TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS. Notice is hereby Riven that nfrrepaMy to an Act of Aescmbly pnssed the 131 li tiny of March. A. D. 1815. entitled. "An Act to amend an net directing the mode of polling unseated land for taxes and for other purposes,1' middle sev eral supplements thereto, the following tracts 01 unseated unium situnte in Elk County, Pennsylvania, will be ex posed to sale by public vendue or out cry, at the COURT HOU.'-' 1MIM1 VAY, In said county on the SK( 'OND MONDAY OF JUNE next, being the 10th Day of June, A. D. 1878, for the arrearages of taxes for the years 1870 and 1877 unless said taxes are paid prior to said date : Benezette Township, War. Acres. Warrantee or Owner. 6332 928 James Stokes Taxes, $70 00 113 02 132 22 189 16 137 67 263 4!) 03 49 205 86 244 28 151 65 322 20 237 60 821 6(! 277 10 203 00 280 10 123 31 3U 17 151 7o 101 95 218 96 810 70 87 10 220 50 126 40 22 80 29 47 6300 1100 Jones.IIammond&Co. 6330 1100 Amos IS. Merrill 6287 275 6288 275 " 6289 223 " 4'J'J4 345 Nathan W. Ellis 4995 458 Addison, Swartwood & 23 90 67 58 94 53 6341 900 Cornelius Waiuwright 50 05 6012 990 Miles Dent 318 10 6479 600 " " 67 10 6479 100 " 4i)!i0 495 John Brooks 6481 450 " " 6000 990 " " 4997 4S1 H. C. Spaulding 6981 650 " " 6479 200 Robert Ewing 6023 288 John Johnson 6388 1100 Hezckiah Mix 6023 50 Andrew Dent 6479 285 Hamilton Dawn 4994 150 William Shannon 628G 200 George O'Brastow 6022 110 David S. Johnson 6340 650 Henry Blcsh 6001 990 Finney & Barrows 13 30 82 23 OS 05 69 31 79 88 6S75 25 00 49 09 289 00 7 15 36 06 22 40 25 60 17 00 36 20 158 41 4996 190 " " from Fitch & Boyington 14 10 6480 60 Obcr & English 8 40 6002 990 Reading, Fisher & Co. 286 39 6013 P!'0 " " 164 08 6014 890 " 154 88 6009 990 " " 207 31 6010 990 Trulinger Croft & Co. 203 95 5024 134 John & D. S. Johnson 17 48 6025 302 " " 58 99 6022 110 E. Johnson fr A. Apker 23 ( K D4si zio ..Martin linz 5024 28 " " 642 505 Julius Jones 6482 28 " ' 350 " " 18 60 4 04 83 82. 4 60 J. & W. Montgomery wt, tax '77 7 30 6340 650 Smith M'Cormick & Mann 6343 1100 Cook & Parder 6479 50 James Rciley 5024 603 Ralph Johnson 6478 1100 St. John & Rothrock 6011 090 " 6477 1100 " " 6020 100 D. B. Window & Win Johnson, tax for 1870 5481 300 H. Merrimon 120 40 !71 68 4 20 62 41 72 80 71 80 68 65 4 25 64 00 6482 344 Harbison & Reed,tax'77 25 77 200 Finlev, Young fc Co. 19 40 60 D.B.Winslow. st'd list 3 38 6020 6021 6015 6027 6020 6014 6027 090 U. Winalow estuto 122 77 5 62 50 990 790 600 100 " 122 77 " 116 34 " 82 IS 8 05 " H. & J. lot 3i 80 " Brockway 18 78 ii 200 " 183 13-80 50 " " 6 00 109 ' 11 17 290 " 81 34 100 "W.&J.M. 9 20 107 " " 9 77 180 " " 15 70 5023 68 H. R. Wilson fr.Co. '76 3 77 600& 495 Shatter & Johnson 122 17 Bexzinoeb Township. 100 John W Dubos 25 John Carroll tax 1876 25 Peter Gnrrity 25 George Weis 75 Hector Jackot 4104 4105 4105 4100 4105) 4100 I 4104 27 3 7 8 22 4 45 41 154 250 278 50 Peter Byrnes tax 1S77 147 Nelson J Wimincr 140 Nelson J Wimmcr 511 Lawrence & Cusscll 823 Lawrence & Caswell 990 Lawrence & Cassell 200 Lawrence & Cassell 80 Lawrence & Cassell 220 Lawrence fc Cassell 3(H) Lamont Gas Coal Co, 500 Lamont Gas Coal Co, 4883 4882 4H59 49o0 20 65 85 141 20 4958 4958 4961 4001 4103 4104 4105 4100 4107 4108 4115 4109 4110 4402 4003 4410 4111 90 Lamont Gas Coal Co. 900 Lamont Gas Coal Co. ! 857 Ridgway Farm & Coal 51 Co. tax for 1876 87 600 Ridgway F & C Co. '76 61 1598 Ridgway FiCCo '76 145 1442 Ridgway F& C Co '70 139 898 Ridgway F fc C Co '76 96 090 Ridgway F & C Co '76 96 703 Ridgway F & C Co '70 74 990 Ridgway F &C Co '76 90 1049.1 " " tax '76 101 540 " tax '76 63 980 11 " tax '70 142 1073 " " tax '70 104 1025 " tax '76 99 60 . " tax '70 8 200 " " tax '70 29 200 " ' tax '70 29 86 " " tax78 6 20 u ii e 612 Joseph Wilhelm 109 Acres. 4970 48S3 4102 4104 4105 4100 4107 4108 4109 4110 4111 4115 4116 4403 4407 4408 4886 4S8G 4976 4961 2357 4878 4879 4944 4945 4880 2374 4975 4005 48 Earley Brickell & Hite tax for 1877 8 67 " " tax 1877 7 325 " tax 1877 35 1414 " " tax 77 225 834 " " tax 1877 133 890 " " tax 1877 143 996 " " tax 1877 159 897 " " tax 1877 143 1023 " " tax 1877 103 094 " " tax 1877 111 104!) " " tax 1877 185 980 " " tax 1877 130 107 " tax 1877 18 29 " " tax 1877 6 25 " M tax 1877 4 25 " tax 1877 4 36 " " tax 177 6 200 " tax, 1877 28 100 F. L. Newton 29 990 West Creek ManTg & Minuing Co, 800 800 436 300 300 470 222 190 090 " . " 1483 990 990 ii i 1483 Charles Herbner 962 George Dickinson . 600 Bona Cartuvvals 6333 1067 " 6335 10G7 6338 1067 " 6844 1007 " ' 6345 1067 " " 6346 1067 " " 6847 10G7 " 6348 10G7 " " 6379 459 " " 6380 1100 " 6383 1J00 " 6384 1000 " " 6387 1100 " " 6349 1008 6312 1100 " " ' 60118 9!0 " ' 6353 143 Myron Merri 6334 1100 " " 6337 1100 6350 1008 " 6351 1100 " 6352 300 " " 990 M'Kean Elk Land ft Improvement Co. 299 4877 990 M'Kean A Elk Land and Improvement Co. 289 C2 4309 4101 4107 4107 48(11 142 Wm C. Black 18 Win. C. Black tax '76 107 Wrn.C. Black tax '70 29 Win. C. Black tax '78 43 91 3 69 16 86 6 19 4887 200 Martin Rorg 25 MA. Mitchell K 600 Sidonla Van Essel 82 80 8i"6 145 72 25 James Cox James Cox, lot 65 Cross street 4881 61 John Klrchener Lot Nob. Ridgway Street. 79 James Dov'le 58 'I'liomas M'Cornilek 69 Thomas M'Cormick . ' 85 John O'Connor ' 1 ' 8fl John O'Conner 102 David Spiilano Railroad Street. 67 Surah Haley 61 John O'Connor 62 John O'Conner 03 John O'Conner 1 Lot Nos Talbot Street 17 Thomas Collins 18 " " 80 Wm. Shine 88 Thomas Collins 86 " " James Coyle 10 lots be tween Kersey ; Talbot Btreet Acres. 8 68 1 29 19 79 1 21 1 21 1 21 1 21 1 21 1 21 1 21 1 21 1 21 121 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 2 82 240 Rev. Louis Cartuyvals 68 60 00 Kdwnrd Delehunt 4115 Vine St. Nos. 11 & 12 25 J. S. Bates " " 1 lot cross St. Stephen Henry 25 Wm. Slramihan, tax for 1876 13 50 10 36 1 51 4 61 4107 4058 100 George Wels 30 17 15 02 8 58 50 lieuzinger & Co, 25 Wm. Cockney 4103 40 Wm. J. Rowan, tax lor i 31 Wm. J. Flint, tax for 1870. 80 E. . Williams 25 M. Shanahan, tax '76 610 Andrew Kaul, tax '77 6 94 5 32 4110 12 52 4 61 88 98 60 08 J00 22 156 74 4104 4105 359 Andrew Kaul, tax '77 4402 510 Andrew Kaul. tax '77 4103 4104 4992 4104 857 Andrew Kaul, tax '77 62 Andrew Kaul, lots 6 & 6 Jas. Hall lots 10 90 090 Andrew Kaul, tax '77 105 04 02 James Hall, lots 5 & 6 tax for 1870 10 12 60 Jacob Didlot 16 58 Lot Nos. Ridgway street. 64 Jos. Wilhelm, tax '76 1 10 65 " " tax '76 1 10 66 " tax '76 1 10 67 " " tax '70 1 10 74 John Forde 23 75 593 Benzinger&Eschbachl31 35 002 " " 178 97 25 James Donnelly 8 05 25 Daniel Frasier, No. 7 Cherry Road, tax '77 4 71 4104 4888 4887 4115 4110 50 Daniel Frasier. No. 3 & 6 Maple Road, tax '77 8 33 15 John Kleixner 6 71 495 Thomas Tozier 140 81 990 Johnson & Shaffer 248 50 990 Johnson & Shafler 218 50 990 N. & C. Kroneuwetter, tax for 1870 143 50 4077 4990 4993 4992 22 Phila. & Erie R. R. Co. 11 17 25 George Weis 8 58 No.K 25 Joseph Henuebel 4887 50 John Kaul 4404 522 Sheldon Stebigh Bates 4404 522 " ' 4406 622 " " 4406 622 " " 4407 420 " " 4408 003 , " 4070 1023 " " 15 03 15 03 & 15S 88 158 88 158 98 158 98 128 26 182 80 287 70 4105 50 Mary Ilecnan, Nos. 13 & 15 16 15 4883 4105 512 Jos. Wilhelm 25 Mary M'Gahan, No. 8 60 George Weis 3 Owner unknown, Tal bot & Railroad street 84 Earley Brickie fc Hite 11 84 8 58 11 65 1 79 4 18 4408 4101 1050 Earley Brickie & Hite 169 00 4107) 4108 220 Earley Brickie & Hite 30 51 4103 75 C R Earley stover av 22, 24, 20, '77 12 92 Poplar road Nos. 2 and 4 8 48 Blean road 6, 7, and 8 12 92 Vinerd. 5 4 97 Hickory, 1 . 4 33 Poplar.lG.lR, 8 95 Vine rd.9,11,. 8 95 roplurrd.ll, 4 91 do 4,8,13, 15,17,19,21,23 25,27.29,31. 42 34 Hick'yrd.17 4 97 do 3,5,7 13 50 John Carroll 4 97 Vine,31,33, 5 45 H'ky 19, 21, 8 95 Poplar rd.Sl 4 50 Chestnut,29 4 97 do 30 4 97 do 21 4 97 do 25.27 8 95 East do rd. 1,3 8 95 Vinerd,2,4 8 95 Maple rd.ll 4 97 Olcun and Maple rd. 1 5 93 Est.ofMaple rd. No. 1 4 02 Cherry rd. 2 9 10 do 9,11.13 1291 do 3, & B 9 27 Ch'stn't 17,19 8 9a Ben.inger & Esc h bach 82 80 Sam'l Wallis 74 14 4104 47 " do 4104 75 do 4104 25 do 4104 21 do 4105 60 do 4105 60 do 4105 2-5 do 4105 200 do 410.5 25 do 4105 79 do 4105 25 do 4100 42 do 4100 50 do 4106 22 do 4107 . 25 do 4107 25 do 4107 25 do 4107 50 do 4108 60 do 4108 50 do 4110 25 do 4110 81 do 4110 19 do 4110 51 do 4115 75 do 4115 52 do 4115 50 - do 4976 200 do 48S0 416 do Note Between tuo iuclusive tax for '77. Fox Township. 4097 207 C. R. Earley 4170 2-'5 Enoch Clapp 4178 90 Michael Shcehan 4077 290 Ridgway Farm & Coal 36 90 90 93 18 70 company tax tor i&.o SO 81 4078 4081 4088 4097 4098 4374 246 Ridgway F. t C. Co. 60 Ridgway F. & C Co. 67 Ridirway F. & C. Co. 2o 79 7 03 6 70 78 05 45 22 21 77 768 Ridgway F. & C. Go. iJ-i Kiugway if Co. 2001 Ridgway F Co. Not Between the Inclusive tax for '76. 4087 144 Ridgway Farm & Coal Co. tax of 1876 15 41 1077 2S1 Earley, brickell A lllte, tax 18(7 47 7 4078 49 do do do 9 10 4081 105 do do do 18 33 4087 144 do do do 20 80 4097 727 do do do 129 90 4098 208 do do do 45 30 4374 202 do do do 44 23 4901 4890 jl6 E B England 190 80 4902 145 E B England 27 21 4177 4190 4190 4900 4270 4273 4274 4274 4274 4176 4178 4079 900 Hannah Barnard 239 95 439 O W '77 66 00 600 Richard Gardner 10050 293 Richard Gardner 06 03 090 Wm Tarns 135 03 0o9 Wm Tains 134 00 750 H A Stephens 132 75 200 Geo. C White tax 1877 23 00 40 Robert Ruhl tax 1877 6 40 225 Thomas Martin 64 52 60 Wni Wensell 14 27 25 Malachia O'Rouke tax for 1877 7 88 990 J C Chapin, Est. 197 99 45 C R Earlev. tax for '76 5 53 4186 4081 4098 4098 4098 4098 121 Rose Kellevtax 1877 2 65 8 43 4 62 7 13 16 93 18 26 06 68 12 84 54 James Winkle tax '77 25 Jno K Jones 26 Thomas Collins 40781 4077 f 60 James Wooten 4374 65 George Wamsley 4176 640 England &. Brown 4098 61 Henry Clinton Witt Patrick M'Cready 7 70 Win. Apple 27 65 ArnielTurley 14 68 Noble Coal and Oil Co. 84 84 Noble Coal and 0. Co. 117 99 Noble Coal and O. Co. 283 40 Noble Coal and O Co 248 80 Owner unknown tax '77-7 05 Jacob Harlman 13 68 James D Wetham 61 00 O W Rlgl.y 8 44 Wm and Mike Clpke 8 44 Henry Largay 2 22 Sclden. Stebiirh and 4087 4247 . 4373 75 4247 249 42401 4247600 42451 ' 4244500 -150 60 171 2 lots 2 lots 1 lot 4082 808 Bates , i 118 81 4077 4272 4MS9 48110 4271 4079 4082 Sheldon, S. nnd li ' C R Earley tax 1877 267 64 0 10 13 42 81 11 00 11 u n J'iaricy C R Earley C It Earley Joseph Koch Earley Brickell and Hite, tax '77 16 85 60 07 Highland Township. 3781 3753 2020 3002 8004 3003 2019 1778 2025 2025 2027 1830 20,34 2034 2026 1405 1404 3788 1831 2032 1803 3701 1783 1853 3706 2403 2456 2453 3054 3057 3782 3771 3775 1799 1799 2034 2034 8770 3780 2031 3050 3778 3700 2404 3055 1776 2038 3000 3785 3702 1000 1000 1099 831 831 831 896 1031 100 100 402 -954 150 90 830 670 003 1000 1005 1052 902 1095 902 888 1000 315 289 203 1029 1000 904 1000 1000 100 100 118 90 100 102 1058 900 1000 1000 288 1019 100 1043 496 1000 1000 Thomas Struthers 112 Thomas Struthers 106 Thomas Struthers 109 CB Wright and Duh'g 80 C B Wright and Duh'g 80 C B Wright and Duh'g 80 Walter Bryant 72 Walter Bryant 98 A Wolf II J and M Mack 11 George Dickinson 44 George Dickinson 92 G. Dickinson sub div 9 15 u ii ii 10 8 Freeman Ellis 33 Fox and Roberts 63 Fox and Roberts 59 John N Lane 95 Allegheny Bank of Pittsburgh Win Robinson John F James Martin Hart Aimer Cassell John P Brown J C Chapin, Estate J C Chapin, Estate 80 122 77 116 77 86 05 31 28 22 99 97 101 Wrayand Graham Owner unknown Little and Souther Nathaniel F Jones Nathaniel F Jones 89 95 James Gallajrher sub div. 9 10 Jocob Gilbert sub div 6 10 John Huukle E E Kennedy S P Johnson SP Johnson, tax 1876 Mrs Rickarts Bank of Pittsburgh tax for 1877 Henry M Deck art Souther and Willis John Nicholson, undi vided Alfred Avery Elizabeth Cooper, tax for 1877 6 John Bryan & others 101 L Wilmarth, estate 48 A L Crawford tax 1876 61 George Brooks 60 Samuel 11 Detwilcr George Cannon Andrew I King and G. S M'KniKhttax'77 25 5777 400 i 3785 2306 1000 290 Thos. Griilith, tax '77 62 J B Sterley tax 1877 14 Hohton Township. 4279 4390 4245 4370 4370 4371 4371 4370 4371 4309 4344 4453 4342 4343 4450 424.8 4243 4219 4243 4242 932 J L Ellis 170 58 1 fl002 " ' undv'd 76 75 50 Wingartner and Rubel sub div. 16 0 60 C & M Albert subdiv 20 9 62 Jacob Didlot, sub div 23 9 100 F Echinan sub div 28 18 60 Joseph Hertzel sub div 8 9 50 jUatuias Kline.sub div 10 9 52 " sub div 27 10 573 Pcnna. Cannel C Co 140 952 Penna. Cannel C Co 233 900 Penna. C Coal Co. 220 677 Shawmut Cannel C Co 141 509 " " 139 900 " " 220 154 J C Wellington 43 41 Noble Coal and Oil Co 10 00 Noble Coal and Oil Co 14 1 075 Hyde and Brockway ( undivided 09 50 " " It Giles lot 7 5 HydeTand Brockway M'Cullough lot 15 250 Hyde and Brockway 29 4100 4242 107 Hyde and Brockway if urniun lot 10 4272 106 Hyde and Brock way'76 28 e.s Jiydeand lirockway 8 4242 347 N'B Lane and others 41 4200 600 Henry L. Carlisle 39 4182 990 Henry L Carlisle 73 4181 49.5 Josiah W Smith, E. 29 41SS 200 Nathan Bailey E half 17 4275 990 John Halnie 89 4271 010 John C French W. pt, 30 4370 25 J C Law, i sub div 19 5 4400 200 Win. Mack 35 4370 60 Geo. Weis, sub div 17 0 4370 60 Geo. Weis, sub div 16 9 4370 25 Geo. Weis sub div 19 5 4370 6o Geo Weis, sub div 23 9 41:00 330 North Western Mining and Exchange Co 39 4183. 140 17 4188 250 " " 30 4181 215 " " tax for '70 0 4272 875 " " 85 4340 200 " " 24 4241 633 " " 81 4181 245 Jas. M'Clellan tax 1877 9 4371 52 George Weis sub div 23 8 Jay township. 1100 Amos B. Merrill 825 AmosB. Merrill 824 Amos B. Merrill 640 Amos B. Merrill 612112-100 " 400 Wm Parker 576 James Lynde 989 D K Jones 206 James StokesJ 220J do do 090 do do 207 Sebastian Weis 245 Sebastian Weia 100 Eli Kennedy 50 Chas. B. Miller 400 Win. Robinson 70 Wm. Robinson 090 Philip M Price 990 do do 990 do do 212 E B England 090 do do 990 do do 200 DuBois and Lowe 990 Richard Gardner 5283 5288 6287 5289 6"', 10 4194 4195 4196 4195 4197 5005 152 80 223 29 204 31 148 10 113 70 00 11 80 10 147 21 31 45 83 63 137 62 81 88 37 42 15 78 8 30 79 89 14 80 84 72 84 72 84 72 42 81 98 68 98 58 80 60 296 09 45 3 20 82 4195 4197 4197 4197 4996 4845 6016 5019 5006 4896 5007 5004 4892 4191 4185 4848 4891 4897 6029 5018 4892 4898 5017 6030 4893 4895 4895- 4893 41951 4194 6032 6030 4906 4180 800 Hezekiah Horton 100 do do 400 B A Weed, estate tax for 1876 2.5 David Tyler 60 Fiuley Yong and Co. 990 do do S20 D W Moore 43 62 6 94 10 89 08 58 48 32 891 81 891 81 14 88 14 88 15 49 090 Henry Loraine 9tK) do do 94 OR Price 94 Tyler and Finney 98 do do 98 do do 15 49 217 Woodward and Finney 33 07 72 Horace Little 11 65 75 Haniond, Jones & Co 15 78 267 A E Uotf 40 44 100 do do tax '76 7 90 900 Ferks and Bowman 181 41 60 100 06. J R Morcy 13 30 George O Brastow 30 60 George O Brastow 129 43 David Carskadden 20 72 Spring Run Coal Co 217 31 Spring Run Coal Co 159 82 John F Combs, tax '70 790 do do 8 30 J E Putman and Co 06 60 do do 70 89 R W retriken 12 61 do do lo 89 Jones Township. 825 Robert Halsey : 188 08 198 Robert Halsey 43 14 090 Charles Heebner 217 65 303, do do ' 157 89 480 John Scott, tax 1876 ' 47 65 200 George Dlekjnson ' 89 86 150 Owner unknown tax - for 1870 84 60 990 Wm Wernwag, estate 159 67 890 do do 159 67 50 R W Brown 13 16 100 Andrew J Lowe tax'77 15 71 36 do do do 642 100 Owner unknown tax '76 15 40 120 W H Osterhout 25 51 100 Owner unknown tax for 1870 10 60 25 do do tax 1877 8 46 000 M'Kean and Elk Land 2331 2504 2731 2673 2073 2073 2592 2024 2504 3222 2610 8143 8143 2316 2319 2323 2326 2329 2332 2333 2301 2303 2377 2425 2487 2489 2527 2-551 2554 2504 2587 2591 2593 2598 2.599 2004 2008 2012 2014 2000 2C&6 2011 2791 8180 2315 3217 3218 3220 3220 3228 8229 32:10 3231 3232 3233 8237 3243 324J 3251 8252 3253 3290 8295 4903 4904 2504 and Improvement Co 181 18 990 990 990 do do do do do do 181 18 181 18 181 18 181 18 181 18 1.81 18 181 18 181 IS 181 18 181 18 181 18 193 22 159 79 193 22 144 70 147 22 193 22 181 18 193 22 181 18 193 22 193 22 193 22 193 22 181 18 181 18 193 22 193 22 88 70 193 22 181 18 193 22 193 22 193 22 159 42 193 22 91 90 193 22 193 22 193 22 193 22 127 78 193 22 127 77 193 22 103 22 193 22 20 40 14 00 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 802 990 740 757 990 990 990 990 900 990 990 090 990 990 990 990 578 990 990 990 090 090 813 990 490 990 990 990 990 495 990 495 990 990 900 100 70 990 990 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 193 22 181 18 do 23 Gcn'l Thomas L Kane, tax for 1876 3 27 2504 232 do do tax '70 23 20 2527 101 do dotax'70 10 45 2553 859J do do tax '76 83 66 2554 527 do do 119 88 3221 212 do tax '77 Hardy lot 28 35 3221 40 do do tax for 3222 1877 Keefer lot 6 16 8295 31 do tax 1877 Stoltz lot 5 00 32951 802 do do tax 1877 8290 1 Lime Kiln lot 40 50 2010 t25 do tax '77 Davis lot 17 12 "211 do do tax 1877 Luce lot 28 23 do do 100 85 do do tax 1876 12 44 do do tax 1876 27 25 do do tax 1876 77 67 do do tax '76 77 82 do do tax '76 101 80 do do tax '76 44 20 do do tax '76 62 26 do do 66 04 do do tax '76 18 57 do do tax '76 29 03 do do tax '76 13 48 3290 129 200 60::a 100 6082 180 6286 65)1 4845 100 6028 090 5031 723 4194 100 4194 60 4892 490 4899 352 4393 93 60 do do tax '76 20 20 do do 13 47 do do tax '76 10 12 do do tax '76 9 89 do do tax '76 86 16 do do tax '76 20 44 do do tax '76 GO 01 do do tax '76 91. 91 do do tax '76 30 09 do do tax '76 9 45 do do tax '76 18 43 do . do tax '76 8 08 do tax '77 Wilcox lot 15 71 do tax '77 Hess lot 21 64 3222 160 82221 3293 400 2010 100 do tax '77 Swift lot 52 00 do t'x'77 Sterili n g lot 13 90 2504 '. 200 do do How 2553 ard lot do erts lot 26 80 3290 2010 8293 2588 813 do Rob- 105 87 8214 800 3290 130 20101 100 2554 2504 123 do Erie Mining Co104 20 do Rowley lot 17 77 do do Lanny lot 1390 do Dresler lot 17 61 do Rocky run lot 16 01 do northofO.Market21 76 do Isaiah Wilcox lot 30 93 do E. of Wilcox lot 20 05 do W of Wilcox lot 11 32 3143 2527 121 161 232 143 2553 2553 2553 80 2553 I) 201 68 do S of Wilcox lot 8 48 109 do do 15 07 412 do Erie Mining Co. 64 15 509 do Erie Mining Co. 60 67 200 do Erie Mining Co. 20 80 404 do Erie Miuing Co. 53 12 2010 322T 3222 3224 3290 Note Between the Inclusive tax for "77. Lot 204 Mrs. Finny 3 38 3'J9U 8293 3291 3400 W H Dykeman, tax 3010 for 1877 502 26 2588 4113 1025 Earley, Brickell and Hite, tax for 1877 126 00 4112 1073 do tax for 1877 128 80 Millstone Township. 2543 000 Darrah and Moore tax for 1876 122 50 2548 2542 2590 2518 2518 2523 2790 2007 2565 3775 4134 4135 4129 2792 2518 900 do do 191 28 900 . do do 179 88 675 Wm Dilworth 134 45 850 Ruinbuch tax '76 19 00 875 Wm Armstrong, estate 60 03 000 James O'Hura 180 22 000 James O'Hara . 180 22 675 Drexel, Duhring and . Wright 101 25 900 do do 154 00 693 Owner uuknown 129 97 000 Owuer unknown 142 75 000 Owuer unknown 142 75 000 Owner unkuowu 142 75 660 do Eliza Wyukoop 84 70 682 Powell & Kime tax '77 77 46 60 Geo. and Jessie Mays 9 78 398 L C Wynkoop and D B Patterson, tax 1877 89 65 900 J F Wynkoop and Co 16840 100 Owner unknown 19 60 26 L C Wynkoop g 72 2524 5700 8518 100 William Crispin 15 01 101 100 William Crispin 60 000 Daniel II Tabor - 8 95 C B Wright and Duhr 2532 2302 2039 2792 2518 2581 2581 2518 10 MO 154 90 154 90 1 40 00 112 15 6 61 900 900 250 050 60 W B Hoffman 2 Grlfin lot tax 1877 1 11 25 Jacob A Shafler tax '77 2 40 60 John Wynkoop tax '77 3 25 90 M L Senior tax 1877 13 97 900 R 8 Winlack tax '77 82 00 225 D L Patterson, tax '77 27 69 489 J 8 Hyde and John G ; Hall, tax for 1877 45 02 2543 2007 2776 Ridgway Township. 225 J F Tuckerman et. al. Trustees 61 4393 37 Bostroin and Redding 12 4375 4370 4377 4389 4390 4809 4870 4270 4285 073 Ridgway F & C Co ma 817 234 209 47 444 422 401 437 243 811 43 62 75 72 26 13 6 82 15 10 26 1020 do do 1020 do do 675 do do 117 do do 916 Bryant and Euwer 916 do do 1000 do do 043 do do 623 do do 1000 H M Rolfe 150 do do 198 do do 277 George Dickinson 210 do do 83 do do 40 G F Dickinson 18 G F Dickinson 100 Andrew M'Kibbon 45 Asa Cummings 29 .Tames Riley 81 Dr J S Scott 4392 4.870 4800 48G7 4SG0 42S1 60 T B Cobb, S. Lewis lot 17 100 do J Powell lot 116 do C Mead lot 61 do Ely lot 128 do Thayer lot 40 do Dickinson lot 26 do do do 40 George Walmsley 1 Charles M'Nulty 63 George W Rhines 98 Casper Brigger, No. 2 400 BF Ely 170 do 84 40 21 44 14 12 13 10 81 28 110 59 810 4390 4869 4802 4803 j 4808 1055 do 80 do 25 50 James H Mayo 100 James Gardner 2 J V Houk 163 Sheldon Strebigh and 17 80 3 4389 4390 4394 4394 4392 4391 4809 iiatt s 45 501 do do do do do do do do do 155 125 133 193 400 420 620 906 do v295 747 W H Osterhout. Wril- cox long lot 209 17 20 G T Wheeler 11 10 60 John Schilk 17 95 4S04 4805 4807 4808 468 2-10 C R Earley 159 65 100 John Gulnack, tax '70 17 80 51 C R Earley. tax '77 9 71 145 do do 42 75 29 do do tax '77 . 6 23 101 do do 29 96 63 C V Gillis, tax 1877 8 18 43S9 4375 4808 4848 String Ckeek Township. 5797 543 Neil, Rodgersfc Blake 122 low 504 J 532 do do 230 5793 5790 5799 4044 do do do do do Western part do Eastern part do 78 232 71 85 87 107 73 81 1035 316 344 255 2030 1502 2748 2071 1358 Bryant and Euwer 601 P.ryant and Euwer 654 Henry R Moore 000 Merchants and M inn facturers Bank, Pitts- burgh 264 70 2980 2948 2775 2937 4551 4556 4552 1501 4509 900 do do 204 70 000 G Blake and others 622 90 113 do do 18 11 1055 Allegheny Bank of Pittsburgh 131 08 114 John Black 12 43 182 George D Messenger 21 14 200 Samuel Crawford 21 05 485 R Baker & J G Hall 63 40 150 DeHaven and Procius 21 00 657 Souther and Willis 81 30 481 do do 69 92 2915 4044 Don lot 4551 2775 2792 2789 4551 900 D Carrier and other 315 43 & Smith ) & Brown Y 356 Jordan R Neel J 28 00 78 Jordan S Neel 8 74 32 LF Powers 60 11 200 C B Wright 4 Duhring 27 75 347 George W Rhines 37 09 100 Geo W Rhines Chas. Portertield 11 37 48 G W Rhines N E cor ner of N. Strong lot 5 07 60 Geo W Rhines Crow &Wensalllot 689 60 Geo W Rhines A J Meddock 6 07 200 J K Gardner 21 75 105 do do 18 13 2792 200 William Kelly 21 75 4309 25 do do 8 50 40 Thorn. Slyholf, tax '77 3 67 St. Maby's Borough. Lot Nos. 43, 44, 45, 58 and 62, Centre street Ridgway Farm and Coal Co. 7 70 Nos. 0, 31. 32, 33, 84, of 30, 35, 30, 87, 38, 13, 40, and 41, Maurice St. Ridgway Farm & Coal Co. 1409 No. 13, Louis street, Ridgway Farm and Coal Co. 2 34 acre Mill street, Ridgway Farm and Coal Co., rear of Geo. Ed. Weis 1 8G No. 65, Rupert street owner unknown 1 34 No. 32, Benedict St. Pat Garrity 117 No. 9, Patrick street. James - Boyle, tax for 1876 1 18 No. 102 and 103. Patrick Btreet John Sheridan 1 1 Nos. 82, 83. 84. 91. 9z. 05. 100. and 101, Patrick st. owner un known 3 68 No. 89 and 90. Patrick street A. M. Derniott 1 67 No. 08. Walburger street Pat Flatherty 1 35 iso. 10 ana tu, waiburgeroi. owner unknown 1 68 No. 6, Walburger street Chas Overholtzer 1 35 No. 60, John street JoUn Comeskv 1 35 No. 59, 61. 62, 63, 64, 65 and 60 John St. owner unknown 2 20 No. 14, Louis St. Jamer M -Namee 1 35 No. 15, Louis street Wm A Nugent 1 35 No. 17 Louis street John M' Namee 1 35 No. 9 and 10 Louis street Mary Wrinkle 167 No. 1, 2, 8, 6, 15 and 17 Louis street, owner unknown 3 02 No. 35, Shamrock street Mike Flynn, fax for IS77 1 17 No. 20 Shamrock st. owner unknown 1 34 No. 21, U and 26 Snamrock st. owner unknown 2 02 No. 28 and 53. Benedict st. George E Weis 167 No? 10 St. l'atrlck st. Geo Ed Weis 120 acres, Ed. M'Hugh & Co. 75 72 No." 18, Louis street-Joseph Wilhelm , , t . 1 24 No. 106 and 106. Patrick street a Joseph Wilhelm 67 r ..--do do do do do , do , do do No. 40, Shamrock street Jos. Wilhelm, tax for 1877 1 17 No. 40, Erin street Joseph Wilhelm, tax for 1877 ' 1 1 8 acres, George Gregory 6 04 8 acres, Walburger street-- Nlcklaus Henfling, tax for 1876 ' 1 68 - Nos. 1, 2, 8, 4, 6, 6, 0, 11 and - , 12, Maurice street George Weia '4 03 No. 70 and 71, Walburger steet George Weis 1 67 No. 8, Erin street Geo. Weis 1 85 No. 17 and 10; Louis street George Wels 1 67 Nos' 62, 63,-64,; 66, 77, 78: 76, . and 60, Rupert st. George Weis 8 68 Nos. 109 and 110, Amandus street George Wels 1 67 Nos. 9, 18, 19, 20, 24, and 25, Benedict street George Weis 8 01 No. 20, 23, 28, 42 and 45, Sham rock street George Weis 2 69 lot and House, Centre street George Krellner, tax 1876 4 40 1 acres, Mill street Charles Ltihr, tax for 1876 8 72 No. 1. Maurice street A Jes- berger 1 21 1 21 1 21 I 21 1 21 No. 8, No. 7 No. 8. do st. A Jesberger do st. A Jesberger do st. A Jesberger No. 18 do st. A Jesberger 1-2 of No. 44, Maurice street A Jesbercrer 1 19 No. 581-2, John st.-R C M'Gill 1 54 No. 69. 60. 61. 02. 03. 04. 65 and 66 Jno. street-R C M'Gill, tax '77 No. 15, Louis St. C R Earley tax for 1877 No. 40, Erin st. Jos. Wilhelm 216 1 17 1 21 No. 61, Benedict street Jos. Wilhelm No. 64, Wilhelm 121 1 21 1 62 1 21 1 21 Benedict street Jos. 97 and 107. Ruriett No. 49, street, Joseph Wilhelm No. 03, Patrick street Joseph Wilhelm No. 14 Louis street Joseph Wilhelm SEATED LIST. Returned by collectors, upon which there could not be found suflicient personal properly to pay the several taxes assessed thereon : Fox Township. Owner. Year. Tax. 1 lot bet.Ccn'vle and Earleyville J C Burke'76'77 2 53 z nouses and a lots in t;entrevuie John Kuntzleman, tax 1876 200 acres Weis and Son's lot from Elk Co. Sheldon, Stebigh & Bates, tax 1875, 1870, 1877 70 acres Henry Souther, 1876 172 acres Jacob McCauley Kersey Coal Co. 1876 40 acres Dennis Toomey Kersey Coal Co. 1877 14acresr-Pat Murphy Kersey Coal Company, 1875 8 22 30 80 6 43 70 54 90 78 86 89 Horton Township. 54 acres Sherwood lot Pat rick Welch, 1877 316 Jones Township. 47 1-2 acres D Dijon, 1876, 1877 9 49 60 acres E. Jonquist, 1877 6 69 Wt. 8290 794 acres McKean & Elk Land Improvement Co., 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877 181 32 Millstone Township. 696 acres Wm. J. Dillworth, Jr., 1876, 1877 69 16 2 acres Philip Griffin, 1876 1 03 Spring Creek Township. Wt. 2902 1000 acres Bowman Bros., 1875, 1870,1877 107 20 40 acres Thos.Slvhoff,1875'0 184 8OO3 acres Henry R Moore & Co., 1870 Wt 4509 80 acres WmKelley, 1870, 1877 72 acres Geo W Rhines and L B Elliott, 1877 100 acres C W Porterfield, 1877 9 00 2 30 8 16 2 30 St. Mary's Boro. 1 lot, Mill street from C Luhr John McGill, 1870 6 10 1 lot and house from Sterley George Wittnian, 1870 6 20 Lot No 4 Wallburger street Sebastian Eisenhauer, 1876 2 G8 1 lot from C Luhr N & C Kroneuwetter, 1870 7 80 1-2 lot and stable from C Luhr Mrs Frs Kronenwetter, 1870 3 20 Lot No 08, Michael street Jacob Ropple, 1870 7 46 Lots Nos 58 and 03, Michael st Henry Stockman, 1876 3 36 Lot No 67, John street E C Schultz, 1876 2 84 Lots Nos 70 and 72, Michael st Ludwig Sinbeck, 1876 7 10 Lots Nos 13 and 15 Centre st Lots Nos 12 and 14 Maurice st Michael Hennessy, 1870 11 20 JACOB M'CAULEY, Treas. Treasurer's Ollice, Ridgway. Pa., March 20, 1878. Notice U. S. Iulcrnnl-Ileveuae Specia Taxes. Under the Revised Statutes of the United States, Sections, 8232, 8237, 3238, and 3239. every person engaged in any business, avocation, or employ ment, which renders him liable to a Special tax. is retmlreil to rtrnonrp. rinrl place and keep coiixpicuoiwi in his es tablishment or plnce of business a stamp denoting the payment of said Hociui tax lor tne special-tax year be ginning May 1, 1878. Section 8244, Revised Stntnteu leifMi:iti.a wlio urn liable to special tax. A return, as pre- termed 011 form II, is also required by law of every person liable to special tax as above. Severe penalties are prescribed for non-compliance with the foregoing requirements, or for continuing in business after April 80, 1878, without payment of tax. Applications should by made to E. COWEN, Deputy Collector of Inter nal Revenue, at Warren, Pa. NOTICE I TO CONSUMERS f OF tt Tobacco! B i The great celebrity or our TIN TAG TO- BAl.'LU has caused many Imitation.) thereof? to be I'lHcod on the market, we therefore IMIIlllllll Ull ChfiiuuH 1..... 1 such imllutloiiB, 2 All ueulom buying or selling other plugs tobacco bearing a hard or uietalio label." render theniKtlveii liable to the penally of3 the Ijiw, and all pernoiu violating our trade murk a are punishable by tine aud iin-5' prUoijineiit. feKIO ACT OFCONORm ATO. H.1W6.2 The genuine LOH1LLIAKDTIN TAG TO--? BAM O cau be dlKtinKUiHhcd by a TIN TA"3 on each .uiup with the word IOKILLAIUjH Hlamp thereon. Over 7.1W8 tou tobacco sold tn 1877, and a nearly 8,000 persons employed in factories. Times duid Government In 1S77 about 3,-m 6(i0.uu, and during the past ti years, over, These goods gold by all jobbers at manu- (uctures rates. H ( all at this office for writing paper aud envelopes. VICK'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN U th most beautiful work of the kind in the world. It contains nearly 150 page, hundreds of flue illustrations, and six Chromo plates of Flowers, beautifully drawn and colored from nature. Pnoe 60 cents in paper oovers ; in elegant cloth, printed in Gorman and English. Vlclt's Illustrated Monthly Magazine 82 pages, fine Illustrations, and Colored PIhIos in etery number. ''. ' - Vick's Catalogue 800 illustrations, only 2 oents. Address, JAMES TICK, .. ,'. Rochester, N. T. VICK'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS are planted by a inillion people in America. See. - Vick's Catalogue 300 illustrations, only 2 cents. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magaelne, 32 vaaes. fine illustrations, and Colored Plate in each number. Price, $1.26 year ) Five copies, $5.00. Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden, 60 cents in paper eovers i in elegant clota . coyer $1.00. Address, JAMES VICE, Rochester. N. T, VICK'S ILLUSTRATED PRICED CATALOGUE. 8cvenly.fiye pages 300 illuftrations, with Pcscripiions of thousands of the best Flowers nnd Vegetables in the world, and the way to grow them all for a Two cent postage stamp. Printed in German and Englipli. Vick's Flower land Vegetable Garden, 60 cts. in paper cover ; in elegant cloth coter $1. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magaxino 32 pages, fine illustraJions, and Colored Plate in every number. Price $1.25 year. Five oopies $5.00. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. New York Weekly Herald. 0N2 DOLLAR A YEAH. The circulation of this popular newspaper has more than trebled during the past year. It contains all the lending news contained in the Daily Herald, and is arranged in hanJy departments. The ' FOREIGN NEWS embraces special dispatches from all quarters of the globe, together with un biassed, faithful and graphic pictures of the great War in Europe. Under the head of AMERICAN NEWS are given the Xelegraphio Dispatches of the week from all parts of the Union. This feature aloue makes THE WEEKLY HERALD the most valuable newspaper in the world, as it is the cheapest. Every week is given a faithful report of POLITICAL NEWS, embracing complete and comprehensive dispatches from Washington, including full reports of the speeches of eminent poli ticians on the questions of the hour. THE FARM DEPARTMENT of the Weekly Hebald gives the latest as well as the most practical suggestions and discoveries relating to the duties of the far mer, hints for raising Cattle, Poultry, Grains, Trees, Vegetables, &o., &o., with suggestions for keeping buildings and farming utensils in repair. This is supple mented by a well edited department, widely copied, under (he head of THE HOME giving recipes for practical disehes, hints lor making clothing and for keeping up with the latest fashions at the lowest price. Letters from our Paris and London cor respondents on the very latest fashions The Home Department of the Hebald will save the housewife more than one hundred times the price of the paper, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. There is a page devoted to all the latest phrases of the business markets, Crops, Merchandize, &o., &o, A valuable feature is found in the specially reported prices and conditions of THE PRODUCE MARKET. While all the news from the last fire to the Discovery of Stanley are to be found in the Weekly Herald, due attention is given to SPORTING: NEWS at home and abroad, together with a Story every week, a Sermon by some eminent di vine, Literary, Mumoal, Dramatic, and Sea Notes. There is no paper In the world which contains so much news matter every week as the Weekly Hekald, whioh is sent, postage free, for One Dollar. You, may subscribe at any time. THE NEW YORK HERALD in a weekly form, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Papers publishing this prospeotus with out being authorized will not necessarily receive an exchange. Address, Hew York Herald, Broadwoy & Ann St-, New York. ATTENTION. . FARMERS Bond lor a specimen Copy of the PE ACTIO AL FARMER. Established 1855. THE OLDiiST LARGEST, MOST EN TERPRISING, INSTRUCTIVE AND VALUABLE AGRICULTURAL, LIVE STOCK AND FAMILY JOURNAL IN AMERICA. It a is 64-Column Weekly Paper, Acknowledged authority on all agricultural topics and leads the van of American Agri cultural Journalism. Has the largest and ablest corps of Regular Contributors ever employed on an agricultural paper, under an able and experienced Editorai Manage ment, who spare no expense or labor to add everything possible to its value. Subbcription Terms Reduced for 1878. VAYABLI IN ADVANCE. Singlo subscriptions (52 issues) .........(2.00 In clubs of two do 1.75 In clubs of three do only 1,60 Making it the cheapest first. class weekly. in the country, Liberal Premiums of Cash Commissions to Club Agents. SrtciBEH Copies 8ent Fbii. 1 dirts PRACTICAL FARMER, 618 Walnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. Health and Happiness. Health and Happiness are priceless We alth to their possessorsand yet they arelwithin the reaoh of overy one who will use WRIGHT S LIVER PILLS ' The only sure CURE for Torpid Liver, Dyspeps.a, Headache, Sour Stomach, Constipation, Debility, Nausea, and all Bil hous complaints nd Dlood disorders. None genuine unless signed, "Wm. Wright, Ifyur druggist will not supply send Zo cenu for one box to Harriet. Hol ler 4 Co., 70 N. iih Bi. Pbjla , V7n5uyl.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers