Olio. A. 11 A TUJJ US, . Attorney-ot-Law, Main .Street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. hall & m'cauley. Attorneya-at-Liw. OfiVe in New lirick Building, Muin Si Hidgway. bik Co., Pa. v3ni!tf. L UCOIIE & hamulus: Attorney-nt-Law, Ridgway, Elk County Tu. Olfie aeross-the ball from the Democrat establishment. Claims lor collection promptly attended to Jne. 15 '76. CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the ,:Iowe lowing Machine, and Morton Gold ?n. Repairing Watches, eto, dotewith le amo accuracy as heretofore. Satis actbn guaranteed. Tlnly A O. n. BAILEY, ATTORNEf-ATLAW. vln..l. Ridgway, Elk County, Ta. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aool lent Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn. JAMES D. FULLER TON, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Rigway, offers his professional ser vices to the citizens of Ridgway ana sur rounding country. All. work warranted. Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, up. stairs, first door to the left. 73-n-321y t?. 67. MESSES G Eli, Druggist and Panwicuutist, N. W. cornci of Main and Mill streets, Hidgway, Pa. full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Uoiiif-Htio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. vln3y T. H. HARTLEY. M. )., riiypioiaa ana Surgeon. Office in Drug Store, corner Broad and Main Sis, Residence corner Broad St. opposite the College. Otlice hours from b to 10 A. M. un-l bom 7 to 8 1". M. vln2yl. J. S. LOUD W ELL, M. D., Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, has remov ed his otlice from Centre street, to Mail st. Ridgway, Fa,, in the second story of the ne brick building of John O. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store, Oilioo hours: 1 to 2 V M 7 to 9 P M HYDE HOUSE, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa W. II. SCII HAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying Btrict ai tention to the comfort and convenience ol g-uems, to merit a continuauce oi the same. Oct 30 18G9. i:. a. fa y. LUMUER AND.IX3URANCE COM MISSION BROKER, JEXERAIi COLLECTION AGENT No 2CG Walnut Place, (31(3 Walnut .Street,) PHILADELPHIA, PA. n 41-ly 1. II'. HA YS, DF.ALE.. IN Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, and General Variety, FOX ELK CO., PA. Eurtfjf I. O- vlulTlf. I.'. K. GISES1I. Dealer iii all kinds of cabinet ware, wood and cane seat chaira, kitchen and extention tables, wood and marble top stands, wood and marble top bureaus, whatnots, looking glasses, wood and marble top chamber suits, mat tresses, spring bed bottoms, bed steads, cribs. Lat'erty's metal lined wood pumps, vc, &c. Cane seats re placed with perforated wood seats. Veed sewing machine reduced from $'i" t'o $45, the best machine In the market, and picture frames made to order. Also a large assorted stock of ready made eofilns constantly on hand and trimmed at shortest notice. All the above good are sold at panic prices. Ware Rooms in masonic building, Ridgway I'd. " vTn'dt. LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY . DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that lie has started a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. Boy I le -will also ilo job teaming. Stable on Broad street,, above Main All orders left at the Post Otlice will receive prompt attention. Aug201S71tf JFYOUVVANT TO BUY GOODSCHEAP GO TO JAMES H HAGEETY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa DBY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW.WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, and sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST JAMES II HAUERTY County Officers. President Judge-Hou. L. D. Welinore "nwram; jUipSioiS, UCO. J'JU. cis, and Julius Jones. . Micriir Daniel Scull. TreasurerJacob McCuulov. . District Attorney C. II. M'Cuuley. Co. Superintendent Geo. R. Dixon. Prothonotary, &c Fred. Scho?ning. Deputy ProthonotnryW. H. Uorton. Commissioners Michael Wedert, W. H. Osterhout, fcleorge Rcuscher. Commissioners' Clerk W. S. Uorton. Auditors-W. H. Hyde, R. I. Spang ler, George Roth rock. Call at this office for writing paper and envelopes. '" " . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. KRTATE of John E'Cusker, late of Pox S,tVin.5,?1P.' Klk co,,ntr. la.. deceased. LET ILIWOF ADMIMIHTHATlON having been granted to tlie undernlgnod upon t.be Raid es tate all persona indebted to said estate nre requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them for set USJTnenU JACOB M'CAULEY, Admr. JlOllO, REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby Riven that the following accounts will be presented on the first day of the next term of the Orphans Court for con firmation, being the 8d Monday ot November next, to-vlt : 1. Final account of Lawrence Mohan exo cutorol the lust will and testament of Patrick bmltli, lute oI Kox township, 'a., deceased. FRED. BCHIENING, Register. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means ot euro. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a Sums Cube for Consumption, Asthma, BltONCHlTlS, &C, l'arties wishing the prescription will please address, Rev. E. A. WILSOX, 1U4 Pcun., Williamsburgh, N. Y. Applcton's American Cyclopedia. Vol. 8 of this admirable work is just out, making it half complete, as there are to be 16 in all, of 800 pages each, one being issued in two months. It makes a complete library, and no one can afford to do without it who would keep well informed. Price $0,00 a vol ume in leather, or $7,00 in elegant half Turkey. C. K. Judson. Fredonia, N. Y., controls the sale in Elk county. Address him for particulars. sepl7-tf KEROSENE OIL 110 Fire Test at 20c per Gallon. Diamond Head Light Oil, nt only 25c per Gallon at the West End Store. SPECIAL NOTICES. I)R VAN DYKE'S SULPHUR SOAP. DR. VAN IA'KE, whose life- long sjkcialitv, and world wide reputation for CURING SKIN DISEASES, has endeav ored for yeers to comdim! on external treatment. He has accomplished this de. sirable bfsi'Lt in the preparation of his compound ''SULPHUR SOAP." the merits of which are spoken of by thousands j it is highly recommended to all our readers. Price 25 Cents a Cake; a'Box (three Cakes) GO Cents. Sent tby Mait,, .(pre-paid) on bfckipt of piucb. Office, 50 N. 5th St. Wholesale Depot, 400 N. 8d St. I hiladel phia, Pa. Sold by DRUGGIST. n21yleow. Go to POWELL & KIME for vour flour, feed and pork, and everything else in the provision line. X. O. MOLASSES FOR COOK- ing, also choice syrup always on Jiand POWELL & KIME'S. SUGARS AT POWELL AND KIME'Sare high to be sure; but still are a lii tie cheaper than, at any other S'ore in town. A NICE LOT OF NEW PRINTS at POWELL & KIME'S, only eight cents per. yard. FLOUR, PORK, FEED, CORN- Meal, Oats, always on hand nt POWELL & KUIE'S at bottom pri ces. Notice. All persons are hereby forbidden selling goods to, or trustingany person on my account, without my written order, as! will pay no debts thus con tracted after this date. M. T. FRENCH. Ridgway May 2, 1877.-ly MILLINEKY AND DRESSMAKING. RS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk Co., Pa., takes this method of an nouncing to the citizens of Elk county, that she has on hand an as sortment of fashionable millinery goods which will be sold cheap. Also dressmaking in all its branches. Agent for Dr. J Rail & Co's Patent Ivory and Lignum Vitte Eye Cups. Send for descriptive circular. ul7yl. CANNED GOODS Pencbes, To matoes. Cherries, and Plums at the store of Powell it Kime. List of Causes. SET down for trial at November Term of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County : 1. John Wain wright, adm'r. tc. vs. W. H. Johnson et al. No 14. Ren- tember Term, 1875. 2. Jacob H. alters et al. vs. Thos. L. Kane et al. No. 83 Septem ber Term, 1870. 3. Chas. Webb vi. Simon Romig. No. 112 September Term, 1876. 4. W. 1$. Konkln v fl M Pi.l No. 211, September Term, 1870. 5. Barbara Eckl. Widow &c. vs. Edward Rabel. No. 223, September Term, 1876. fa. Stout, Mills, and Temple vs. Ralnh Johnson nilm'r A-o. x r.-r November Term, 1876. 1 ' 7. JUlcbaelfsuo ehan vs. Joseph B. Powers, No 59 January Term, 1677. 8. N. M - Urnolnvnv vu J s! TI,.,lu etal. No. 63, May Term, 1877. ' . jus. xi. iiagerty vs. Walter Bry ant et al. No. 05, May Term, 1877. 10. John W. ltl'io-iru lliHU ica vs. R. I. Campbell, adm'r. No. 01 May Term, 187. 11. oeorge Dickinson et al. vs Fred Wilmarth et al. No. 103, May Term, 1877. 12. Raphael Ornsa et nl Earley. No. 115, May Term. 1877. 13. The Township of Ridgway vs. V. S. Wheeler et ul. No. 179. May Term, 1877. J n. V. H. M'Cauley vs. Patrick Lamb etal. No. 71, September Term, 1877. 15. Solomon fi. .Tnlinsnn Tonutfo "-."juii i a. v - itu C. Houk, executrix, dc No. U'J Sep tember Term, 1877. 16. John Tll.trir i.t nl T.fr.r TTr.1- labaugh. No. 145, September Term, FRED. SCHQ2NING, Clerk. I1T5URA1TCE AGE1TCY. P. B.' WACHTEL, St. Mary's, Pa. The largest agency In either Elk or Its adjoining counties, representing through his General Agents about 80 responsible and prompt loss paying companies, among the principal ones are the following: NOBTH HHITISH & MERCANTILE, Ctross assets $32,633,612, A3TNA, OP HARTFORD, OONV.. Asset' over $7,000,000, FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA Assets 14,000,000 NIAGARA, OF NEW YOIIK. Assets $1,500,000. SHAWMUT, BOSTON, MASS., Capital;$5oo,ouo. GERMAN AMERICAN, NEW YORK, Assets $2,500,000. TRAVELERS, (Life and Accident) CONN., Assets $1,205,000. n30yl. SEW TIME TABLE OF THE P & E R.R. commencing Monday, Sept. WILCOX. Mail East " West Day Express East Niagara Express West HI DO WAY. Mail East Mail West Day Express East Niagara Express West bt. Mary's. Mail East Mail West Day Express East Niagara Express West 24, 1877. 4:13 p m 2:50 p m 6:22 a m 8:22 p m 4:49 p m 2:19 p m 6:50 a m 7:45 p1 m 5:18 p m 1:57 p ni 7:20 a m 7:18 p m Township Officers. Judge of Election G. R. Dixon. Inspectors M. E. Lesser, H. H. Wensel. Justices of the Peace Charles Mead, Jas. D. Fulterton.' School Directors O, B. Grant, Jas. Gardner. G. T. Wheeler. N. T. C'um mings, W. 8. Service, Eug. J. Miller. Supervisors John Gulnack, Daniel M'Govern. Treasurer W. H. Hyde. Assessor M. S. Kline- Auditors Will Dickinson, James Pen Held, J. 8. Powell. Clerk-M. 8. Kline. Constable Geo. D. Messenger, Jr. Ladies' Shoes, Gaiters and Rub bers, a large variety at P. & K's. J. C. Selden vs. June Sheldrake et al., Adminislrutors nnd the Widow und Heirs of Charles Sheldrake, deceased. ELK COUNTY. SS : In Elk County VCommon Pleas. No. CO, May T., '77 The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to me Hnenn oi sam county, ureeung: Wiiekbas, J. C. Seidon, on the 8th day of December, in the year or our Lord out- thous and eight hundred and seventv-four. obtuiued iudginent in our county Court of Common 'leas of Elk County aforesaid, before our Judges at Ridgway, against Jane Sheldrake ana n. 11, imxoii, aumiuisxrators oi the estate of Charles Sheldrake, deceased, late of your county, yeoman, as well for u certain debt of two hundred thirty-one and eight one-huud-redtli8 dollars, lawful money of the United States, and interest thereon from November 17th, 1874, as also twenty-nine and hveone hundredths dollars like money, which to the said nlaintiif in our Bald court were awarded W udjtil litLjii" damages, which iienus-lalnt-d Dy occasion" of the deteutiou "of the debt whereof the said defendants convict as appears to us of record, &o. Yet the execution of the said Judgment will remain to be made, as we have been given to understand by the said plalntilT, who hath besought us to pro vide for him a proper remedy in that behalf, and we beins willing that what in Tight in that behalf sliould be done. Therefore we command yon, slcut plnrins precepimiis that by honest and lawful men of your bnliwirk you make known unto Charles Sheldrake thai he be and ttpnear before our Judges at Kidway at our County Court of lommou i-ii as. mere to ue uem lor sum county, on the third Monday of November utii, 10 snow ii anyiuingior himseu uus or knows to say why the said plalntill'should not have the above Muted Judgment revived to continue the lieu, and also why the said lanitiil should not have execution against dm for the said debt and damage, according to the force, form and ell'ect to the recovery and Judgment aforesaid, if to him It ahull be expedient. And further to do und receive what our said court shall in that heha f oon- sider, and have vou then and there the names of those by whom you shall uiukejt known unto him and this writ. Witness the honorable L. D. Wetmore. president of our said court, at Hidgway, the fifth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand tight hundred and seventy seven, FRED. KCHCKNING. LL. S. l'rothouotary. Sent. H. 1S77. Order of mihltcatlnn on Chiis. Sheldruko DANIEL SCULL. Sheriff. Titusville, June 15, 1874. E. K. Thompson, Druggist and Chemist, Dear Sir: I am now a cured man. I have been troubled with my kidneys for four or five years, and lust November it seemed to change all at once for the worse. I had no control of my water, would have to get up In a hurry to urinate every hour in the night, and as often in the day, and sometimes oftener. Was very weak and emaciated, lost my flesh and was very low spirited, with a great deal of pain in my bladder. I called I on T. v. s. aiorian, of Enterprise, and he told me ho had been troubled the same way, and was cured by using E. It. Thompson's Barosma, or Back ache, Liver and Kidney Cure. I bought a bottle and it helped me at once, but overwork set me back. I think if I had kept quiet two bottles would have cured me, but as it was I used some eight bottles and am now well. For two months I passed ulcer ous and bloody matter, which seemed to work down from the bladder and out of the system. Iam now as well and healthy as a child, and sleep and eat as well as ever. I take pleasure in recommending it to all who are troubled in like manner. I live two miles east of Pleasantville, Pa., on the old turnpike. W. D. Byles. P. S. Mr. Byles says he has gained iO pounds since he commenced using the Barosma. Prepared by E. K. Thompson, Titusville, Pa.;Price $1.00 per bottle. For sale by Dr. T. S. Hartley, Ridg way Pa. Important to Young Men. The Iron City College affords un- equaled advantages for acquiring a thorough practical business education, as will be seen from an examination of its, circular, to be had by addressing the Principal, PBOF. J. C. SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. If you want a Deputyship call, or send in your order to the G. O. (life Jatorafa, THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 1877. Notes. Heavy frosts now. Just from Ilgrton. Bank up your cellars. Who says Dan is not running ? Call at this oflloe for your visiting cards. How is the outlook for William in Horton ? B. A. Dill has moved his family to Shawmut. Shelfr sales in this issue, and, also, the jury list. Bill-heads neatly and cheaply printed at this office. POWELL & KIME keep Flour Feed and Grain. Now kill your rats to plant around your grape vines. C. II. Winslow, of Beuezette, was on our streets this week. For a nicely fitting suit of clothes call on M'Afee the tailor. OYSTERS every Tuesday and Friday, at the West End. "Every day, every hour'1 Oyster's chances for election are improving. Snow fell on the hills in this sec lion to t he depth of two Inches first of the week. A. II. Head and familyhnve gone to Packer, Clarion county, to spend the winter. The long winter evenings are upon us, therefore, subscribe for the Advocate. Send 50 cents and we will send the Advocate to your address for three months. The flood in our streams has en abled our lumbermen to run their lumber to market. Now you need a good, cheap, over coat, which M'Afee the tailor sttmds ready to furnish. II. H Wensel and wife have re turned from a two-months visit to Clarion county. Last Saturday night the rain fell in torrents and the artillery of heaven kept up an incessant din. It is stated that 2,800,000 persons starved to death in India between January 1 and June 1, 1877. Our business men will do well to remember that advertising is to trade what blood is to the human system. C. II. Rbiiies killeda good sized deer lust week and sent we'uns a piece of steak, which was not bad to take. Several llocks of wild geese passed over this place the beginning of the week. A sign of cold weather it is s-iid. Let's see! Brandon puts the con test between Burke and Kime, and yet he knows that Mr- Oyster will run Mr. Burke a close race. C. E. Willard has moved into the h6use next Rufus Lucore's. The house has been moved back from the road and an addition will be built to it. Ten red squirrels were seen on one tree the other day by Page Prin dle and Win, M'Colluin, and not much of a day for red squirrels either. Marriages, Births, and Deaths are inserted in the Advocate free of charge. We would like to have these items from every township in the county. Don't forget this. The report that D. C. Oyster is not running for Sheriff is unfounded. When the votes ure counted on the evening of November 0, it will be found that he has been running by a large majority. The great reduction in the price of envelopes enables us to print them at very cheap rates. Also, please re member, that you can buy a sheet of paper and an envelope for a penny at the Advocate office. T. J. Burke, Independent Demo cratic candidate for Sheriff was in town this week, who knows but that he may be the next Sheriff of Elk county. The contest lies between Burke and Oyster. Election comes on November 0th, this year. See that the names Ster rett, Hart, Passmore, and Oyster, are on your tickets. The tickets to be voted will be labeled "Judiciary" "State" and "County." A complete list of the members elect of the Ohio Legislature shows that the Senate will stand! Demo crats, 25; Republicans, 10. The House will stand: Democrats, 11; Republi cans, 36; Independents, 2. The detachment cf the First and. Third artillery under General Ayres, which has been stationed at Mauch Chunk since the riot troubles, have left for Fort Hainilton.New York har bor, and Fort Adams, Newport. The hounds drove a wild deer Into the Clarion river, near Dickinson's flats, one day last week. After a long chase, in which from one to two dozen men engaged, the frightened animal was shot by Bev- Mercer in the or chard near Mrs. Houk's house. The deer weighed, when dressed, about 100 pounds. Now remove the mosquito bar. It isn't fair to take such a mean ad vantage of the few .veterans, blind, crippled and half-palsied, that drop down from the ceiling at midnight, and blow their cracked bugles for a lunch.. The hard-hearted wretch who keeps his mosquito-bar up in these hard times would refuse to give ice cream to a belated tramp. Ex. Birth. On Sunday morning Oct. 21st 1877, at Ridgway, Pa., to Mr. and Mrs. Jas H. Hagerty a daughter. -CHOICE CRANBERRIES 12J cents a quart, at the Vt End. An overstock of soft soup on band in Ridgway, sold cheap, or votes taken in exchange. "In darkness.dissolvesthe gay frost work of bliss," will bo the cry of the opposition to Mr. Oyster after the No vember winds have swept over the plains of little Elk. That sprightly and ever-welcomed monthly The Household, Brattleboro, Vt. is on our table for November. Trice $1.00 a year in advance, postage 10 cents extra. Send for a specimen copy. The third of the series of Lectures entitled "Some Plain Truths," being delivered by the Rector of Grace Church, will be given on Sunday next, at the evening service, subject. "The Church of the Anglo Saxon Race " Freight Advance. Chicago, October 17. An advance of live cents ou grain and fourth class railroad freights bound eastward goes into effect today. This makes the rate to New York 40 cents; Boston, 4o cents; Philadelphia, 88 cents, and Baltimore, 37 cents. - These rates in clude boxed meats and flour. ' Tito Presidential Rotation. Washington, October 19. The bill introduced by Mr. Merrimon in the Senate to-day provides that in case of the death or removal of both the President and Vice Presdent the Presidential chair shall be filled by the Secretary of State, and in the event of his death by the Secretary of the Treasury, or in his inability to perform the requisite duties the Post master General. CANNED corn, tomatoes, and peaches, at the West End. The Official Vote in Ohio. Cincinnati, October 21. Official re turns of the Ohio election are in from all but Hamilton county, but that will notchange the figures materially from those reported. The toial vote for Bishop, Democrat, for Governor, is 261,230 ; for West, Republican, 2i!0,347; Bond, Workingman's candidate, 12, 480; Thompson, Prohibition, 4,808; Johnson, Greenback and Working man, 16,800. This gives Bishop over West, 21,880. The total vote is about 125,000 short of that cast at the last Presidential election. . Our Postal Services. Washington. October 21. Sixth Auditor McGrew has completed his annual report. The accounts settled with railroads amount to 9,505,139,50, an increase of 100,483,84 over the pre vious year. The total amount re ceived ill gold on account of carrying foreign mails from the various govern ments of the Postal Union was $55, 640,90; total amount paid those gov ernments for like service, $30,SuS,27 ; total amount paid for ocean mail tran sportation, $159,415,15 gold or $210,- 138,61 currency. A fresh supply of cracked wheat. at the West End. The Reading Riots. BUT TWO OF THE ALLEGED KIOTEKS CONVICTED MILITARY COMMAND Kits TO BE PROSECUTED. Reading. tOetober 20. Out of the seventy persons arrested as being con. cerned in the riots and incendiarism of that terrible Sunday night but two are now held, and they themselves pleaded guilty Samuel Humphreys and Edmund Smith. To day forty more alleged rioters of Monday, July 23, were marched Into court under a strong guard of armed police. Their trials will commence next Monday. A call was published tTlis afternoon inviting all the friends of those who were shot dead by the military dur ing the riots, and all who were woundedand who are able to come, to assemble for the purpose of taking steps to bring suit against the military commanders ana tnose wno were in strumental in having caused the mili tary to lire on and kill eleven citizens not engaged in the riots. Burned to Death Mrs. Sabins, a woman residing at Richmond, In diana county, was fearfully burned by the explosion of a lamp on Saturday night, the Gth inst., from the effects of which she died the following day. Mrs. Sabins and her husband were about to retire for the night, and desir ing to let the lamp burn until the re turn of a portion of the family, who wereattending church, she shook it to discover whether the oil would last until that time, when it exploded, throwing the burning oil over her per son and setting lire to her clothing. She at once ran out of doors followed by her husband, who- after a terrible struggle succeeded in extinguishing the flames, but not until she was fa tally burned. Brookville Republican. Vote for D. C. Oyster, and secure the services of a faithful public servant- QUOTATIONS or White, Powell & Co. BANKEltS AND BROKE ltd, No. 42 t-'outh Third Street. Philadelphia, Oct., 23, 1877. BID. ASK 14 U U. 8. 1881. o 110! 110i do do '65 J and J 105J 106 do do '65 do 108 108J do do C5 do 109J 109 10-40. do eoupon 108 108; do Paoifio 6's cy 12C 120J New 5's Keg. 1881 lOCi 100 j C. 1881 107t 108 4J, Keg. 1891 105J 105 o. 1891 10o 105? Gold 1021 10- New 4's Reg. 1007 102 10- Pennsylvania. 29; 10 15 Heading Philadelphia & Erie Lehigh Navigation.. . do Valley 15 - 18 39 , ex. div-113 10 18 89 115 9 17 United It K of N J Pittsbureh. T. Buffalo B. R 8 Northern Central ex. div 10 Central Transportation 30 Nesauehoniue - 44 80 45 North Pennsylvania, 88 89 0 & AUortgage 6'i '89 Ill 112 State Sotes. The prtrolonm exports of Philadelphia in 1876 amounted to G5,WH,610 gallons. Alfred rtothroek, of Rne?ervlllp, Lehigh county, stole S) from his grand-father and is now in Jail for the larceny, Henry Lehinliaus, a tinner, fell from the roof of the Allegheny county homo nnd re ceived Injuries which terminated fatally. Mrs. Mary Hhoehan died lu Johnstown on Thursday Inst at the advanced ae of nearly 110 years. She was born In Ireland and came to this country In 1801. Buits are to be entered against a number of Allegheny undertakers by tho board of health of that city for neglecting to make ft proper return of deaths. Abner M'Conncll, a noted "queer" manu facturer, was arrested a few days ago In Armstrong county. Ho is known to have made much bogus stives coin. Tho petition of the letter carriers of Phila delphia asking congress to increase their wages to $12'J0per annum contains over 30,- 000 names. A young woman was horsewhipped by her mother In Allegheny city on Sunday night. The brutal chastisement was inflicted be cause she went to church with a lady who had Incurred tho displeasure of tho girl's mother. Wm.J, M'Fetrldge, an ex-councllman and cx-pollceinun, lias disappeared from I'llts burgh with about SS00 deposited with him by men who had bet the money on the resultof the boat race between Evan Morris and Pat rick Luther. Henry Bcliiliaucr, about sixteen years of ago, employed in tho Susquehanna rolling mill, Columbia, whilst sleeping near the rollers on Tuesday afternoon, was caught In the belting, whirled around and killed almost instantly. Tho Norristown Herald snys tho destruc tion to bridges throughout Montgomery county by the lute storm was unprecedented. About twenty bridges, says the Herald, "are In need of immediate repairs and in some in stances entire renewal." The body of John Ltndall was found on Saturday morning floating in tho bay at Erie in an advanced state of decomposition. The probabilities are that he committed suicide while laboring under a fit ofremporary in sanity, aggravated by strong drink. The oil producers of tho llutler region arc negotiating for tho right of way for a pipe line to the Ohio river, where It is understood a large refinery will be built about two miles east of Freedom. Tho line will be twenty" two miles long and will cost f 1(10,000. A young man of Huntingdon, while hur riedly attempting to Jump out of bed, had a gash cut in one of his feet an inch and a half long. Tho injury was done by a penknife, which Is supposed to have dropped into the straw when it was being cut for the tick. On Friday at Easton two bosses at the ltcd- ington furnace, named I'tler and Robinson, were seriously if not fatally burned. They were at work atone of tho furnaces when the blust blew out the flames and molten Iron, which struck them in the face with tho result above mentioned. Mr, Bayard Myers, living on tho township line road, between Limerick and Upper Providence townships, near tho Perklomen nnd Heading turnpike, has been suffering since April lust from a tumor on the side of Ills face and neck which projects nine inches from tho face, is about the same height and Is us large asa man's head. It Is still growing. Doctor Everhnrt, a prominent physician of Scran ton, met with a serious accident while handling u breech-loading gun at his resi dence. A cartridge, which he was in the net of Inserting, exploded under a slight pressure! giving him tfl'e full charge of powder In his eyes and sending the bullet whistling past his cheek. His face was badly burned, and friends fear ho will lose his sight. Lieutenant Colonel J. Ross Clarke and Ma jor Charles K. ldo havo already sent in their reslgiiutlons.and Colonel H. Halo licnsou an nounces his intention of resigning. They arc the field olllcers of tho First regiment, Na tional Guard of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. It has frequently been stated by olllcers and men of the regiment, including the colonel. that dissatisfaction with the management of the campaign ngulnsttho rioters last July 1 the main cause of the trouble. "White man am very uncertain," Is the saying of an old Indian Chief, but that Mr. Oyster will get his full party vote and u company or two of disaffected Democrats there seems to bo no reasonable doubt. List of Jurors for November Term, 1877. GRAND JUKOl'.S. Ilenczette. David Dellaas, carpenter; De catur Howltt, butcher. lienzlnger. Michael Dcwalt, farmer ; John Kreig, laborer ; Adam Jcsbergcr, farmer. Fox. Uruce J. Harrington, laborer ; James M'Closkey, farmer; N. F. Apker, school toucher. Horton. William P. Eggleston, farmer. Jay. Christian Dill, sawyer ; R, I. Bpangler farmer ; A. W. Gray, farmer. Jones. Joseph Pistner, farmer; J. M. Johnson, farmer ; Christopher Dill, farmer. Millstone., William Clydo, farmer. Kldgwayfc-James G. George, Jobber; G. T. Wheeler, lumberman ; Wallace Morgesler, laWBtudent; A. D. Wheeler, lumberman. Spring Creek. John M'Gulllck, lumber man Jesse Claypool, laborer. Lit (...r,u . A il.ilnl. m.nlinot . Francis Gerg, wagomuaker. TRAVERSE JURORS. Benezette. John Daly, hotel keeper ; Ed ward Fletcher, farmer; Miles Dent, lumber man. Benzlngcr. John Kaul, Jr; farmer; Peter WUhem, farmer; Joseph Kronnewetter, la borer; Nich. Kronnewetter, farmer. I"ox. Bernard Cannavan, farmer; N. G. Bundy, farmer. Horton. Theodore Fox, farmer. Jay. Martin Clover, Millwright; P. L. Gardner, farmer ; Armol Turley, farmer ; John 8. Thomus, farmer; Justus Weed far mer, . Jones. Richard Brennan, fisliman ; Daniel Attlebergor, carpenter ; John Nagle, Jri laborer; A. M. Straight, physician ; J. C. Ma lone, Jewelor ; John Vogt, school teacher; Joseph Tambini. farmer ; Joseph Derr, En gineer. Ridgway. Nelson Gardner, farmer ; Hor ace Decker, Jobber ; D. 8. Luther, carpenter, C. W. Barrett, printer; Harvey Malin, la borer. . Bt. Mary's. L. W. Gilford, merchant; B F. Lawrence, laborer; John Bush, laborer John Dollluger, wagonmaker ; Joseph Han hauscr, merchant: John Freiudlo, black smith ; John Lelghtner, Jr., painter j John Shower, laborer. "The Boys in Blue." This is the name of a bright eight-page monthly paper published at the National Cap ital and devoted to pensions, bounties, claims, patents, and the army and navy. It is published by Nathan W. Fitzgerald, at the remarkably low price of twenty-flve cents per annum. The general reading matter is most excellent, and the department devoted especially to tho interest of soldiers and their representatives is very valu able. We advise every ex-soldier to send twenty-five cents to Nathan W Fitzgerald, Washington, D. C, and receive The Boys in Blue for one year. Storm Lake Pilot, (Iowa.) ELEGANT pared peaches 20 cents a pound, at the west i.nd. N ' ADVKUTISEMENTH. Hates of Advertising. One column, one year ,....$76 00 -i1' W 1 .i -i 25 00 ii 15 00 Trnnnianl B A war I ! HPm All I.H flftr SOUafO Of eight linep, one insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.50, three insertions. $2 business cards, ten lines or less, per year $5 1 s Advertisements payable quarterly SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry writs of fieri facias, alias fieri facias, venditioni exponas, levari facias, alias levari facias, and testatum fieri facias, issued out of the Court of Com mon Pleas of p;ik county, and to me directed, I, Daniel Bcull, High Sheriif of said county, hereby give notice that I will expose to public sale, or outcry, at the Court House, in Kidgway, at 1 1 o'clock P. M. on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1877. the following described real estate, to wit: All that certain tract of land situate in Horton township, Elk county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a post at the northeast corner of land of George iS'iili ; thence south by land of said Nulf one hundred and four (104) rods to a post; thence west by land of William Bennett sixty-one (01 ) rods to a post; thence north by land now occupied by Palmer Giles forty (40) rods to a post; thence west sixteen (10) rods to a post in the center of a road; thence north by land of Wil liam Huleft sixty (00) rods, morej or less, to u post; thence east seventy seven (77) rods to the place of begin ning, containing forty-six (40) acres more or less, being the same premises conveyed to Joint Rhinhulz by Je rome Farario and wife, by deed, dated July 7, 1x70, and recorded In the re corder's office in and for Elk county, in Deed Book "t," page -Ii, &c. He serving and excepting, nevertheless, all the minerals contained in tho above described tract of land (except the limestone which may be required to be used by the occupants for farm ing purposes,) together with the right of ingress and egress for the purpose of mining and working, and the full enjoyment of the same. Also, reserv ing the right to cross said land with necessary roads for hauling timber from any lands owned by Sampson (Short. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John lihin hulz, at the suit of D. C.;Oyster. ADHO. All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in Juy towuship Elk county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a post in the middle division line of warraut No. 5U85, at the northwest corner of a lot deeded by John G. Heading and Charles Parties to B Brownlee, August 1, 1S74 ; thence south forty-three and one-half (43J) degrees east ten and seven-tenths (10 7-10 perches ; thence along public road south forty.six and one-half 46J degrees west twenty and seven-tenths (20 7-10) perches; thence along Bt. Mary's road north fifty 50 degrees west sixteen 10 perches, and north twenty-two (22) degrees west thirteen (13) perches to a post in said division line; thence east twenty-four and eight-tenths (24 8-10) perches to the place of beginning, containing two und seven-tenths 2 7-10 acres, more or less, being lot No. 10 and west part of lot No. 5, with 2 frame dwellings one (1) frame blacksmith shop, two 2 frame barns and other outbuildings thereon. Heifccd, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Benjamin Brownlee, at the suit of John G. Heading and Charles Bartles. TERMS OF SALE. The following must be strictly com plied with when the property is struck oil- 1. All bids must be paid in full, ex cept where the plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes the purchaser, in which case the costs on the writs must be paid, as well us all liens prior to that of tho purchaser, and a duly certified list of hensshall be furnished, including piortgage searches on tho property sold, together with such lien creditor's receipt for the amount of t he proceeds of the sale, or such, por tion thereof us he shall appear to be entitled to. 2. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until six o'clock P. M., at which time all property not settled for will again be put up, and sold at the expense and risk of the per son to whom it was first struck off, and who, in case of deficiency at such re-sale, shall make good the same, and in no instance will the deed be pre sented in court for cofirmation unless the bid is actually settled for with the Sheriff as above stated. DANIEL SCULL, Sheriff. W. S. Hokton, Deputy Sheriffs Office, Hidgway Pa. October 23, 1877. See Purdon's Digest, 0th edition, page ; bmitn s t'orms, page as. "Wait for the wagon" if you will, we prefer to wait patiently for tho ver dict on November 0, when our predic tion that tho fight lies between Burke and Oyster will be verified. Three sods of William Doauey, Pittsfield, Mass-, loaded an old gun barrel with pow der aud discharged it. The weapon burst killing two of the boys anil tearing off a hand of the other. The failure is announced of Bradford, M'Coe & Co., Quincy, 111., an old estab lished lumber firm of that oity. The lia bilities are estimated at from $100,000 to to $150,000. The bank of Bunker Hill, at Bunker Hill, Illinois, has suspended. Liabilities $00,000. The bank officers say that the depositors will be paid in full. The question now is will Oyster or Burke be the next Sheriff. The fight certainly lies between these gentle men. No Mileage This $csbiou. Washington, October 10. An ex amination of the statutes now in force on the subject of the compensation of members of Congress shows they are allowed mileage for two sessions only in each Congress, and that it cannot be paid to them before the first day of each "regular session," A decision of the First Comptroller of the Treasury has determined that a called session is not "a regular session," and members are not entitled to mileage. The people of Elk county have de cided to elect D. C. Oyster Sheriff be cause he has proved himself compe tent, and because they desire to have a first-class wan In this important place.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers