4979 4883 4102 4961 2357 4878 4975 4905 TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS. ' Notice Is hereby Riven thntajrreeably to n Act of Assembly passed the 18th day of March, A. J). 1815, entitled, "An Act to niricnd an net directing the mode of selling unseated hind for taxes and for other purposes,1' mid the sev eral supplements thereto, the following tracts of Unseated Lands situate in Elk County, Pennsylvania, will be ex posed to sale bv public vendue or out cry, at the COURT HOUSK, in HI I'M WAY, in said county on the 8K( 'ON 1) MONDAY OF JUNE next, being the 4877 480!) 4101 4107 4407 48S61 4887 10th Day of June, A. D. 1878, for the arrearages of taxes for the years 1878 Biid 1877 unless said tuxes are paid prior to said dute : Bexezette Township, War. Acres. Warrantee or Owner, 6832 928 James Stokes Taxes. $70 00 113 02 132 22 189 16 137 57 5338 1007 a it I .1 tl tl tl it it ll it it it II ll. ll t it II ll ll ll ll ll ll it it ll ll it i. yron Men ii ti tt it it ii ii it u it 6335 1007 6388 1067 6344 1007 5345 1007 6346 1007 5347 10G7 5348 1067 5379 45 5380 1100 6383 1100 5384 1060 6887 1100 634!) 1008 5312 1100 5008 m) 6353 143 6334 1100 6337 1100 6350 1008 6351 1100 6352 300 203 40 203 4tl 205 80 244 28 151 50 322 20 237 50 821 60 277 10 203 60 280 10 123 31 86 17 lot 7: 101 248 uc 310 70 87 Id 6390 1100 Jones.Hammond&Co.22(3 50 6336 1100 Amos B. Merrill 120 4i 6287 275 22 81 628S 628!) 4094 4995 6341 5012 6479 6479 4096 6481 6000 4997 6981 6479 6023 275 " " 223 " " 345 Nathan W. Ellis 458 Addison, Swart wood i Co. 29 47 23 00 57 58 94 53 900 Cornelius Waiuwiigbt 50 l 900 Miles Dent 318 1C 500 " " 100 " " 495 John Brooks 450 " " 990 " " 481 H. C. Spaulding 550 '( ' 200 Robert Ewing 57 10 13 31 R-2 lJ, 08 05 69 31 79 88 68 75 25 6(1 49 6!' 289 60 :8 John Johnson 53S8 1100 Hezekinh Mix 6023 50 Andrew Dent 7 15 6479 4994 6280 6022 6340 6001 4996 5480 5002 6013 6014 5009 6010 6024 5025 5022 6481 5024 6182 6482 285 Hamilton Dawn 150 William Shannon 200 George O'Brastow 110 David S. Johnson 550 Henry Blesh 900 Finney & Barrows 36 0C 22 40 25 60 17 60 36 211 158 41 196 " " from Fitch & Boyington 144(i 60 Oher & English 3 4 900 Reading, Fisher & Co. 286 30 000 " " 164 OK 800 ' " 154 88 990 " " 267 31 900 Trulinger Croft & Co. 203 05 134 John ii D. S. Johnson 17 48 802 " " 53 00 110 E. Johnson & A. Apker 23 00 275 Martin Enz 18 00 28 " " 4 04 505 Julius Jones 13 82 28 " " 4 00 850 " " J. & W. Montgomery wt, tax '77 7 30 650 Smith M'Cormick & 6340 Mann 126 40 6343 1100 Cook & Parder 271 68 5479 50 James Reiley 4 20 6024 603 Ralph Johnson 62 41 5478 1100 St. John & Rothroek 72 80 5011 990 " ' " 7180 5477 1100 " " 08 65 5020 100 D. B. Winslow & Wm. Johnson, tax for 1876 4 25 5481 300 H. Merrimon 64 00 6482 344 Harbison & Reed,tax'77 25 77 200 Finlev, Young fc Co. 19 40 60 D.B.Winslow, st'd list 8 3S 122 77 62 50 122 77 110 34 82 18 8 05 18 78 5 60 11 17 81 84 " W.& J.M. 9 20 9 77 15 70 5023 5003 63 H . R. Wilson fr.Co. '76 3 77 495 Shaffer & Johnson 1221 Benzixguk Township. 4104 4105 4105 4100 100 John W Dubos 27 10 25 John Carroll tax 1870 3 88 25 Peter Garrity 7 8. 25 George Weis 8 85 4105 ) 4106 f 75 Hector Jaekot 22 8(: 4104 25 Peter Byrnes tax 1877 4 9 lti jNeison .i w lmiuer o oo 146 Nelson J Wimmer 41 4883 511 Lawrence & Cassell 154 82 4882 4859 4900 823 Luwrence & Cassell 250 41 990 Lawrence & Cassell 278 50 200 Lawrence & Cassell 50 2( bu j,awrence a Lassen 7-i 220 Luwrence fc Cassell 55 20 4958 4958 4961 4961 4103 4104 300 Lamout Gas Coal Co. 85 li 500 LnmontGus Coal Co. 141 10 90 Lamont Gas Coal Co. 20 2(1 900 Luniont Gus Coal Co. 251 02 857 Ridgway Farm & Coal Co. tax for 1876 87 40 600 Ridgway F & C Co. '70 61 00 4105 1508 Rklgwav F fc C Co '76 14517 4100 1442 Ridgway F & C Co '70 139 48 4107 898 Ridgway Fife C Co '70 9(180 4108 990 Ridgway F tt C Co '70 4115 703 Ridgway F & C Co '76 4109 990 Ridgway F & C Co '70 96 01 74 3-1 96 61 4116 1049.1 tax '76 101 811 63 82 142 12 104 2U 99 40 8 20 29 80 4102 540 4003 9S0 4410 1073 4111 1025 60 tax '7ft tax '76 tax '76 tax '76 tax '70 tax '76 tax '70 tax '76 200 200 86 29 80 6 70 11 11 20 6 70 109 41 512 Joseph Wilhelm. Acres. 48 Earley T3rickell & Hite tax lor 1877 8 03 5020 900 R. Winslow 6021 375 " " 5015 900 " " 6027 790 " " 5020 600 " " 5014 100 " " 5027 200 " " 183 13-80" ' : 56 " " 109 " 296 " " 100 " " ' 107 " " 180 " " 410 57 " 4105 825- " " 4106 1414 " " 4107 834 " " 4108 806 " " 4109 996 " " 4110 897 " " 4111 1025 " " 4116 C04 " " 4116 1049 " " 4403 080 " " 4407 107 " 4408 29 M " 4886 25 " " 4886 25 " SO " " 4976 2(H) " " tux 1877 7 04 tax 1877 85 45 tax '77 225 83 tux 1877 133 CI tax 1877 143 46 tax 1877 159 36 tax 187143 62 tax 1877 163 97 tux 1877 111 35 tax 1877 185 02 tax 1877 130 85 tax 1877 18 0: tax 1877 tax 1877 tax 1877 tax 1877 tax 1877 6 61 4274 4 97 4 98 6 72 28 30 29 07 4176 4178 4079 100 F. L. Newton 9!in West, Creek Man'f sr & 4188 4081 Minning Co. 800 86 990 " " 800 86 4879 1483 " " 4d0 Do 4944 990 " 800 97 4945 990 " " 800 97 4880 1483 Charles Herbner 470 66 2374 902 George Dickinsou 222 19 "500 Bona Cartuvvals VJV ia 990 M'Kean & Elk Land Improvement Co. 299 97 v90 M'Kean 4 Elk Land and Improvement Co. 283 62 142 Wm C. Black 43 91 18 Wm. C. Black tax '76 107 Wm. C. Black tx '76 3 69 1C86 6 19 4247 1 Wm. C. BUck tax '70 200 Martin Borg 25 M. A. Mitchell 1 500 Hidonlft Van Essel : 32 80 8 26 145 72 25 James Cox James Cox, lot 65 Cross st reet 8 68 1 29 4881 61 John Klrchener 19 79 1 21 1 21 1 21 1 21 1 21 1 21 1 21 1 21 Lot Nos. Kldgway Wtreet. 79 James Dovle 68 Thomas M'Cormlck 6i) Thomas M'Cormlck 85 JohnO'Conncr 80 John O'Conner ' ' . 102 David tfpillane Railroad Street. 67 Sarah Haley CI John O'Conner 62 John O'Conner 63 John O'Conner 1 21 1 21 Lot Nos Talbot Street 17 Thomas Collins 18 " " . 36 Wm. Shine 38 Thomas Collins 36 " " James Coyle 10 lots be tween Kersey Sc Talbot street Acres. 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 2 82 240 Rev. Louis Curtuyvals 58 60 4115 tu l-Alwara Delelnint Vine St. Nos. 11 & 12 25 J. S. Bales " " 1 lot cross St. Stephen Henry 4107 25 Win. Strauahan, tax for 1870 4958 100 George Weis 50 Benzinger & Co. 13 50 10 36 1 51 4 61 30 17 15 Si 4105 1 4106 4103 25 Wm. Cockney 8 58 40 Wm J. Eowan, tax for 1877 6 94 4110 31 Wm. J. Flint, tax for 1870. 80 E. G. Williams 25 M. Sliauahan, tax '76 610 Andrew Kaul, tux '77 359.J Andrew Kaul, tax '77 516 Andrew Kaul, tax '77 857 Andrew Kaul. tax '77 5 32 12 5: 4 6 88 9 4104 4105 4402 4103 4104 4002 4104 66 08 100 2: 156 021 Andrew Kaul. lots 5 & (ij.ts. Hall lots 10 90 990 Andrew Kaul, tax '77 105 94 62J James Hall, lots o &i tax for 1876 10 1 60 Jacob Didlot 16 58 Lot Nos. Ridgway street. 64 Jos." Wilhelm, tax '76 1 10 C5 " " tax '76 1 10 66 " " tax '76 1 10 67 " " tax '76 1 10 4104 74 John Forde 23 75 4888 593 Benzinger &Eschbach 131 3. 4887 902 " " 178 9' 25 James Donnelly 8 05 4115 25 Daniel Frasier, No. 7 Cberrv Road, tax '77 4 71 4110 50 Daniel Frasier, No. 3 & 5 Maple Road, tax '77 8 33 15 John Kleixner 6 71 4077 405 Thomas To.ier 140 81 4990 990 Johnson & Shaffer 248 50 4993 990 Johnson & Shaffer 248 50 1992 990 X. & C. Kronenwetter. tax for 1876 143 5( 22 Phila. & Erie R. R. Co. 11 1 2-: George Weis 8 58 No.K 25 Joseph Hennebel 15 0: 4M8' 00 John Kaul 15 03 4404 522 Sheldon Stebigh & Bates 158 88 4404 522 4406 522 4406 622 4407 420 4408 000 158 88 158 98 158 98 128 182 80 4076 1023 287 4105 50 Mary Heeiian, Nos. 13 to 10 16 16 4883 4105 512 Jos. Wilhelm 25 Mary M'Gahan, No. 8 11 84 8 58 60 George Weis 3 Owner unknown, Tal bot & Railroad street 4408 34 Earley Brickie fc Hite 11 65 1 i 18 4101 1056 Earley Brickie & Hite 1C9 00 41U7 1 4108220 Earley Brickie & Hite 36 61 4103 75 C R Earley stover av iz. -a, 20, '77 12 9: 4104 4104 47 do do do do do do do do Poplar road Nos. 2 and 4 Bleun road 6, 7, and 8 Vinerd. 5 Hickory, 1 Poplar,16,18, Vine rd.9,11, Poplar rd.ll, do 4,8,13, 15,17,19,21,23 25,27,29,31. Hick'y rd.17 do 8,5,7 John Carroll Vine,8l,33, H'ky 19, 21 Poplar rd.3l Chestnut,29 ' do 30 do 21 8 48 To 12 9 4 9 4104 4104 4105 4105 21 50 60 4 3: 8 8 95 4105 25 4105 200 4 91 42 34 4105 4105 1105 4106 4106 4106 4107 4107 4107 4107 4108 4108 4110 4110 25 79 25 42 50 22 25 25 25 50 50 60 25 31 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 4 9 13 5(: 4 9 5 4. 8 9. 4 50 4 9 4 97 4 9 do 8 05 8 95 8 95 East do rd. 1,1 Vinerd,2,4 Maple rd.ll Glean and 4 0 Maple rd. 1 5 93 4110 19 EstofMaiile rd. No. 1 4 02 Cherry rd. 2 9 10 4110 4115 4115 4115 51 75 62 50 do 9,11.13 12 91 do 3, & B 9 27 Ch 'st 11' 1 17,19 8 95 4970 200 Ben.inger & Esehbaeh 82 80 4880 416 do Sam'l Wallis 74 14 Note Between the inclusive tux fur '77. Fo.t Township. 4097 4170 4178 4077 207 C. It. Earley 225 Enoch Clapp 90 Michael Sheehan 290 Ridgway Farm & Coal Company tax for 1876 246 Ridgway F. A- C. Co. 60 Ridgway F. & C. Co 67 Ridgway F. & C. Co. 708 Ridgway F. & C. Co. 489 Ridgway F. & C. Co. 36 90 90 93 18 70 10 81 25 79 7 03 6 70 78 05 45 22 4078 4081 4U88 4097 4008 4374 206 Ridgway F. fc C. Co. 21 77 Not Between the tnchmive tux for '7tf. 4087 144 Ridgway Farm & Coal Co. tax of 1876 15 41 4077 281 Eurley.liilekell & Hite. tax 187 47 87 4078 49 do do do do do do do do do do 9 10 do 18 33 do 20 80 do 129 96 do 45 30 do 44 23 190 30 27 21 239 05 4081 105 4087 144 4097 727 do do do 4098 208 4374 202 4001 1 4890816 E B England 4902 145 E B England 4177 IKK) Hannah Barnard 4190 4190 439 O W Whittaker, tax '77 56 00 600 Richurd Gardner 10050 4900 293 Richard Gardner 00 68 135 03 134 00 132 75 23 00 6 40 64 52 70 73 74 090 Wm Turns s9 Win Tunis 750 II A Stephens 200 Geo. C White tax 1877 40 Robert Ruhl tux 1877 225 Thomas Martin 50 Wm Weusell 74 14 27 25 Malachla O'Rouke tax for 1877 7 88 990 J C Chapin, Est. 197 99 45 C R Earley, tax for '76 6 53 12 Rote Kelleytax 1877 2 65 64 James Winkle tax '77 8 43 25 Jno K Jones 4 62 20J Thomas Collins 7 13 (98 '98 4098 4098 4078) 4077 1 60 James Wooten 16 03 18 26 96 68 12 64 4374 65 George Wamsley 4176 540 England & Brown 4098 61 Heiiry Clinton Witt 7 70 27 65 14 63 4087. 100 Wm. A nple 65 Armel Turley 4378 75 Noble Coal and Oil Co. 84 84 247 219 Noble Coal and 0. Co. 117 99 12431 4247 560 Noble Coul and O. Co- 233 40 42451 244 500 Noble Coal and O Co 248 80 lf() Owner unknown tax '77 7 05 50 Jacob Hart man 18 68 171 James D Wetham 61 00 2 lots C WRigby 8 44 2 lots Win and Mike Cloko 3 44 Hot Henry Largay 2 22 4082 303 Seldeu, Stebigh and Bates 113 81 4077 70!) Sheldon, R. ond B 257 64 4272 49 C R Earlcy tux 1877 10 4HH9 60 C H Farley 13 42 4890 387 C R Earley 81 11 4271 380 CM Earley 90 11 4079 60 Joseph Koch 16 85 4082 807 Earley Brickell and Hite, tax '77 CO 07 Highland Township. 3781 1000 Thomas Struthers 112 32 8753 1000 Thomas Struthers 100 20 2020 1009 Thomas Struthers 109 86 3002 831 C B Wright and Duh'g 80 77 3iij4 Pin v n wngnt ana Dun g 8U 17 8003 831 C B Wright and Duh'g 80 77 2019 896 Walter Bryant 72 10 1778 1031 Walter Bryant 98 71 ko n'u a woir 11 in 2025 2027 100 J and M Mack 11 35 402 George Dickinson 44 63 954 George Dickinson 92 63 1830 i034 !034 l')0 G. Dickinson sub div 9 10 40 00 " " " " 10 8 28 330 Freeman Ellis 33 69 2020 14(55 1404 670 Fox and Roberts 53 38 603 Fox and Roberts 69 51 3788 KMH) John N Lane 95 6 1831 1005 Allegheny Bank of PittfeliurEU 80 71 2032 1052 Wm Robinson 122 08 1863 902 John F James 77 34 3761 1005 Martin Hart 116 19 1783 002 Abner Cassell ' 77 32 1S58 888 John P Brown 86 16 3706 1000 J C Chapin, Estate 05 6 2403 315 J C Chapin, Estate 31 22 2450 289 " " 28 2453 263 " " 22 52 3654 1029 Wrnyand Graham 99 77 3057 1000 Owner unknown 97 00 3782 904 Little and Souther 101 63 3771 1000 Nathaniel F Jones 89 5; 3775 1000 Nathaniel F Jones 95 6 1709 100 James Gallagher sub div. 9 10 60 1799 100 Jocob Gilbert sub div 6 10 90 2034 118 John Hunkle 12 43 2034 90 E E Kennedy 9.64 3776 10O S P Johnson 15 16 3786 102 S P Johnson, tax 1876 8 00 2031 1058 Mrs Rickarts 76 12 36o0 900 Bank of Pittsbureh tax for 1877 42 40 3778 1000 Henry M Deckarfc 83 40 870O 1000 Souther and Willis 95 a: 2404 288 John Nicholson, undi vided i m 3655 1776 2038 8000 8785 3762 1019 Alfred Avery 98 8 100 Elizabeth Cooper, tax for 1877 6 5: 1043 John Bryan & others J,"101 Io 496 L Wilmarth, estate ' 48 92 iwo A L, Crawford tax 1876 61 ot 1000 George Brooks 60 00 Samuel H Detwiler George Cannon Andrew I King and 3777 400 G. S M'Kniirht tax '77 25 5! 3785 2306 1000 Thos. Grirlith, tax '77 62. 3 290 J B Steriey tux 1877 14 84 Horton Township. 4279 932 J L Ellis 170 68 4396 1 4245 ( 1002 " " undv'd i 7ft 4370 50 Wingartner and Rubel sub div. 16 9 7 50 C & M Albert subdiv 20 9 7: 4370 4371 4371 4370 4371 4869 4344 4453 4342 4343 4450 1218 4248 ,219 4i!43 1242 o2 Jacob Didlot, sub div 23 9 9o 100 I Echman subdiv 28 18 4 50 Joseph Hertzel sub div 8 9 7: 50 Mathias Kline.sub div 10 9 7 " " sub div 27 10 0." 5i3 Penna. Cannel C Co 140 82 052 Penna. Cunnel C Co 233 28 000 Penna. C Coal Co. 220 60 5i7 tehawniut Cannel C Co 141 509 " " 130 84 000 " 220 00 lo4 J C Wellington 43 1 41 Noble Coal and Oil Co 10 60 Noble Coal and Oil Co 14 94 1 075 Hyde and Brock way 1 undivided j 50 " "M Giles lot 09 01 7 4 75 Hyde and Brockwny iu uunougn lot 250 Hyde and Brockwny 107 Hyde and Brockwny Furninn lot lOOij Hyde and Brock wny'76 83 Hyde and Brockway 347 N B Laneund others 600 Henry L. Carlisle 990 Henry L Carlisle 495 Josiah W Smith, E. 200 Nathan Bailey E half 900 John Hal me 610 John C French W. pt. 25 J C Law, sub div 19 200 Wm. Slack ' 50 Geo. Weis. sub div 17 60 Geo. Weis, sub div 16 25 Geo. Weis sub div 19 60 Geo Weis, sub div 23 15 55 29 58 4100 4242 1272 4 -'42 4200 4182 4181 4188 4275 4271 1370 1400 1370 4370 4370 4370 4200 10 01 28 ( 8 9' 41 3( 89 3 73 4, 2!) 17 4 89 01 3(1 4 5 35 85 8( 0 72 9 72 5 35 9 72 330 North Western Mining Exi'lmn ('11 SO 8.1 4188 4188 4181 4272 43 ,o 4241 4181 1871 140 250 245 375 2u0 533 245 52 17 20 80 05 6 88 85 04 24 64 81 15 9 34 3 62 tax for '78 Jus. M'Clellan tax 1877 Ueorge Weis sub div 23 Jay township. 5283 1100 AmosB. Merrill 5288 825 AmosB. Merrill 5287 824 Amos B. Merrill 5289 640 Amo-s B. Merrill 5290 012112-160 " 4194 400 Wm Parker 4195 576 James Lynde 4190 989 D K Jones 4195 206 James Stokes! 4197 220 do do 5005 090 do do 4195 207 Sebastian Weis 4197 245 Sebastiun Weis 4197 100 Eli Kennedy 4197 50 Cl.as. B. Miller 49)16 400 Wm. Robinson 4845 70 Win. Robinson 5ol6 090 Philii M Price 152 80 223 29 204 81 148 10 118 70 60 11 86 16 147 21 31 45 83 63 137 62 31 88 37 42 15 78 8 36 79 89 14 80 84 72 84 72 84 72 42 81 98 58 98 58 30 56 296 99 45 3 5019 990 do do 500(t 990 do do 4890 212 E B England 5007 990 do do 5004 0UO do do 4892 200 DuBois and Lowe 4191 990 Richard Gardner 4185 800 Hezekiah Horton 4848 KM) do do 20 82 43 52 4891 460 B A Weed, estate tax for 1876 25 David Tyler 60 Fiuley Youg and Co. 090 do do 320 D W Moore 4897 5029 5 94 10 89 08 58 48 32 39131 89181 14 88 14 88 15 49 15 49 5018 4892 4898 990 Henry Loraine 990 do do 94 O It Price 94 Tyler and Finney 98 do do 98 do do 5017 6030 4893 4895 4896 4893 217 Woodward and Finney 33 07 41951 4194 f 72 Horace Little 6032 75 Humoud, Jones & Co 6030 267 A E Gotf 4906 100 do do tax '76 11 65 15 78 40 44 790 131 41 4180 . 990 Perks and Bowman 60 Patrick M'Creadv 6083 100 J R Morey 6082 1804 George O Brastow 13 80 36 66 129 43 20 72 21781 6286 weorge u urastow 100 David Carskadden 8W Spring Run Coal Co 723 Snrlnir linn Coal Co 4845 6028 6031 159 82 4194 4194 4892 100 John F Combs, tax '76 60 do do 490 J E Putman and Co 352 do do 93 RWPetrlken 00 do do 7 90 8 86 06 60 70 89 12 61 10 89 4899 4893 Jones Township. 2331 825 Robert Halsey 188 08 193 Robert Halsey 43 14 090 Charles Heebner 217 65 393 do do 167 39 480 John Scott, tax 1870 47 05 200 George Dickinson 89 80 150 Owner unknown tax for 1870 84 00 990 Wm Wernwag, estate 159 67 000 do do 159 07 60 R W Brown 13 16 100 Andrew J Lowe tax'77 15 71 504 2731 2073 2073 2073 2502 2024 2504 3222 36 do do do 642 100 Owner unknown tax '76 15 40 2610 120 W H Osterhout 2-5 51 100 Owner unknown tax 3143 3143 2316 for 1876 10 60 25 do do tax 1877 8 40 090 M'Kean and Elk Land and Improvement Co 181 18 2319 2323 900 990 do do do do do do do do 181 18 181 18 181 18 181 18 181 18 181 18 2326 990 090 990 900" 990 090 900 990 990 990 802 990 740 757 990 990 990 000 900 990 990 990 990 090 090 990 678 990 800 990 990 990 818 990 490 990 990 990 990 495 990 495 990 990 990 100 70 990 990 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 2829 i332 2333 861 1363 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 181 18 181 18 181 18 181 18 181 18 193 22 159 79 193 22 144 76 147 22 193 22 181 18 103 22 181 18 103 22 193 22 193 22 193 22 181 18 181 18 193 22 193 22 88 76 2877 2425 2487 2489 2527 551 554 2564 2587 2591 2593 2508 2599 2604 2608 2012 2614 2660 2086 2611 2791 8180 2315 193 22 181 18 193 22 193 22 3217 3218 3220 3220 3228 3229 3230 3231 3232 3233 3237 3243 324i 3251 3252 3253 3290 3295 4903 4904 2564 193 22 159 42 193 22 91 90 193 22 193 22 193 22 193 22 127 78 193 22 127 77 193 2 193 22 193 22 20 4(1 14 60 193 22 do do 181 18 23 Gen'l Thomas L Kane, tax for 1876 3 27 204 232 do do tax '76 23 26 2j27 161 do dotax '76 10 4 2o53 8o do do tax '76 83 5ti 2ool 527 do do 119 88 8221 212 do tax '77 Hardy lot 28 35 ji 1 w ao do tax tor 2211 222 3 1877 Keefer lot 6 16 do tax 1877 Stoltz lot 5 00 3295 81 8295 1 802 3290 I 2010 125 8222 1 3221 I 3293 f 211 3291 J :W 4 490 2010 181 2791 397 3214 797 do flo tax 1877 Lime Kiln lot 40 60 do tax '77 Davis lot 17 12 do do tax 1877 Luce lot 28 23 do do do 106 35 do tax 1876 12 44 do tax 1870 27 25 do do do do do do do do do do do tax 1876 77 57 3221 794. ' 1058 453 534 206 183 292 129 fin t.'iy '7(1 77 P,9 do tax '76 do tax '76 do tax '76 do 101 80 44 20 62 20 60 04 18 57 29 03 13 48 1224 3290 3291 8293 3295 3200 3290 do tax '76 do tax '70 do tax '70 2610 I 2588 1 8293 J 8290 2588 2610 2588 2010 8293 8291 3296 3290 3143 322 822T 1 3222 8222 ) 3293 2010 2504 2553 3200 1 2010 I 3293 f 2588 J 200 do dotax'76 20 20 20 do do 13 47 95 do do tax '70 10 12 93 do do tax '70 9 89 837 do do tux '70 80 15 204 do do tax '70 20 44 621 do do tax '76 00 61 947 do do tux '76 91 91 803 do do tax '76 80 09 88 do do tax '76 9 45 121 do do tax '76 18 43 80 do do tax '76 8 68 114 do tax '77 Wilcox lot 15 71 160 . do tax '77 Hess lot 21 64 400 do tax 't Swift lot 52 00 100 do t'x'77 Steriling lot 13 00 200 do do How ard lot 26 60 813 do do Rob erts lot 105 87 214 800 1200 130 20101 100 2554 2504 128 do Erie Mining Co104 20 do Rowliy lot 17 77 do do Latin V lot 1300 do Dreslcr lot 17 51 do Rocky run lot 10 61 do north of 0. Market 21 76 do Isaiah Wilcox lot 30 93 do E, of Wilcox lot 20 05 do W of Wilcox lot 1132 3143 2527 121 161 232 148 80 2553 2553 2553 2563 1 2610 J 2010 3221 3222 58 do 8 of Wilcox lot 8 48 109 do do 15 07 412 do Erie Mining Co. 64 15 509 do Erie Mining Co. 66 67 200 do ErieMining Co. 26 80 404 do Erie Mining Co. 53 12 3224 3290 Note Between the iucluslve tux for '77. Lot 204 Mrs. Finny 3 38 3290 1 3293 3291 3100 W H Dykeman, tax 3010 for 1877 602 26 2588 J 4U3 1025 Karley, Brickell ana iiite, tux tor ioi 1 no u '73 do tut for 1877 128 80 4112 107 Millstone Township. 900 Darrah and Moore tax for 1876 122 50 900 do do 191 28 900 do do 179 88 675 Wm Dllworth 134 45 350 Rumbach tax '76 19 00 875 Wm Armstrong, estate 60 63 900 James O'Hara 180 22 900 James O'Hara 180 22 675 Drexel, Duhrlng and Wright 101 25 900 do do 154 00 693 Owner unknown 129 97 900 Owner unknown 142 75 900 Owner unknown 142 75 900 Owner unknown 142 75 660 do Eliza Wynkoop 84 70 682 Powell & Klme tax '77 77 46 00 Geo. and Jessie Mays 9 76 398 L C Wynkoop and D 8 Patterson, tax 1877 89 65 2543 2548 2542 2590 2518 2618 2523 2790 2067 2565 3775 4134 4135 4129 2792 2518 2524 900 J F Wynkoop and Co 168 40 100 Owner unknown 19 60 25 L C Wynkoop 1 8 72 5700 2618 2518 100 William Crispin, 15 61 100 William Crispin 16 61 50 Daniel II Tabor 8 95 2532 900 C B Wright and Duhr lnir 154 90 2362 2039 2792 2518 900 do do . 154 90 900 do do 154 90 250 do do 40 00 650 do do 112 15 60 W B Hoffman 6 61 2 Grifin lottni 1877 . 1 11 25 Jacob A Shaffer tax '77 2 40 60 John Wynkoop tax '77 3 25 90 M L Senior tax 1877 13 97 900 M S Winlack tax "77 82 00 225 D L Patterson, tax '77 27 69 489 J 8 Hyde and John G Hall, tax for 1877 45 02 2581 2581 2543 2667 2775 Ridgway Township. 225 J F Tuckerman et. al. 4393 Trustees 61 07 87 Bostrom and Redding 12 80 4375 973 Ridgway F & C Co 803 05 4376 1020 do do 817 71 4377 1020 do do 284 71 4389 676 do1 do 209 99 4390 117 do do 47 73 4869 916 Bryant and Euwer 444 08 4870 916 do do 422 49 427ft 1000 do do 461 00 4285 948 do do -437 07 628 do do 243 88 10(H) II M Rolfe 811 60 150 do do 43 80 198 do do 62 40 277 George Dickinson 75 85 4392 21 0J do do 72 46 4870 83 do do zo 1 1 4866 40 G F Dickinson 13 42 487 18 G F Dickinson 6 58 lou Andrew m iviDDon uo 4866 45 Asa Cummlngs 16 22 29J James Riley 10 45 4281 81 Dr .1 8 Scott 26 01 60 T B Cobb, 8. Lewis lot 17 9o 100 do J Powell lot a 4 HO 116 do C Mead lot 61 do Ely lot 128 do Thayer lot 40 do Dickinson lot 26 do do do 40 George Walmsley 1 Charles M'Nulty 63 George W Rhlnes 98 Casper Brigger, No. 400 B F Ely 170 do 40 80 21 67 44 39 14 56 12 73 4390 4869 13 42 10 02 81 19 28 38 110 80 59 60 48021 4863 1055 do . 310 47 25 27 4868 80 do 60 James H Mayo 100 James Gardner 2 J V Houk 17 95 80 8 8 54 4389 163 Sheldon Strebigb. and Bates , 4390 501 do do 4394 400 do do 4394 426 do do 4392 020 do do 4391 960 do do '. 45 90 155 18 125 20 133 21 193 51 295 25 '209 17 747 W H Osterhout, Wil cox long lot 20 G T Wheeler 50 John Schilk 4869 4864" 4865 4867 4868 11 10 17 96 159 65 f 408 2-10 C R Earley 100 John Gulnack, tax 76 17 80 0'7I 42 75 6 23 29 96 8 18 4389 4375 4H08 4848 51 C R Earley, tax '77 146 do do - 29 do do tax '77 101 . do do 63 C V Gillis, tax 1877 Spring Ckkkk Township. 5797 543 Neil, Rodgers & Blake 12218 1500 504 5798 532 5790 1035 5799 316 4044 344 do do 236 20 78 14 232 16 71 41 85 30 37 94 197 44 73 42 do do do do do Western part do Eastern part do 255 2030 1358 Bryant and Euwer 1502 601 Bryant and Euwer 2748 554 Henry 11 Moore 2971 900 Merchants and M inu facturers Bank. Pitts 81 23 burgh 264 70 2986 900 do do 264 70 2948 000 G Blake and others C22 90 2775 113 do do 18 11 2037 1055 Allegheny Bank of Pittsburgh 131 08 4551 114 John Black 12 43 4550 182 George D Messenger 21 14 4552 200 Samuel Crawford 21 05 1501 485 R Baker & J G Hall 63 40 4509 150 Dellaven and Procius 21 00 657 Souther and Willis 81 30 481 do do 59 9 2915 900 D Carrier and other 315 43 4044 & Smith 1 Don & Brown 856 Jordan S Neel lot j 23 CO 4551 78 Jordan 8 Neel 8 74 2775 3291 L F Powers 60 11 2792 200 C B Wright & Duhring 27 75 2789 847 George W Rhines 37 09 4551 100 Geo W Rhines Chas Portertleld 11 37 48 G W Rhines N E cor ner of N. Strong lot 5 07 60 Geo W Rhines Crow &Wensalllot 5 89 50 Gun W Rhines A J Meddock 5 07 200 J K Gardner 21 75 105 do do 18 13 2792 200 William Kelly 21 75 4309 25 do do 8 50 40 Thom.'Slyhoff, tax '77 3 67 St. Maky's Borough. Lot Nos. 43, 44, 45, 68 and 62, Centre street Ridgway Farm and Coal Co. Nos. 0, 81. 32, 33, 84, of 30, 35, 30, 87, 38, 13, 40, and 41, Maurice St. Ridgway Farm & Coal Co. No. la, Louis street, Ridgway Farm and Coal Co. acre Mill Btreet, Ridgway Farm and Coal Co., rear of Geo. Ed. Weis No. 65, Rupert street owner unknown No. 32, Benedict St. Pat Garrity No. 9, Pntrick street. James Boyle, tax for 1876 No. 102 and 108, Patrick street 7 70 1409 2 84 1 86 1 34 117 1 18 1 17 8 68 1 67 1 35 1 68 1 85 135 2 20 1 85 1 35 135 1 67 8 02 117 134 2 02 167 1 85 75 72 1 24 167 John Sheridan Nos. 82, 83, 84, 91. 9, 95, 100, and 101, Patrick st. owner un known No. 89 and 90, Patrick street A. M. Dermott No. 68, Walburger street. Pat Flatherty J o. lb ana tu, w aiDurger oi. owner unknown No. 6, Walburger street Chas Overholtzer No. 60, John 6treet John Comesky . . No. 59 61. 62. 63, 64. 65 and bo John St. owner unknown No. 14, Louis st. Jamer M - Naniee No. 15, Louis street Wm A ent .... . .No. 17 .Louis street jonu iu - Namee No. 9 and 10 Louis street Mary Wrinkle No. 1. 2. 8. 6, 15 and 17 Louis street, owner unknown JNo. 3a, ShamrocK sireev Mike Flynn, tax for 1877 No. 20 Shamrock st. owner unknown , . No. 21, 24 and 26 Snamrock st. owner unknown No. 28 and 53. Benedict bi. George Ed. Weis No. 104 St. Patrick st. Geo Ed. Weis , . r 120 acres, Ed. M'Hugh & Co. No. 18, Louis streetr-Joseph Wilhelm , . No. 106 and 106, Patrick street Joseph Wilhelm No. 40. Shamrock street Jos. Wilhelm, tax for 1877 117 1 18 6 04 ; 1 68 4 03 JNO. 4U, .crin sireei josepu Wilhelm, tax for 1877 8 acres, ueorge wregory 3 acres. Wal burger street-- Nlcklaus Henfling, tax for 1876 Nos. 1. 2, 8, 4, 5, 6, , 11 and 12, Maurice street George Weis ' No. 70 and 71, Walburger steet George Weis No. 8, Erin street ueo. vvew No. 17 and 10: Louis street- George Weis . .... - . prt mm ma mf. 1 67 8 68 1 67 3 01 jiOS. OZ, OH, 04, Ot, II, 10,10, and 60, Rupert st. George Weis Nos. 109 and 110, Amandus street George Weis Nos. 9, 18, 19, j, zi, ana zo, Benedict street George Weis No. 20, 23, 28, 42 and 45, Sham rock street George Weis lot and House, Centre street George Krellner, tax 1876 2 69 4 40 3 72 1 21 1 21 1 21 1J acres, Mill sireei nuaries Luhr, tax for 1876 JNo. 1, Maurice sweet a. jea berger . . , L JNo. 8, do Bt. AJesoerger No. 7, do st. A Jesberger No. 8, do st. A Jesberger No. 18 do st. A Jesberger 1-2 of No. 44, Maurice street A Jesbertter I 21 1 21 1 19 No. 58 1-2, John st.-R C M'Gill 1 54 jn o. 09, 00, 61. C2, 68, B4, oo ana 66, Jno. street-M C M'Gill, tax'77 No. 15, Louis st. C R Earley tax for 1877 No. 40, Erin Bt. Jos. Wilhelm No. 51, Benedict street Jos. Wilhelm No. 54, Benedict street Jos. Wilhelm No. 49, 97 and 107, Rupert street, Joseph Wilhelm No. 63, Patrick street Joseph Wilhelm No. 14 Louis street Joseph. Wilhelm ' 216 1 17 1 21 121 1 21 1 62 1 21 1 21 SEATED LIST, Returned by collectors, upon which there could not be found sufficient personal property to pay the several taxes assessed thereon : Fox Township. Owner. Year. Tax. 1 lot bet.Cen'vle and Earley ville J C Burke'76'77 2 63 2 houses and 2 lots in Centrevllle John Kuntzleman, tax 1876 200 acres Weis and Son's lot from Elk Co. Sheldon, Stebigh & Bates, tax 1875, 1870, 1877 70 acres Henry Souther, 1876 172 acres Jacob McCuuley 8 22 30 80 6 43 70 64 90 78 36 89 Kersey Coal Co. 1876 40 acres Dennis Toomey Kersey Coal Co. 1877 i acres rat juurpny iversey Coal Company, 1875 Hokton Township. 54 acres Sherwood lot Pat rick Welch, 1877 3 10 Jones Township. 47 1-2 acres D Dijon, 1876, 1877 9 49 60 acres E. Jonquist, 1877 6 69 Wt. 3290 794 acres McKean & Elk Land & Improvement Co., 1874, 1875, 1870, 1877 181 32 Millstone Township. 596 acres Wm. J. Dillworth, Jr.. li U. 1H77 09 10 2 acres Philip Griffin, 1870 Spbing Creek Township. 1 03 Wt. 2902 1000 acres Bowman Bros.. 1875. 1870,1877 107 20 40 acres Thos.Slyhoff,1875'0 800S acres Henry R Moore 1 84 900 2 30 3 16 2 36 & Co., 1876 Wt 4569 30 acres WmKelley, 1870, 1877 72 acres Geo W Rhines and L B Elliott, 1877 100 acres C W Porterfield, 1877 St. Mary's Boko. 1 lot, Mill street from C Luhr John McGill, 1876 6 10 1 lot and house from Steriey George Wittman, 1876 6 20 Lot No 4 Wallburger street Sebastian Eisenhauer, 1870 2 08 1 lot from C Luhr N & C Kronenwetter. 1876 7 80 1-2 lot and stable from C Luhr Mrs Frs Kronenwetter, 1870 3 20 Lot No 68, Michael street Jacob Ropple, 1870 7 46 Lots Nos 58 and 03, Michael st Henry Stockman, 1876 3 30 Lot No 67, John street E C Schultz, 1876 2 34 Lots Nos 70 and 72, Michael st Ludwig Sinbeck, 1876 7 10 Lots Nos 13 and 15 Centre st Lots Nos 12 and 14 Mnurieo st Michuel Hennessy, 1876 11 20 JACOB M'CAULEY, Treus. Treasurer's Office, Ridgway, Pa, March 26, 1878. Notice. All persons are hereby forbidden selling goods to, or trusting any person on my account, without my written order, as I will pay no debts thus con tracted after this date. M. T. FRENCH. Ridgway May 2, 1877.-ly For NINETY DAYS FROM DATE Elegant Table Silverware Can 1m Menred by fell od compliance with the following eoodlttoni: The National Bllrr Plating Conipmny, 704 13 bee taut Btreet, Philadelphia, niauuraoturera of ifure Cola Standard Bilver-Plated Ware, will tend to aoy one who receive! tbii notice, a Set of Double Hxtra-Plated Sliver Spoona, and engrave on eaohBpooa any desired initial. You are reouiredto eutout Llie fulitiwiua Silverware Cutiuoa and itiid it to the abova Company, wttli your Dame and addren, and aUo toenoloae with It 76 oeau to pay all chargei, including ooit of eugraving iuitlali, packing, boxing, and expreaa charges. The Hpoona will be vent by expresi (or mail, if you bare do axpreea office), and delivered iu your banda without further oil. Then Hpouua are guaranteed to be of the beat material, and equal to the beat Silver-Plaud Ware made, aa tut following lallar from the Coiupauy will testify : Offio up National SiLvxa Platiwo Co., TO Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. TO whom It may Concern. The Spoon aQ out under this arrangement e guarauu-e are or bst quality, nrst heavily plated w ltd pure nlokel (Hie bardeafe white metal known), and a double-extra plate of pure Coin -Standard Silver added oa top of the uieltel, thus reudering them the very best Silver-plated War manufac tured. U e will houor no order which does not contain the Silverware Coupon, aud we Vill not honor tbe Coupea after inm dsvs from the dnte of this paper. Signed WAtlONAI. SILVER PLATING CO.. 704 Chestnut Bt. Philadelphia. BlLVEHWAltK COUPON. On reeelpt or this Coupon, together with 75 cents to oover all ehargM, tnetod Ing oxpreaa or mailmg, eugraving and boxing, we hereby agree to send to auj ad areas a aet of our pure Coin-Standard doutle.extr plated SILVER SPOONS, and on eaob Spoon engrave any desired initial. All chargei art to no prepaid hy the 70 acuta tent us, aud tfaa hpoooa will be delivered at dealiuatioa free of aoy other charge. Good for ninety days from date of this paper, after which this Coupon U null end void, IBigoedJ NATIONAL 8ILVEB PLATING CO.. 704 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Should It be desired, any one of the following articles will be sent In Hen of tho Spoons on payment of too following charges Six solid atwol knives, blade and handle one solid piece, beit steel, double ulokel and silver plated, $'i ; six forks, double nickel aud silver piated, V5 ets. If all these tuod are desired, enclose the total ebargee, which will be 76 ell. for spoons, l for knivea, aud U5 u. for forks total, $3. TO thus socurtug tor gJ.70 what would cost yon much more lo any other way. Remember that each article, except knives, will be engraved wittt any Initial deeired without extra ooah IMPORTANT NOTICE. This liberal odor holds good for only ninety days from data, therefore It ti to the in tart at of all who can secure Iu beaenia to see to It that they are not debarred by reason of the expiration or the time speoiiUd Ail let tare ordering bilverware should be addressed direct to tho NATIONAL SILVER PLATING CO., No. 704 Cheetnut Street, PttLLADaLpHLA, PA. RECEIVER'S SALE Hemlock and Pine LUMBER undersigned, Receiver ap The pointed by the Coun, m ""V" ftJ lif.ns of Elk County, wiu eilj I PUBLIC AUCTION under the order of said Court, on rv THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1878, at the DaguScahonda MibU; Da guscahonda Station on tofj? phia and Erie Rail Road, between St. karv's and Ridgway, the following LAbouf656.0W feeCmostly Hemlock, comprising a full assortment or LUMBER 4x4, 4x6, 4x8, 6x5, 6xBr 0x8 12 to 28 feet long. n JOIST i3 3x5 to 8x12, 2x5 to 2x12 12 to 28 feet long, . SCANTLING 2x3, 2x4, and 8x4 12 to 24 feet long. , . 56,000 lineal feet Hemlock Plastering L Also a small lot of 4x4 Poplar and Sule to commence at 10 o'clock A. MTERMS OF SALE made known at time of sale Recelver. NOTICE TO CONSUMERS OF Tobacco Thcgrcntcclrbrlty of our TIN TAO TO-d n.VCCU linn caused many imitations i thereof to be placed on the market, we therefore- caution all Chewcrs against purchasing-,, BUch imitations, i9 All dealers buying or selling "ther plugo tobacco bearing a hard or meUilio ltei. render themselves liable to the penalty org tho Imw, and nil persons violating pur trade marks arc punishable by fine and lm-f piisonment. ,Tm 1M3 SKK ACT OF CONGRESS. At'O. 14, ,1 W8,- " The genuine U .KILLIAUDTIN TAG. TO-g HACCO con be distinguished by a 1 IN JAOo on each lump with the word LOBILLiAKWH stamp thereon. Over 7.IIKS tons tobacco sold in 1877, andd nenvl v JUHHI nel sons employed In factories, to ' .:. '. , .. Ik-T lnllt 50U.UUO, nnd during the past 12 years, orerg These goods sold by all Jobbers at manu--factures rates. N EW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY . DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, ami (he public generally, tuai "" tarted a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. Bg-He will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Main. All orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. Aug201871tf Notice U. S. Internal-Revenue Special Taxes. Under the Revised Statutes of the United States, Sections, 3232, 8237, 3238, and 3239. every person engaged In any business, avocation, or employ ment, which renders him liable to a HiwHaltax. in remiired to procure and place find keep conspicuously in his ea- tuOllslincnt or place OJ uumneaa a stamp denoting the payment of said special tax for the special-tax year be ginning May 1, 1878. Section 8244, Revised Statutes, designates who are liable to special tax. A return, as pre scribed on Form 11, is also required by law of every person liable to special tax as above. Severe penalties are prescribed for non-compliance with tho foregoing requirements, or for continuing iu business alter April 80, 1878, without payment of tax. Applications should by made to E. COW EN, Deputy Collector of Inter nal Revenue, at Warren, Pa. Health, and. Happiness. Health and Happiness are priceless Wealth to their possessorsand yet they are Jwit hint the reach of oery one who will use W BIGHT'S LIVER TILLS The only sure CURE for Torpid Liver, Dyspepsia, Headache, Sour Stomache, Constipation, Debility, Nausea, and all Bil lious complaints and Blood disorders. Noiie genuine unless signed ''Wm, Wright, Phila-'' If your Druggist will not supply, send 25cenlB for one box tn fiarriok, Uol. lcr & Co.. 70 N. 4lh St. Thila. v7n50yl. Count, Weigh. Measure Everything you Buy at the West End Store. n42tf. Call at this office for writing paper and envelopes. I? 0.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers