thtjksday, yov. u, ists. Hotea. Thanksgiving on Thursday, Nov. 28th. Visiting cards In our new script are elegant The law firm or Hall & Ames, at 8t Mary's has bt?en dissolved. Stewart, with all his millions Is not allowed to rest In his grave. There are several dangerous places In the sidewalks which need repairing, The Elk Democrat was wonder fully and fearfully Illustrated last week. Call and see our new and elegant styles of note paper. Some of the latest and newest styles. Eggs are selling at twenty-five cenU a dozen, and the hens threaten a strike for a further advance. Miles at Noon have commenced to lath and plaster Doctor Day's building, next east of the Hyde House. Court commences next Monday. As there are no civil cases, it is likely the session will not be a long one. The sociable at the house of O. G. Messenger, on Friday last, was a great success. More than sixty people at tended. That Infernal old cow Is still loose in the court yard. Why don't some enterprising chap get a rope and tio the old critter up. Dan. McGovern has bought a new team of blacks. He Is busily engaged clearing Horace Little's lot at the west end of South street. On Monday last the time of the mail trains at this place was changed. The mail east now leaves Rldgway at 6 f M., and mall west at 2.33 p. M. Another lot of new samples just received at James M'Afee's, cheaper than ever, making In all over two hun dred samples which he has on hand. The weather at present is very un certain. In the forenoon you have hopes of Indian summer, but before nlgiit a cold, drizzly rain dispels the hope. The report of the Rldgway graded schools will be found in another column- Examinations are now held ouce In two months, instead of once a month as formerly. There was a great fire at Cape May N J., ou the 9th inst. Eleven hotels and thirty colleges were burned, and the loss will aggregate nearly five hun dred thousand dollars. The Methodist choir have changed positions, from the rear to the front of the church. The only objection we make to this change of base is that it is very inconvenient for people to twist their necks around to see the singers. Personal Xotes. He made a great mistake that time. S. H. Clark has returned from his recent visit to Lock Havin. J. B. Agnew, of Forest county, llcd in at this office this week. Andrew Q. Curtln is lying danger- . ouoly ill at his home in Bellefbntc. Prof. VanOrsdall has shaved off hU moustache. To keep it from the action of the frost, wefpresume. Mr. O. W.Nichols, contractor and builder, has Just finished the new school house in Whitmore township, near Kane. The building Is 22x32 feet, one story high, and is one of the llnest in McKcan county. General Kane dropped In to see us on Monday. The General made a sue cess of his war in favor of right as against capital and might. Pity we had not more men with the same kind of determination. Kev. H. V. Talbot gave some one a hot from the pulpit last Sunday even Ing, he said, sneaking of those who complained of story telling in the put pit: " Those persons who amount to anything tell stories, and those who don't amount to much talk about them." Peterson's Magazine for Decern ber more than maintains Its unrivalled character. There are two beautiful steel engravings, besides a superb steel fashion plate, the latter exquisitely colored In addition, there is a mag nificent Berlin pattern, in wonted- work, printed In colors, which at re tail, would cost fifty cents: this is pre sented to the subscribers of "Peterson" as a Christmas gift. A charming etory, "Mrs. Million" is as charmingly illustrated. The number contains a Supplement, with a fullttized pattern, for a winter Paletot, the pattern alone being worth more than the price of the number. All these costly embellish menta are afforded by the enormous circulation of "Peterson," which, as the publisher says, enables him to give more or the money than any other. We canot leave this subject without speaking of the very high character of the stories in "Peterson." But how can it be otherwise, when ita regular contributors are Ann S. Steph ens, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Frank Lee Benedict, Rebecca Harding Davis, and that unrivalled humorist, the au thor of "Josiah Allen's Wife" besides hosts of ohers? The price of the Maga zine ia but two dollar a year. To clubs It la astonishingly low, vis.: six copies for nine dollars, with an extra copy to the person getting up the club. Or seven copies for ten dollars and a half, with both an extra copy and a superb, large-size premium engraving, 'Christ Blessing Little Children," to the per. son getting up the club. Subscribe to no magazine till you have seen a copy of this. Specimens are sent gratis, to persons wishing to get up clubs. , dress Chas. J. Pstsbbow, 306 rivwt not St. Philadelphia Pa. Horse Thieves. On Saturday night last, at Farming ton Centre, Warren county, a team of horses were stolen from the barn of Mr. Samuel Garfield. The buggy had evi dently been taken from the barn and returned, f.r Mr. Garfield had run It under the shed with the tongue out, and It waa found In the morning In an opposite position. At Mr. Brown's, Mr.. Garfield's father-in-law, and a short distance from the latter'a place, a top buggy, buffalo robes, whip, etc., were stolen. Aa Mr. Garfield was going home on Saturday evening he noticed two suspicious characters near his house, and who took particular notice of the team he drove. On the discovery being made, Sun day morning, that the horses were gone from the stable, the owner of the stolen team, together with Ira Burget and John Dunn, started In pursuit The fugitives were tracked through Warren, In the direction of Sugar Grove, by the peculiar shoes with which the horses were shod. After going some distance the thieves changed their course and took an opposite di rectlon from the one first started in. After following the track for fifteen miles the pursuers were within about three miles of their starting point and in the direction of Sheffield, at which place Constable John Allen Joined the party and the chase was continued through the Warren woods, the runa ways being sighted about three and a half miles from Rldgway, near James Rickard's house. Shots were fired by the pursuers and returned by the pur sued without any taking effect, save in the back of the top buggy which the thieves were driving, In which seven bullet holes were counted. Near Rick ard's James Gardner ran out to stop the horses, and was shot at by the oc cupantsof the buggy, who, finding the game was up, jumped and tied. The next thing we hear of them they are seen on the Shawmut railroad. Sheriff Oyster, Deputy Wensel, Constable Horton and Al. Brown, with a rifle started to make the capture. It is supposed they only went a few rods into the woods from the place they left the buggy, and then regaining the turnpike the next morning walked through Rldgway a little after day light. Sheriff Oyster was on horseback, and passed the men on the Shawmut road, but, as he knew the chaps were armed and as four men had undertaken to arrest them and failed, he concluded to push on and get help and nab the lads as they struck the ttrockwayvilie road. When the sheriff met them he said " It's pretty rough walking," and they agreed with him exactly. It is evident, from the fact that they did not come out to the road, that they knew the sheriff and turned to one aide, taking the path over Boon's Mountain. One of the parties is supposed to be Frank Ryan, a noted character in this section, and who has already served out a term in the penitentiary. The chase was given up, ami the dealers in other men ure Uewii are still at large. List of Jurors drawn for November Term of Court. commencing Monday, November 18, 1878: flRAXn JCRORS. Benezette- Edward Lewis, J. W. liisiow, u. t;. aiorey, K. F. Smith. Paulus Schneider, George Selle, Philip x uung. Fox John W. Moyer, J. B.Conner, F. X. Enz. Horton Edwin Aldln. Jay Charles Webb. Jones R. A. Weacott, James H. Wells, John Niet. Rldgway W. F. Mercer, George R. Dixon, Jeremiah S. Stewart, John Kemmerer. St. Mary's Wolfgang Auman, Geo. Rettger, Charles Lulir. Spring Creek Reuben Mohney. TRAVERSE JURORS. Benzlnger Conrad Hoffman, Wil liam Knecht, Fred. Sauerwald, Albert Brehm, Adam Jesberger, Michael Uhl, Anton Bauer, George Bauer, John Kriegle, John Kaul. Horton Fred. Raywinkle, Harvey Parsons. Jay Armel Turley. Jones John Nagle, Jr., George Powell. Millstone William C. Shafer. Rldgway George Gulnack, J. N. Brown, Charles Holes, A. A. Malin, G. D. Messenger, Jr., G. D. Messenger, Sr., Horace Little, Sayler Jackson, C. E. Holllday, P. R. Smith, J. S. Pow ell. Spring Creek Jeremiah Elliott, D. D. Davidson. St Marys Jerry Mecum, Peter Strubel, Albert Weis, Joseph Meyer, John Busch, Leonard Wittmann. Millstone William Clyde. Friday afternoon, says the Sunbury American Daily, as the passenger train going south had emerged from the bridge at the narrows and was ap proaching the crossing, Mr Henry Shipe. seated on a wason loaded with corn, applied the whip to his horse ana attempted to cross in front of it. The horse was a little slow In res Don d- ing, however, and the pilot of the lo comotive which came rushing up struck the back part of the wagon with such force that both wheels were wrenched off, the corn sent flying in every direction, and Mr. Shlpe thrown out. The train was stopped and sev eral passengers got out to see the result of the accident, while Mr. Chas. Garin ger, who waa working near by dropped bis tools and hastened to render what assistance might be needed. All ex pected, of course, to fiud Mr. Shir severely injured, but, remarkable aa it may seem, he arose from where be l ad fallen and proclaimed himself un- hnrt. Aa a proof of his sound condi tion he walked to a nelsrhbor'a bor- rowed another wasron and. Aomlno- back, reloaded bis ooro and drove on. Mr. Ship la 76 yean of aare. and how ha withstood such a sever shock is marvelous. j BIRTH. j Rhiwes On Tuesday, November R 1878, to Mr. and Mrs. George W.I Rhine, a daughter. j Bldgway Public Schools. MCtPAL'8 RKPORT FOR MONTHS OF SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER. it i a 45 Si TKACHKRS. aa 2 3 t n i e Miss Babe E. Wil cox Miss Jenna Ath erton Mr. and Mrs. J. 83 8 86 22 17 24 47 65 85 82 I 63 B. Johnson Summary. 200 169 87 63 HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. A written examination waa held at the close of the first two months of the term from which the average class standing of the following pupils was ascertained. Those having none re ported were either absent or excused from the examination : 3 a r SCHOLARS. m 3 OK) 8EMOR8. Helen Little Jennie Qresh- . Tillie Cunningham... Minnie Service- Dora Irwin ....... Daniel Irwin Emma Rosa....... 06 100 97 95 97185 98 100 100 94 100 100 100 100193,97 95 100 100 100 95 98 Maggie A- Flynn... Katie O'Connor.... 100 100 100 100 60 9 100 24 80 100 inn too 100 mmt uimHieu 100 100 Ida Olmsteod Rhoda Wilcox Lewis Leaner OrlnHead Charles Meenan.... Joseph Jackson 100 100 86,97 99 100,84 83 100 99 100 100 82 96 94 100 100 93 98 95 Amanda Lindgren.. Maggie Hliean Jennie Hall 1. Elite Kline Ella Wicks Maggie Pbalen Patrick-Holland. ... 100 100 100 100 10095 99 100 96 99 9088j90 93 .. ... 100 83!96 90 99 80 100 99 97 100 100 100 82 43 91 10070 87 971... ... 80,95,92 100 88 95 Daniel Cunningham.- Michael May- Willie Meenan Casper Kiuie- Fred. Ely Arthur Horton Henry Paine- Clvde Kline , Eddie Luther "c" Johnnie Whitmore.... Chancy Wilcox Eddie Powell Willie Luther Willie Suhram CCCX Mattie Healey Addie Uordwell Lorenda Warner-... Edward Paine 90 100 60.100 8tf!l00 100,91 85 100 78'91 100 95 10U 100 100 774 72 78 100 95 99 98 96,97 10O93'96 95 8996 80 ... ... 100,87 93 100 100 lool "D" Katie Meenan Adah Malone -. Kittle Whitmore... Flora Irwin Sadie Lamoreu ...... Annie Kline Minnie Kline Eddie Horton Eddie Lay mou John Haley Jotde Messenger..... John Luby Charlie Miller Gussie Woodward.. "e" Nellie Olmsted Nellie Jackson Lizzie O'Brien Hanna Malnney Minnie Miles 89 91 100 100 100 99 100 91 100182 95 100 100 100 100 99 97 100 100 1 00197 99 89 100 87 94 96 95 82 93 85 70 88 95 96-98 60 70 84 90184 87 90;87 94 100 100 100 72 100 8!l00 47 1 100 21 100 100...... 95172 72 80188 92 100 100 88 100 99 100 100 98 94 100 ioo: 100! 100 loo: 86 85 90 97 90 87 93 100 90198 90,78 90 8585 91 loo...!... 100 9-5:96 100,9298 957 91 lU077i94 85j73;88 100 66 90 100 90 97 69 87 98 91 99 95 92 Ella Luby... Glenni Johnson Coryell Ross , Lewis Eggler James May , Charlie Geary Wallie Dill.... Mack Kime 100 501001 95 The following promotions and trans fers were made at the opening of the term : PROMOTIONS IN HIGH SCHOOL DE- PAttTMENT. Daniel Irwin, I Job n n ie W hi tmore .mma Koss, Dora Irwin, Maggie Flynn, Lewis Lesser. Eddie Powell, Willie Luther. Chancy Wilcox, Auan juaione, Katie Meenan, Flora Irwin. Jennie Hall, iMiie Kime, Willie Meenan, Maggie Shean. Amanda Liudgren Arthur Horton. Eddie Laymon, Eddie Horton, Gilssle Woodward, Charlie Miller, Casper Kime. Henry Paine, TRANSFERS FROM INTERMEDIATE TO HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Nellie Olinstead, ICharley Geary, ieuie jat'Kson. James Ma v. Minnie Miles. Louis Eggler. waineum, FROM PRIMARY TO INTERMEDIATE DE PARTMENT. Ida Brown. Mary O'Brien, Charlie Lesser, Charlie Williams, Jerome Gorton, Alice Olmsted, Mollie Daly, Nellie Wickwire, Ualsy Kime, frank Wick Wire. Thirty patrons and friends of the school visited it. Truant Daniel Cunningham. The teachers aud pupils of the High School department hereby return their thanks to the Ridgway School Dra matic Association for the handsome donation which pnnlileH them ti mir. chase the neat and appropriate curtains mat now aaorn me winoows or tnelr rooms. " Buttered side-" ud this time. Sucli slice of " The Last Loaf" are very acceptable. Ten curtains aud fixtures $9 30 Ten yards fringe . , . I 22 Express charges ... 1 15 C. 6. D. collection fee . . 85- Received from Assoclat'n J. B. JoHxson, Principal. Senatorial Vote. Following will be found the vote for State Senator In this district Hall's plurality over Grant la 1,668 : Hail, urant. layior. Cameron . 402 404 210 Plprlon 8.614 2.877 1.617 Eik"::::" . i hi 44 m Forest 6& 817 278 2,494 Totals 5,896 3,743 SUMMARY. JIa.11 r......n Tt-T m 6,896 Grant Hall's majority. 25 99 45 98 32 100 32 100 20 100 91 100 98 100 89 100 100 100 92 100 84 97 88 99 100 96 48 100! State Votes. Wild cat arc plenty In Snyder county. Erie county's almshouse has 288 Inmates. The Susquehanna at Harrisbnrg ia alive with wild fowl The town of Parker, In the oil re gions, Is overrun by rats. Horse thieves are becoming nu merous through the State. The barrel works at Titus vllle turn out 8,000 barrels an hour. Emigrating parties for Texasare organizing In the oil regions. - It costs Pennsylvania nearly $8, 000,000 per year for school books. Oleomargerine Is injuring the but ter tradeof Philadelphia dealers. Butter sells for 121-2 cents per pound In Crawford and Mercer coun ties. The saw mill at Blossburg recently cut 11,000 feet of lumber In three hours. A fat cow In Warren county drop ped dead after being kicked by a boy driver. A large pack of wolves are prowl ing through Blacklick township, Blair county. Partridges are flying Into the towns through the State to get rid of the army of gunners. Two large tobacco warehouses are In course of erection in Wrlghtavllle, York county. A man nine-two yean was recently baptised in the creek at Benton, Co lumbia county. Valuable deposits of plumbago have been found in West Plkelaud, Delaware county. The hog crop is unusually good this year, and pork of extra quality will be obtained. Dr. J. A. Paxson has been elected President of the Permanent Exhibition in Philadelphia. The ladies of a fashionable church in Meadville go to service in calico dresses. Reform. The number of visitors to the Get tysburg Imttlcfield was larger this sea son than ever before. The recent storm was so severe at Ardmore, Montgomery county, that it blew off a horse's tail. The Reading Eagle tells of the catching of a fat eel, inside of which was found a dead cat. Nearly one hundred buildings have been erected in the town of Edin burg since the great fire. There were coined at the mint in Philadelphia, in October, 1,645,530 pieces, valued at 3,381,900. Howard Frltzsimroons, of West Chester, recently shot an Acadian owl. a rare bird in this latitude, The York Democrat thinks bird shooting ought to be confined to the slaughter of Euglish sparrows. R. M. Simcox, of Queen's Run, Clinton county, has shot 62 squirrels and eight pheasants this season. The oil suits against the Pennsyl vania railroad will be before the Su preme Court on November 14th. A new company for the recovery of stolen horses has 5een formed In two of the townships of Delaware county. An owl was shot recently in Hel lam township, York county, that had two trniwk rat trups on one of its legs. L. W. Herrington, the publisher of an obscene paper in Pittsburgh, hus been arrested and his paper suppressed. Tne reported murder of a school mistress in Thompson, this State, is a cruel hoax, no such affair having taken place. The employees of the Western Division of the Pennsylvania railroad contributed $1,314.60 to the yellow fever fund. The first installment of five per cent., with interest, has been paid the depositors of the broken Reading Sav ings Bank. Supervisorsin Montgomery, Bucks and Chester counties are prosecuted whenever the roads become dangerous for travel. Beer selling on Sunday has been stopped in Pittsburgh, and the beer men have stopped the running of street railway cars. The meanest thief on record is In Chambersburg. He stole the white crape announcing the death of a child from the door. President Goweu, of the Reading railroad, says there is a prospect of steady work in the Sohuylkill mines until December 12th. Milton P. Ludwlg, postmaster at Hamburg, this state, has been arrested and held in 2,500 ball for attempting to defraud creditors. A young man named Maxwell, from Danville, was arrested in Sun bury recently for passing counterfeit money at the Selinsgrove fair. Two cargoes of American coal were recently sent to Italy and sold readily at 7.72 per ton, which covers cost and freight aud gives a profit. The board of directors of the Penn sylvania railroad have requested Presi dent Thomas A. Scott to take a leave of absence for the benefit of his health. By an explosion of dynamite used for blasting in Harrisburg, five bouses were badly damaged by flying frag ments of rocks, a few days since. A Harrisburg man baa attempted the old feat of eating thirty partridges In aa many days. There will be one sick man in the State a month from now. Large frauds have been discovered at Oil City among coal dealers and railroad employers, by which the coal men have made f 10,000 In short NEW AD VER TISEMEXTS. BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, TWO DOORS WESTiOF POST Of FiCE. THE undersigned is carrying on Boot and Shoe making, Custom made work neatly done to order and prices to suit the times. Mending a specialty. Please give me a call and be convinced before going elsewhere. Thankful for past patronage, wc re spectfully solicit it hi the future. Mrs. Mj E. MALONE. nov"m8. Yourtg men prepared for active busi ness life. Advantages unequaled. Coursa of study and business training the most comprehensive, thorough and practical In existence. Students re ceived at any tlm?i Foreireulart Con taining full particulars address J. C. SMITH, A. M., Pittsburgh, Pa. JtS8ihlni2. J-ON'T BUY WRAPPING PAPER, PRINTING PAPER OR until you have sent for quotations, stating size, Weight, quality and quan tity required, to Garrett & Buchanan, General Paper Sealers & Manufact'rs, 12 and 14 Decatur Street, PHILADELPHIA. Light and Heavy Roll Paper ail grades nJ8in2ml. P"OR TWENTY CENTS, The IT. T. EVENING POST. (WEEKLY) WILL BE SENT To Any Afldress in the United States, (Postage paid by the Publishers) UNTIL JANUARY 1st, 1879. The New York Evening Post shows no falling off since the death of Mr. Bryant, but rather the contrary, if anything. itiprinyjleld Matt.) Union. It maintains the high standard set up ror it oy tne late Mr. Mryant. Vtica Herald. The best of evening newspapers by all odds. Louisville. Courier-Journal. The leading representative afternoon daily of New York city. New Haven Commonwealth. The wisest and soundest of all our newspaper. New York Indepen dent. Has a very large circulation among the respectable reading public of this city. New York World. Accepted at the South as the best au thority on any subject. New Orleans limct. Twelve Months for $1.50. Semi Weekly, one year $3 00 Daily, one year 0 00 SPECIMEN COPIES FREE. Address W. C. BRYANT & CO , Broadway and Fulton st.. New York Klk County Court Proclamation. WHEREAS, the Hon. L. D. Wet more President Judj;e for the Thirty seventh Judicial District of Pennsyl-i vania and Julius Jones and George Ed. Weis, Esqrs Associate Justices in Elk county, have isued their nreceDts to me directed for the time of holding of wrpnans' v;ouri, court or Common Pleas, General Quarter sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at Ridgway, for the couuty of Elk, on the THIRD MONDAY IN NOV., 1878, being the 18th day of the month, to continue one week. Notice Is therefore given to the Cor oner; Justices of the Peace and Con stables in and for the county of Elk, to appear In their owu proper persons, with their records, inquisitions, and remembrances, to do those things which of their offices and in their behalf ap pertain to be done, and all witnesses and other persons prosecuting in be half of the Commonwealth against any person or persons are requested to be then and there attending, and not to depart at their peril. Jurors are re quested to be punctual In their attend ance at the pointed time agreeable to notice. Given under my hand and seal at the Sheriff's ollite, in Ridgway, the 21t day of Oct., in the year of our xjvm one uiousaiia eigne n una red and seventy-eight. I). V. OYSTER, Sheriff. T HE SOCIETY STORE. A new store started in Ridgway un der the auspices of the ladies of Grace Church, with MISS A. E. K'ZES. as Agent and Saleswoman, A fine assortment of goods on hand aud selected with great care. EM BKO IDE 1(1 US. LACE EDGE FRINGES. HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES TIES. TOILET SETS. LINEN SUITS. CHILDREN: SUITS SAMPLE SILKS. Machine silk, thread and needles. Also a fine lot of Dress Goods. Fancy work of all kinds. Framed mottoes c, c. All cheap as the cheapest and goods warranted first class. Call and examine our stock. MISS A. E. M'KEE, Agent for the Society. PENNSYLVANIA KAIL ROAD PbiUdtlpbia En's B. R. Division SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON and after WEDNE8DAY, DEC. 12, 1877, the trains on the Philadelphia k Eria Rf'lroad will run follows: WESTWARD. ERIE MAIL leave Philadelphia 11 66 p n " " " RenoTO II 00 a m " Etnporium...... 1 00 p m " Bt Mary'a 1 48 p m Ridgwsy 2 1 p m " " Kane....... 8 80pm arrire at Erie... 7 86 p m EASTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Erit......11.20 m " " " KaaMMMM..u. 8 60 p ai m Rid.. 4i9 pm "St. Mary's...... ft 17 p sn " Emporium 6 10 p " Reaovo 8.86 a " " am ai Pailadephla... 7 0Oa Day Eapraes and Niagara lipresa ooa nectMstwiih Low Qnda Dltialoa aad B N. Yt St P. K. R. WW. A BALDWIN. Ora l giij' Admlnsrtatrtx's Notice. ESTATE of Thomas McTlgue, late of Ridgway township, Elk !o., Pa., deceased. LETTERS TESTAMEN TARY having been" granted to the un dersigned upon the skid estate all per sona indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment, tthd those havirnr clatnia to present them for set tlement. Mahy McTioub, n85t6 Admr'x. 10 flflft AdfcJTTS WANTED, Onlythote AVfWVwno inenn bunltmt, nd d nil re to iiiHka from S3 to $15 pur cinjr need apply. Hend 1 cent MUiiiitI tor pKrliculnrt. KEV. 8.T. BUCK; Milton, North unlberlund Co., Bi. nSomllni. The oMeat n9 beat appointed lutlttttSo tat btatnlsg a Biulncea Education. t fee emulate addnn, . r P, DCF A BO, PUubaga, Pa. nKmtlnl. Fancy note paper and ehvelopca n b oxes at this oftlce. Job Work EXt&t'TEb t'KOMPTLY, Use Dr. Tan Dyke's Sulphur Sotip. The Lea di no External Hpnrirtc for Dis ask of the SKIN and hemittfter or the COMPLEXION; for the Itnth, Toilet and Nur aery; la. recommended by Pliyalclnna. HOLD by DUUOOI8T8. Prlee renin; box, enkes, SU centa. E. M. WF.UHTER. Prop., July ll,'78,m SON. Fifth HU. Phils. Job Printing. CARbs, Tags, envelope BILL AND LETTER-HEADS, AT THIS OFFICE. ASK YOUn GltOCEK FOB Silver Leaf pi8H.H. FOR STOVES, RANGES, Etc Always READY for Use I Vaf MIXING TVaTk ODOR DUST. BRUSH. Circular! Free. W. H. STEWART, Ht Courtland St.. New York. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY GRIT'S SPECIFIC REMEDY. TioMit.lB ?ftift,,IyT"A0!JSAt!c- as an unfailing cure for Sem inal Weakness Spermatorrhea luipytency and all dinp&Hea Before Taking that follow aa a After Taking sequence on Self Abuse ; as LoV of Memory, UiiWernal Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dinines of Vision, Prematurf old Age. and many oilier diseases that lead to Iuaanity. Consumption and a Premature Orave, all of which as a rule are first caused by deviating from the path of nature and over indulgence. The Specifio Medi cine ! the result of a life study and mnny years of experience in treating these spec, ial diseases. Full particulars in eur pamphlets, which we desire lo send free by mail to every one. Tbe bpeoifio Medicine issold by all Drug pints at (1 per package, or six packages for $3, or will be sent by mail on receipt of tbe money by addressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO.. No. 10 Mechanics' Block, Detroit Mich. ft-Sold in Ridgway by all Druggists, and by Druggists everywhere. Harris & Ewing, Wholesale Agents, Pittsburgh, n29yl. Sr.Ui CATARRH Uj Cures all forms of Catarrh. 8r.fcr.Lr'. CATARRH Cures Deafness. Br. Earsner's CATARRH K&mefy Restores the sense of Smell and Taste WANTED. To eur a cue of CATARRH la eacb nlililurbuxl. with Da. Kauxkb's Bcsur.wlBtroduwrll. ?nmpU free. 1. C 11LTON, Pittsburgh, Pa. Dr, Earaer'j CATARRH Mf Removes I'olypus. Br. far'. CATARRH Sernedj Strengthens the Brain. Sr.Ui CATARRH tally Cures in a Short Time. I authorise all dealer selllog Da. Ki imii Catahim fUHaur, la .ul.r into a!.. at with atca purchaMr, at th lime the purchiM M aude, to nfuud the niun.jr ml,l, ihould it tail u leader MliiiMlioa. Aak ryr Oroggiet for it N EV LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY. DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizetis of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he ha tarted a Lverjr Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK:, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. ft-He will also do job teaming. Btable on Broad street, above Main. All orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. Aug201871tf Register's Notice. Notice ia hereby given, that the fol lowing accounts have been filed In my office, and will be presented at the next Term of Orphans' Court for con firmation : The final account of G. C. Brandon, Administrator of the estate of fiengt. Anderson, late of Bt. Mary's borough. Elk county, deceased. The first partial account of Jacob Mot auley, Administrator of the estate .... rri mle 01 ox, town ship, klk county, deceased. l. n I Tt On.. -. Register. -Shipping tags with or without strings, printed or blank, foraale at t hie eflW, Business Cards. aEO. A." flAIHBUM ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Main Street, Rldgway, Elk Co., P"i HALL M'CAULEY ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Office 1 Kew Brick Building, Main Btret Rldtway, Elk Co., Pa. agtf. LUCORfc 4V HAMBLEN " ATTORNEYS AT-LAW. Rldirway, Elk County Pa. Office acroe tha hnll from thn Dkmocr At lestabllshmenti Claims for collection promptly attentd to Jne.l.Vl87o E. d. FAY LUMfiER AND INSURANCE COMMW 8I0.N BROKER. M And Oenornl Cjllo.:tl. Anont. No. Is Walnut Placoi.ol j W alnut Street.) Pbiladel phla, Pa. oi-7 Q; q. Messenger. DRUGGIST AND PARM ACEUTI8T. N. V. corner of Main and Mill street.; ... I Tl.. ...rlmDIil nf ftArefulle llHlKWIl.V, 1 lull rrw. ...... . selected kjIo I Itnncli Dru. Pra scrlptlnns cnrefull y dispensed at all taour day or uluht. rlaSf T. S. HARTLEY, M. D, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office In Drug Store, corner Broad and Main Htreeta. Residence corner Broad Street, opposite the College. Office hours from S to 10 A. M. and from 7 to 8 P. M. vlnjyl. J. s. bordWell, m. d. ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Has removed his office from Centre Street, to Main Street, Rldgway, Pa.. In the second story of thf'ncw brick building of John G. Hall, west of the Hde House. Office hours : 1 to 2 P. M. 7 to 9 P. M. Mrs. fc. t. fcurrfMiNGS. A URGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW1 STYLES SPRING HATS JUST RECEIVED at Mrs. N. T. Cummlnirs. also ties, collar, cuffs, hulw. gloves, and ft general assort mentof ladles' fancy goods. Remember tha place In H. S. Thayer's Building, Main rtreet Call and examine before purohaslug else where. HYDE HOUSE. -W. II. SCHRAM, Propriettr, Rlgwrt, Elk Co., Pa. Thnnkrul for the patronage heretofore o Uberully bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the coinMrt and convenience of.gucsts, to merit a continuance of the same, octao'(J9 MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING. MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk Co., Pa.. takes this method of announcing to the cltl rens of Elk coiHt, tutft sho has on hand an assortment of fashionable millinery good, which will be sold cheap. Also dressmaking in all Its branches. Agent for Dr. J. Ball & Co'. Potent Ivory and Lignum Vlt Eya Cups. Bend for des criptive circular. nnyl. . APPLETON'S AMERICAN CYCLO PEDIA. Vol. 8 of this admirable, work is Just out making It half complete, as thero are to be 16 In all, of 809 poges each; ono.belng Issued 1 two months. It makes a complctoLUbrary, and no one can afford to do without It who would keep well Informed. Price 86,00 a vol ume In leather, or $7,00 In elegant half .fur key. C. K. Judson, Kredonla. N. Y.. control, the .ale In Elk etrtinty..t.Addrcj Blm for patlculars. sep 17-tfi NEW BOOT & SHOE SHOP. BUTTERFUSS & BECHTOLD, Have associated :' themselves! ,in! tho boot and shoe business in the" Ma sonic building. Prices reasonable, stock first-class, and work guaranteed. Repairing neatly and cheaply done. Give them a call and be convinced. n25tl3. Health and Happiness. Health and Happiness are priceless Wealth to their possessors, and yet they arewithid tha reach of overy one who will use WRIGHT'S LIVER PILLS The only sure CURE for Torpid Liver, Dyspepsia, Headache, Sour Slomae'je, Constipation, Debility, Nausea, and all Bil liou. complaint, and Blood disorders. None genuine unless signed, ''Win. Wright, Phila-'' If your Druggist will not supply send 2.5 cents for one box to Barrick, 'Rol ler a Co.. 70 N. 4th St. Phila n7vo0yl. One hundred new Fall Samples and the new Fall styles Fashion Plate just received from Wanamaker'a at the West End Store. Suits cheaper than ever. A new feature introduced this season 1 the prepayment by W. & B. of the express charges upon all suits costing $20 and upwards, where the money accompanies tbe order, thus giving our citizens goods at Philadel, phia prices, Among the rules of this Price. I Cash Payment. Full Guarantee, Money Returned. Howe Sewing Machines. Among the great variety of roods of every description for sale at Powell ft Kime's Will be found an assortment of the celebrated Elias Howe, Jr., Improved Sewing Machines the best machine now manufactured they having been appointed sole agents for Elk countv. Tbey will keep on band Tuckers, comers, Hemmers, Braiders and Ruf flefs, Needles, Sewing-machine Oil. Thread, Ac, Ac. Will also furnish at any time detached parts for said ma chine. All at greatly reduced prices, and will be sold on accommodating terms with approved security, KIDGWAY, Aug. 20, '78. If, Billheads, letterheads, noteheads, tags, cards and envelopea neatlv and cheaply printed at this office. Hides. Khfn Polt. .j 1 r wm, huu van Skins wanted at 42 Main street. HANK 8ETTELLE. Rata of Advertising. tjn. column, ona ,r . rs 04 2 t " 40 00 S u 25 00 llao, three Insertion, fi. HllBlflMa Mnl. . II . U uuw leas, per year AdfveVflxvme'Dfa payable quarterly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers