Henry A. Parsons, Jr., - Editor THURSDAY. DEC. 6, 1877. - Our thanks are due Hon. L. A. Mackey for favors in the way of Pub. Docs. From tba Pittsburgh Telegraph, Pennsylvania lu Congress. Forty-seven members of the Forty fourth Congress are natives of Penn sylvania, as follows: Senators," Wil liam A. Wallace, of Pennsylvania,' born In Huntingdon county ; J. Don ald Cameron, of Pennsylvania, In Middletown ; James G. Blaine, of Maine, In Washington county; J. Hippie Mitchell, of Oregon, In Wash ington county ; S. J. R. M'Millau, of Minnesota, In Brownsville, and John J. Patterson, of South Carolina, In Juniata county, Representatives, Chapman Freeman, Charles O'Neill, Samuel J. Randall, Wm. D. Kelley, Alfred C. Harmer and William Ward, of Pennsylvania, were born in Phila delphia; J. Newton Evans, of Penn sylvania, was born in Chester county; Helster Clymer of Pennsylvania, in Berks ; A. Herr Smith, of Pennsylva nia in Lancaster; Hendrick B. Wright, of Pennsylvania, In Luzerne; James B. Rellly, of Pennsylvania, In Schuylkill; John W. Killiuger, of Pennsylvania, In Lebanon ; Edward Overton, Jr., of Pennsylvania, in Bradford ; John T. Mitchell, of Penn sylvania, in Tioga; Jacob Campbell, of Pennsylvania, In Somerset ; Wil liam S. Stenger, of Pennsylvania, in Franklin ( Levi Maish, of Pennsylva nia, in York; L. A. Mackey, of Pennsylvania, in Union ; Jacob Tur ney, of Pennsylvania, in Westmore land; Thos. M. Bayne, of Peunsylva nir, in Allegheny ; Wm. Shallenber ger, of Pennsylvania in Westmore land ; Harry White, of Pennsylvania in Indiana: John M. Thompson, of Pennsylvania, in Butler; Lewis F. Watson, of Pennsylvania, in Craw ford ; James Williams, of Delaware, in Philadelphia ; Thomas A. Boyd, of Illinois, in Adams ; George A. Bick mell, of Indiaua, in Philadelphia: Hiram Price and Addison Oliver, of Iowa, in Washington ; Theodore W. Burdick, of Iowa, in Crawford: Rush Clark, of Iowa, in Bedford ; Chester B. Darrall, of Louisiana, in Somerset, John E. Leonard, of Louisiana, in Chester ; Horuce B. Strait, of Minne sota, in Potter; John H. Pugh, of New Jersey, in Chester: Fernando Wood, of New York, in Philadelphia; Nelson H. Vanvorb.es, of Ohio, in Washington ; Amos Townsend, of Ohio, in Fayette; De Witt C Gid dings, of Texas, in Susquehanna, Joseph Jorgensen, of Virginia, in Philadelphia ; Thaddeus C. Pound, of Wisconsin, in Warren county. As will be observed: besides our own Senators, we have furnished four to other States. Twenty-four of our twenty-seven Representatives are "native here and to the manner born," leaving but three "carpet baggers," while seventeen of the sons of the Keystone State, have been returned from districts outside of the Common wealth. New York is the only State that has more representatives in the present Congress than Pennsylvania, forty-nine members having been born within her limits. The Sayres Post-Mortem. .WHY THE UNFORTUNATE WOMAN HELD SO TENACIOUSLY TO LIFE. The post-mortem examination of the body of Mrs. Elizabeth Sayres, the victim of the tragedy in the Church of the Ascension, on the 18th ult., took place yesterday afternoon, at half-past one o'clock. Coroner Goddard and Dr. Henry C. Chapman were present, besides several of the Pennsylvania Hospital physicians. It was ascertained that .the ball en tered the back, between the seventh and eighth ribs, and took at first a downward course, ruptured a blood vessel, the blood from which became clotted against the spinal column and by its pressure caused the paralysis. From the blood-vessel the ball went upward and penetrated the left lobe of the lung. The spinal column was not fractured, as was supposed before the examination. Coroner Goddard remarked that altogether it was one of the most interesting post-mortem ex aminations he had. ever attended. The inquest will take place at 11 o'clock this morning, at the Coroner's office. Yesterday morning the counsel of Alexander Sayres went to Moyamens ing Prison to inform him of the death of his wife. When the news was broken to the prisoner he seated him self upon his bed and wept like a child, but starting up suddenly he ex claimed : ''Before her death it was but a struggle for my life. I was - never safe." Philadelphia Times. The Cheapest and Best Walnut Frames at all Prices. Stcreocopio Views from all parts of the World at the "West End." Confederate bonds and notes still have a certain value, though the figures at which they are quoted afford bo guide to the general stock market. Come rebel bonds and notes, assets of the bankrupt Bank of North Carolina, were sold at auction in Raleigh on the 13th lust. One man paid $6.70 for $100,000 of treasury notes, and $3.40 for $400,000 in bonds. Another bought fl82,O0O worth of the notes for$2 50, and $628,000 of North Caro lina war bonds for (10. One lot of unsigned notes were sold for $9.75. Powell & Klme Keep a well selec. ed stock of all kinds- of seasonable goods. Give them a .call. . Personal. That magnificent piece of architec ture the new Brick M. E. church of Fredonla, erected at a cost of 130.000, was presided over for two years by that able and eloquent young divine, Rev. A. N. Craft. He was transferred to Titusville in the autum of 1873, and there, as in Fredonla, his eloquent and fearless sermons are listened to by multitudes. All who have visited the camp ground on Chautauqua Lake have been impressed with the power of his logic and the beauty of his speech From over-work and anxiety connec ted with his mission, Mr. Craft is oc casionally subject to billious attacks. Sensible in this as in all other matters, he does not hesitate to use for his re lief what his judgment and experience dictate. Neither is he willing to "hide his light under a bushel," but speaks out in this as in other matters, on the side tf truth, in tones that can not be misunderstood though brief, yet to the point. Here is what he says : rrcuonia, ;. juiy H, isrs. Dr. Fenner Dear Sir I hove used your Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic, and find It the Beat remedy for a dernngod state of the liver and bowels of any that I have ever used. Youra truly. A. N. CRAFT. Pastor of M. E. Church, Fredonla, N. Y. For sale by doulers In medicine. Petroleum Centre, Pa. October 80, 1874. My family has received more bene fit from E- K. Thompson's Sweet Worm Powders, than all the medicine ever used in my house. My wife for six months doctored with the best physicians I could find in the country, but with no benefit. She would be taken with a pain in the pit oTthe stomach, and faint almost away. Her hands and feet would become cold, her heart palpitate, and often we thought she would die before we could restore her by using hot draughts and appli cations. I was finally recommended to try your Sweet Worm Powders, three doses of which had an astonish ing effect, and being followed up i few days after relieved her of all pain and sickness ; and if my testimony can be of any use, I am happy to give it in favor of the Sweet Worm Powders as a most wonderful medi cine. Any one wishing to know the full facts, please address me as below S. Reynolds, J ustice of the Peace. Prepared by E. K. Thompson, iitusviue, fa. .rriee, cents per Dotue. For sale by Dr. T. S. Hartley. "Combines more attractions than other." Beaver (Pa-) Times. any Egy"CHEAPEST AND BESXI-a petersofsTmagazine, FULL-SIZE PAPER PATTERNS 1 jjr-A Rcitlrmbnt will be given to every number for 1878. containing foil Sae rFu paiieru lor a lady's or child's urcss. iivery subscriber will reoelve, dur ing the year, twelve of these patterns, so mat tnose alone will be worth more than the subscription prioe. "Petkeson's Maoazirc'' - contains every year, 1000 pages 14 steel plates, 12 colored Berlin patterns, 12 mammoth colored fashion plates, 24 pages of musio, ana uuu wood cuts its immense cirouia tion enables its proprietor to spend more money on embelishments, stories, ice., &c, than any other. It givig more for the money than any in the world. Its THRILLING TALES AND NOVELETTES Are the best published anywhere. All the most popular writers are employed to write originally for Peterson-" In 1878, in ad dilion to the usual quantity of short stories, FIVE UK1U1NAL UOVIKIGHT NOVEL ETTS will be given, by Mrs Ann 8 Stephens, Frank Lee Benedict, Mrs. F. H uurnett, and others. Mammoth Colored Fashion Plates Ahead of all others. These plates are en graved on steel, twice the usual bizh, and are unequaled for beauty. They will be superbly colored. Also, Household and other receipts ; in Bhort, everything inter esting to lumen. N. B. As the publisher now pre-pays me postage lo all man subscribers, "Peter Son" is CHEAPKB THAN EVKftl ill fact 18 the CHEAPEST IN THE WORLD. TERMS (Always In Advance) $2.00 A VP1B 2 conies for S3.R0 3 nonius for $4 80 With a copy of the premium picture (24x20 ''The Angels or Christmas,'' a five dollar engraving, to the person getting up the I1UD. 4 copies for 0.80 : 5 copies for 800 With an extra copy of the Magaime for Istii, as a premium, to the person getting up tne Club. 6 copies for $9.00 : 8 copies for $12-00 11 copies for $16.60: With both an extra oopy or the Magazine tor 1878, and tb premium picture, a five dollar engraving, to too person getting up the Club. Address, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, 806 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. t&,8peciniens Bent gratis, if written for. nil. VE WILL mail one and one-half dozen of the most beautitul new Chromes, in French oil color ever seen for $1.00, They are mounted in 8x10 bluck enamel and gold mats, oval opening and outsell anytbing now betore tne public. BatUfao lion guaranteed. Two samples for 25 cents or six for 50 cents. Send 10 cents for grand illustrated catalogue with ohromo of Moonlight on the Koine, or 20 cents for two Landscapes and Calls Lillie on black ground, J. LA la AM & CO., 419 Washing ton ot. Boston Mass., Headquarters Chromos, Engravings and Art Works. FORTUNE. n32i8. Go to POWELL & KIME of the Grand Central Store, Main Street, for your groceries. Tka oldest and beat appoint sasttsatjasi tor VM&uung a jtueiaes Education. - ntuteai, Ft, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Bates of Advertising. One column, on year.... $75 00 ... u uu 25 00 16 00 Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, one insertion ftl. two inser tions, $1.60, three insertions, $2 Business sards, ten lines or less, per fear $5 Advertisements payable quarterly Auditor's Notice. In the Court of Common Picas of Elk County, No 81, Sept. Term 1877. In the matter of the account of Wm. H.Pachman Trustee for Bondholder of Toby Creek & Philadelphia Coal and Oil Company. - NOTICE Is hereby Riven that the undersigned Auditor appointed by the Court to Audit the above men tioned account and distribute the fund in the hands of the Trustee, will attend to the duties of his appoint ment at his office in Ridijway, on Saturday, the 27th day of December next at 10 o'clock, A. M. at which time, all persons interested are notified to appear. J. U W. BAlL.JiX, Ridgway Dc. 8, 1877. Auditor. n42t3. THE WHITE The Peer of All Sewing: Ma chines. A Trial will Insure Its Popularity Ererywhere. This Machine is adapted to lieav and light work and does both wit PERFECTION. Every wearing part is BiUtu vi vyuau-xinrueueu, auu ttuj usea ble. Tne company therefore, has no hesitancy in warranting every Ma chine for three years. Has the Latest improved isnutue, .Double Steel feed and no cog gears or cams are employed to mane it complicated or noisy. It is the L.antest LiIUH 1 JfieT RUN NING Family Machine manufactured audits capacity under the arm being an especially noticeable leature. Agents wanted in every township. Address, R. O MOORHEAD. n42t5 Brockwayville, Pa. ATTENTION. FARMERS S end for a Specimen Copy of the PRACTICAL FARMER. Established 1855. THE OLDSST LARGEST, MOST EN TERPR18ING, INSTRUCTIVE AND VALUABLE AGRICULTURAL, LIVE STOCK AND FAMILY JOURNAL IN AMERICA. It a is 64-Column Weekly Paper. Acknowledged authority on all agricultural topiosand leads tbe van ot American Agri cultural Journalism. lias the largest and ablest corps of Regular Contributors ever employed on an agricultural paper, under an able and experienced Editorul Manage meat, who spare no expense or labor to add everything possible to its value. Subscription Terms Reduoed for 1878, r-ATABLR IK ADVANCI. Single subscriptions (52 issues) 00 Itx OIUDB Ol two , dn ... - A.7i In clubs of three do only 1,50 Making it the cheapest first-class weekly. in tne country. Liberal Premiums of Cash Commissions to Club -Agents. Ppioimsw Copies Sunt Fikr. Address PRACTICAL FARMER, 618 Walnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. ESTRAY. Came to the Clark Eii-gleston place, in Horton township, Elk Co., Pa., on or about the middle of last May A YEARLING BULL, spotted red and white, legs nearly white. The owner will please come forward, prove prop erty, and pay costs or it will be dis posed of according to law. JOHN D. TRUMBUL, Brandy Camp, (P. O,) Elk county, Pa. , Nov. 22, J 877 n40t3. THE Scientific American. . THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. THE MOST POPULAR SCIENTIFIC PA Ptt IN THE WORLD. Only $3.20 a Year, including Postage. Weekly, 52 Sumbers a Year. 4,000 book pages. Tus SoizsTirio Amkricah is a large First Class Weekly Newspaper of sixteen pages, printed in the most beautiful style, profusely illustrated with splendid engrav ings, representing tbe newest Inventions and the most recent Advances in the Arts and Sciences including Mechanics and Engineering, Steam Engineering, Railway, Mining, Civil Gas and Uydraulio Engineer ing, Mill Work, Iron, Steel and Metal Work: Chemistry and Chemical Processes: Electricity, Light, Heat Sound: Tech nology, Photography, Printing, New Ma chinory, New Processes, New Recipes, Im. provemenls pertaining to Textile Industry, Weaving, Dyeing, Coloring, New Industrial Products, Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral: New and Interesting Facts in Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home, Health, Medici Progress, Social Soieuce, Natural History, Goology, Astrouomy, etc. Tbe most valuable practical papers, by eminent writers in all departments of Science, will be foucd in the Soieutifio American ; the whole presented in popular language, free from technical terms, illus trated with engravings and so arranged as to interest and inform all classes of readers, old and young. Tbe Scientific American is promotive of knowledge and progress in every community where it circulates. It should have a place in every Family, Read ing Room, Library, College or School. Terms $3.20 per year, $1.61 half year, which inoludes pre-payment of postage. Discount to Clubs and Agents. Single nopies ten cent. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by postal order to MUNN & CO., Publishers, 87 Park Row, New York. T A rp 17 XT T "CI In connection JrAlHilN Ipwith theScien. lino Aiuerioau, Messrs. Muss & Co. are Solicitors of Amerioan and Foreign Patents and have tbe largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. Models of New Inventions and Sketches examined and advice free. A special notiee is made to the Soientifio American of all Inventions Patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. Publio atten tion is thus direoted to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction often effected. Any person who lias made a new dis- oovery or invention, eaa ascertain, free of charge, whether a patent ean probably be obtained, by writing to the undersigned. Address for the Paper, or concerning PaU ents. MUNN k CO., 87 Park Row, New York. Branch Office, Cor. V ft 7th fits., Washing ton, P. C. NEW GOODS nearly every day at Powell & Klme's Store. They keep a larjce assortment of Groceries, Cloth ing, etc., etc, all of which they sell cheap. - , - . .X o .33 rH o l-H o k3 0 o H rH o AT FO WELL . A KIME'S, YOU pay cash for goods, and get more than the worth of your cash. POWELL & KIME have a fine lot or areas goods, also all other kind of dry goods at low rates. ' For a nicely fitting suit of clothes call on M.'Afee the tailor. TTflWOri to cure a case of CATARRH In J aiiLCU each neighborhood, with Dr. . i filetlyA,.t? Introduce It. (Sample RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia k Erie R. R. Division BUMMER TIME TABLE. ON and after THURSDAY, JULY, 28, 1877, the trains on the Philadelphia ft trie Kruroad win run as follows I WESTWARD. NIAGARA EX leaves Renovc... 4 85 p a Driftwood 6 42 p m Emporium 6 25 p m 8t Marys... 7 18 p m Ridgway... 7 45 p m arr at Kane- A 4fi n m BRIE MAIL lews Philadelphia 11 65 p n nenoTO OO ft m emporium... 65 p " St. Mary's 1 48 p m " Ridgway 2 11pm .8 80 p m 7 35 p in .6.00 a m ..6.50 a in -7 20 a m ..8 10 a m ' Kane " arrive at Erie EASTWARD. DAY EX leaves Kane.. " " " Bidgway. " " 8t Marys.. " ' Emporium Driftwood, ..8 68 p m " " Renevo ........ 10 10 o m KR1E MAIL leaves Erie 11.00 a n. " " " Kane....... 8 CO p m " " " Ridgway 4 49 p m " . " 8t. Mary's 6 18 p m " " " Emporium 6 16pm " " Renovo 8.86 p m arr. at rmiadepnia... 7 UO a m Day Express and Niagara Express con nect east with Low Crude Division and It. N. Y! & P. R. It. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't T HE SOCIETY STORE, A new store started in Ridgway tin ncr the auspices of the ladies of Urace Church, with MISS A. E. M'EES. as Agent and Saleswoman, A fine assortment of goods on hand ana seiectea wttn great care. EMBROIDERIES. LACK EDGE. FRINGES. HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES TIES. TOILET SETS. LINEN SUITS. CHILDREN SUITS SAMPLE BILKS. Machine silk, thread and needles, Also a line lot of Dress Goods, Fancy work of all kinds. Framed mottoes tc., 4c. All cheap as the cheapest and goods warranted first class. Call and examine our stock. MISS A. E. M'KEIi, Agent for the Society. THE SEASIDE LIBRARY. Choice books no longer for the few only. The best standard novels within the reach of every one. Books usually sold from $1 to $8 given (unchanged and unabridged) for 10 and 20 cents. 1. J'JAWT JbViNJNJS, $y Mrs. Henry Wood (Doul.Io No) 20c JOHN HALIFAX, Gent., By Miss Mulock. 20c. JANE EYRE, By Charlotte Bronte. (Double No.) 20c A "WOMAN HATER, Charles Reade's new novel. 20c THE BLACK-INDIKS, Jules Verne's latest. 10c. LAST DAYS OF POMPEII, .jJiy Bulwer. . 10c. ADAM BEIJE, By George Eliot. (Double No ) 20c 8. THE ARUNDEL MOTTO. By Mary Cecil Hay. 10c, OLD M Y D D E L T O NS MONEY. By Mary C Hay 10c 10. THE WOMAN IN WHITE. By V.'ilkie Collins. 20c. 11. THE MILL ON THE FLOSS. By George Elliot. 20c 12 THE AMERICAN SENA TOR. By Anthony Trolloie20c. A PRINCESS OF THULE. By William Block. aOc. THE DEAD SECRET. By Wiikie Collins. 10c ROMOLA. By George Elliot. IK. 14. 15. (Double No.) 30c. THE ENGLISH AT THE NORTH POLE AND FIELD OF ICE. In one book. By Jules Verne. 10c. HIDDEN PERILS. By Mary Cecil Hay. 10c. BARBARA'S HISTORY. By 16, 17. 18. 19. 20. Amelia E. Edwards 'J0c. A TERRIBLE TEMPTA TION. By Chan Reade. 10c. OLD CURIOSITY SHOP. By Charles Dickens. 20c. 21. FOUL PLAY. By Charles Reade 10c. 22. MAN AND WIFE. By Wil- kie Collins. 20c, a. THE SQUIRE'S LEGACY. By Mary Cecil Hay. 20c, Never too Late to Meud, By C. 24 Reade. 20e. Lady Adelaide's Oath, By Mrs. II Wood ' 10c. 26. 27 28 29 80 SI 82 Aurora Floyd, By Miss M K Brad don 20c, Victor and Vanquished, By M C Hay A Daughter of Heth, By Willisin BUck Nora's Love Test, By Mary Cecil Hay Her Dearest Foe, By Mrs. Alexan der 10c 10 10c 20o Love Me Little, Love Me Long, By C Reade Tbe Queen of Hearts, By .Wilkie Collins Handy Andy, By Samuel Lover A Simpleton, By Charles Reade, 10c 10c S3 84 20c fBinsleNoi lOo 85 Felix Holt. The Radioal. By Geo. Eliot 20e 36 The Wooinc O'T. Bv Mrs. Alex ander 20o 87 The Mystery. By Mrs. Henry Wood 10c 88 Heritage of Lanicdale. By Mrs. Alexander 10c 89 Antonina. By Wilkie Collins. (Double No.) 20o 40 The Heir to Ashley. By Mrs. Henry Wood 10c For sale by all Booksellers and Newsdealers, or sent, postage prepaid, on receiptor price ny GEORGE MUNRO, Publisher,- Gleason'g Publications. Great reduction In trlie for 1878 of G lea, son's Pictohiai. tot2 a year. Single copies o cents. ThbAomb Circi.b to $2 a year, single cop ies a oeuu, ror saie oy an newxaeaiera. , Glkabon's Monthly Companion to SI year, ulnitle conies lu cents. All uostaee free Btiiple copies sent on receipt of a 8 cent stamp. The price of Chomos has lust been greatly reduced. No one uow gives such liberal terms to agents as we do. Bend for new circular. Address K Gleahon, 73 Washing ton Bt. Boston moms, n38mlini. . C rrr AGENTS WANTED. From CJ,VV to 115 a Day Bure. Ministers, nir ami Picture Agents, and all out of em- Dlovment. of either sex, here Is tbe best .k.n. nfTarad this season. A Lash Present of from 15 to 1100 will be given lo every good working ageut. Send 10 cents for small sample, or better still 81 for 8 large samples with circulars, terms, eto. and go to work at 0nBEV. 8. T.RIXCK, Box Set, Milton, Pa. aj-Mentlou this paper. ntQntUnl. , . ' brE0. Woods PARLOR' ORGANS 11 w , m I 'IT .- MP If CP "-Am -?! Thee remarkable instrnmenu --Rpcitii for musical effecM ?i'tJPreMJ0, J . "3? Adapted for Amateur and Profeionl, and an ornament in any parlor. Beautiful New atynt, W reaay . ftFf) wnons A CO.. CflmhridffeDort. Mass. vrinrnnniiu, r.w Wit.hii.tna St.. nn.tnni . . . . , 'PHK VII X HUMANA .'0S Xmtain. frcm ? to , worth r,f th- finent .'elated mujic. GEO. WOODS t CO., Publlhrt, CltBrWgplt, THE ADVOCATE. Office, over Powell d Kime's Ptore, Main Street. 2.00 A YMAR$1M0 IJf ADVANCE SUBSCRIBE NOW Three or four Won't break you Three or four Won't break you Send 50 cents for a THREE MONTHS TRIAL,. JOB PRINTING. BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BILL HE ADS j ENVELOPES BOOKS, uneapiy ana j eauy rrimecu. Asnmaies ur?ii$hea. ORDERS BY MAIL WLL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTON Address ' ' HENRY A. PARSON, JR., RTfcGWAY.ELK CO., PA, r .9 im stale fit.. Caleaa-ot 88 Lndgate BUI . . i r .!..... ,4 mii.i and valuable "V,","..J r ...,,,. Tnnmber. Eh a cents a week cents a week' rrsvn n t urn V s n n a NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS BOOKS,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers