FARM, GARDES AND HOUSEHOLD. 'Doaeaile Ileitis. T)nttun aft. mi a xuunu .'mi,-i nrea-ronuii of' a pounu 01 natter, ono ponnri of fuar one ponna or flour, eight cegt, vell Denien, ana a very little nutmog. WARHTNOTON r FnClT AKB One pound of brown sugar, half a pound of butter, one and one-bnlf pounds of uuu'i r11" oi sweet milk, four eggs, well beaten, one and one-half tea Epoonfuls of baking powder. Fruit to Ban yonrsoir. To Prepare Potatoes a la Lton- haisk. iaao cola boiled potatoes in sufficient quantity, cut in slioes and sea soned with salt and pepper; put In a large fryingpan four ounces of butter with two sliced onions; fry two minutes, add the potatoes; fry again until they mo ui u ujuu urora coior, nrain most of tllfl lint tff nfT Gni-1il.t t. 41. .. 1 , V t " r'"""' IUO IIUU B liandful of chopped parsley, mingle well Apple Snow. Sl,w t - tt w iuiiun vi apples with four ounoes of loaf sugar uumi icuuar. neat tne yolks of six eSlCtn with two nnnram nt lnof a.,--. V " .w... "MRUll and pour over them one pint of boiling num. ui mis cuHiara iuioa Kettle and COOk UEtil it is a8 thick HI nnrn ufnrM. pudding. Bent the whites of six eeen . . i iv 1 1 , i ... on? wj u unii irot.ii, witn one taoiespoonful ui ituwufreu Bugnr. .rut tne apples into a dish, pour the custard over them, cover this with the frosting, place in mo uvuu ana orown llgutiy. lo Make Puree op Chicken a la JMne. Fnt in a stewpan a large chicken, a knucklo of veal, salt, a car r t, an onion with t wo cloves stuck in. a b inch of parsley, two loeks.two stems'of 0 Jery and five quarts of cold water; set ou me nre, SKim well and let boil; when the chicken iH done take it out, t ike all the meat out of it, put thoBkins and bones back in the stowpan, and Jet it boil two hours longer; by this time have in a saucepan a pint of well washed rice, with a quart of broth, utrained and freed of its grease, from the stewpan; season with a little white pepper and grated nutmeg and cook an hour; then chop the chicken meat and pound it very fine in a marble mortar, add the rice and pound again, strain the reft of the broth through a napkin, take all the grease out, dilute gradually the chicken and rice with it, it must be rather thick, an.d pass it forcibly through a fine sieve with a woodpn prosper; warm the puree without boiling, and etirrfbg all the while; finish with a pint of boiling aweet cream and two ounces of table butter in small bits; mingle well and nerve with small square cuts of bread, hied white in clarified butter. Protecting Trees Acnlnat Mice. Wherever snow falls to any consid erable depth in winter there is always mora or Jem danger of mice gnawing the bulk from tho Rtems of fruit and other trees durina" cold wntlifr. -j- . . : ureuuras in particular are tiequeutly seriously injured in this manner, and it is very difficult to remedy the evil, Hiuiuugu ns prevention is easy enongh. As tno mioo work mainly' under the Know and near the base of the utem it is plain that if this part of the tree is pro tected there will be little danger of further injury. The best way to pro tect trees in au orchard is to wrap" tho lower part of the stems from the ground upward a foot or two with seme mater . ial which tho mice either cannot or will not eat or gnaw. Perhaps one of the cheapest materials for the purpose is tar paper, such as is used for lining buildings, and which may be found in almost every village. It can bo cut up into etrips of the size required to go around the trees, and then tied in place with strong twine. Where this material cannot be con veniently obtained, strong brown straw or Manila paper may be u&ed by first coating one side with coal tar, and then applying it as in tho first instance, keep ing the tar on tho outside. liark pulled from other kinds of trees, old pieces of tin and sheet iron can also be employed for this purpose, but tar ppper is the most readily applied and removed. A few honrs work in pro tecting the trues against mice may be the means of saviug orchards which have taken years of waiting and much money and labor to produce. Fences. The fence question is on the tapis again, which means "fences or no fences." We have several t:jnes alluded to it, says tho Oerraantown Telegraph, and never could come to any other con clusion than that it was one like many others to bo loft to the judgment of each farmer. This jndgment will de pend upon the sizo, form, and U6e to which the land is put. If it is for stock raising, some interior fences are indis pensable. If the farm is of email wze and used for cropping, where a few cattle enly ttre kept, interior fences can Javrrelv bo (lisrfirnf.l , r A - f (HID lug vegetables and fruits, there is little . . . 1 A' 1 i lor any diu line iences. Ho doubt on many farms double the extent of fences is used that there is really any need for. On small places, movable fences, which are now made to perfec tion, are all that are necessary. It is louy to be always harping upon the cost of the fences in a State or the United States, as if all farmers were ioojs ana were throwing all this money needlessly away. Good farmers and wo are yearly getting more of them uuu " w auy money n iney know it, and we can sav of Mum ilmi. n,. .,-, what they are about as well as any other ycuyio m iiib worm. Urmrut for t rucked Iloofi. M. Defttv Iipm tion. by means of which sandcracka or fraotuicfl in hoof or horn mav ho dura bly cemented up. Even pieces of iron kuu uo securoiy jomea together by its means. Tho only precaution necessary for its successful application is the care ful removal of all grease by spirits of phi ummuumo, Buipniue oi carbon, or ether. M. Tivfav J vw Mv ukvj vi A IO composition, which ia as follows : Take I J 1 . , vi uiiuroeiy powuerea gum am- luuniucum ana two parts oi gutta per cha, in pieces the size of a hazelnut. Put them in a tin lined vessel, over a slow fire, and stir constantly until thor oughly mixed. Before the thick resin ous mass gets cold, mold it into sticks like sealing wax. The cement will keep for years, and, when required for use, it is only necessary to cut off a euflicieiit quantity and remelt it immediately be fore application. . A Suggestion. A correspondent of the Keeno (N. H.) Sentinel suggests an amendment to the Federal Constitution, making it impera tive that every male child be tattooed with his name and date of birth, and urges that it would prevent any qualms of conscience in selectmen, when a voter presents himself for registration who happened to be born very near some election day, and would save the trouble uf hunting up the geneological record of the family. SPANISH PRISOS HORRORS. Cimna Patriots Herded with the Warm . CrlmlnnU-C4ew Treated with Plead lh I riieiiy. In Centa, says the London f;wr, the prisoner is alone, separated ' from his friende, without any religious eonsola tion or education whatever.. He drugs and curses throughout his wrary, Buffer ing life, then lies down and dies. In tho autumn of 1837, an English gentle man now holding a commission as vice consul in a well known town in Spain was riding along the then unmade road betweeu Puerto Santa Maria and Ban Lnear de Barrameila, where 1,000 con victs were at work, makiug the road fchich, watered with these poor wretches' Mood, is now ono of the best in Spain. " The sight that I eawr" says he aud I give his own words" curdled aud froze tuy blood. ; These 1,000 men were lent bv thn irnvArnmAitt. f.. tUn nttif faitt nlm had engaged to make the road. . They womou arivrn to u oy Diows irom tne caboa, or sergeants, because strongor or iuire orniai iuau inomseives, irom morn iatr until nicht. on one snnntv nno nf .,..14 , mi i . . iwiyo. aiih wmierpussea along, un nsnal in its severity in 1837 1838, and the wind Rwant. in fnrv nornoa tliA nm Bguinh flats of Sau Lucar. My friend expostulated with the superintendent, and said: "This is not even human; w is ueuctiwn; it is hellish to treat hu man beings thus." " I cannot help it," was the answer; " the contractor doeaas he chooses." Mv friend tianHf.,1 lw nni more. An overseer rode bv on horse oata. uno oi tnese poor, naif -starved fellows came crouchiuir to his utirrm-i t.n supplicate for mercy. He loosened his rigut loot irom tbn Etirrup, and struck the triflll'M lmlcl lirAQaf. a Atiiffil n -' - k j r Avn.auA n yj ij t. mat tne blood gushed from his mouth. He rolled over on the earth, and was carried off a nnrimn "Vvnr oinnn tlmf awful sight, when I had occasion to pass muno prvKuiarios, i set spurs to my horse, and Callooed awnv frnn tl.o , vj J Bpot. ' There is a mound iu the burial ground of San Lucar which, if its rotting inhab itants nnnlil nnpnlr. nnnl.l full n i,,io ,.t - . - - .... I'V . . I. ji awful sufferiDg hardly equaled ia these inner uujh. xuere pieep ouu of those 1.000 r ft err rod rnLrlnaa wrirttol w.r were placed by the government of Mad rid "at the disposition nf f.Vi ail" VAfld eontrap.fcor. " Cnl A and want of clothing did their fell work. XT- l 1.1 aio er neara inese sons oi crime cry out; no ear bowod down to listen to their complaint; they never knew of any ear that would bear, and so they passed away, by fives and by fifties, and a little limn find phnllr ilianrtlvrl tlii n.l ....... v . , i . i . 1 1 u i it ii auii the road was made, and the remnant of tne nauii, not tne 1,000," were drafted back to thair respective prisons 1 1. mnv be said, nay, it v.-assaid: "These ar'o' such awfully depraved and lost sons of crime that it is becit to kill them." Pos sibly, but not under the pretense of onering tneni me ami work, to give fiem death and slavery. Utterly reck less. I know they were. A friend of miao used to givo the poor fellows cnar tos to buy bread when they thronged round him aud pleaded their hunger. Said tho overseer (a huniano one) to hilar T. i;i nn tyrtnr tlmv irn't I-.... - " " " ' I kuj nwu u LI . bread with your farthings; they wiil only gamble, and lohe all tho rngs they have to one another." The end of this narrative is instructive enough; the merciless government contractor died iu great poverty, and on his deathbed re pented aloud of his inhumanities. Be fore his death he had been brought to trial for murder, but was acquitted, although one judge, the firt before whom his case came, said: " I will leave no stone unturned to bring that man to the gallows." Tho ascent to the chief prison is long and severe; the eilence and desolation aa one approaches the summit are extreme On either side ppreads the blue gleam ing sen, flecked with scarce a passing eail, and away to the eastward a mass of white clond, rising up as though out cf the waves, hides the deformity of the English Centa. A few prisoners out ou leave, rough looking fellowe, tolerable specimens of the eight huudred or nine hundred oanfined in the hacho, passed us. liiey were on their way to the town to cater for provisions, or obtain work. for the comiDg week, for to-day was Sunday; the distant chains of the fifes and kettle drums cf the troops wcro b.U'Ue to US nn lltA hvnrva nr,A tha r.t could just discern them,' a duiky col umn, wending their way to the reiow i i . . i i . . . K'kuuu, wiiere mo auar, etc., lor tun field Misa was nlrendv st nn nn n tnnil rf rising ground. The prisoners in this jail nuraiiur from ight huudred to one tlinilSMtul ! tlliiil Im.lnf in in vr.iwli.n I - ' . " .. u TOllUUR sheds, tbiuly dotted over the sloui.s of t.l ... mi . . , uu iuHiiro, Aiiey are anoweu to ply their several traded, but many Feemed to be too much gone iu health, hopes and spirits to perform any notive duties. Of' the money earned by them, a certain proportion is reserved by the government t pay the expenses of their mainte nance. Bjme make stockings, some shoes, and so on. But they are, for tho mobt part, old and worn out. Cla I in soldiers' tattered red breeches, or, an oftentimes, naked to indecency, they totter iu and out of the wretched shed which they call their home; devour and quarrel like hvenas over their wretched. insufficient fare; smuggle knives into tho fortress, and fiht aud kill one an other like wiM beasts. They sleep in unfurnished sheds, open to the roof; 100 to 200 iu each shod. The Bheds are floored with earth or pitching atone ; the vermin creep over the walls ; few have bods, hardly any a bedstead ; all about the rooms are patches of ctagnant, Blinking water and ordure, into one of which I plunged my foot, for tho place ia well nigh dark. These men are under no order, no dis cipline ; they have not enough to eat ; they have nothing whatever to raise them above tho misery and filth in which they grovel. They get one possibly two meals a day, but the vilo system of contract prevails, and the gov ernment contractors give these poor wretches pulse and water instead of pulse aud oil or bacon. On what is given they cannot live, and so they die, rotting away month by mouth ; and very glad they are, bo far as I could under stand. But most of them with their heavy, downcast faces, expressionless eves, seemed too sullen t.n linl.l flnv nrn. longed conversation. These men wero all apparently of the lowest class; Cuban insurgents in some numbers, assassins, and robbers. There is, or said to be, a roll called two or three times a day. Sometimes a prisoner escapes to the wild Moorish country, but the Moors, the hereditary enemies of the Spaniards, immediatelv en in nnrnnit. ami Virinir. ing back the prisoner amid a shower of blows and imprecations, eagerly claim the five dollars offered us a reward by the authorities nf Cuntt. fnr Hi a on ma. hension of an escaped oonvict. No words of mine can paint the darkness, flirt flltli Hi a aanf.h these dene of convicts dens into which w w Duunguv j v ui uuua no iaj and where nothing is beard or seen but assassins and nrnnU.T nn tlia nrn lnnJ misery, starvation, and obscenity on the HAD CASE OP. HYDROPHOBIA. Heath or it I .li tie Child Kitten hi n D Over ferea itloatb Ago. Avery tad case of death by'lndro- ,1,nK;. . i. ll. VT xr. i lopui icu iu new ion, ana one which shows the work in (rs of this terri ble disease. . The victim was a child five years of age. In April last, while its nurse was taking the little one for a walk, and just as it had lef. a car at a Oeutral Park entrance, a small Spits uog, witnout provocation, sprtuiR at it. bit him in the fann ami run auraw Tha under toeth of the dog caught the child ..j . i i . ... uuuer lue lower jaw, ana the npper teeth struck his face nut hnlnw fha ova (loft side). As his mouth closed the leeti produosd only a slight abrasion of the Cheek, bnt the tnnlt nnrfnrital tha upper lip and tore its way out, leaving a uiobu cut, oi nearly nan an inch in depth. - The nnrnn nnno1it tlia nlil,l nn and ran home with liim immediately. His mother, as soon an aim lixiftiail t)in cause of the injury, commenced to suck the wound, and continued to auok it al most constantly until I saw him, says the child's physioian, who reports the oase, about an hoar and a half aftor the accident. At this time the hemorrhage, which had boon profuse at first, was nearly arrested, and the wound had the appearance of having been boiled, from tho assiduous sucking it had received. Tho child was pallid, apparently from loss of blood, which had been consider able. Fright might havo contributed somewhat to this condition. My first impulse was to cauterize the wound, but taking into account the hemorrhage and the faithful suokiiir it lml and wishing to avoid any unnecessary uiaugurement inas might result from cauterization, I decided to close tho wound bv sutnres. Tt li and in the course of three or four days the last stitch was removed. I had graver apprehensions about the abrasion ou the faoo than about the wound in tho lip. Tho former, however, was so slight that there was no oozinerof serum. even. I bathed it with a solnt. inn if carbolic acid, and flattered myself that 11 - 111 . . . . mure wuuiu do no lurtuer trouble. This belief was Rtrnnrfl,ntl nil l-iv iia fact that a policemau, who saw tho acci dent, broucht a iln? tn tu otafinn house, and assured tho mother that ho wu tne animal wmcn Dit the child. I was summoned in Ptamlim l,i.n nn.i found him absolutely free from any evi dences of rabies. As he was a vagrant cur, the sergeant had him shot. The policeman was ofl'ered a reward if he could produce the dog, and ho, of oourse, claimed that this one was the culprit. The child ermtii.npil in rrnnil health, with the exception of a severe attack of remittent fver during the summer, until the eighth of November; his mother noticed at this timo that his breathing was unnatural; later in the day he complained of nausea, ami vomited a few times: I saw him ahnnt. 8:30 p. m. the same day ; on entoriug the room I was struck hv t! pressiouof his face; thero was evident ly greas pnysicai depression, like that produced bv snfTnse arnntlnna Ilia pulse as very rapid, 150 or more per uiiuure,aua weaa; temperaturo one hun dred and one and one-half degrees Fa reiuheit, respiration rapid, more than forty a minute, superficial and irregular, with au occasional deep sighing, or jerky inspirations. At the same time, he would extend his head and open his mouth as if gasping for breath. His eye3 had a very peculiar and indescrib able expression more of fear, perhaps, mail auyming eise ana when he smiled his expression was frightful. If you can imagine a smiling mouth beneath two angry, malicious eyes, you have the pic ture. A glass of water dissipated any doubts I may have had in regard to a diagnosis by prodncing, as soon as it touched his lips, a terrific laryngeal Rpasm, with loud ontcries, and a cough that resambled the yelplike bark of a cur. It is unnecessary for me to detail the case further. Suffice it to say that it followed the regalcr oonrse of similar cases, aud he died at last from laryngeal spasms, induced by attempting to swal low some water. For two houra previ ous to this ho had been able to drink without much difficulty. As regards treatment, I can only say that it was homeopathic One of the serpent pois ons was given at first for soveral hours; this waa followed by belladonna, and finally hyosoiamus was given. It w un necessary for mo to add that tho result of the treatment was negative. The Uiddeu Life. The Toronto Globe says: A strange story of a death by starvation was told to the coroner for tne city of South wark. The victim was a woman seventy-live years of age. Her husoand, who was ten years older, Lad once, it seemed, been a wholosale leather merchant. Ho had been unfortunate in business, and he became poor. His wife became para lyzed, and the poor old husband had to attend to her, and they sunk into abject poverty. A long life had conducted them only to this. They could do noth ing for a living. The parish allowed them tbreo and sixpence a week, tnd the poor woman's relatives gave them about ton shillings a month. Th s lat ter sum was practically all they had to live on, inasmuch as their rent absorbed the money allowed them by tho parish. They lived for months on bread and milk, and the old man could not call to memory when they had tasted any meut. For two or three days before th.-y had had no food but two Abernetby bisouits. As a matter of course she died. SMAuaox. " I am willing to risk my reputation as a publio man," wrote Edward Hine to the Liverpool Mervwy, "if the worst case of smallpox cannot bo cured ia threa days, Himply by the use of cream of tartar. One ounce of cream of tartar dissolved in a pint of water, drank at intervals, when cold, ia a cer tain, never failing remedy. It has cured thousands, never leaves a mark, never causes blindness, and avoids tedious lingerings." A gentleman who is getting "tuiu at the top " says: " Always pick out a bald headed barber to shave you, because be can't consistently ask you to buy any hair restorative." Serious floods have loenrred iu the island of Cuba. . Rheumatism is more common and distressing, especially in this country, than almost anv other dinnnon ami t the same time, it may be aaserted that it . T : 1 1 1 .. ... i i . w iiiuu uuuerBMKKi ana as unsuccess fully treated. Physicians, in many oases, are unable to cure it, even in their own person ; yet such are the unpar- allelod virtues of tha nnlnH - wivn 1U.C1 - chant a Gargling Oil, that the most ob- buuhuj oases once yieia to if. Springfield (Maw.) Daily Union. Chapped hands, faoe, pimples, ring worm, altrhenm, and other ontaneoni affeo .tiona oared, and roach Mn made aoft and smooth, by nuiiig JoKipia Tab Soap. Ba oare fnl to set only that mHa hw riumil n...rH a Co., New lork, an their arc many Imitation made with common tar, all of which are worth- Sih'com Deserved. I ' Few men have the ootirage or nerve to luveet the prlnocly Mim of 800,000 In fnrnlshlDg A noiei. mi. n. u. rowers, of the Grand Central llotel, Broadway, New York, is one of that rew. j do notei ia the lariat and bst e-n-dneted In the motropolia, and the bnaineas ahrewdnera and foresight of Mr. Powers ii evinced by redncing the prices to J2.60 and a.uu per uay, inns keeping paoe with the de tnands cf the times and filling hla honso. . If there is anv vinlim nf malady who despair of relief, let him aban- nrtn hla JAa.nn4nn.M a- i ... for him to nlif&ln nrn.'t am a need entertain no donbta rwpeoting the popsi- -"- '"un. now i urn. -iteiuvrnatfl vniirAlf fih itiii. t-. - " ...... nawu UUI H JURIAU taneous Hnir Dye, inilUtlons the roaiinfactnrers of the colebrated iu KUiiutffln i j 1 1 1 r ( i ni miti r.ina n.m compullrd to protect themeelvea by a trade TT- EverT nlnB nnvr the W0I"ds " Matoh lc Bs l. T. Oo." theroon. Tho Pioueor Tobaooo o., m water ot., w i.,arethomannfaoturer9. Tho RfiV. AratthAW Tlnnn ov T T - ...... . i , 41 1. A-f , . lAtS mPfllPRl tnlualn.i.M t.: i thoupanda of dynpepsia, ladies' "morning siok noss." fonl brealli. il .u. otoiuach and livor, by tho ne of "Cbing." It win uiiineoo sovereign remedy for those dis order. Hond tl for a box, or a stamp for a oiroular, to post-offloe box IU, Troy, N. Y. BoRNBTT's FliAVOrttwa The superiority of these extracts consist, in tlinir perfect parity and great strength. They are warranted free from the poieonons oils and acids which entor Into the oomDositinn nf many cf the faotitious fruit flavor now In the marKOU Collins' Volfaie Plantar ia a fUn.J ' 1" finiiu null ooiiBtant electric battery closrly and continu ously applied to the f kin by the adbosinn cf the Plantar fmil i. nsnaUn o t A . ma i . l 1 u Bu an iiuiaq 11 1 BilurU- iiiR the most grateful reliof ia rheumatism, Have von a nnvnro 7ioii ili M i' ' " niumu 'i niriaiui IlAVe VOIl rlienmuf iam In an '1 TT - l-m i 1 ""J "iui i nve you efitr neck, or bunches oanced by rhenmatio pains? If so, Jnhnsnn'i Arwtt'me Liniment is a speciBo remedy, used intorual'y and exter nally. We often see a large stock of catllo wliioh do not eeem to thrive, and come out "spring poor," all for want of something to start them iu the right direction. One dollar's worth of Nlterilan's Cavalry Condition Pmo 'ters, given to snch a Mock oooaiionnlly dnrina tho wiutnr. would bo worth moro than an extra half ton of hay. 8ue advertiacmeut James' Ifitters. The Markets. naw iobb Utiel Cilio-rnmetoKitraBulloekl 00 A irv n .niiiiTC to f.ocd Teiitiirf. ......... u7'H 01? lIUcli iow8 su oo 7 flu B;k Llvo... ....,... tiCViai im I)f 1 f,? U , r.9 nuoop 04 UmLs.. ..... .......... (,n ()cttoi AliciJlmf! 12 Flour r.ttra feviii r, (li 3tte rilra,..,.. f J l WllMt I;l W-'Unrn. ....... ....... 1 J No. ! op.-iiiR , i 8 1 Rj-o Slate. ..... Hi Birlcv Stuto 81 Carlo? Mait ............ oi ia ink, r.1, eo & i oo (4 1 '8 4 1 81 t9 ( OJ 1 8'l ten Oats 5-ijtod Western. ...... ...... .. u.i ilorr Mixed Wuiiru...... t .1 Hay. per ci... .............. ....... so Strnw, .'Br 77t 45 Horn Wb 33 3B ' in ( i (4 so A HI 10 mi ss Pork iii i3 17 00 sinuMw.trBi , new ,.1D lfj Oft ad fjO No. a, now 8 to a y ik) Dry Cod. per cwt 0 25 0 TJ lcrrinv. K. alAfl-nwi-ini ta .a n-. ?ctrn!enir -Crude 15jalVv Rfln.l. Urjv 18 18 81 J ex 44 AriKtrallfti. 38 48 88 85 80 IB 13 07 13 39 ;iutUr atate !.. ..".. 39 90 89 i8 111 08 V tw:7n Ordinarv Ohewa o jA.tory ......... ..... WMtiiru Stntc . 8 u wuot so". i fijiihis. 6 31 1 84 81 87 7 76 3 75 I 84 J ti 87 0 70 80 Oam . . . .?.. anr? ........ .... . BbbI Oitile Extn .. 'hnp rtotfs Di Becl 1 Aiiri'ftTii 2t)h. 0!V 0Sl 0b Oli, 0K 5 75 a I II tTheat WMtera Rd . 1 20 W 1 SI ti t'l (8 57 $ (8 fS 5 85 von-a. 1C i: ... Goiu 'ft::! 0a! M'Tj.i tro!5n-n !:.uu.. . 6 iid vitkhtowh. xinfl. Bl'lif OattlO Poir In flholnn I rl 7 73 0 4tO iH til ffheop " i 50 lin . 1 si James' Familv Bitters (Jure (Jul. kly and Pm-m.nsmly. fiidlMtl!n, Hoadaob jnd ll'iinii.nxM rMli-f-rt wlib ono doe. KlioiimaiUni, Kidiiny anil LlTBrCi.mplnlnUournlla a fnwda'a. Carol I i!a, hri-ifnla aod KivilptU Usrna.lo. I btyaie mcde of Valerian. Maurirak. Orainn Haik.lMrt-n Nml, fifj ,VILhn!r:'". ,iK",,i( br WALTKR AI1AM8, JO J,.hn Mr. t. N V . and by lrvvK .... Prlc, I. M. s. .MVP", M. p.. Prnnrlmor. 1'r.mlilyn. N. V Highest Honors AT TIIM CENTENNIAL! MASONS HAMLIN Cabinet Organs lUnanfmously A3slRned atie 4 4 aaaaaai aaaaa. first m IN TIIR SEVERAL REQUISITES" Of such Instruments! MKDAI.S OF KAJUAL AIKRIT I., k... all arlMft ilfemtd worth nf neugniUoH, to that It will lor many mak.n to adrartiM tbat Itaay bar. r sal?d " hlbeat mmlaU." it li by tb JUOliKS' KK POKT8, UHI.V, tbat oompatla, article, ara aulgned Ibalr comparatlra rank la eioallecoa. From Umm mtMrtii l ha fi'llnwlcc 1. ao .straut: "TI1K MASON a UAMI.IN OKUAN OO.'S aablblt of Read Orgaiia and HarmoQlama .bow. InatrnmanU of tl.. HUNT It INK IN TUB MKVKKAI. UK. illTKN OK IiN4TUU.1lliNTM OK TUB 1 1.ASKi vl.j Kmoothneu and aqual dlatrlbutlan of tono, toom of aiprMaloa.raaonanMand alntfna quality, aod m ud qaloknaaa In aotloaof k.yaand ballowa wita tboniUKbnau of workmanablp, oomblnad with alupllolty ot aollon." (.vnd ay o'l IA. Judgu.) The MASON 4 HAMLIN ORGANS art thut declared to SANK FIBST, not in one or turn renpecU only, but in ALL th IMPOR TANT QUALITIES of tuch instrument, ; and tliey are Hie ONLYorgant at'igned thii rani. Thh trinmDb aa not onaipwitKl, for tb. Mam t Hamlin Cabinet Organ, bin uniformly txwn awarded Ul hlKbeat honor. In oompatltlon. In Am.iioa, than bavliia beon .oarcoly all .acutlon. In hundred of oom. ubiIIIooj. Tb mr i awardsd HIOIIKST HONOK8 iMlrft,?-2dt;rT!VkRm'1",i7i V1KNNA, 18781 SAN. llAOO,lh,6; HHlIiAUKIil'HlA.lS?.: aod bar. thn. boon awarded hlsbaat honor, atrnry World . Kipo.1 Uon at whloh thy ban bog uhllitutd : bal-'e tha only A tuarlcan oraana which bar ..obu'-ivl any award at anj r ootupailtlon with bMt Knropeau jiakere. or to any Knrousaa Wurld'a ixooaltloBl M Mn; o Maaow A HaMLtM Onoaii: do not lo. any olw. ialr. eH,n inferior onraM fcam lAcy or. paid larger conmUrtmi far . If lay them. NKW BTYM'H. wtth VXTHNDKD TOPS, Tery iih-aTpiiMil r . ""',"",alnl aaruuitaa at ui. tlh.M KNIVIALj .tenant new wa In araat Tarlaty. , ' "Hi. wnn Da. aoainai ana wurku,aublD. Oriraua anld lor o..h or In.tallm.nU. or rdutod unlll rent uara. A'wm j . .uj. .( alitfaclum t u,l, purch..,r or Ia JDau. ILLUbThATttl) OATAUXJUHS MASON HAMLIN OHOAN 0O.-154 Tramonl Potter's' American' Monthly, 50,0.0 i'bviiuiiii,,ii . .r inn. npinp nmm w it iu fMvi i'vr r: womta for tfW; andAoopy of CtFr'a lilblr Bnbfrorihrt for l-.nrvrln.rit n, q'nrt-, 8,(KiO lllaiir 1877. ln thia nlnh f'ir -tnlfi T ftll Ptnw iflra, at y d uun'i tmhM . Tnrt,? t K. Tot rr a A Un. , fhlla . l'a TleWifle AeTJaiiaziiie. The Guidon Time for Ant I Mbrral fl.h flnmmluliin. n..i4 Hnn a n .1 . . I . loll'f- Vit m r,m, pr.itir( iFlo , frm. I.utl RMn who All. mm iamntm mmIv In Par.laMia nnnn ..fill... tk.i. d s . j . Tinr aviih oonmin to e In fall etme jraitiff tbe Doll's ir. Write to U. I OTIIROP V CO . $3.00 for $1.00. All flfA aa.Ka a ... TiiKi:kii:-iiT;.,7bM, i:r ,enr' wh,,e R.I,hILrK"?J?.!i.e ?FS7 V'm."' PIr In the United ever. wk Vhn... i . V. . ' . ""iw s eont.lnlny 11 i?,SIr..fi7!f jomp'oted florin., an In.lallment of nnlfonnly cha,le aad nm ReSd l, and I 16 Tn'll lor poatase, and yonr addreae to 1 " eenU THE LEDGHdR. ruicAno,;i. J. & P. GOATS born awnrdr.l a Illfolnl and Diploma at the Centnnnlnl Exposition and romuieod rd by the Judaea for "SUPERIOR STRENGTH AND EXCELLENT QUALITY -OF SPOOL COTTON." ; A T. G08aI0 !l, Direotor-Sener tl. hkal. ; j. a. HAWLET, Pres. Ai.kx. K. llirTRLBii, Hirretary pro tem . -o A WEEKLY PAPER FOR V sl . s :Y0UNG people AND THIVI I LI r mHE COMPANION alma to be a farorlte la eyery family lool ed for eagerly by the young folk., and read wtth lntercat by the older. Ita purpose la to Inte rest while It araurei ; to be jndlcloui, practical. aeuil'ilH, and to hare really permanent worth, while It attract, for the hour. It la bandaomely I'Jnatrated, and haa for contributor, aome of the moat attraotlte writer. In the oonntry. Among these are : J. T. Trowbrlriar, Lonlaa M. Aleott, Edward Eaaleatoo, J. 4i. Wblttler, Jatnea T. Fli Ida, l.oulae illoulton, Kebrcca H. Diivlc, V. A. Strphrna, Sir. A. II. Lroncweiw, Ilnrrlrt P. Hpoflord, Edward Everett Hale, Julia Ward Howe. Ita reading la adapted to t! a old and young; la Tory oomprehenslTe In it. character. It glree Stories of Adventure, Letters of Travel, Editorials upon Current Top!cs, Historical Articles, Biographical Sketches, Religious Articles, Stories of Home and School Life Tales, Poetry, Selections for Declamation, Anecdotes, Puzzles, Facts and Incidents. Siihacrlpllon Frier, 81.75. Specimen ooplee aent Ire. Pleuae mention la what paper you read thla adrertlaemeut. PERRY MASON & CO., 4 I Tpllttile Pl.icr. Wii-tnn. lln WOOD'S IMPROVED HAIR RESTORATIVE What It Does! It restores, nuiokly. Gray Hair to l(t eloBity Natural lYiv H,,t- It Koiuovca DitnilrnlTllmiioraand vfnia irriietllon. IB a n H DB Ituhiuar nd Kml liynBW (if tho fudeil, dry, harttU hkin. It Kent uttena and givfC ftf tlie Hair. It dfaired ettcta ia any Kfatorativa IfHTfnn tha hair ul.dao aikalr... Ind ijiinwn,iirtt)rHHa TIKOr to (tut KMWt tl accoiujilmlifsmore aiiorir lima wiAtl var Uiaa1. aivvavM aoft. lively and uted aa Drrtiftinfr nnrni . "romiia iiiiiiii inn imiiii.-ii nnir err h;nHi ine rz ! ?' n'iiui imii; u.iua icDuuruiu it, tor tua Old and young, an artli'lo of unmjualrd eicfienca. No Jprvpiiaiioaoiureu ujinu imtiiic inunicet suru wotidur nl rvsnlta. Try It! Tijr It!! Tall ft.r " Woud'a Iu. proTixl ! " as It cunttiua au iiijuriuua tguaiiiiea. It waaorlKlnally Introduced SO year afro by Prof. O. J. wootl, but tho rouwiit chniitcnof lnrdin(a in this ar. ticlH U ninMtiK dmnni. for it in all part of tho L'.-iitU AEMNOUfi.CEtV.EIMT TO CONSUMERS! The great inoaftal lmpnvi inent Introduced In thiaar. tide ii nn trincf ti ua to Inbn tho agvuey and ndvertiat) Ita yirtmia ui thuworltl. Jin rrffi't- caa licftrrattvoaro what bns oetm Ioiik aUKht for and warned Utt many ynara. bew big uyra dticid.ii m m m aud maustuctory tlmn haa Iia. for Ireen attain In the world ait inn, and cannot wuw yon oail for proTed," do Dot tied dealer con as a KaatnnUiv uood, or aouio- U, Nu UrujeiciKt knows Ita ooutiio niake it ; tburefnre It, "Wood's Iiu. let any unurinci. vine yon thab he or Utinonor aa thlnar aiinllar. aa li! Iusibfc utKjn bavinir nonthHr. ffir vi-kii- ,.t Wood's Iinpi-oved,' and take It. will nut be km? balore all gealBra every where will have It. If you-4.ould fail to find It, you can aend to ma bynic -. for a bottls, r aawioTwi ixiuim, ana we u iu senc it to you. prepaid, toany Ki press StaUon dnnired. AddreM A. 4'tMlK K CO., Chicago. i BnlA-ntsfr 11m- I i.itel NtatrandCan who will fill all order and inu" -y thftTraileat MnnufuitumVPiiv.., J li. KimualZh Proprietor. . UF'Sold In New York b 3. Henry. Outran & OO.; Koaton WoeksA Potr: Pbiladelphta, Johnston, Hoi. Unay 4 Co.. and by Whofeaal iruiu(iaU seofitsilj. NBW WHXCOX & GIBBS at Only maehfnt lQveut:u. andt ? tm 4 ftf KWU Antoiuatia Tun. ion .rrl producing , li ' most J (S1 , Marmioua Ueanlta. iCWr 8titb. aW? Indicator, TradaaUrklabaaa ftfaTaryaaachlua. SILENT SEWING MACHINE . Band Poatal Card for niaakratad Prico Llat, 4c, Willcox & Gibbs S. M. Co.," tOar. Bond St.) 688 Broadway, Mew York -Jr. WW gCAGOED0EB Youms ITompMIonX AUTOMATIC a. n m a k r. i j mmmmm HOHET OF HOREHOUND AND TAP FOR THE! CURE OF . Coogtii, Colda, Inflnenra, Boarteneia, Bifflonti Breathing, and all Aflectiont of the Throat, : Bronohlal Tubes, ani Imnga, leading to Oonenmptlon. r. ' ' This infallible remedy is composed of tin HoNEVof the plant Ilorelioontl. in tiiemicit union with Tar-Balm, extracted fi.mi t;i- Life Princii'Ir of the furett tree AliEia Balsamea, or Balm of Gileod. The Hoiiev of Ilnrpli Scatters all irritations and inflammations, and the Tar-balm and heais the throat and air riflR;flrrfs lpmlinrr in liinin L'nn additional ingredients keep the organs cool, nioist, and in healthful action. It no pre judice keen you from trying tliis great medi cine of a famous dnclnr'who lias saved thou- nds of lives liy it in his large (u ivnte prnctice, N.B. The 'r:l--Billlil hni. nn rtAli ! la c r.. smell. I'llli'l s v IT NTS ANT) $1 1KR I1HI II.K. Ii:i':-1 ..r im" f.i l.iiy lnrLf ir''. i ' ' 'PiJtc's Tinj!h:-1 .jr'tiiiM' Cure in 1 .'liinilc. Sold 1)V all rirnfr.iUi 0. N. 0RITTENT0N, Prop., K.Y-. t 1 t 'lll. A tat fenaeMon. Ao.i. i, TJ -6 Hurra nr. Outfit frrr to Mil. Hetter tlu THE BEST Y i iir niiiiiiHv naiuiM i inifn,m wiilcn li. in 'Tiii. hull n...l )....... A llll. i: .1 T ' a.r vat-Hi k- i u. tin- fnnnr, niiu .iihi n WRnn mukor is pullihfr. will, tn 1S77, fintuin rrilifnl ny';; nn tlte Intern;, tiuutil leMiotis, by Profk Taylor Lt,?.' .. taiiii t. ,. iM inii h k ; it iiiiimmr c.i iimiuiMi oi inr icMsans every wi.'k, by thu Hcv. Ncwiiihii Hall, of l.litl'lntt fitnl tt ttPiiillfut ntiiilirri(iii if IKa Iu mf trntliH, byll. 'luy Triimnnll. Tbls plan fwnrtn ilit inrt h'tfr moti blp limn can be obtnln i t wbero. ThpTimos ts H'nt to new utihscribfT . Lr i'Hitbs on trial, for Wci-nls; oiih your, fJ.lfi. a-iii Btvi'ii i-i'iin uinre win ire si'in a specimen oiT if th ScholarH' Qunrtprly, the best bunday . c 'osaon bplp for scholars ptihllstiPd. rlie innt poniplctp linf oCtiny; although it la . : , J'JH.N ii. WATTI.KS. TlnslnPM Mr,n.' . . . . . 71 'in.' ..m-aiiiui, ymt For Singing; Schools I ! Malta Ihnin doulily iD'e entlnx by lntradaclna THE ENCORE By L. O. .RVIERSON. Ji pent: jtrr tlo-.rii. THE ENCORE 'rM ah I KlrHt (llaaa Vlatnantan PriH. aalikih. k tltnl of iro1ftes. air. tunm In onrt. tnn 'ih .. .1 , for practluH. THE ENCORE onlaln. li pace. Oiled with brlaht, wide-awake, f, .u.. ,. uu.. io. ii i. aaoua uiv, nock a well aa hlnglo School Book. THE ENCORr 'ImtalD. eo ol Usma tone, aod Anthem, of the beat Mr. L. O. T.TTr.Tr-rKr fllall a million of wh e bo-.k bae been aold). ba mvr iima Hzve.iea a. compter or a-ranaerot mn4l nsttoruinr.ihbliTfi.ntVV ' THE ENCORE. r 'Hla bj all pmrntneat d&ln. Speolmsni n ed L-r. , tor To cent. OLIVER DITSOX & CO., Boston. H. DIT.-iON CO., 7 1 1 Brondwny, New Yorlt. .1. K. DITM)N cV- t l).. ooeMorMoJrf A Walker. Phtla. COUGHS. From Het. W. CORTHEI.Lof No. Sedgwlok. Ma. I cap cheerfully bear tttniony t the ercellnee of DR. WISTAR'8 BALSAM OF WILD OrlERRY L a reine:y lor a aeated Oonaa, end m .flordlnc treat relief GOLDS. rrom BAMUKL A. WALKER, K,q . the well-kaown Keal Eatate Aiiotioneer ol Boatoa. " llarlna eiperiericel reaalt. of a aatla aotory charac- nii ir S S i . ' V 'i." ,l-w O WILD OHEKRi, In caae. of ..Tore Ooldn, rinrlra th naat two ea. I bare (nil faltb In It, renoratl-a powerX SORE THROAT. From K. T. QUIMRT. A. M.. Prlncloal of th. N Ioaicn l.N. 11.) Avnletoo Aiudemr. I "For more than Bfieen year. I ha na.1 nn wis TAR'S BAI S I OK Wll.D OHKRRV, for Oonah.. U ilda and hoie Throat, to which I, In common with II e ret of mtpklud am aubjiH't ; an I It itlvn. me pleannre to ay lhat 1 con.J ler It the rr 6l remely with which BRONCHITIS. from JOHN FLAOO, Kiq.ol Bxnnlnaton, N. H. "Th ee year, .lnco I waa yery mnoh rednoed with a areadlnl e nirh, whlc i reml'el in Broncbitli, arlretlua me i ao aeve ely aa to render It dlCbonlt loanrak In an auobie y.loe. To thl. w. addi-d wt.ii night nw. au. aud I waa Inarm! of ln into a de.illni . Af'er re-coiir.-. t'i va-lou rtuuilla. to no p i-one. 1 madenaw of WIKTAK'8 BA1,SM 6k WILD OHrFlRY afew bottlf. of whluh lully n-.t.iretl me to health." INFLUENZA. From SKYMOUK JIIATrtlKK, M. D . of Hermon, " WISTR'B BAI 8AM OF WILD OHKRRV airea anlterral!ctl m. It . ma to Bare a Ooiuh by looaenlua and cliau.lna l!ie lnor. and allaying Irrita tion, tb'ae lernorlnc tl e canae Inhtead of diylu np the tJon.-b and leav n the canpe behind. I cnsliinr tbe U.l..m the beat Cough i. e.ilclua with wb ob 1 am CROUP. From Mil. JAMK4 C.RIMKS.of Mu Plaaint. Coum. bla C.uuty, Pa. "About three jam .iro nr dannhter, nnw twelre yeaniul rly .fllii)td iib tirouii. Ai.n. eral Irrltilion of the Iuiik. f. l'owed. produolnx a lieolto eonai), whli h became alraort bon.iaut, aod her lire wa. li.palred nf by her phyrl'l .a A' I hla critic 1 moment we wi re Indui ed t iilre DR. WlsTAR'8 BALSAM OK WILD CIH'RHV atrial; a d ftr .ha bad mien one bn'tle we fuund her an mm h rrlie?eJ lhat , dlMon tlUUiO It. uti." VH00PINO COUGH. From JOS. M. WKH11, Fug., of Ballow Falls, Vt. " 8nme eltcht jaart slac I bad a envere rao of Whoop Idk C-ooftb, which lotted thtee moDth-,tU aevvrlty of which uau'ed ma to fnar Mfmetblnv rtons If It ood tinud. la toit eoadltloD I rMoritd lo th BalsMii, on bottle nf which entirely cured iue ud plod mm la m pifc-ot ht-altb h -vnr. 1 cm" .ianol nlonolv racom mend WIbTAK'8 HALS AM OF WILD CHHRHY u ao ftrtiold whkU 1U, lu ujost omteH, glfv atlri HtltfM- tlOB." HOARSENESS.' f Fnrtnthe MfuiohMtur !ily Union. "WIHI'AR'H BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY Ii no qaA'k K'i'ttlu tuadlclav, kllifallr pr. pared, nd well adapted t th- oltw of dl-ea, for which It t rHcimiuMudrtd. K'-xuIar phralolani reootn i uu it. W have not only adwrtlaed It, bat have need It lo 'ur faiully, au 1 apuk from ttxpvrieou of iu alu.M CONSUMPTION. . . , From ANDREW AROHRa, B.t Fairfield, Me. ooov virus aiaoe ui aen, nenry a. Archer, now Pobtmaiater at Fatrnotd. hooibiata CJuuDty, Me.,wae attacked with plttlnn if blowt, eoub, wakuM of .td wlib aplttlatt if blood, eourh, wakuM of aod general deoHUjr, ai much 10 ilmi our familv iudr- ana itinera Dtivaielan daul ir-n blut Lo have a Heat,. Canaumntinn ittya.otaB deui ir- lie was under ined oal traatnieiit fnr ouiuber nt raontht, bat rte-lved no ttvauiii from it. At le.igth. 1 111 iii uuciittiiua oi niun 11 ana oinnre, I waa in dm1 in Durchasn oneboftleof WISTAR'8 B iLSAM tW Ulll II IIIILUDV 1. J . vmr t mar iiiianu , w .- imuiutru UI'll SU UJ UCU g obtaiued anothor botilo, wolrh la a abort time restored hi in tohUmusl tutvof health. 1 think i oaa euftdy Kiajuoiwa tuii rtiuituv 10 oiuori ia liae OOQlllll'lD, toff It la. I think, all it puriHjit to be the great Lunv Hea- and it at your dUp al." WISTAR'S BALSAir OF WILD CHERRY la prepare. b MKT11 W. fUWLE dc MO.N8, oa xiurrieoB Avraue, utaa. aad aald y all UraadMa. Q eaata aaat Via kottla. ET Brod atampjot Paine'. 8nnaT P jiq J M alhttt. a ate. a.wpi. trm. n. Ait.nli: Hmiwtw nnw a RnlMlnt lt for entblea Title nf., d'.,wtth .t.n.p.HontheTW Oolrwla.tlor; (1rT.S!n,.M: '."!,' l0.'.'? "i P'r"""! hamaetn ahertandoab ValUy b 1 itimp to Brletow Howard, Martln-bnnr. W. Va. ?5 WEKTXBH GUW WOBE8,OblOarO, ftl O i.?.l,'L?n2lOTT"St '"TS"- Phromo t Norelt OaUfoime free. Kelton A Oo.,llH Naaasn .t.N.V OaUfoime free. Kelton A Oo.,lln Waa.n i.,K.Y; a f 1 W mtb . . . . I 7 n ""'"T "r orrmmiioTi. Ifawbnal. ww., r.i. .mill., mO. flHTHMA. Thn'r rare remedy. Trial naokara aORTaarre, " y ataraieery. iyeareeaawyawll Mr, oa., rhlli, r R55g$77 DWit, r""- Batpplea FRKB P.O. VIHkPiiw- Maine. TKXAS "PandOlreril.T. aent VV ' Fifr-SB ajrenr to manaawtha eicln ,.' ,,wmffL rif"" and Tobaocoln eTeryonnoty. drlrw.. W. T. TOBAOCO OO.. 38 Renwlck 8t.,W. y ft ta'ltltf art, a a . . . YTATfD-Arerrta aan aHlymaketlnperdayaelllna 'T onr pew artlole. A mil. i.l. IZ --l .ZZ-,." ntLrpt.Terand Aane Co.. 149 ftroadway, New Tork! WAIMTED . pen.ea pal. Wea to tell to Merchant. Mi". uBm trtrgjo.,ar,liong,Mo. MONEYS arf ropMlv wtth Rtwiell and Key Oheok pntflta. Oatalorae and aamnlea KRitr I. Spencer, M7 Wa'b.St.,BoetoD,!Ma.. S350 A .tlonth. Acenu wanted. 36hetell Inr artlole. In the world. One eamnle free $80 A MONTIT, hotel and trsnllna mpeneea Monitor MawrFn rtn nintnn.,t ri,i- WINDMILL UP.. TLB.. N. T. A " ;' -," ono Apcnt In 07 days. 13 new Q !, i.'- ""fli fr,.o. Atl.lreai. 3 I U Jit O IVtnr. anri Clirmy I r"l.. mr, m- ' :: 1 11. m-T'iS.Ht.-S c.W. nZ,', 'V'i; HT A NTED rn"r"t,c '," ; botl and trarel. VV r . ,D arpanfee peld by Company. A 1 pre chanco for perrnanent employment. Arlrlree. ' I itlnn Inrl.t.lrlRl Wrka,0.lnrli,nnl.thi: sioiiooo r TrtVMtjuf In Walt k St-.t.. .-1 fnrtunea ernir month. Rook sent Xddrew B ATFR A CO.. Barker.. 17 Wall St.. N. Y. TiOOT? ! I"! ViS Waterlai, lowertban erer. 1 iK' viiTwnVLo,Tv,p;,, sr- 04ulo,, tn ho. 3rd St.. Pblla., Pa. ,.Ki!STT':"',,, 9H Mted rtbromo. for arnplee, poet-paid, 2()o. Rtretobed Obro. . ..'"" " ?m Rri'-''"' Oatalome free. OONTI. FUTAMlHWOMoOn., 57 Street, New York. tJ OPTKIT FKRR TO AHFNTM. men and - '' .Ar;icle poeaeaeaa a areat charm for both ". ' r yonnar lidi and rent. cthtitic Notkltt Co., fl A.tor Place, New York. NO "t"1! "trt ron In a bnlnee. yon can make a week wllbont oapltal, eaey and reepeatable for either a... Ahknt. illNEY oA reflPatble for either sex. AqkntB . " ' r m wnnii WIT iwery, N. Y. opium HABIT OURFD AT HOMR No pnbllclty. Ttme .horl " itwoTHM oaee. - wim ninnerare. I.tliai teanmo Dr. F. K. Mabh. Onlnoy. Mich. Gaa Fitter., Fnalreera, Macblnl.ta, and Apprentice .honld all read " Plumber.' and Oaa Fitter.1 Unld-. Illnatrated and f neatly honnd. 1 .OO per copy. J. D. Oal.t.QWAT, No. 345 N. loth St.. Pblla. I.Y'M Artlflrlnl nrranted five yeara. ow";t proea. Heni r r R KK Pamphlet. LEGS AND ARMS! GF.ll. B. KULt.RR (nc'r to Dr. Bl), ROUHF.STFR.N.Y. OUTTF.R and tlHKF.SK Oilorlna;, Fitractof nheeee i J Rennet, need by the Larfrent Datrlp, In Fnrnpe and merlce. Send for Price and ''Irenlar Free. Sole Agent rthe U.S., Mm. B SMITH. 327 A-ct St.Phlla ,Pa Tied and awarded Hlgheat OentennUI Prize Medal. . 33Tvrr,ijOTrrTvrii:ir'r. 4NY PKliSdN ot ordinary lntellleni can earn ally. v t y oanraMlnii for The Illnatrated Weekly. I'.inerl ce In not neoeeary the only n qnliilte bfelna, a. In all ac?eMfal balnea.. Indnatry and energy. Sead for par Icula .. thai, I'lura. A- Co., 14 Warm St., A'.r. ITJl A C Tbe choioeet In the world lmrxirtera . JiXXt7e price. Irgeit Company In America taple artlole pleaae. eyeryboilv Trade conMnually ln reaatnx Agent, wante-1 everywhere beat Induueilieuta -don't waete time Bend for Clronlar to iib'T WKLLS. 43 VeeeySu. N. V. P. O. Boy I2ST. DR. H.H. FITl'll'H FAMILY PHVMI IAN. Mnntple 4'opy, fi-per ( over, lo crma. lonnit ;rt t loth, nllh lllu-trHllon4, 12 mare, 3. rente by uihII. Adilrre. lo 714 'rondaitvi New Y orli. ?ARMERS2 lhlr eon. w.r.t.4 ttili fall and . ( I or - inricd Co. 1 V) t'.i ii.e ariicif.oireal menl U fooi. J-articul.;; fr.' J. WoBii .riiu?.;"!1''0 PATENTS IProourodi TOTAl. 1 OMT f f Inclodlnr Gov't Fee UJjJ Send tor Pamnh'.nt to CiHT. VVnuhiPatfii, !. C IBv nn nrrpno-amitnt wltK I the Publtihor we will eO'l every read. rnf this PnnT uuiiil pa- kanf of Traosrr ricturi'B frer. diii t . Htsiiin f r p-tfi-i. Tiiy nre hlhljr colort1. beautl ii, an 1 eusl'v tr-ar-ifurrf'! to any ob)f0f. Agents anted. J. I.. 1 ATT EN i CO., ICS William St., Sew York. fexP'rct'Jrltr la Life, MAP.uli. Ik-lt, Ue.t in tliowonl 1 urt. inatase when all ohht remedies fall. Testimonial and Plrculars spntfree on hi nlii-atlon. to P. J. Willi 37 Boud Street, New VorR. Vtjr urn. ti. r. r Dm. J. P. Fit lib, belnr i worn, says: I rr&d Ufl Im 1831, a,pMDu4 tt l'rvfaMar'l ahiit 18M; k,T 4irtwd , pplDU4 t l'l w ttritnmv rx. R PITI KIt V n prraitiii .111 a 9j n U4iuiIt.It. m Kriaiimv rx. NirlH, lr.i. ajd Li rat ilimw, 1 U iy C IiuiimimDR PITIKItV nillLMAriC KRHIUT, lUduy CardlkL 4a4 Pii-t, 1 prroiaett tntt. or U rf.t)d mm ui Mrtinl V'r.t. Mai rw Bail, tiini At 1.11. tlini Aid TIM PR rtTlaU, tf toil- rnc tuawt. PblUialikli ID1CUIW AT DRDUtilim A BOOK for the MILLION. VitDSCAL ADVICE .Aote lat.rrh, liuiturr. Dpiuiu ll.bit, if.,8i;NT I HtE on ' ceipi n .tanip. Ad'ln-.,, r Or. Hum l)iMT.ary Vn 11 . 9thlt..St Lon., Mo 0 AGENTS WANTED FOR HISTORY lENTEU'L EXHIBITION It rell. fn.Uir than any other bo k On Agent aold 14 oopli-B In one day. Hand for onr eitra term to tgenta. NixtONAi. PratiBQiNo fj.. Pblladelpbla, Pa. HO, FOR IOWA!!! Fannen. rente rt and hired men of America I A cbolc" from l,aM),IH acreeol tbe bemM.nda In Iowa ou R. R. term., at Kid aod ! per acre. Si-od a oatal oa:d for onr mnp und pamphl- t, or call on tbe Iowa R. R. Land Co., HH Hi.r.dolph (iu, ;blca--o, or Oedat Raplda Itoa. Jiibh B. 'l HI CK. I nd Onm'r $10. $25. $50. $100, $200. -i!-y,l,K W'THIN31IA.W : CO. 1 if H ull i rr -1, e nrli. Haukmo snd HrokMt. tnTustln to kdot lamtimi.lHoliaraotfr. The tt iTioum ere mons: it pVron bt ata- da who hv. Irfwiie rich tbroDKh rrotbliel'am A Co fcMunUf 'nrtmeDla. Stocks TMjro'.ts d a id carried Iodh aa dfr-ird o mnritin irom three to fle pr cnf. fTSrn for I'lrniltir. m SHOT GUI a (joutile-l-artvl (run, bar or front actii-n locki. wnrrant.: luiuiuu twist barrel!, and a guod shot-r, ott K nAi.K, litli 1 Iksk, Poucli, aul V ad-fiitur. f-ir?i;V. Vuu lm eout 1. 1. ll. witli privili ue to ex;uiiuv Li-fuf .i.tvinn t'lll. ISnd t: !i fr 1'iriMiir tt 1. I'OWEI.Li al . t -h-m ri o HP yon want to do your own printing, UMeaa aaaa. r.., ft a Titc-Ut If mntM -oanuaa IWi tt Tjy. 4c sail tliraa cw-1. VV. ara saM .lilnl.lii tr urvi .- ! a m. f , T'w i,.,t i. Aii9. a. .1 at f.ti.r...irV, r.rFIVF. U"II.AIIJ. Aajoa "07)TJ AV2!tI5A f Pt53 CO., 63 llunay St., Bit UA. T he -f-Bl Ilnrrt Tiinea" Fuper -Tba beat, luoDiiraiJMuiiraim po niar r-Duaoriua lor ttx CRICKET ON THE HEARTH a tnammotb lpag ll nntraed paper telae aforyw'. Wrkly). deyotel to l.l'eratnre.Romance.Uaeiul ivnowl sjge, Ainn.ainent, etc., eto. Only SI per yar, wltb eh.iloe of thiea premlnma: the large aud bentlful 0 romo." Yea or o" am boi.k b, tlharlea Dlckena.or a B -M of 8t a' lonery ; papn' wit boat pierulnm, 7 A reuta Per rear Wealaoaend It lowr he M Irlnl ler woly ISO rfnla. Kueouuen oop fur rtamp Ageula SS,n'.fd ,. Addte.a, J. M. LUPTOK 4 OO . PoblUbrra. 37 Patk Row, New urk. IM.KAMANT Alls PHOr'lT t HI K kis n r.o niNT!! BeaullluM I'aarnil gl Ota. Sua tuna, I Wlijt .re th y wnr b f rti'. Suob ar. tbe el.ilau.atUi .. ot l-.iieo wbo .ee the Urge, elea.ut new Onrt.mii, pn-ouce be the Kurotean a4 autaricaa tbr'uui Pull-Ul.ig t'o. Kvery one will ut tb.iu. It require, no lalklng to td tbe ploturee: tbey .uea for tbeinaelvee. tranHneep.. !r!"L' f"l and aemleuieu oui .f enipVui au-ut. eill Bud tbla the beat niwiilug eyer cHeiedtu make aaoaey. Kor lull pailluulaj a .eu.l atamp tor ooundno Ial aliouW Adilrees V. UI4CAbON 4 CI) . Jt 3 W.blntoa Street, Boeton. EURE0N1 1 If you have Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache, a Burn, or a BruJaa, procure a bottle "ol Eupeoa It will give Instant relief, as t-ounands can testify. : Tor sale by all Prusglats, H. A. HTJRLBUT & CO; 1 7SL aud. .77 1 Ra.n.)ph Street Chicago, Agents for the Proprietors. m y m d Wo. 46 WHEN WRITING TO ADVEH.1 iMi iirX.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers