mu Mwmit Henry A. Parsoim, Jr., Editor THURSDAY, APRIL 10, J877 It In rout Mnt'1 ly the host Informed Kcpubllcnt at Wanhlngtnn Hint If the roll of the house Is properly nimle np It M ill stand 149 Democrats to 1-14 Republicans. According to Clerk Adams' showing the Democratic ma jority nt the opening will be ten or eleven, and when the seats are full fifteen. Mr. Adams Ih busy cypher ingaud straining every point to give his party the largest possible majority, knowing full well that In their de clining power as much strength as possible must be secured. If, how ever, a number of southern members should act with the Republicans the Democrats will find themselves In a hopeless minority. Of this there Is a strong prospect. Many persons are surprised that the nubile debt last month was decreased $14,107,016,41, and arc at a loss to ac count for it. It Is explained, however, by the treasury officials, that it arises from the cancellation and destruction of the balance of the 5 per cent, bonds of the funded loan of 1S81, held in trust for the pnyment of the awards made by the court of commissioner." of the Alabama claims, as provided by the fifteenth section of the act of June 53, 1874, viz : 7,150,000, balance of the original Investment of $15,500,000, and $2,403,800 representing accrued in terest thereon. It may be some time before the statement shall show such large and gratifying decrease. A special fast freight train oftwenty cars, containing tea and silk, from Pan Francisco, via the Baltimore and Ohio line, reached New York re centlv, making the trip in ten days. Few persons have any Idea of the re volution that the Pacific railroads have made in the tea and silk trade This tea is delivered in New York in about thirty days from China, and may be put in London In forty days. The best time by the Suez Canal is 112 dovs. and by sailina vessel and steamship by other routes this time is extended to ICO or 175 days. This shows conclusively that tea and silk must all go over the Pacific roads. The largest machinery ei.sting eve) made west of the Alleghenies, was successfully poured a few days since by Tut ten & Co., of Pittsburg. Seventy- six thousand pounds or thirty-eight tons of metal were melted for it. The canting is for use in making plan glass, and when completed will bt twenty-two feet long, eleven feet wide and eight inches thick. The plate was ordered by Colonel Ford the pioneer in this country in the manu- fature oi plate glass and Is for use in the new works at Jefl'ersonville, In diana. Three of the steamers which sailed from New York on Saturday for Eu ropean ports took out large quantities of fresh beef. The City of Richmond. for Liverpool, took out 200,000 pounds the Celtic for Liverpool, over 90,000 pounds, and the California, for O las gow, 1)5,000 pounds, besides 2,000 quarters of fresh beef and a number ol live sheep. All the steamers also carried large quantities of bacon, pork and lard, and with the Necker, for Bremen, took out about 100,000 bush els of grain. A natural bridge far more wonder ful than that in Virginia has recently been discovered in Elliott county, Kentucky, It is of solid stone and forms a magnificent arch 162 feet long and l- feet wide at the top the river (the Little Chancy,) rolling over 100 feet below. Fifty yards above the bridge is a waterfall GO feet high, ami the view from the bridge is said to be extremely beautiful. The Pittsburgh 1'ost says Hie orders to the iron mills of that city arc com- ina in from the southern states in a lively manner. The New Jersey Senate having failed to confirm the Republican Hum iliations ot uoveruor iieiiie. lie (Here upon advised them to adjourn which tncy immediately elm. N. O. MOLASSES FOR COOK ing, also choice syrup always on hand at POWELL KIME'S. ONIONS, A NICE LOT AT P. & K'S. THIS COLD WEATHER RE minds us that POWELL & KIME havo a nico lot of Thermometers on unit. t'ouoty Oflieers. President Judge-Hon. L. D. Wetmore Associate Judges Hons. Geo. Ed. Weis, and Julius Jones. Bheiiil Daniel Scull. 'rlllrl Jacob McCuulev. District Attorney C. II. M'Cuulcy. Co. Superintendent Geo. R. Dixon. Prothonotary. &c Fred. Schosning. Deputy Prothonotary W. S. llorton. Commissioners Michael Wedert, W. H. Osterhout, tieorpe Keuscner. Commissioners' Clerk W. S. Horton. Auditors W. II. Hyde, R. I. Spang- Jer, George KotnrocH. Township Ofilccrs. Judge of Election Will Dickinson Inspectors James penfleld, P. R. Smith. Justices of the Peace Charles Mead, Jas. D. Fulterton. School Directors 0. B. Grant, Jus- Gardner, U. T. Peeler, H. I . ruin- miners. W. 8. (Service. Euor. J. Miller. Supervisors O. B. Fitch, Jus. Riley. Treasurer". . nycie. Assessor M. S. Kline. Assibtant Assessors Geo. Dickinson, John Walmsley. Auditors J. H. Hagerty, James Pen fleld, J. b. roweu. . Clerk-M. S. Kline. Constable I. W. Morg-tr. BLANKET SHAWL8, AT POWELL & KIME'S DRIED APPLES AT rOWELL & KIME'8. New AdvorliKcnionts. Mercantile AppralNiiient. 17 1ST of Retailers of Merchandise. Liquors, &.O., In (he Cotiulv of Elk, Stale of I'enrif ylvnnia, Maroh 20th, 1877 : MERCHANDISE. HRNF.ZRTTH. , C1ns. Name. Tax. It William E. Johnson, store. 14 S. Leroy Wfnslow, store. 14 Miles Dent, at or. 14 Miles Dent, miller. 14 H. tV. Petriken, miller. FCX. 12 Joseph Koch ft Son, store. lit .1. J. Taylor & Co., (tore. !4 Koch & Em, store. 14 John M'Mahon, store. 14 Herman Strsosslpy, store. 14 Adolr.h Timm, store. 14 Mrs. John Kelt I. store. 14 Michuel Mobnn, store. 14 E. Tl Dixon, store. 14 Charles Webh, miller JOJfKS. (I Wilcox Tnn. A Lam. Co. store 13 A. T. Aldrich, store. 14 James C. Malone, store. 14 Martin Sawcrs, store 14 G. A Jncobson, store. II M. M. Schultt, meat market HORTO. 14 Joseph 8. Hyde, etore. 14 A. Short, tore. 14 J. Cuneo, store. VIDOWAY. it W. H. Osterhout, store. 10 J. S. .0 W. II. Hyde, store 11 Hyde & Ciirtisa, store 11 Powell & Kime, store 12 Grnnt tV llorton, store 13 Clint les R. Earley. store 13 M'Gloin & MGeelmn, store 14 Jaoies H. Hngcrty, store 14 T. 8. Hartley, stoie 14 G. G. Messenger, store 14 Charles Holes store 14 James Woodward, store 14 L. A. Brendel, store 14 E. K. Greab, store 14 Robert I. Campbell, store 14 W. D. Smith, store 14 Jacob liulterl'uss, store 14 J. 8. Powell, store 14 Mrs. A. Ruhlman, store 14 H. M. Rolfe, store 14 Whistletown Lumber Co. etore 14 J. 8. & W. H. Hyde, millers 14 M. J. Earley. store ST. MABt'S BORfllOII. 10 Gifford, Hall & Kaul, store 10 Coryell & Rubs, store 10 Joseph Wilhelin, store 11 John Walker & Son, store 12 W. C. Spafford & Co., si ore 13 V eis Brothers, store 13 John E. Weideubecrner, store 13 Clias. Luhr & Brother, store 13 Bosenhcimer & Tegler, store 14 Weidciihoerner & Witnian, store 14 L. Elakely, store 14 George II. Garucr, store 1 Charles M'Vean, store 14 John E. Wachtel, store 14 Edward M' Bride, store 14 Chillies Miller, store 14 Adolph Fochlman, store 14 Joeepk Wilhelui, store 11 C. L. Bayer, store 14 Alois Letlier, store 14 Mrs. M. E. M'Nall, store 14 Agnes B. Killeian, store 14 Wilhein Jt Doruibh, store 11 John Krug, meal market 14 Joseph Eckel, meat market 14 Charles Knfen, meat market 14 R. C. M'Gili, miller 14 Mrs. C. Neimiller. miller HOTELS AND EATING HOUSES. BKKEZETTB. 5 Henry Blush, hotel 5 L. WidsIow, hotel 7 John Daley, eating house BENZ1NQEK. 5 Frank X. Sorg, hotel rox. 5 John ColHus, hotel 5 Joseph Koch, hotel 7 Andrew Hau, eating house liORTO.N. 5 Joseph S. Hyde, hotel JAT, 5 A.J. Rummer, hotel 5 Armel Turley, hotel JONES, 5 F. B. Patterson, hotel 5 Martin Sowers, hotel B1EOWAT. 5 W. H. Schrara. hotel 6 M'Farland & Murphy, hotel C Frank Pallman, hotel 7 James S. Maginnis, eating bouse ST. MARY 8 BOROl'OU. 5 John Wachtel & Son, hotel 5 Jared M. Mecuiu, hotel 5 Anthony Fochtman, hotel ft Jumes Rogau, hotel G Mathins Wellendorf, hotel 5 Lawrence Vogel, hotel H J. F. Winlfclder, hotel 5 Henry Luhr, hotel 5 John Vauglian, hotel 7 George Sehaut, eating lioueo 7 William Gies, eating house 7 Mrs. A. Klausman, eat. house 7 Jacob Kraus, eating house 7 Anthony Schauer, e;it. house 7 Wm. Zell. eating House 8 Fred. Keuote. eating house 8 Martin Huber, eatiug house BREWERIES. BEKZINOER. ' Sorg t Westnitzer rox. Andrew Han bt. mart's onovcH Chas. Luhr A Co. William Gies Lawrence Vogel BILLIARDS. JONES. A. C. Allen, 2 tables K1UQWAT. G. W. Rhines. 8 tables J. S. Maginnis, 3 tables ST. MART'S BORoruH, J, F. Windtelder, 2 tables A. C. Allen, 2tbles $25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 40 00 60 00 60 00 40 00 40 00 THOS. J. BURKE, mar22-3l Mercantile Appraiser BUCKWHEAT Graham Flour at FLOUR. AND POWELL A KIME'S, BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS anew btock just arriving, at POWELL & KIME'S AT rOWELL KIME'S, YOU pay cash for goods, and get more than the worth of your cash. SLEIGH BELLS AND WHIPS.- a nico little assortment, at POWELL & KIME'S PIMPLES. I will mail Free abe recipe for prepar ini a simple Vkoktablb calm inai win re move Tam. FRECKLES. TIPPLES and Blotches, leaving the skin toft, clear an beautiful : also inilraotioni for produoing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth taoe. Address Ben. Vandelf & C o.. Box 6121, Ko 6 Woctter fct , V. Y- RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division WINTER TIME TABLE. ON andafter SUNDAY, NOV.20, 1876, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows WESTWARD. NIAGARA EX leaves Renovo 4 45 p m Drift wood..- 6 68 p m Emporium 0 f() p m ' 8t Marys... 7 45pm ' Ridgway... 8 14 p m arr at Kane.. 0 20pm ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p m i RenoTo 1100 a m Emporium 12 55 p m St. Mary's 1 4(1 p m Ridgway 2 11pm ii Kane 3 80 p m arrive at Erie 7 85 p m EASTWARD. DAY EX leaves Kane COO a m ' Ridgway 0.66 am i 8t Marys 7 20 a m ii Emporium H 10 a m Driftwood o on p m Benovo ....... 10 10,p m 11.00 a m 3 50 p m ERIE MAIL leaves Erie Kane Ridgway 4 49 pm Bt. Mary's.... Emporium ... Renovo arr. at Philadcpbia 515 p m 6 10 p m 8.35 p m 7 00 a ro Day Express and Niagara Express con nect east with Low Qrvde Division and 1) N. V! & P. R. R. WM A. BALDWIN. Qen'l Sup't Executor's Notice. Estate of John Kaul, lute of Hcnzin- gcr TowilHllip IMK lo., ucceiisi-ii. JjCltcrg JCHtcmicmarf upon luenmne putntn iiivh been irraiitcU to llic un dersigned, nil pcrxoiiH indebted to mh estate are requestea to niaKc payment. and tliOHC Having claims to irenvn the s'anie without delay to AXDKlitf IvALL, Jtixr, il'tti. Executor's Sotlce. Estate of Michael Schlnebcck late oftt. Mary's Boro. Letters Testa )iufii' linnii the above estate na been granted to the undersigned, all nnrwniH indebted to said estate arc re (iiicsted to make payment, and those l.nvincr elnims to urescnt the 8ame JOHN SCH'WARTZFISCHE'R, Exr, n7t0 INSURANCE. The undersigned believes that he has the principal agency in this dis tir.t frm.i tlif fnflt that he has written nearly one thousand policies, in the past three years. Jte, inereioie, vttPM those havinir Insurance to eflect rntes. nnd coninanics, be forn mnkinir unnllcation elsewhere t..i.ii .l liui nt" poiiinnnies. KIRE ASSOCIATION PHILA 4.;.j; GKKM.VN AMEKICAN, N. VS r (i VR . N. Z.nOU.OOO TKAVELKHS' I.1FK HAHTFOKD 4.HV0 P. 11. WACUTKij, SI. aiarj-H, i n7m3. "F YOU 'WANT TO BUY GOODSCHEAP UO TO JAMES H HAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa DBY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CATS, GLASS AND tJUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOWWARE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, and sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST JAMES H HAGERTY Sates oi Advertising. One column, one year - $5 00 " " 40 oo 25 00 " " 15 00 Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.50, three insertions, $2. Business cards, ten lines or less, per year $5. Advertisements payable quarterly. QUOTATIONS or White. Powell & Co. BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 42 frouth Third Street. Philadelphia, April 17th, 1877. Bll. ABKKD U. 8. 1881. c H3J Ui do 5 20, e '05, M and N H0i do do '65 J and J.. 110 1104 no. do do '05 do do do '05 do 10-40, do coupon , do Vacilio ti's cv Iut. off .im .114 1144 .11-' 112j .124 124j New 6'eReg. 1881 H0g 110 c 1881 111 11a Gold - 106i 1U7 Silver 100 100 Pennsylvania ex ive 37 371 tteadinz 1 tf4 Philadelphia & Erie 11 la I.phiirli NAvioration m D 11 do Valley Kl 20 United R R of N J ex. dir. 374 Pittsburgh, T. Buffalo It. K 4j Oil Creek 130 Northern Central ex. div 10 Central Transportation &a Nesquehoning - 45 North Pennsylvania, 4'- C & A Mortgage 6'h '80 107 88 131 17 6J 47 45 108 SEW TIME TABLE P. Si E. It. R. Commencing Kunday, Nov. 26tu, 1876 WILCOX. Mail East 4:13 p ni " West p m 6:'22 a iu Day ICx press East Niagara Express West B1UUWAY e:5t p m Mail East Mall West 4:49 p in 2:11 p m (fl Day Express East 6:66 a m Niairara Exuresa West 8;H p m sr. mabv's. Mail East Mail West.... 6:15 p 1:46 p 7:20 a 7:15 p Day Express East .... Niagara Express West REMOVAL OF WHOLESALE JEWELRY HOUSE. Our large and inorensins buslnet demands more room, and we will,?after April 1st, 1877, occupy 2d and 3d floors of "M'Callum Building" 77 Fifth Avenuo (nearly opposite our present location,) and will offer to the trade one of the largest, and best stocks of goods in the United States, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, Brontes, Jewelry Silver A Plated Ware do., &. Close Cash Buyers Invited. C. B. BARRETT & CO.. 77 Fl n2tI3 ST9 CLOUD Arch Street, Between 7th and 8th Streets, Dear Sir: Since the close of the Exhibition the '.St. Cloud lias been repainted and frescced. parlors fe-furnichea, new carpets, &o. nrpatised for comfort: the culinary department beine excelled by none. During the Centcunint the hi. Cloud adhered to its regular rates, and endeavored to extend the same oomforts to its patrons as it had previously; in this particular it stood alone, Mr. O. W. MuHin bat associated with Bean, of Ft Wayne, Ind., under the firm name Thanking you for past patjonaee and Cloud with the same encouragement as in the $3.UU DAT. JOSA U. BAKER, Room Clerk. J. T. LKILE8, Cashier. Execntors' Notice. Estate of John Tavlor late of Fox Township Elk Co , deceased. Letters Testamentary upon the above estate have been granted to theundersicned. all persons Indebted to said estate are requester! to make payment, anu those having claims to present the same without delay to GEO. B. TAYLOR, 1 , l)2tG JAMES R. TAYLOR. x rs' I1VINO WILD ANIMALS j WANTED. SoO.OO each for PANTHERS. 8,00 each for BLACK FOXK 4,00 each for CllOSfS FOXES. 10,00 each for LYNX 10,00 each for OLD 5,00 each for YOI'NO OTTER. 6.00 each for YOUNU WOLVES 5,00 each for WILD CATS 6,00 caclf-for FAWNS 1,00 each for YOUNU BLACK & CROSS FOXES. The above price I will pay, the Animals to be in good and thriving condition. Animals etui be shipped to me by way of Punsuiawuey Pa. For further information write to JOHN A. STEWART, Marion. Indiana County, Pa. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser having been permanently cured ot that dread disease. Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to bis fellow suffurera the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will seud a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge) with the directions for preparing nnd using the same, which they will find a SrsK Ci:be for Consumption, A.stbma, BuoscniTis, &c, Parties wishing the prescription will please address, Rev. E. A. WILSON, 194 l'cnu., Williamsburgh, N. Y. SEED WHEAT. I have a limited quantity of fine seed frum a new and unequaled variety of Ranch wheat, put up in H lb. sacks which will be sent prepaid on receipt of jl. The wheat is superior to the favorite Clu'wson variety, has a strong straw, and sini.ds up well when growing. This seed is the product of experiments hint jtar, from which the yield waa at the rale uf S7 bushels of wheat to one bushel of seed. Only 600 sacks are ofered for sale. Ii. D. SMITH, 734 14h, STREET, WaRhingtou D. C. nil:!. i$'tm.'mfmin not easily earned iu these (7) (II times but it can be made in three inonihs by any one of either sex, in any part of the couuty who is willing to work steadily at the employment tlflU we furnish. SOU per week in your own town Vr.n need not be away from homo over lit. You can nive your whole time to ihp work, or only your spare moments. It nnciK nnthinc to trv the business Terms and S5 Outfit free. Address at once, H HALLETT & CO., Portland Maine, oney. GARDEN SEEDS. New Varieties of Flower and Vegetable Don't write to vour member of congress, who is flooded with applications for seeds but. obtain the sume Varieties, and all the new ones, bv orderina from the undersigned Beside my own specialties I um prepared o furnish ony kimt ol seea irom any caia loffue at a diecouut of ten rer cent troni 1 st nrices. t or Hie convenience oi iiiuso wbo want.nn assortment i. nave preparyu two collections. No 1 consists of 13 vane ies of choicest Flower seeds a complete flower garden, price $1. Np. 2 comprises complete collection oi egeianie e for a small family garden, price 5l..0. Packages of the two Bets combined for 2.00 Sent postpaid to any address on leceipt of price, xiie seeus in uitso cuiikhuiio would cost double tne money, uiuue up m separate orders or purchased of any dealer. ii n k'lllTIl tl. Ut 11, 73413th STREET, Washington, D. C. Ti A fl TllVTnPClseoured for me- r'A I ti.W I L"Vhauical dtvi i. trade-marks, designs, and compounds Labels registered. Infringements, re issues and interferences will received proR attention. TTVTT? nPT Osh ould nindnl or aketch of their invention and will uive our opinion as to l's pateuta hilitv.fvee of clitti ce. tees moderate, and Nil I'llAKtiK UlUlL fAUJi w Bi- .! .. ii inM-vp la L; L1 CURED. We will, upon contingent fee, prosecute nn im have been bkjkctbu uy m l'ntpiit Otlice. We have clients in every State iu the Union, nnd invite inuuiry through jour congressman as to our btauding belore ine Patent unice. Hnnd fur circular for further infomation terms and references. Established in 1800. EDSON BROS, Solicitors of U. 8. and Foreign PATENTS. 711 G street, Jl. W., Wtbhington, D. C. nil 13 C It I S T A D 0 It 0 S MAIR DYE L.riKiauoro'8 iiair uve i 'UB n iiJi.iom ....1 -nucm. 11 i .. . .4 .. . . i .. 3.-r Jo 1 Uliu Djjn I j It ucio juhluiiii ueously, producing the moBt uaturul shades of Black or llrown; does NOT STAIN the SKIN, and is easily ap plied. It is a standard preparation, and a favorito upon every well ap pointed Toilet for Lady or Gentleman. Sold uy Druggists. J. CRIST ADORO, P. O. Box, 1533, New York. Nt-H WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY Avanuo, Pitts burnh. Pa. H0TE1 3 PHILADELPHIA, PA. The house in all its appointments is un. him his son, Oeo K. Mullin, anu t.awara ti. of G. W. Mullin & Co. hoping to exiend the uospitaiities oi ine tst. past. We are, respectfully. U. V. ill, J,lilN X CCr. n5ml. TRUSTEES' SALE. TJ Y virtue of the powers vested in us by I l the provisions of a certain mortgage executed and delivered by the Kersey Coal Company to the undersigned, diited the 1st day of June, A- V. 16U8, and duly re corded in the recorder's office for Elk county, State of Pennsylvania, in mortgage book "11. page r.i:i, &C., as wen as oy virtue of the authority of the decree of the Court of Coma on Pleas of Elk county, State of Pennsylvania, Bitting in equity, foreclosing the mortgage aforesaid, we will expose to pulilio sale, at the court House, in ltnlgway. in the said county ol bin, on FRIDAY. THE 27TI1 DAY OF. APRIL, A. I). 1K77, at one o'cIock P. M., all the ritthts, franchises and property of the Kersey Coal Company, including real cs tate particularly described as follows : ' All those two certain tracts or pieces of land situate in Fox township; Elk county State of Pennsylvania, one being bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a post at the northeast corner of Eli P. Kyler's land; thence east, partly by land of Nath. and 1). D. Hyatt, one hundred and eighty-seven rods (187) to a beech; theuce south, by land of Horace Little, one hun dred and sixty rods to a post ind Btones ; thence west, by lands of Joseph Cook and Jesse Kyler, one hundred and eighty-seven rods to a post; thence north by lauds of Jesse Kyler and Eli P. Kylcr, one hundred and sixty rods to the place ol ceginning, containing one hundred and eighty-seven acres, more or less, being part of the tracts Nos. 4078 and 407!, nnd the same con veyed to Joseph S. Jlyde by Edward Mo Quone nnd Ellen, his wife, by their deed, dated !th day of November, A. V, I8oo, duly recorded in the office for the record ing ofdeds in Elk county, in deed book F," page 43!i, &c. Also Another iract adjoining tne one above described, and is hounded nnd des cribed as follows : Beginning at a chest nut tree standing in the west line of war rant No. 4078 ; thence east, by hinds of Eli P. Kyler and J. S Hyde, one hundred rods, lnoro or loss, to on elkwoou ; thence north one hundred and sixty-nine and six tenths (10'.i;-10) rods, more or less, to a maple tree ; thence west one hundred rods, more or less, to n beech ; thence south, by warrant No. 4o74, ono hundred and Birty- nineand six-letilhs (Hi9 6-10) reds, more or less to the place of beginning, contain. ing tine hundred and sii acres, more or less, being part of tract No. 4078, nnd the t:t!ne land conveyed to Joseph 8. Hyde by Bitfield P. Little and Lydia A. M.. his wife, bv their deed dated 10th dny of July, A. i. 1 ."!, duly recorded in the office for the recording of deeds in Elk county, in deed book "11," rage n7, c. Also All the following described tracts of land situate in the township ol lux J aforesaid, bounded nnd described as fol lows : One tract beginning nt n pott at the south side of the Milesburg and fc'uieth port road, on the western line of Daniel Hyatt a land, forty-six 4ti) percnes. more or les-s, to a hemlock ; thence west forty- three (43) perches more or leas, to an tlk wood tree on Libel's line; thence north along said Libel's line, seventy-tour perches more or less, to the Alileeourg and timeihport roud ; thence easterly along said Alilesburg aud Smeihpori rnad to the place of beginning, containing sixteen (10) acres more or less. Also One tract, beginning at a post on the mill road ; tbenco west eighty one (81) rods to John Semeling's southeast cor ner ; thence north ninety-two rous 10 a stone corner; thence east ninety-six (0) rods to mill road; thence south twenty six degrees east twenty ('JO l rods thence south ten degrees west twenty (M) rods, tnence south thirty degrees west twenty (M;) rods; thence south fifteen degrees west thirty-two (32) rods to place of beginning, containing fifty (50) acres more or less. Also Ono tract beginning at a post. ; thence east, by land of George Weis, seveuty-eight (78) rods to a post , thence . r ' i . ,i,:.l i!i2 souiu guiy-ouB nuu ifu-'uhm via; by land of J. Seifred; thence west seveu'y- oicht (781 rods, bv land of D. D. Hyatt; thence north sixty-one and two-thirSs (01 5) rods, by lands of Benzingcr & Eschbach, to the place of beginning, containing inirty t30) acres, being part of warrant 40 18. Also tine tract beginning si a post, iheiicecast twenty (20) rods, by lands of Beiiitineer fc Eschbach ; thence south torty (ii)) rods bv lands of D. D. Hyatt . thence west twenty (20) rods, by lands 01 ratrica Murphv. deceased ; thonce north forty (40) rods by hinds of Benzingcr & Eschbach, 10 the place of beginning, containing nve (Oi aires, ulno part of No. 4078. Also All the coal, nou, ores, niwuuia minerals of whutever kiud, lying and being in or upoa all that ceitaiu tract situated in Fox township aloresaid, beginning ai a hemlock; theoce east, by lauds 01 Joseph 8. Hyde, one hundred and two (102) rod" to a water beech ; thence north by land of Horace Little, eiglity-nve ) rous to a post : thence west, bj land of Oeoree Weis, one hundred and two (102) rods to a post ; theuce south eighty-live (85) rod9 to the plice of beginning containing fifty-four (54) acres and thirty (30) perches, together with the right of ingress and egress, aud to enter upon and into said land for the pur pose of examining and searching for and of mining, manufacturing and preparing the said coal, iron and ores, and other minerals, for market, and transporting the same, ana for these purposes to tuna roaas am drains upon or under the surface of said lands, as may be necessary and proper for the convenient use and working of the mines or works, with a right to deposit the dirt or waste of the said mines or works upon the urface convenient thereto to gether with all the rights, property, iin proveuieute, franchises and estates of said company acquired or which may be here after acquired. , FRED. BCHWEDLER.l nw ' FRED. W. BILLINGS. 1,us-ees-Ridgway, Pa. Feb. 15, 1876-0t. it I Wo mill ttiirt von ill a business JM0 von cuii inuko."j0tt week without TTfiawCi'i"""i "', "l u,- 1 , .:. I tttVUU V ' t - " - i v eJ.y . N. v. nlnil. Administratrix's Notice. Estate of Geo. Walmsley late of St r.rv' Uoronirli. Elk Co.. deceased Letters Testamentary upon the above estate have been grauteil to the under signed, all persons indebted to said es tutoniM r'n nest ml to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to vmthku AVNE WALMSLEY, nit Administratrix, Ueo.Woods&Co.'S PARLOR ORG-AJSTS- it kmim M fl Iff SMfSSSsS? IWt 111 111 in . i Ap 1: - itk Mm g -a Tlicac rcn-.irknbl: initr'lrie'.iti po-:f 35 rilj:'.-:nia icir Adapted fur At jt.cir nd 1 mni' i J an o.-nanent C-ED. WOODS A CO., nr.ti.vs! o v-'usiiiu-.-tmi t THE VOX Ti Uhi'ANA, '. !--.t;..,; ''.tcr. ni .-'ei l-:i' .-.,.! ontain-- urii! THE ADVOCATE. Oflice, over Powell A- Kiniv'x Sl'in-, Mniri Street. $2.00 A YEAH-$l.o0 JjY ADVA AVE. SPECIAL Demovest's Monthly, with $3.50. Read the Premium List. Peterson's' Magazine, and JOB PRINTING. BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BILL HEADS, ENVELOPES. BOOKS, Cheaply and Neatly Printed. Estimates Furnished .ORDERS BY MAIL WLL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTON Address HENRY A. PARSONS, JR., RIDGWAY, ELK CO., PA. A FEW MORE OVER COATS and Buffalo Robes at POWELL ft KIME'S. SUGARS AT POWELL AND KIME'S are high to be sure; but still are a little cheaper than al any other store in town. 1 -11" .:trect anil erpress'rnn never before attained. r.i,;ii i:ir-w . i j in any pnrljr. fSf BeaullTUl New Oiyies, now re. CdiTibncigspori, inass. i.,t,. St.. rh easel SS Lodu-ate run, iionuwn. n I ' . . ..... m ,i.icr,l loutnalof selected music and valuable rradjri ;1 f i i er or ten rent? ft numtjer. Each minilx-r . GtO- WOOriS & CO., Publishers, Cambrldgeport, Mass. TE1UIS premium, and Adrocal o f The AD I 'O C ITE or $3.00 WEDDING CARDS. jaOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS, BOOKS, FOR YOUR STOVES AND TIN Ware call at W. B, SMITH'S, corner of Main and Mill streets. WOLLEN SOCMS AND MITTENS at POWELL ft KIME'ai
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers