7 Sire vacate. CD Hoary A, FiII'mi'm, .Jr., fritter TIK'USDAY, MAY 8, 187'.). s-'nbscrihe now for Tin: Advocate will get 11 chance in our drawing. See advertisement on ."cw inl page. Tlio simple running expenses of Congress tit (ho present session have already amouiwe-1 (o $-100,000. At Hempstead, Texas, on Monday, a Hit? congregation were leaving the Methodist church, Colonel Jared E. Kirby shot and killed John Steele, who in a (iiarr'l fourteen years ago, killed Klrl.yV father. Tlit; new Constitution in Califor nia provides that no judge pan draw liU monthly salary ln-fore he has taken oath that no cause, remains in his court undecided which has ht-en sub mitted lor decision during a period of ninety days, At Overton, Texas, J. T. Young and John Hi ley, who had been eon lined in jail for drunkenness, at tempted to escape by setting fire to the building. The Haines spread rapidly, nnd'being unable to extinguish them, the men were both burned to death. There are living at Fall lUver, Muss, u married pair whose united ages arc more than two hundred and five years. The husband, Fraud Miner, was horn in St. Mary's Camilla, and was one hundred ami two years old last January: the wile was born in St. Charles, Canada,' and will be one hundred and four years old next No vember. The woman is the more vig orous of the two, but both are obliged to keep (heir beds most oi the lime. Annie K!im the daughter of a Mississippi planter, became somewhat famous during the war as a rebel spy, and wa- sentenced toilcith, but tin. illy lilHT.itid. Her ::i in iy Inst all its wea'Th. an i she suheqrently went to Csiiforr.i i. l.r.vivg manied William Tew.-, ihI. In s':;n Francisco she start-, i a 'r.i'.li'.miclnry of wax l!vev and i'i 1 very well until, in :i:i tmti Chuicse riot, her establishment was burne.I. A suit against the city -or damages tared, and at hi-t accounts she had disappeared, with her daugh ter, leavinga letter indier.iing that she mc;.:u to kill herself and lite child. Mar-hrd Frederick l),u -la-;s, i:i a kvtme at Staunton, Va., tuivi.-t-d his eoloi-cd hearers not to tret altogether top-.'; yer, lu.t to go to work houtvtly, systematica;! Jle iiitnsc!!', three long y conn- to him, 1 he prayers g canicd htm a and e-m eientintisly. he said, had j. rayed for ::-.r-: th;.t freedom mhrht but it n vi-r eanie l!ii!il it tlnwn into his !e;;s ami .vay. ll'eiiiii not approve tin- exodus tin ltldeti : " clay where you arc, ami so conduct yon-selves that men will ho hound to respect you work Willi the head and hands seek (o acquire knowledge as well as properly, and in time vow may have the 1 on ! of going to Congress, for if the negro can stand Congress, Con ought to he able to stand the negro.'' The radical and fiery Robert Tt-onis of ( Icorgia neii her approves the proposition to prohibit the tarrying of concealed weapons, nor does he regard the practice as cowardly. In his own words: "The trulh is, the way to protect human life is to let every man who is the aggressor know that the man he attacks is able to defend him self, and it will prevent tliliieulties. They say nobody but a coward will carry weapons. That's a lie. I know plenty of men who carry them, and know they are not cowards. It js jicn erally the cowards who want you to lay them aside so as to give them an advantage over yo:i. A man ought to carry arms when he thinks his life is in danger. It is not wrong; for him to do so, and so far as I am concerned I will tlo it whenever I want to defend myself." Mr. George Conklin, a well-known tamer of wild beasts, at St. Louis last Tuesday went into a cage containing two lions and a leopard. The lions were very docile, but t he leopard was in a had humor. No sooner had Conklin appeared than it sprang at his throat ami scratched him near the right ear. lie hit the animal on the nose with the lash of his whip several times, but it then made another hound and succeeded in getting one of Conk lin's shoulders In its mouth. Fasten ing its claws on the man's hotly it began to crawl toward his neck. Conklin seized it by the head and pushed its head from him. Then he drew his whip, and reversing it, hit the leopard's luud with the loaded handle several times, crushing in its skull, and it fell lifeless on the floor of the cage. The Philadelphia Jivnord claims that" the census of 1S80 will show that we are by far the most numerous people speaking one language on the face of the globe. The population of the United States will then probably be consliierahly innw th:!ii nrty mil lions, ami good authorities c-,1 iut.-itc that by the end of the century t In-re. will be nearly one hnic'i -d million people within the present !i:;iil- of the union. The taking of Ihe ceiih i;ni il census will he begun about tin; iir.-t of June, 1&80, and an eflbrt will he made to complete it within a month. J twill probably show the centre of popula tion to be near Indianapolis, in the state of Indiana. In ISiiu this centre was on the meridian of Washington. It hud got as far west as Pittsburg in 1810,and at the lust enumeration it was at Cincinnati. By VJOO it will probably reach the Mississippi river. Washington Letter, from mil' rPMilnr Corrcsp nnli'iit. V.'tis-hiiiglon, I). C, May, Clh. The lined t-dniy us to what would he (be falo of the Army hill Wiui short lived. It hiH been vetoed, -ami the question, "What arc you going to do about it?'' confronts the Democratic Congress. Undoubtedly Hid President has accepted the counsel of the stal warts of his party in this matter, and his message is entirely satisfactory to them. It was written by Secretary McCrary, who is the best, representa tive of lire radical Republican clement Inlhe Cabinet. That It was substan tially ready before the bill ha 1 eveti passed the Senate Is evident from the quick time In which It is returned. Just what will he the final octeoinc I am not now prepared to predict with any degree of confidence. The Re publicans are certainly very much elated, because they hud more than half expected that the President would sign the hill. The Democrats were, at first, a little sullen and uiiccrtiiu, but the lone of the caucus" indicates that they are likely to stand firm and refuse to pus the appropriation bills. They are moving cautiously, but .show no signs of backing down ; and, from all I can learn through expressions of the leaders, 1 think an early adjournment will lie taken, leaving the unny ami executive appropriations to be made next winter. lloth parties claim to he fighting for fair elections. The position of the Democrats is that there can be no ab f-oiulcly fair elections while one party has the power to use the army at the polls, and to appoint numerous super visors and deputy murshalstoiiiterl'ere with voters, and with authority to arrest opponents on sight. They maintain that the States should have control of till elections, those of rep resentatives in Congress included; that this was the ancient way of the country, which worked satisfactorily until JS70, and that the laws then en acted by the Republicans were cal culated to give that party undue influ ence with voters; that the supervisors and marshals are partisan agents, exercising a corrupting and iriitatiug iniltieiice al the polls, ami that their uppoiiiiuiiiit is a dangerous power ol inuii'eieiice to bo given to the party wiiieii may happen to possess the Fedei.,1 ( lovcrnuient. The Repub licans, on the contrary, insist that the Fediral Government not only lias the right to interfere in the eomiuet oi Congressional elections, but that the itncrcils ol pure and live elections de mand that this inter eiciiee .shall con tinue; that Hie Federal power uiiall, I y its agents, keep peace tit the polls, control the registration, ami canvas the ballots. As 1 have said, botli parlies express themselves in favor of lighting it out on this line ii'it takes all summer. Several eases of three-card monte swindling ! ave been reporte-.l.tely to our local authorities, and stranger, visiting Washington are warned against thescsharpers. It is singular ilial people will continue to be taken in by a swindle as old as this, and one that has been so often ami thoroughly cxjiiB-ii. i wo or liiree days ago two gentlemen from Iowa, on their way to Texas, slopped over to see the sights o" the Capital, and fell in with some m Jiit i nu'ii who represented themselves as guides, ami succeeded in going through them to the extent of i-lo-i The swindlers approach strangers and, pretending to be guides, show them about a little, and then, upon one pre text or another, entice them across the river, where, with Hie aid of accomplices, cards are introduced ami the swindle executed- If the experi ence of others will not suffice to keep men of ordinary sense from trying their hands at tiiis sort of thing, their only safety is in keeping out of the company of agreeable strangers en tirely. The surest evidence that spring has came again is the inevitable circus. Ami liolhiiigon earth sets Washington as wiltl as does one of these travelling combinations. This week we have had Cooper, Bailey ii Co.'s 'Loudon Circus and Menagerie, ami it took the whole community by storm. It is pro verbial, in rural towns, that people who never go anywhere else during the year, will shut up house ami spend their last half dollar for a circus ticket; hull do not believe there is another large city in the wholecountry that can turn out such a crowd for that kind of a performance. Tuesday night the canvass was tilled till there wasn't standing room left, ami 2,0ijt people were turned away after the management refused to sell any more tickets. Congressmen and attaches of foreign diplomatic corps were num bered among the throng. The electric light with which the monster tents are illuminated was one of the atirac tionsj but I observe that even our national solons appealed to be inter ested in other features of the show. Don Pj:i;ro. J.isl ol Licenses. Xotk k is hereby given that the fol lowing persons have filed tblrj,ci. ons for Lin n: e in my ol!l i- imd ,af I hey will be presented (o . C,,in l;f i .... .. .. ; 1 i r '.'"'"I (sessions on v en iiesi lay , ..May '-'.sth, at 2 o'clock P. M. : ' TAVi:i!N Jay V II. Dixon; Armcl Turley. i .. i i. , -. . i. j ". .j w.M-pn ioci. liiii :.iv -Mdycr Jackson. S:. .Mary s Mary L. Miller; John droll. WilmurthWiiliam Haley. KATINO nor i;. P.cnozctte John Daley. Fox James Met 'lo.-,kt'y. l'Khb. SllUKMNU, Clclk. 'That il any peii-,on or persons shall neglect or refuse to lift his, her or their Licin.se, within iii- jkkn days after the same has been grttlilen, such neglect or refusal shall be deemed a forfeiture of eaul license." ' Pur don, V. 2d, page P48. 'Inn Lush ah y Mahazink. The current number of this magazine con tains:' The 'Defense of Ltickiiow, a poem by Alfred Tennyson s The Dif ficulties of Socialism, by John Stuart Mill; Riographiesi of the Season's, from London Xocicti; The Choice of Rooks, by Frederick Harrison; Homes ami Haunts of Hie poet Tasse, by Frances v Kleanor Trollope ; Plain Words about the Afghan Question, by Archibald Forbes; Fresh Assyrian Kinds, by 11. H. Cooper, R. A. The Study of Entomology, by W. S. Dallas, F. L. S ; Art Education in England, by Sir Coutts Lindsay ; Toilers in Field ami Factory, from London Timr Wagner ns a Dramat ist, from J-YuHcr' Mtiyazinc; The Royal Wedding, by II. C. Merivale. Ten cents a number, or f 1.00 a year. Amehicajt Hook Excha nor, pub lishers, 6" Reekman street, New York. Sold only by them direct to pur chasers. """"WANTEU FOR Ol'K G RE A T WORK, NOW IN 1'HKSS, THE INDUSTRIAL History of the United States Rcing a complete history of all the important industries of America, in cluding Agricultural, Mechanical, Manufacturing, Mining, Commercial anil other enterprises. About 1,000 large octavo pages and not) fine en gntvings. ITo Work Like it Ever Publishsd For tcrmsantl territory apply nt once. THE HEXRY RILL PUR. CO., Norwich, Connecticut. vSn l:)-(mi FA Y TOWNSHIP ANNUAL SET f) TLEMENT. J. W. Mead and J. M. Raleniun, Su pervisors in account with road fund. To ain't of duplicate " checks on treasurer " Auditors' certificate By am't paid former Su pervisors Py exonerations ' bill incidental " wo;k on roads 8(12 71 I3N0 49 182 01 $2435 21 80 47 4 )6 41 f(i 230S 22 $2435 21 POOR FUND. To checks on treasurer 472 01 " certificate by A 'tl'i's 3- 02 5 31. 7 Oi Ry services andc ash ' court exj euses &c. " paid lor support of paupers 128 06 S!S'J 30 o07 OC ROAD FUND. A. E. Go ft', Treasurer. To county orders S'iO 00 " c.sh from Co. Treas. 280 84 -$1130 84 Ry orders redeemed " commission " balance in treasury 1020 0ii 2.". 03 83 13 -51130 84 POOR FUND. To Olivin Dodge eol. " John Munn col. Ry orders redeemed " com. on same " bal. in treasury 13 3n,i (il $107 30 3-S 01 il 10 10 20 ?407 30 Assessed valuation of taxable property in Jay township for $200.200 08 Ain't seatetl road tax 802 71 ' unseated " " ' 124s W $2111 GO Am't of Co. orders ree'd this year 830 00 Am't cash fr. Co. Treas. 2S0 S4 1130 84 April 14, is,:, cah In treasury at settlement Roatl orders outstanding un provided for 85 13 fiSS 50 R. I. SI' ANGLER, I W. P. LUCE, t Auditors. J. M. RROOKINS. I Attest: -Ji si i s Wi:i:j, Town Clerk. Win. J. Taylor,') In the Court ofCom j moil Please of the vs County of Elk. No. 07, May Term, Jerusha Taylor. J ls7'.. DSVC3GE. To thk Rt'si'oxiiEXT Anovn Xamkii Take notice that subptcna ami alias suiiprena Having been issuetl in the above entitled ease, and returned "not touiitl in tlie count v ' you are hereby notified to appear before said court on the FOURTH MONDAY OF MAY. A. D. 1S70 to unswerthesaidlibellunt's complaint. D. C. OYSTER. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Ridgway Pa, l April 22ml, is",'.!. II. M. Powkks, Attorney lor Libel- lain. nii)t4 NEW YORK (Next Door to Post Office,) MAIN STREET, RIDGWAY, PA. Will he opened this day (Thursday) it n u itnge line ot DRY GOODS, FANCY' GOODS, NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, and WHITE GOODS, CLOTHING FOR j!OViS; GLINTS' FURNISHING GOODS, ROOTS, SHOES, HATS, TRUNKS AND VALISES, PRINTS from 3 to 0 cents (best.) DRESS GOODS from 8 c-ts. upwards. CLOTIIIXO from SO upwards liOYS' SUITS iroin i-3.00 upwards. And this isn't all. Everything in our line will be sold at correspondingly low rates. Cash purchases at the very est rales enable us to sell our goods at ti.-toiiishinu'ly low prices. A call tit our store before purchasing elsewhere will convince the most critical that, vs far as bargains are concerned, none i f our competitors cun successfully core with us. C'OJIKX BlW. & liKOWNSTEIX, nl0t4 Proprietors. iv a i) vi:n tisements. List of Cnuses. Set down for trial at May term, 1879, commencing Monday, May 20; I 1. William Rlew vs. Daniel Reull ct al. No 34, November Term, 1877. 2. Jordan H. Nt-el vs. John Wlngart No. 'Hi. September Term, 1878. 3. Thomas J. Rurke t-t al. vs. D. C. Oyster, Sheriff, &e. No. 43, Septem ber Term, 187H. 4. Geo A. Johnson etnl. vs. Wm. E. Wyckoff et al.. No. 7S, September Term, 1878. f. Irene Vim ITnren vs. Chns Kron emvetter. No. 8, September Term, 1878. 6. Edward Reltl vs. Rufus Under wood et al. No. 4, November Term, ". S. A. Olmslead vs. W. H Schram et al. No. OS, January Term, 1879. 8. Katharina Neubert vs. Joseph Williclm, No. 03, January Term, 187!. (. litlwartl Derby vs. 'j. S. Hyde. No. 00, January Term, 1879. F'kkd. Self cenino, Clerk. )MMISS10NEUS' SALE Of Unseuted Lands in Elk County. In pursuance of an Act of Assembly passed the Lull day of March, A. D. 1813, entitled, "An act to amend an act directing the mode of selling un seated lands for taxes and for other purposes," and the several supple ments thereto, the County Commis sioner of the county of Elk will expose to sale, by public vendue or outcry, at the Commissioners' office, in Ridgway, Pa., on TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1879. at 3 o'clock, P. M. the- following tracts of land situated ami described "as fol lows : JirCNZIXOER TOWNSHIP. Acres. Warrantees nnd Owners. 4'J Jno. N. Morris & Geo. Rindorfer 6 M. O. Sullivan. Vine Kt Wt. 48S1 4108 Town Lots on Ridgway street Nos. 78 and 83. Town Lots on Talbot street Nos. 31, 32, 33, and 34. FOX TOWNSHIP. 380 j. s. Hyde 24 Jno. Rriggs .28 R. F. & C. Co. 530 D. Kingsbury 282 m D. Kingsbury 580 D.Kingsbury 199 D. Kingsbury 4271 4H,.l() 4(l'lli 40:o 40!I3 4079 40S3 4083 HOUTON" TOWNSHIP. 4433 4430 437 1 4344 M James Wilson AO James Wilson P,!l James Wilson 17 James Wilson JAY TOWNSHIP. 39 Owner unknown 200 Wm. Parker l00 Owner unknown 0 i Reillv 100 II. Henry & Co. !00 James Ramsdcn 4198 419-1 4"03 41!4 4P.-4 4104 ST. MAHY'S IIOHOUtill, Town Lots on Erin street Nop. US ami 37. Town Lots on Amandus St. Nos. 100, 113. and 114. Town Lot on Walburgor St. No. CO. Town Lot on Lewis street No 2? TERMS CA-H. MICHAEL WEIDERT, 1 W. H. OSTERHOUT. Comr'n. GEORtfE REUSCHER. I Attest : W. S- HoitTox, Clerk ii)iiiniissionei-B' oince, - I.itlgwav, i'a. April 10, 1879. KELATON PAD! MONEY Unrtd and htt'h rri'mvj. Dr. NcI;lLuiim I.IVI f:- I4A DScnm Dyi'i fpsia, lit- pn rereipt of price, kuud Sr cnit for I'lrt-tilnl'v. . it. l.t i i i,i..oin. Airnt, l.l!!. Wiilnut Sf..Wil..l'. TradcMarkupyriglittd). AlliNT.S WANTED. Catharine M ' Ga r v.-y , by her next frien-1, George Morgan, vs John M'Garvey. In the Court of Common Pleas of the County ot liik No. 0, Nov. Term. 1879. DIVORCE. To the Rkspoxukjt AhovkNamkd. Take notice, thtit iiibjio-na and alias suhpivma having . b--cn issued in the above entitled case, ant! returned "not found in the county," you arc hereby notified to appear I'ei'or'e saitl court on the FOUIU'H MONDAY OF MAY, A. D. 17'.' toanswerthesaid libellant's . nil iilni n t ' D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Ollice, Ritlgwav Pa. 1 March U, ls79. Hai.l tS: M'C'AUijiV, Attorneys for Liht-llant. n('-t5 Estate Xotiee. Estati: of Ciiaklks AVEnn, late of the Township of Jay, Elk Co., Pa., deceased. All persons indebted to saitl Estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having legal claims again the same will present them without delay in proper order for settlement. Cakouxe Webii, Executrix. Il8t4. STATEMENT OF AUDITORS' SETTLEMENT for Jones Town ship, April 14th, 1H7H: Am't seated tax levied, 1878, $1278 21 " uns t'd " " 1878, 1838 17 HECKIPTS AND EXPEXMTUKES. Taxes collected and funds ree'd from Co. Treasurer 2320 42 Rec'tl from Co. Treasurer on acet. Rig Level Slate Roatl... 1250 00 Work done on roads and hills paid 2930 21 ASSETS. Due from V. Miller 0) 01 " D. Attleharger 110 li7 " '' Isaac Keel'ei- 'M 97 " " R- A. Manctt 21 20 Seatetl taxes, 1S78 013 78 Seated taxes, 1S77 122 34 b uinls in 1 reasury 839 12 MAIil'l.ITIES. Orders outstautliu-' 372 1032 Assets over Liabilities $2003 tiU$20Uii GO ACCT. JONES POOR DISTRICT. Total amount received J17S14 30 S undry liebts paitl Hps BO ASSETS. Due from R. A. Mauett 10 8-j Funds in treasury 6N5 94 Due from hcalctl tax '77 114 03 LIABILITIES. Orders outstanding 03 34 iiseiue ucci. iue uiareii twp. .vw... , raj Am i noi Known y omer or Auditors, . A. T. ALDRIC1L T ALDRIC1I,' Town Clerk. ill OtS. -' l-WailSI.M. Hix KIIIMA. BO Is W:i3 lAIrt enra l(hmtt.m C oB XMirahrfn.jftit-luM-lw.Norv 1879. THE PREMIUM LIST One Raymond Silver Watch CnelWhite Sewing Machine . One Wehster Unabridged Dictionary One C?sh Frize .... Three Cash Prizes $ 1 0 e - ch Five Cash Prizes, $5 e ch Total ALL CASH PRIZES WILL BE PAID IH GOLD- $207 IN PRIZES ADVOCATE SUBSCRIBERS Call 071 Charles Holes, Jeweler, Ridgway, Pa , and see the Magnificent watch ive offer. Call on C. Bowers, - Furniture Dealer, Ridgway, and see the handsome and durable White Sewing Machine. The Other Frizes Will 1879. OUR Relieving that every family in Elk county should have a county tinner and also believing it to be to the best interest of the publisher and subscriber that the pay should belli advance, we make the following unparalled oiler Every subscriber to The Advocate in Elk county who pays $1.60 will receive Tjik Advoc atk for one year antl a ticket which will entitle him to a chance in the prizes which we offer. Six hundred tickets will be issued and the drawing will take place as soon as the tickets are taken up, which wehink can be done in about sixty days. All old subscriber will be put on the suiiih footing with the new ones; that is, the paper will he sent one year and the ticket given to all persons sending us tl.50. Further, to any person sendiiwr us $:10.00. we will furnish twenty papers for one year and twenty tickets besides uu extra copy and extra ticket to the getter up of the club, ' HENRY A. PARSONS, Jr., 17 Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. 1879 $ 80 00 35 00 12 00 25 00 30 00 25 00 207 00 TO ELK COUNTY Be Given As Advertised. PLAN 1879. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD -v Philadelphia A Erie R. R- Dir. -. WINTER TIME TABLE. On nnd after SUNDAY, November 10 1878. the trains on the Philadel phia A Erie Railroad Division will run aa follows: WESTWARD. Erie mail leaves Pliila 11 65 p. m. Jtenovo...n w a. m. ' Emporium. 1 15 p. m. " St. Mary'B..2 07 p. m. " Ridgway....283p-m. it i ii " " Kane 3 45 p. m " arr. at Erie 7 40 p. m. EASTWARD. Erie mail leaves Eric 11 20 a. m. " Kane 8 65 p.m. " ' RidgWBty....5 00 p. m. " Rt. Mary'85 26 p. m. " ' Emporiums 20 p. no, " Renovo......8 85 p. m, " arr. at Phila 7 00 a. m. WM. A. Baldwin. General Sup't. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY GRAY'S SPECIFIC HEMEDt. Trade mark-Is especially' r eeommenu de as an un failing cure for Seminal Weakness S perniator- rliPA Imnrw Before Taking tency and all After Taking, diseases unit iouowasa sequeucy on Self Abuse ; as Loss of Memory,; Uni versal Lassitude, Pain in the Back. Dimness of vission, Premature old Age, and many other diseases that, lead to Insanity. Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of which as a rule are first caused by deviating from thepath of nature and over indulgence. The Specific Medicine is the result of a life study and many years of experi ence in treating these special diseases. Full particulars in our pamphlets, whic h we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine Is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or six packages for So, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money by ad dressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., No.l Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Mich. BsrgrSold in Ridgway by all Druggists, everywhere. . Ho i ris fe Ewing, wholesale Agents, Pittsburgh. TO ADVERTISERS. Geo. P. Rowells & Co'S., SELECT LIST OF LOCAL NEWSPAPERS 1 Many persons suppose this list to be composed of CHEAP, low-priced newspapers. The fact is quite other wise. TllO Cniulo'MlP Strl .Ylir.lln what the papers are. When the name of a i:ipcr is printed in FULL FACE T VPE it is i ii every instance the BEST paper in the place. When printed in CAPITALS it is the ONLY paper in the place. When printed in Romnn letters it is neither the best nor the only paper, but is usually a very good one, not withstanding. The list gives the population of every town and tho circulation of every paper. IT 18 NOT A CO OPER VTIVE LIST. It IS NOT A CliKAf LIST. At the foot of the Catalogue for each State the im portant towns which are not covered by the list are enumerated. It is an Hoxkst List. The rates charged for advertising are barely one-fifth the publishers' schedule. The price for one inch four weeks in tho entire list is foau. The regular rates of the pa pers for the same space and time ara 5)3,180.5. The list includes 970 news papers, of which 103 are issued Dailt and 807 Wekkly. They are located in 8i'o different cities and towns, of which 22 are State Capitals, 328 places ot over 5,000 population, anil 444 County Seats. Lists sent on applica tion. Address GEO. P. HOWELL A CO.'S Newspaper Advertising Bureau. 10 Spruce St. (Printing House Square). New York. ' P A T E N T S . AND TRADE-MAE 2 S. We procure Letteks Patent ok Inventions. No Attorney fees ii advance in application for Patents In the United States. Special attention given to. Inference Cases before the Patent Ollice, and all litigation apper taining to Inventions or patents. We also procure Patents in Canada and other foreign countries. Caveats Filed, Copyrights obtained, and all other business transacted before the Patent Ollice and the Courts which demands the services of experienced Patent Attorneys. We have had ten years experience as Patent Attorney! Tha Scientific Record. All Patents obtained through our agency are noticed iu the Scientific Record, a monthly paper of large cir culation, published by us. and devoted to Scientific and Mechanical matters It contains full lists of all allowed Patents. Subscription 25 cents a year postpaid. Specimen copy free. Semi us your address on postal card. I NVENTOR8 Send us a description of your Inven tion, giving your idea in your own language, antl we will give an opinion as to patentability, with full instruc tions, charging nothing for our advice. Our book, " How to Procure Patents," about the Patent Laws, Patents, Ca veats, Trade Marks, their costs, etc, sent free on request. Address R. S.& A. P. LACEY, Patent Attorneys, No. 604 F street, Washington, D. C-, Nearly Opposite Patent office. Arrears of Pay, Lonnty ud Pensions. We have a bureau in charge of ex perienced lawyers and clerks, for pros edition all Soldier's Claims, Pay, Bounty antl Pensions. As we chajge no fee unless successful, stamps for re turn postsge should be sent us. R. S. & A. P. LACEY. JpLAIN AND FANCY PAPER AND ENVELOPES , For Sale Cheap at this Office. TTlfloa tiliaun T". 1 . . A . -""F "u, ana can Skins wanted at 42 Main street. fKAMi SETTELLE Note, letter, foolscac and legal cap papers, at this nffw Also large stock of envelop i TRADE MAK ix vnta frr 25.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers