A Y0U5G WIFE'S DESPAIR, Commlttlnc Snlclile In n. Fnehlonnble New York Hotel SI Month nftur Minrlrme A IlnnbAiid'e Panslan for Hironit Drink. (From the New York Bun. . Mr. Robert Stuart and Miss- Eveliue T. Marks were married in Ht. Thomas's Church on the 19th of April last. The oeremonv filled the house with wealthy and fashionable relatives and friends. The bride was the adopted daughter of Mr. Abiel B. Marks, a retired merchant, who dwells at 62 West Thirty-fourth street. Her mother was Mrs. Marks's sister, and the name that she had ex changed for that of Mr. Marks was Terry. The groom's father was Lieut. Robert Stuart of the United States navy, who died in 1862. His widow became the wifo of the Hon. Elijah Ward. The groom inherited from his mother's friends ajlarge fortune. Before his mar riage he lived with his mother and step father iu the Fifth Avenue Hotel. After the marriage the couple took a parlor and bedroom in the second story of the Berkley House at 20 Fifth avenue. For three or four months the couple lived happily. Then the husband began to drink. Two months ago his taste for liquor developed rapidly, and he often reached home so much intoxicated that he was barely able to walk straight. His friends noticed his growing fault, and it was proposed to send him to Europe, in order that he might change his com panionship nnd ho under the influence of his mother and stepfather, who are in Europe. It is said that President Frederick D. Tappen of the Gallatin National Bank, who is his guardian during the absence of his stepfather, proposed to aooompany him. On Saturday last a womau went to George Inuess s pharmacy and purchased half an ounce of laudanum. She said it was for Mrs. Stuart. There was some thing in the bottom of the four-ounce phial, which Mr. Watling, the clerk, supposed to be old laudanum. The - woman was tall and not well dressed. Mr. Watling supposed her to be a ser vant. On Sunday Mrs. Stuart called Kate Gutnniings, a chambermaid, into her room. She seemed worried, and was weeping. She said that she would rather die than live as she was living. Then she explained that on Saturday night her husband spoke harshly to her. She told the chambermaid that she was going out, and would return soon. If Mr. Stuart arrived, ho was to be told that she would return in a few minutes. She then went out, but was gone not more than ten minutes. When she re turned, she sat down at her desk and wrote a letter, which she sealed and ad dressed to her husband. While she was writing, the chambermaid went out of the room. She was not again seen by anybody except her husband until ' about two hours previous to her death. Mr. Stuart reached his home at about five o'clock. He was very much under the influence of liquor, but was able to walk straight. He said nothing, but went to his apartments direct. At nine o'clock he called from his room through the speaking-tube that communicates with the office, and ordered some sand wiches. Food is not usually furnished at so late an hour in the hotel, and the request was referred to the proprietor, Mr. James Slater. He called to mind that Mr. Stuart had had no dinner, and ordered the sandwiches sent up. At six o'clock yesterday morning a call was heard from Mr. Stuart through the speaking tube. He requested that a physician should be sent for. Mr. Sla ter himself went to the office of Dr. S. T. Hubbard, and the doctor reached Mr. Stuart's rooms at sixteen minutes pact six. He found Mr. Stuart greatly agi tated and expressing the keenest an guish. Mrs. Stuart lay on the floor, near the bed, with a pillow beneath her head. She was entirely unconscious. Dr. Hubbard tried to arouse her, but without Bticcess. She died at eight o'clock. Mrs. Stuart was completely dressed, and her hair was arranged just as it was when she returned from the street the day before. On a table within reach of the bed was a four-ounce phial contain ing laudanum. Tlio frout part of the bed showed that Mrs, Stuart had been lying on it, but the clothes were not turned down. Tue back part of the bed had not been occupied. On her person were found two letters, uer husband says that when he returned at five o'clock he found his wife lying on the edge of the bed, and as he supposed asleep. He did not distmb her, but lay down on the lounge in the parlor. In the evening he awoke, and feeling hun gry called for sandwiches. He noticed that his wife was nt.ll lying on the bed. Alter eating the sandwiches he took off his ooat and boots and again lay down on the lounge, and did not arise until a lit tle before six o'clock in the morning. Then he called his wife's name; but as she did not answer he became alarmed. On turning up the gas he made the dis covery that something was wrong with her, and at once called to the office to have a physician summoned. Mr. Stuart said that while he was try ing to arouse his wife, before Dr. Hub bard's arrival, she fell from the bed. He then placed a pillow beneath her head as she lay there, because she seemed to breathe more freely on the floor. By eight o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Marks and Mr. Tappen arrived, and notification was sent to Coroner Woltman. He made an external examination, and then im panelled six jurors. The witnesses testi fied that, they knew of no trouble be tween Mrs. Stuart and her husband. The letters found were shown to the coroner, and he announced that they distinctly declared an intention to com mit suicide. At the urgent request of the friends of Mrs. Stuart these letters were withheld from the public by the coroner. The verdict was that death re sulted from an overdose of laudanum administered by Mrs. Stuart herself. A Woman Seeking a Home In Prison. Sarah Lane, a far from forbidding looking woman, was arraigned in the court of sessions, New York, one day re cently, on a charge of malicious mischief breaking a pane of glass. The charge being read she bowed her head and mut tered something inaudible. " What does she say ?" asked Justice Kasmire. " She pleads guilty," paid the clerk. "What did you do this for?" asked Justice Murray. The woman did not raise her head, but a lawyer near her said : " She did it to get a home, she has none ; she preferred anything to being driven to make a liv ing on the streets. " Tell them she would prefer the grave, too," said the woman, in a whis per. " Give hor six months," Bai l Justice Wheeler. The other justices differed with him, and the sentence was lowered to two months. - A western editor wishes .no bodily liAi-m to his subscribers, but he hopes that some of them in arrears will be Boized with a remittent fever, . . THE PEOPLE WHO DRIJK. TlieKraiilt of Obtervntlon made my a New York Rnporter-Men Who Frequent the "Flriit-Cliu " Bnr. A Now York Sun reporter has been making a professional tour of the bar rooms of the city, and gives the result of his observations in the following no count : Physicians say that nearly two-thirds of their male patients suffer in one way or another from alcoholic poisons. No close observer will be disposed to doubt thiF. From the low shops on South and West streets, along the line of more fashion able saloons on and near Breadway, in the vicinity of the old post-office, in the gilded retreats that gird the Astor House, in the several places of note on Printing House square, in the cozy boudoirs of Union square, and in the magnificent marble palaces that fringe Madison square, not omitting the frescoed club room and the diugy slop shops of the extreme east side from the first to the last, and in them all, the same story of intemperance may be learned. And who are the drinkers ? Boys, young men, middle-aged men and old men. They all drink. Two young men meet in the lobby of a theater. " What'll you take ?" Is the first and commonest salutation. They adjourn to a bar-room and drink. As the one pays, the other looks at his watch and says : " Just in time for another. Repeat" and both drink again. At each fall of the curtain at least one half of all the men rise, push out, and hurry for a drink. This is no exaggeration. We all know it, and many of us do it. I wont into the basement of one of Gotham's greatest architectual piles this morning, and stood at the end of the counter, half an hour, to see what was done. There were four bar-tenders, all busi ly engaged. In that brief time they sold to all sorts and conditions of men two hundred beers, thirty-two whiskeys, ten lemonades, two plain seltzers and three gin cocktails. It was an exceptionally busy half hour, to be sure ; but as I took my seat at a little table near the counter, I no ticed in the next half hour, and made a memorandum to guard against mistakes, a sale of one hundred and thirfy beers, fifty whiskeys and six gin cocktails. The men who drank were not "bums." Very many of them are known to the world of politics, several are noted writers, the City Hall furnishes its quota, some do business in the swamp, and not one seemed in the least degree affected by what he drank. Leaving this place, I went to another saloon, equally well known, whose pro prietors pay an annual rent of $00,000 for the premises which are kept open from eight o'clock in the morning until seven in the evening. Standing by a little cigar case which is placed at one side of the room I de voted half an hour to a close count of the drinks and drinkers. There were three barkeepers, and they had all they could do to attend prompt ly to the customers. One company of six young men drank six times in less than fifteen minutes, and each took his whisky straight. In half an hour's time that bar sold ninety-eight whiskies, four ginger ales, three ciders and fourteen gin cocktails. The men who drank were respectable men of business, a few literary people, and two or three persons who might have been truckmen or mechanics. As I went out I said to one of the six young men who drank six times : :' What are you drinking so much for to-dav ?" " Oh, nothing," he replied; " I didn't intend to. Charley and I went in for an oyster, and were ordering them when those four fellows from Albany came along. Charley asked 'em to drink, and one followed the other." That's the history of many a spree. The spreer doesn't intend to go off, but meeting a friend the one tempts the other. This habit is not confined to old men nor to men in trouble. Boys hardly out of their teens drink brandy and seltzer. Young men with their friends toke whisky, or perchance open a small bottle. Middle-nged men, who should be strong and lnsty, take what they are pleased to call a " bracer," aud, so far as I can see, the exceptional person is the male who does not drink at all times and under all circumstances. It stauds to reason that this sort of thing mnst oroduce some impression on the human form divine. The doctors say it induces paralysis, indigestion, headache, rheumatism and weakness of many kinds. An Armenian Fumily at Tea-Time. Captain Burnaby, iu his book, "Trav els in Asia Minor," gives the following peculiar picture of life in Armenia: The wife of the Armenian and her children were not at all coy about showing their faces at least so much of them as the dirt did not hide from our view. They squatted round my English servant, who was making tea, and watched his pro ceedings with great interest. Now, the woman, sticking her filthy fingers into the basin, took out a lump of sugar; then putting it in turn into each of her children's mouths, she had a suck her self, "Give it to me!" suddenly ex claimed her husband. The lady did not show any readiness to surrender the prize. The man sprang to his feet; thrusting a finger and thumb in the mouth of his helpmate, at the same time clasping her tightly around the throat with the other hand so as to prevent being bitten, he extracted the delicacy. Holding the sweet morsel high in the air, he displayed the treasure to the assem bled guests; then, greatly to the woman's indignation, he placed it within his own jaw. Water for the Eyes. A writer in Fraser'a Magazine thinks that whatever hesitation there may be justly called for in reoommending one or another of the lotions now so popular, there need be no such doubt in respect to cold water or pure water. Ha says ia cases of much inflammation or difficulty of opening the eyelids in the morning, experienced by so many, the water should be warm, and it may be mixed with warm milk, but in nearly all other cases it should be cold. All those who have been engaged in reading or writing during several hours at a stretch, and especially at night, should carefully bathe the eyes with cold water before going to bed aud the first thing in the morning's ablutions. All artisans, too, who work at a blazing fire, ought ofte:i to wash their eyes with cold pure water, and so should all those who work in wool, particularly carders and spinners, und those likewise who are employed in woolen and cotton manufactures, the fine dust which such works disperse produc ing cateraots, obstinate inflammation, swelled eyesf et The Diseases of Great Men. Some of the most illustriouB men and women have been the victims of mal adies of the nervous system. In almost every treatise On epilepsy, Csosar, Ma hornet, Petrach, Napoleon aud Byron are mentioned as having been subject to1 this disease. Henry IV., of England, after some time of ill-health, became subject to dreadful fits, which would cause him to fall down apparently dead. These were undoubtedly epileptic iu character. On the 20th of March, 1413, while he was at chuvch, he was seized with a tit and soon expired, being at the time forty-seven yenrs old. Charles II. of England, in the midst of a life of vicious indulgence, was attacked by apo plexy, and died aftor a few days' ill ness, on the 6th of February, 1685, in the fifty-fifth year of his life. Among the apoplectics we have such notable characters as Dickens, Thackeray and Napoleon I. History furnishes abundant evidence of the frequency of affections of the mind among the magnates. Bishop Warburton, John George Zimmerman, Dr. Johnson, Jnmes V., of Scotland, King Henry, of England, Queen Eliza beth, Frederick II., of Prussia, were all the victims of melancholia ; Queen Francisco, of Portugal, George III., of England, Tnsso, Pascal, William Collier, Oowper, Charles XII., und Dr. John son were subject to attacks of insanity. Of the three disputed discoverers of modern anaesthesia, Wells died of insan ity, Morton from a stroke of apoplexy, while Jackson is hopelessly insane. Dr. Adam Clarke died of cholera; Oliver Cromwell of ague; Robert Duke of starvation; Sir Humphrey Davy, as a result of injuries to au elbow; Alexan der the Great of malarial fever; Augus tus II. of gaugrene of an old wound; Camillas of a plague; Chaucer of old age; Queen Mary of small-pox; John Racine of abscess of the liver; Napoleon III. died of embolism; Prince William, of England, and Shelley were both drowned: Thomas Chatterton and the wife of Shelley committed suicide; Lord Jivron tell a victim or remittent fever; John Keats, Edward II. and Lronnec were destroyed by phthisis pulmonalis; John Locke was a sufferer with asthma; Burns shortened his days by his ex cesses; Sou they and Swift died dement ed; Jeremy Taylor died of some fever; John Bunyan died in 1688, in London, it is said, in consequence of a cold caught in a journey undertaken by him in inclement weatner, witn tue onjeci oi reconciling a father and son; Thomas Otway, perhaps choked. His death has been frequently cited as a striking in stance of the miseries of a literary ca reer. It is related that, when almost starving, the poet receiving a guinea from a friend, on which he rushed off to a baker shop, bought a roll, and was cholted while ravenously devouring the first mouthful. Louisa, daughter of George III., when Queen of Denmark, died in an operation for hernia, at the early age of twenty-six. Queen Caro line, her mother, also died of hernia, after an operation by the celebrated Ronby;nd Caroline, of Brunswick, wife of George IV., fell a victim to strangu lated wmbiblical herna. In regard to Washington, the weight of authority is m favor ot the view that the cause of his death was oedema of the glottis rather than croup, as is often stated. Medical and Surgical Reporter. Almost a Dire to Death. On the last trip of the schooner Lola, from Vallejo to this port, says the San Francisco Chronicle, the wind havinct fallen off and the vessel being in four fathoms of water, the anchor was let go, pursuant to the order of the master, Hughes, who had gone forward to give it. As the anchor was let slip, a two and one-half inch line by which a buoy was maue last to its chain accidentally took a turn round the master's leg aud whipped hira over the side and clown into the sea. As he went rushing feet first to the bot tom he drew and opened a pocket-knife, aud with one desperate effort of strength ogainst the pressure of the water he stooped down and severed the line, hav ing to cut deep into the flesh of his leg to do so. As he shot up almost as swiftly as he hud gone down he returned the knife to his pocket, aud when he reached the surface was picked up with only a lanced ankle as the result of what would have been a dive to death but for his coolness and nerve. A Sensitive Woman. The following is told of a resident of Iowa : The case of Mrs. E. Winship, who reFides in Shell Rock, is a remarka ble one. The slightest odor of tobacco, ether, chloroform, turpentine, benzine, kerosene, or prussio acid will, if she in hale it, throw her into violent convul sions. So sensitive is she to the effect that she is obliged to shut herself wholly in a room by herself. These convul sions increase in severity at each re petition, and a few days since, a man entered the house with a piece of tobac co in his mouth before the family were aware of it, and, although the rooms were thoroughly ventilated by leaving the doors and windows open, enough of the odor of tobacco remained to produce these convusions when Mrs. Winship came into the room, and for some hours it was thought she would not recover. Extraordinary precautions are used to prevent those who use tobacco from go ng to the house. There is a precocious six-year-old boy who is wonderful on spelling and defini tion. The other day his teacher asked him to spell "matrimony." " M-a-t-r-i-m-o-n-y," said the youngster, promptly. "Now define it, said the teacher. "Well," replied the boy, "I don't exactly know what it means, but I know mother s got enough of it. Forestalling Dlueaoe. when we see that death is oiten the pen alty paid for a fatuous disregard of the symp toms of approaching disease, should we not be warned against the folly of uegleo iug de fensive measures when called for in our own case? Assuredly we should, aud upon the first manifestation of ill health or decay of physicial vigor, geek the aid of medicine. 'The fortifyiug influences npon the e- stem of Hos- tetter s Stomach Bitters entitle that medicine of many virtues to the highest consideration as a preventive, and it cannot be too strongly recommended as a means of arresting the progress oi malarious levers, dyspepsia, con' stipation, liver complaint, kidney and blad dor troubles, gout, rheumatism, and other disorders which iu thtiir iacipenoy are far more easily overcome than iu their maturity albeit, the great alterative has repeatedly demonstrated its power to vanquish them in their worst phases. Trns Reonomv. It has been found that the only true econo my is that whioh stops the little leaks and saves in trifles. For instance, one saves in milk, butter, eggs and flour by the use of Dooley's Yeast Powder, which is made from the purest cream-tartar, derived from grape acid. Good housewives have proved this by experience. Aire. Ueneral Nueriuttn, wife of the general of the United States army, says: " I have frequently purchased Dur&ng'g Kheumatio Remedy for friends suffering with rheumatism, and In every instance it worked like magio." Bend for tiroular to Helphen stine Jk BertUey, druggists, Washington, t, O, , dlranon'a rnbllcntlorjj. Great reduction in prioe for 1878 of uimnrm'i Pictorial to t J year. Single copies flvn oentH. The Home Circle to 2 a year, single oolei five cent, fov dale by all newsdealer. (Jlraion' Monilily Companion to 1 a year, sinirlo copies tn cents. All postage free. The price of chromos has just bnen greatly reduced. No one now gives aiioh liberal term to agent as tve do. Hend for now free circular. Addrens F. Qleanon si Co., 738 Washington Btrotit, Boston, Mass. Ilnrnril's Oorontnn Promotes tho growth of aad beautifies the Hair, and renders It dark and glossy. 1 he Cocoaiue holds, in a liquid form, a large pro portion of deodorized Cocoanut Oil, prepared expressly for this purpose. No other com pound possesses the peculiar properties which so exactly suit the various conditions of the human hair. Rlientnnllnm tJulrUly Cured. Durante ltheumatio ltomedy,' the great Internal medicine, will positively cure anv case of rheumatism on tho lace of the earth. Prioe, 1 a bottle, six bottles, 5. Bold by all drug gists. Bend for circular to Helphenstine Uontley, druggists, Washington, 1. 0. CHEW The Celobrated "Matohlwm" Wood Tag Ping Tobaooo. The Piohkeb Tobacco Gomfamv, New York, Doton, anl Ohioago. The elegant company from Duff's Broad way Theater, Now York city, are playini? to a succession of crowded houses in New York State and Canada. Iu tho bands of this talented organization tlio play of Pink Domi noes has made a decided hit, and is spoken of as a masterly performance. , Are Voo t'rmilve t If so, be careful of disease. Avoid it by tak ing Quirk's Irish Tea. Price 25 cents. CStven Awny.-A superb palp of C$18 Chromos, worthy to frnrnfl and adorn any borne, and a Three Mnnths'aiitiscription to Lmbitkk Ilouns, a charming IH pifle liter ry paper, full of the Choicest 8torie Poetry, etc., Sent rVee to all sending fifteen Cents (stamp tik.-n) to pay postage. The publishers, J. L. Pattn k Co., 1U WUliam St., N. Y., (iuarantee eery one Double Value of money sent. 1 000 in priaes, and big pay given to axenta. Write at onoe. Tin Markets. Hi Tone Beet Cattle Native. W 11 Teiaa aud Cherokee.,.. UHH( f9 Milch Cows 40 00 C4( 00 Hogs Live 06 V Dressed.- 07J, 07 Sheep 01 S 05 X Lambs. 05k9 OK Ootton Middling 11S(S lUt Flour Western Good to Choice.... 140 9 t 60 State flood to Choice 6 Wl 7 OS Buckwheat perewt 3 8S 3 2 70 Wheat Red Westera ... ........ 1 41H" 141 No. 3 Milwaukee 1M 0t 1 85 Rye State ' 78 Barley state 7 9 75 i5 83 40 58 80 55 Barley Malt. Ri) 83 mickwlieat Oats Mixed Westera., Corn Mixed WeBtern, Hay. per cwt Straw perewt 14 (4 84 60 43 M 11 Hops 76's M 004 Pork Mess , .77'S 13 ..13 70 14 21 Lard City Steam Fish Mackerel. No.'l, new S9 00 (All on " No. , new 1100 (ail BO Dry Cod, per cwt o Go (6 (6 Herrlnir. Scaled, per box 15 17 Petroleum Crude 09X09X Refined, 18M 83 40 4i 44 80 ai 25 16 18 11 iox 2k Wool California Fleeoe 10 9 Texas 88 9 .natralinn " 44 HI HtoteXX 41 (4 Butter -State H & Western Choice 90 9 Weatern Good to Prime,... 20 4 Western Firklna U Cheese State Factory 13 State Skimmed 10 t Western 09 i4 Ekrb State and PeD'invlTarjta...... it & BUFFALO. Flour 1 35 Wheat No. 1 Milwaukee 1 21 9 1 22 Corn Mixed 81 Oat 25 DO Rve Bi 3 8 Barley ,, 82 g 83 Barley Malt 80 82 PHILADELPHIA. Beef Cattle Extra 06 ( 06 Sheep M u5 Hop's Dressed 08c'(S 08 Flour Pennsylvania Extra 7 12 7 as Wheat Red WeBtern 161 1 63 Rve 65 67 Ooru Yellow 60 Mixed 60 9 61 61 8) 13 28 32 Oats-Mixed 85 Petroleum Crude 0'JH8091t' Refined, Wool Colorado 23 9 Texas 22 (4 OaiUornia 27 0 BOSTON. BeefCattle 06 9 Sheen 06X 08V 07 V 09 Hogs 08 m Flour Wisconsin tud Minnesota. .. 7 5 (4 9i0 Corn-Mixed 48 (4 t?X Oata " 68 69 Wool Ohio and Pennsylvania XX... 43 S 47 California m so BMC1BTOH, KASS. Beef Cattle WXa 07J4 Sheep lX Lambs 07 10 Hojjs I" X Iteef Oattla Poor to Choice. 6 60 (aM WATERTOWH. MASS. Sheep 6 75 7 75 Irtiona . " m WANTED IMMEDIATELY 25 Young Men to learn Telegrnphy. Salary I SIU to 8itlt Per montn pnia goon peravoro. j v""" r.liitnw l l.enrn nt Smnll Fxijenyr. Address i ininri- in ijriiri. hi r-.ii.in. ..7- - withetam p. J. A. KHKR1UAN, Oherlin, Ohio. flivna.ivinilanM ttilinitari with hiislne.fl men. Cost of ?rotecting a house completely gitt.OO to $7.00. Send 5 cents fur gainple and Circular. Homes in the West! RvArvihlni desirable nrices. terras, soil, olimat. markets, rinlrnad facilities, churches, schools. 1.000,000 Acrei from i t flO. Ten years credit. 11 per cent, interest! no payment of principal until Attn year. 45 per cent, discount for oauh. hpecial rates ti settlers and explorers. Fare from (jhicago ref undd to purchasers. Send Postal Card for Descnp tive Oiroular. Hxriir-loii 10 Lincoln, ., Nov. 87th. Fare about ball regular rave;, ror imoruiaviuu, tickets, etc., apply to Hl.l V BIOOH K. 3 11 nrWUHWIIVI ti W. AGENTS WANTED ! FOR PARTICULARS. ADDRESS WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. 820 Hrmulwny. New York City I Cliicasa. III. a New Orleans, lift. I . or Han Frnnrlaco, Cal. For Consumption Anrl nllriiaaaaoi thnl1 luarl (jilt mip.h Nil OoUffhl. NhiT- leoted Colds, Bronchitis, Paim in tti Chest, nnd all dis eiflfis of the Lain, Alleu'a liUUff BaUain is the Great Modern Remedy. ALLEN'S LTJNG BALSAM Hufi iinivnH ltjutlf t hm th rna.tMt Medical Remedy for hen ling the Lungs, purifying the Blood, and rentc-inff the tone of the Liver. It excites the phlegm, which is raised from the Lungs, thereby paving the way for a speeay cure. .1 ust try it onoe. . BOLDBY A1,L MKDIOINB PEALKR3. WANTED, Ladies of Ability And vim to canvass and establish Agents for one of the best selling Patent in the Unite States and Canadas, Addruss, 21 Baat lth Street, New York City. Bryant's Opera House, NewYork, Noa. TiH A Broadway, Opp. New York Hotel. BKYANT'8 MINSTKF.I.8 Under the Manngement of NEIL BRYANT. Hou?her Dougherty, Little Mae, Dave Red, San tor d and Wilson, Mackin and Wilson, Billy Bryaut, Cool Whita, Justin Robinson. A Voeul Sextette, and A Superb Orchestra will appear In A Orau .Wlnatrel Entertainment Every Kvenlnu at 8. and Snturday Afiitinee nt Ij. Popular Prioea Uft, 60 and 7 d eta. Matinee 25 and 50 cts. KNOW A nnwftfediuaj Treat se "Tut Hoienoe or Life, oa Sklw Pkebbbvatio," a book fur every man. Price 8 1 sont by mail. Fifty original prosorlp tioos.either oneoi which worth. THYSELF len tim9 the price of the book. Gold Medal awarded the author. The ttouton We rad says: " ('he Kcienoeof idie l Deyoms all comparison the most extr&ordinHrv work en Physiology evr published Ulus Pamphlet a-nt free. Ad's Ph. W if. PARKER, No. 4 BulilncQ Street, ttur.on, Maui. HEAL THYSELF PXAHOS. Dunham &. Sons. Manufacturers, Wa ..lit 18 iastlAih Street, rEnuuhuMisa.) New Yank.. l$'mlfot HlMftrtni QirnU r iuU Prit Lift w Attw nt homo. Amnt mnntA ftntAi a irmsfrce. TRUE A CO., August, Maine. ILEC!TRIC Bri.TW fnr premstnre decs, ttie J only gennlne. ii3.(K esrh. Agents wsntd. If. MORGAN, K. 14th fSt., Ne York. A poflitive remedy tor Jtropsy and nil Uispski of I tn imneyni sintiier aim i rinnrj ur I vans. If unt'a Kesnedy In purely vegetable and I prepared expressly for the above diieues. It hai I cureu tnouiatiui. t.verv buttle warranted, fiend to w. a- uisrse, rnmapnee, k.i., for Hluntrstefi pamphlet. If your dmggirt dont have it, he will c urarr 11 ior van. Sr?SE,3EPIS,li9'8 LETTER SH0WIN6 supEFHORirr SalSlI iPsTtlrSyP ALII OTHERS. FOR SOAP ?2K.f?. ?ENT FREE BrMAlT. ON APPLICATION JTO H.M.ANTH0NY 10" - PF ST. NEWYORKT Ej GLOVE-FITTING CORSETS. The rntnds or ihif UNRIVAlllDCORSEr an now numtrtl by MILLIONS. fricesarotnuchrnuctd RlEDAlnECl VED Gt the Genuine and beware of imitation!, THOMSON'S a Aatcaiao .on UNBREAKAIII ITIIll The best ftooda mad. See that the name of THOMSON and the Trade MarK.CnowN.art stamped on every CoraetiSttel. The) Criirhtl Tft of the value of a medicine Is tlmH. Does experience confirm the claims put forth in Its favor st the output f is the grand question. Apply this criterion, so simple, yet no sefurching, to TaRRants FKPEllVESflENT NfcLTZKH AFEniENT. How ha- it worn f What has been it history! Uowdoos it stand to-day? Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient is a household name thrnnghout the United Stat-ft. It In administcreJ in a ppti:fic, and w.th success, in dys pepsia, sick li-adHchf, m-rwis debility, liver complaint, bilious remlMHiilR. bowel ctfc.plainta, (eHpecially oonttj. pntion), rheumatism, gout, gisvl, nausea, the com- filaints peculiar to the niafrttti! xex, and all type, of nUamm itinn. 80 mild is it iu i "p-jration that it can be given with perlect sufpty to the ieblest child ; and so agree-ihle Is it to the taste, so refreshing to the palate, that children never refuse to take it. For sale by all UimtKIHlB, EXTRACT CATAHWII. Pond'e Extract is marly a 8pr. I'.ific fur tbis diaeaKe, Itcan hardly be ex celled, eveu iu old aud obstinate cases. The relief is to prompt that no one who has ever tried it will be withnu' 't. CHAPPIX) I1ASHS AXU FAC'E.-Pond'e Kxtract should be in every family tills ryuxh weather. It remove the soreness and routchuesf, aud soften and heaU the xltin promptly. UIIErMATIS.M.-Duriutf severe and chanireable weather, no one aubject to Rheumatic Pains Bhonld lie one itav without Pond'a Extract, whi' h n In tivn relieve". 8OKE 1,1 Mis, CONMl'MPTlUN, t'OI'GHS, J'OL.IM,-Tui cold wciithtr tries the jungit aorely. Have Pond'a Extract on hand always. It relievea the pain and cures the disease. CHILBLTVINS will be promptly relieved and ultimately cured by bathing the afflicted paws wlin Pond'a extract. FUaTKI L.1 SI U6.-Poud u Ext met Inva i1a bl.T relieves the pain aud finally Cures. SORE Tlf ItOAT. QUINSY, INFLAMED TONSILS iKU A lit PAHSAtiKH are promptly cured by the uae of Poud's extract. It never fallM. HISTORY and Uses of Pond's Extract, in immphlet form, sent free wi application to tXTKACT CO.. H Maiden Lane, New York. Bold by DruttK'nU. VEGETINE," Rays Boston Physician, "has no equal as a blood planner. Hearing of its many wonderful cures, after all other remedies had failed, I visited t he Laboratory and oonrinoed myself of Its genuine merit. It is prepared from barks, roots and herbs, each of whioh is highly effect ire, and they are compounded in suoh a- manner m to product astonishing result." VEGETINE la the Great Blood Purifier. VEGETINE rVlll oure the worst oaae of Sorofula. VEGETINE h recommended by Physicians and Apothecariea. VEGETINE Uas effected some marvelous cures -a cases of Cancer, VEGETINE Cures the worst caaea of Canker. VEGETINE Heeta with wonderful sueoeaa in Mercurial diaaaeee. VEGETINE Will eradicate Salt Rheum from the system. VEGETINE Remoraa Pimples and Humor from the Face. VEGETINE Ourss Constipation and Regulates the Bowels, VEGETINE la a valuable remedy for Headache. VEGETINE Will cure Dyspepsia, VEGETINE Reatoret the entire aystara to a healthy conditio VEGETINE Remove the causes of C ' izineaa. VEGETINE Relieves Feintnest at the Stomach. VEGETINE . Carta Pains in the Back. VEGETINE Effectually enrea Kidney Complaint. VEGETINE la affective in iticure of Female Weakness. VEGETINE la the great remedy for General Debility. VEGETINE la acknowledged By all elaaseeof people to be iht teal and moet reliable Blood Purifier in the World. VEGETINE PREPARED BT 1 R. STEVENSJoston, Mass Vegetine if Sold by All Druggists. KSX2 "i E51 X9 mw E3 w m POND'S BAVAI BAKING ilUYAL POWDER. Absolutely Pure. uarantee it full wetaht and ahaolntrfr pure. T fry it, send UO oenta for 1-pound eaa to KUYAL a It mMMH mit.!i,.t!.i,l IA wiinr.n,AA it ffnll anH RCATTY rinno. OrvantiMt. tflemkl 8trtHri III News. Organs, U stops HA. pianos only iliO. raw WW, Oir. Free. Diinial F-JBaaU Washington, N. J. tw Hook AoeHtn Take Notice. JOSIAII ALLEN'S V7IFE Haa "Wrote Another Book" and It la ready. Samantha at the Centennial Aa a p. A. and P. I. Ontdose herself and Winow Drum!., leaves BKTSKT Bobbkt far behind. IVmt wait and lose your chanoe. aend for territory, circulars, Bic., it onn. siuarpss, AMKKIOAN PUBLISHING CO., Hartford, Oopn., or V. 0. BUSH CO., Newark, N, J. ' irnre in a airtrr rnn tmp maLN i a wrtn i lu run I nt mlLLUSIKAIbU HISIUHTCI The great riotS ILLUSTRATED HISTORY It on tains & full account of the refmi of terror tn Pittsburgh, Baltimore. Chicago and other Cities. The conflicts, between the troops and the mob. Terrible on iliiftrations and destruction of propertr. Thrill in scenes nnd incidents, etc., etc. Hena for a full description of the work and our extra terms to Agents. Address, National PPBLtaaiwo Co., Philadelphia, Pa. TOAbVERflSERSIHS ao any newspaper advertising, the third edition of Ayer & Son's Manual POKADYKUTIMBKM. lflDSro.pn. MorecomplMe than any wnioh have preceded It. Givpi the names, circulation, and advertising rates of several thousand newspapers in the United; States and Canada, and contains more informatian of vnlne to an advertiser than can be found in any other publication. All lista have been carefully revised, and where practicable prices have been reduced. The special oBi:ra aro numerous and unusually advantafreoua. Be sure to aend for it before spending any money in newspnjiar advertising. Addresa N. W. A V K It cV SON. ADYKBTIBIWQ AOKHTB. Tunes Bulldina. Philix"'-"-- MAffmSJF&SCMC0. 265 BROADWAY. A.K A Perfeot y Hair Dressing, A Promoter of ttia UrowtU of the Hair, ; A PnmBHiU. x ree irom irritating matter. ) BTTTlTiim Trno C0C0AINE. For preMrrlna and txauilrying 11k glolly." rendering it dark and The (oconine holds In a Mould form, alurge Proportion of dco.lorizcd Cocoa. n nt. mi l preMted ejpressly fcr this purpoM. peculiar prepertlra which so tjaclly suit the various condlUoui of tbt au. man hair. It softens tho h.lr when hard and drrJ It soothes the Irritated scalp ikln. It afford, tho richot lumreT It remains longest in encct ( if lae Itett and C'aenpuf HAIR- DRESSING .V IBS WORLD. DIltCTIONa. Apply with the band, or a son bruih. every other day, or us olun the case may rcauire. rubbinir It ihnn,.hi. j lum the Mots of the hair. i 10 remove Ptimli up, Srur. .. wash tlio hi-ad wiih Ovuxitt'b KalI LlsTON, r,ibdry with a towel, oniapl i ply the tVcooln. n, dirscted. rUBPAHKO ONLY BY : J08EPH BUBNETT & CO. .BOSTON-. ' Afi-.-r 1, .fnlit., t, A, l uf C..n r.M. t.f. -it. ' w cr a, ! IRON IN THE BLOOD ! PERUVIAN SYRUP Makes the Weak Strong. The PERUVIAN BYKTJP, a Protected Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, ia bo combined aa to have the oharacter of an ailment, aa easily dig-eated and aast.nl- lated with the blood aa the eimpleat food. It looreaaee the quantity of NatureB Own Vitalizing Agent, Iron in the Blood, and ourea a "thousand ilia" simply by toning up, laviaorating and Vitaliaing the System. The en riched and vitalized blood permeates every part of the body, repairing damages and waate, searching out mor bid secretions, and leaving nothing for diaease to feed upon. Thia la the secret of the wonderful iumnu nf thu remedy in euring Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Intermittent or Remittent Fever, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Chronio Diarrhoea, Boils, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fever, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Female Complaints, And All Diseases ORIGINATING IN A BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD, OR AOOOMPANIKD BY DEBILITY, OR, A Low State of the System. Being free from Alcohol In any form, Ite energzing effeeta are not followed by corresponding reaction, but are permanent. Btimulanta only afford temporary relief, and have the aame effeat aa giving a tired horse the whip instead of oata. The trne way ia to invigorate the debilitated system by supplying the blood with its life element. IRON, thereby infusing STRENGTH, rigor, and new life into all parts of the system, and building np AN IRON CONSTITUTION. Thousands have been changed by the use of thia remedy from weak, sioltly, Buffering oreaturea to strong. healthy, and happy men and women ; and invalids can- nut reasonably hesitate to five it a trial. Chills and Fever Prevented. This bane of the West, which lays the foundation for many a consumptive, seldom fails to attack those with a a disordered liver. Thia tendency Is effectually pre vented by an occasional nae ot the PERUVIAN SYRUP, which, by ite alterative and tenia effort. , pro duces healthy action of the blood and liver, and effeot tully restore, the system from the misobtevooa effeota caused by the abase of calomel and quinine. CAUTION.-Be sure you get the "PERUVIAN SYRUP." A thirty-two page pamphlet containing a suoeicet history of the PERUVIAN SYRUP i a valuable paper on progress la medical acieno. i a treatise on Iron aa a medical agent; testimonials and certificates ef euros from distinguished physicians, clergymen and ethere will be sentras to any addresa. T 1 and S st bottle. Blx small nr three Inrs battles fa SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Proprietor., BOSTON, SIA.es. BOLD BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. If your druggist does not keep the PERUVIAN BYBCP remit aa above, and It will be forwarded by express. . aliuUnljO. mm riTT'rVIC HKYOI.VKKpJ. Prioe list frae, Address UUHO Great Western Gun Worka, Pi'tsburn, Pa. $5 tO $20nd",OOaanX CCft a week In roue own town. Tortus and rYJ) octal trim. 1L HAl.l.KVr OO.. Pi.rtlanit. tinin-,. A MOWT1. AOE!VTS WAWT. llSl.l II k '-" of ' i"'1'" novelties. V9B VsopifforCatHlnB. Vam A Cu.Chlcxo S3 GOLD PLATED WATCHES. Che In the known world. Kamplb Watch Fmi to Aesvrs. Atwam, A. VVVLTKU UU., jwtcioo. ii. iTIonih. Aaent -.-K1. HU MM sell articltt In Iiia wrri-iri. trm nnirinle free. . Aiinnwj .i u It ICCI - iwwi, Mien. lmmef ua !.omiiin, puwwn. HHHMMBHHmBaal Snre relief i affrrrw a KIDDER'S PA8TILLE8..K,Tot aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWiilBIHIliaaY 'fin t-lfeairrtiari . Af naa. CLOCKS K. INf.KAIIAitr Ac CO.'M Serioi in eqnsle r in design ana not nimlirv nr an tlma. keepers. Ask your Jeweler for them. Mannfactory-Briatoi, Qt. PIANOS AND ORGANS. OfCrn AND tDHKAI'KNT In the) VORI,D A. i or ()Rtth or Insjtnllinrnte. Henil lor lllii-trntrd Cnlnlnaiiris AHEH 't Wnntrd. Ilornre Walrrn ifc Hone, HI K. 14th 8t W. . S10 to S2S A DAY lOIIRR made by Aarenta aellina; our Chrome Urayons, Picture and Cbro mo Oarda. 1 i$5 aamplee, worth MA lent, poat-paid. fur KA finnlji. IllnatJ-ntM Uataloerne free. J. II. Kl'FFOKD'S HOttH. woxton. Kstabllshed 1H30.) . WORK FOR ALL in their own localities, canvassing for the h' irenlde ylallor (enlarged) Weekly and Monthly. I.nrKfHt Taper In the W orld, with Mammoth tJhromoa r reo. Blc Commissions to Airnnts. Term, nnd tlut.Hfc FraA. Address I'. O. VU KHHV, Angusla, fllalHr. BOSTON WEEKLY TRANSCRIPT The best family newspaper published ; eight pages ; fifty sii oolutnna reading. irmi-tjj per annum; oiuna or eleven, (is pee annum, in advanoe. HFKM.IIEN t;OPY OKATIW. 91.00 $1.00 Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. i ho cnotce-at noutenoiaornanumtt. eriem One Dollar 'ach. Send for catalogue. JAMES It. OSGOOD & CO. BOSTON, MASS. $1.00 $1.00 TIIK NKWAIIK DAILY AND WEEKLY COURIER, F. F. PATTERSON. Editor and Proprietor. TUB jr.KOIN RFPITBI-ICAN NEWH. Term h Daily, J?S.M per annum ; Weekly, 92.00. AdvertisementB liuertea on bberal terma. Bend for Prioe List. TTKEP'H HfllRTN only one qualify The Bert. JTV Keep'n Patent Partly-made Dress Sbirta Oan be flnfahed as easy as nemminjr a Uandkerohief. The very best, six for 7.M. iveep-B juBvora nniru niann to measure. The Tery best, six for J40.O0, An eleant set of genaine Gold-plate Collar and Sleeve Buttons given with each half doz. Kenpa HhtrU n.iivi nmrvB ru uhhtwbu r rvr, a on receipt; or prioe in anv Dart of the Union no ntnmu nhtra.i t. Samples with foil directions for self-measurement Sent Free to any addresa. No stamp required. ueai aireoiiy wun trie Manufacturer end tret Bottom rriooB. iveep manniactnnpg y , Tff. Mnroer Ht.,H.Y Send for Reduced Price List of Mason it Hamlin CABINET ORGANS. N KW and nPIiKNDID STYIiRS ; Pnfrr.S ftKt) VCF.I ?!! to MAO KAUH, TH1H MONTH (NOV. 177), Udrosa AfAxtIN .V HAHI.IN OIUJAN to. Unaton, New Vnrk, oi-JJiicntio. ' ftO CONSUMPTION CURED. Am nU tihwaininsi HtttHU-1 w it 1 : coivpd from an Kant India mweionary the formal ot a simple vegetable remedy for epeedy and permanent euro of eotiHumMion, bronchitis, catarrh. a(hma, and all l .rout ana man aneciums; aleo a curt for nervous de hllity and all nervous complaints, after having toftted ith enmtive powers in thoURtmdB of cm fies, has felt it hut duty fo m.'ike it known to his suffering fellows. Actu rtod by a desire to relieve human Hufferinfr, I will send fre i tu ell who denlre it.thm rnciim in (JaartriMn ItVonrth or l-'n-flinh. wtbj'"li directions. Address, with stAmp TV . f .OHKUA H.UO l-ttWT'y iiooic,Hooueiitr.n. V. EVERETT HOUSE, Fronting Union Square, NEW YORK. Finest Location in the City. European Plan- Restaurant Unsurpassed KERKR & WEA VEIt, I'roitrletora. BABBITT'S TOILET SOAP. Uor.Tal.ed for tb Tili ftml tbti Balh . No anlHotal awl doceptlvti odort to cover common aaf diltnoui togrexil nil. After yeenof sclejDtiflc ezpertmQl tb mwu&ctanr ! B. T. Babbitt Bui Goaf but jrtrlicUtl ami nnw nrfrs taft Lhs SbHo The FINEST TOILET bOAP in the Wgrii. lw tt4 pure ptgntahl oil vttd in Ui vianufarmr. Fpr Use In the Nursery It hesNo Equal. Worth tct (ituMlUcal tovrv mtitber nnd futilly inChrtsUbdoifs. Ssutn'-i 9C1., JODinii'iuf 3 vkn of ou. acb, teat tn to anj tut TiJH8 Tr. New York Glty. Vashburn & Moen ManTg Co." nunucaibR, MASS. toll kUiuftctottri Zait ef CUcaga, ef v PATENT STEEL BARB FENCING. A fiTF.F.I.-T, u-j ,t ai. "'Tr -waaa aaouko, (j OtUOr C SuClIlK SO DT tin tin atn ..i7.t M . , j v r . " H-iy. ever rusu, siatna. deoaym, shrinks, nor warps. Unaffected by fire! . ara wnapieie Dainr to via most IVSzI,?? Impassable by maa or beaat TWO Jli2R?ND T0Na SLD AND PUT UP ! .a Z v "T loan. avor mtuo m xne a'Si hK"d7! J? 7" etretoier. anj THE GOOD OLD BAKING POWDER CO., N . Y., tent bj mail, free, of F r STAIID-BY. ItEUCU IIUSTIHG LUHUHT. FOB UAS ASD BEAST. EaTASUSHBS 35 TBaJta. Always cures, ai.a. read;. Alwaia handj. Baa nerer yet (ailed. Thirty bWIUom Iih U4Ud it. 'The whole world appro Tea the (lorkraa old Mustana 4h. Beat and Cheapest Liniment aexisteaee. 4! 6 oenta botUa. The MuaUna- Liniment rnrea woen notning else wm. WOLD BY ATJ,MWD'Omir, VimnFRU SAKDAL.VOOD . J A poelUre remedy for aril diaaaeee ot the Kldaere, Hladder and Urinary Oraaas : ilea aood ia Dr.. leal Cempialuu. It n. :, prodnoea eioknaea, a oertaln and speed; to tu aation. It ia faat anDeraedln. all other remedies. Sixty eaaenlea aura ia aU or daya. Wo other aaadloine aaa do this. Bewara r laaltatlaaa, for, awinc to' its (real saeeaaa,many hare been ottered-, some are moet.dea,r oaa, oaaaina- vllas.'eU. UITNOAH UICK & CO.'S VU!. v Co, mUt tontainint oa ef awM-aei, said a .11 dn for sareiilar, or. 4 for ete to St end Wl Wtwiae fltreal. Knm Tor. y v v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers