m mlwmtt Ilcnrjj,. Parsons, Jr., . - Editor. THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1877. From Forney's Tress. Considering that, In tho words of the House corrrmltteo on Privileges and Powers of the House, "the Presi dent of the Senate has no right to count the electoral vote," it is it little startling to find what a train of usur pations the American people have in nocently submitted to. In tho new light of this discovery of the House committee a long list of statesmen, whom history has regarded as patriots, appear as conspirators and traitors. There is John Laugdon, of Revolu tionary fame, who was elected Presi dent of the Senate "for the sole pur pose of opening and counting tho votes," and who became the willing instrument of the lawless usurpation. And as the votes which he counted elected George Washington to the Presidency, It is even a question whether Washington, Langdon, and the Senate, were not fellow-conspira tors In a wieked attempt to count the first named gentleman into office. It is true that the Electoral College voted unanimously for a person named Washington, but the fact Is of no sig nificance, since, according to the Democratic doctrine, the right of a State to cast the votes of her electors IB wholly dependent upon the will of the House. In other words, it is not a right at all, but simply a privilege. to be granted or withheld at pleasure. But if the usurpation of John Lang don was flagrant, that of John Adams was worse. That gentleman was so lost to shame as to assume, in the ca pacity of President of the Senate, to count the vote at a time when he was himself a candidate for the Vice Presi dency. He actually declared his own T j. i T ficiiion. ne was worse than a Southern Returning Board ; and yet me people do not seem to have been alarmed at bis daring act. Four years later he went yet further in trampling upon popular rights, for he counted the vote when he was a candidate for the Presidency, and was doubtless an active conspirator In cheating himself nno office; and yet not one of the fouuders of the Constitution inter posed the objection so clear to the minds of the supporters of Samuel J. lilden. The strange obtuseness of those early statesmen was very strik ingly shown on the occasion of JefTer uon's first election. For althouhg the contest was so close that no candidate had a majority, and althouhg Jefler- son was a candidate, and although the greatest Interest and excitement pre vaueu, not one of his opponents tnought of tho newly-discovered and self-evident truth that he had no right to count vote. But Duluth had not been settled then arid Proctor Knott was unborn. It is, indeed, sad to mum wuii, our loreiatners were so cnreloss of popular rightsand so ignor ant of constitutional principles, and we should regard it as a special provi dence that the Republic survived the steeling of their unskilful hand and remains a field for the champions of roiorm. lUHTlFICATE OF THE" VICE THE FIKST COUNT UNDER THE CON STITUTJOX, APRIL 6, 1789 THK way IT WAS DONE WHEN THE MEMBERS OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION WERE LARGELY KET' RESENTED IN CONGRESS. leit known. That the Senate and House of Representatives of the united btates of America, being con- venetl in the city and State of New York, April 6, in the year of otir Lord 1789, the underwritten, appointed rresideut of the Senate for the sole purpose OF RECEIVING, OPEN 1JN, COUNTING THE VOTES OF THE! ELECTORS, DID, IN THE PRESENCE OTf THE SAID SEN- ATMS ANI HOUSE OF REPRE !Sh,.TATIVES, OPEN ALL THE CERTIFICATES A-ND COUNT ALL THIS VOTES OF THE ELEC TOKS FOR A PRESIDENT AND f OK. A VICE PRESIDENT: by which it appears that George Wash ington, Esquire, was unanimously elected, agreeably to the Constitution- to the office of President of the United btates or America. In testimony whereof I have here unto set, my nana and seal. John Langdon, The same form substantially was uuiowea xor ioriy years. J Wilmington, N. C, January 20. Two colored citizens of South Carolina fought a dual at Tine Bluffs, in this state, yesterday. One was a Democrat and the other a Republican, and they fought over politics. Four shot were exchanged- One of the men- was wounded three times and is danger ously hurt. The other was h on the right arm. The affair has caused great excltoment in the neighborhood. Tho Texas fever has broken out In this vicinity. A number of William sporters have gone and others are pre . paring fo? a trip to the- "Lone Star State," with a view of getting a knowledge of tho inducements it of fers as a home. It is said that over 300,00a peoplo wers landed in that state during the past year, the great majority of whom intend to remain permanently. Q. & A year ago the region was suffering from a want of capital, while at present- twenty-five Lanka in the region are holding, according to esti mate, not far from $7,000,000 of money belonging to producers and operators, most of which is waiting investment in oil. Under the greatly improved condition of affairs it is reasonable to expect that the year 1877 Mill show even better results than the year 1876, and that our important and valuable staple will not be spirited away with out something like an equivalent be ziig left in its place. 4f'jTB ua u call for job work. The sixteenth amendment. Petit ions from fourteen states, and signed by four thousand prominent citizens, are to be presented to congress, ask ing for an amendment, which will prohibit any state from disfranchis ing United States citizens on account of sex. If tho friends .of the measure do not succeed it will not be for want of persistent effort. Wc have received tho January num ber of Leisure Hours, a handsome mammoth 10 page 64 columns family paper filled witli tho choicest litem ture serial and short stories, sketches, poetry, wit, humor, Ac, &c It is en tertaining, amusing and instructive, and is one of the cheapest papers the amount and quality of matter con sideredthat we have neen. The price $1.20 per year, including as a premium a genuine flnc-lino steel en graving, called "llio niitherless Bairn," printed on 22x28 plate paper, which the publishers claim is superior n point of merit and attract iveness to any premium ever onercu uy any other paper In this country, and is alone worth the money asked for both. The publishers, J. L. Patten fc Co., 162 William St., New York, authorize us to say, that in order to introduce the paper in this vicinity they make a special offer to every one of our read ers to send them the paper a "trial trip" of four months, post-paid, com mencing with tho January number for 25 cents. Our readers who avail themselves of this offer will, wc feel certain, thank us for having called their attention to it. The publishers of Leisure Hours would like to employ some one in every place to canvass for this paper. STOP THAT COCO H. Tho way to cure a cough Is to stop it. The lungs and throat can never heal as long as they are irritated by a constant cough. Dr. Fenner's Im proved Cough Honey will relieve any cough in one hour or less. It will bseak up a cold in the head before any cough has formed in two or three hours. Prevention is better than cure! In chronic coughs the system must be placed under the healing Influence of Dr. Fenners Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic also. This places the system in a healing con dition, and under the two remedies the lungs and throat rapidly heal. From the Mayor's Office, JV. J. City. Kxccutlve Pnpnrtmeiit, City Hall. Office of tho Mnyorality, N. Y. City, Jan 26. 1874. Dr. M. M. Fenner, Frcdonla. N. Y., Donr Bir Enclosed you will find S1.50 for whk:li please send three bottles of yoar Improved Congb Honey by express Yours truly M. J. FARKELIi. From John Tt. Miner, a wealthy Banker of Frcdonia, X. Y. I certify that I was uftlictcd with a ha rassing cough. I procured a bottle of Dr. Fenner's Improved Cough Honey, and took three doses of It with the cflect of entirely relieving me. Who will continue to hack? For Balo by dealers lu medicine, A Chance for Women. Washington, January 10. The House Committee on Judiciary agreed to-day to report the following bill: Be it enacted., That uny woman wlw shall have been a member of the bar of the highest court of ony State or Territory, or of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, for the space of three years, and shall have maintained good standing before such court, and who shall be a person of good moral character, shall, on motion and the production of such record, be admitted to practice before tho Su preme Court, Some Facts About the Martlfs Gang. A FAMILY Or FROMISINa YOCNO C0ONTER FKITBA9 BR0UQI1T VP IN INDIANA COUNTY. The Mardis family of counterfeiters, scv. ernl of whom are now wailing trial in our county jail, hate an interesting history. They have lived near the hamlet of Din- town, in Indiana county, and have oper ated about there for years- It is currently believed that some thirty-five years ago the old man was engaged in the business of shoving counterfeit money, and since then his boys eight in number have all been tainted with more than a mere suspicion of having followed'in the footsteps of tho oil gentleman, be shrewdest or the son is named Eli; being the second of the children the oldest having died several years ago. The officers have frequently been on the track of Eli, but somehow ho has always managed to avoid arrest, and it is new thought by many that he is likely in some western penitentiary, having been caught and convieted under one of tbo many aliases whioh he was ever ready to assume. The next shrewdest is Scott, who is now in the Allegheny county jail awaiting trial in February.. He is rather stolid-looking individual, and a few judges of physiog nomy would credit hia with' a very large development of secretive and cautionary organs, but bis skill in alluding arrest for so many years is evidence that ho is al ways wideawake. There is not muoh in Sanford, who was released from durance a few days ago on bail for his appearance when wanted, and it is. altogether likely (bat the canning of Soott, or prehaps that of 11, who may still bare been the move in g power in all their late transactions, has saved the third of the flock.- There is only only one sister in this remarkable family, and- she is possessed with many of the traits of her shrewd brother Ell. John, a younger brother, is confined to his father's place of residence, and consumption has marked him a sure vlotim. The old gentle man owns farm' of something like two hundred acres- of rand; bat it is not very valuable. lie is well up. I years now. Pittsburg Dispatch.- The debt of Williamsport is $069,225,51 ; assets, $213,986,25. . Postmaster James, of New York:, hat is sued instructions prohibiting Anthony Comstock, special agent for the suppression of vice, from interfering with letters, as it appcarit he has heretofore been doing. States Notes. A Farmer's Club is about to be organized in York county. A young man named Thillips residing In Clarion county, was roccntly killed by the explosion of some powder he had plaoed in his puoket. The Esslon Look Works will bo run to its fullest capacity hereafter, as there is a market Tor all the articles that can be manfaclured at that establishment. About seven hundred men are employed nt tne Delaware, Laohawanna and Western Railroad Company's works in Suranton,in narrowing coal cars and building passonger couches. Two men were engaged in ft friendly trial of strength, last week, in a snw-mill in Perry eounly, when one of them fell, striking his head against a bnu saw in motion and oausing instant death. Judge Livingston, of Lanonstor, recently visited the public instutions of that county, in order to become personally familliar with their conuition and working. Here after he can ''speak by the card ' in rela tion to these matters. The incendiaries recent ly convicted in Carlisle confessed the manner in which they execute! their work. The match was applied to a fuse attached to a ball of cot ton saturated with explosive material, and the incendiaries watched the progress of the fires from a safe distance. ' The (ruBtees under the will of James Lick, of California, have entered into an agreement with his son, by which the Int lor received 8383,000 in addition to the $150,000 devised to hiin in the deed of trust, out of which he pays to the other heirs the sisters, nephews and nieces of James Lick in various amounts the sum of $72,000- A few days Ago there was deposited in an obscure graveyard near Johnstown, Pa., the body ot Joseph Baron Von Hoffelbretel, a soldier and nobleman of Austria, lie died a paurer while there was awaiting him in his native land a fortune of one hundred and ninety thousand guilders, in securities, besides a landed estate and a number of manufactories and othor build ings. Tho clergy are petitioning the legisla ture for such a revision of the marriage license law as will measurably relieve them frcm the penalty of marrying persons not of a marriageable age litis is sometimes a difficult thing fo find out. The preachers do net like to forego the marriage fee and are not disposed to rnn a risk if they can prevail upon the legislature to devolve the responsibility elsewhere. Mr. and Mrs. Sterner, residing near Lit1 tletown, died recently under peculia etr- cumstances. On Sunday, the Tth Mr. nud Mrs. Sterner, both very old people, were alone, end about 0 o'clo ck Mr. S. was pros trated very suddenly by a stroke ot ap polexy, and bis wife went out doors to blow a horn for assistance, and while out is sup posed to have been overtaken by the same disease, and fell to the ground, where she was found on Monday morning, dead and covered with several Inekes of snow, Mr, Sterner was found in s seftseless oondition upon the floor in the some spot where he had fallen the evening before, the fires all out, door standing open and hia body nearly frozen stiff. He died tho next day. A Minnesota railway gives nwiirds to engineers killing the smallest number of catilo daring the year. From the reports of other railways it would seem that there verse of the above plan is in vogue. Mr. Tiltlen's Income Tax New York, January 22. Suit has boen commenced on oopias in tho United States district court against ex-Gov. S. J. Tilden to recover SI 50,000 alleged balance of in come tax. This afternoon the catias was served on Mr. Tildcn. It is returnable on the Cth of February, United Slates Attor ney Bliss says be was directed some time ago by Commissioner of Internal Revenue liiium to commence suit against all parties who had failed to pay their income tax. but that he (Bliss) delayed bringing this suit on account of the position of Mr. Til den before the public. llenewcd cuorts are making to secure the construction of a tunnel tmder tho De troit river. Over ten thousand cars a month cross the river nt Detroit from the Michigan Central and great Western Rail ways. NOTICE. A GOOD PAfR. Eykrybody knows The Ikdkpkndent, of New York, as the leading, most cnterpris ng, and all agree, most rcadablo and in structive of our numerous religious papers. It is not slow to recognize tho fact that the popular passion for Chromes has died out, and it makes the remarkable offer of any one volume of Dicken s works, a hand somely illustrated and bound duodecimo, to anybody who will subscribe aud send the regular Three Dollars subscription. This is equivalent to offering the paper for a dollar and a half. Everybody wants somo volume of Dickens and everybody ought to want Tns Independent. er's Cathartic Pills, For the relief and cure ol' nil dcriuie- xiiciuh in me Mom Bi ll, liver, i ml li"W- ci. Th"y are n milii ,".m Kin, nun ur cxiMHwil inifiralivr. ISoi r pino'v vtjro- Mulo, Uiey euiit: nit iih-ixui'v oriiiiiM1 la) wliau-vw. .Viiu-1, HiTI'IIM hli klll'H, mil! i i.iki iinrii- urcvriil. Ml h thfjir I iiiivlv use; and every family should hate tlieiu on hami f'U their p.olirtin!! and ixli'f, v:bir ii.'i;uiml. LonK exiei'icnru lia-s prowd Hu m 1 be llic mf it, Mire-at, mill lu t of nil the i'iim Willi wliii-s the m.irki't ubuuu.l-. ly thur mT.'tnintial tte, me uiii i irtu'iir.M, iliu cornipiiiiits ol llio f.v3 U'm OijMwk-ii, ob.tnii'Uons rciuuvt;!. ind lite wliolo mil' liim'.y i t lile ic-lirnl to Us henl'.liy activiiy. liiN.'i'i.al inpans whii h Ue tunt; ,:lu.'Ki'd and shttriri'lt aro rrr'auetl ty After' l'Ht, and f-tini'ilatnl into H'-nn. T m inoiiiient ili-t -ire is (-.named ini'ilH'cilli. -tiwvakipnl which chm.iru when reckoned on the vn miillilnilcb w ho eniu it. can hai'dlv be comiuited. TiHir unrar coatius make ihuiii iU-aunt to lake, and (n-f -cries llitit virtues uuiiiii iiii-il fur any k-ntH of time, to that they uro ever Iroh. and nerfurtlv reliable, Allhoush hcin-hintr, they aro mild, and ojicrate without cM-liii uaHc- to tlie conolitiuion.craict.or occiiiutiini. l-Mll tlii i'i-tiom nro given on the wrapper to eai-h box. I,w to use them m a r'uniilv l'hvsic. and fur the following coiiiplainU, which Uie till miidlr ciic: for npNiK ii or Inditre-arloa, I.Utlp- new, A.tn-u4r and E. uf Atytit. Ihey oiiuuKt do la.ttn OHMici uieiy iomiiihiuuc tne utoia ach. MT'l rot tore its honlthv tone mid action. tor I iv-l-C'mvlatjiC and H various tiymn. tomv Itilioii kfrMlucb, Mit-k II-U(I. uchr. Juundic- or rvc(i Mit kiivx, lid luu 7oIiv and imiuu Pc-i-cr. thev should lie ju'ticio'.isly taki-n fin- CHCcase, to coiTect the tli'f d action or reino rli 0UHKtk)u which fiaii,. it. For Uy-nHrr or Dlurrlitlpa; but one mild dose Ik Keiici-nllv reiiuired.- lor llh(urnunu. Wont, t3rwvl. Pal- nltuioii of II" II curl, B'ttin iu the Hiihi. Itidr.W ami fl.nliiM. thev should be uontln. uoutlv taken, as renuii-eil. to chnnge the diecaKcil action of tr system. With such ctuuge those soniplalnts rHwippenr. For lrui.v and Dropairal Nwrlllnira, Uiev tnouiii lie l.i Ken in lai'Ru nnu irviuuut uooej kji nrmlnr tho eifent of a drastic nui'o. For Buitnrvuloii, a Iuiko 1I0.-0 should ba tnkeu, as it jnoducc the desired eu'ect by sym Daihv. As a Ttlnnrr Pill, tnUo'ono or two I'iifs to nrninntt! diiRstinn nud rclimru the stomach. An nccaiional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system.- Mi-nro it is ollvu advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who' feels tolerably well, olten linda that a doso of these I'illa inakus him fool decidedly better, from Uieir eleitusinx and renovating eouct ou ihb digestive anpuiatus. j'hKi'Xr.tiJ bt' Dr. J. C. AtStt A COrrmUct ChcmUt: LOWELL. MASS., V. 8. A. 0h SAiX bi iOX CJtlitiClSIs) VSYWUU1& TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, bavins been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a Sttm Cum for Consumption, A stub a, Bronchitis, &e., Parties wishing ths prescription will please address, BeT. E. A. WILSON, l'J4 fenn., WilliaiDsburali, N. . HEW TIME TABLE P. & E. R. It. Commencing Sunday, Nov. 20th, 1870 witcos. Mali East 4:13 n m West 2:47 m Day Express East 0:22 a m Niagara Express West 8:55 p m BIDOWAY. Mail Enmt , 4:49 p in Mail West 2:11 p m Day Express East... (1:5(1 a m Niagara Express West 8:14 p m sr. mart's. Mail East. 6;lo p m Mail West 1:40 p m Day Express East 7:20 a m Niagara Express West.... 7:45 p in QUOTATIONS or White, Powell & Co. BANKERS AND BROKE ltd, No. 1 South Third Street. Philadelphia, Jan. 23i'd. 1877. HID. ASKKD V. S. 1881. c 114? 115 do 5 20, c '65, J and N 10(lJ 100 do do '05 J and J 1101 1111 do do '05 do 114 1141 do do '05 do 117J 1172 10-40, doeoufon 114 114 do Pacific 0's ey Int. off 1231 123 New 5'sRcg. 18S1 111 111 " C. IBS! 1124 1128 Gold 106 100 Silver , 100 100 Pennsylvania ex We 4SJ 48 Reading 102 Philadelphia & Erie 13 13 Lehigh Navigatim., 2'j 80 do Valley 4Ui 4'Ji United H B. of N J ex. div.i 140 141 Oil Creek 8 8 Northern Central ex, div IV 201 Central Transportation SH 88 rieBquchoning..,. oil b-i North Penn;ylvaiin,.. 40 60 C & A Mortgage 6's 'Vi .....109 110 BUCKWHEAT FLOUft. AND Gruhum Flour at roWEI.L.feKIME'8. BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS a new stock just arriving, at rOWELL & KIME'S. AT TO WELL & KIME'S, YOU pay cash for goods, and get more than the worth of your cash. SLEIGH BELLS AND WHIPS. a nice little assortment, nt POWELL & KIME'S. FI.OUK, POIIK, FEED, CO UN- Meal, Oats, always on hand at POWELL & KIME'S at bottom pri ces. k FEW MORE OVER COATS und Bulihlo Robes at POWELL & KIME'S. SUGARS AT POWELL AND KIME'S are hiirh to bo sure; but s ill are a Mttle cheaper than at any other store irt town, N. O. MOLASSES FOR COOK- insr, ulso choice svrun always on hand at POWELL & KIME'S. ONIONS, A NICE LOT AT P. & K'S. FOlt YOUK STOVES AND TIN Ware call nt W. 13. SMITH'S, corner of Main and Mill streets.- POWELL & KIME aro getting all kinds of new Roods every day. We frequently hapjen in at their store and always see something new. Although they are no hands to blow, they keep (i uiuti.y uudiit un'ii utiHiut'ss, ti Liu ui- way a keep their Btock complete. Laws Kelatiiig to Newspaper Subset ip Hons and Arrearages. 1. Subscribers who do not give express notice to tho contrary, are considered wish mgto continue their subscription. A. If subscribers order the discontinu ation of their pcriodicals.the publishers may contiuue to send them until all arrearages are paid. . 3. it subscribers neglect or renwo 10 take their periodicals from the office where they are direcUd, they are held responsi ble until they have settled their bills, and ordered them discontinued. 4v If subscribers move to other places without informing the publishers, and the papers are sent to the former direction, they are held responsible. 6. The courts have decided tliat "refus ing to take periodicals from the office, or re moving and leaving tuem uncalled for is nrimu facie evidence of intentional fraud." (I. Any person who receives a newspaper and makes use of it. whether he has ordered it or not, is held in law to be a sub scriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, they are bound- to give notioe to the publisher at the end of their time, iftheydoitot wish to continue taking it otherwise the publishers are authorued to send it on, and the sub scribers will be held responsible uutil an express notice with payment of all arrears, sent to the publisher. N EW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY . DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Kidgway, and the public treuetullv. that he has (started a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let reasonable terms. upon tho most fi2He will also do job teaming. Stable orr Broad street, above Main. Ail orders left at the Post Ollice will receive prompt attention. Aug201c71tf WOLLEN SOCKS AND MITTENS at rOWELL& KIME'S m.Ma wanted for Earls Hauling at oiooKbioa lanueiy. Brookston. Forsnt. i-n LIFE, Growth, BEAUTY. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER Not a Dye) makes harsh hair soft and silky; oleanses the scalp from all impurities, causing the hair to grow whero it has fallen oil or bcoome thin. Can bo applied by the hand as it does not stain the skin orjsoil the finest linen. As a Hair Dressing it is the most porfeot tho world has ever produced. Tho hair is re novated and strengthened, and natural color restored without the application of mineral suostances. Since the introduction of this trnly talu- able preparation into this oountry, it has been the wonder and admiration of all clas ses, as it has proved to be tho only artiolo that will Absolutely without deception, re store gray hair toils original volor, health soilness, lustre and . beauty, and produce hair on bald heads of its original growth and color. Thi s beautiful and fragrantly perfumed article is complete within itselt, no washing or preparation before or after its uso, or accompany ment of any kind being required to obtain those desirable results. Horn Is the Proof of its SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. 7fcad this Homo Certificate, testified to by Edward B. Qarrigues one of the most competent Druggists aad Chemists of Phila delphia, a man whose veracity none can doubt. I am happy to add my testimony to the great value of the London Hair ColorJ Re storer wnicn restored my nair to its origl nal Color, and the huo appears to be per manent, l am satished that tins prepara tion not a dye but operates upon tho se cretions. It is also a beautiful hair dress ing and promotes the growth. I purchased the first bottlo from Edward B. llarrigucs, druggisl, Tenth and Coatcs street, who can also testify my hnir was quite gray when 1 commenced its use. MRS. MILLER, No. 70 North Ninth street, Phila. Dr. Swayne Son, Respected fnendaf 1 Lave the pleasure to intortn you 'that a lady of my acquaintance, Mrs. Miller, is delighted with the success of your London Hair uoior ltsstonr." Her liair was fast falling and quite gray. The color has been restored, the falling off entirely stopped, ana a new growtn ot linir is the result, IS. IS. UAKKlUUta Druggist, cor Tenth and Coatcs-, Thila. BOSTON TESTIMONY. July 2-Jd, 1871. Dr. Swayno & Son: Last winter while in Trenton, N. J., 1 pro cured six bottles London Hair Color Re- stoier, which I like very much, in fact bet ter than any thing 1 have used in the last nine years. If you please, send me one dozen bottles CUD care W S Foglcr & Son Druireists, No 723 Trcmont street, Boston. Respectfully yours, ADA BAKER No oO Kutland square. London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing lias completely restored my hair to its original color and youthful beauty, and caused a rapid and luxuriant growth. MRS. ANNIE MOIUUS, No 010 North Seventh Street, Philadelphia. Dr. Dalton ot Philadelphia, says of it. The London Hair Color lcestorer is used very extensively among my patients and menus, as well as by mysclt. 1 thcreforo speak from experience. 75 CENTS FEE BOTTLE. Address orders to Dr. SWAYNE SON 330 North Sixth Btreet, Philadelphia, Pa., solo Proprietors.- soli 2jrir.L unt'GftisTs T HE LUNGS CONSUMPTION! This distressing and dangerous complaint and its premonitory symptoms, neglected cough, night sweats, hoarseness, wasting llcsh fever permanently cured by DOCTOR SWAYNE'S COHPOUttJ) SYBUP OF fflLfl CHERRY. 13KOMHITIS- A premonitor or Pul monary Consumption, is characterized by catarrh, or innamation ot the mticum mem brane of the air passages, with couch and expectoration, short breath, hoarseness, pains in the chest, ior all bronchial alloc- lions, sore throat, loss of voice, coughs, DR. SWAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry IS A SOVEREIGN REMEDY Hemorrhage, or spitting or lilood. may proceed trom the larynx, trachia, bronchia or lungs and arises from various causes, as undue physical ecrtioD, plethora, or full ness of the vessels, weak lungs, overstrain- ng of the voice, suppressed evacuation, ob struction ol the spleen or liver, o. Dr. Swayuc's Compound Sytup of "Wild Cherry. strikes at the root of disease by purifying the blood, restoring the liver aud kidneys fo healthy action, invigorating the nervous system. Iho only standard remedy for bemor- rhane, bronchial aud all pulmonary com plaints. Consumptives or those predis posed to weak lunas should not tail to use this great vegetable remedy. Its marvelous power, not only over con- cumpt.on, but over every chronio disease where a gradual alterative aetion is needed Under its uso the cough is loosened, the night sweats diminished, the pain subsides, the pulse returns to its natural standard, tho stomach is improved in its power to di gest and assimilate the lood, and every organ has a purer and better quality of blood supplied to it, out of which 'new re creative and plastic material is made. PiXjpared only by' DR. SWAYNE&SOK, 339 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Sold Br all Promises! Druggists. Itching FiJes! PILES, PILES, ITCHING PILES, FOBiTiviLT cured by the ose of SWAYNES OINTMENT HOME TESTIMONY. I was sorely afflicted with one of the most - distressing of all diseases Pruritus or Pru rigo, or more commonly known as Itching flies, ine ucuing at times was almost in tolerable, increased bv scratching, and not unfrequently become quite sore. I bought a dox ot sway ne 's Ointment; its use gave 4uic& reuei, uuu in B snort time maue a perfect cure. lean now sloep undisturbed, and I would advise all who are suUering with this distressing complaint to prooure bwayne's Ointment at once. I' had tried prescriptions almost innuuierabe,- without finding uud permanent relief JUOEl'li W..CIIU1ST, (Firm of Kocdel & Christ,) Boot and Shoe House 314 North Second Street, Philadelphia. SKI IT DISEASES. Swayne's All-healing Ointment is also a speciho for Tetter. Itch, Salt ltheum, Scald Head, Erysipelas, Barber's Itch Blotches, all Scaly, erusty, cutaneous r ruptions. Perfectly sale and harmless even on the most tender infant. Price 50 cpnts. Bent by mail to any address ou re ceipt of price. ' SWAYNE'S PANACEA. Celebrated all over the world for its remar- kaklo cures ol Scrofula, Morctir&land Syphi litic complaints. Describe symptoms ui all commuoicatious, address letters to Utt. Geo. Woods .& Co.'S- PARLOR There rWnAaMe Imfriimenu tuwwn ciia:i.i.: Ad:pteil for Amateur nnrt l'ruk..u.iu, ant! Ornament III aSKSnsF 9h U ijti' sal m m t m liltf 11 - if -' GEO. WOODS fc CO., Cambridgeport, Mass..- . , rSktHMdHx Wif nMiriw !trnA I )d Mail St. t'Me6t 98 MgatfaUlt UUm. THE VOX HUMANA, -,rii.-iL' Mv Pntnins frotn f-a to ft? v-oi th of thr finest .cl clud niusit:. THE ADVOCATE, Offteo, over i'ottell it; $2.00 A YEAR-$l.oO IN ADVANCE. SPECIAL Dcmo'rcst1 's Monthly, with $3.50. Read the Premium List Peterson's Magazine, and JOB PRINTING. BUSINESS CARDS, VIS TIN 3 BOOKS, Cheaply and ffeatty Piinted. Estimates Furnished 6RDER8 BY MAIL WILL RECEIVE PIIOMPT ATTENTION. Address : HEN&Y A. PARSONS, - PIMPLES, I will mail TFreel she recine for crenai. ing a simple Veqetasli Balm that will re move Tad, FHECKLE3,- P1PPLE3 atd Blotches, leaving the Bkin soft, elear and beautiful ; also instructions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Address Ben. Vandelf A I Co.. Box 6121, No 6 Wooster St., N. Y ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GUNTLLJHAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature De cay, and all the effects of youthful indiscre tion will, for the Bake of Buffering hu. manity, Bend free to all who need it, the recipe and direotion' for making tho simple remedy by which he waj cured. Bufforers wishing to pront by the advertiser's ex. perience can do bo by addressing in-perfect confidence;. JOBN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar 8t., New York. A NICE LOT OF NEW PRINTS at POWELL k KIME'S, only eight OUG-ANS T for mmicat effect and expression never beiore Mliwo. ' . . r m in niy (larlor.- iJ Beautiful New atyles, . reioy, Mitral Journal of selected for" - valuable fowttnof mail fr 5i rtr vcar. or ten c.' 1T 31 TH-T VC:ir. Of led C" numoer.-jtn nuinwr L TT i. ....ku. (iCO. WOODS & CO, Vublfjrwrt, CatobrWgapiJrt. mm Kline's r-tor, ffnm fstrp,. TERMS premium, - aiut Advocate,- for" The At) VOCATE or $8.0tt G CARDS, WEDDING CARDS', HEADS. BOOKS, S&, RII)GVVAY, ELK CO., PA. . Inventors, iu" order to obtain' validj1 pt. ents, should employ attorneys or high1 standing. Messrs Kdson Bros., Washing ton, D. C, are an old, experienced and successful firra. Their ability and zeal to promote the interests of their clients is at tested by tho best of references. They share the fortunes of the inventor, since their fee is not called for until the Patent? kg allowed. Send for their circular. v.6u-47. THIS COLD WEATHER RE. miuds us that POWELL & KIME have a nice lot of Thermometers on and. , BLANKET SIAWLS, AT POWELL A KIME'3 FURS, A SMALL LOT AT POWELL & KIME'S. CUTTER AND LARP, AT 7 P. & K'ff" (N17t3 SWAYHB & SON, Philadelphia. n7yl. tuts per. yard.
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