i Henry A. Parsons, Jr., . - Editor THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1877 M colnp of tlic Republican Stnto Con vention. llEADQUAHTEKB IiKi'l'tlLICAN Statu Committkk, llanis1)urr, May 2!th, 1877. In pursuance of a resolu tion of tho Republican State Commit tee, adopted at a meeting held in Har risburg, this dny, a Republican Stntc Convention, to lie composed of dele Kales from each Senatorial and Repre sentative district, to the number to which such district is) entitled in the Legislature, Is hereby called to meet in the city- of Harrisburgh, at twelve o'clock, noon, on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1877, for tho purpose of nominating candi dates for Supreme Judge, State Treas urer and Auditor General, to be voted for at the ensuing general election on the sixth day of November next. By order of Committee. HENRY M. HOYT, Chairman. A. Wilson Nonius, Secretary. Mr. Itarnum nnd Christian K. Rims had nnother consultation at Bridgeport, Conn., Thursday, and fire encouraged iu tlio be lief that the new $10,000 reward will bring about the return of the long-lost Charley. Mr. Enrnum is obliged to go to Europe next week until August 1, but will publish a card in a few days stnting that he has left $10,000 with his private secretary to be paid to the deliverers of the child in any way they may propose, and at any place in tho United States orCannd1. Washington, June 13. A statement has just been prepared at the treasury depart ment showing the cost of carrying the votes of election for president and Vice president of tho United States to the seat of government, from which it a ppcars lha tho expense attending the conveyance Of the votes of the different slates at the elec lion of Gen. Washington to tho seat of gov eminent was $l,4'.il,00, while that of the second election of Gen. Grant was SIS1, 103,2"). Further than this no compilation nns been made, New Orleans, June 12. The ship Scotia, drawing twenty feet four inches, and the ship Western Empire drawing twenty-one feet and six inches, were put to sea this morning through the Southwest Pass. The Western Empiro's cargo, consisting of 6,227 bales of cotton, is the largest that has left this port since the war and the greatest number of pounds to the registered ton that ever left an American port. She is the heaviest draught that ever went out of this port. New York, June 14. The Customs In spectors fo'day seized a false-bottom trunk on steamship Herder containing a large quantity of lacts, etc. lie also arrested two women, whoso underskirts were found to contain an aggregate of sixty pounds of pees, fine embroideries, etc. Another passenger (a man) was also arrested, whose vest nnd undershirt were hued with several thousand dollars' worth of Hue luces. All were steerago passengers. The whole B"izurc will aggregate some $20,000. Iudiauapolis, June 11. The fust train on the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Lcuis Uailroad, due here last night, was wrecked a short distance cast of this city by a switch being partly changed and a cross-tie wedged between tho rails. Tho engine baggage, express and mail car3 were thrown from tho track and badly damaged, but the passenger-coaches and sleeping ears did not leave tho track. Earnest I). Cole, postal clerk was the only person seri ously hurt, but n number received slight injuries. Every effort will bo mado to dis cover tho perpetrators of the outrage and bring them to justice. Washington, June 10. The cabinet meeting to-day was shorter than usual, having adjourned before two o'clock. No appointments whatever either for positions abroad or at home wero agreed upon Most of the session was occupied with a discussion of a series of rules for the gov ernment of appointments in the civil service throughout the country which, will bo soon promulgated by Mr. Haics. Directions have been (riven to General Grd, commanding the department of Texas, to hold lor tne present the Mexican soldiers who were taken in that state a fenr days ngo whilo retreating from the resolution ary forces of Mexico if their release will lead to an encounter between them and the insurgents, but if they can ho released and go to their quarters in Mexico without turther trouble they shall lo set free. Philadelphia,' June IS. An ex-convict of tho Illinois penitentiary, named John Stevenson, has, according to a Chicago telegram, mado a confession that he knows the present wheroabouts of Charley Ross, who, he says, was living last winter with a family named Crcgg, residing near Leaven worth, Kansas. Stevenson swears that he is perfectly familiar with the detail: lead ing to tho abduction, but for reasons of his own will not make them publicly known, II o says that Charlie Ross was, during the month of April, within tweuty.five miles of his old home, and a few days ago, in Louisville, Kentucky. Very little credence 's to be placed in Stevenson's story, but the man seems to be so earnest that a number of persons believo that he indeed knows something about tho mysterious affair, Louisville, Juno 13. A startling sensa tion has been developed here. A lady occu pying a high social position, Mrs T. T. Hawkins by name, as the story is told, within the last few years obtained f 10,000 from ber mother on the pretense that she was investing- it in tobacco speculations. She claimed that Senator Stevenson, George H. Pendleton, Colonel Taylor and others were in partnership with her. The mother believing this advanced the money. The gentlemen named deny any business rela tions with her and the story so far as they are eoncerned is utterly devoid of truth. The lady made several attempts to secure cash on notes but tailed. They were forged and signed with Taylor's name. The relatives pronounce Mrs, Hawkins deranged. The affair causes considerable esciteinent. do State Notes. Harrisburg Counoils are discussing an ordinance to prohibit the burning of fire crackers. Padio Lewis a Welsh girl aged 20, has been missing from Sharpsburg for shout a year. The population of Altoona, according to a recent census is 1G,0'4. This is nn in crease of 1.023 since 1S7". A mine of silver ore has been discovered in Adams county, according to the Cliam bcrsburg Public Opinion. Considerable of a run was sustained by the Carbondalo banks the other day, but the excitement has died out. . The Penns Valley part of-Ccntro county rejoioes in a new nilroad, which has an nexed that section to the rest of tho world The family of Charles Eiscnhard, of Al- lcntown, was poisoned by eating soup which had been standing in a glazed earthen dish. None of Iheiii died. Judge llhonc, of tho LHicrno Orphan?' Court, has been lecturing the people of his county on tho subject of expensive funerals. In Williamsport a variegated double rose was found blossoming on a crab apple tree. It must have t een the etligy of a repudia- tionist. Councilman hung up t hero to show 0ff his loveliness. The local columns of the Scranlon Free Press record the marvelous visit of the spirit of a dead soldier to his sweetheart in that city. But it is not sufficiently thrill ing to be truo. The Pittsburgh cigar stores are now closed on Sunday by order of tho Mayor, A few tobbaconisls who didn't believo the Mayor was in earnest kept open last Sun day and have been fined for their wrong impressions- Samuel Ninimy, one of the victims of the Grcenshurg poisoning died on Mondiy af ternoon. It is expected that. Mrs. Harris, the woman who was living with tho Nitnmy family, and who also drank of the poison will die. Tlie judicial history of Blair county has been prepared by Hon. John Dean, and will be used at the dedicatory service of the new court house nt Hollidaysbuig on the 2d of next month. The, Allentown Bulletin soys, that an old man, nged 00 years, living in that cit y walked out of town 4 J miles, leaving there at 3 A. M. every day to work in an ore mine, for whioh he receives seventy cents per day. John Struthers and Daniel Donnelly, ac cused of having been concerned in the killing of young Lifts, of Luzerne county, have been released, the prosecution having been abandoned owing to the insufficiency of the evidence against them. At Mauoh Chunk, last week, Judge Dreher held under advisement a motion for a new trial iu the case ofO'Donnell, con victed of the murder of Morgan Pawell. Mcllugh, charged with the tame crime, who turned state's evidence, was discharged under ihe-two-term rule. A trestle bridge in progress o f erection in Oil City gave way on Thursday and fell into the creek. Joseph Simrcons was killed nnd Alexander Heckertharn fatally injured, both of whom were employed on the bridge- Several others, received slight injuries. A prominent oil man says that if the striking of new wells in tho Bullion district continues as it has begun, crude petroleum will be down to a dollar and a quarter by fall. Tho game gentleman states rhat pro ducing oildn the Bullion district .at a -dollar a barrel would be more profitable than any other business now carried on i:i the Unitea States. The trial of Blasius Pistorius at Norris- town, charged with murder, has been con tinucd until the September term of court on application of his counsel, who allege that the prisoner is insane. Dr. John Kirk bride, Dr. Ieaao Ray and William B. Mann nave been appointed a committee to inquire into and report upon the prisoner's mental condition. rottsville, Juno 12. At Lan3ford this evening it is understood there will be no reduction in the miners' wages during the present month, as expected, and it is thought the men will resume work on Thursday. The notico of reduction in wages, amounting to twclvo and a half Der per cent, only applies to the laborers and mechanics employed in the Coal Company's shops at that place. The Bell well on the Egglcston farm which for Bcveral weeks has produced about fifteen barrels, was put down deeper ind now yields more than ono hundred bar rels per day. With this exception there has nothing transpired in our oil district for tho past two weeks that is deserving of especial mention. Tho low price of oil has had a depressing influenco o n operator and only such parties as are compolled by tne terms oflheir lesses, are at work either by day or night, On Monday next the Allentown Bolliug .uiu company will start ten furnaces aud a puddle in the rail mill, whiah will give employment to ubout four hundred ad ditional nien. In the littlo mill and abou1 the premises five hundred men are now em ployed, and when the whole nine hundred get to work ou Monday next tho company's premies will resume the appearance of "tne good old times." If the works run a month with nine hundred men employed between f 30,000 and 540,000 will be paid for wages. Tuesday the Bears put oil dowo to $1.85 in the lower district, which makes the Dries in this district not more than SI. 20. We cannot see much to encourage the belief tnat it will soon Lear a higher price, and small operators, and all others who are de pendent on the oil business must at once begin to economize, for hard times are al. ready here and harder times are close at hand. Ilie Warren district can nerhatii stand the crash better than any other dis trict in the State, yet our merchants and mechanics, must expect an immediate and large falling off of daily receipts in all branches of hu&iuees.-Warrtn Ledger AP5ETS AND MAMMTIEH OF FOX TOWNSHIP FOH THE YEAR ENDING A1'R,IL2ND, IH77. ROATf rCHI), ARKKTN. By amount due from Henry Largny, Collector 1M Rt By amount due from 1 V. liny Col. 811 74 Hy ninonnt due from county Trens. (to "0 By amount duo from P. M'Crondy. Col loot or 11 41 By amount due from Elk Co., on nc- couni .ioepn w nriiieiuer his, 1,7 By Cnsh In Treasury a ul By Execs of Liabilities mi t:i in MAntMTIES. To outxtamllnir order nnd Judgments 1 '18 75 By amount duo from J. ilcwltt Col.... 40.1 81 19 (18 102 11 2: Ml m ;xi lly rtmoiiiit duo from Denis Tuoiny, i ivorHcer By nmoiint duo from Elk Co., nc- riiiint. Joseph Wlndfeldor By uni t due from uimeiitoil tuxes 70. liy amount cash In Treasury i.iAniMTiKs. To nmoiint duo Elk Co., fur support of Kali- Williams and Si To outstanding orders 577 00 To exeesK of ukkoIh (ill 0(1 SIIKJ 31 Amount of taxable property in Fox township SI0 iitfl 00 AVe, the underHluned, Auditor ot Kox Township, ImvliitfKctl led and adjusted the ne eiMiuti, of suld township llnd the nsxel mid liabilities of the I'und iim aliove set forth, JOHN llKllsIIEY.) I'. A. ,l( nt I . N. Auditors. J. It. MEKKDIT1T.) Attest. J. .1. TA Yl.Olt, Clerk. Fox, April ;lnth, 1N77. NNUAI. HTATK.MKNT TOWNSHIP. OF JONES Jour Township In Account with funds of Raid low 1111 1 p. IIKI'KIITtt. To iiiiioinil overdue from county com- nilsKloner 1,200 00 To amount seated tux levied l.l'd !'. To amount rush from county treas (112 25 To amount cash from Collector Theo. Coolt Ml Ofi To nmoiint cmkIi from Collector alen tine Miller OS 9 l.lsj 5: EXPKN-niTPRrS. ltv nmoiint of outstanding orders re deemed 50 00 ltv nmoiint, mild (supervisor Miller nnd laborer under him 1,571 '3 Hv ninount paid Sunervlsor Jionncrt and laborers under liiln 820 20 lly amount paid for lumber, etc.. used by Miller 17098 By ninonnt paid for lumber etc.. used liy ltonneit 10 00 By amount paid lor otliccrs and print ing IK) 00 lly amount paid for town treasurer s eommisxlon 51 03 lly amount taxes in hands of Collec tor It. A. Mannett. snMcet to com mission nnd exonemt ions 870 W By iimount in hands of treasurer 2 57 S3.1KI 54 ASSET AN1 LIABILITIES. ASSKI'S. Anvnint due from Collector Miller for 173 Itf 01 Amount due I ruin Collector Theodore Cook, S7 1-3 212 81 Amount due Irom Collector Attlcbnr- Kcr. 170-1 110 27 Amount due lrom TrcuKUrcr Inu- felder 207 22 Amount due from Treasurer M'Cauley 200 00 Amount due irom Collector Munnctt. S70 8S 61,171 ,170 22 J.TAniT.ITIES. Amount road orders outstanding Exce.-s of ussets over liabilities 118 30 177 92 SI.17U 22 POOIt ACCOUNT. JtKCKIFTH . To nmoiint from Collector Manett IK Oil To amount lrom Collector Miller 52 00 $117 00 F.XPENniTCKKH. By nmoiint paid Wilcox House for board 10 no By amount paid Indigent mid blind... 12 'n Hy iimount cash In hands of treasurer l't By amount commission puid treas 2 37 liy amount outstanding orders re deemed 72 05 SI 17 00 lly order Hoard or Auditors. nl2-ta .IAS. II. WELLS. Clerk. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature De cay, and all the effects of youthful indiscre tion will, for the sake of suffering hu. inanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the Mnip'.e remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the udvertiscr's ex perience can do so by addressing in perfect couiidcuuo. .10 UN B. OGDEN, 41 Cedar St , New York. SUGARS AT POWELL AXI KI.MK'S are high to ho sure; hut Ktill tire a little chi-upcr than at any other more in town. A NICK LOT OF NEW PIUNTS at POWELL & KIME'S, only eight cents per. yard. FLOUK, PORK, FEED, COIiX- Meal, Oats, always on hand at POWELL & RIME'S at bottom pri ces. SEW TIME TA11LE P. & E. It. k7 Commencing Sunday, Nov. 20th, 187G WILCOX. Mail East 4:13 p in " West.... 2:47 p in Day Express East 0:22 a m Niagara Express West 8;j," p m R1UOWAT. Mall East 4:40 p m Mail West 2:11 p m Day Express Eut (s-M a m Niagara Express West 8:14 p m sr. maby's. Mail East 5:1.) p m Mail West l: ln p m Day Express East 7:20 a m Nujgara Express West 7:43 p in BY MAIL. 28 CENTS i iGEO.RnOYVELCO 144. PARK BOWt N. O. MOLASSES FOR COOK. ing, also choice Bvrurj alwavs on lnm.1 at "- : POWELL KIME'S. PATENTS! Fee Reduced, Entire Cost $55, Patent Office Fee $33 in advance, bal ance $20 within 0 months after patent al lowed. Advice and txamiuation free Patents fold. J. VANCE LEWIS & CO., 12ml Washington, D. C. BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS a new stock just arriving, ut POWELL & KIME'S QUOTATIONS r White, Powell L Co. BANKERS AND BBOKERd, No. 42 South Third Street. Philadelphia, June 19th, 1877. BID. ASKKD 181. e 114 114 lo '05 J and J lO'JJ lO'.'j lo 'e5 do ml ltaj do G3 do llfJ 11if S. do do do 10-40, do coupon 112 113 do Pacifio 6's cv Int. off 128 1221 New 6-s Heg. 1881 lie 111 U. 1881 1101 111 Oold 1 1051- 1051 Silver 9 100 Pennsylvania ex tv' aol 11 8()J 12 8 18 80 1281 141 Heading. Philadelphia & Erie Lehigh Navigation , 17 SO do Valley umieu a a 01 n J ex div..l2S l ittsburgli, T. a Buffalo 11. R 6J Northern Central ex. div 14 Central Transportation ... Nesquchoning . f!Ol 82 . 40j 44 . 3!) 40 .107 10"i North Pennsylvania C & A Mortgage O's '8',).., S'T'?'T'S not easily earned in these III times but it can be made in Hi rcc mouths by any one of either sex, in any fart of the county who is willing to worK sienuny ai me employment that we furnish. $00 per week in your own town. You need not be away from home over night. You can give your whole time to the work, or only your Kpare moments, ll costs nothing to try the business Terms nnd So Uuint. tree. Address nt once, H- H.ALLETT At CO., l'ortlaud Muino. oncy. AT POWELL & KIME'S, YOU pay cash for goods, nnd get more than the worth of your cash. GARDEN SEEDS. . Sew Varieties (if Flower nntl Vegetable. Don't write to your member of congress who is flooded with applications for feeds but obtain the siime Varieties, nnd all the new ones, by ordering from the undersigned Beside my own specialties I am prepared to furnish ny kind of seed from any cala logue at a discount of ten per cent from list prices. For the convenience of those who want on assortment 1 have prepared two collections. No 1 consists of IMvarie ties of choicest Flower seeds a complete (lower gardcu, price $1. No. 2 comprises a complete collection of Vegetable eecd. for a small family garden, price 31. GO. I'ttcknges of (he two sets combined lor Sent postpaid to any address on receipt of price. The seeds in these collections would cost double the money, made up in separate orders or purcliabcu ot any dealer. H. U, SMITH, 734 13th STREET, Washington, D. C PATENTS pccnred for me chanical devi ces. trade-marks, dctigns, and compounds. Labels registered. Infringements, re issues nnd interferences will received proli attention. INVENTOIlSirt a mmlel or sketch of their invention, nnd wc will give our opinion as to its pntenta bilityit'ree ot charge. Fees moderate, nnd NO ClIAllUE UNTIL PATENT IS J5E- CUKED. Wo will," ttpen contingent fee, losccutc cases that have been heji.ctku by the Patent Olhcc. Vu have clients in every State in the Union, and invito inquiry through your congressman oa to our standing bciure tle Patent OIHcc. Send lor circular for further infomation, terms nnd references. Established in 1800. EDSON BROS, Solicitors of U. S. and Foreign PATENTS. 711 U street, N. W., Washington, D. C. nliiM C R I S T A I) 0 It 0 ' S 3 C'ristailoro's Hair Dye is the SAFEST and BEST; it acts instanta neously, lii'oilueing the most natural sliailes of Black or Brown; does XOT STAIX the SKIX, and is easily ap llicd. It is u standard preparation, and a favorite upon every well ap pointed Toilet for Lady or Gentleman. Sold by Druggists. J. CRISTADORO, P. O. Box, 103:1, Xew York. Xt-44 IIVIXG WILD ANIMALS j WANTED. .jti,00 each for PANTHERS. 8,00 each for BLACK FOXES. 4,00 each lor CROSS FOXES. 10,00 each for LYNX. 10,00 each for OLD OTTER. 5,00 each tor YOL'Nti OTTER. 6.00 each lor YOUNG WOLVES. 5,00 each for WILD CATS. 6,00 each lor FAWNS. 1,00 each for YOUNG BLACK & CROSS FOXES. The above price 1 will pay, the Animals to be in good aiid thriving condition. Animalscan be shipped to ine by way of Funhu'awncy Pa. For further information write to " JOHN A. STEWART, Marion, Indiana County, Pa. SLEIGH BELLS AND WHIPS. a nice little ussortment, at POWELL & KIME'S. Administrator's Xoticc. Estate of Ralph Johnson Into of Benezetto Township Elk Co., Pa., deceased. Litters I'eatamcntary upon the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, nil persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, aud those having claims to present the same without delay to JOHN G. HALL, H.17W Administrator. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Cornelius Wain wright late ofBunezette township, Elk Co., Pa., deceased. Letters Testamentary upon the above estate have been gnaiited to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estase are requested to make payment, ajid those having claims to present the same without delay to. JOHN WAIN WRIGHT, Dt0 Admr. Executors' Notice. EsMe of Joseph H. Dornisch, late of St. Alnrrlu It l. -i.mi. . ' deceased. Letters Testamentary mton the above estate have been granted totne undersigned.all persons indebted in (iiiijl utin . i v. iowbj uju requesieu to make payment, and those having claims to nresenr. tho , Cl!.AYAEFt0ISCH'Ex-r, nine. RAILROADS- . PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie ft. U. Division WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after SUNDAY, NOV. 2(1, 1870, tho trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Uailroad will run as follows) WESTWARD. NIAQARA EX leaves Penovo..... 4 43pm ' ' Driftirood.. 6 68 p m ' " " Emporium 6 50 p tn ' " ' St Marys... 7 45 p m " " " Hidgway... 8 14pm nrr at Kane- I) 20 n m ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p m itenovo ll win " ." " Emporium 12 66 pm St. Mary's 1 40 p m Uidgwny 2 11pm " " " Kane 8 80 p ni " arrive at Erie 7.33 pm EASTWARD. DAY EX leaves Kane 0.00 a tn " " " Ridgway 0.60 am " " St Marys 7 20 a m " Emporium H 10 a m ' Driftwood 8 68 pm " ' Kcnovo 10 10 pm ERIE MAIL leaves Erio 11.00 a m " " Knnc 8 60 p in " " Ridgway 4 49pm " " " St. Mary's 615 p ni " " " Emporium 0 10 p ni " " Rennvo 8.85 p m " " nrr. nt Philodephia... 7 00 a m Day F.xpress and Niagara Express con nect cast with Low Grtido Division and 1 N. Y! & P. 11. I!. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gcn'l Sup't I N S-U R A N CE. The undersigned believes that ho nns tne principal agency in this dis' trict from the fact that he has written nearly one thousand policies, in the past tnreo years, lie, tnerelore, in vites those having Insurance tocHW-t to compare rates, and companies, be- iore niauing application elsewhere Partial list of companies. A KTX A 1 1 A IiTK( Ut U 7,0011,000 NOHTir JIUITlsU & M. KXiiIAXl)..ltuiii,ntBi VI WVa ASSOCIATION PHI LA .,i.(Hi s Kit MAX A.MKU1CAN, X. Y 2,(ni,"ini N I AO A It A, N.Y i!.r,nn.iiio TIIAVKLKIJS' I.IKK HAIfTl'Olili 4,lHm,iiUU n7ni3. T HE SOCIETY STORE. A new store started in Ridgway un der the nuspices ot the lathes ot Grace Church, with MISS A. E. M'KES. as Agent and Saleswoman, A line assortment of goods on hand and selected with great care. EMBROIDE1UKS. LACE EDGE FRINGES HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES TIES. TOILET SETS. LINEN SUITS. CIIILDRENs SUITS SAMPLE SILKS Machine silk, thread and needles Also a line lot of Dress Goods. Fancy work of all kinds. Framed mottoes ttv., iW. All cheap as the cheapest and goods warranted lirst class, ('all and examine our stock. MISS A. E. M'KEE, Agent for the Society EVERY SOLDIER who uas wounded or contracted pcrnin nent disease in service can get n pension ny writing to John Ku k rat rick, Cambrnlgo. Ohio. N'-lOoil DR. BANNING is permanently located at the St. Cliarlcs Hotel. Pittsburgh, l'a. Diseases and Do tommies of the Spine, Ultcrino Displace iiients Dyspoj sia, Ilcriiin and l'i'es sue cesnl'uliy treated by the MANNING 8 Vfi TliM of Mechanical Supports. Call or send for descriptive pmnplet, "The House You Live In. ' Mailed Free. N-lOinl TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured ot that uretvl intense. Consumption by a simple remedy, is anxious to uial; known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, l.c will send copy of the prescription used, (freo of charge) with tho direct tons tor r.i eparin and using the tamo, which they will find a' M'ne Cuke lor (.ohsiMrriox, Asthma Lkoxciiitis, ic, Parties wishing the prescription will please address, ltcv. E. A. WILSUN, I'M renu., l uliamsburgh, N. i. WE WILL mail ono and one-half doze.u or tho most beautiful new. i'Uroinos iu French oil color overseen for $1.00. They are mounted in Sxlt) black enamel and gold mats oval opening and outsell any thing now befire the public. Satisfaction guaranteed. Two samplss for 2"i cents or sex for CO cents. Seui 10 cents for grand illustrakc calalngue with chromo of Moon light on iho Hhiue, or '20 cents for two Landscapes aid Calla Likes on blacli ground. J. LATHAM &CO. 410 Washing ton St., Boston Mass. Engravings aud Art WcrliS. A r UHTUnii. nlOJune.Scpt.Uct. Laws It elat iiij; to Newspaper Subscrlp tions and Arrearages. 1. Fubscribem who dn not givo czpreas notico to the contrary, are considered wish ing to coutinue their subscription. '2. If subscribers order tho discontinu at ion of their periodicals.tho publishers may continue to send them until all arrearages are puid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the ollice where they are directed, they are held responsi ble until they have settled their bills, aud ordered them discontinued. 4. If subscribers move to other places without informing the publishers, and the papers are sent t the former direction, they are held responsible. 6. The courts have decided Unit "refus ing to lake periodicals from Hie oihce, or rc moving and leaving them uncalled fjr is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud." (. Any person who receives a newspaper and makes use of it. whether he has ordered it or not, is held in law to be a sub scriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, they are bound to givo notice to the publisher at the end of their time, if they do not wish to continue taking it otherwise the publishers are authorized to send it ou, and the sub scribers will be held responsible until su express notice with payment of all arrears, scut to the publisher. P ATENT S ! Feo Reduced, Entire Cost 55. Patent Office Pee $25 in advance, bol ance $20 within G months after patent allowed- Advice and examination free. Patents gold. J. VAN E LEWIS & CO. Washington, P. C. ultiiulru3. t-lm. Woods & Co.'S PARLOR ;'.H M.3 o J3 . M til i 2 a 9 i "it ' The.rm,rk.U. imiricut, r,. cviti:, Ailaill Sir Atistcnrnud I'nl'cM.io:ial. anj :in ortiiimcnt 1 t I, Lm T Pi lte Mil GEO. WOODS & CO.. Cambridgeport, wass. TV.linT.fWI! (ttlfl Wahirifton St.. oston) 170 Stati- St.. fhlcugo! 88 Lndgate Hill, IAnao. TiTJtl VAY XI TPUT A TT A 'A U-1"; MiiMcal Journal of selected mujic mndroluable rejrfn 1 Xlh V O A il U .21 A. IN A, ,. t r. Vy mail f. r $ per year, or ten cent. number. E .ch MJtmbw mtain f-n. ? I-.! with r.f!h- fo.ct w.Utc! wwi.-. CEO. WOODS L CO., Publisher, Csmbridgeptrt, THE ADVOCATE, Oflice, over l'owoll A Kinie's Store, Miiitt Plteet. 2.00 A V.JllLdO IN JJYJAC SPKCJ. LL TJUiMS : DcmorcsV s Monthly, wilh rcniitiiii, aud .Ul rotate for S.oO Head iho Pi-cmia m List Fetcradio's Magazine, and rIhc .Ih'WCJTE or 3.00 JOB PRINTING. BUSINESS CJ11DS, VISITING CARDS, HEADS, ENVELOPES, BOOKS, Cheaply and Neatly Printed. Estimates furnished ORDERS BY MAIL WLL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTEXTON Address HENRY A. PARSONS, JR., RIDGWAY, ELK CO., PA. PATENTS. F. A. Lchmann, Solicitor of American and Foreign I'atents, Washington, D. C. All business connected with l'ajfnls, whether before the Patent Office or the Courts, promptly attended to. No charges made unless a patent is secured. Bend for a cir. cular. V.tt " ill i I til i'il 13 zm.r.?u.f.&. mm f" 'in fr.r mKl ctccw VtiCSSr. 4,! ression never bfore attmlned. in any parlor. a jjanui. uwnio';"- - WEDDING CARDS. NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS, BOOKS, PIMPLES, I will mail Free she recipe for prepar ing a simplo Vcuf.tabli 15alm that will re move Tan, FKECKLE8, PIPl'LES and Ulotches, leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful ; also instructions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on ft bald head or smooth face. Address Ben. Vandelf i Co. Box C121, No 5 WoosterSt., N. Y. It hi Vv''-': i f I - ,m,tt I Ala
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers