that word, with a wave of the hand to guide him in the direction in which you liavo previously hidden tlie ball. These should be strictly private lessons, as the presence of any other man or dog will distract the pupil's attention and spoil all. Lessons in the water are taught on the same plan; and diving by using a bone or other white substance that will sink, beginning by at first drop nine it into verv shallow clear water. We have seen a dog trained in the man ner we have brielly doscrli.ert (ho was a line pup, son of Imported parents), so thnt at six months old he would go back two miles and fetch an article which he had not seen hidden ; and he was so ten der-mouthed that we liave seen him carry a winged crow a mile without hunine him no easv task when the temper of the crow and the strength of his bin are considered. une iiiustrntmt Book oj the Doff. Traineil Fiie-Fngliie Horses. One of tlie city horses that usually runs with a steauier is sick, and is not on fire duty at present. When the de partment left the house Monday evening at the alarm of fire, the horse was leit hitched in the stable alone. Tlie Bates street side door was open, nnd the old fire-horse broke his fastenings nnd in few minutes was following the firemen. He came up with one pair of horses and found that his mate was not one oi tlicm. so he galloped down Lisbon street until he found the span in which his old mate was paired. He quietly took his position beside the other horse nnd re mained by his side until the team re entered the stable. It is related ol " Old Tige," a city horse, who formerly was worked in the department, that while serving tho street commissioner, on some lonely road in the suburbs, he would frequently prick up his ears and suddenly start for the city without any apparent reason. When they neared the city, the driver heard the tire alarm whistles and bells, which had reached the horse's ears when not a sound came came to his. It was so evident that "Old Tige" Knew what ho was about that he was allowed n free rein nnd to do as he pleased generally. Lcwutoii Me.) Journal. " A writer says that "the ballot is the only protection the American citizen is in need of." and yet the average Ameri can will keep right on carrying an um brella when it rains. Home Sentinel. Thar la Health Ahead, For cheerless dyapeptios who will use Hustnt tor's Stomnch Bittern, which will enable them to digest, restore their appetites, steady I heir leivrs and drive awny tlis hlues. II, with euch a prospect, there are any ol them im neglect to prout by the above suKUestio i, win they deserve to suffer, that is ah. Letilrm n.-k any one who has used the Bitters ii ii i not a good medicine, and il they receive n mthlul reply it will lie an affirmative. l;i,- iousness, bowel troubles, debility, rheuninii-m are all o nquered by this highly esteemed tuul professionally sanctioned specific, which liu also won a nationnl reputaiiun as a reuic ly tot and means ol averting liitenuittent and remittent levers. It has n cheering effect upon the uuspoiident invalid, and may be re 1 led uiKin to produce ducisivo and not pnlliu tive effects. It is the one thing needlul tor i lie cure ol dyspepsia, and nothiDg will supidy its p:aco. An Iiifleatmcttble Kubbcr Boot! Inclin Kubher, as prepared in Ihe mniiufuc- HiP ol Boots, has a grain or fih.'r as positive ih the main ol a pine board. The "cruckin, if Rubber it nimply the t-epantiion of these lib' n. caused by the strain brought upon them, wherever wi inkles aro lormcil in the stock hy the bending of the loot in the act ol walk ins. In the " 95 " Boot, by making tho ex posed part ol the upper and leg of two layers ol Rubber (its seen in the out), Me B ain it r.roffd at right angles, whereby the whole mass of libers are held together, rendering separation or "cracking" impossible. Tlie ex Irn thickness obtained by doubling the upper anil log, tends also to prevent the lormntion l permanent wrinkles, for tho stock, aided hy its elastio purity, springs Imck to its origi nal form when the betiding censes, so that alter six months wear thee Boots will be lound as smooth and as shapely as when first in:ule. This shape-retaining quality will be lounl especinlly dnsimblo in the leg, which in iiidiimiy Rubber Boots settles down and great wrinkles are formed around the ankle, causing t lie wearer to "interlere" in walking, to the xpeedy wearing out ol tho Boot leg. ihe lree ilom iioin loot chafing and stocking wearing crinkles in the " Ninety-five Per Cunt. Ster i'ig Boot," will be lound of great practical oml'ort and economy. A speedy quietus is given to a hacking rough by that inestimable specific torpulino nery, throat and bronchial complaints, IliiH'i lliilsnm for the bungs, which cutes consump tion, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, labored breathing aii'l other disorders of the respiin ti(iyorpui9. When a cough manifests itself, the in I V u'e ol this bene: Ho cut medioiue ih oarutfstly recoiniiiMidvd, as the difficulty it more easily overcome in its incipi' n stag lhau later ou. Sold by all druggists. Prices of the Mason tt Hamlin Organs are somewhat more than those of the poorest organs made; but they are not much moio, while the quality is vastly superior. This has been so thoroughly proved by tho results at all great world's expositions lor many years t lal it is no Ion .i t u question. At the prices they are the cheapest organs. For on cent purchase a postal card and send your address to Dr. Sanlord, 162 Broad way, New York, and receive pamphlets by ret urn mail, from which you can learn whetluu your liver is out ol order, and il out of order, or is any way diseased, what is the best thing iu ihe world to take lor it. $1,4A.60 Profits la 1IU Invs. $10 m legitimate Stock bpeotilutions in Wall St. pays immense profits. Pamphlets ex plaining everything sent tree, ileatb A Co Brokers, 1227 Broadway, N. Y. For throat diseases and aUectious ol the chest Brown's Bronchial Troches" are of value For coughs, irritation ol the throat, caused by oold or unusual exortion ot tho vocal organs. in speaking in publio or singing, they produce beneficial results. W.uttS. S tonnan (J. ., Marshall, Mich., want an agent, in this eounty at onoe, at a salary ol 100 per month and e penses paid. For lull particuluis address as above. I:nu.ii wr nt 1 il ll Curia. a a aid nhTslclau. reined from DrtcUc. bavtaui had p'acf I in ma banda by an lu.t nulla aiiaatonary Uie formula of a aiuipia vegetable remedy lor the apeedjr nd wriuinciii cars fur GoueuniDtlea. Brouctutla. Oaunu. A.taiua, aud all Throat and Lang Aaecuuna, i uiwitiva and radical cure for Nervous Oebility aii'l H Ntrvovu Guaiplaiata, after kavluf teated Ha wonilertol curative powera lu Uiuuaanda of caaea, haa fait it bia duty to make It trows to blaauflerlng fellova, Actuaiud by thlaoiotive aod a dealra to relieve buuiau eutterlDK, 1 will acua rree oi cuagsc vo tu wno acaiie u tlili recipe, in German. Freacb, or Sngllata, with ful direction, for prei iii ( sod salug. beol by mall by addreaaiotr with lump, naming wis naper. W. W. MS rswsrs suoea awcaeewi. a. A3 M rn nl and tho will ner ran o?wi 1 lMtJ.wlrin Bl ldnm ' , Vonostnnneu wev l.pHrn telnHrmidv. At- drog R. Vwhmiinr, Mhnnger, Jnnesvllle, Wis. Chfew jmkon's Mont Swent Nuvr ToUscce. . A World fcf Wood. Oiicof the most popular medicines now befora the American. publW is Uop Bit ters, x oil see it everywhere. People take It with good effect. It builds them up. It h nit us pleasant to theVute as solllc oilier bilters Us it Is hoi it tVliiskpjJ drink. , It Ls more like the old fashioned blitiescl lea1 that has dolie a world ol good, If you don't feci jiml right try Hop Uit- ters. A'Unm Kctet. bed uncut or mucus in tho urine is a sure indication of disease. Take Kidney- Wort. FOR SALE. Finder Agents take holii Jut lnM enltr! tlc fflH-iini-f!X for duillm liMiM-ft place In I . S , Canada and Kurofie rnun-t in 1wo cunils only lnilex Hud of U.S. Wrop Lcnf n- Invention Map of World in new projection, rc-op.v like It. Money In It. Send for agency. IMUkt St, OliicAo. HalVell Itroa., H4 Oottage St., Map Publl.her, Ohirlet't Sta., Dojton Io'n riirp liir t'liiMitmp- I Inn Ifllfotlio lifHil nnh mtnl clnf. Ilfir Niiuill. linllli' Inrixr. S'.M c''.irvwlinr'. i.Jp i:nlS1.0l. S Wnrrnnltui in flrfr ttvcrt. GENTS WANTED for A TOUR LU BY GENERA L GRANT. $3 PHIOB This thefdsteflt-aelllnp book eviT pnbli8hPil,jini1 the umy onipK-ip aipl authentic ll:it-iry of (irant'sirjiveU. S-ii'l for clrrti'.ars containing a fiiil ilescrlptlou of the worn auu onrexira icrni! to Agenrfl. A'wrcss Ninn.vit. PciiUKOiNi Co., PhlUoielphla, Pa. Mark Twain' sNew Book TIE GOOD TIMES FOR AGENTS AHEAD ! Prnwrfnf frr tliU mitvTft1iV looked for Rook now tva-lv. Sppflfc niilrk and secure territory. 'A word to Apply tn K. K. BIKINI", llnrtfnrrl. Ct. WaKNtR BKQ'I CDnSatt rec.lvs l -ii iiliclii l wi '.' : un' r'i;.w lMltlf EXPOSITION r.-.rr nil Attirl'iu compftttiTB. 'I ( - IM.KXIK1.K HIPUORSVT t0 tMlTlC-) Is WARUICTK MOl t t'ifcf ...wrnTTthBhlli. PHrftl.-'.. H'--! IMPROVED. HEALTH CUHSn ( atdtj witli thu 1'Hnii'n o Bum. wi. i t li Heft and flesbl nd e-'ttvUt a owf. Prlr if idI1, l.M. ' Pori.1 BbT 11f(IInmrch..., . Il', im-Uivi'lr imii-- Fi'lmili' xlkliw.sllch ni Kill. IliK nf 1 lie W-im'i, ll'tims rlironlc llljljimliint .un oi ritviViliolt of t ! i' Woiilh, Itli'lil-lllill HellHUTlineoi l'l'. iilinir, Piilnti'l Siiire.-'i nnd Irn'milnr Mens ti'intlmi, ,s.- An "til unit rcllnliln riiinniy. Keild piw l il card for n niiinhhli't. with trentinent, euio" mm rirtl!lontrm f:imi plivlrl:nis nml pallnM. to H-w nrth Iiillnnl, (.'tied, N.Y. b-dd by nil lrii-ui-f.:o per uutne. EAR-DISEASES. 1k. C. K. SnnrMAKER (Uie well-known Anrnl Siirfrron nf Iti'iiilimr. Pn. i "iven nil his tinin lo tin1 Itfinlnieiit of nftiriK'ri anil Ulsciinrrt vt tho Kir at hU oHlcc. Hi? -iiit-vt'te has alvon hiin a ntulunal ropntmion, rtpi-'cinii tn runtiin:; K-ir anl Citnrrli. CaU or sent, for his l'tllc ,'HiK on tin Kir. it ih-cspp nivi xneir irpniiiifiu frrr lo nil. His lame Hop ince), price S.01. A l lnss Dr. . fr. fillufeMAHKIt, Anrnl urueon, ucninnui 1 1 organ BE ATTYELlPi? RcwUrsuui 1 t.loi, aift Goldi-lt Toaeur l(rK. . ori -C knr-Kwll, walnut c..f. nmlW r'lri. ''ll'i ',onT. , ' H.r.ir you hu r w Biin-in nriir ni". iniisiriiii-H ."---! r- 1 .nit Vrtsc mbingtuo. Avn Jorvy. TO AGENTS. Th raflpM I'O V f fell ever tn"! Carleton's fl.uiseliolil iiuel.ier.ii. A tmniij ol in. eiiue. A nt . ne le nf.l Infnimatiou on. 1:1 i. cl. euil In en eiiurl liarat'rupn ji , u'il 1 '1 liciiliy ..iraiiicd In one vn.um". Ine ..V U'lij ll,.'!Ul lltlltly f.Mi.ytHipaiillB evci ji.iuieu. itiiiini! 1 il ut n eil.fi r. S ' 1 v ii v 1 v r 11 1 i(if 1 1 pt 1 1 'iii 1'. r 1 1, tc, sddreia . .W. t'AlijLK'I'O .JTU., ruUlUheri.H.Y.CIty. mi 1 1. 1st or Mudk lues there nre nono (P.- S jiHl 88 I 111 it nr.. (mil to llunt'a Wr mi-it 'mi i"v (' 'iii '..ni-.t!. Hunt's llt'iiicMly lures l";x's;v, lut-'iiijii-rrinre. iii a-ra I Mitii it y , liiutu:, Ula-ln-ti'N in th-; lt.it k, SllU"M' I l.niiK, iiivl nil DI-mms'-m cf the I iTiiuuv Orpins. rh siflans pre- -if tlu.it U. tii Miv. S-nl for piuipliiet to ' J.K tlL.Vit.vK, I'rovukiuc K. I. . ON 30 DAYS'TRIALT Wiy will fii'l our Kleclm-Voii.ilc Bella and other K'i... irii. Annll un. . nnnn trlil for 3't 1UV to tnose nilllrted with Xervom llelnhtu and rf uf a personal it'iliue. Almortiie l.lvei, Kliineyn. Kliuuuwtlaio.raraly- Ac. A "irr aiue ttti'imateeil or no "if. A.l liifs Voltaic lleltt'u.. Alarsnoil, icn. Pr.VYKI 1IAVMI PIjAVmI PJLAVN! For Iti ii'llni: tliiilm. Tor Aiiimetir Tnci.trliMl.-i l'einT nee P nys. Iliwh.s Boom l'kijv. Kulry Piaya.Kthl- plan l'lav., (.vine r..i'ik, ypeaKers. r.iiininiinie!', laoieioiA lliiiln. Macnenliiin l.lnlits, Uolornl Fire, llilrnt i 'olK, T' eatrlral Kaee Preparations, Jarley'a ox worka, Wit;, ltearil and MuiHtucliea at reniueu prices, un tumea, Sci'ncry, t.'lnirielea. New catalogue sent 'lee Cf"l.ilninK full ilt-Bcnption nnd price. KAMDL MlKXCil M. i.N, 1'.. a a III zureri. nr. o. Tnrxn is xichtti h. l. li.-a- Turn We ill t-a zpeaai. oi t . 'ii. .. u'inrv ul w u lariie c'.i.iHi.o. umnlU and 1 WOti'lt imiis. lie . if tre wu. Knru. nleftee addie-a KUKUMAX ro , Maoha Mieb, 1 lO i V lit "ii :i.;iiV liivestinent ur ci nn 4liJO I 1 Krlf H. II.. . tuber is. P1UU Prom rilonai return, every tees on Stcck option. . t iJO. - tso. - IOO, -. oo. Ofdclal Ui-lir.rli. me! Circular, rree. Ali'lregi I . I I H i r.K W 11.U1 CI I., niumeip. ... i ; "-' YOISO MAN OK OLD, If .o si.ttlatut.aBt MVariacLt. C ii.J wh .l.rs a i."lli at bsji kill .'. t (u H. tlrs. (rsntl.n tj4 tl-..4..lyttXs. , b...c. r, Hal :.is fl IM TTT WILL I AST XOU toil or children-cLil jaekannvme FLORIDA Orange Grove, ...i7. .1. Tr.ii. Rdiinnn.. Pluii. (raue.. Peaches Slra luiiles; Large uew Hounei :Ut Aireti lncuui. n ,w FiKeeu llouiiif l und ran lie doubled, run pa ticuhiH." AI.I'HA." Ilox ll. Jackaonytlle, Florld. BARNEY & BERRY'S SKATES. Catalogue aent Free. Addrebb, Uai-ney . Berry , BiBinarm-p, M. $10 10 $1000 l''ln every mon'tb. Iloos ent Hiv . fi www tv expiiuing;evorythini. Ail.l a . BAXTK.H A .. liante'a n w.i oi.. eKBwa'i'aJaa"1",r',l,'1 ASTHMA jatHjtiail liailestimn, ilaa- VOUNC MZiti uii ntli. Kverr graduaae su Learn Teieitrupny an nam to S.11MI ery graauaae suaninteeit a puyinjzsiu a A.lilresH B. valentine, MunaKer, JaneBVIIIe. wis. lullt hklu llteibcs. Toon aandscured. Lowest Prices. Oonolfa to wnte. Dr. P. K. Murnh.ijnlncy. Ml-i m, i, .i.tap cteWorksauii ur. rooie ShaKSPeare S ,.;TB Whmui v.1 rear for ,l Hamnleeorv (rie. Murray lllil Pub.Co..iai K. JHth KI..N .V Morphine Habit Cured In 10 to VCU ctitya. flolHiy imturcui Da. J. UTKlMIEXi, Lebanon, Ohio T VllE Li l TtK COBBI.EK.-Thread. Aw a, illi a, Kuile hdu w ax, my a',"'.Je' WAli tlill C. P. ADAMS A OO , 4t Uourtlandt St., a months tor I O cts., on trial. Dt rwj't .vuntltlit Mtieellany. a la-j paper, barupie tiee O. (J. IIR PL a-ge elubt-page neja Plfy.Byracuae.W. Y. big';: . wun bteucii outnta. Wbatcoaun lla rmilihv for till i-Ls. OaUloSUe tt. Seancaa, H-J Wash'n St., Boston Maaf Kft week In.yvur own town. Term, and M outfit) 00 f reeAddreaa Ii. 11uri a Co.. Portlaad. 1U. Free Ohromo Uaulogue. Famillea.everybody,juWi a puce MetrniKiiilan A'l Co., iitt Kussau SIm h.rL(yiiy TrT A VKAk and eipeises to wenta. omul rT.e jS a) Art-lie P O Vl;Kj;KYAliansta K-ilne. tK in tO ft per day at home. Samplea worth sA free. HI yLV AddremSiiaso. A Co.. Portland, Maine. fctWre a inn auu exntts guaranteed tu Agauts 5J i 4 Onlllt Irea. baiw Co , Aoso.fJ. Mai.s TT Hiwol vers. O-ulogue frea. Address L U I s Great Western Uuu wrnrtaPitUlmre.Pa C-jlt'li.A VkArt. iov . ...ii.lu - . OOOUUL - COU WOXSK. ICt. . Me. rJ, ItaaaSlaauaV aw VI w .'aJ SI t Si W lift! 13 1 S .JL hhb I'.'ii tor 1880 cannot INCREASED IN SIZE well at the younger members of tbe tamiiy. a a-l.l arfn-w h n duii-i : 1 ' II. Ijlllie r10llieri Cspt. E. Frehett. . ' tlmrloa CrmlOook, , t. A. Stephens, t"u mi Mort than Harriet Beeclier m Charlotte Marr I ,1 1 ' A. 11. Irfonowena. Clwrlee.Cra.ldoek Kebccca Uardliif Dsvls, BarabU. Jewell, ILLUSTRATED BY THE BEST ARTISTS n. T. Sir ii. V. Oeoris JE. mm Edward M. Kin. Iioul.e Chandler Moulton College Davj m It.v f COMES EVERY WEEK Advice upon lloinesieaoinijin Slni-I.-V:ih Meclianlc. I.lnii lor Every - tlo'n if Poems. Ilelirv V. I.nnSlWHr F.dBa'r rrtMI. tew SrB' bl.lne, Uiuicr. 1 -Noraleri. cal, literary To any SI.7B, wo $1.75 A YEAR. TTJST OUT I Bells of Corneville A handsome and complete edition of tbe "Bell, ol ('orncville" hy Planquttte, 1. now reailyt and aa tbe music, tbe acting, Bceiiery and costuming are quite within the reach of amateur., It is sure to be extensive ly given and enioyeu. rreuy, uve.jr muju . Mi uo.icontrastlnii with events In the haunted caiija make a hpirited couiblnatlon. Word. unoL-jecUonabl Price, $1.50. tviIITR ItOBF.S. the new Sunday School Sons, Book.br Abbey an.l Monger, bid. fair to be one of the . ' . ... i . i. .. i Ain. I. la .imlnnl.lit. mOpl BUCCeSMUl UOOl. Ul IH c.opbi ow i ii-.vu.. one of the sweetest and beat. It will pay to buy one, If only to s.ng from at home. Price 30 cent.. VOICE OF WOHSIUP. (I 0. Kma.os.l M per dozen. TIIKTEJIPLE, (W. O. Paaais. ) 9perdoD' XEW MTllUIfor RliVUIN CLASSES. (A. N. Johnsok.) ttperdoaen. The above are our three newest SlnaMwt School Books. The nrst two have a full set ot tunes f or Cbolra. Seel sfull ll.tsot New Sheet Music, every week In the cal Btcord. That Is the way to keep well Informed UiiMir.iL ol -11 new ift-uet. Mailed tot 6 cenU. Walt tor these book, (almost through the press) i TEMPF RAW CE JEWELS. J-H. Teiiaey. AMERICAN ANTIIKM HOOK. piULutt OKUAN IASTUOCTIO- BOOH. A. M. Johk.os. OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. . U. UIISttN k CO., 843 Broadway, New Tor. . E. DITSON A. CO.. OiM Cheatimt St.. Phllasl.lp U. S?Ct3Si)SLCmafroiii'X CURED FREfE. Anliiraillble and nuexcel.ed Hemedyfot t--ia,K.llei. 01 'alllUKNIck.nesa wairanleil To eSect a fpucdy and I'J'iM.V.Artrj: S' cine. " A free bottle " uf my ITS! renowned .pectucaud a valnuble IT'.ntlee B'-i.l IO any .uurii:, seu.liun nie Ula P. O. and Kx oreus addle... Vu. H .0. KOIiT. lHil Pear! Btreet.N sw Turk Si yfflll sir This wonderful substance Is acknowledned by physl claii. tliioiiiflioul the world to be the best remedy dis covered for the cure of Wounds, Hums, liUeuinatisui, Sklu- Disease., Piles, Catarrh, Chilblains, tc. lu order that everv one may Uy it. it Is put up iu lo ai.d li.i cent bottles for household e. obtain it from your drugsist. and you will Hud it auperlor to anything you have ever used. rirTvr? rrrrinnra etm 1 . Knr llrautT of Polleh. Bavins Labor. CleAllnoti Uurability and ('heapnesa. Unequaltd. oiK nftttK. Proprl-tora. Cafli Mat MILITARY and inl I'nifornia Oilleer.' Kquljimenta, Ca' , .-!-., l-i- lo I) ,TI. f. I.illry to., C ambus, Olnu. 6V'iJ'.A tnci LuU. Firemen'. Caps, Bell., and Shirt.. ;.( . Ja 1 1 mm P IN ENTERING np Its t Ifty-thlrd Yesf, tti Tott' CokpaVioh tally recognUei the tact thnt th times' iemnnd the highest standard ot poPul lltsratnre,: Iho follow Ing Annoucemeot. IndicnW thnt th Volu tall to resch. this itftndsrd.' , . A reposltorj cf th choicest lllorntdtei Ubrnry of tales, tre1s, adventure, history and biography; a"Compin. ton" tot the study and the fireside, (or the btfer ns 6peolal Stories. HSrrlrt neeeher Htowe. Ulnsh Mnlrwk Crnlk. ., . ii ,. A serial Storv for Boy., by - J. . irovrimnpfe. AB?5ryolwUiirn i,lk,liy , Mario B. Wllll.ttis. A lale ol CiKUberlaud Mountain., bj Charles Craddock. Derii, o Stories of Adventure, by vpm.1. A. otir. . Hrs. H. H. Kind, Charles U. dem Stories for Girls, by Mirv A. Denlsoiv P.?J'h, Winter Kf 'Holt. Harriet riesootvbfOsTord, Marlon llarlantl." Two Hundred Short Stories. Stowe. Ko Terry Cooe, J. T. Trowbri.irr.. n Von, l - H I W .. J. U. Chaplin. O. M. Cornwall,' . ' .1 1 ' .1 .1 ..V- V . If 1 1.. .'. I rrannea M. IVan ltutli Clieaterlleld. Valuable Papers," by nnwillteh. Oh rreTenMon rtTVonnimp"1 V)HIr- ' On 'a-Slsllle,'nr, Vii.Jgi Jr., -. - Ou Vent Halloa. Foreign Letters, by Kin Charles Brnan. Mr a. John I Brilliant Sketches, on IjrSaft.tbT Edwin P. Whipple 1 ig -jpTT Short Religious Articles; by ltav Palmer, p. D.. .... rmmur, a.. , i). n., ev. "iVXlcriho.'niiioin T.T. Practical Artless. Mlaa A.TTT-W!riii. Coiirsesol Uea.llnir, Itcv. r..i " " -j-v Ilcv. Kilwnril r.. ow lo Slnhecnenii loura 10 a.u.ui, i.-, .,, ,. I linlory ot (.real Kinerpr .es, -,-,,,.: "'? aS .VaV. hi Iho Wet. uie . - VV..'c Wllkemili. Charles ISuiuhiiI. uoj ., Day Facts in Common Law, by Crimes cic. .in Ci. WliltHer. Mr.-riul Mi. I ' l'anl II. li-.u... Julia C. U. I)....'.- Editorial Department. ami BClelltmc. SPECIAL. OFFER. one who subscribes now, end sends ua will send tho Companion free to BUr 1st., ond niun years .umcniaiun ...... ...... ----- Subscription Price, 51 75. Specimen copio enl free. ricaie n.emisn in ir'o' raP'r Vou "ad lh' iltflUtmnl. Publishers Youth's Companion, 41 Templo Place, Boston, IVInoa. OT- SKA' Kk t7Tnr f-f-i-llimM---rii..ai The Only Remedy ) JIlAr ACTS AT liiE KAJlE X1MK 05 Hthe LIVER. mm- - -W THE BOWELS. and the KIDNEYS. Tliis combined actum gives il won-l larfnl voiccr to cure all diecaset, I 7hy Are We Sick? Jiecause ice alloto these great organsi to -become c gged or lorpia, anal nouonour liumorsarc tncrelore forecdx Mo the hlood that thould lo crpdkdl naturally, nil.IOl SM.SH, l'U.KS. t'U.SI ll'A I IUA.I JHMRASES, F1MIA1 V. AVIMh.. SESHKH. AND KKUTOCS DlS01!l)KliS, In enuainrl tr,P action, fit' tllftj! OTOan and rnto'riiig their poicer to throw ofi dwaxe. ... Why Suffer lillinna pam aim nrneai Why tormented villi I'iles.Cnr.alitiatlonI Wl.y frightened overdlnonlereil kidneys I n ny en-.iuro iipnnw. m 10 - nimi ."-i-. Why have aleenlea nU:lit I Utt KIDNEY WOUT and rrjolee in hiallli. It it a i1rj,rt(itta'M romjiountl and One puckoeewlll .ke.lx qtaor Medh lac. Utt it of ymr JJruggiel, ht vU vidtr it fur yon. Price, Jl.i'i. TILM, EICHASBSOa CO., Prcfri.ters, A iwllli.advo.tp.la.) Burlinarloa. It, ULshrai M N U-N0 40 FRAZER AXLE liREASL, Bit I ir.tu.o vt.uA uitosMiie 1 ;, FOR 8AI.F. BY AM. DKAI.KKK. Auardti Ih4 UEUAL OF JJO.XOJl al Hit Ctnltnnijl fluii i'aria ; piKiji.'rOflf . CMctgo. FRAZER LUBRICATOR CO-.lwTBr. T la VU -Ho n BatatlU-a- IIN. PENSIONS. flew I w. mass 1 BolSlaT. sa helva ia 1 a eaa iosa date keck U d are ar aeatk. Haas MMMak Aaoiaas iu na ms f. q Drawer aa, Wukl Usartem, . 9, mw w cop-"vg oil I perfectly it medical KiKrrl , 'M worm . bold by Drusvuta. W V o.u vo M.a loi j.lu.: . ooU, era tbal oU sL ii i me uauia fa emboMied on the lid and the labal haa the .i- nature of WOULK1C11 CO- It 7 9 AW EEC. Illadayath. eeaallynude. Coatly V" Outfit free. Address laes 4 Co., Augoata. Mam. R riniaT i. .HieT I JHRTISHLU I . llMU1HI 1 -B IT V K i 7.!Xli1 ' JV ' a ioHrioora-ts'' NDIANBL00D5OT LATA Or ttnl reVvNt. rf - T . M J "'t'iW'yjelkla, the Medicine' Hani Kothing ImuvW. l(' llie f.o-aV '.1 iithiut; has lee.tiiken rowiv:. It i w; W"" lie Ubst PtraifiKinif lue IJl.ort ie SvsTKM ever klioe il J fill Svrup itrM-rfii .'I ncl wjoii tlih JtJ it u .-I - ii ikf.ii lie FXiflw IC resrulatPM lUc IcrvolK II inn oiri. no- ..n""M . . II qnlelollie Ki'rvoiiJytoin.r'; II nrwmolKM IHjroNtion. It Noiirtnlina, K-rentHeiia uml Inrll?-" rnteH. ... fc , SI e.irrles ofTtho old blood aii-ina.k.r 3d"in East '.vrh awn XlNB YbaII AND APACHES. A 1IOUI liiniF a himn'e pUitenient . onnx-ted wlih ti.e mil mar-car r f aniiiy. n'"l th tojilivity. toriureJ ri rscapeof ittvUHur1vui3 m'Bibpi .. .....i.irullv. I'nen SIS, -i ineiiiunta of tho ninwero-. orient rc distributed ht s?v""' ,,'REB of rhar!; U. I.'..... hkki '.i.iitn. nltiiOit COlliitllllt 'ct. ri'iaasod l'n gatiieiin:! und curing thel iu ..r will..!, thu loeilieine Ih eomlioiea, I ndneds innni;i ment devolve- upon Ir. JohneX i.il me reineav nsa ueeu cuuou, auw Di. Clark Johnson's Tn m. rT.nrri titles 61.00 11 it tlie rolmtav? ptimoniH M per-ona vio :-ave n 'en enreu nv mo u.: oi .ii v,M!,-". Jai 'au Wood Sy.-1, , in you. owaVloJaajr. W , 3 Jrk.ilS Yri-..'- If I The Best Remedy. XnowjTlS JJaa I T)r. Clntk .Tolmson having n"ocfflfl hltrifcl ' """ y ith Mr. IMwIn Kaatmnn, mi ernpeWl,".l''J'I . r l ..lnvelpWnkametklmlliB m-iliclne mail 11 the i minehea, . now pn-pnred to lend nl am 1(1 vi I iitroductlnn of Un i , , ' l'n ' "i I 1 The ryperienrea V 7 2 sli ' u V 1.111' k 1 w 1 or c 1 u 1 i 5 1 5 v w Nk catL'ilala of Cure;.' "'., f .. IlEMEDT FOR SjVKU AK1)" KlDST . piseask. : . Peat Sir: 1 can, Iroin W cxporiencti, re--oinmend vour lnclinn lWooU Syrup as a sure sure lor liver anil Kidney DiMja ' L' . I.1ZABETH A. OAFUSJ, ' : r . . v CHE INDIAN JHjOOD SYRUP THI RlJrr -MEDICINE, w. PiTTsnrjuoH. Pa.. AwruBt25, . Jea Sir: 1 wns Iroirlileil wjth Kidiiey'Duw ease nail I averCoiiiiliiint. I ti-ierl ererythtiig . wliieb I thought illicit do ine good, brrt I slid nnt. r the riiflit iiievliciiiu until I cot a MVcen ootlle tr your liiedifiiie, wliieli entirely cajred me. A..CAot. LIVER COMPLAINT. ..., . . Jacksuxville, Muroh 8, 1879. Dear Sir: Kuowinn. liom eiperienioe, that jour Indian blood hyiup is a aiuoourv tor l iver Complaint, I contldeiilly ) ecoromonded all suQ'eriiiK buuiunity. 1U:iiecc RKCEIVED GREAT BENEFTf FROM1T Holmsuuuo, '23d Wani, Pliiladelplun, Feb. 2. iM9.i J! Dear Sir: I take great pleasure in ,8rvjin(r hat I huve miven your valunble Jadinu. Jilood "Syrup a loir triul in my laiuily uti4 received Kieat benefit lrom it. Sam'l. N, Soi.lv, IJVER AND KIDNEY COMPLAINT. Andah'bia, l'a., Feb. 10, 1870. Dear Sir I have been using yonr. Indina ' Wood Syrup. iu my family lor Livor und Kid ney Complaint with success. 1 believe it has no equal. Edward G ilbkht, LIVER COMPA1XT AND CHtLLS.s' IlEssAi.hM P. O., Feb. II; 1879. Diar Sir:--IIavin H ied your Bluet exctlont Indinn Blood Syrup and i.mim.1 ii a valuable medicine for Liver C'oiii).unu and Chills I would recommend those who are ulHk'ied to Rive it a trial. Mggi O. Ahimak, ; w-i aat.i . CURES CHILLS AND BILIOUS FfcVEB. EdinotoMj Feb. ,4?7 Dear Sir: I was troi'Med with Chills- hd them every other day for six monti8 aa two doetoi s attending nie when youmeu i-csiuided me to try your inumii itioou bytuji, and l oan tay I never had a Chill alter taking the first dobo. 1 vheertully recoiuinend it to all. Luzik Wink. ' i i - i V LI J- .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers