Henry A Parsons, Jr., Editor THURSDAY. FEB. 14. 1878. Bluff Ben Wade isnot expected to live. Potatoes are selling for sixty cents a bushel. Gideon Wells, ex-Secretnry'of War under Lincoln, is dead. Items of Interest from all parts of the county are solicited. Bill-heads Mid note-heads printed cheaply at this office. The Greenback movement is gain ing strength in Elk county. The oil fever is likely to break out here as soon as spring opens. Bee the card of A. C. Mathews & Co. in our business card column. M. E. Lesser will build a house on his lot across the creek in the spring. airs, cook is sorry sue was not sent to the penitentiary with SI inc line. For canned tomatoes call on Hagerty. He sells cheaper than any one else. The County Auditors' settlement crowds our columns to the exclusion of other matter. Hagerty has just received an as sortment of excellent prints. Call and see them. Morris Sherman is putting in some monster sticks of square timber taken from his Boot Jack farm. . The out-look for the township can vass is that there will be music in the air. Let the music proceed. There is a bill before the Leglsla ture looking to the reduction of the pay of County Commissioners. . Hon. C. R. Earley will accept our thanks for a handsomely bound copy of Smull's Legislative Hand Book. Centennial Note, Letter, and Le gal Cap papers at this office. A sheet of paperand an envelope f.ira penny. Light fall of snow in this section on Sunday, and on Monday morning. The sleighing continues fair to mid dling. Pope Pius IX died in Rome on Friday last after a life of eighty-five years, and a Pontificate of thirty-two years. Philip Dorn had about three Inches of his scalp split open by ice falling from a building. A close cull for his life. When you toss the copper into the hat for the evangelization of the heathen please remember there a heathen nearer home. The new curtains recently put up In Hngerty's store are very neat, and the lettering by J. O. W. Bailey is very well executed. Ed. S. Grant has the contract to furnish the P. & E. R. R. Co. with several thousand oak ties, and Pan. and Jim McGovern are hauling them. The Ridgway Greenback Club will meet In Rhines' Hall on Monday evening next for the purpose of put ting in nomination a full township ticket. When you cast your ballot for the office of Supervisor remember that the judgments against the township amount to $12,793,05, and then vote for the candidate whom you know Will reduce this large amouut. A bill has passed first reading in the House of Representatives reduc ing the pay of jurors to two dollars a duy. While we are decidedly in favor of economy, it would seem that there are many ways where savings coulu be accomplished without reducing the pay of jurors, The McKean Miner, abandoned the patent outside last week and ap pears as bright as a new dollar. Messrs. Barbour & Allen have re cently purchased a power press and steam engine, and now print one of the neatest and best papers in this section of the State. Oil, of course did it, and we are pleased to note this evi dence of prosperity in our old acquain tance the McKean Miner. "Ansals of the War," a famous series of articles of the unwritten his tory of the war, written by actual par ticipants, are published in the Phila delphia Weekly Times. " Asleep with a Dead Man," a thrilling adventure, appears in No. 60 of that paper. The Weekly Timet is an eight-page paper, seven wide columns to the page, and filled full of Interesting reading matter. . In fact, it is the handsomest and best weekly paper in the State, and should be taken by all persona wno wisn to keep up with the current news of the day. The price is very low, only 2.00 per annum, with reductions to clubs. Address, The Times, Philadelphia, Pa. Payments of the Militia. In the House of Representatives the Senate bill making an appropriation to uav the military expenses of the riots was by consent calltd up on, second reading. The amendment to allow each enlisted man $10 commu tation for blankets and uniforms was agreed to. Also the amendment In . creasing the pay of all officers includ ing colonels, and below that grade, was agreed to. Commutation is only to be paid to those who served ten days. - The bill, as it passed the Senate, pro vided for an appropriation of $610,000 for the payment of the military ex penses of the riots $280,000 for the pay U ment of troops and 330.000for other Tho Mil allnwiui a. full month's pay to all privates, non-com- - missioned officers, captains and lieu ' tenants, in case they served ten days ' Him UVCf i A niuvituvu aw v- v ..uu (304.000 is appropriated for the pay ment of troops. The other amend ments will involve an aacuuouai ex : penditure by taeState of nearly S7,000. Wilcox Notes. Wilcox, Feb. 12, 1878. Mr. Vanslckels will have a rig up this week. The Schults well No. 8 Is still pro ducing Its regular quantity of oil. Mr. Bevlers No. 1 is all ready for the drill, waiting for the driving pipe and drillers. Mrs. Eruhout's Muslcai;Entertaln- ment was a grand sweep. The house was filled and all were delighted. . Re ceipts about sixty dollars. Ernhout fc Taylor's No. 1 Is down nearly five hundred feet. Their No. 2 will be ready for d willing this week and No. 8 has the foundation In. Arthur Payne, a boy about twelve years old, son of C. A. Payne, photo graph artist, died to-day about twelve o'clock of diphtheria. They have a young girl sick with the same disease, and it Is doubtful if she recovers. Last week, George Schriner, a lad about ten years old, fell forty feet down an elevator shaft in the Tan ning Co's drying loft, dislocating one knee and fracturing some bones about the same. The elevator extends to the top of an eight story building with landings on each floor. It seems the boy has been In the habit of tak ing hold of the railing and swinging himself into the shaft. This time he went to the fifth story and swung himself over the railing when his hands slipped oif, and he fell to the bottom, and strangely escaped with his life, but stranger still there seems to be a sort of fatality about it, for the boy says he never went near that shaft but that he had an irresistuble desire to swing in it, and in the boys own worls he could not help it and says if he was there now be believes he would have to go through the same performance. By-the-way, this is the same boy that accidentally broke Willie Cole's leg by running Into him w tli a hand sled and both boys are laid up for the winter, undergoing repairs for the summer's campaign.- A correspondent of the Derrick writes from Bradford: The produc tion of the district has gradually in creased until at the present time it Is estimated In round numbers at nine thousand barrels. The pipe line runs for the month of December showed thnt about 8.400 barrels had been run daily. During the last month the pipe line runs will not give a fair esti mate of the production of the district. The increasing production and the partial shut down on shipments about a month ago has left the pipe line men in an embarrassing position.' The tankage controlled by the United Lines aggregates about 223,000 barrels which is found to be inadequate for the increasing business of the region. Wooden tanks of all sizes are being built and many of the large companies and heavy individual operators either have tanks building or have let con tracts for their immediate construc tion. As early as April first the men who best understand the drift of things up north estimate that iron tanks with a capacity of twp hundred thousand barrels will be completed, and that in three months from the present time there will be iron tank age for three hundred thousand bar rels. When these are completed should some combination of circum stances, i. o. crooked dealings of the Standard Oil Company not apparent to the average producer, or an over production bring about low prices, the boys who ore now investing in sheet iron will be able to load up to a hand some advantage. HEADACHES. THEIR CA USE AXD CURE. Billious headaches are caused by the blood being overcharged withCar bonaceon matter. It is commonly called thick and "impure.'' There is too little waste or effete matterthrown off from the system, compared to the nutriment taken into it. The system may be likened to a stove. Abund ance of fuel has been introduced, and burning down, the drafts become clogsred with ashes and cinders, and the fire burns only feeble. It must be cleansed, then the tire will burn again. So with the system when it be comes clngued. It must he cleansed. Some headaches are nervous I. e. the nerves are Irritated and weakened. They need a nerve medicine, hut a nerve medicine will not act when the system is elotrjred. Dr. Fenner's Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic both cleanses the system and builds up the nerves and so cures all these dis eases by removing the cause. It causes the liver to throw off Its bile. It cleanses out the entire Ali mentary Canal and rids it of worms and other vermin that inhabit an un healthy stomach and bowels. It completely cleanses and purifies the Blood, and at the same time strengthens and heals the Stomach, Nervous system, Heart Lungs Kid neys and all other tissues. i)r. Fenner can cure any headache in 8 to 10 minutes with his Golden Re lief, but the Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic prevents their com ing on again by removing the cause. Manufactured by Dr. M. M. Fenner, Fredonia, N. Y. For sale by dealers in medicine. Note paper and envelopes at this office A sheet of paper and an en velop for a cent. The symptoms of worms in the in testinal canal and abdomen are, the parts bloated and swollen, and itching of t lie anus. This is indicative of small or thread worms, which are very pain ful and annoying to both children and adults. These worms have been expelled in very large quantities from children who were unable to sleep or enjoy life at times, because of the great annoyance caused by the worms. The Sweet Worm Powders never fail to help or permanently cure those who follow the directions. The Powders are guaranteed to be perfectly harmless, aud recommended by many of our best physicians in their practice. The name. E. K. Thompson is blown in the glass vials. Price 25 cents per bottle. For sale at whole sale by E. K. Thompson, Druggist aud Chemist, Titusville, Pa., and by respectable druggists generally. Sold by Dr. T. 8. Hartley, Ridgway lCo.Pa. Wilcox Public Schools. Principal's Report for month end ing January 80, 1878. ' ? to P s 51 5 i 9 TEACHERS. re m 3 "73 H a p. 3 MissEula Schultz " W.G. Murphy. W. II. Prideaux 8 30 21 8.5 85 81 10 10 10 Summary. 3104 87 88 86 The standard used in the following markings is 100; that number denot ing perfect recitations. The highest average class standing during the month is 100, the lowest 46 ; the best general average 100, the lowest 85. Divisions. 1st Division. A. GRADE. Ella Locke Amanda Wilcox Jessie Parsons Dora Starks Wlllard McVean "B"' GRADE Katie Murphy Muttie Locke Ada Miller Martha Groat fantliu Schultz Mary Schriner Johnnie Murphy Eugene Parsons Freddie Aldrich Eugene Beckwith Lester Rodgers C." GRADE Eva Schriner George Schriner Eddie Wells Walter Whitemen William Miller Mary Murtough Will Hetznecker John Nearing 2nd Divkion. "A" GRADE. Bonnie Murphy Grant Allen Frank Brown Willie Sweet Eddie Bevier Martin Brogan Jackson Schultz Minnie Whitemen Flora Weining John Leonard "B ' GRADE ITattie Whitemen Ellie Whitemen Lillie Brown Ella Leonard Edna Walker John Flannagan Willie Locke Frank Bulle George Weining Mintie Westcott Lucy Starks Charlie Elmal Charlie Stoltz Charles Anderson Otto Schriner Townsend Cole CharUs Feltburg Bernadine Veditz Sarah Nearing 'C" GRADE Lilllc Ernhout AT Houghtailiug Celia Miller Mary Brogan Katie Flannagan Lizzie Murtough Johnnie Allen 100 100 100 100 100 98 99 91) 90 100 100 110 9ti 100 100 100 100 94 100 96 94 95 100 96 96 98 99 97 98 97 100 98 96 98 89 85 UK) 100 lOO'lOi lOOilOO fH 98 10010 IW 1UU 90 9G 98!l0u 98 100 100 1)0 94 00! 100 80!100 lOOjlOO 90 90 HIOilOO 80l00 ioo!ioo 941 90 100 98. 100 81 99 93 89 91 97 80 96 lOOj 98 93 90 92 99 100 100 99 98 100 100 100 99 98 95 80 100 95 100 100 100 95 95 100 100 98 90 100 97 80 100 100' 100 80l 98 100;100 97! 92 90 100 100 97 97 lOOilOO' 100,100 100 90 96 80 100 100 100 89 1 0(1 98 100 85I100 08; 100 100; 85 93 100 93 94 100 100100 100 96 TOO 99 !00 96 100 9!l 100 100 97 100 100 100 100 100 100:100,100 100; 100 100 95 97 97 97 99 99 93 93 99 99 96' 94 46 85 85! 90 85: 96 80j 100 100 100 80 98 100 96 100 lOOilOO! 95 100; 100 99 100 100 100 100 loO'lOO! 100 100.100 99 100 99,100 99 99 97 99 95 05 93: 93 95! 98 991100 100 100 85 80 100! 100 100 99 10) 100 100 100 1 99 During the last month Lillie Ern hout, A. Houghtaling, Celia Miller, Mary Brogan, Kate Flannagan, Lizzie Murtough and Johnnie Allen were promoted from Primary to Intermedi ate department. Visitors : Miss Julia Hartman, Miss Osborne, Geo. R. Dixon, Dr. Hartman and Lady. W. II PRIDEAUX, Princi pal . On Tuesday the bill appropriating $380,000 for the payment of troops for services during the riots in July and August, and $380,000 for the payment of transportation, subsistence, etc., was passed finally by a vote of 104 to 2 in the House of Representatives, Religious Services next Sunday. Lutheran. Rev. I. Breneman, German in the morning and English in the evening. Episcopalian. Rev. Win. Jas. Miller, morning and evening at the usual hours. The subject .of the ser mon next Sunday evening will be, "Walking on the Water." Kcuiurkahlo Success. The success of the leading literary paper of the West. The Chicago Lkuoeb, is truly remarkable. Since its introduction to the reading public, six vears ago. The Lkdgk.r has steadily advanced in favor, and is now acknowledged second to no paper of the kind in the country. Its circula tion is national, aud has been obtained through the efforts of its publishers to produce a paper of nigh moral character, and at the same time sell it at a price consistent with the present hard times. That they have suc ceeded, and well, too, the thousands of readers of The Ledger scattered from Maine to Texas and from Oregon to Florida will bear testimony. The Chicago Ledger Is a large forty eight column weekly paper, which contains stories both complete and continued, in each number, written by the best authors of the day, and a great variety of information iuterest inir to everv one. The subscription price of The Ledger is only $1.50 per year, postage paid, ana it is equai in every particular to other papers of the same character which sell for a year. Three copies of this valuable paper will be sent to any one who sends 10 cents and their address to The Ledger, Chicago 111. Notice is hereby given that apeti Hon will be presented to tho present Legislature of Pennsylvania to reduce the waeres of Road Supervisors in Fox township, Elk county, from f2.00 per diem to 1.25. J. J. TAYLOR. r v kvi.uh QUOTA HONS White, Powell & Co. BANKERS ANU UKUK.BK3, No. 42 fouth TMrd Street. Stocks and Bonds Boneht and Sold on Commission. Philadelphia, Feb., 12, 1878 BID. ASKBD 0. 8. 1881. 0 - 105 106 do do do do '65 J sod J do '67 do ... do '68 do .... 103 103 J 10.5 .......105! 1081 vm 107J 10-40. do ronpon do Pnoifio fl's cy ..... .107j l 1 s 104 104 1084 1084 ..101 ...102 eases 102 29 119 104i 104, 10oj 103i 101; 102; 102 New 5'i Reg. 1881..... , ' 0. 1881 4, Reg 1801 0. 1891 ... New 4'e Reg. 1907. 0. 1UU7-. Gold Pennsylvania, , Reading Philadelphia A Erie Lehigh Navigation.. 2 14J 8 Id 9 171 88J 119 do Valley B8 United R K of N J ex. div.. lis Pittsburgh. T. Buffalo R. R ... 6 ill 83 48 87 aortnern uenirai ex. uiv 1.. Central Transportation 82 32 Nesquehoning 4 Nona Pennsylvania 86$ NEW AD VER TISEMENTS. BO D Agent Wanted to snhscrlbe J yj for the Agents' Journal, a hnmlsomely bound, iM page Jotirnul, lirlm full of Interest to Agent. Hpculraen cony sentfree. Agents' Journal, n. y. iioX'i1"1111 Wit Y! fifi to c,m'e , W 1' OATARttH t - w v n . will. LM1 Kariiser'n Remedy, to Introduce It. Kamnr free. J. C Tllton. rittNliurg, Pa, F nov;-.,itiniii. Send for our Catalogue. A. H. Wyman & Co. No. 206 South Seventh St. PHILADELPHIA. n52-21n.lm Gold. Mines and Lands. Coal. GOLD. MIN'ES AND LANDS COAL SILVER SOLD, OIL LKAD COMPANIKSOKAGNIZED.RTONE IRON MINING AGENCY, COPPER MARBLE 206 S. SEVENTH STREET, LIME BOAL Philadelphia. MICA MARL A. H. WYMAN & CO. GYPTUM wS TO BUY A FARM WHERE 50TICE. NOTICE Is hereby given that the Commit nlniiprg of Elk county, will hold a court of appeal ot their olllw. In RMgway. on THURSDAY and KRIDAY. the 2sth and 29th of February Inst., for the purpose of hearing and determine appeals from the assesementK, and revising the military enrollment forl78, at which time and plane all person feeling themselves aggrieved by suirl assessment or enrollment can attend. If they nee proper. ny uiuur ui wit? iMjiiiu. Attest w. n. nuKiuj, Ulerk, Commissioners' Office, 1 Februnry 4th. 1878. n-3t. Glad Tidiness for the Weak, Nervous aud Debilitated. Our Latest Improved Belf-Actlng Galvanic Appliances are a speedy ami Permanent cure for Rheumatism. Neuraleia. Klilnev. I.iver and Female Complaints, Nervous Prostra tion, wean icings, riaca aim spinal Irrita tion, and Kidney Diseases. Prices, Waist Relf ii.OO: Spinal Belt, for Paralysis and Spinal Ailmenis, $10.00. and upwards; Arm lets, Anklets, Head Bands, Knee Caps, ti.dO each: Suspensories, $5.00. Illustrated Pamphlet Free. Address. UiSLVAMI-.MKUIt'Ali ASSOCIATION. 27 East Ninth Street, New York. Xotlce. All persons are hereby forbidden selling goods to, or trusting any person on my account, without my written order, as I will pay no debts thus con tracted after this date. M. T. FRENCH. Ridgway May 2, 1877.-ly VICE'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN is the most beautiful work of the kind in the world. It contains nearly 150 pages, hundreds of fine illustrations, and six Chromo PUtes of Flowers, beautifully drawn and colored from nature. Price 50 cents in paper covers; in elegant cloth Printed in German and English. Viek's Illustrated Monthly Magazine 82 pagrs, fine illustrations, aud Colored Plates in every number. Vick's Catalogue 300 illustrations, only 2 cents. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. T. VICK'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS are planted by a million people in America. See. Vick's Catalogue 300 illustratinus, onljr 2 cents. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine, 32 pages, fine illustrations, and Colored Plate in each number. Price, $1.25 a ytar ; Five copies, $5.00. Vick's Flower aud Vegetable Garden, 50 cents in paper eorers; in elegant cloth cover 1 00. Address, JAMES VICK, Koohestsr. N. 7. VICK'S ILLUSTRATED PRICED CATALOGUE. Seventy. five pages 300 illuftrationg, with Descriptions of thousands of the best Flowers and Vegetables In the world, and the way to grow them all for a Two Cent postage stamp. Printed in German and English. Vick's Flower tand Vegetable Garden, 60 ets. in paper cover : in elegant cloth cover 11- Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magaiine 82 pages, fine illustrations, and Colored Plats in every number. Price $1.25 a year. Five copies $5 00. Address, JAMES VICK. Boohester, N. T. VICK'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Each number contains Tbirtv-Two pages ofreading, many fine Wood Cut Illustra tions, and one Colored Plate- A beautiful Garden Magaiine, printed on elegant pa per, and full of Information, la English and German, Price $1.23 a year ; Five copies, $5.00. Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden, CO cts. in paper cover ; in elegant olotb covor $1. Vick's Catalogue 300 Illustrations, only 2 cents. Address, JAMES VICK, . Rochester, N. t. Winter is upon us, which Is a re. minder that you need an overcoat M'Aflee will make you one cheap fUtwt el Advertising. One column, one year .. , 7 00 - 40 Oil It - - " . S) CO 3 m is 00 Transient advertisement per square of. eight lines, one Insertion SI, two Insertions H.ftO, three Insertions ?i. Business cards, ten lines or less, per year 5. ' . AaveruBemenis pnyam quurtvnjr Business Cards. QEO. A. RATH BUN ATTORN E Y-AT-L A W, Main Street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa, HALL . M'CAULEY. ATTORN E Y8-AT- LAW. Office In New Brick Building, Main Street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa, v3n2tf. 4. O. W. BAILEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ridgway, Elk Connty, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Llfo and Accident Insurance Co., of Hartford, Connetlcut. vlnKyl. LUCORE & HAMBLEN. ATTORNEYS AT-LAW. Ridgway, Elk County Ia. Office across the hall from the Dbmocrat Atabllshment. Claims fr collection promptly attended to Jne.l.VlS70 E. G. FAY. LUMBER AND INSURANCE COMMIS SION BROKER. And General Collection Agent, No. 206 Walnut Place, (313 Walnut Street.) Philadel phia, Pa. nll-ly NEW MEAT MARKET. MERCER BROTHERS have moved their meat market from D. D. Cook's building to W. S. Service's hardware store, where they Invite all wishing beef, pork, veal and sausage to give them a call. v7nmf, CHARLES .HOLES. WATCHMAKER, ENGRAVER AND JEW ELER Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, etc., done with the same accuracy as heretofore. Satisfaction guaranteed. vlnly Q. G. MESSEN8ER. DRUGGIST AND PARMACEUTIST. N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of carefully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Pre scriptions carefully Unpenned at all hours, day or night. " vln3y T. 8. HARTLEY, M. D.f PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office In Drug Store, corner Broad and Main Street. Residence corner Broad Street, opposite the College. Office hours from 8 to 10 A. M. and from 7 to 8 P. M. vln'iyl. J. S. BORDWELL, M. D. ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Has removed his office from Centre Street, to Main Street, Ridgway, Pa., In the second story of the new brick building of John G, Hall, west of the Hyde House. Office hours : 1 to 2 P. M. 7 to 9 P. M. MRS. N. T. CUMMINGS. ' A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Ladles' Cloaks, at Mr. N. T. Cummlngs, also ties, collars cuffs, holsery, gloves, and a general assort ment of Ladles' fancy goods. Remember the place over R. I. Campbell's store. Main street, Cal I and examine before purchasing else where. HYDE HOUSE. W. II. SCHRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon btm, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same, oct30'69 Ridgway Oyster, Fish and Product) market. The undersigned having leased the build. Ing formerly used by Mercer Bros., as a Meat Market will occupy the some as a General Market House, and will constantly have on hand, Shell, Tub, and Canned Oysters, a variety of Fresh and Salt Fish, Foreign and Domestic Fruits and Nuts, and all kinds of Produce. Canned fruits and Jclllls. Fresh Invoices of OVstcrs and Fish Dally. A. C. MATHEWS CO. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING, MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersoy, Elk Co., Pa. takes this method of announcing to the citl itens of Elk county, that she has on hand an assortment of fashionable millinery goods which will be sold cheap. Also dressmaking In all Its branches, Agent for Dr. J. Ball Co's Patent Ivory and Lignum Vltie Eye Cups. Send for des criptive circular, n!7yl. . APPLETON'S AMERICAN CYCLO PEDIA. Vol. S of this admirable Work is Just out making It half complete, as there are to be 16 In all, of 800 pages each, one being Issued in two months. It makes a complete library, and no one can afford to do without it who would keep well Informed. Price $e,00 a vol ume In leather, or 87,00 In elegant half Tur key. C. K. Judson, Fredonia, N. Y controls the sale in Elk county. Address him for patieulars. sep I7tf. E. K. GRESH. DEALER In all kinds of cabinet ware, wood and cane seat chairs, kitchen and ex- tentlon tables, wood and niarble top stands, wood and marble top bureaus, whatnots, looking glasses, wood and marble top cham ber suits, mattresses, spring bed bottoms bed steads, cribs. Laferty's metal lined wood pumps, 4c, 4c Cane seats replaced with perforated wood seats. Weed sewing machine reduced from t65to M5, the best ma chine In the market, and picture frames made to order. Also a large assorted stock of ready made coffins constantly on hand and trimmed at shortest notice. All the above goods are sold at panic prices. Ware Rooms in masonio building, Ridgway Pa. V7n51t. GREENBACKS . FOR BOND HOLDERS I . 'OR GOLD GAMBLERS! .rOH NATIONAL BANKERS I u a a JH B A C K s . FOR THE PEOPLE GREENBACKS FOR ALL PURPOSES For which money is used lnterchaneable at par with Gold and Silver, in a sufficient quantity as to promote Industry, invite Iml gration, and develops the resources of the riN'CINHATt rWHTTTDUD claims Is the only remedy for Die Ills brought upon the country by Legislation and Laws, enacted for the benefit of a Monled Claas. and the oppression of Labor and Ind ustry. Government Credit sustains our Bonds for the benefit of the wealthy, let tbs same Credit Sustain Greenbacks For the benefit of tbs People wno sustain tbs Governmek Dally Knnnlrar pal- yftV , 112.00 Weekl Enquirer ' m..... 1.16 r no 01 postage, AcenU wanted. Send for specimen cobles, inA.-i x ncL.ean. ruoiisners. CINCINNATI, OUliJ. FIRST ANNUAL STATEMENT OF RILGVVAY TOWNSHIP ttUUff: ing the assets, nature and character thereof. nd,tbi"'.,TRn:i? Hn liabilities, etc , and amount of taxable property up to Jauasvry , ASSETS. By amount due the Township from various Tax of 1876 on Unseated Lands " " due from J. w. Morgester, uou " 1877 on Unxeated Land " " due from Geo. D. Messenger, Jr.,Ool. - IR73 " " H. H. Wensil, Coll., m iH7i The above taxes subject to exonerations and commissions. Due from W. H. Hyde, Treas., 1877, notion lownsuip,. Total taxes collected, levied and In course of Judgment of K?dgwy'iown tnereon u January i, jma,.... Excess of Liabilities....... . Judgment of Township vs. Patrick Malons and unooiiecLuuia, LIABILITIES. Judgments against the township. Interest thereon to January 21, 1878, and costs,., Outstanding orders, ProbubleainountdueSupervlsorsand sundry Dersons Total Liabilities Taxes livled and Expenditures up to McGovern, Supervisors of said township for CASH. ......$ I.&H.45 Total am'toftaxes levled-.Unseated...... Seated,.. Total of fund Deduct cash tax to be applied to payment or Total- road, poor and side-walk taxes, Deduct probable exoneration and costs of collection,., EXPENDITURES. ROAD. Paid by orders Amount or tax worked seated " uinmited Probable amount due supervisors and sundry persons, Total expenditures, Excess of funds Amn.int oftaTfihle nrnnertv In Rldewsv Real Estate Personal Property Occupations Attest: M.S. KLINE, Township Clerk. INiUEANCE AGENCY. OF P. B. WACHTEL, St. Mary's, Pa. The largest agency in either Elk or its adjoining counties, representing through his General Agents about 30 responsible and prompt loss paying companies, among the principal ones are the following: NORTH BRITISH fc MERCANTILE, Gross SS6tS $32,538,612! .ETNA, OF HARTFORD, CONN.. Asset' over $y,uuu,uuu, FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA Assets f .',000,000 NIAGARA, OF NEW YORK. Assets i,ow,uou. SHAWMUT, BOSTON, MASS., wapiui.ouo,uuu. GERMAN AMERICAN, NEW YORK, Assets $2,000,000. TRAVELERS, (Life and Accident) CONN., Assets (4,205,000. n30yl. New York Weekly Herald. ONE DOLLAR A TEAS. The circulation of ibis populur newspaper has more tban trebled during the past year. It contains all the leading cews contained in the Daily. Hbsald, and Is arranged in hand departments. The FOREIGN NEWS embraces special dispatches from all quarters of tbe globe, together with un biassed, laitutul and graphic pictures of the great war in t-urnpe. Under the bead of AMERICAN M5W are given the Tele grapbio Dispatches of the week from all parts of tbe Uuiou. This feature alone makes TiiK WEEKLY HERAT.D tbe most valuable newspaper in the world. as it is the cheapest. fcverv week is given a faithful report of POLITICAL NEWS. embracing complete and comprehensive ItBpatclies from Washikotor, including full reports of the speeches of eminent poli- lciaus on me questions or the hour. THE FA KM DEP.ittT.MENT of the Wecklt Herald gives the latest as well as the most practical suggestions and discoveries relatUg to the duties of (be far mer, buna tor raising Cattle, Poullrv, Urnitis. Trees, Vegetables, iff, &c, with suggestions for keeping buildings and tarunug utensils in repair. This is supple- uieuted by a well edited department. w.deljr eopied, under the head of THE HO MB giving recipes for prao'icnl disehes. Lints or making clothing and for keeping up with the latest fashions at the lowest price. Letters from our Paris and London cor respondents ou the very latest fashions The Home Department of the Weekly Hebald will save the housewife more thau one hundred times ihe price of tbe pacer. ONE DOLLAR A YfcAR. There is a page detoied to all the latest phrases of the business markets, Crops, Merchandize, Ac, ate, A valuable feature is found in the specially reported prices and conditions of TUB PRODUCE MARKET. While all ths news from the lsst fire to the Discover of Stanley are to be found la tbs Weeely Herald, due attention is given to SPORTING NEW8 at home and abroad, together with a Story every week, a Sermon bv soiile eminent di vine, Literary, Musical, Dramatic, and Sea aotea. mere is no paper In the world which eontains so much news matter every wee as toe weekly uehald, which is sent, postage free, for One Dollar. You may subscribe at any time. THB NEW YORK HERALD la 4 weekly form, -ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Papers publithlng this prospectus with out being authorised will not necessarily receive an exchange. Address, Hew York Herald, Broadwsy & Ann St-, Stir York. N EW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY . DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and tbe public generally, that he has tarted a Lrvery Stable and will keep OOOD STOCK, GOOD.CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the tttoat reasonable tersub lO-He will also d& JAb teaming' Stable on Broad street, above Main All orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt uttfntlou. Aug'-'OlSTltt' sources, vlst CASH. ROAD. SltW.Hl 615.51 9-21.61 S10.08 ooit. SinK-WALK, I 15.89 185.64 '!!" SMU.M 212.82 45K.V4 678.M 171.40 wm.jo I.S.W.53 608.46 4MS.00 74.07 ,i 608.53 51.01 2.0f!7.ll 756.46-ti3,475.4S and V.'s. Wheeler, and Interest I 8CT.6 6,050.00 , 118,868.11 405.14 ..112,793.65 Interest thereon to January 21, 1876, ROAD. rooa. $1,871.69 181.03 SIDK-WALST. 6451.69 84.76 486T45 $ 6,589.4 t3,83.61 other 4,050.29 2,052.72 119,883.11 January 21, 1878 of John Guinacs: ana Daniel 1877. IfOAD. $1,225.74 1,546.09 POOR. StDR-WALX. $150.94 676.94 186.64 S.W7.HI 2,772.81 1,038.8)4 145.64 $7,464.69 8,467.84 judgments, . $3,997.35 800.00 $3,697.35 POOR. $745,76 BIDR-WALX. 127.31 $1,194.12 t.o4 21U.11 other zus.u 181.03 6.S 2,245.02 926.79 132.70 13.304.81 ... . 8R2.84 e3,t07.35 townshlo for the Tear 1878! ....$329,039.00 -- 6.9(10.00 ....18,425.00 wns wuj.ifli.il, DANIEL McGOVERN. Supervisor,, 1877. THE 1878. UNRIVALLED. TEE CHEAPEST, THE ABLEST AND THE BEST 8-Pae Weekly FAMILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED STATES. READ IT AND YOU WILL NOT DO WITHOUT IT. THE PITTSBURGH WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. An 8-Page Paper, Only $1. DEVOTED TOi 1. Literature and Art. II. Choice Miscellany. III. Scientific Discussion. IV. Social Topies V. Wit and Wisdom VI. Home and Foreign News Vll. Agricultural Interests Villi Household Economy IX. Live Stook Markets X. Grain and Produce Markets XI, Congressional Reports Xll. Telegraphic News XIII. Editorials on all lite Tonlns tn short it is tbe most complete Weekly ournal in every detail now published, and will be under the personal editoral super vision or Mf . W. A. Taylor, the well- known editor and author, ana a large corps of able assistants. BEING STRICTLY INDEPENDENT in all things, and untrammelled by cliques and combinations, it wilt bave no other end to serve than to benefit, interest and in struct its readers. A GRAND SPECIAL FEATURE which will commend It to Farmers in partic ular, and all others in general, will be its comp'ete elaborate and strictly reliable Live Slock and other Markets. Look at our unequalled. TERMS, POSTAGE PAID! Single Copy..,,, , $1 26 Clubs of 5 and less thsn 10 1 15 Clubs of 10 and over...,, 1 00 ihe price at which we furnish THE VEEKLY TELEGRAPH is but a trifle more tban the eost of the white paper, but we aepenu upon a generous putlio for sufficiently large patronage to reward us lor our efforts in supplying them with a household newspaper that has and can have no rival in excellence and cheapness. The Daily Te legraph Published every evening except Sunday, the newsisestt brightest most enterprising daily published in Pittsburgh, containing all the news of the day, by Associated Press and Special Dispatches. Congres sional reports. Markets, eta,, and edited with tbe highest ability, will be sent to an adlress, postage paid, for $3 per yer Wherever we may bave carriers or agenta THE DAILY TELEGRAPH will be deliv ered at 15 cents per week. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE, end begin With the beginning of winter, nen so piessant a companion will be elcomeii to every .fireside. Monev mar be sent by draft, Pcstoffios order, or in registered letters. Aedress all communica tions to Tli IS TELEGRAPH, 122 and 124 Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh. Jiajroena for a specimen copy, RALPH BAG ALE Y, Proprietor. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division, 8UMMER TIME TABLE. ON and after THURSDAY, JULY, 28, 1877, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Rr'lroad will run ss follows WESTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p m Renovo.......ll 00 a m Emporium 12 65 pm St. Mary's. ........ ........ 1 49 p ns " Ridgway ..uM...M 2 16 p tn " " " Kane.M.........8 80 Ik " arrive at Erie..... T &6 pm EASTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Erie.....M.IlX0 a m " " " Rane.M.MM.M. 8 60 p n 64. Mary's...... 6 18 p a " Emporium... 915 ; " Reovo && a as u 44 anr. at P&iladapfeia-. TOO a as Day Express and Kiagar Express con nses east with Low Crude Division and B. N. Yl & P. R, R. WU. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l EuVV s .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers