fe JUkorafc Henry A. rnrsons, Jr., Editor THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1S77 IlKAPQUAttTKRn ItK AltTKRS RkI'ITDMCAN " ITK CoMMlTTKK, KISUUllO, JlJIiY 12, 1S77. ! Statu . ILvnuisi By direction of the Republican Slate Committee, the Republican State Convention heretofore cm I ted to meet at llurrlsburg on the 129th day of August next, is hereby postponed, to meet In llarrisburg, nt noon, ou Wed nesday, September 5, 1877. This post ponement fa made nt the request of n large number of delegates elect, who have engagements to bo present nt a triennial conclave of Knights Temp lar, which assembles at Cleveland, , Ohio, on the 2h day of August next. By order of tho Committee, HENRY M. HOYT, Chairman. A. WILSON NORRIS, Secretary. Doing West. A COLONY OP UN KM I'l.OYKD BAT.TI . MORE WORKMEN TO KMIGKAl'U TO KANSAS. Special Dispatch to The Phlla, Times. Baltimore, August 12. A colony of twenty-five families, including about one hundred and forty persons, has been enrolled to emigrate from Baltimore to Knnsns, on the line of the Atchison, Topeka nnd Santa Fo. Railroad.' The move ment is headed by William B (ire gory, nn ex-soldier nnd mechanic. All tho colonists are working men, who say they recognize that tht cities are over-crowded with idle men, and 'f they remain starvation or beggary will overtake them. Some of them are tiki lied mechanics, a few are farmers, but the majority are laborers and rail road hands. They comprise excellent and orderly material. Several of the families have eight children and all the men are married and none are over forty years of age, the large ma jority being thirty years old. They have elected Mr. Samuel Shoemaker, of the Adams Express Company, their treasurer, and will appeal to him to aid them to get on ground where they can win bread for themselves and families. They have also appealed to the public for help. This is the first colony formed since the late labor troubles, and if it is successful others will follow. They propose to take up one hundred and sixty acres and live on it as a community at first, allotting no more land to any individual than he works. The earnings will be thrown into a common fuud until every family has a house and a sepa rate piece of land. The ground for the whole colony will be taken under the United States pre-emption and homestead laws. The managers of the enterprise are very hopeful. New York, August IS. Monolinu, the Ilornellsville striker, says the men on the Erie Railroad struck be cause they found no confidence could be placed in tho officers of the road, from Mr. Jewctt down- They found Jewett proposed to and did reduce their wages ten per cent-, when the cost of living and paying rents, &e., were just as high as during the war, and they believed a further reduction was intended. They also knew that nil organizations among themselves for their mutual improvement were to be broken. The Pennsylvania railroad company will not pay off its employees (if the Pittsburgh division until about the 23d or 25th of this month. The regu lar time for paying was on the loth, butthe delay is caused by the fact that all pay rolls and books were burned in the recent fire, and it requires a con siderable time to get up new ones. All employees will be allowed full time although many might not have made more than half time there being no one to determine who worked full and who worked part time. Helena, Montana, August 12. A courier from General Gibbon arrived at Deer Lodge, Montana, at 3. GO P. M. to-day with dates to tho Hth. Gib bon's supply train and camp was not raptured as was at first reported. There was no fighting after the first day's battle on the 0th. Gibbon's losses are: Killed Captain Logan, Lieutenant Bradley and Boat wick ami seventeen men and live citizens. The wounded are General Gibbon, Captain Williams, Lieutenants Coolidge, Woodruff and English, tho latter seriously, besides thirty-six men and four citizens. The Indians suffered severely, as forty dead Indians were counted on about one-half the battle field. Howard had arrived and would pursue the Indians as soon as his command arrived. General Gib bon would move to Doer Lodge and take his wounded to Fort Show as soon as medical aid and transportation arrived. Tho Indians had disap peared, but in which direction has not yet been learned. The Seraiiton Visitants tried. Hot Off Til- New York, August 11. A special from Wilkesbarre says fifty-two of the Scranton Vigilants were there before Judge Harding yesterday. Tho Dis trict Attorney was present to repre B3ut the prosecution, but tho dema gogues of Scranton who had caused the arrest of the Vigilunts did not dare face the scorn with which they would have been overwhelmed had they put in nn appearance. Hundreds of the wealthiest citizens of Scranton were present to become sureties for the prisoners. The Judge boldly pro claimed that the rioters would meet with no favor at the hands of the judi ciary in that county. The Governor expects to leave for Harrisburg to day. Wiikke Shall I Send My Daugh ter. You will consult her health, happiness and success in study and music, by placing her in the care of Dr. Taylor, at the Beaver College and Musical Institute, Beaver, Pa. Prices moderate and as low as good board and first class instruction can be af-fowled. The International Rille Match will take place nt Crcedtnoor Sept. 18 and 14, instead of Sept. 14 and 15, as here tofore announced. Look out for tho eclipse of the moon which will bo partly visible in tho northern part of the United States on the evening of the 2;id Inst A boy by the name of Milton Pctlln- giil, while on n visit at Coming, N. Y. on Monday, had part of his left car bit ten off by a horse. The homo has al ways been considered very gentle. The boy was playing with him, when ho seized tho lad by tho ear and bit oil' nnd swallowed tho lower portion of it There are 2123 nntional banks in the state, whoso total liabilities are $2:11,. 800,131.01. The banks of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia show Increases in 1877 over 1870 of $307,291.00 and $2,010, 001,50 respectively; while the bnnks exclusive of Pittsburgh and Philadel phia have decreased $1,284,550,84. A great demand for farm laborers Is made from the grain districts of tho west, and three dollars per day are of fered to harvest hands in Wisconsin and many other sections where grain is ripe for the reaper. A correspond ent of the Cleveland Leader from Richland county Ohio, says that there is such a dearth of laborers in that region Hint farmers can only get along bv "changing work." And yet the cities are full of Idle men, and the country is overrun jvith trumps. THESEASIUK MltnAltfl Cjioick books no longer for the few only. The best standard novels within the reach of every one. Books usually sold from SI to $3 given (unchanged and unabridged) for 10 and 20 cents. 1. EAST LYNNE, By Mrs. Henry Wood (Double No) 20c, 2. JOHN HALIFAX, Gent., By Miss Mulock. 20c. 3. JANE EYRE, By Charlotte Bronte. (Double No.) L'Oe. 4. A WOMAN HATER. Charles Reade's new novel. 20c. 5. THE BLACK-INDIES, Jules Verne's latest. 10c G. LAST DAYS OF POMPEII, By Bulwer. 10c. ADAM BEDE, By George Eliot. (Double No) 20c THE ARUNDEL MOTTO. 8. 9. 10. By Mary Cecil Hay. 10c. OLD M YDDE L T O N'S MONEY. By Mary O Hay 10c. THE WOMAN IN WHITE. By Wilkie Collin. 20c, 11. THE MILL ON THE FLOSS. By George Elliot. 20c 12 THE AMERICAN SENA TOR. By Anthony Trol lope 20c, 13. 11. 15. A PRINCESS Or Til CLE. By William Black. 20C THE DEAD SECRET. By Wilkie Collins. 10c ROMOLA. Bv George Elliot. (Double No.) 20c 10. THE ENGLISH AT THE NORTH POLE AND FIELD Of ICE. In one book. By J ules Verne. 10c 17. HIDDEN PERILS. By Mary Cecil Hay. 10c 18. B A R B A R A'S II I STORY. By Amelia E. Edwards 20c 10. A TERRIBLE TEMPTA TION. By Chan Rende. 10c 20. OLD CURIOSITY SHOP, By diaries incUens. 2Uc 21. FOUL PLAY'. By Charles Ktndo 10c I. MAN AND WIFE. By Wil kie Collins. 20c ;. THE SOU j UK'S LEGACY. Bv Mary Cecil Hay. 20c For hale by all Booksellers am Newsdealers, or sent, postage prepaid on receipt ot price by GEO ROE MIMtO, I'UItLISIIEK, 21, ': and 25 Vandewater St., N. Y . O. Box 5057. WOULD GO TO CITY RATHER WITHOUT IT. XE W YORK 'MAX BE Especially in the Spring, Summer nnd early Autumn all people who lack appetito and feel feeble, should use Dr. Fenner's Capitol Bitters. Here is what a man says of it who has learned its value. WeKlpyvllle, TH,, July 2oth, JS72. Dr. M. XI. Fciiiior, Fredoiiln, N. Y. Pear Sir I hitve hceu using your Capitol Bitten., ami I desire to sny Hint I have never found a remedy herc'toi'iire that possessed such Mivnu'tlu'iilim' and tn iterating qualitleN. It piodiii'i's appetite anil health; thus miurclln the system uualnst the prevalent diseases of the season al the same lime that it is pleas ant. Wanning and ai;reeahie to take. No laboring man or woman should risk, them selves against the numerous causes ol'disease all the lime operating upon them, without guarding themselves by Iho occasional use of a bottle or so of this wonderful elllelent remedy. I would go to New York eily lor Capitol Hitters rather than he without it when needed. Yours truly, E. Go'i'ilE.M. For sale by dealers in medicine. Xew Advertisement. Rates of Advertising. Ono column, out) year $75 00 I " " " 40 00 i" ' " 25 0U " " " 15 00 Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions, $1. 50, three insertions, $2. Business cards, ten lines or less, per year $5. Advertisements payable quarterly. Registers Sot ices. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing accounts will be presented on the first day of the next term of the Orphans Court for confirmation, being the 3d Monday of September next, to wit : 1. Final Account of It. V. Kinie nnd Stutiru 11. Chapin, guardian of Bur ret T. Chapin heir of J. C Chapin deceased. 2- Partial account of Roht. V. Kime and Statira li. Chiin guardians of Alton It. Chapin lu ir of J. O. Chapin deceased. 3. Final account of Jos. S. Chamber lain guardian of Mary Elia, ( Who lia Alice, Ida Ladonia mid Win. Henry Sherwiu. 4. Partial account of Sarah V. Wil cox Adm'x. of Clark A. Wilcox laic of HorlonTp , Elk County deceased EKED. HCHOENJNG, Register. LAITDS FOil SALE. 960,000 ACRES IN Southwest Missouri First class Slock farms, excellent Agri. cultural Lands' and the best Tobacco region in tho West, bhort Winters, no grasshop pers, orueny society, goon markets and a healthy country. Low Prices! Long Credit ! Free transportation from St, Louis to the lands furnished purchasers. For further information, address A. L. DEANiS, Land Commissioner St. Louis t- San Francisco By. Co. N. V. cor. Fifth and Walnut Streets, St. Louis, Mo. uliCinl ljiu. o H H o f i i O w o o o QUOTATIONS White, Powell & Co. - BANKERS AND BROKE ltd, No. 42 South Third Street. Philadelphia, Aug., 14lh, 1877. BID. A8RKD , 8. 1881. do do do do do do 0 '05 J and J.. 1121 ll'i Ami .ml 107 05 do '05 do ld'.'-J mi in. 11:4 113 10-4(1, do coupon uo memo (i s cv .125 125J ItlilJ lO'.'I 10M !!!;!! ;. ism. 4, Kes. 1K!11 UN'S " 0. -, lH'.ll 10Kl 10SJ Gold 10.-4 io5j Silver... ,. .... ,... 1 wo juo Pennsylvania. , ... 2(1 20 1 11 2 12i 7 17 13 82i 83 Reading Philadelphia & Erie Lehigh Navigation.. . do Valley United R II of N J ex. div..l2t Pittsburgh, T. ft Dullalo R. R 0 Northern Central ex. div 13 7 18 27.1 Central Transportation 27 rsesqtietioning 4o North Pennsylvania 88 4oi 40 C & A Mortgage 0's '8'J 110J 111 MILL1NEKY AND DRESSMAKING, A T US. J. n. KEETZ, Kersey, Elk XTJL '-o., l a., takes tliiw metlioil ol an iioiinciiiir to the citizens of Elk county, that she lia on hand an n Hortmeiit of fashionalile millinery gooda which will lie sold chcao. Also dressmaking: in all its liranches. Agent for Dr. .1 Pail & Co's Patent Ivory and Elicnum Vitro Eye Cups. ,-ieim ior ticseripuve circular. nl7yl. XEW TIME TABLE P. & E. B. It. Commencing Thursday, June 28, 1877 WILCOX. Mail Enst 4:13 p m " West 2:47 n m Day Express East (i:'-'2 a in Aiarara Express West 8:2 n m K1DC1WAT. Mail East 4:49 p m Mail West 2:11 p m Day Express East C:r(i a in Niagara Express AVest 7:1-5 n m sr. Mary's. Mail l-.ast 5;1S p m Mail West 1:40 p m Day Express East 7:20 a m Niagara Express West 7:18 p m POWELL & KIME have tt line lo of dress goods, also all other kind ot dry goods at low rates. 0""','i8 not easily earned in theso fliJ III times but it enu no made in three mouths by any ono of either sex, in nny part of the county who is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish. ?0t) per week in your own town You need not be away from homo over night. You can give your whole time to the work, r only your cparo moments. It costs nothing to try the business Terms nr.d So Outtlt, free. Address at cuce, U ll.ALLETT & CO., Portland Maine, oney. GARDEN SEEDS. New Varieties of Floncr and Yeyetaldc, llun't write to your member of congress who is flooded with applications tor seta hut obtain the fume Vnrioi iof , and all the new ones, by onk'tiua lruiu the undersigned Uefcide my own Sfecialties 1 tun picpnred to itii nish nny kind ol seed iri ni any cuta log i,e at a discount of ten per cent from listpnees. tor the convenience of thos who want nn nssorHiient I have prepared two collections. jNo 1 consuls ot ,;viuie ties of choicest flower seeds a complete Howcr garden, price Si. No. 2 comprii.es a complete collection of Vegetable Pccds lor u email lamily garden, price til.ul). Packages of the two sets con bined for i?2.00 Sent pottpaid to any address on leccipt of price. The teeds in theso collections would cost double the money, made up in separate orders or purchuted of any dealer. H. L, SMITH, 734 13th STREET, Washington, D. C. PATENTS secured for me chanical dtvi- CC8, trade-marks, designs, and compounds. Labels registered. Infringements, re issues and interferences- will received proR attention. , INVENTORS s h ould send us a model or sketch of Iheir invention, and wo will give our opinion as to its patenta bility llieo of charge. Fees moderate, aad NO CHARGE UNTIL PATENT IS SE CURED. We will, upon contingent fee, prosecute ca ses that have been ukjkctuu by the Patent Oilice. We have clients in every Stale in the Union, and invite inquiry through your congressman as to our standing bclore the l'uteut Oilice. Send for circular for further iufomalion, terms and references. Established ill lbliti. EDSONEHOS, Solicitors of U. S. and Foreign PATENTS. 711 G street, N. W., Wishing! on, D. C. niDJ Go to POWELL & KIME of the Grund Central Store, Main Street, for your groceries. CRISTADORO'S a Cristadoro's Hair Dye is the SAFEST and BEST; it acts instanta neously, producing the most natural shades of llluck or Brown; does NOT STAIN the SKIN, and U easily op plied. It is a standard preparation, nnd a favorite upon every well ap pointed Toilet for Lady or Gentleman Sold by Druggists. J. CRISTA DORO, P. O. Box, 1533, New York. Nt-44 T 1VING WILD ANIMALS I 1 WANTED. 550,00 each for PANTHERS. 8.00.... -each for BLACK FOXES, 4,00 each lor CROSS FOXES. 10,00 each for LYNX 10,00 each for OLD OTTER 5,00 each for YOUNG OTTER. 6,00 each for YOUNG WOLVES 5,00 each for WILD CATS 5.00 each for FAWNS 1,00 each for YOUNG BLACK t- CROSS FOXES. Hie above price I will pay, the Auininls to be iu good and thriving condition. Animals can be shipped to me by way of Punsu'awney Pa. For further information write to JOHN A. STEWART Marion, Indiuna County, Pa, SLEIGH BELLS AND WHIPS, a nice little assortment, at POWELL & KIME'B RAILROADS- PENNSYLVANIA RAIL HOAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON nnd after THURSDAY, JULY, 28, 1877, the trains on the Philadelphia & brie RailronU Will run ns follows I WESTWARD. NIAOARA EX leaves Renovo 4 35 p ni Drill ffood.. 5 12pm Emporium (i 2") p m St Marys... 7 1H p m hidgway... 7 4" p m nrr nt Kane.. 8 4o p m ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 C5 p m " " lieuovo u uu a m " " Emporium 12 55 p m St. Mary's 1 40 p in Ridgwny 2 11pm Knna. Knnn H xil n nt arrive at Erie r - 7 35 p in ,.0.00 a m ..0.50 a ni ..7 20 a ni EASTWARD. DAY EX loaves Kane Ridgwny... V Si Marys... " Emporium.. ' Driftwood.. ' Kenovo 10 a m 8 68 p m 10 10 p m ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.1)0 a ni i! 50 p m ' Kane.. " " Ridgway 4 I!) p ni " " " St. Mary's 6 18 p ni " " ' Emporium 0 lo p in ' " " Renovo S.iSo p ni " ' arr. nt rhiladephi.i... 7 00 a m Day Express and Kingnra Express con nect east with Low tirvdo Division and D N. Y! & 1'. 11. R. ' VM. A. BALDWIN. Gcn'l Sup't INSURANCE. The uiKlcrMjnied believes thut lie hnstlic lirineiiinl lurenev in thin dis trict from the luet that he has written nearly one thousand policies, in the pant three years. He', therefore, in vites those having Insurance to ell'ect to compare rates, nnd companies, he fore making application elsewhere. Partial list of companies. A KT.N A 11 A RTI't IU : 7,0f 0,000 NOKT1I HHl'l'IslI & M. 1;NUI.AN1)..1ii,ih,iki;) HH1J AsstK'lATKiN l'HILA 4,iki,imi (1KK.MAN A.MKItlCAN, N. Y 2,1100,11011 XIAOAKA. N.Y !2.."iHi).ki THAVKLKIW LIFK 11 AltTl't HID J,n.m,uou 1'. 11. AVACllTEij, Kt. Marys, l'a. nTm.1. T HE SOCIETY STOltE. A new store stin ted in llidgway un der the auspices of the ladies of Grace Church, with MISS A. S. M'ZEB. as Agent and' Saleswoman, A lino assortment of goods on hand nnd selected with grwtt care. EMUKOlL'EUltiS. LACE EDGE lTvIN'GES. HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES TIES. TOILET SETS. LliEN SUITS. cu:ldren. suits SAMPJ.E tSIIJvS. Machine silU, thread and needles. Also a line lot of Dress Goods, Fancy work of all kinds. Framed mottoes ilv., ac. All cheap r.s the cheapest and goods warranted lirst class. Cail and examine our stock. MISS A. E. M'KF.K, Ayent for the Society. EVERY SOLDIER who was wounded or contracted permanent- disease in service can get a pension by writing to John Kirkpalrick, Cum bridge, Ohio. N-loiil DR. BANNING is permanently located at the M. diaries liotl l. l'iltsbui trh. Pa. Diseases and l'e- foi mities of tho supine, Vlicrino Displace ments Dyspepsia, Hernia mid l'iles suc cessfully treated by the BANNING SYS TEM of Mechanical Supports. CMl or send for descriptive panijdct, "Tiio House louLiveln. Ma.led tree. 'N-lOml. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, havinz been permanently cured of that dread discaso, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to h:s lellow euuercrs the means ol cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge) with the directions for preparing and usmtr the same, wliicti tlicy will hna a SUBB Cl'BK for (.OSSUMl'llOS, Asthma, Bkoxciutis, Ac., Parties wishing Iho prescription will please address, llev. E. A. WILSON, renu., n llliainsburgli, J. . Laws liclaiiiig lo Xcwpaper Suliserip lions ami Arrearages. 1. f ubycribers who do not give express notice lothe contrury, ure considered wish ing lo coutiuue their subscription. 'i. If subscribers order the dicouhnu ation of their periodicals, il,o publishers may coutiuue to send theui until all arrearages are paid. 3. It subscribers neglect or reluse to take their periodicals frcm the office where they are dtrectou, they are held responsi ble until they have settled their bills, and ordered t lie in discontinued. 4. If subscribers move toother places without informing the publishers, and the papers are scut to the former direction. they ore held responsible. 5. The courts iiuve decided that "refus ing to take periodicals from the oilice, or re- moving and leaving them uncalled f.ir is ifiimt facie evidence of intentional fraud." (i. Any person who receives a newspaper and makes use of it. whether he has ordered it or not, is held in law to be a sub ssriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, they are bound to give notice to the publisher at the end of their time, iftheydonot wish to continue taking it otherwise the publishers are authorized lo seud it on, and the sub scribers wili be held responsible until ail express notice with payment ot all arrears, seut to the publisher. PATENT S! Fee Reduced, Entire Cost $33. Patent Office Fee $2o in advance, hoi ance within 0 months after patent al lowed- Advice auJ c lamination free, Patents Sold. J. VANE LEWIS & CO. Washington, D. C, nl0inlm3. . EEROES OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years J from Nervous llcbility, rreuiature ue cay, and all the effects of youthful indiscre' lion will, for the sake of sutferinc hu, manity, seud free to all who need it, the reoipe and direction for waking the simple remedv bv which he was cured. ButTcrerg wishing to profit by the advertiser's ex perience can ilo so by addressiug iu perfect couhdence. . JO'iN 11. OGDEN, i- ( $ar st,, Hew York, fim Woftos & Co.'S PARLOR V These rcmrrVrtblc in. r i'n;'-.l Abptcd forAin.T-curaT.il I'r.iti: GEO. WOODO WAHKRIIOiSS! t',t3 V'ittilttlon St i CO.. il',tr.r.j THE 0X HUMAN A. t2 fo?:jrYrrt?;:.t: 5.1 u . tw - . .s.. iii itttr. liy ni.iu t l-'t t,:-l ni'.u:;;, THE ADVOCATE, OfUee, over PowcIKC 2.00 A YE A It-I. .SPECIAL Demorcss Monthly, with 3.50 Head the Previiunb Lint Peterson's Magazine, and JOB BUSINESS CARDS, BILL UEIDS BOOKS, Cheaply and Neatly Printed Estimates Enrnished ORDERS BY MAIL WLL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTON Address HENRY A. PARSONS, JR., RIDGWAY.ELK CO., PA. PATENT S. P. A. Lehmann, Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, Washington, D. C. All business connected with Patents, whether before tho VaUut Oltioe or the Courts, promptly attended to. No charges made unless a patent is secured. Bcud for a cir. culur. r-f ORGANS 11 t a J H g- never before attained. lmtmttiay p'tflor. Wf' Beautiful New Style, now ready. CRrr.fcridereport, Mass. ',.! I'.trtte St.. .'Uica?0! as i.au" " I..-,irnjl of selected music and trainable re," iit St iv:r vnr, or ten cenir. a rmnwi. - .--- CEO. VOO'jS ii CO., Publishort.Cambrldgoport, Plat Kime's Store, M.-un '-Mi'vet. oO JjY ADVAXCE TEJIMS : premium, a; id Advocate for The AD I V (.'ATE or 3.00 VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS. NOTE MEMIS 9 BOOKS, HMPLES. I will mail Free she recipe for prepar ing a simple Veoetahle Balm that will re move Tah, P HECKLES, PIPPLES atd Bloioues, leaving tiie sEin soft, clear and beautiful j also instructions for producing a '.luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth lace. Address ben. Vandelfjfc Co. Box 5121, No 5 Woofer Bt., N. Y.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers