i .. . . i . rflV0MU Henry A. rarsons, Jr., Editor THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 187S. The Secretary of the Treasury has during tho past week purchased n large amount of silver bullion enough to run the mints for about live weeks. The price paid for the bullion Is not so great as was expected by bullion hold ers. Telecirams received from New England by members of Congress represent ft critical condition of nHhirs, and show that unless Congress desists from tho agitation on tho financial questions they will ruin the bank in terest of thecountry by uselessly alarm ing the people. Models for printing tho back and face of the silver certificates of the de nominations of ten dollars and twenty dollars have been completed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and the bureau proposed to turn out certificates of these denominations yesterday. As Senator Spencer is Chair man of the Semite Military Committee, nnd as he Is supposed to rellect the views of his colleagues, some persons nttach importance to his opinions about the Army bill now incubating in Congresa. The Senator being questioned, says he will not support any measure looking to a reduction of the army ; that tho latter is not large enough now ; that it should be in creased to 40,000 men ; that there is going to be the biggest Indian war next summer Ave have ever had, and twenty thousand men arc not enough to garrison our frontier posts. He has been for mouths out there and speaks from his own observations. The In dians are mad about bud treatment, and change of reservation, and are preparing for war. Several thousand are now on the warpath, and as many more have left their reservation. Our army, with the present force, cannot whip the Indians and at the same time keep the proper number of men in the garrisons. Wilcox Notes. Wilcox, March 19tn 1878. Tools are still fast in Ernliout & Taylor's "Well No. 1. No. 2 is down about throe hundred feet. Beveir's well, near Bridgetown, is down one hundred feet. George Sehriner, the boy that fell iu the tannery, sometime ago, and broke his knee, had so far recovered that he was able to bo out, when, on Saturday night, lie dipped and fell on the door step, and broke his thigh bone near the hip, also badly wrenching his lame knee. The poor boy is in a terrible condition at present. Willie Cole, the boy who had his leg broken, while riding down hill, has so far recovered that he is able to be about the house. Quite a delegation havo gone to Sinethport to-day to attend the wed ding of Capt. Ernliout and Mrs. Tay lor, widow of the late Hon. A. N. Tay lor, which is to come oil' to-morrow at ten o'clock A. M. The happy couple are to take the usual swing around tho circle, Niagara Fails, New York, iic. Long may they wave and may their troubles be little ones. PETE. The silverware delivered by th-National-Plating Co. No. 704 Cheste nut street, Philadelphia, is giving en tire satisfaction. All orders arc promptly filled, and no one need hesitate about sending them money. Lutheran Observer. The Pottsvillo correspondent of the Philadelphia iuKtYi says: "Con- The Derrick's oil report for Fob- .1 - 1 1 i nnn i ruury biiows unit wciih were I . i finished during the month of Febru-1 Y UltG, ary. Of this number -id were dusters. In January 270 wells were completed, the number completed in February being 60 less. At (lie closo of the month 323 were drilling nnd 8U rigs were building. The dally production is 87,515 barrels. There was a de creased production in all the oil fields except Bradford, which Is destined to bo the attractive cpot of oildoin. The following rules nhould bo strictly observed by persons having occasion to visit a printing office : Enter softly. Sit down quietly. Never beg a paper. Don't touch the typo. Hands off manuscript. Subscribe for the paper. Don't carry off exchanges. Keep six feet from the devil. Don't talk to the compositors. Say what you please to the editor. Persons observing these rules when entering n printing ofllce will greatly oblige the editor nnd Mill have no fears of the devil. The Quadrat. E. K. Thompson's Great Heal ing Ointment. This certifies, that from my childhood I have suffered QUOTATIONS or Powell & Co. HANK Ell 8 AM) 15R0KERS, No. 42 South Third Street. Stock nnd Iloiidx Bought and Bold on Commission. Philadelphia, March 12, 1878. BID. U. S. 18!U. c do 5-'20 '65 J and J... do do '07 do do do '68 do 10-40, do eonpon do Pacitlo tt's cy New 6's Keg. 1881.. 0. 1881............ " 4, Beg. lHltl M 0. IK'.U ASKfID 100 100 10iU 104J lOliS IOC. 10H 108 .......1043 104 118 lit) 104 102i J 102? ion loal .1031 .1021 .102 Now 4'g Rca. 1007 101 " o. 1!07 100J 101 a old ion Hu Pennsylvania, 271 2 7f Heading 13 13 Philadelphia & Erie 7 o Leliieh Navigation- - 17 17 do Volley 884 88A United It H of N J ex. div..H4t 114 Pittsburgh, T. Buffalo K. R ..... ( 6 Northern Central ex. div 134 14 Central Transportation 35 85 Ncsquchoning 44 4j North Pennsylvania, 06 J 88 o extremely at times Mith Chilblains in my heels, causing running sores, so that pieces ns large as a ten cent scrip would often peel off. After using all kinds of remedies, so called, I made an application of 12. K. Thompson's Great Healing Ointment, whiuh effec tually cured me, and in my case I con sider it worth twenty times its cost. So greatly did I sutler I have often taken oil' my boots and traveled bare foot in the snow. T. F. M'Kee. Shamburg, Pa., March 3, 1870. Prepared by 13. K. Thompson, TitiiKville, Pa. Price, 23 cents. hold uv Dr. T. S. Hartley, mug way Elk Co. Pa. THE EFFECT WAS MAGICAL. It Is astonishing how many people have their nerves in some way affec ted. They are "nervous" "cannot control their feelings," "rest poorly at night," "have the blues," feel ns though "something dreadful was about to happen" to them or their friends all the time affected with n sense of 'impending danger" etc. etc., all of which point to a temporary impairment of the nerves. M'hich if not relieved, may result in an acute attack of sonic form of disease. No nerve remedy Mill benefit unless the system is at the same time cleansed and prepared for its action. That is the reason of the failure of most nerve tonics in these cases. It is also the reason Dr. M. M. r enner nas com bined in one medicine his Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic, an it is tho furt her reason that people M'ho use it are enabled to wnto lnui like the following: Frcdonia. N. Y. Jan. 1.1th. 1K72. Dr. M. M. Kenner Dour 81r I consider it n privilege ns well ns a duty to testily to the ellicncy of your Wood nnd Liver Heincdy ami Nerve Tonic, t or roiiio time pnst I lmd been sutlering from grout nervous d Utility accompanied with extreme lasimdo and low spirits, almost uutlttinu me for business. 1 had previously lieard your Remedy highly eulogized bv Homo of your patients, nnd re solved to civo It u trial. The ellect was magical. From the moment of taking the first dose I felt decidedly better. Its wiumlng inltuence was soothing, agreeable and invig orating. I have now taken three bottles and mil entirely restored. 1 cheerfully recom mend it to the thousands sullering Hum Nervous Debility. ours truly. a. henky;. For sale by dealers in medicines. UU COM1UNED CATALOGUE for 1378 OK EVERYTHING for tho GARDEN Numbering 175 pages, with Colored Plato, BENT FREE To our customers of pnst years, nnd to nil purchasers oi our booKs.emicr ItAiilI'.:s 1X1.) Full I'HUFIT. PRACTICAL FLOHI- Cl'IiTHK. or (lAHDK.MNtt FUH PLKASl'itrc (price $1.0(1 each, prepaid, bv mini . To oThers. on receipt oi .tc. j'lain Plant or Kced Catalogues, without Plate, tree to nil. PETER HENDERSON & CO., Seedsmen, Market Gardners nnd Florists, 85 Cortlnndt St., NEW YORK. a nr rwrrtTftTTCT? at your A WAWiJUXIilW WWII DOOU, I For ?1.00 we will send freo by mail either I of the hciow-nnmeu collections, all dis tinct varieties. 8 A but 1 1 inns, or 4 Azaleas. Ii llogonlas. or 3 f'ninelias. 2 Cnltidlums (fancy), or 8 Carnations! monthly.) 12 ChrvsmithcmuiTis. or 12CoIeus. 8 tentuureas or 8 other white-leavea plants. 8 Dahlias, or an thus (new Japan.) 8 Ferns. 8 Mosses, or 8 Fuchsias. 8 Geraniums, Fancy. 8 Variegated, or 8 Ivy-leaved. 1 Gloxinias, 8 Gladiolus, or 8 Tuberoses (Pearl) 4 Grape vines, 4 Honeysuckles, i Hardy isnrnos. 8 Heliotropes, 8 Lnntnnns, or 8 Petunias. 8 Pansles (new German), or 8 Salvias. 8 Roses, Monthly, 8 Hardy Hybrid, or 4 Climbing. 8 Violet (scented), or 8 Pnlses. Enelish. 12 Scarcer llcdding, or 12 Scarcer Green House flams. 1(1 Verbenas, distinct nnd splendid sorts j 25 Varieties of Flower, or 'JO varieties of !V egetame ecus. or by EXPRESS, buyer to pny charges. a collections lor t-t oinrca: niorM; 12 for M: 11 fori": lKforShl: or the full ! collection of ;i"0 varieties of Plants and Seeds sufficient to stock a greenhouse or Garden for Ji". to our book "Garden- !ing for Pleasure" and Catalogue ollered nbove (value $1.75) will be added. PETER HENDERSON & CO., So Cortlandt St., NEW YORK. nl. Mercantile Anpralsment. LIST OF RETAILERS OF MER chandlse, Liquors, tc, in the county of Elk, HtaU of Pennsylvania, March 4, 1878. MERCHANDISE. . : BENEZETTE. - CLASS. NAME. TAX. 12 Miles Dent, store (12 CO 13 Wm. JC. Johnson, store 10 on 14 T. J. Minfer, store 7 00 14 Miles hoiit, miller 7 00 14 It. W. I'etrikeu, . miller 7 00 RKNZINGER. 14 Rev. F. Cellestine, miller 7 00 FOX. 12 Jos. Koch & Son, store 12 60 J. J. Taylor & l;o., store iz &u 18 Michael Mohan, store 10 00 14 Koch & En a, store 7 00 14 Jno. M'Mahan, store 7 00 Herman Straressley. store 7 uo 14 A. Timm, store 7 00 14 Mrs. B. Keltz. storo 7 00 JAY. 14 E. H. Dixon, store 7 00 14 Abel Gresh. store 7 00 a John Smith, store 7 uu JOXES. 7 Wilcox Tan. & Lum. co.. store 40 00 NOTICE CONSUMERS of- TO Tobacco! KE Ik AD VFMTISEMEXTS. i p ii t h e r i a I Johnson's Anodyne T.lnlinent will pos tivelv prevent this terrible diseaso, and will posli'vely cure nine eases In ten. Informa tion that will suve many lives sent freo by mail. Don't delay a moment. Prevention is better than euro. 1. B. JOUNHON 4 CO., ISungor, Maine. liuinl. Notice U. S. Iulerual-Rcreiine Special Taxes. Statutes of the Umler the Revised fniteil Htntrs. Sections. ;.' inn! S'.".!). everv person ensrnired tiderable uneasiness is felt here over ja any business, avocation, or eni))loy- the hesitation of the board of pardons nient, which renders him liable to a to decide tho cases of Hester and his special tax, Js required to procure and T. , , .. . , place &nd kern conxmcuomlf) in hia ts- couipamons. It is known that streii- Jtabli8hm,,nt or viaee of 6uh,c8 a uous efforts are being made to cheat htamp denoting the payment of said the gallows, and there seems to be special tax for the special-tax year be- ground enough to fear that they will The grent celebrity of our TI? TAG TO- liAllU lias CUUSCU Iliail. iiiiiihiumis itieitrtti to bo placed on t lie market, wo therefore; caution nil ('hewers ngulnst purchasing; such imitations. ' All dealers buying or selling other plugs tobacco bearing a hard or mctallc label. 2 render themselves lialilo to the penalty ol s the l.nw, and all persons violating our- trade marks are punishable by line and im-j) prlsonment. i SEE ACT OF CONGRESS, ATTG. 14,lH7G,i The genu nc ,i I.MAKDTl-N 1 Ait'io- BACt'U can be distinguished by a TIN TAG j i.-m. ,i... ........i i iiidi.r.Aiuis Ull cm:il iiiiti n.n. it. u nuiu uw.m..... , Over 7.IISS tons tolincco sold In 1S77, and." nenrly 8,000 persons employed in factories, c Tnves ilntd i loveriunent ill 1S77 about S3.-' .VKi.non, and during the past 12 years, overSf CJii.mi.uuu. fc-t These goods sold by nil jobbers at mnnu- lactures rates. Hides, Sheep felts, and Calf Skins wanted at 42 Main Street. FRANK SETTELLE. 13 A. T. Aldrlch. store 10 00 14 James C. Malone. store 7 00 14 Martin Sowers, store 7 00 14 CI. A. Jacobson, store ' 7 00 14 M. M. Sehultz. mcnt market 7 00 itohton. 13 Short & Horton. store 10 00 14 Jos. S. Hyde, store 7 00 14 John Cuneo. store 7 00 RIDflWAY. 10 W. 11. Osterhout, storo 20 00 10 J. S. & W. H. Hyde, store 20 00 11 Powell &Kime, storo 13 00 11 Grant & Horton. store 15 00 13 M'Uloin & M Gechan, store 10 00 13 James H. Hagerty, store 10 00 14 T. S. Hartley, store 7 00 14 J. (Jr. Messenger, store 7 00 14 Charles Holes, store 7 00 14 James Woodward, storo 7 00 14 L. A. Rrcndel, store 7 00 14 E. K. Oresh, store 7 00 14 Robert I. Campbell, store 7 00 14 Jacob Butterfuss, store 7 00 14 J. S. Powell, storo 7 00 14 H. M. Rolfe. store 7 00 14 Frank Suttelle, store 7 00 14 1). It. Day, store 7 00 14 S. A. Rote, store 7 00 14 R. Lamoreaux. storo 7 00 14 A. C. Mathews, store wo 14 X. T. Cummimrs, storo 7 00 14 Mrs. E. Cravstou, storo 7 00 14 N. T. Cummigs, storo 7 00 14 P. Malone. meat market 7 00 14 Wilbert Mercer, meat market 7 00 14 J. S. v W. H. Hvde. millers 7 uu ST. MARY'S BOHOITOH. 10 Clifford, Hall & Kaul, storo 10 Coryell & Russ, store ii josepn vv iiueim, store 11 John Walker & on, sioro 12 Spafloril & Tierney, store 13 Weis Bros., storo 13 Jno. Weidcnboerner, store 13 Charles Liiilir. store 14 Sosenheimer & Tegler, storo 14 Geo. Weiilenbcerucr, store 14 J. L. Blnkely, store 14 Charles M'Vean, storo 14 Edward M'liride, storo 14 Charles Miller, store 14 Joseph Wilhelm, store 14 FredKenote, store 14 C. L. Bayer, store 14 Mrs. M. E. M'Nally, store 14 Agnes B. Killean, store 14 John Krug, meat market 14 John Forster. meat market 14 Chas. Kufen. meat market 14 Wilhelin & Dornish, millers HOTELS AND EATING HOUSES, BENEZETTE. r. t r -T . 1 ... 1 i ai i o iieiiry ijiubii, huici. i, 0 it. Li. msiow, notei. 7 John Daley, eating house. HENZINGER. 7 F. X. Sorg, hotel. FOX. 5 John Collins, hotel. 5 Joseph Koch, hotel. 5 Daniel fcjcull, hotel. JONES. 5 F. B. Tatterson, hotel. 7 Martin Sowers, hotel. ltlDavAY. 5 W. II. Schram, hotel. 6 Jas. M'Farland, hotel. 5 Morgester & Jackson, hotel. 7 Jas. M:iginnis, eating house. ST. MARY'S BOKOCGII. 5 Relly Bros., hotel. u Jareui. aiecum, noiei. 6 Anthony Fochtman, hotel. 0 James Rogan, hotel. 0 Lawrence Vogel, hotel. 6 Jos. F. Windl'elder, hotel. 7 Henry Luhr, hotel. 7 George fcchaui, eating nouse. 7 Svillium Gies, eating house. 7 Mrs. A. Klausman, eating house. 7 Jacob Kraus, eating house. 7 Anthony Schauer, eating house. BREWERIES. THE Scientific American. THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. THE MOST POPULAR SCIENTIFIC PA- l'BH IN THE WORLD. Only $3.20 ft Year, including Postage. Weekly, b'2 Numbers Hear. ,uuu hook pages. Tub SciENTino Amkhicah is a largo First Clft?s Weekly Newspaper of sixteen pnges, printed in tho most beautuul style, profusely illustrated witn splendid engrav ings, representing the newest Inventions and the roost recent Advances in (he Arts and Scicnees ! including Mechanics and Engineering, 8 team Engineering, Railway, Mining, Civil Gas and Hydrnulio Engineer ing, Mill Work, Iron, Steel and Metal Work : Chemistry and Chemical Prooesses : Eleetrioily, Light, Heat 8ound: Tech nology, Vhotography, printing, New Ma chinery, New Processes, New Recipes, Im- provcmenls pertaining to Textile industry. Weaving, Dyeing, Coloring, Hew industrial Products, Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral: New and Interesting Facts in Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home, Health, Medical Progress, Kocinl Science, Natural History, Geolocr. Astronomy, eto. The most Tamable practical papers, oy eminent writers in nil departments of Soience, will be found in the Scienlino American ; tha whole presented in popular lnnorunire. free from technical terms, ntus trateu witn engravings ana so arrangeu as to interest and inform all classes of readers, old and young. The Scientific American is promotive of knowledge and progress in everv community where it circulates. It should have a place in every Family, Read me Koom. Library. College or Bcnooi Terms $3.20 pet year, $1.01 half yenr, which includes cre-tiavment of postage, Discount to Clubs ana Agents, emgie copies ten cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by postal order to MUNN fc CO., Publishers. 87 Park Row, New York, 1) i rilTTVTfl'Ci In connection JTii. L Hiiy X Owith the Seien lifio American. Messrs. Muks & Co. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents and have the largest establishment In the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. Models of New Inventions and Sketches examined and advice free. For NINETY DAYS FROM DATE Elegant Table Silverware In the In n Tih. iss; ,'(:r. v;,v.r ;. i; B,.r.ruud . ........ To whom 1 mr Oonoern.-TM Hpocni "''V,!IL,i V,Z SIZTX h". m.l kln), .ml . doubl....r. pl.wjrf part Co S'.M.iJ ir. toil or Ih. alikol, li nnlortn Ihostk tmty " I!,':''!' 5u"od. W will honor no ordor -hlcb do "' lA'J'ffS.?.?! .1,1 o. honor ,b. C.o. r nlr llViiCO.. blLVEHWAKJE COUl'ON. . tnc epr... or n.lllnl. .nr.rln .nd bo.lt.,, w. " M trap. a. Ml ! w nan CoU Suad.rd doabl.-oilr. pl.u ail VP Ft SPOONS. All cnmrgr orw i- .'.r'" urod M iallialln fro. of an; "M(ro05d'ro;'Dln.l S.T. frorn (l.t. of l I. p.nyr. .IVr blch jh C"T" and told. lSIaodl and on Mrt Sr .or ,",,!0;,.A,,U',u,a'l tha 75 oaoM aat u, and Uia Spoon, will ba dollrarad al daal eon you much more In unr otlier w-t. .BefrnI5iJ rtiole. except ttntvea, will b ugTve4 witU m iniUal VtlRt VI each dsird without extra ooaw IMPORTANT NOTICE. Thta liberal offer hoM. food for onlf ninety day. from date, thareforw It 1. to tha InlrreU of all who can mnre Ita beneflu ,0 .06 to It that tbtif are notdeharrfl tiy ro.ton of the expiration of (be time specified. Aillat lera orderlog Sllrerware abould be atidreaaed dlreet to tb , f NATIONAL SILVER PI.ATKTO CO ' 4' Mo. 704 Chsatnat Btreot, PHILADELI-HJi, V. '.ii i:'J .1 ' ..i" 20 00 20 00 15 00 15 00 12 60 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 special notice is made to the Scientifio American of all Inventions Patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. Publio atten tion is thus directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction often effected. Any person who has made a new dis coverv or invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to the undersigned. Address for tho Paper, or concerning Pat ents. MUNN & CO., 37 Park Row, New York. 'Branch Office, Cor. F & 7th Sts., Washing ton, 1). C. CHEAPEST AND BEST I THE HAR11ISBURQ New York Weekly Herald. ONE DOLLAR A YEAH. The circulation of this popular newspaper has more than trebled during the Y-v ' ear. It contains all the leading newt t '.c.nlned in the Daily Herald, and is iuiged in bandy departments. The " FOREIGN NEWS embraces special dispatches from all quarters of the globe, together with un biassed, faithful and graphio pictures of the great War in Europe. Under the head of AMERICAN NEWS are given the Telegraphic Dispatches of the week from all parts of the Union. This feature alone makes THE WEEKLY HERALD the most valuable newspaper in the world, as it is the cheapest. Every week is given a faithful report of POLITICAL NEWS, embracing complete and comprehensive including dispatches from Washington, full ..nn.ln nf iYit. onnnil.aa of nminnnt T,nli DailV aild WeeklV PatriOt Ucians on the questions of the hour. (Aijf ff ww-a.jr . wvva. THE FARM DEPARTMENT of the Weekly Herald gives tho latest ns FOR 1878. To all new subscribers and to all present subscribers renewing their subscriptions THE DAILY PATRIR0T Will be sent at the following rates : 1 copy, 1 year, postage prepaid $7 00 2 copies (in club,) " " ....12 00 0 " " .... 27 00 10 " " " " .... 60 00 1 copy during the session of the legislature , 2 00 THE WEEKLY PATRIOT Will be sent at the following rates : 1 copy, 1 year, postage prepaid... ... ?2 00 4 copies. " " .... 6 00 10 " " " " . .. 10 00 15 ' " " and one copy to gctter-up of club 15 00 25 copies, l year, postage prepaid, and a copy to gctter-up ot club. a uu All orders must be accompanied by the cash, either by check or post office order. 1877. THE 187S. OTRIVALLED. THE CHEAPEST, THE ABLEST AND THE BEST 8-Pae Weekly FAMILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED STATES. READ IT AND YOU WILL NOT DO WITHOU1' IT. THE PITTSBURGH WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. An 8-Page Paper, Only $1 DEVOTED TO: be Bticcesriful." Daring: Eseapo of Two Prisoners. Eotston March 17. Daniel Dwyer and William Haywood each under ten years sentences in the btate jiriaon, broke from the guards while passing through the yard this morning, and running up to the third story of the workshop, fastened the door behind them, liefore the officers could reach them they ran along a plank out of a window, the inner end being fastened under a steam pipe, thus forming a spring board, and ruuniug out upon it, Hey wood made a desperate leap clear over the wall under the tire of two guards and alighted safely on the ground. Dwyer missed his fooling and fell thirty feet to the ground breaking a leg and receiving other in juries. Hot pursuit was made on horaeback and Heywood was bhortly afterward tniininer -May i. ix. rwuoii o-n, Revised Htatutes, designates who are linl.le to sftccial tax. A return, as in-e scribed on Form 11, is alo required Oil law of every person liable to npecial tax as above, iseverc pciiulltut are l.iescribed for non-eompliance with the foregoing requirements, or for continuing in business after April B0, 1878, without payment ot lax. Applications should by made to E. CCnVEX, Deputy Collector of Inter nal Revenue, at Warren, Pa. Sot ice. All persons aro hereby forbidden selling goods to, or trusting any person on my account, without my written order, as I will pay no debts thus con tracted after this date. M. T. FRENCH. Ridgway May 2, 1877.-ly KANSAS . All about its Soil, Climate, Resources, Products, Laws, and its People nra given in the KANSAS FARMER, a 10-page weekly, in its loth j r. Fost paid, 3 mo. 500. Address J. K. HUDSON, Topeka, Kansas. Has quickly taken a high place among ncricultural journals. Ar. 1'. Tribune.... We have considered it among the best of our exchanges, and a worthy representa tive of the West. Practical Farmer, Philadelphia Our Kansas friends bhould feel much pride in the high charac ter and sterling worth of their State agri cultural paper National Live-Stock Journal.,... We cheerfully credit it with being one of the best edited of our Western nericultural exchanges. Spirit of the Times, A'. 1'. For all kinds of job work call at this office. 00 00 Gold. Minos and Lauds. Coal. GOI.P. MINES AND LANDS COAL fSlLVKR HOLI, fH' 1 .10 A I) COMPA N I KS I KAG NIZEP, PTON K IKON MINING AliEN'f'Y. COITKK MARBLE 2UU S. hKVliNTH STREET, LIME recaptured in Somervillo and returned RL- A. H. wffltu OYriUM JtfQZ TO BUY A FARM WHERE liENZINQER. Westnitzer & Ktraub. $25 00 Peter Conner $25 00 ST. maky's UOKOCOir. Charles Luhr & Co. William tiies Laurence Vogel $'-5 00 BILLIARDS. RIDGWAY. O. W. Rhincs, 8 tables $50 00 James M'Ginnis, 3 tables $50 00 ST. MAKY'S KOROUG1I. Jos. V. Windfelder. 2 tables $40 00 JOS. A. HAXHAUSER, Mercantile Appraiser. Health and Happiness. Health and Happiness are priceless Wealth to their possessors, and yet they are within the reach ot overy one wuo wm uou WRIGHT'S LIVER. PILLS The only sure CURE for Torpid Liver, Dyspepsia, Headaohe, Sour Stomaobe, Constipation, Debility, Nausea, and all Bil lious complaints and Blood disorders. None genuine unless signed 'Wm. Wright, Phila " If your Druggist will not supply, send 25 cents for one box to Barrick, Rol ler & Co., 70 N. 4th 8t. Phila. v7n50yl. $0.00 WORTH FOR $3.00. Any person remitting us $3.00 will re ceive one copy of the Weekly Patriot for one year, one copy of the American Agriculturist (the leading agricultural journal in the United Slates) for one year, both postage paid, ana in audition a Micro scope, such as has heretofore been sold for $2.60. THE PATRIOT BOOK OFFICE. Having executed the State Printing and Binding for three years, we are prepared to print and bind Books, Magazines, Pam phletB, Directories, etc., in best style and at lowest prices. BLANK BOOKS, such as Dockets, Daybooks Ledgers, and Hotel Registers a specialty. Old Books rebound Especially low rates for rebinding Sunday School Libanes. Address PATRIOT PUBLISHING CO.. Ilarrisburg, Pa. well as the most practical suggestions and discoveries relating to the duties of the far mer, hints for raising Cattle, Poultry, Grains, Trees, Vegetables, &c, &c, with suggestions for keening buildings and farming utensils in repair. This is supple mented by a well edited department, widely oopied, under the head of THE HOME giving recipes for practical disehes, hints lor making clothing and for keeping up with tho latest fashions at the lowest price. Letters from our Paris and London cor respondents on the very latest fashions The Home Department of the Wbskly Herald will save the housewife more than one hundred times the price of the paper, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. There is a page devoted to all the latest phrases of the business markets, Crops, Merchandize, &c, &o, A valuable feature is found in the specially reported prices and conditions of THE PRODUCE MARKET. While all the news from tho last fire to the Discovery of Stanley are to be found in the Weekly Herald, due attention is given to 8P0RTING NEWS at home and abroad, together with a Story every week, a Sermon by some eminent di vine, Literary, Musical, Dramatic, and Sea Notes. There is no paper In the world which contains so much news matter every week as the Weekly Hehald, which is Bent, postage free, for One Dollar. You may subscribe at any time. THE NEW YORK HERALD in a weekly form, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Papers publishing this prospectus with out being authorized will not necessarily receive an exchange. Address, New York Herald, Broadway & Ann St-, New York. 1. Literature and Art. II, Choioe Miscellany. III. Scientifio Discussion. IV. Social Topiea V. Wit and Wisdom VI. Home and Foreign News VII. Agricultural Interests VIII. IloOBehold Economy IX. Live Stock Markets X. Grain and Produce Market! XI. Congressional Reports Xll. Telegrnphio News XIII. Editorials on all live Topics In short it is the most complete Weekly journal in every detail now published, and Will be under the personal editoral super vision or Mr. W. A. Taylor, the well known editor and author, ana a large corps of able assistants. BEING STRICTLY INDEPENDENT in nil things, and untrammelled by cliques and combinations, it will have no other end to serve than to benefit, interest and in struct ita readers. A GRAND SPECIAL FEATURE which will commend it to Farmers in partic ular, nnd all others in general, will be its comp'eto elaboiate and strictly reliable Live Stock and other Markets. Look at our unequalled. TERMS, POSTAGE PAID : Single Copy $1 25 Clubs of 5 and less than 10 1 15 Clubs of 10 and over 1 00 Tho prioe at which we furnish TUB WEEKLY TELEGRAPH ia but a triflo more than the cost of the white paper, but we depend upon a generoua publio for a sufiicicntly large patronage to reward us for our efforts in supplying them with a household newspaper that has and can have no rival in excellence nnd cheapness. to his ciuarters. His running leap from the third ntory over the wall to the street beyond without injury is ono of the most remarkable in the list of prison escapes. ATTENTION. FARMERS Bend for a Specimen Copy of the I "T IPRACTICAL FARMER. J- V VAN Boston, March 16. The panic among eavintt bank depositors coutlnued to day, and the crowd iu front of the Five n53-2in.ini Cent Bank was even greater man yes terday. $00,000 was paid out yester day, and about as much to.day. The Provident Saving Institution paid out about $SO,000 yesterday and an equal amount to-day. There was no run on the Suffolk Bank, but there were a number of withdrawals. Yes terday the bank paid out $27,000 and received f 5,000 on deposit A meeting of the trustee of the Franklin Sav Ins Bank, on Boylston street, this morning, approved tha action of the officers in requiring sixty days' notice, Everything was very quiet at this bank. Send for' our Catalogue. A. H. Wyman & Co. No. 206 South Seventh St. PHILADELPHIA. SPECIAL NOTICES. DR TAX DYKE'S SULPHUR SOAP. DR. VAN DYKE, whose life long btbcialitt, and world wide reputation for CURING SKIN DISEASES, has endeav ored for jeers to com bus an external treatment. He has accomplished this de. girable sebult in, the preparation of bis compound "BULPHUB SOAP,'' the merits of which are spoken of by thousands ; it is highly recommended to all our readers. Prioe 25 Cent a Cake: aJBox (three Cakes) 60 Cents. 6t.i ,ty Maii, (pre-paid) on receipt or price. Office, 50 N. 5th St. Wholesale Depot, 400 N. 8d 8t. Philadel phia, Pa, Sold by DRUGGIST. c21yleow. Established 1855. THE OLD2ST LARGEST. MOST F.N TERPR18ING, INSTRUCTIVE AND YALUAULh AUUIUULTUKAL, LIVE 8TOCK AND FAMILY JOURNAL IN AMERICA. It a is C4-Column Weekly Paper, acknowledged authority on all agricultural topicsand leads the van of American Agri cultural Journalism, lias the largest and ablest corps of Regular Contributors ever employed on an agricultural paper, under an able and experienced Editoral Manage ment, who spare no expense or labor to add everything possible to Ub value. Subscription Terms Reduced for 1878. PAYABLE IM ADVANCE. Single subscriptions (52 issues). ....... .f 2.00 In clubs of two do 1.75 In clubs of three do only 1,50 Making it the cheapest Crst-olass weekly in tha country, Liberal Premiums of Cash Commissions to Club Agents. Specimen Copies Rent Free. Address PRACTICAL FARMER, 618 Walnut St. Philadelphia, Pa 33 newest nnd moKt popular songs, with writ ing ofliiHtruc- tlon nnl amusement: alHo, a list of all the bHttles, when and where fought, during the war. for"3o stump. Address, Desmond & Co., 015 Kucorit., fhlladulphia. nivtciliim. Groceries, fresh and good, and the best crackers at Hagerty's. Shipping tags are printed cheap at this office. Call on us. Neat note-heads printed cheaply at the Advocate ofllce. Paper lags taken in exchange for goods 42 Main Street. i Call at this ofllce for writing paper and euve.opes. Count, Veigh, Measure Everything you Buy ii the West End Store. n42tf. A nev line of dress goods at J. H- OkCCO Eight beautiful Every. nUul-i'Ji blooming Hoses, ready for i ii .... i .fri.n . '...ii.,t " r,,p llllllil'Mllllu imwn ingt im one yenr, sent postpaid by mall on receipt of one dollar. OTT'Tr,T0 2j varieties of C'holeest tjCjIZil-JJ Flower HeedM, nnd "Tho Garden," sent postpaid, by mail, ou receipt of one dollar. The Garden cletiHiit iiuiirterly Mngnzlne. devoted to tho culture of Flowers nnd VeKetnlilix. It is printed on lino book paper, profusely Illustrated, und contains a splendid Colored lJlato of Flowers, l'rleo 25 cents a year, and ' cents worth ol Seeds free. uplendldly Illustrated Oitiilogueof Flowers and Vegetable Seeds nnd Plums lor a three cent stamp. Hpeeinl Frlce I.lst to juarKet unraners ice. Wholesale Catalogue to dealers on applica tion. Address : J1ENJ. ELLIOTT 4 CO. Ill Market St.. rittsbuigh, l'a. nlv8-lt. rjniE SOCIETY BTOltE. A new store started In Ridgway un der the auspices of the ladies of Grace Church, with ItQSS A. E. M'KEE. as Agent and Saleswoman, A fine assortment of goods on hand and Helected with great care. KMBUOLUE1UES. LACE EDUU. FRINGES. HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES TIES, TOILET SETS. LINEN SUITS. C1IILDRENS SUITS SAMPLE SILKS. Machine silk, thread and needles. Also a tine lot of Dress Goods, Fancy nil kinds. Framed mottoes d-c, &c AH cheap as the cheapest and goods warranted first class. Call and examine our stock. MISS A. E. M'KEE, Agent for the Society. EW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY . DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Rklgwny, and tho nuhlio eenerallv. thut ho has tarted a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD.CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. SSS'He will also do job tenming. Stable on Broad street, nbove Main All orders left at the Post Olllco will receive prompt attention. AUgZUlSTltt PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD 9 Philadelphia & Erie R. Ft. Division SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON and after THURSDAY, JULT, 28, 1877, the trains onthePliiladelphia & Erio RrUroadwillrunas follows WESTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p m " Itenovo.........ll 00 a m ' " " Emporium 12 55 p in " St. Mary's 1 40 p m Ridgway 2 10 p ni ' " Kan 3 30 p m " arrive at Erie 7 8a p ai EASTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.00 a m ' Kane - 8 50 p m Ridiway ........ 4 49 p m ' St. Marv'g 6 18 p m " Emporium 6 15pm Renovo 8.85 p m " arr. at Fhiladephia... 7 00 a m Day Express and Niagara Express eon nect east with Low Orede Division and B N. Yl & P. R. R. WM. A BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. The Daily Telegraph Published every evening except Sunday, Ihe newsisest, brightest most enterprising daily published in Pittsburgh, containing all the news of the day, by Associated Press and Special Dispatches, Congres sional reports, Markets, eta., and edited with the highest ability, will be sent to any adlress, postage paid, for (8 per yenr. Wherever we may have carriers or agents THE DAILY TELEGRAPH will be deliv ered at 15 cents per week. NOW 13 THE TIME TO SUBSCEIBE, and begin with the beginning of winter, wheu sa pleasant a companion will be welcomed to. every fireside. Money may be sent by draft, Postoffice order, or in registered letters. Aedress all communica tions to THE TELEGRAPH, 122 and 124 riltn avenue, 1'ittsburgb. t&T'Send for a speoimen copy. RALPH BAG ALE Y, Proprietor, VICE'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN is the most beautiful work of the kind is the world. It contains nearly 150 pages, hundreds of fine illustrations, and six Chromo Plates of Flowers, beautifully drawn and colored from nature, Prioe CO cents in paper covers: in elegant cloth. Printed in German and English. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine 32 pages, fine illustrations, and Colored Plates in every number, Viok's Catalogue 300 illustrations, only 2 cents. Address, JAMES TICK, Rochester, N. Y. Glad Tidiugss for the ealc, Rervous aim veuuuuieu. Our Latest Improved Belf-Actlng unlvanio R n Agents Wanted to subscribe Aupliaues are a spuy """""'S'r . " I" w w r the Agenta' journal, a for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Kidney, Liver hanusomeiy bound, 24 page journal, brim and Female Complaints, xrvuu i full of Interest to Agents. Specimen copy tlon. Well iiuuj,.. -";r i geuiirea). auu in auuau.., i . . tiuS: and Kidney Diseases Price- WjUt inlm. Hagerty' new etoct Call and see the elegant 8P"a. A '"u& .TM " Ka T ("a.. K.OO J. .3 to leu. 1.,- ... ,,i i iunTiTPn . Ruspeuaories, w.uv. ni i "v L. ...Ahid Free Address. I Karnner's He Pa iphjft;,; au . ASaorIAXI0V. free. J.C.Ti inn : OttbVAi---v ",Vuirflt Kw York. care a case of CATARRH in W .minl.lLn.tinnil U1. Tx kWOU iwiguiiviuwu. n 11U j r, inedy, to introduce U, Sample tJU, ruteuui b, fa. VICE'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS are planted by a million people in America. See. Vick'e Catalogue 300 illustration,- only . 2 cents. I Vick'e Illustrated Monthly Masaiine.-" ' o - 32 pages, fine illustrations, and Colon Plate in each number. Price, $1.25 year ; Five copies, $5.00. Vick'e Flower and Vegetable Garden, ffi , cents in paper cover ; in elegant cloth ' cover $1.00. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester. N. Y.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers