-J." -I ll lleiiry A. Parsons, Jr., Editor .Tnru.mvY, apuit, 20, Tlin S'ny Law Iio:iIU ntlonal. Fklliulciiihlu Kvcnlng Toktrili, April lf. An important ileoi.-ion villi regard to llio sliiy law piissed nt (lie last pen sion of the lep isititu lm been made by Judgo M'Dcrmitt, of Mi-rcw county, which praetlenlly nullifiea Home of its Most essential and most objectionable features. Judge M'Dermltt declares that tbJs law so far us it gives n stay of execution on contract Mhieh waive such stay, is dearly, plainly and pal pably in violation of the"provisioUH of the constitutions of the L nited Ktates and of the state of Pennsylvania, which prohibit the passage of c.e post facto laws and laws impairing the ob ligations of contracts. Its meaning 0:1 some points is not by any means clear, and its authors appear to have Intentionally made a muddle of it, but If it means anything it-mean that a etav of execution may be had in cases where it has been solemnly covenanted that there shall lie no such Ktuy. As the learned Judge. pointedly remarked, "To say that a contract which waives a stay of exe cution is not impaired by a Inw which gives a stay is to talk languave which is unintelligible." It is said that mi appeal will he had from udue M' Dermitt's court to the supreme eoi'j t, and we hope such an appeal will be made and a decision pjts.-ed for villi as little delay as possible. It is a mat ter of great consequence that the supreme court should pass at an early ilay, and when that couit does pass upon it we have no doubt whatever that the decision of the. lower court will be eon finned. The p.-aage of t lie bill was disgraceful, and every man in the senate and house, who voted for it, as well as the governor, M ho in the face of the protests which were made put his signature to it, is deserving of t lie severest ccn.mre. The following is the language, used by Judge M'Dermitt : "The act, so far us it gives a slay of execution on contractors waiving it, '3 'clearly, plainly, and palpably' a violation of the tenth section of the first article of the constitution of the United States, and the seventeenth section of the first article of the con stitution of this state. Under these sections of said articles, the legisla ture is prohibited from passing an t.r 2'idtjCic(o law impairing the obliga tions of a contract. V'c regard the cases of Billmeyer vs. Evans, -1th Wright, ?-i, and Lewis vs. Lewis, lith Wright, 127, as directly in point. In t lie first of these the court, inter alia, says: 'tio when these defend ants stipulated for twelve months credit, and agreed that there should be no stay of execution beyond that limit, can the legislature sny there shall be a stay beyond that limit without impairing the obligation of the contract ? How could it bo possi ble more directly In impair a contract'.' What is it butscitini; uaide the con tract made by the parties, and substi tuting a digerent one for it? To say that a contract which waives a stay of execution is not impaired by a law which gives a stay is to talk language which is uninteligible.' " STUl' Til A T (JO LOJf. The way to cure a cough is to stop it. The lungs and throat can never heal as long as they are irritated by a constant cough. Pr. Fenner's Im proved Cough Honey will relieve any cough in one hour or less. It will break up a cold in the head before any cough has formed in two to three hours. Prevention is lxtter than cure! In chronic coughs the system must be placed under the healing in fluence of Dr. Fenner's Wood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic also. This places the system in a healing condition, and under the two remedies the lungs and throat rapidly heal. From the Mayor's olllce, New Yolk City. Executive Department, City Hall, Ollice of Hie Mayoralty, Sew York City, Jan, Si, Dr. M. M' Homier, l-'redonlu, X. Y. Dear Sir Enclosed you will Had S1..VJ, for which you will iilciifcc send 1110 three bottles of your Dii)ro"oi! Cough Honey by express. Yotirs truly, M. J. I'AItUKLL. From John 13. Miner, u wealthy bunker of Fredouln, X. Y. I certify tlitit I was alllieted with u liamis ging cough. I procured a bottle of Dr. Ecu-ner'a- Improved Couh Honey, nnd took t hree doses of it with the effect of entirely 11 lievlnjf me. J. D. SIIXEH. Who will continue to hack 1 Sold by denli'i's in meilleinir. Count)' Ofiiccrs. President Judgc-Hon. L. I). V'tlmore Associate JudgesjJlons. Ceo. L'd. Weis, and Julius Jones. Pheriir Daniel Hcull. Treasurer Jacob .MoCaidey. District Attorney (,'. JI. "M'Cauley. Co. Superintendent i-'). C L'ixon. Prolhonotary. &e Fred l-'eho-ning. Deputy l'rotiionotary W. S. Ilrrton. Commissioners Michael Wedert, V. II. Osterliout. (ieorge Reuscher. Commissioners' Clerk w S. Itorton Auditors W. II Hyde, R I.Spai.'g ler, George Hotlirock. Township OHirers. Judge of Election Will Dickinson Inspectors James Pcnlicld, P. R Smith. - Justices of the I'euce Charles Mead, Jas. D. Fullerton. School Piroetors 0. B. Grant, Jas Gardner. G. T. Wheeler. N. T. um ruings, W- S. service. Fug. J. Millet. Supervisors O. B. Fitch, Jas. Riley. Treasurer W H. Hyde. Assessor M. S. Kline. Assistant Assessors Geo. Dickinson. John Walmsley. Auditors- J. H. Hagerty, James Pen Add, J. 8. Powell. Clerk-M. S. Kline. Constable I. W. Morgester 5URS, A SMALL LOT AT TOWELL & KIME'f?- The foreign Insurnnco companies, having been finally defeated In their attempt to resist the payment of the tax upon gross premiums imposed by the law of Pennsylvania, are now pay ing into the treasury the amounts for which they have been lit default since the year JS7-1, amounting, Including I lie tax for 1871), to about $100,000. Up to this time about $17",iX)0 has been received. As the com panics, souie twenty-two in number, who made the case of the (iermania com pany in New York a ttst case, gave security for payment, in the event of on adverse decision by the supreme court, it Is certain the whole MOO.onn should in time be paid over. llarris bury Putriot. JMIH SOCIETY STOirE. A new storcslartcd in Ridgway un der the auspices of the ladies of Grace Church, with 1IIS3 A. 3. li'EEE. as Agent and Saleswoman, A lino assortment of poods on hand and selected with great care. E.MHUOlMHilKS. LACK EDGE. HINGES. UANDK EIM'Jl EFS. LADIES TI! TOILET SETS. L1MSN SUITS. CHILDREN SUITS SAMPLE SILKS. Machine silk, thread and needles. Also a line lot ol'I)iss Goods. Fancy work of, ail kinds. Framed mottoes vc, iW. All cheap as the cheapest and goods vnrrautul first class. Call and examine our stock. :.ll: A. K. JFK 110, Auuit for the Society. Rouisb't's .Notice. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing accounts "will be presented at tlic next term of the Orphans Court of Elk County (commencing on Monday .May '-.', l.S'71 lor confirmation : Final account of Jerome Powell Olive Eirleston now Olive Foust, Auiiiinist ralors of Estate of Dennis Eg leston, late of llorlon, townshij) de ccased. Final account of George T. Roth rock and Wiiiiuiii Murray, Executors, of the l;-t will and testament of Anne Ovcrlurf, hit e of Beiiezetle, township, deceased. Filial account of Charles Lulir and O. L. Koycr, Executors, of the last will and les-tument of Frederick I)ir'old, late of Beir.inger township, deceased. Final account of Jacob Voilmer and Ignatius Kt.is.cr, Executors of the last v. iil and testament of p. F. X. P.uck Jitit, late of r't. Mary's Borough, de-ecu.- e J. FRED. SCI IO E NINO, Register. X. O.-MOLA.-ES FOit COOK ing, also choice syrup always on hand nt POWELL & KIJIE'S ONIONS, A NICE LOT AT P. & K'S. THIS COLD WEATHER RE minds u.i that POWELL Ar KIME have a nice lot of Thermometers on oud. BUTTER AND LARD AT P. & K'S Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For t he relief an core of all teraiij;j rnentrt in the st uw ftch, liver, and bow da. 1 he arc a mi 10 aptTfont, ami an excellent purntivc. Being purely wire, cable, thcy contain in i mercury or mine ral whatever. Much serin us Mckiiess and BufTfrinff is prevent e'l nv int'ir uintiv ue; nnd everr rnm!ly shouM have thtni on hanj fur their protertiun "and reliel", when reiiuherl. Lcnp experience has provi-l them to he the saf est, Htire-t, ami he-t of all lh? Viil with which the DKirket aoonmls. ly their occasional use, Hie hi-iod if piirilUil, the" corruption of t!ie sys tem expellc'l, )htriirii(tji.s removetl; ami fh whole niaehiiiery of life restored to Us healthy activity. Intoinlil nrjrans whieh heeoine closed and slujr-ih are cleansed by Atvv i'if and siinuihited into action. Thus incipient dircu.-o is change I itito healtli, the value of which chan:, when reckoned on the vat mnltitmiep who ei jy it, can hardly bo computed. Their urar coating ni;tKs tiiem pie;iant to take, and itr.erTus their virtues unimpaired fur any Jeni:tn of time, no that thev an; ever tVe.-h, and perfectly rulinble.. Aiihoutli j-ean-hinjr, they are mild, and operate tv it in nit disturbance to thu constitution, or diet, or i'fiiii:it!J!i. Kuil ilinvtinna are ph-yn on th wrarpcr to a it box, how to u -e them a Family l'iiybic, iid for (he following complaints, Yitiich Uir-e fills r;ipi 1 1 y cure: For S).ui'iMi or Imlfu-Htn. l-ltlii-a1, ltin: uir and 1m of A nsiiU(, they liould l)e lak'n ui'iderately to stiimrute the dtonv r'n, iind ie- tore it-i hcallhv tone iiiii action Fur JM ver Complain i and it 3i iou .-yinp toiii, tfjtilfoiiH Ifi4;k'ld('ic. kivk ffail ki'la. JiiuudU tr u ton ivli and Bfiiiiou lrer, they filioulu oc judii iou-ly l;il;e .. ire;ch cae. to correct the :li.-e:iM'd ;i'Jion or rc-move the obfjirut ticno wh'u U c;ui.-i: it. For PTvntery o; B9urraka9 but- one hild di-e i- ..ner;(!ly re u'i't-d. For SSU.-niit;tti:n. frvl. Pnl- nirufimi of hai(, E'atn it flic itli. 91 a it ami S.aiit. liiev bhould be eoulin-imu-'ly t.iki p, as retjuire'l, to change the dix-rf-ed actimi of Ma M-stcin. With i-ucii chaise- those fuiii.l.ii!iif di.:a'ppe:ir. For Ei-j;tr and Irpifal fcwfltluT. they .-houM lie "t t ken in ;tire nnd iretment dot to pro lu e the effect of a dralic purfre. F'ir lif5i-fiioa. a Inre ipfe should br t.'kf'i. u iC p;-'dic. the desired e.Tcct by pym pathv. As a Dinner tak one or two Pills to (ro!iior. ili ietton and rlive t'n stomach. An occMion;d d-o Mimubde.- the Mtc.mach aiM 'iftwt'l, re-'or the npiwtite, and invigorates the iVrlem. I ("nee it i- often advan-eon wheie ii! odious derangement ei-t. thie who iWU tolerably well, oten Iind th-t a d-v-e of ihc;-e t m'dip-i li i i ii Icel deeiiteitlv bettor, from theiv r-ir-ansii k nd lenoTatinji eflect vit .h digestive 'I npparatus. pri pari;i p.r Pr. J. f. A YF.lt A" fO., I'rnetieul Chemists, LOWELL, MASS., V. S. A. 0t pALt UV ALL IRL'UU1STS EVCltV HEHA Bl-CKAYJIEAT Gntliitiu I lour at ELOUK. AND roWELL KIMF.'S. E00T8, SHOES AN1) lU'KBEKS a new fctoi.'k juwt ai riviiijr, at l'OWELL & KIME'S. ATI'OWELE A KIME'S, YOU iuy cuth for piodd, ami get moro than the worth of your cash. HLEIOII HELLS AM) WHIPS. u nice little a.ssoiliaent, at POWELL & HEME'S. PIMPLES. I will mail Free she recipe for prepar ine a simple Ykgetablc Balm I h nt will re move Tan, FBECKLL8, l'll'PLES ard Blotches, leaving the ekin soft, clear and beuutiful i also instructions for producing a luxuriant growth cf hair ou bald bead or tuiooth lace. Addrens Ben. Vaodblf t Co.. box 6121, yo 6 Woo;ter Kt., JJ. y- RAILROADS- PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Frle R. R. Dmsion WINTER TIMB TABLE. ON miJafter SUNDAY, NOV. 20. 1876, the trnins nn the riiilndeiphift A Kria Itnilrond will run a follows! WESTWARD. NIAGARA KX lcntca Hhoto 4 45pm " ' Drift wood.. 5 B8 p m " " Emporium 8 fill p 111 " " " 8t Mnrys... 7 4o p m " Hidgwuy... H 14 p m rr nt Kne.. 20ptii ERIE MAIL Ictiyes riiilndclphia 11 f.5 p m ' " Rennvo... 11 (10 a in " " ' Emporium. .....12 65 p ni 81. Mnry'd 1 40 p ni ltidgwi.y 2 11pm ' liano :! til) p ni arrive at Erie 7 35 p m EASTWARD. DAY EX lenves Kane 0.00 a m '' Ri.lgwny tl.oO a m " Si Marys 7 120 a m Finporium H .10 a ni " Driftwood 8 6H p m " Renovo 10 1 t).p m ERIE MAIL leaver Erie ll.oo'arfl " Kane ! 50 p ni Ridgway 4 49 p ni " " " Kt. Mnry'o 615 p m ' Emporium (1 10 p m " " Renovo 8.85 p 111 " urr. nt riiiladepliin... 7 00 a m liny Express and Niiigaia Express con nect e let with Low Grade Division and B N. Y! et P. It. R. IVM. A. BALDWIN. Oeu'l Sap't Executor's Notice. Estate of John Kaul, late of Ren.in gcr Township Elk Co., deceased. ,r:tcrn T( stamcntory upon the aliove estate have been granted to the un dersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without oolav to ANDREW KAUL, Exr. Ii7t(5. Executor's Xoticc. E.-tate of Michael Schinebeck late ofM. Marv's Boro. l,el(crs lfn(n- mcntary upon the above estate have ..muted to tbe umtersiirned. all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to JOHN fcSCH WARTZFISCHER, Exr. li7tj. INSURANCE. The undersigned believes that he has the principal agency in this dis trict from the fact that lie has written nearly one thousand policies, in the past 'three vears. He, therefore, In vites those having Insurance to clieet to compare rates, and companies, be fore making application elsewhere Pari list of companies. i r v v 1' tiTI-'i Hi 1 1 7.(W00 "viin i il mtiTlslI M. KN(iI.ANli..ia.i''''.iKi! KIKK AssiiriAI'IoN l'HIl.A 4.0KI..M.I liKHMAX A.Mi;UK'AN, N. Y 2.1HKI.IKKI MAHAKA, N. Y a.Sim.iKW III IVKLKRS' I, IFF. ItAUri-'oRU 4,0iKI,i,V.J 1'. U. W.U UTl'.I,, St. Marys, l'u. TF YOU WANT TO 1WY GOODSCHEAP CiO TO JAMES H HAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Ph 1)I',Y GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AN D CAPS, GL.VS-? AND IJUEENS WA 11 E, WOOD AND WILLOW-WAKE. TOBACCO AND CIGAHS A Large Stock of Groceries and Provision The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, and sold an cheap as the CHEAPEST JAMES II IIAGEBTY Sates of Advsrtising. Due column, one year $75 00 J ' " " 40 00 " ' " L'5 00 " ' 15 Oil Transient advert isenicnts per s'juure of eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.50, three insertions S'2. liupiueia cards, tea lir.es or lees, per year $5. Advertisements payable quarterly. QUOTATIONS OK White, Powell & Co. BANKERS AND BUOKKKeS, No- 42 tenth Third Street, rhiladelphia, April 17ih 1877. BID. AfKKD U. S. 1881. c 113J 11K do 5 20, o U5, M and N UOi llo do do 'Oo J aud J 110j llui do do '05 do IU llij lo do '05 do 114 1141 10-4U. doeoupon 1UM llilj do Pncino C's cy Int. off 1-'4J 124J New 5'slteg. 1881 1 1 lit), " ' C. 1881 Ill 11 Golil U1GJ 107 Silver 100 100 Pennnylviinia ex ive 37J Keadiiij! 13- 13J rhilndelphm & Erie 11 12 Lehigh Navigation., 0 H do Valley 20 J 2), United K it of N J ex. div.. 37 3S l itibbingh, T. t Buffalo R. R 4J 4 Oil Creek 130 131 Northern Central ex. div 1(1 j 17 Central Truusportaiion 35 35J NisiUK'lioninp 45 47 North Pennsylvania 4- 45 C & A Mortgage O'a '89 107J 108 N L W TI 3iE TABLE P. & E. K. It. Commencing Snuday, Nov. 2Gth, 1870 WiLCO.t.- Mail East :13 p m " Wct 2:47 p m Day Exprta E::i 0:22 a in Niagara Exprivu West. ........ b:55 p m KlUUWAir. Mail East....- - 4:49 p ni Mail West 2:11 p ni Day Exprcsir Easstl 6:50 a m Niagara Express Weat 8:14 p m sr.. mary's. Mail East 6:15 p m Mail West 1:46 p ru Day Express East 7:20 a m ii;igara Express Wwt 7:15 p ni REMOVAL OP WHOLESALE JEWELRY HOUSE. Our Wr nnd Innrcnuinii hnxine" c1eitianil more room, nn i w will'aftef Acrll lit. 1877. oeoupy 2d nd 3d floors of "M'Callum Buildina" 77 Fifth Avenu (nearly opposite our present looa'ion,) and will offer to t lie trade one uf tho largest and beet stocks of good In the United States, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, Dromes, Jewelry Silver A Dated Ware to., &. ' lose Cash Buyers Invited. C. B. BARRETT A. CO.. 77 Vi n2iI3 , ST, GL0UD Arcli Mret-t, Between 7th mid 8th Strocts, DA Sir.- Since (he close of die Eihibition the '8t. Cloud has been repainted and frescoed, parlors re-furnithea, new carpets, Ac, The house In all its appointments is tin. stirpansrd for comfurt ; the culinary department beinR excelled by none. During I lie Centettnial Hie bt. Cloud adhered to its regular rates, and etideatored to extend tlie same comforts to its patrons as it hail previously; in tins particular it stood alone. Mr. O. W. Miillin lias associated with him his son, Geo K'. Mnllin, and Edward L. Bean, of Ft Wayne, Ind., under tbe firm name of O. W. Mnllin & Uo. Thanking you for fast pattonape and hoping In extend the hospitalities of the St. Cloud with the same encouragement as in the past. We are, respectfully. $3.00 PER DAY. O. W. MULLIN & CO. JOSA D. ItAKIiR, Room Clerk. J. T. LKILES, Cnshicr, nSml. Executors' Notice. EHtnfc of John Taylor late of Fox Township Kilt Co , deceased. Lrtfrrn TcHtntnvnUtry upon the aliove estate have licen jonnted to the tindersinned, all persoiiH Indelited to said estttte are requested to make payment, and those linvirnr clainiH to prvsent the same without delay to OKI). II. TAYLOR. f , n2t0 JAMK9 R. TAYLOR. ) v'x rs' TIVING WILD ANIMALS j WANTED. $00,00 each for PANTHERS. 8,00 each for BLACK FOXES. 4,00 each for CROSS FOXES. lo.oo iwh for LYNX. H',00 each for OLD OTTER. 6,00 each for YOUNG OTTER. fi.OO each for YOUNG WOLVES. fi.00 oeh for WILD CATS. f."0 ,.,,,-h for FAWNS 1.00 each for YOUNG BLACK A CROSS FOXES. The ahove price I will pay, the Animals to he iu good and thriving condition. Animals can he shipped to me hy way of Piinsu'awney Pa. For further information write to JOHN A. STEWART, Marion, Indiana County, Pa. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The ftdvertiscr baring beeu per jmnently cured of that dread disease, Consumption, hy a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to h:s lellow sutlercrs the menus ol cure. To nil who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge) with the directions tor preparing and using the same, which they will find a Sinn Cinr. for ('o.vst.MrTioN, Asthma, lillONCIIITlS, &e., l'ar.ios wishing the prescription will pl.'lise address, Uev. K. A. W1LSOX, I'Ji l eun., Williamsburgli, N. Y. SEED WHEAT. I bare a limited quantity of fine seed from a lie" RiiJ iihc--j'!r.lcd variety of llnnch wheat, put ur. in li lb. sucks which will be sent prepaid on receipt of $1. The wheat is mverior to the lavorile CUiwson variety, has u strong straw, and sim.cls up well when irro.riiti. This teed id the product of experiments lwat ytnr, fram which tho yield was at the tato of 87 bushels of wheat to one bushel of serd. Only 500 sacks are ofcred for sale. H. U. SMITH. 734 14ib, STREET. Washington D. C. nil. C.Tm'i& not easily earned in these 7 til.. ... . i III tunes tut it can to ma.:: in three niontbs by any one of either 6tx, in any part of the couniy w!?o is vrilliiig to work rteadily nt the employment that we furnish. $M per week in your own town. You Deed nol bo away from homo over ninht. toucan give your whole truo to the work, or only your Kparc moments, it costs nothine to iry the huriaess Terms mid 5 Outilt free. Address at once, 11 HALLETT & CO., Portland Maine. onc. GARDE2J SEEDS. New Varieties of Flower and Vegetable. Don't write to your member of congress, who is flooded with applications for seeds but obtain the sumo Varieiles, aiul all the new ones, by ordering from the undersigned Ueside my Own specialties I am prepared to furnish any kind or seed trom any cata loins nt a discount of ten per cent from list prices. For the convenience of those who want nn assoriment 1 have prepared two collections. No 1 consis's of 13 vane tics of choicest Flower seeds a complete flcwer garden, price $1. No. 2 comprises a complete collection of Vegetable seeds for a small family carden. price Sl.OO. Packages of the two sets combined for 100 Sent postpaid lo any address on tcceipt of price. The seeds in these collections would cost double the money, made up in separate orders or purchased of any dealer. rl. 1, o.ui i ti, 734 l.'Sth STREET, Washington, D. C. PAlENTSSStt"! ces. trade-marks, designs, and comprunds. Labels registered, lufrioeemeuis, re issues aud iutetl'ereuccs will' received pro It attention. INVENTORS "sh oald Iscnd us a model or sketch ot their invention, and wn will rrivn our oniniou as to its patenta bility jfree of charge. Fees moderate, and NO CI1AKUE lAIlli rait-.l ojv CUl!EI. We will, upon contingent fee, prosecute cases that have been rkjkctkd by the I'aient OBice. Wo Iirvd rlienta in everv State iu the Union, and invite inquiry through your congressman as to our siauuing oeioro m I'll IP II I (lffip Send for eircnlar for further infomation, teraisand references. - Establtsbed in Jsuu. EDSONUROS, Solicitors of U. 8. aud Foreign PATENTS. 711 O stroet, li. W., W&bington, D. C. n2tPV CRISTADORO'S UMU 0E Cristailoro'a Hair Dve in the SAFEST and BEST; it acta Instanta neously, producing the most natural shades of RW-k or Brown: does NOT STAIN the SKIN, and Is easily ap plied. It ia standard preparation, and a favorite upon every well ap pointed Toilet for Ludyor GeirtlenmH com ny uruggists. J, CRIST ADORO, P. O. Boi, 1533, New York. Nt-U WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY Avanun. Plllshnrnh. Pa. " ' t liOIEL 3 PHILADELPHIA, PA. TRUSTEES' SALE. Iy Virtu of the powers vested in us by I the provisions ot a certain mortgage execttted anl delivered by the Kersey Coal Company to the undersigned, dated the 1st day of June, A- D. iHtit. nnd duly re corded in the recorder's office for Elk county, H l it o of Pennsylvania, in mortgago tiooK "B. png l.i-i, v,o., as well as by virtne of the authority of the decree of I he ;ourt of (iiir.ii on Pleas cf Els county, State of Pennsylvania, sitting in equity, liiicclosir.g the moitguge n(oresa:d. we will expose to public sale, nt the court house, in Kulgway, in Hie said onunty of Elk, on FHIUAY. THE !27TH PAY OF Al'IilL, . H. 1877, nt one o'cIock P. M., nil the rights, franchises and ptopcrty of the nercy i,oal Company, including real es tate particularly described as follows: All these two certain tracts or nieces of land sitiuto in Fox township; Elk county, State of Pennsylvania, one being bounded and described as follows : llegmning at a post at l lie noittieiist corner ot bit P. Kyiers land; thence east, partly by laud of Nmh. and D. I). Ilvatt, one hundred and eighty-seven rods (187) to a beech; thence south, hy land of Horace Little, one hun dred and sixty rods to a post and stones; thence west, by lands of Joseph Cook and Jesse hyler, one hundred and eighty-seven rods' to a post ; thence north by lands of Jesse K.yltranl fcli 1'. hyler, one hundred and sixty rods to the place of beginning, containing one hundred and eighty-seven acres, more or less, being part of the tracts os. 4Ui8 and 407'J, and the same con veved to Jopeuh S. Jlvde bv Edward Mc- Ijiione and Ellen, his wife, by their deed, dated ',ith day ot fiovember, A,i. loos, duly recorded iu the oftce for the record ing of d.'eds in Elk county, iu deed book r , page oyj, tec. Also Another tract adjoining the one above described, and is bounded and des cribed as follows : Beginning at a chest nut tree standing in the west line cf war rant .No. 40iS; thence east, ty lands of Eli r. Hyler undJ, a Hyde, one hundred rodn, more or loss, to an elkwood ; thence north one hundred and sixty-nine and six tenths (lb'.l o-lU) reds, more or less, to a maple tree ; thence west one hundred rods. more or less, to n beeeb ; thence south, by wairant No. 4!i7i, one hundred and sizty nineand six-lenihs ( iiiit 0-10) reds, more or less to the place of beginning, contain, ing one hundred and Bit acres, moro or less, being part of tract No, 4078, and the same land conveyed to Joseph 8. Hyde by liittieid r Little nnd Eydia A. M.. his wife, by their deed dated 1 tit h d-y of July. A. i). 1859, duly recorded in tbe office for the recording of deeds in Elk county, in deed book "II," page 707, &o. Also All .the. following described tracts of land situate in tho township of Fox afj-esaitl, bounded and described as fol lows: . One tract beginning at a post at the south side of the Milei'burg end Hmeth port road, on the western line of Puuiel llyutt s land, forty-six flu) perches, more or Ices, -to a hemlock ; thence west forty- three (4;j) perches more or less, to an elk wood tree on Libel's line; thence north along said Libel's line, seventy-four (74) perches more or lu'.'S, to the Mileshurg and rimethporl road; thence easterly along said Milesburg aud t-moihpcrl road to the place of beginning, coutinniiiu sixteen (Iti) acres raorc or less. Al.-o One tract beginning st a post on the mill road; thence west eighty one (81) rods to John Semeling's southeast cor ner ; thence north ninety-two ('.):!) rods to a stone cornsr; thence east ninety-six (1)0) rods to mill road; thenco eouih twenty six degrees east twenty (liO) rods thence south leu degrees west twenty (20) rods, theuce south thirty degrees west twenty (20;) rods; thence no tub fifteen degrees west thirty-two (:!2) rods to place of beginning, containing fifty (50) acres more or less. Also One tract beginning at a post ; thence cast, by laud of George Weis, seventy-eight (78) rods to a post, thence somli sixty-one and two-'mrds (tils) rods by land of J. Seifred; thence west seveu'y- eight (78) roJj, by land of P. 1). Hyait: thence north sixty-one and two-thirds (Oljj) rods, by lands of lSenzingcr & Escbbach, to the place ot beginning, containing thirty (30) acres, being part of warrant 407S. Also One tract begiuning at a post, i hence east, twenty (20) rods, by lands of Penzinger fc Eschbauh ; thence south forty (40) rods.by lauds of 1). 1). Hyatt , thence west twenty (20) rod3,- by lands of Patrick Murphy, deceased thouce north forty (40) rods by lauds of lienziuger & Eacbbach, to the place of begiuning, containing five (5) acres, also part of No. 4078. Also All the coal, iron, ores, and other minerals of whatever kind, lying and being in or upon all that ceitaio tiaot situated iu Fox township aforesaid, beginning at a hemlock; theuce cast, by lauds cf Joseph 8. Hyde, one hundred aud two (102) rods to a water beech ; theuce north by land of Horace Little, eiglny-five (H?) rods to a post ; thence west, by land of George Weis, one hundred and two (102) rods to a post ; thence 6outh eighty-five (85) rods to tbe pli-e of begiuning containing fifty-four (54) acres and tbiny (30) perches, together with the right of ingress and egress, and to enter upon aud into said land for the pur pose of examining and searching for and of mining, manuftuuuring and preparing the said coal, iron and ores, and other minerals, for market, and transporting the same, and for these purposes to build roads anl drains upon or under the surface of said lands, as may be necessary and proper for Ihe convenient use and working of tbe mines or works, with a right to deposit the dirt or waste of tbe said mines or works upon the urface convenient thereto to gether with all the rights, property, im provements, franchises aud estate; of said company acquired or which may be here after acquired. FRED. SCBWEDLER. 1 T FRED. W. UILL1NGS. A,ustec, Ridgway, Pa. Feb. 15, 1870-lit. Wo will start you In a business von can make Sou a week without Money i Mpluil; eaiy und respectable lor either sex. M. A. Vouub, Mi Bow- crv. X. V.- uiuvl. ' 7 Administratrix's Xotice. Estate of Geo. Wulmsley late of St. it....u Tim-Anrrli l-'llc t'o . (leeeansd. umij a aw.vMg., - i Litter Tcntamentary upou- the bov . , i .-..... t a A tr th iinilui'. esiuie iiuve ueen BiKUfcd, all persons indebted to said es-.....,-.. iil in muke uavment. nut; mo iviiuii-i . , , .. " ! and those having claims to present tins name wiiuoui ueiuy , K8THEUANNE WALMSLEY, n4,i Administratrix. Ixeo. Woods & Co.'$ PARLOR ORGANS -.3 w-r-i,,rt f.--pr.-fr. v w Si,- .'li i iw " - - i.ii" ' n s 111 Hi Of WX" i.& T'tese rpHA.ible inst rum Dii-icw cnpa-.mtc fo msrknl effecti nd eKpretwiwycvtr befof H't' Adapted fur iim:itar nnd i'rrc-ion.ii, nnd nn onum(nt in tny prKm Btttlfiil NW StyltVi WW fmft GEO. WOODS & CO.. Cambridgftpor Ml, HIRlltOOUSi tins VariNtAR St.. Cutout 170Rttf Cbrf M Mf Uttf, MW rTTTr' TAA V Ti ff Af A TJ A t.-fir M-nJesl' Iournl of Mlrcted mUKie n vrinrtk WW 1 Jj .CI V U A i'J U HiAlS ls m.i-.itf. ty niAll fur i tx:r vtar. or tfn ntf a ihrMBer. Ef utnbw ntai-. from v - w-rl. f 1'ir -t M:lrcli:d fflltic. CEO, WOODS i CO, Publihnj,Crtrrt' " THE ADVOCATE, Office, overrowcllfc Kifti $2.00 A rAll$l.S0 lN4bVAftC, SPECIAL TERMS DcmorcsV's Monthly, ivith premium, and Adv oetite, otf' $3.50.- Read the Premium List.- r Peterson's Magazine, and The ADVOCATE or $3.00 JOB PRINTING, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS,- WEDDING CARDS, BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, EMVELOPESj STATEMENTS, BOOKS, BOOKS, Cheaply and Neatly Printed, Estimates Furnished' ORDERS BY MAIL WLL RECEIVE PROMPT A.TTE2JTON Address HENRY A. PARSONS, JR., RlDQWAY.ELK CO., PA A FEW MORE OVER COATS and Buflalo Robes at POWELL & KIME'S. SUGARS AT POWELL AND KIME'S are high to be sure; but still are a little cheaper than at any other sioreiu town. 7 I Stora, 5fai"a Street.- WOLLEN BOCKS AND MITTEN8 at POWELL 4t KIME FLOUR1, PQKK, FEEDV CORN Meal, Oats, always or baud m POWELL A KIME'S at bottom prl' I CM. ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers