thwart. Henry A. Parsons, Jr., - Editor THURSDAY, OCT. 11, 1877. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. FOR 8UPRF.MR JUDUE JAMES P. STKKUKTT, of Allegheny County. FOR XUEAStmEll . WILLIAM B. If WIT, of Montgomery County. FOR AUDITOR 1FNKHAIi JOHN A. M FASSMOUK, of Luzerne County. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. FOR SHERIFF P. 0. OYSTER, of liidgway. From the rtillndelphiivTimes. Repudiation. Repudiation is always plausible and often so subtle In Its deadly aim as to present it even iu inviting garb Sometimes it flings Its poison over a whole community, ns it did in Alle gheny a quarter of a century ago, and sowed dragons' teeth in the fertile po litical soil that was fallowed by dema gogues, from which they have reaped many times in bitterness, as the min der and destruction of the present year so fearfully attest. Now it breaks out in Virginia under the specious title of "adjustment," meaning to rob honest creditors to the heart's content of the debtor and paying the balance. Iu Minnesota it took the manly hape of Hat refusal to pay, and the people saved a dollar or two each by voting an inell'acable stain upon the escut cheon of their infant Commonwealth It had a feeble eruption recently iu "NVilliamiport, where, after .enjoying the fruits of municipal progress for years, some ofllciuls and citizens sought fame by refusing to pay the re peatedly accredited bonds of the city The contracts had been made with all the ceremony of law; had been exe cuted in honest faith so far as any re cord declares; the Interest had been paid and bonds retired in the sinking fund regardless of the numbers they bore above the alleged legislative limi tation, and these tilings had been done by some of the very officials who sub sequently plunged into the mire of repudiation. Hut the factious thorni ncss that so often diverts little cities and progressive villages in the strug gles of those who would rule muuici palities but fail to rule themselves, hud its worshipers in Willianisport, and repudiation was adopted as a line of warfare by some who knew better, and followed by others whose ignorance und easy virtue made them willing to have anybody but themselves pay their honest debts. A technical legislative limitation of the debt of the city to two hundred thousand dollars, was pleaded as the pretex for repudiating four hundred thousand dollars of bonds which were issued and sold largely in the open market, and (he proceeds received and appnmriutedby the city. There was no proposition to pay in any other form, but it was an undisguised effort to defraud innocent creditors under color of law. Judge Ehvell, before whom the ease was tried below, delivered a careful and exhaustive opinion sustaining the va lidity of the bonds, and tho Supreme Court has affirmed his decision. The opinion delivered by Justice Paxson was elaborate and doubtless covers the whole ground of proper admonition to municipalities as to the creation of debt; but it settles one principal that is most vital that the people who se lect their own agents must be bound by their acts if at all within the scope of their lawful powers, "When the text of the decision of tho court of last resort conies to hand, it will doubt less demand the attention of the press. For the present it is enough to know that repudiation has no resting-place in the judicial deliverances of Penn sylvania. E. K. Thompson, Druggist and Chemist: It is all of twenty years I have been troubled with backache, loss of sleep, nervousness and nervous headache. I have taken two bottles of Itarosma Backache, Liver and Kidney Cure, and am very much bet ter every way. It regulates the bow els, and has helped ine very much of inward Piles. I recommend it to all my frieuds troubled as I have been. Mks. Silas Kkhb, Spring Creek Road, Titusville, Pa., Aug. 20, 1874. Prepared by E. K. Thompson, Ti tusville, Pa. Trice $l.tio per bottle. Sold by T. S. Hartley, lUdgway, Ph. AT POWELL & KIME'S, YOU pay cash for goods, and get more than the worth of your cash. KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Bates of Advertising. One column, one year $75 00 1 " 40 00 I " " 25 00 1 " 15 00 Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, one insertion $1, two nieer lions, $1.60, three insertions. $2 Business cards, ten lines or lets, ter year $5 Advertisements payable quarterly ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATR of John ETuKkcr, Into of Fox township. Elk county, l'u., deceased. Lh.1 n-KKMHK ADMINISTRATION liuvlna bcun grunted to the uudtrsigned upon the said es tate all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, aud thuse having cluims to present them for fcel. tlemeut. JACGR M'CAULEY, Aduar. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Vntipfl la hprehv t-Ivbd that the following ncc-ounu will be presented ou the Orst day of tue next term oi me ui maua iuun iur iuu Urination, being the 3d Monday oi November uexi, io-wu : I. Final account of Lawrence Mohan exe cutor ol the last will and testament of Patrick feurlth.lute of Fox township. Fa., deceased. FRED. fiCUtKNING, Register. Ik Jl Election Proclamation. WHEREAS. Id and by the !8th eec tion of the Aot of General Aem- bly of Pennsylvania, passed July 2, 1801), entitled "An aot relating to theelecfionn of the commonwealth, ills enjoined rn the Sherift of every county lo give notioe of men elections to he held, and to enumerate In aucti notice what officers are to he eleo ted. In pursuance thereof, I, DANIKL SCULL. AiKh SlierilV of the county of Klk, do therefore mike known and give this publ'io no ico to the electors of the said county of Klk, that, a general elect io a will ue uelu In sum, oouuly on TUESnAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1877. (it being the first Tuesday of the month) for the purpose of electing the following of ficers W wit ! One person for Supreme Judge. One person for Stale Trensurer. One poison for Auditor Ucnernl, One person for Sheriff of Elk county. And the qualified rlcotors of the county of Elk will hold their elections iu the sev eral districts, as follows : lienezette township, at the house of Elizabeth Winslow. Henzingcr township, at the school house on Michavl stree, near the Elk creek bridge. Fox township, at the Centrcvi'.le school house. Highland townthip, at the house of Levi Ellithorp, - llovtuti township, at the school house near 1). C. Oyster's hotel. Jay township, at the houso of Alfred reursnll. Jones townhip, nt tho Wilcox Tanning anil Lumber t o e. olhce. Millstono township, nt the house of Henry Dcrr, at burr's Dam. llidgway township, at the Court House Spriiiir Creek township, at tho luuse of Stockdale, Dcwner it Co. St. Mar y '8 borough nt the town hall. I also make known the fullowiug : An Act regulating the mode, ot voting at eltctions in the several counties of this Commonwealth ; approved March 80th, If tili. Suction 1. lie it enacted by the Sew ate and JTouse of Ji'i presentntircs of the Commonwealth of 1'innt-ytranin in Ucncral Assembly met, und it is hereby enacted by the authority of the name: mat. the quaiineu vo'ers oi i no several counties of the Commonwealth, at oil genera!, township, borough and special elections, are hereby hereafter authorized and required to vole by tickets printed or written, or partly printed and partly writ ten, severally classified as follows : One ticket shall embrace the names of all judges of courts voted for, and to be labeled out- side 'Judiciary,'1 one ticket shall embrace the names of all State officers to be voted for, and be labeled "State;" one ticket shrill embrace the names of all county olti cers voted for, including the cilice of Sena tor and members of Assembly, if voted fjr and, members of Congress, if voted for mid Bhall be labeled "County," etc, and each class shall be deposited iu ECarate ballot boxes. I also make known and give notitc as in and by the 15th section of aforesaid act that ''Every person except justices of the peace who shall hold any ortice of appoint ment cf profit or trust under the govern ment of the L'uited Si .tcs, or of any city or incorporated district wuetlier a commis sioned otticer or otherwise, a suboidinate ollicer er agent who is or thall be employed under the legislative, executive or judicial departments of the State, or the L'n.ted, States, or of any city or incorporated dis trict, and also any member ol congress or of the State Legislature'; and of the select and common councils of any city or com missioner of any incorporated district, is by law incapable of holding Jor exercising at the same time the cilice or arpoiutuu ui ol judge, inspector or clerk of any election of the Lomuiouwcaltii, ana iu inspector, judgo or any other olhcer of such election shall be eligible to bo voted lor. Also, in the 4 ill sect toil ot tue act ol as sembly, entitled "An net relating to elec tions and tor other purposes, approved. Apiil lijtb, 1800, it is enacted that the 11th section shall bo so constructed as to pre vent any militia or borough ollicer from serving as judge inspector or clerk at any general or special election iu this Common, wealth. 1 also make known the following. Whebeas. The fifteenth amendment of the Constitution of the United States is as follows ; Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vole shall not be denied or abridged by tho United Stales or by any State on account ot race, color or previous condition of servitude. . Section 2. The CoDgress shall have power to enforce this article by appropri ate legislation. And Whereas, The Congress of the United Slates, on the Slsl day of March, 1870, passed an act entitled "An act to en force the rights Jf citizens of the United Stales to vote in the several Stales of this Union, and for other purposes." the first and second sections of which are as follows: Section 1. lie U enacted by the Sen ate and House of lliprc&cntutivcs of the United States of America, tn Lonij ress Assembled, Hint all citizens of tho United Males who are or shall be other wise qualified by law to vole ot any elec tion by the people iu any Stale, Territory, district, county, city, parish, township, school district, municipality, or other ter. ritoral subdivision, shall be entitled und allowed to vote at all such elections, with out distinction of race, color or previous condition of servitude, any constitution, law, custom, usage or regulation of any State or Territory, or by or under its au. thorily, to the coutrary notwithstanding. Section 2. And 00 it jurthcr en acted. That if by law oi tiuder Ihe au thority of the constitution or laws of any State, or of the laws ot any Territory, any act is or shall be required to be done as a prerequisite or qualification for voting, ardbv such constitution or law persons or ollicer are or snail be charged with Ihe rjerformance of duties in furuishin citizens wi'h an opportunity lo perform such pre reuuisite aud to becom qualified to vote without distinction of race, color or pre vious condition of servitude, and if any fuch person or officer Bhall refuse or know iuirlv omit to give full eu'eot to this section he shall for every such offense forfeit and pay the suurif five huudred dollar to the person aggrieved thereby, to be recovered by nn action in the case, with full costs aud such allowance for counsel fees us the court may deem just, and shall, also, for every such offence be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and snail, ou conviction thereof, be fined not less than five huudred dollars, and be imprisoned not less man one month aud not more than one year, or both, at the direction ot the court. And Whereas. It is declared by Ihe 2d lection of the VI article of the coustitu tiou and -the laws of the United Slates which shall be the supreme law of the land anything in the con. stitution or laws of any btate to the con trary notwithstanding. And Whereas, The Legislature of this Commonwealth, on the 0th day of .April, A. 1. 1870, passed an act entitled "A further supplement to the act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth,' the tenth section of which provides as fol lows : Section 10. That so much of every act of assembly that provides that only white freemen shall be entitled to vote or oe reg ietered as voters, or as claiming to vote at oi ceneral election of this Commonwealth, be and the same is hereby repealed, and that hereafter all freemen, without distinc tion of color, shall be enrolled and regis. tered acoording to the provisions of the first eeotlon of the aot approved 17th of April, 1800, entitled, "An aot further sup plemental to an aot relating to elections in this Commonwealth," and when otherwise qualified under existing laws, be entitled to vote at all general and speoial elections in this Commonwealth. I also make known the following: Whereat, By thg act of Congress of the Uuited Stales, entitled "An aot to amend the several acts heretofore passed to provide for the enrolling and calling out the national forces and for other purpose, '' and approved March 3, 180"), all persons who have deserted the military or naval servioe of the United States; and who have not been discharged or relieved from the penalty or disability therein pro vided, are deemed and taken to have volun tarily relinquished and forfeited their right of oitixenship, and their right to be come citizen, and are deprived of exercis ing any rights of citizens thereof. And Whereas, Persons not citizens of the United States are not, under the constitution and Laws of l'enusylvania, qualified electors of this Commonwealth. Section 1. lie it unacted 6.7 fC Sen- ate and House of Jicprcscntatinen of the Commonwealth of Jxiinsyivanta in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That, iu all elections hero if'-or to bo held in this Common wealth, it shall be un lawful for the judge or inspectors of any such election tj receive any btllot or bal lots from any persoti or persons embraced in tho provisions and subject to the disabil ity imposed by said not of Congress, ap. proved March 3d, 1805 aud it shall be tin lawful for any such person to oti'er to vote any ballot or ballots. Section 2. T jal if any judge or inspec tor of election, or any outf of them shall re ceive or consent to receive, nny such unlaw. fill ballot or ballots, from nny such disqual ified person, he or they so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, aud upon con viction thereof in any ctuirt of quarter ses sions of this Commonwealth, he shall lor each offense, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, and to undergo an imprisonment in the jail of the proper county, tor not less than sixty days. Sixtion 3, That if any person deprived of citizenship and disqualified as aforesaid, shall iitauy election hoi-eaftcr to be held in this Commonwealth, vote, or tender lo the oll'icei'3 and oft'er to vote a ballot or ballots, any person so olfending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof in any court of quarter sessions of tins Commonwealth, shall, tor encli onouse, be punished in a like manner as is provided in the preceding scjtiou ot this act, in the ensoul' officers receiving such unlawful bal lot or ballots. Section 4. That if any person shall hereafter persuade or udvisu any person or persons deprived of citizenship aud dis qualified as aforesaid, to oti'er my ballot or ballots lo the omccr ot any election here. after to be held in this Commonwealth, or shall persuade or advise any such Officer Of anr election hereatter to De held iu this Commonwealth, to receive any ballot or ballots from any person or persons deprived of citizenship and disqualified as aforesaid, such person so off'endiugi shall be deemel guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviO' tiou thereof in any court of quarter ses sions of this Commonwealth shall be pun ished in a like manner as is provided in the second section of this aot, iu the case of of ficers of such election receiving such uu lawlul ballot or ballots. I also make known the following section of ou act approved the yihh day of Jauuavy, A. 1). 1874, entitled "A lurther supplemcut lo the act regulatiug elections of this Com monwealth." Sec. 5. At nil elections hereafter held under the laws of this Commonwealth, the polls shall bo opened at i o'clock A. M. and closed at 7 o'clock P. M. Sec. D. All elections by the citizens shall be by ballot; every ballot shall bo numbered iu the order ill which it shall be received, and tho number recorded by the clerSiS on tho list of voters opposite tho mime of the elector from whom received. And any voter voting two or more tickets, the several tickets so voted shall be num bered with the number corresponding with tho number to the name of tho voter. Any eleotor may write his name upou his ticket or cause the same to be written thereon, aud attested by citizens of the dis trict. Sec. 10. Ou the da of election any person whose name shall not appear on the registry of voters, and who claims the right to vote at said election shall produce at least one qualified voter of the district as witness to ihe resideuce of the claimant in the district iu which ho claims to bo a voter for the period of at least two months immediate'y preceding said election, which witness shall be sworn oramrmed, and suu- scrioeu a wriueu, or parny nnusu aim partly printed atlidavit to the facts stated by hhn, which affidavit shall define clearly where the residence is of the person so claiming lo be a voter ; and the person so claiming the rtght to vote shall also take aud subscribe to a written or partly written and partly printed affidavit staling lo tho best of his knowledge ana neuei wucu auu where he was born ; lliat he has been & citizen ot the united oiaies ior one uioutn and of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ; that be has resided in the Commouwealtn one year, or if formerly a qualified eleclor or a native boru citizen thereof, and has removed therefrom aud returned, that ho resided therein sit months next preceding said election that be has resided iu the dis trict in which he claims to be a voter for the period of at least two mouths imme diately preceding said election that he has not moved into the district for the purpose of voting therein; that he has if twenty two years of age or upwards paid a Stale or couuty tax withiu two years, which was as sessed at least two mouths and paid at least oue month before the election. The said affidavit shall also state when and where the tax claimed to be paid by the affiant was assessed and when aud where and to whom paid : and the lax receipt therefor shall be produced for exaioiuatiuu, unless the alli um shall slate iu his atlidavit that it has been lost or destroyed, or that he never re ceived any: aud if a naturalized citizen, shall also stale when, where and by what court he was naturalized and shall also produce his certificate of naturalization for examination. Hut if the person so claiming ihe right to vole shall lake and subscribe an nfli lavit that be is a native born ouiieu of the United Slates, or. if born elsewhere. shall state the fact in bis atlidavit aud shall produce evidence that he has been naturalized or that ue is entitiod to citizen. shiD bv reason of his father's naturaliza tion and shall further alate in his atlidavit that he is, at the time ot making the ailida. v.t of the age of twenty-one and under twenty-lwo years ; that he has been a citi zen of the Uuited States one month, aud has resided iu the slate one year; or, if a native boru citizen ot the State and re' move therefrom and returned, that he has resided therein six niODthi next precediug said election, and iu the election district two months immediately preceding such election he shall be entitled lo vote, al though he shall not have paid taxes. The said atlidavit of all persons making guih claims and the affidavits of Ihe witnesses lo their residence, shall be preserved by the election board and at the close of the election they shall be enclosed with the list of voters, tally lists and other papers re quired by law to be tilled by the return judge with the protbonotary, and shall re main on file therewith in the prolhouotary'a office, subject to examination as other eleo tion papers are. If the election officers find that the applicant possesses all the legal qualifications of a voter lie shall be oermitted to vote and his name shall be added to the list of taxable by the election officers and the word ''tax," being added where the claimant claims to vote on tax, and tho word "ago" where he claims to vote on age, the tame words being added by the olerks in each case, respeotitely, on ine list oi persona voting at sucn emotions. Br.a. 11. It shall be lawful for RnT qualified citizen of the dislrlol, notwith standing the name of the proposed voter is oontained on the list of resideut taxable, to challenge tho vote of such persou where upon the same proof of tho right of suffrage as is now required by law shall be pub licly made and acted on by the election board, nud the vole a linitled or rejected, according to the evidence. Every person claiming ti. be ana'uralized citizen shall be required to produce his naturalization certificate at tho election before voting ex cept where ho has been for five years con secutively a voter iu the district in which ho offers his vole ; and on the vote of such person beir.g received, it shall be the duty of tho election officers to Write or stamp on such oertificato the word "voted," with the day, month or year, and if any election of ficer or onicers shall receive a second vote on the same day by virluo of tho same certificate, excepting where sons nro en lirled to vote because of the naturalization of their fathers, they and the persou who shall oiler such second vole shall be Riiilly of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined or imprisoned, or both, at the discretion of the court, but the fine shall not exceed five hundred dollars in each case, nor the imprisonment more than one year. Ihe like punishment shall be In ti,c:ed, ou convict iou of Ihe officers of the eleotion who Bhall negleot or refuse to make, or cause to be in ide the endorsement required as aforesaid ou said natural. zatiun certificate. Si;c. 17. Tho respective assessors, in Hpoutors ninl jtiilrc.s of elect ion nliull eaeli iuivo tlio power to tulniiniNter outlistouiiy iiersou claiming the right to tie tis.seHsed or (he right ot Pitllrtige, or in regit ru to aiiv oilier mutter or thing reciuireil to be done or inquired into by any of said otl'ieeM under tliis act; and wilful, talso swearing by any person in relation to any matter or tiling concerning which they shall be lawfully interrogated by any of ftiitl ollieera or overseers shall lie tie jury. Si:c21. Any person who on onth or mi intuition, m or before any court ip tills htate, or officer authorized to ml niininter oaths shall, to procure a cer tificate of naturalization for himself or any other person, wilfully depose, declare orntl'irin any matter to be fact knowing the same to be false, or shall iu like manner deny any matter to be fact, knowing the same to be true shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and any certificate ol naturalization issued in pursuance of any such disposition, declaration or affirmation shall be null and void; und it shall be the duty of the court issuing the same upon' proof being made before it that It was lraud ulently obtained, to take immediate measures for recalling the same for cancellation, and uny person who shall vote or attempt to vote on any paper so obtained or who shall in any way aid in, connive at, or iiave any agency whatever, iu the issue, circulation or use of auy fraudulent naturalization certificate, shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and upon conviction theiTof shall undergo an imprison ment in the penitentiary for not more than two years, and pay a fine of not more than one thousand dol'urs for every such offense or cither or both, at the discretion of the court. lso, to fiart of section nineteen of said act, as follow : 'Any person who snail, on tneunv of any election, visit a polling place in any election district at which he is not entitled to vote and shall use any in timidation or violence for the purpose of preventing any officer of election from perrormiiig the duties of him re quired Uy law ; or for the purpose of preventing any qualified voter oi sucn met exercising ins ngtit to vote, or from exercising his right to challenge any person ollertng to vo'e, sucn per sons shall be deemed guilty of a mis demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall bo .published by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding two years, or both, at tlio discretion of the court. Pursuant to the pnvi.;iotis con tained in the thirteenth section oftiie act last ufo repaid, the return judges of the aforesaid districts living within twelve miles of tho pr othonotary's of fice, or within twenty-four miles, if their resilience be in a town, village or city upon the line of a railroad lead ing to tlio county seat, snau ueiore two o'clock, past meridian, of the day alter the election and all other judges shall, before twelve o'clock, meridian ou the second day .after election, de liver said return, together with return sheet, to the prothonotary of the court of common, pleas of Klk county, at llidgway. (jiven under my nanu at Kldgway, the 10th day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, r.nd ot the inde ft,' leiidcnco oi" tho United States the one mired und first. U. SCULL, Sheriir. SltKHIFF'S OKFHIK, ) Ridgway, 1'a., Oct. 10, 1ST Short settlements iniike long frieuds, and in order to settle in good shape you need some of those cheap und neat bill heads printed nt tho Ad vocate otlicc. over Powell & Kime's Store. AVE 1VILL mail one and one-half dozen of the. inotit beautilul new Chronioe, in French oil color ever seen -for $1.00. They are mounted in 8x10 black enamol and gold mats, oval opening and outsell uuything now before the public Satisfac tion guaranteed. Two samples for 25 cents or eix for 60 cents, bend 10 cents for grand illustrated catalogue with chromo of Mooulight on the Rhine, or 20 cents for two Landscapes aud Calla Lillie ou black ground, J. LATHAM & CO., 419 Washing ton St. Boston Mabs , Headquarters fur Chromos, EngravingB and Art Works. A FOItTUXE. no2tS. Go to I'OVELL & KIME of the Grand Central Store, Main Street, for your groceries. The oldest and best appointed Institution lot obtaining a Buaineea Education, r i'ut eveutat BtldfeBs, . V. DUr? A SONS, Pittsburg a, Fa. POWELL & KIME have a fine lot of dress" goods, also all other kind of dry goods nt low rates. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. ESTATE of Edwin Paine, late of Ridgway township, Elk county, Pa- deceased. Letter of administration bavins been trranted to the under signedupou the said estate all persons indebted to said estate are reuuested to make payment, and those Laving claims to present, mem ior settlement, CATHERINE PAINE, n3W Executrix RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA HAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON and after THURSDAY, JULY, 28, 1877, the t rains on the Philadelphia & brio It'iroad willrunas follows i WESTWARD. NIAGARA EX leaves Renovo-... 4 35 p xn Driftwood- 6 42 p m Emporium 6 25 p m St. Marys... 7 18 p m Ridgway... 7 45 p m arr at Kane- 8 45 n ml ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p ml nenovo... u 00 am " Emporium 12 56 p m St. Mary's 1 48 u m " llidgway 2 11pm 8 80 p m 7 85 pm " . " Kane " arrive at Erie EASTWARD. DAY EX leaves Kane 0.00 a m " " Ridgway 6.50 am " " Si Marys 7 20 a m " " Emporium 8 10am " ' Driftwood 8 58 pm " ' Renovo 10 10 p m ERIE MAIL leaves Erie...... 11.00 a m " " ' Kane 8 60 p u. " " Ridgway 4 49 pm " " St. Mary's 6 18 p m " " ' Emporium 6 15 p m ' " " llenovo 8.85 p in " " arr. at Philadephia... 7 00 a m Day Express and Niagara Express con nect eist with Low Crude Division and U. N. Y! & P. R. K. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't T UK SOCIETY STORE. A new store started in Ridarwav un der the auspices of the ladies of Grace Church, with MISS A. E. M'KEE. as Agent and Saleswoman, A fine assortment of goods on hand and selected with greut care. K.MB1101LEKIK!S. LACE EDGE FRINGES. HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES TIES, TOILET SWTS. LINEN SUIT?. CHILDREN SUITS SAMPLE SILKS. Machine silk, thread and needles. Also a tine lot ot JJi-ecs Uoods. l'aiicy work ol all kinds. 1 ruined mottoes etc., Ac. All cheap us the cheapest and goons warrunieit nrst class, t .all and examine our stock. MISS A. K. M'KEE, Agent for the Society. THE SEASIDE LIBRARY. CiioiCK books no longer for the few only. The best standard novels within tln reach of every one. Hooka usually sold from SI to $3 given (unchanged and unabridged) for 10 and 20 cents. 1. EAST LYXXE, Ry Mrs. Henry Wood ( Double No) 20c. 2. JOHN HALIFAX, Gent., Uy Miss Mulock. 2Ui .1. JANE EYRE, Ry Charlotte Rronto. ( Double No.) 20c 4. A WOMAN HATER, Charles Rcade's new novel. 20c 5. THE RLACK-INDJ ES, Jules Verne's latest. 10c 0. LAST DAYS OF POMPEII, 15y Bulwer 10c 7. ADAM REDE, By George Eliot. (Double No ) 2th 8. THE ARI'NDKIj MOTTO. By Mary Cecil Hay. 10 J. OLD M VI) HELTON'S MONEY. ByMnrvC Hay 10c 10. THE WOMAN IN WHITE By Wilkie Collins. 20c 1 1. TI I E M I LL ON THE FLOSS By George Elliot. 20c 12 THE AMERICAN SENA TOR. By Anthony Trollopc20c. I . A I'ISIAl'lW Ul TllClii'.. By William Blin k. 20c. H. THE DEAD SECRET. By Wilkie Collins. 10c, 1). ROMOLA. By George Elliot. (Double No.) 20e 10. THE ENGLISH AT THE NORTH POLE AND FIELD OF ICE. In one book. By Jules Verne. l(Jc, 17. HIDDEN PERILS. By Mary Cecil Hay. lOe 18. BARBARA'S HISTORY. Bv Amelia E. Edwards 20c. 10. A TERRIBLE TEMPTA TION. Bv Clins Rendu. 10c. 20. OLD CURIOSITY' SHOP, By Charles Dickens.. 20c. 21. FOUL PLAY. By Charles Reade 10c. 22. MAN AND WIFE. By Wil kie Collins. 20c. 23. THE SO EIRE'S LEGACY By Mary ( !ecil Hay. 20c. 21. ever loo Late to Mend, By C Be-nle. 20o. lo. Lady Adelaide's Oath, By Mrs II Wood 10c. 20. Aurora Floyd, By Miss M E Brad- don 20c, ict or and Vanquished, By MC I fay 10o 28 A Dauphter ofllelh, By Williim Black 10 29 Nora's Love Teat, By Mary Ceoil Hay 10c 80 Her Dearest Foe, By Mrs. Alexan der 20o 81 82 Love Me Little, Love Me Long, By t; iseauc iuo The Queen of Hearts, By Wilkie Collins lOo S3 Handy Andy, By Samuel Lover 84 A Simpleton, By Charles Beade, 20c (Single Ko) lOo 85 Felix Holt, The Radical. By Goo Eliot 20o SO The Wooine O'T. By Mrs. Alex ander 20u 3" The Mystery. 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