SETTLEMENT. Reopii Iota a.nAT'TTvrmilU tor the year enllng January lt,1877. RECEIPTS . January 1, 1877. To tax received from unaeatcl , nds 13,040 B4 " " collectors 7,109 80 lnnd ret'd to county comrs sold by treasurer 237 01 " tax rec'd for lands rdeeineil from Co. 2; 73 " tax ' from land rot'd to commissioners , 2 40 ." ninmint received on note of County vs. John Karl 18" 14 " lunount received on note of County vs. William Zelt 201 25 commonwealth costs col. 102 SO "Jury fees received 6200 " lines collected 200 00 " am rec'd from Jos. Wind- felder on ballanco due lit lat settlement 940 57 $28,070 expenditure. By nm't paid Mich. Weidcrt for services ns Co. coni'r. 219 " am'tpuld W. Il.Oslerhout for services as Co. coni'r. 1.SS ' nm't paid George Reuschcr for services ns Co. com'r. 201 " uni t paid W. 8. Horton, commissioner's clerk 400 00 ' nm't paid Hall & MeCntiley, commissioners' counsel " uni t paid I. Scull slierifT " um't paid officer's fees, con stables ' nm't paid officers fees, justices " nm't paid officer's fees, court crier " ani'tpd.ofucers fees. tipstaves '' nm't paid protlion'ry for '75 " nm't paid prothon'ry for '70 ' um't paid Co. nuditors and clerk for 1876 " nm't paid janitor " nm't paid constables, com monwealth costs " nm't paid justices com. costs " nm't paid witn'8es,com costs " ain't paid assessors, nss'ing " nm't paid assessors, regis'lng " nm't paid grand juror! 100 1,140 m 5 f7 60 170 tiO J'78 91 (HO :i(17 150 771 " nm't paid traverse jurors 1,078 572 875 nmi punt jail, expenses " nm't paid Dixmont hopltal For sti pport of A Tarsons, $179 71 For support of Conrad Nist 184 41 For support of M. Gregor 191 71 For support of Mary Kreig 170 96 For support of K. Williams 149 40 " um't paid W. penitentiary " nm't paid advertising au ditors' settlement for 1875. ' um't paid for printing and advertising " nm't pnld " " elec tion proclamation " nm't paid for election ex pensed " nm't paid for road views und damages ' um't paid for stationary and postage ' ain't paid for bounties on wolves, etc. " nm't pd. for lights and fuel " nm't pd for repairs to public buildings. " nm't paid for court liouso expenses, cleaning, etc. " am't pd jury commissioners nnd clerk " nm't paid inquests -' am't pd official stenograplu r 2W 400 284 .".50 098 453 180 28 55 70 100 " am t paid ueo. A.Kathhun, auditing prothonotury's ac count noo "am't paid Geo. R. Dixon, institute expenses, 1875. 140 00 am't paid State tax for 175 -18 4a " nm't paid for improving courtyard. 81 01 M am't paid J. Powell, interest on bonds redeemed. 2H1 00 " um't paid for repairs, etc. on treasurers ofliue 55 29 ' um't paid for miscellaneous expenses. 48 C4 $13,821 73 Assets nmi Liabilities of Elk Count)-. ASSETS. January 1, 1877 To tax due from unsealed lands, subject to commis sion and exoneration. ' tax duo from collectors, sub ject to commission and ex oneration '' am't due from Jones town ship for support of A. Par sons, a lunatic, at Dixmont ' am't due from Benzinger township, for support of C. 'ist ntxiMary Kreig ' am't due from St. Mary's bu.vj' Air support of Martin Uregor, a lunatic, at Dix mon c " nm't due from Fox town ship for support of Kate Williams, a lunatic, at Dix mont 9.C41 33 ,154 82 419 80 002 03 f!6 55 438 50 " nm't due from Jones town ship for support of Julius Stclliug, a lunatic, at Dix mont " am't of note against J. Dunne " am't of note ag'nst D. Kunes " am't due from Lock Haven 190 74 58 15 11 80 boro' for support of John Condon, n lunatic, at Dix'mt am't of judgment against Cameron county " am't of Judgment against Patrick Lamb et id 'ain't of judgment against Riderway township 305 00 270 50 40 27 21173 5,800 50 1,791 36 "am't due from Joseph "Wind l'clder, former treasurer " am't due from Jacob Mc Cauley, treasurer 'nm't Benzinger township road orders for 1870, held by com'r to npply on note of William Zelt 133 00 $28,110 22 LIABILITIES. By county orders outstanding " county bonds outstanding " interest on bonds to Jan 1st, 1877 " am't due Dixmont hospital " am't due D Bcull, sheriff " ain't due Fred. Schoening, rirothonotay. etc., 638 08 ,395 00 884 48 724 75 158 10 178 62 " am't due townships, Will' folder's balance 8,538 11 12,917 64 15,198 58 Excess of asset s. 528,110 2-' 1 Redemption order on bal ance due from Joseph Wind felder at last s'tle'mt. paid 105 57 13,427 20 14,040 10 Excess of Receipt $28,007 30 We.the undersigned, commissioners of Elk county, do lierehy certify that the above- und foregoing Is a eorrect Btatement of the receipts and expendi tures, &c, of Elk county for the year 1876, and the aeu ana liabilities of the f.ame. Witness our bauds this 29th day of January, A. D. 1877. i, It A VI, WEIDERT. 1 W II. OSTERHOUT, Co. Comrs GEORGE REUSCILER, J I Attest-W. S. Horton, Clerk. A UD1T0R3' AM00AT8 RBCE1VFD PROM TIIB FEVER At, COLLBO- OF ELK COUNTY DURING 1876 County State 84 16 6 06 408 33 11 R8 270 77 1 03 1M 87 07 41 201 02 155 55 108 63 13 54 130 22 18 04 43282 848 97 45 64 208 05 23 3 15821 24 04 17414 14 99 324 07 618 22 12 CO 174 92 182 30 210 00 350 87 200 00 G84 81 16 00 43 50 701 27 40 00 400 00 J. V. Hotift, col. Rldgway tp. 1865 h. Elllthorp, col. Highland tp'71 J. R. Morey. col. .lay tp- 1871 D. Attlebcrgcr, col. Jones tp. lR7t H. H. Wensel, col Ridg y tp. '72 J. K. Gardner, col. Rldg'y tp. '73 E. Morey, col. Bener.ctte tp. 1874 Jacob Morey, col. Fox tp. 1874 Geo. Faust, col. Horton tp. '74 W. C. Heuly.srol. Rldg'y tp. 1874 T. Irwin, col. Spring Creek tp '74 C. II. Winslow.col. Bencji't tp '75 Xlcli. T)ewnlt, col. Benz'r tp '75 John Koch, collector Fox tp. '75 L. Elllthorp col. Highland tp. 1875 Nath. Hippie, col. Horton tp '75 M. Miller col. Jay tp 1875 Theo. Cook col. Jones tp 1875 J. H. Champion col Millstone tp. '75 J. W. Morgester, col. Ridg y to. '75 11. Weidenbrrrncr col. St. Mary's borough 1875 D. n. Winslow. col. Bcsi'te tp. '76 M. Glntt, col. Benzinger tp. 1870 Jacob Moyer, col. Fox tp. 1870 Dan. Phalen col. Horton tp. 1870 Ollvin Dodge col. Jay tp. 1870 Theo. (look, col. Joticstn. 1870 Jamc Chnmpion col Millstone tp '70 J. W. Morgestercol. Rldg'y tp 1876 Albert Wcls col. St Mary's' boro. BOUNTY TAX. B. Mil col Rldgway township 1st 15 102 75 Total, $7,109 30 !147 61 AMOUTS ll i: FROM THE SEVERAL OI.LECTORS OF ELK COUNTY, JAN. 1, 18 Wm. Clyde col Millstone tp. 1873 T. Campbell col Highland tp 1874 Geo Foust col. Horton tp 1874 A J Avery col Jav tp 1874 C I t Winslow col I Jcnczettc tp'75 X Dewalt col Benz'r tj 1875 John Koch collector Fox tp. 1875 L Ellitliorp, col High. tp. 1875 Xnth Hippie eol Hoi ton tp. '75 M. Miller collector Jay tp 1875 Theo. Cook col Jones tp 1875 K Moody eol Spring Creek tp '75 D 11 Winslow col Benezette tp 1876 M. Glatt col. Benzinger tp 1870 Jacob Moyer col. Fox township '71, T. Campbell eol. Highland, tp 1876 Dan Phalen col. Horton tp. 1870 Olivin Dodge eol Jay tp 1870 Theo Cook col. Jones tp 1870 James Chnmpion, col Millstone township 1876 J. W. Morgester, collector Ridgway township, 1870 Ilirman Llseman collector. Spring Creek township, 1S7U A Weis col St Mary's borough 1876 77. 53 fil 31 90 14 00 311 95 17 48 27 08 501 21 5 15 355 5 1 60 1 92 105 23 484 57 803 40 132 00 73 80 837 10 624 60 231 38 99 74 544 39 322 OS 973 4!) Total $7,154 82 Those marked with a have patd since settle nient. Jacob M'Crutfcu ln., Tremurcr of l'Jh cnuntii. in urcount with mUl county for iic year ending January 1. 1877. To nmount of county tax received from unsented lands $ 040 64 amount ot county tax rec'd from col's 7.109 30 U It it .4 U it. ,i T seated lands returned to count v com-' niissioncrs. sold by treasurer " amount of tax received for lands re deemed from county " amount of tax received from seuted lands returned to county commissioners " tax re'e on note of Co vs. J Karl " tax rec'd on note of Co. vs W Zelt " proceeds of county commissioners' bond to Elk County Bank am't received of Jos Windfelder, by or- tteron ttie several mnds tor balances due bin at lat hcitlemcnt 2 40 187 14 201 25 075 00 940 57 $28,027 94 By co. com'rs receipt for co order red d co. com'rs receipt for co. bonds red d " exoneration orders received '' refunding order paid " redemption orders paid " co. tax on lands sold to co- and costs " treas. commission on amount rec'd " treas. commission on amount disb'd 19.24515 5,502 07 459 77 23807 105 47 2(H) 67 609 75 615 03 26.836 58 1.791 30 " balance due fund $2,627 n TATE l'AX ACL'or.NT. January 1. '877. To amount received from'collectors 117 61 ?147 01 By State treasurer's receipt " balance due account 4 80 142 81 147 01 SCHOOL FUNDS. ui:xi:zi:tte school fund. January 1. 1877. To nm't received from unseated hinds 4,828 54 14.828 54 3,046 64 65 60 By school treasurer's receipts tax on lands sola to county " refunding orders redeemed " paying Joseph Windfelder balance due liini at lust settlement " trcus. commission on am't rec'd treas commission on am't disb'd 0 08 269 24 iVj 26 66 50 1 3,552 22 1,276 82 " balance due fund $4 828 54 KENKZETTE SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. January 1, 1877. Toamt. tax rec'd from unseated lands 2,414 50 $2, 414 50 2,000 00 32 75 7 61 47 63 40 15 By school treasurer's receipts ' tax on lands sold to county " refunding orders redeemed " treas commission on amount rec'd ' treas commission on amount disb'd $2,128 14 280 87 ' balance due fund $2,414 50 IIENZIXGER SCHOOL FUND. January 1, 1877. To amount reed from unseated lands " amount reed, from seated lands sold 2,302 80 9 94 $2,312 74 340 14 " balance due treasurer $2,652 88 2,513 00 3 75 38 82 4618 61 13 $2,652 88 By school treasurer's receipts '' tax on lands sold to county "refunding orders redeemed " treas. commission on amount rec'd ' treas. commission on amount disb'd RENZINGEK SCHOOL BUILDING FUND January 1, 1877. To amount tax rec'd from uescated lands 608 40 f G08 40 200 00 7 92 12 17 4 16 By school trcasuter's receipts refunding orders rcdoen d treas. commission on amount rec'd " treas. commission on amount disb'd $2i4 25 381 15 " balance due fund 8008 40 FOX SCHOOL FUND. January 1, 1677. To am't tax reed from unseated lands 1,078 62 $1,078 62 10 45 " balance due treasurer $1,089 07 1,045 00 By school treasurer's receipts " refunding orders redeemed ' treas. commission on amount rec'd " treas. on " disb'd fox school nuiLniNo rvno. ' January 1, 1877. To nm't tax received from unseated lands By school treasurer's receipts " refunding orders redeemed " treas. commi8Hion on nm't rec'd "treas. " on " disb'd balance duo fund HIGHLAND SCHOOL fund. January 1, 1877. To amt received from unseated lands By school treasurer's receipts " tax on lands sold to county -" paying Joa. Windfelder balance due him at last settlement " treas. commission on amount received " treas. " on " disbursed balance due fund HORTON SCHOOL FUND. January 1, 1877. To amount tax reed from unseated lauds " " tax reed from seated lands sold By school treasurer's receipts ' treas commission on amount received " treas. " on " disbursed " bnlance due fund HORTON SCHOOL I1UILD1XG FUND. January 1, 1877. To amount tax reed from unseated lands balance due treasurer By school treasurer's receipts ' treas commission on amount received " treas commission on nmount disbursed JAY SCHOOL FUND. Jnnunry 1, 1877. To amount tax reed from unseated lands " bnlance due treasurer By school treasurer's receipts " redemption of refunding orders " tax on lands sold to county ' treas. commission on amount received " treas commission on amount disbursed ' 91 JAY SCHOOL Hl'1 1.DISG FUND. January 1, 1877. To amount tax reed from unseated lands By redemption of refunding order ' tax onTunds sold to county treas. commission on amount received " treas commission on amount disbursed ' balance due fund JONES SCHOOL l'CND. January 1 1877- To amount tax reed from unseated lands To amount tax reed from seated lands By school treasurer's receipts " redemption of refunding orders "treas commission on amount received " treas commission on amount disbursed 1 balance due fund JONKS SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. January 1, 1877. To amount tax received from unseated lands By school treasurers receipts " redemption of refunding orders " treas commission on amount received " treas commission on amount disbursed " balance due fund MILLSTONE SCHOOL FUSD. January 1, 1877. To amount tax received from unseated lands " nmount tax reed from seated lands sold By school treasurer's receipts 'paying Jos. Windfelder balance due him at lust settlement " treas. commission on amount received ' treas. commission on amount disbursed " balance due fund MILLSTONE SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. January 1 1877. To amount tax received from unseated lands Byschool treasurer's receipts ' treas commission on amount received '' treas commission on umount disbursed '! balance due fund RIDGWAY SCHOOL FUND. January 1, 1877. To amount tax reed from unseated lands $3,074 2, 447 44 By school treasurers receipts " tax on lands sold to county " paying Jos. Winfelder bulance due him at lust settlement "treas commission on amount received '.treas commission on amount disbursed ' balance due fund BIDGWAY SCHOOL BUILD1NO FUND. January 1, 1877, To amount tax reed from unsealed lands By school treasurers receipts ' " tax on lands sold to county " treas commission on amount received " treas commission on amount disbursed "balance due fund Sl'RIKG CREEK SCHOOL FUD. January 1. 1877. ,...,. TO amount, lax recu. Iioiu uuoemeu uimin " ainouut tax rccd. from seated lands sold By school treasurer's receipts treas, commission uu umuuui icttitu " treas commission on amount disbursed "balance due fund $1,089 07 ST. MARY'S SCHOOL FUND. January 1,1877. To amount tax reed, from unseated lands " amount tax reed, from seated lands 642 70 $542 70 605 00 1 18 10 85 10 12 I 67 21 57 20 98 By redemption of refunding orders " tax on hinds sold to county " paying Joseph Wlndfehler balance duo hi m at last settlement "treas. commission on amount received " treas. commission on amount disbursed $527 15 15 65 $512 70 " balanecduefuDd 1,317 93 ROAD FUNDS. RESEZKTTE ROAD FUSD. January 1, 1877. To amount tax reed from unseated lands $1,847 93 645 00 4 83 01 47 26 86 12 23 By township treasurers receipts " redemption co com'rs road orders "redemption refunding orders " taxes on land sold to county "treas. commission on amount received " treas commission on amount disbursed ' balance duo fund $((50 33 697 94 $1,847 93 1,041 67 31 49 DGNziNosa Road rem. January 1, 1877. To amount tax reed from unseated lands ' nmount tax reed from seated lands sold $1,073 10 880 00 21 40 17 60 Bv redemption en onmrM rimil " redemption refunding ordew M paying Joseph Windfelder balance due him at last settlement ' treas. commission on amount received '' treas. commission on amount disbursed $'.'19 06 154 10 $1,073 10 " balance due fund 611 83 $51183 67 56 BENZINOEB ADDITIONAL ROAD riND. January 1. 1877. To amount tax reed, from unseated lands " nmount tax reed, from seated lands sold $570 89 658 00 10 23 11 16 By township treasurers receipts ' redemption ofrefunding orders " raying Joseph Windfelder balance duo him atlast settlement " treas commission on amount received " treas. commission on amount disbursed $579 39 1,025 77 $1,625 77 00 22 balance due fund $1,091 99 1 560 00 42 35 24 57 82 02 32 05 FOX ROAD Fl'NU January 1, 1877, To amount tax reed from unseated lauds By township treasurers receipts 'redemption co. conirs. mailorders " redemption refunding orders " treas. commission on amount received " treas commission on amount disbursed " balancedue fund $1,09199 353 11 $353 11 7 70 5 20 0 90 15 320 07 333 04 $353 11 niOIILAND 110 A I ri'ND. January 1, 177. To umount tax received from unseated lands By township treasurers receipts ' redemption co comrs road orders " (axon lands sold to county 'treas commission on amount received " treas commission on amount disbursed 2,454 40 3 00 " balance due fund $2,457 40 2,300 00 8 00 49 10 46 1 $2,403 31 54 15 $2,457 46 HOHION KOAD IC.ND. January 1, 1877. To amount tax rec'd from unseated lands " umount tax reed from seated lands " balancedue treasurer By redemption co comr's road orders " township treasurers receipts " treas commission on amountreceived "treas commission on amount disbursed 735 $7a5 700 2 14 14 ?73T 4 $735 JAY ltOM) UNI). January 1, 1877. To amount tax reed from unseated lauds " amount tax received from seated tunds By redemption co comrs. road orders "redemption refunding orders 339 1 " tax on lands sold to county "paying Joseph Windfelder balance him at last settlement " treas commission on amount received " treas commission on amount disbursed $340 250 5 . 6 " balance due fund 207 jay casu renn January 1. 1877. To amount tax reed, from unseated lands $340 53 97 75 By township treasurer's receipts " 'taxes on lands sold to county " redemption refunding orders "treas. commission on amount received " treas commission on amount disbursed $97 25 1 " balance due fund 27 70 JONKS ROAD FUND. January 1, 1877. To amount tax received from unseated lands $97 75 ' amount tax received from seated lands By redemption co. comrs. road orders ' redemption co. refunding orders " township treasurer's receipts ' treas. commission on amount received " treas commission on amount disbursed '' balance due fund 3,074 07 5 00 40 2,006 407 MILLSTONE ROAD FUND. January 1, 1877. To amount tux reed, from unseated lands " amount tax reed, from seated lands $3,074 07 831 86 " balance due treasurer By redemption co. com. road orders township treasurer's receipts " treas commission on amount received " treasl commissUn on amount disbursed $831 80 67400 980 1644 1184 611 U 220 14 MILLSTONE CASH FUND, January 1, 1877. To amount tax reed, from unseated lands amount tax received from seated lands Bv township treasurer's receipts ' treas. commission on amount received " treas commission on amount disbursed 831 86 2,47 64 29 75 $2,'508"39 2,24300 5017 1 balance due fund 89 62 1 067 62 2,888 03 17086 RIDU WAY ROAD FUND. January 1, 1877. To amount tax received from un seated lands. . 2,109 56 To amount tax received from seated lands 13 30 $2,608 89 33 95 0 74 "$4309 3 08 06 2 70 87 13 $2,122 86 By red'm co. com mad orders 1,707 06 By red'm exoneration orders 248 83 By tax on lands sold to Co. 25 48 By treas. com. on am't received 41 95 By treas. coi on am't disbursed 89 12 2,062 38 60 48 $2 122 86 7 74 35 95 By balance due fund "iTi'ou RIDGWAY CASH FUND January 1, 1877 To amount tax received; from un seated lands 3,528 83 To amount tax received from seated lands 13 30 8,639 85 $373985 1,000 00 1,97600 22 35 4914 7181 69 97 $3 642 13 By township treas. receipts 2 957 38 By tax on lands sold to county 39 20 By paying Jos. Windfelder bal ancedue him at last sct'mt 128 40 By treas com. on amt. received 70 06 By treas. com. on amt disbursed 61 72 3,179 27 460 68 $3,639 85 3,256 82 285 31 S3 642 13 By balancedue fund 2, W0 71 4 43 SPITING CHEEK KOAD FUND. Jwiuary 1 1877. To amount tax received from unseated lands 1 770 37 To amt tax reed fr seated lands 10 60 $2,471 14 1,708 00 42 13 35 67 40 42 87 51 1 786 07 By redro co com road orders 1 410 00 By treas com on amount reed 85 74 By treas com on amount disbd 28 20 1,962 73 608 41 $2,47i'i4 1 473 04 813 03 $1,786 97 By balance-due fund SPRING CREEK CASH FUND. January 1, 1877. To amounttax received from un seated lands 1 707 40 To amount tax received from seated lands 20 40 614 33 - 33 "$61466 240 00 10 58 825 31 12 29 11 72 $1,78780 By township treas receipts 1 033 91 By treas. com. on aast received 35 75 By treas. com. on amt disbursed 20 67 009 90 4 76 1 090 33 697 47 $1 787 80 By balance due fund $14 06 ST. MARY'S KOAD FUND. January 1, 1877. To amount tax received from un seated lands To amt tax re. from seated lands 1,84705 $17347 05 200 00 1 ,034 00 1 33 25 04 24 71 ' liiiSo os 00 07 40 03 10 32 $59 35 By township treas receipts 45 00 By redeui ot refunding orif&rs 2 30 By tax on lands sale to county 08 By treas. com. on amount received 1 19 By treas. com. ou am't disbused 94 $1,347 05 49 51 9 84 1,55067 By balaucedue fund $59 35 $1 650 07 158 50 1 275 00 4 80 30 92 28 67 i'.'iVifiiii 52 68 $l"550 67 January 1, 1877. To amount tax rec. from un seated lands 24 58 To amt tax reed from seated lands 12 27 $30 85 20 00 146 . 06 Bvtownshio tresis, receipts By redemot refunding orders By tax on lands sold to count y By paying Joseph Windfelder balance due him at lust set't By treas. com. on amt reed. By treas. com. on amt disbd 2 98 73 49 25 72 11 13 1 413 51 9 20 ..... 76 76 By balance due fund 1,529 47 1,14 00 187 00 29 05 29 42 $36 85 POOR FUNDS. BENZINGER POOR FUND. January 1, 1877. To amount tax received from un seated lands. 1 866 80 Toamt tax from seated landa 1 05 $1,520 47 I 308 45 880 64 22 19 It 37 27 37 18 28 959 85 408 60 By township treas receipts By redemption of refunding or. By paying Joseph Windfelder balance due him at last set'lt By treas. com. on amt received By treas. com. on amt disbursed 2 008 IS 61 00 S'aTiifiii 1 745 00 49 90 31 59 due 87 75 41 75 38 23 By balancedue fund. 1 368 45 FOX POOR FUND. 1.994 27 124 86 January 1, 1877. To amount tax received from unseated lands 335 43 2,119 13 335 43 By township treas. receipts . 105 00 By treas. com. on amt received 0 71 By treas. com, on amt disbursed 2 10 383 41 "$38341 356 50 5 27 1 50 7 57 7 27 ''378"u 5 30 ""383'i'i 113 81 221 02 By balance due fund 335 43 HORTON POOR FUND. January 1 1877 To amount tax received from unseated laubs 288 15 To amt tax reed, from setd lands 87 3,013 82 289 02 By township treas. receipts.... '234 00 By trea- com. on amt received.. 5 78 By treas. com. on amt cisb'd..-. 4 68 2 52 $3,016 32 2,201 00 8 00 504 15 6032 55 46 244 46 By balancedue fund 44 66 289 02 MILLSTONE POOR FUND. January 1, 1877. To umount tax received from... unseated lands 791 96 To amt tax reed seated lands... 16 35 2,888 93 127 89 $3!oi6"32 808 81 402 00 16 16 8 04 426 20 382 11 808 81 By township treas. receipts.... By treas. com. on amt. received By treas. com. on amt disb'd 1,131 54 16 35 1,14789 15 42 By balance due fund. $1.163 31 918 00 20000 22 95 22 36 RIDGWAY POOR FUND. January 1. 1877. To amount tax received from un seated lauds 882 82 1,162 31 882 82 600 00 278 63 10 90 17 44 15 67 822 53 60 29 By comrs poor orders By township treas receipts By tax on lands sold to county By treas com on amt received By treas com on amt disbursed By balance due fund 642 77 14 85 $607 02 643 78 1315 10 87 882 82 667 80 44 80 ST. MART'S POOR FTJNP. J January 1 1877 I To amount tax received from unseated lands .' ".I? To amt tax reed from seated lands et Id 45 31 By treas com on amt received By balance due fund (33 16 12 "l645 STATE ROAD FUNDS, KANE, KIDOWAY AND PT. MARTS STATE KOAD FUND. January 1, 1877 To amount received from un seated lands, Bezinger 2.4S5 89 Jones 8,018 86 Ridgway 3,628 9,02820 44 79 8,367 66 89 20 By red'm refunding orders By State rond treas receipts " tax on lands sold to couaty " trens. com. on amt received 179 76 By treas com. on amt. disbursed 168 24 8 799 64 228 66 By balancedue fund $9,028 20 M'KEAN, ELK AND FOREST STATE ROAD FUND. January 1 18 t To amt. tax reed from ueseatcd lands Highland 104718, To amount tax reed from unseated lands Jones $3 318 Bv rcdui. refundimror. Jones 10 Bv treas. com on ami. received 66 Bv treas com on amt disbursed By balance due fund RIDGWAY AND HROOKVILLE STATE KOAD FUND. January 1 1877 Toamt tax fr un'sd Ids Ridgwy 3 628 48 To amt tax reed from unseated lands Spring Creek 1 767 40 6 296 88 By tax received eo comrs Stnto road orders Ridcwuv 3 810 00 By tax received co comrs State road orders Spring Creek By tax on ids sold toco Ridgw'y By State rond treas receipts By trens. com on amt received By trea cou on ami disbursed 045 00 3920 775 54 105 1 100 61 6 275 48 20 40 $5 296 88 By balancedue fund JACOB M'CAVLEY, ESQ.. TREASURER UK ELK COUNTY, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE COM M )N WE A I TH ' V. r.FKWYla VANIA FOR THE YEA 1" VARY 1, ls"7. January 1, 1S77. To amount Uivern llvunaeii recelvrd... ' umount lutiui; Ikiunv llcinBe ri'c'l " amount . ri'tiUltTH' licnhCH for 1S70, an per mercantile umrntfpr'a list " amount billiard lieeaHH for lS'tf, n per mercantile upnrnlsor'M tint ' amount brewers' lloensca for 1876, ns per mercantile appraiser's list " ten copies pamphlet luws, 1870 I!y fjtnto Trens. I'ec'pti tavern licenses ' ' " " cat. house ' " " ' " retailers' " " Millard " ' " " " Ir.cttOIR' " "balance due com'th, less commis sion on whole umount rvcclvud 91,71600 Wo, the underNlpued, Auditors of Elk county, haviim met ul the commissioners' ollice, in Rtdisway, in said county, on the first Monday of January, A. D. 1S77, being the first, day of the month, for the purpose of auditing, seltllni; und ad I listing the accounts of th several county otliccrs, and beimr a holiday, w e adjourned to Tuesday, Jauuary id, 1S77, at which time we proceeded to audit, settle and Hdjust the accounts of Hie several county otll cers, and found them correct, as stated In this our report. county having been duly notified, was pres ent in person. After havimr carefully examined, audited. ietf.lerl nmi mlliiKletl lite accounts of the mihl Jacob M'Cauley, wo found due by him, the ....I.I 1-....t, ... II... u..i' 1'ita.jt.i ... I. r.,n.. II.I..I...... lw...w..t..l .Iv t.n.i.l..n U...1 nluvi. ioic;oiiik leporfc, .uu nun. ui uvu iiiiiiuiitu, seventy-six and lil'ty-tlvo one-hundredtUs dollars. It ii v 1 1 iK a net balance of the sum of thirteen thousand, thirty-live and twenty twenty-seven oiic-liundredthH dollurs duo to the county of Elk, und also due to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania the sura of two hundred, thirty-four and seventy three one hundredths dollars. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands. thc'Jdh day of Junuuiy, A. L. 17. W. It. HYDE. "I OEO. T. KOTIIKOCK, Vt'o. Aud'n. K. I. Kl'ANOLEK, ) Attest M. S. Kl.lN'K, Clerk. THE COMMIKSIONERH OE ELK COUNTY IN ACCOUNT WITH SAID COUNTY FOH THE YEAR ENDINU JANUARY 1, 1877. MICHAEL WEIDERT. January 1, 1877. To county orders received at 00 218 00 219 00 91.19 00 Hy "A days' services W. II. OSTERHOUT. January 1, 1KT7. 'i'o county order received 188 40 $188 40 l)y Hi 4-5 days' services 9188 40 918840 tiEOKGE KEUSCHEK. January 1, 1877. To county orders received 301 00 By 67 days' services 'J01 00 DAN I EL SCULL, ES().,HIGII SHERIFF OF ELK COUNTY. IN ACCOUNT WITH SAID COUNTY FOR THE YEAR ENUINO JAN UARY 1. 1877. Jauuary 1, 1877. To coiu'th costs lmposoiixpou convicts 163 36 " lino commonwealth vs. 1. D. Cook 200 00 " Jury fees lu sundry civil cases 52 00 " eo.ord's lor bal.due at lust set'm't... 482 54 Kherltr fees 628 00 " " " on Jail account 126 80 91,551 70 " balance duo Sherifl 158 10 91,709 80 By conveying J.istelllnif to Dixmont 12000 " scrv'g notices upon Jurors, May T. 11100 " conveying H-.Kulhbuu to PlllsbV 75 00 " serVJj notices upon Jurors, Sept. '1 . Ill 00 " ' " " Nov. T. 11100 " " " " " Jun'y T. Ill 00 " search made for Dennis (Sullivan, common wealth versus him 8 04 " drawing four Juries during 1876 4 00 " advertising general election lou " ices In commonwealth cases 58 12 Jail ace't, for boarding, washing, provisions, etc., up to Jun'y 1, 1877 516 80 " balance duo ut lut settlement 462 54 91,W86 We, the undersigned. Auditors of Elk county, having met at the coiuuiiKsloner' nttice. in Ktiltrwav. in uutil eolnlLV.on Mia ttrut Mouduy of Jauuary, A. 1. 1877, being the first uuy oi luu mouiii, tor tue purpose ui ttuuuins settling und adjusting the accounts of tha severaicouuty otHcers, and being a holiday, we adjourned to Tuesday, January 2, 1877, at which time we proceeded to audit, settle, und adjust the accounts of the several county oaicoiti and found them correct, us set forth in the foregoing report. Duuiel bcull, Esq.. High Sheriff of suld county, was present in person, und presented bis account. We found duo to him, by the Bald county of Elk, the sum of ono hundred, tlfty-eight and ten oue-hundredtus dollars, which sum wo hereby certify to be true and correct, us set forth in the foregoing statement. In witness whereof, we huvo hereunto set our bands the 2uh day of January. A. D 1877 GEO. T. ROTHROCK, K. I. 8PANGLEK. Co. Aud'r. W.H.HYDE. I Attest M. 8. Klise, Clerk. . I 271 63' 1 I. 3 24 100 0O MOW m t . MOW iasj mm 91,716 DO 380 00 47 50 4R5 OT 171 Oil 17 50 1,511 27 inns
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