THURSDAY, DEC. .4, 1879. New Time Tablk. Under the now chedule the tnall and local freight leave Ridgway station at follows: ' MAIL WEST . . - . 2:33 " EAST . . , ( . 5:03 LOCAL WEST . -. . 7:50 V EAST . . 3:25 K. of H. Ridgway Lodge No.. )644 meets on the 2d and 4th Fridays of each' month at 8 o'clock. . i v. .... toed Kofet -t-The Advocate 1 .60 a.year. r. Hyde, Kline & Co., founders, are rilBhed with work. The year 1879 will In less than a month be no more. ,! Go to MortrcskLBls Tor enndv and sy at worn on selling for from 60 to hei at retail. . - - ncn uiiii hi ii ri iiniiHr in h i I he Advocate office. in iue eunor unui? up nisuooa stocu- ing. Car load of feed, meal, buckwheat, graham, and wheat flour and corn at Morgester's. . Shawls. Some of the nicest you ever saw at Powell A Kline's. Don't fail to examine. The Episcopal diniesociety will be held at B. F. Ely's residence next ' week Thursday evening. The lumber market seems to be improving. Better prices are expected next spring than for several years. Three bottles of beer are said to be a sure cure for a hard cold. If a cure is not then affected, take more beer. The muddy condition of our streets for several days has been very dis couraging to those having teaming to do. Our chromo visiting cards, a cent a one, are fast becoming popular. Thirty different designs. Call aud see them. McAfee, the tailor, has lust re- roivon on nv n..! .... 1 : . , . . . f ........ 1 r. . .. . . vAbCIJSM u nut; Ul SU1I1I.OC1 1U1 thefall and winter trade. Call and sec for yourself. As the cold weather again takes hold in earnest, it reminds us that Gresh's coal is cheap aud good. Buy a load aud keep warm. The new railroad still booms. Mert Schram Mill take the right of way aud Geo. Woodward the acknowl edgements. This commences to look like business. A ten-foot lady is in town, and will stand on the dome of the new Court House. She stands in her bare feet with a drawn sword in ono hand and a balance in the other. Service at the Lutheran church, Sunday, Dec. 14, 1879. German in the morning and English in the even ing by Rev. John Sanders formerly pastor of the Lutheran church at this place. D. S. Andrus & Co., of William sport. Pa., are prepared to sell a srood organ now for $75.00 cash, 7 stops and beautiful case, aud they are fully war ranted by them which is a sure mark of their merit. Send them your orders and you will not be disappointed. A little son aged about two years and three months, of W. H. Arthurs, of Centreville, this county, was horribly burned on Wednesday, 20tli ult. The mother of the child had gone to a neighbor's house on an er rand and while she was gone the child got hold of some parlor matches, which it set afire burniug the clothes from its body. The screams of the child soon brought several persons to the rescue but too late. After suffer ing intense agony for nearly seven hours death came to the relief of the little sufferer. The child was burned to a hard crisp, and the wonder is that it lived so long. Matches were still in the child's hands when found, and were also scattered around. At first the child was rolled in snow to put out the blaze. It then asked for water which was given It in large quan tities. This is, indeed, the saddest item we have chronicled in mauy a day. List of letters remaining in the Ridgway P. O., Elk county, Pa., up to Deo. 1st, 1879. Beby, J. W. Block, Sylvester Byler, Chas. A. Brown, Miss Ida Chenog, Peter A. Cahill, John Croll, Miss Annie Dlfl'euden'der, Phineos Deller, Edward. Dixon, Miss Annie Himes, Joseph H. Johnson, John f King, James London, Geo. W. Laugbius, Mrs. Phiny Miller, Mrs. M. Mohney, R. Simmerline, Johu A. ' Soott, Michael Simpson, Wm. Wood, Andrew Woodward, Wallace Wbalin, Charles FOREIGN. Dealy, Wm. A. If not called for in thirty days they will be sent to the dead letter office at Washington, D. C. J. II. Haokrtv, P. M. i The Patter of the Shingle. By request. When the angry pnnslon gathering In my mother's face 1 ee, And she lends me to the bed-room gently lny me on her knee Then I know Hint I will catch It, and my flesh In fancy Itched, A I listen to the patter of the Rhlngle on my breeches. .. Every tinkle of the Rhlngle huanechonnd a sting. Anda thouRnnd burning fancies Into active being spring, And a thousand booR and hornetR 'nenth my cont-tnll teem to swarm. ARlllsten to the patter of the shingle, O, so warm I In a sputter comes my father, whom 1 thought away had gone, To survey the situation and to make her lay it on To see her bending o'er me ai I listen to the strain Played by her and the shingle to a wild and wlord refrain. In a sftdden Intermission, which appears my only chance, I say, "Strike gently mother, or you'll split my Sunday pants," She stops a moment, draws her breath, the shingle holds aloft. And says, "I had not thought of that, my son Just take them oil." Holy Mosesl and theangelst cast your pity ing glances down, And thou, O family doctor! but a good son poultice on; And may I with fools and dunces everlast ingly commingle If I ever say another word when my mother wields the shingle. Personal Items. Dealy's clock, for a wonder, still runs. Ed. Geary of Lock Haven, is in town this week. Dan Scribner is putting a new additiou to his barn. Bev. Mercer is training his dog "Ike" in the way he should go. Neut. Rhines has moved into the old court house aud now works in the foundry. Ross Bros, talk of putting up a brick building on their Ceutre street lot next spring. E. J. Miller has purchased the VanOrsdull place on Centre street of Cupt. P. R. Smith. L. S. Horton and C. L. Chamber lain called at this office this week. Call again gentlemen. ' School children call at The Ad vocate office next Saturday and get a nice chromo card free. Frank Nichols is canvassing for the book "Grant's Tour Arouiid the World." Give him an order. -A new picket fence betweeu John Flynu'sand Dave Mulu,ueen's places, at the west end of south Street. lira, Brandon, of the Gazette, called on us this week. He claims to be getting rich in the printing busi ness. Success to him. Dr. W. L. Williams, of Stratten ville, will locate permanently at this place in a few days. He is a brother of Doctor Williams, of Centreville. Tracy, the McKeati county mur derer, takes his departure from life's busy scenes to-day. It is too bad that so much valuable time should have been consumed on so vile a wretch. It is expected that Rev. M. Meagher, - who has been away from town several weeks undera physician's care, will return in a week or two more, much improved in health If not entirely cured. Beiij. Malin delivered us a copy of the book, "Buffalo Bill" last week. To say that this story of actual fact is thrlllingly interesting is not saying half enough. Every person should possess a copy of this remarkable work by a remarkable man. DIED. Copp. In Jay township, Elk Co., Pa., November 18th, 1S79, Mrs. Kate, wife of Lafayette Copp, in her thirty-third year. Tosiek. At Chippewa Falls, Nov., 20, 1879, of brain fever and heart dis ease, James S. Tosier youngest son of Thomas and Lydia Tosier.aged eleven years two months aud fourteen days. His remains were brought to Bene r.ette, Elk county, for burial. Heury Wise, one of the men tried iu the court of Lebanon county, recently for participating in the mur der of old Mr. Raber, at Iudiautown Gap, in Lebanon county, has been sentenced by Judge Henderson. Wise attempted to deliver a written state ment, but Judge Henderson would not allow him to proceed. This is the insurance conspiracy and murder case for which Drews and Stichler were hanged recently. Sentence on Wise was deferred that he might tes tify ugaiust Zechman, another of the gang. His evidence was discredited however, and, after having been once convicted, was acquitted on his second trial. A Valuable Publication-Weare indebted to the author for a copy of the above described publication, aud take pleasure iu recommending it to the large class iuterested in the in formation contained therein. As Mr. Bierly Is a good lawyer and an inves tigating and laborious worker, we have no doubt but that the book will meet with a largo sale. Hundreds of copies should be purchased in this County, as it will be found to be of great value to lawyers and township officers." Washington, Pa., Review & Examiner. Now for your winter suits and overcoats. McAfee has just received three hundred samples from three of the most popular houses in New York city. Don't fail to call and see them. Folks have always wanted some thing that would stou a headache in an hour or so; and Dr. Day's Cure for lleauacho is just the thing. -Fifty Cts. and $1 a bottle. Toys! Toys! . at P. & K's. -A splendid stock Elk Co. Teachers' Inslltnte. The next session of the institute will be held In Ridgway. Commencing Monday, December 29th, 1879, at 8 p. M., and closing Friday, January 2d, 1880, at noon. Prof. A. N. Raub, of Lock Haven, will give Instructions during the week and on Monday evening will deliver a lecture on "Self Help." Prof. H. S. Jones, of Erie, will give instructions and Tuesday evening pre sent his artistic and Inimitable lecture "Africa In Chalk." Todd Ford, A. M the humorist, traveler and lecturer will on Wednes day evening render his attractive lec ture, ''Go West Young Man, Go West." Col. J. P. San ford, the greatest of modern travelers and a very populnr lecturer will on Thursday evening give his famous lecture "Old Times and New." Prominent educators from different parts of the State have promised to be present. Messrs. J. B. Johnson, J. D..Rishell J. W. Muhlhollen, Frank Lenig, J.B. Spachman,' Emmit Hovencamp, W. H. Norcross, aud others will prepare special work. Messrs. R. J. Thompson, Daniel Ir win, and Misses Katie McCloskoy, Margie Mcintosh, Efne Butler and others will read essays. The music will be an Interesting feature. A daily paper will be published. Holiday Excursion Tickets may be bought at the railroad offices. Boarding may be had at very low rates, A small admission fee will be charged Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Everybody is invited to all sessions. Come. A $175,000 Transaction. Brndford Era. The month of November, 1879, will be famous iu petroleum history for its large real estate sales. Yesterday a tansfer took place in which the amount of cash involved was larger than" in the sale of the Moody tract. Marcus Hillings, who has handled more large blocks of oil lands than any aian in the oil business, sold Ids half interest in the Hillings & Gufi'ey tract of fl,2o acres in fee in the Kinzua region, on which there are eight producing wells, to II. L. Taylor & Co. for $175,000. The lands are about equally divided into two tracts which touch a single point. The southern and western division is found on warrants 3001, 809", ao98, 3124. Mead Run forms its northern boundary line aud the south brunch of the Kinzua the southern. The dividing line between LaFayette and Hamlin township serves as the northern boundary for the tract on which the producing wells are located. The entire tract is divided up into forty-acre lots. According to W. J. McCullagh's Petroleum, History the land were bought by Mr. Hulings for ten dollars per acre. The tract is about sixteen miles south of the city of Bradford. The first well on it, the Hillings No 1, located on the south side of the North Branch of Kinzua Creek, was finished at the close of the month of July, 1878. Salt water has been found at two of the wells and at the furthest east in such copious quan tities that it was abandoned. The eight producing wells are reported to have a monthly yield of 6,000 barrels, which would give a daily average to each well or 25 barrels. A father never thinks his ten-year-old son is stronger than a horse until he employes him to turn the grindstone to sharpen an old ax that is about as sharp at one end as at the other. The old man bears on until the lad's eyes hang out and his trousers buckle tiies off, and just before he bursts a blood vessel his father encour ages him with the remark. "Does it turn hard?" Thousands of boys have run away from home aud become pirates and Greenbackers in order to escape a second siege at the gindstone. Ex. Fatal Accident. A sad accident occurred nearMillerstown, this county, on Monday of last week, which re sulted in the death of Mr. Eli McCall, who resided in that vicinity. Mr. McCall was driving to a field after a load of corn, his horses took fl ight and ran away, throwing him out of the wagon. His body was caught be tween the wagon and a tree by the roadside, crushing his left shoulder and several ribs, the fractured bones penetrating nearly to the heart. He was taken to his home and properly cared for, but mortal skill was of no avail, and on Tuesday forenoon his sufferings were ended in death. Clar ion Jtepablioan. The Clinton county court has just concluded a rather remarkable case. A man named Shaw was insulted in the presence of his family, consisting of a wife and several daughters, by a villain named Hamilton. Shaw in his rage hurled a stone at the villi tier, which missed him, but in its re bouud stuck him without iufiicting injury. Hamilton brought Shaw into court on charge of assult, and the latter plead guilty to save his wife and daughters from testifying to the vile language used by the prosecutor. Judge Cummin in sentencing him said that Shaw made a mistake in not using a larger stone und taking true aim. aud imposed a nominal fine and cost. Light running, Latest Improved DOMESTIC, at prices never heard of before, at Mrs. W. S. Service's. All the Ridgway school children will receive a chromo card free by eall Ing at The Advocate; next Saturday. A full line of best canned goiwls at Morgester's. Brandy tamp Penciling. Weather changeable. Furgason has sold the Wm. Max well estate for twelve hundred dollars to J. 8- Hyde and Intends going to Williamsport with his family. Miss Margie Mcintosh has an at tack of diphtheria. Dr. Williams Is attending her. A pair of punts lias been stolen from the Johnson Run cook bought about ono year ago and worth four dollars. The gentleman Maimed says he had nothing in his satchel but a pair of little boys boots, but yet the cook blames him. Is "Vale" sick or is he visiting or has he gone to pick shells from the shores of tropical seas. Last Sunday night he could not go as the horse had a shoe off. Locals are scarce this week. Last Monday morning before day light we met something in the rood that had a long tail. Following the back track across the creek we came to Its hole at the foot of the hill. There is strong talk of more Brandy Camp correspondents. L. C. A. Last Week's Brock port Locals. Hellen school will commence on Monday, December 1st. Boga shingle mill is in full blast since the first of the week. Samuel Piatt killed a large five pronged buck one clay this week. Keystone mill has been running night and day since Monday the 24th Inst. Snow is from eight to ten inches deep nil Boon's mountain at present. Thomas. Burch field our constable, wears a new silk hat. E. Sherman has moved into the Boga house lately vacated by Jack Allen. There is scarcely a man in the neighborhood who will say he wusone of the ring hunters. Short & Horton have commenced pushing logs on the main slide at Key stone. Since Saturday they have pushed about ten hundred logs to the mill. One of the disciples of the moun tain church sometimes called "Foot washer"' who for the past four months has been trying to strike up a corres pondence with several of our county papers will have to give up in despair. Twice he lias sent his items and twice they have failed to appear in the col ums of our papers. His main effort is to compose poetry. Swamper's ring hunfc was a total failure. He himself was not present. Some of the old hunters who knew whore the deer runways were, went there and watched thinking perhaps that some of us greeuhorus would drive the deer to them. Gentlemen we are sorry yod were disappointed :alter watching eoejfaiUtftrirtUt day in the cold. -. - L. C. A. is a brave man or lie would not have gathered up his calico after the concert and toted it a mile in the opposite direction from his home. We don't know what he did with it after he took it that far. Couldn't say, perhaps he hid it in a fence cor ner. It may be lie sold out to John Cuneo. Vale. Dent's linn and Dry Saw .Mill Items. Winter is nearly at hand. It is now the time of year when a good lire is a very nice thing, but it is not half so nice to get up in the morning and kiillc it. There was a Thanksgiving prayer meeting at Dry Saw Mill luijt Thurs day evening. It is reported that a couple of young ladies aud gentlemen, if they may be called such, gave themselves a very high recommendation by being guilty of conduct worthy of being turned out of the hotel at Bemvette. Warren Dent shot a deer Thanks giving evening. That cow is rather too handy with her feet. Miss Mary A. Smith was taken suddenly ill last Thursday evening. At last reports she was improving. The Brockport fruit agent was at Dry Saw Mill last week. Prof. G. R. Dixon, County Supt-, visited the schools of this district last week. O yes we kuow little Willie is just perfect even if he is Auntie's own boy. The Cochran Eros, have com menced a log job at Dry Saw Mill with Mr. Ames as foreman. The mail east on the Low Grade Division or tne Allegheny K. H. was one hour late last Saturday evening. T. D. Johnson does not shave his moustache yet but his hat was found In rather a strange place Monday morning. Mr. Mahen and D. S. Johnson followed a bear for some distance last week, but did not get it. Happy is the man who has a wife that will carry the baby in her anus and get dinner rather than tohave her husband disturbed when he is reading a newspaper. Some of our learned neighbors seem to think that the teacher is not so highly educated as 'themselves send in tremendous hart questions such as, "What Is an oasis?" ''What are three proofs that the earth is round?" But as we suppose, to their great surprise, she answered them readily. A car load of chop wa unloaded at Dry Saw Mill last week. There will be preaching in the red school house next Sabbath. The question now is, what shall get for Christmas gifts? I, c. , Sew Postal Rules. Under a recent change in postal regulations unreceipted statements of accounts can be mailed in an unsealed envelope at a postage of one cent. To receipt a bill or to write upon It the words 'Tleaso remit" will however, subject it to letter rates of postage; but a request for remittance may be printed as a part of the heard. News paper publishers have the right to en close with their papers either receipted or unreceipted bills, but the addition of any written request will be treated as an infringmcut of the law. A Pennsylvania Border Tale. In the Philadelphia Weekly Press of November 29 ia commenced a thrilling Pannsylvania historical ro mance, entitled "The Brady Brothers; or, Hald iSugios JNest." its scenes will be located on the West Branch of the Susquehanna during that bloody and troubled period imruedi htely following the massacre of Wyom ing, aud "the great runaway." John Brady; his brave and stalwart sons, James and Samuel; Colonels Kelly and Plunkett, Queen Esther, Bald Eagle and other border celebrities of that time will figure prominently. The theme was suggested by the late Brady contenuial celebration at Muncy, aud is from the pen of Charles McKnight, author of "Our Western Border." Simon Grity, the White Savage," und "Captain Jack, the Scout." Schepp's Prepared Cocoanut, fresh at Morgester's. Kid Gloves Ladies' and Gents' Buck gloves all kinds of gloves at P.&K'a McAfee keeps constantly on hand the most fashionable goods sold, and at prices that will suit all. Mrs. Barbara Neely mother or Isaac, William, Jesse, Hiram, and Paul Neely, all well known through out Clarion county, died at her resi dence, near Bostaphs Corners, on Fri day morning aged ninety-nine years. From the Derrick correspondent we learn that Mrs. Neely was born in Maryland iu the year 1780. In 1800 at the aire of twenty, she marred Isaac Neely, who preceded her to the grave many years ago, and emigrated to this Stale. Her husband bought of the Slate some land uearthespot where Edcnhurg is now located, but what was then u wilderness inhabited only by wild beasts and Indians. Their nearest neighbors for several years re sided fifteen mitcsaway, but eventually more settlers came in and the embryo town of Edenburg was started. In 1819 Mr. Neely disposed of his Eden burg property and purchased a track of land near Bostunh's corners, three miles from St. Petersburg, where he built a log cabin, into which here- moved his family in 1820. Here Mrs. Neely remained untill the time of her death a period of about sixty years, .she was the mother of a family of ten children, all of whom lived to reach the estate of manhood, and seven. five sons and two daughters, are yet living. The venerable lady ulways enjoyed excellent health and never knew what it was to have a spell of sickness until the last two or three years of her life. Clarion Republican. ' WAS BILK) VS and MY XERXES WERE qUIJ'E UXSTRUSO." Pr. M. M. Fkx.vkk. r'rcilonia, X. Y.. De:ir sir : I limi been out of health for three months. Was bilious, lay evs and complexion beinjr yellow and my nerves were quite uusr.'mm. 11ml lost my appetite, niy month lusted und, my heiul wu-s stopped up and felt dull and heavy audi had lo.t ray ambition. 1 have no- taken one bottle of your mood and l.lver Keineily ami Nerve 1'onie and teel entirely cured. Yours trulv. X. N. WHITAKKR. Dr. Fenner's Blood and Liver Rem edy and Nerve Tonic may well be called "The conquering hero" of the times. It is the medical triumph of the age. Whoever has "the blues" should take it, for it regulates and re- utorts the disordered system that gives rise to them. It always cures Iiillious ness and Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Headaches, Fever and Ague, Si'lekx Enlakge mknts, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pimples, Blotches and all Skin Eiiuptioxs and Blood Disohdehsj Swelled Limbs and Dropsy; Sleeplessness, Im paired Nerves and Nervous Debility ; Restores llesh and strength when the system is running down or going into decline; cures Female Weakness and Chronic Rheumatism, and relieves Chronic Bronchitis, and all Lung and Throat difficulties. It does these things by striking at the root of disease and removing its causes. Dr. Fenner's Improved Cough Honey will relieve any cough in one hour. Dr. Fenner's Golden Relief cures any pain, as looth-ache Neuralgia, Colic or Headache in 6 to 10 minutes, and readily relieves Rheumutism, Kid ney Complaint, Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Dr Fenner's St. Vitus Dance Spe cific. One bottle ulways cures. For sale by Drs. T. S. Hartley and D. B. Duy. EN 8 JONS! procured for soldiers disabled In U. S. service by reasons of wounds and other causes. All pensions date back to day of dis charge. Pensions increased. Address with stamp, STODDART & CO., No. til3 E St., N. W. Washington, inlml D. C. CbTP5nnTO S1"00 A YKAR, or $ to $3) a N-,lt-'v-',Ma.v in your own locality. No rik. Women do us well as men. Many make, moru thau thu amount stated above. No one can fail to make money fast. Anyone can do tliework. You can make from 50 ets. to&au liour Ijy devoting your evenings and spare time to the business, it costs nothing to try the business. Nothing like it for money making ever ottered belore. Dusinoss pleasant aud strictly honorable. Reader, if you want to know all about the best paying business before the imbllc. send us vour ad dress aud we will send you full particular. auu private terms iree: samples worm torn so free; you can then make up your mind for Tortland, Maine. ' nllRy NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Rates of Advertising. One column, one year 9W On y 40 oo O u H 25 00 ? " 15 on Transient advertisements per square ol elKht lines, one insertion Jl.two insertions three Insertions ti. llusiness curds, ten lines or lnss, per year II. Advertisements payable quarterly) Caution Notice. All persons are hereby cautioned not to purchase or in any way meddle with the following described property now in possession ot John Rinchulz, of Horton township, the same being left with him for a time only: One team brown horses, and harness. Also one St. Marys wagon. D. C. Osytrk. Ridgway, Pa., Nov. 18, 1879. t 8. A New Book. Orders NOw TV ken. A i T7TVT rPC? Can make most AljlilLN 1 O hy selling a new work the on Ivone of the kind is sued. "The Rlghis and Duties of County and Township OHicers," by w. it. Uieriy, isq., ot tne wiiiiam sport (Pa.) Bar. Contains all the acts and decisions in relation to the various county and township offices, is a complete hand book for election offi cers, and treats the tax laws fully. Every officer and tax payer will buy one. It contains 00 pages, neatly printed bound in cloth and gold, and sold at 82 per volume. For ugencies aud terms apply with stamp to W. R. BIERLY, Williamsport, Pa. Caution Notice. All persons arc hereby cautioned not to purchase or in any way meddle with the following described property pur chased by me at Sheriffs sale and left in possession of Reuben Mohney in Spring Creek township for a timconly: One wagon, three cows, two yearl ings, one pig, hay, oats, buckwheat, rye and potatoes; six beds anil bed ding, stoves anil furniture, bureau and stand, chairs, dishes and other house hold goods. Also lumbering tools con sisting of log chains, gratis, canthooks, &c, fcc. Jamks McFahlin. Ridgway, Pa., Nov. 13, 1S70. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R- Div. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after SUNDAY, November it, 1879, the trains on the Philadel phia & Erie Railroad Division will run as follows : WESTWARD. erik mail leaves Phlla 11 55 p. m. " " Renovo 1100 a. ni " " Emporium. 1 lop. in. " ' St. Mary 's..2 11 p. m. " " Ridgway .... 233 m. " " Kane 3 50 p. m. " arr. at Erie 7 53 p. m. EASTWARD. ekie mail leaves Eric 11 35 a. m. " " Kane 4 00 p.m. " ' Ridgway. ...5 05 p. m. ' " St. Mary's..5 27 p. m. " ' Emporium.!) 25 p. m. " Renovo 8 40 p. m. " arr. atPhila 7 00 a.m. Wm. A. Baldwin. General Sup't. PATENTS. Patents procured upon Inventions. No Attorney's Fees iu Advance, Our House was established in 18011. We tile CAVEATS, and obtain TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, Etc. INVENTORS, Send us a Model of your Invention, with your own description ot it, tor our opinion as to patentability. No Attorney's Fees unless Patent is Secured. Our Book of Instructions, etc., "How to Pkoctkk Patknts,'' sent free on request; also sample copies of the Scientific Record, the Inventors' Journal. R. S. & A. P. LACEY Patent Attorneys, 604 F Street, near Patent Office. Washington, D. C. "pensions." " All disabled Soldiers and heirs of deceased Soldiers who died from con sequences of services in the Army, are entitled to PENSIONS. No Arrears allowed after July 1, 1880. Send stamps for full instructions in all kinds of Soldiers' claims. J. H. SYPHERD & CO., Pension Attorneys, C04 F Street, Washington, D. C. Cut Flowers. A general assortment of Cut Flowers constantly on hand and arrayed iu Designs or Faucy Straw Basket on the shortest notice and in the neatest man ner. ORDKR BY TELKttKAI'II. Also Winter blooming plants of all kinds. Choice Hyacinths, Tulips and other bulbs for Winter Flowering and for the Garden. Prices on application. HARRY CHAAPEL, Florist, Williamsport, Pa. NOTICE. All persons indebted to the RIDG WAY MEAT MARKET will please come forward and pay. Those having claims will please present the same for payment, on ana alter Nov. 1st no account will be kept except for those who pay on tiemand. Prick List Alter Nov. 1st. Steak from 6 to 18 cents a pound. Pork from 6to 10 cts. a pound. Mutton from 5 to 10 cents a pound. Smoked meats at lowest prices. Fish every Thurs day. Merckk Bros. Prints. The mosf desirable assort ment in Western Pennsylvania, now on exhibition at Powell & Kime's mammoth sales rooms. Jam Polks Middletown X-Cut Saws. Jeffiird's, White's and Mann's Axes. Tubular und 00 Lanterns. Files. Diston'g X-Cut Saws. Boy n ton's Lightning Saws. Corn Poppers. Coal Hods. Stove Shovels. Repairs furnished for any stove. Ax Handles. , Pick Handles. j lb. Best Polish 1 ct. at No. 42 Main street. n39 Business Cards. GEO. A. BAir.Wi ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Main street, Ridgwfcy, Elk Co., Pa. Particular attention given to the examination of lilies, also to patents and patent cases. iTAuTeTM cau ley ATTORN EY-A T-LAW. Office in new brick building, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Fa. v32t LUoGPE & tJ&fSSILEM ATTO UN E YS-AT-L AW , Ridgway, Elk county, Pn. Office across the hall from the Democrat es tablishment. Claims for collection promptly attended to. ,incl5,U'7( G. (i. B.S3M5R. DRUGGIST it PA K.MAC EUTIST, N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets. Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care-' fully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed Rt all hours, day or night. vln3y J. S. BOiU.VLL, Si!, a. ELECTiC PHYSICIAN AtSURG'N, Has removed his office from Centre street to Main nircel, ltiilgway, Pa., in the second story of the new brick building of John G. ilail, west of the II vile Hon ;. Office bonis : 1 to 2 p. M. 7to ft P.M. HYDE HCU3E. W. II. MCI lit AM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and con venience of guests, to lie-lit a conlims ance of the same. oct-Hi'i;y MRS. J. R KEIi'Z, Kersey, Elk county, Pa , takes tins i; Uioi ol tm nouueing to the citizens of l" county that she has on hand an assortment ot fashionable millinery goods which will be sold ( heap. Aisu divs-.-making in all its branches. Agent for Dr. J. i;.ill & Co.'s IV. en I Ivory anil LU'iuim Vil'e Eye Cups. Semi for descriptive circular. nlTyl APPldETGK'S Am t":hJ This admirable work i.-i now com plctein 10 vols. Euchvoiumc cntanissoO pages. It makesa complete s:iid well selected library, and no tne can utl'ord to do without it who would kecj well informed. Price ;: SO.'K) in leather, or ?:T. half Turkey. For panic W. H. Fail-child. Portv ;" oo in cloth, 00 in elegant 'I'llll':! i'.diliCSi, ii !e. Call . Co., in !y appoi nled N. Y., who has hceii agent for Elk county h;, general agent. C. K unison, A Great lle&nctm. The undersigned is now prepared to deliver a better quality of i;i:uiniiioi'.s coal than has ever been mined in thi:i part of the State, at the low price of :!.1! per ton or 1.T .it the mines. Leave your order tit W. II. I). urlnrtil's store at EaLile Valley, and at Ihoodicc of the undersigned, .Masonic IJuiiiiing Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. E. I. GRES1I. Sept. 1o, m3 CENTRAL. State Normal School. (Eighth School DU'rivt) LOCK IIAVEX, CMa'TON" CO., PA. A. N. RAl'JJ, A. M., I'.-mcijial. This school as at pnvent constituted, offi rs the very best, facilities for Pro fessional ami Classical kuniiou. Buildings spacious, inviting and commodious; completely healed by steam, well ventilated, aud furnished with a bountiful supply of pure water, soft spring water. Location healthful and easy of ac cess. Surrounding scenery unsurpassed. Teachers experienced, efficient, mid alive to their work. Discipline, lirm but kind, uniform and thorough. Expenses moderate.' Fifty cents a week deduction to those preparing to teach. . Students admitted tit any time. Courses ol st tidy pre.-eribed iv the State; I. Model School. 11. Prepara tory. III. Elementary. -IV. Scieii entitie. ADJUNCT fOfKSKS : I. Academic. II. Coiuiiuicial. III. Music. IV. Art. The Elementary and Scientific courses are Professional, and eiudcuts graduating therein receive Stele Diplo mas, conferring the followiiig corres ponding degrees: Master of the Ele ments, and Master of the Sciences. Graduates in the other courses receive Normal Certificates of their attain meats, signed by the Faculty. The professional courses are liberal, and are in thoioughness not inferior to those of our best colleges. The State requires a higher order of citizenship. The times demand it. It is one of the prime objects ot this sohcol to help to secure ic by furnish ing intelligent and efficient teachers for her schools. To this end it solicit young persons of good abilities and good purposes those who desire to improve their time mid their talents, as students. To all such it. promises aid in developing their- powers mid abundant opportunities for well paid labor after leaving school. For catalogue and terms undress t!i Principal. S. D. BALL, President lioard of Trustees T. C HIPPLE, Secretary. BOARD OF TRUSTEES! Clinton county. S. D. Ball. T. C Hippie, Dr. .1.11. Barton, A. II. liest, Jacob Brown, Wilson Kistler, A. N. Raub, W. VY. Rankin, R. ii. Cook, Samuel Christ, O. Kint.inir, S. M. Bickfc d, H. Ii. Dilieiibach, A. C. Noyes, S. R. Peale. Centre Ex-tiov. A G. Curtin. Clearfield Ex.Gov. Wm. Bigler. Elk Charles R. Earley. MrC'70yl Howe Sewing Machines. Among the great variety of goods of every description for sale at Powell & Rime's Will be found an assortment of the celebrated Elias Howe, Jr., Improved Sewing Machines the best machine now manufactured they having been appointed sole agents fo'r Elk county. They will keep on hand Tuckers, Corders, Hemmers, Braiders and Ruf flers, Needles, Sewing-machine Oil Thread, Ac, &c. Wilf also furnish at uny time detached parts tor said ma chine. All at greatly reduced prices, and will be sold on accommodating rms with approved security. RirrjwAY, Aug. -0l '""V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers