am -(! Henry A. rarsons, Jr., Editor. THURSDAY, 'NOV. OTII.. 1870. Comity Ite-sn t. In tlita isi'ii we give Uu official vote of Elk County in fill!. .')iv U'ttil voto polled 'in tin- StM'J ti'.'kut wdt 1914, thu hiivrost. v.'te tfi-c t. unity overcast. The ItopiMioiai fitst f24; the Denio erntil3io, aad the Peter Cuuper man fi'i votes. Iliiiuui! plummy over Hayes U 700. l')r. Enrley rrivwl ?77 and Sc')8!t!iin Wlmmcr 8'l votes; Karlev'i rinlority 70. The '.et ton of Dr. Earloy It a result to which the Re mthlteiiiis of the county contributed largely, nnd Mr. Earioy's election Is in no wise ft Democratic victory, but, rather the triumph of worth over brn- zcii'ies. Wo feel, in thin connection, like cmijrruUilating the people of the whole county over their escape from a representative who woefully misrepre sented them. The largest majority for Eurley was in Khhrwny township where he received 841 and Whinner 7 n majority of 834 for Earley. 'Barley's majorities in the other townships wcro as follows: Horton 102; Fox 8,1; Jones 60; Spring Creek 47; llighlund 2 J; Honezette 10; Wimmer's majorities; were art follows; Renzinger 318; St, Murv'8 240;MillMone 10; Jay 6. Rldg- way township polled the largest vote. 8U0, in the county; Renzinger next 838; Sr. Marys polled 298; Fox 245; Jvn-cs 1 ;'; Kcuezetteli7; Jay 122; Hor ton 110; Spring Creek 48; Millstone f9 llighlund 'iZ; Highland la.t year cast 13 votes; and at this rate of increase by another your will be counted tho ninth or tenth precinct instead of the eleventh, in point of numbers. In Hhlgwny township on the State ticket the re-u it shows a. voto of '853 althoug the fact !s she rolled 3U0 votes as we stated above; it thus appears that men did not vote the istnte ticket. M J. it tie our candidate lor Associate Judge, did not receive the vote wo had a right to expect he would in Ridg- wav. His voto should huve reached Mr. Enr'cy's names; and although Mr I.'tt.'e ran ahead of his vrrty vote, the Republicans ns n party feel as though tin v 1:;:1 1 ecu used budiy, and we con wo thiii -. with justice, accuse the r(iiii-ci':i!s of Itidgwny township, at I'-a-t, with a stronger love of party ihaii political fairness. This remark of ecu i;, this not apply to those Democrats who supported Mr. Little, n nd the figures show there were sixty' n vcn of Unit cluss, at least Mr. Little ran sixtveven ahead of hi ticket Wc deplore the small voto of Mr Little for two reasons, first tho fact was plain to every man that It was necessary to the best interests of the county that nn- Associate Judge should be located at the county seat, second H..wi!! " er tu'ter be impossible to In D'emocratio nominee no patter how strung the local ligl. t :;iay be. And more than this tliove is created puny feeling that should not exist 1 the selection of county olllcers. The miin argument that induced the Jiiiis Republicans to vote for Mr. Earlcy was the a.vsir.-anso that the ' of Ridgway township would support Mr. Little. Of course hud any work been done umong the Democrats here on election day Mr. Little's voto could have been increased one t,r two hundred. Rut Mr. Little die! nut receive (he vote and his friends are not KitKflcil. The deiVai of .Martin (.'lover- for jury commis r l.;nt.r siumid nut have been, and ould easily have baen prevented had any one gnt:-:-id the result. Mr. Ciover run abend of his party vote, however, which is some conciliation to his friends. Hereafter wc will not consider the election of even Jury Com missioner certain, m Elk county. To conclude we wish to admonish our Republican friends that we lack one thing in this county most essential to success, and that is organization and concert ud action. Thanksgiving-day in the State. In the name and by the autliority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, I, John F. Itartmnft, Governor of the said Commonwealth: Notwithstand ing! ha present depression-of business and tho accompanying distress, the people of the country continue to en joy manifold Ide.sringtf, ami the more p.riai!y in the prcsrvation of their Institutions and liberties through the vicissitudes of a century; and iu the steadfast faith that the light of God's favor is only temporarily dimmed by the clouds that darken tho country. Now, therefore, I, John F. Hartranft, Governor of Pennsylvania, do recom mend I hut the good people of this C-oiiunotiwii'lth, laying aside all secular occupations, assemble together in their respective places of worship on Thursday, the 30th day of Novem ber, 170, being the same day ?et apart therefore by the President of the United States, to- give thanks to Al mighty God for His contiuued kind ness, and to merit by prayer and thankfulness the fulfillment of all reasonable hopes and the gratification of all just desires. CMven under my hand and the gTeat voal of the State at Harrisburg this, the tbhty-ilrst day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, and of the Commonwealth ths one hundred and 11 ret. J. F. IIARTRANFT. By the Governor: M. S. Quay, fiecretary of the Common wealtht Call at tho corner of Main and Mill Street for your Stovea and Tin mi Murderess who will not be hanged. In the Criminal Court at Washing ton on Tuesday Johanna Turbln, col ored, who, on Saturday last, was con victed of murder in the first degree, with a recommendation that Execu tive clemency be extended, was sen tenced by Judge Mac Arthur to be hanged on Friday, December 29. In passing sentence the Court said: I do ot know that it lias ever fallen to the lot of a judicial ofllcer In this dist rict to pronounce sentence of death on one f your sex. This may bo accounted for by the fact that women observe the law better than men. The crime of which you have been convicted is a most atrocious and revolting one,, and perhaps there never was one commit ted by cither sex which surpasses it in utrocity. Tho victim wa9 your hus band, and after inflicting the fatal blow you uiulilatod the body in the most barbarous manner. I f there was ever a esse in which capital punish nient is deserved, this Is the case Judge MacArthur continued, remark ing that the jury had a repulsion to the execution of a woman, and they had petitioned for the intervention of executive clemency, and after passing the sentence he would sign a paper which would give her her life. He ad vised her that her life would be passed In prison; that she need entertain no hope of ever escaping therefrom, for he was assured that Executive clemency would grant her no further boon than her life, and he urged that she should pray God to be a lenient to her as the law has been. List of Jnrors drawn for November Term 1876: GRAND. Bcnezctte Geo. Rothrock, farmer. Benzinger Philip Kreckle, farmer; Peter Wilhelm, farmer; Charles Rit- ter, farmer. Fox N. . Bundy, farmer; John B. Cuneo, farmer; U. W. Rogers, farmer; Wni. E. Hewitt, farmer; Eugene A Thompson, farmer; Thomas Dollinger blacksmith; Michael Gillen, stone mason. Highland E. Hovencamp, school teacher. Horton John Keltz, millwright Edwin Aldin, laborer; S. M. Bundy, laborer. Jay Cornelius Connely, laborer; Luther Lucore, farmer. Jones-Joseph Houghtaillng, laborer. Millstone Harrison Catts, lumber man. Ridgway M. J. Early, physician; David S. Luther, carpenter; James M' Govern, laborer. St. Mary's Lewis Geise, laborer; B. F.Lawrence, laborer. TRAVERSE. Benezette R. W. Petrtken, fanner Benzinxer John Kissel, school teacher; John Kreckle Jr. laborer; John Gregory, fanner;. John Kralgle, farmer; Jacob Hants, farmer. Fox Patrick Callahan, farmer; wimuu ouuuj, r..vri ChaiUa Brown, farmer: Geonw vwiu.1. mer; Robert M. Wilson, farmer; James R. Taylor, ' farmer; Joseph Schriver, Laborer; Samuel Brown, laborer; C. R.- Keltz, millwright; Joseph Enmtett, blacksmith. Hortou John Brown, farmer; Stephen Fox, farmer. Jay L. E. Leggett, laborer. Jones Charles Horton, laborer, Jackson Lucore, laborer. Ridgway Walter S Service, gen tleman; Samuel W. Miles, plasterer; G. G. Messenger, merchant; B. F. Ely lumberman. Spring Cieok Mathew Shauley, laborer. St. Marys Xaverius Haberbush, carpenter; Anthony Bieberger, car penter; Joseph Kraft, carpenter; Michael Bauer, stone mason; Philip Fisher, bar lender: Henry Foehtman, blacksmith; John Frcindle, black smith; John Leitner, painter; Joseph Deitz, shoemaker; James Rogun, hotel keeper. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MILLINER? AND ERESSMAKI17G. RS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey. Elk Co., Pa., takes this method of announcing to the citizens e Elk county, that she lias 011 hand an assort ment of fashionable millinery goods which will be sold cheap. Also dress making in ull its brances. Agent for Dr J. Bail fe Cb.'s Patent Ivory and- Lignum Vitse Eye Cups. Sena for descriptive circular. Vthe CHEAPEST i- lhe world.- PETERSOFSMAGAZUTEL SuTGraat Reductions T POSTAGE PRE-PAID TO MAIL BVBHCRIB KRH. PETERSON" MAGAZINE has the best Original Stories of any of the lady's books, the best Colored F null km Plates, tba best Receipts, the best Steel Engravings, Ao., Ac. Every family ought to take It. It eivcs MOBS Foa TUE MOI-.EY THAN AW IH TBS wukli). It will contain, next year, in lu twelve numbers O.N'K THOUSAND PAGES! FOURTEEN BPLKNIUD STEEL PLATES! TWELVE COLORED BERLIN PATTERNh! TWELVE MAMMOTH COLORED FASHIONS! NINE HUNDRED WOOD CUTS! TWENTY-FOUR PAGES OF MUSIC! It will also give Five Original Copy right Novelettes, by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, Frank L Benaict, Mrs. Frances Hougsou Hurnett, Marietta Uolley, and Lucy H. Hooper. AImi, niurly a hundred shorter stories, ALL okioiral, by the best authors of America Its superb MAMMOTH COLORED FASHION PLATES are ahead of all others. These-plates are en graved on steel, twice the csdal size. TERMS )Always in Advance) 12.00 a year. 3 Copies for S J3.60 f.80 With a copy of the pre miuru picture (7xaui ''Cnrnwullis's Surrender, a Ova dollar engraving,, to the person getting up the Club With an extra copy of the Magazine for 1877, as a pre- ea fur $8.89 8.00 tiug up the Clu tiiutu ij uio person get- Copies for tO.m f W T " 11.00 1 of I ith both an extra ivmv the Magazine for 1877, " 14.60 and the premium picture a nve dollar engraving, to the person getting up the I Club. Address, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSOV ao Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. CS-Specimeasseut gratis, if written for Ovbbcpibe for the Adwate SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry writs of fieri facias, alias fieri facias, venditioni expenas, levaria facloa alias levari facias, and testatum fieri facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk county, and to me directed, I, DANIEL SCULL, High Sherlir of said county, do-hereby give notice that I will expose to public sale or outcry, at the Court House, iu Ridgway, at one o'clock r. an. on MONDAY NOVEMBER, 20TII, 1876. ALL the right and title of Daniel Hcribner to the following described real estate situated in the Village of Ridgway in the County of Elk State of l'ennsylvanla to wit: HeiHg the south halves of Lots No. 70 and 71 agreeable to the map or plot of the town or village of Ridgway as Re eordvd iu tho office for Recording Deeds in and for said county and be ing of ground conveyed to Elbina C Horton wife of Charles A Horton by Henry Souther, wife and Albert Wil lis by deed dated July 2d 1869 and Re corded in the Recorders Otttce hi and for said county the Mh day of July 1859 in Deed Book "H-' page 167 Ac, which was also, conveyed by Charles Hortvu ami wife to Charles McVean by deed dated the 8th day of May 1861, and recorded In deed book "M" page 80 etc., and the same laud con veyed to the parties of the first part by Charles McV can and wife, by deed dated the 6th day of April, 1867, and recorded as aforesaid in deed book "M" page 8U c, reference thereat had. the recital of title, will more fully appear. Also being the property known as tue uavm iiiuuer iovs. . There is erected on said lots a two story frame dwelling house 20 by 25 feet, aitaition oy a) icei. aiso a frame barn 35 by 50 feet Seized and taken Into excutlon as the property of Daniel Scribner, at sale of Edwin Paine for use. ALSO, all that certain town lot in the Borough of St. Mary's Elk County State of Pennsylvania, situate on east side of St Michael street, containing one hundred feet front on said St. Michael street, by two hundred feet deep at right angles, and known as lot 10. do. on saiu ot. juicnaei street, according to the map or plan of said Borough of St. MaryV Upon which is erected a nlank house 10x20 feet. H stories and a good soring of water thereon. Seized and taken la execution as the property of John Huber, at ' suit of Jacob ttappci now ior use 01 rraun Locker. ALL of the defendant Interest in and to the following real estate situate In BcnzinEer Township, Elk County, Pennsylvania, being parts of warrants INOs. 4iu3anuio. iouuoeu and described as follows: Beirlnning at a post at tne southwest corner of tuna orsiepneu nenry, saiu post uemg likewise the northwest corner of the land being described, thence along the line of said Henry's land and other lands east three hundred and fourteen (314) rods to a iiost; thence south one hundred and twenty-four and two tenths (124 2-10) rods to a beech; thence west one hundred and tifty-flve and two-tcntlis (too s-iu) rous to a post; thence south one hundred and twenty three and six-tenths (123 6-10) rods to a post on the north line of Krieglo's land; thence along said line south (8D jj) west one hundred , and twelve and eight tenths (112 8-10) rods to a post, on the east side of the Olean or North St- Mary's Road; thence along said road north westerly two hundred and fifty-three (253) rods to the place of beginning, containing three Iiun dred and twenty-three and eigbt teutbn '323 8-10) acres and allowances Seized and taken in execution as the property of Nelson Wemmer & John P. Wemmer, Copardners, trad ing as N. J. Wemmer Son, at suit of the Union Banking Company. TERMS OF SALE. Tb following must be striolly complied with wben the properly is struck off: , 1. All bids must be paid in fell, except where the plaintiff or other lien creditor be comes the purchaser, in which case the costs on the writs must be paid, as well as ail liens prior to thst of the purobaser, and a duly certified list of lien shall be furnished, including mortgage searches on the property gold, togeiher with such lien creditor's receipt for the amount of the proceeds of the sale, or sites portion tnereof as he shall appear 10 be entitled to. 2 All sales not settled immediately will be continued until six o'clock, P. M., at which time all property not settled for will again be pat up, ami sold at the expense and risk of the person- to whom it was first struck off, and who in case of deBcienoy at such re-salc, shall make good the same and in no instanoe will the deed be presented in court for confiuiation unlesi the bid is actually settled for with the Sheriff as DANIEL SCULL, 8hriff Sheriff's Office. Ridgway, Pa. October, 26, 1876 8ee PurdoH's Digest, 9th edition, page 446: Smith's Form page 384- Aduiiuitftrator's Notice Estate of M ichael Heindle deceased. Letter of Administration upon the above estate have been granted to the under signed r all persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make payment, and those having claims te present tbe lame without delay to N27tS JOHN . HEINDLE, Admrr AKUXISTBATOK'S NOTICE. Estate of Cornelius Wainwright, dee'd. Lettert Testamentary upon- the above estate have been granted to the un dersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to- present the same without delay to RALPH JOHNSON, Admr. A CARL T all who are Buffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, dVc, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FEfciJ OFCHAKOE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in South America. Send a self aduressea envelope to tne Kit. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, Bible Home New York City. TEAMING. The undersigned having providep himself with a team of horses, watron. etc., is prepared to do Job teaming of an uescnpuon. a targe stoca or sea. soned hardwood on hand, and for sale at reasonable figures. Your patronage is solicited.- W. A. DERBY. Sept 21s 1876.8m. Executors' Notice, Estate of Frederick Dlppold, de ceased. Letter Teutamentary upon the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make pay ment, and those bavi-ng elaima to pre- OUb ill le same without delay te CHARLES LUHR, O. L. BAYER ) Ex re LM of Cafes to be tried In Elk County Vourt, November Term, 1878. T1VIL LIST. 1 John Todo vs II. Woodward et al. No 6 August term, 1 H70. n 1.11. ... - .. . 1. . r ,.a & I a j-.uua moj't.r wr. w. iihjtb rv m. No 17, April term. W X Souther, Willis A HouthervsJC llouk, executrix:, 0V0. No, 81, Septem ber tcrui, m7' v 4 J. V. llouk vs Haylor Jackson. No 1", January term 1871. 6 Hurah V. Wilcox, widow, etc vs Jesse and John 1'latt. No 21 May term, 176 0 J 11s K V Hall Vs L -Kuneset al, No W; May term 187& 7 Cornell us Wsluwrlbl vs Wal lace II Johnson et al No 14, Heplom bcr term 1875. X The Columbia Insurant Co vs Jacob Kraus, No !M-t Heptember term l87 9 Tho Columbia Insurance Co. vs Geo Helmut- No 151 1, Heptember term, 1875 10 The Columbia insurance Co vs Anthony Hchauer. No 21, Heptem ber term lS'fi 11 The Columbia Insurance to- vs Angelica Klausmaii. Kx'r, Ac. No 201 HcDtember term. 1870 12 J. w. Urown vs 1 H. t'oien. No ill, Heptember term, 1876 in jonn Nunn vs I.ewisw uoutt No 44, November term. 187' 11 t,ienora Wa vs josenn Scliger. No 3!i, Heptember term, 170 Owe at Ittuc and undetermined in Elk County Common l'Ua, at No vember Term, 187V " ' 1 Ilirtnan Wiuidward- vs Tliomas Tnizer. No 'Jt". November term, l8M. 'I A II Packard vsjolin Kauletal No 18. A mil term 1870 o is a nceu vs jt u liowman. no 21. ADrilterm. 1870. 4 m Ai'cuuougu vs jacoD jvt cauiey JNo 3V. Annl term. 1870. 5 V. L. Barnes vs the Tannerdale Coal Co. No 1. November term 1870 H George Hchnelder vs George Decker No 10 Novermber term, I81O 7 lteuben Winslow vs Edwin Fletcher No 26 November term, 1870 8 Johnathan lioynton et al vs A C Finney et al. No 1 January term 1871 9 Daniel Stroop ts D F Anderson et a:, xso z January term, ion. 10 Frank A Loescb et al. vs Frank Keller. No 23. Avril term 1872 11 Issac P Martin vs G Dickinson No 27. Auirust term. 1872 12 Borough of St. Marys vs Charles &ttCen. JNo a. .November term, iwz 13 Thomas Keller vs. The Penna It R Co. No 16. November Term 1872. 14 Borough of 8t Marys vs Charles Kuncu. o z-i, isovemoer term, iota 15 The Kt Marys Coal Co vs tieorce Hettsrer. No 25, November term. 1872 10 August fceger vs Martin Hurb street- o 21, November term, 1S5 17 The Clarion itiver Nav. Co vs Moore liros- No 44 January term, 187-; 18 John DuBoisys.M V Tyler. No 15 August term 1873 lit John DuKoia vs David Tyler No 20, August term, 1874 20 Miles Dent vs Charles St John et nl No 4 January term, 1S74. 21 The Com. of Pennsylvania use of J A Hank vs Andrew Kaul. No 57, January term, 1874 i!2 mown & Htruthers Ironworks vsJohn O Bryan. No 11, April term 1874 23 Elias Mac-key vs II May No 61 April term, 1874 24 Timothy Guflfoyle v Henry Tietgc, No tit) April term, 1874 I'll 4jOllft etc- No 12 April term, ls4 20 John Andrews s 4 5 Wheeler & Co. No 63 April term 1874. 27 A Callen vs Moore Bros- No 65,. April trro, 1874 28 H V- Wilcox et al vs Jesse and John Piatt No 21. May term, 1876 29 fconther, WiUU 4 Hoother vs JeanetteC Houk, Ex Ac. No31 Hcp tembcr term, 1n74 20 James K P Hall vs D Kunes and Mary Kunea. No 15 Mav term, 1875 31 Cornelius Wainwright vs w H Johnson ct nl. No 14 September term, 1875 82 J W Brown vs D B Polcn. No 61 Hept term, 1876 33 George II Page vs U 8 Tyler. No 93 Hept term, 187o 8f A C Allen vs H W May. No 193 September term, 1875 35 Hamucl tiaerman vs W 8 Service & Co No 253 September term 1S76 80 P Kcmmerer vs-Adam Kemmerer No 31 Nov. term, 1874 37 The"-Columbia- Jfiisrrsrnce Co vs J Kraus. No 23 Sept term, 1875 38 The Columbia Insurance Co vs G Schaut. No 244 Sept term- 1876 89 The Columbia Insurance Co vs Anthony Schaur No 245 September term, 1876 40 Tbe Columbia Insurance Co vs Angelica KteusEaan No 264 Septem ber term. 1875 41 Enos Merer "vs VY91!r Wood.. 2io 187 May term 187&. 42 Charles A Mayer vs David A Pontiu No 153 May term 1878 43 Andrew Spillarje vs Michael Glatt No 90 Sept term 1870- 44 John Tudor vs Hiram Woodward etal 46 J V Houk vs 8 Jackson No 13, Jan. term 1875 4tl Elias Moyer v P W Hayes No 17 April term. 1874 , 47 Elenora Walker vs John' Scager Pioaa sept term 187 0 48 John Mann vs Lewis 8 Dodd No 44. Nov term, 1876.- Laws Kelating to Newspaper Sttfacrip tions and Arrearages. 1. Subscribers who dn not give ri press notice to the contrary, are considered wish ingto eontinne their snbseiiption. 2 If subscribers order tbe dlscontinu- fation of their periodicals, lhe puhiishers may contirme to send them until all arrearages are paid. ... 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the office where t hey are direeUd, they aro held responsi ble until they have si tiled their bills, and ordered them discontinued. 4,. If subscribers move toother places without informing the puhiishers. and the papers are seut to tbe former direotion. they are held responsiMe 6: The courts have decided that "refus iug to take periodicals from the etfioe, or re. moving and leaving them uncalled f ir is prima facie evidence ot ' iniewional fraud." fl. Any person who receives a newspaper and wakes use of it. whether be has ordered it or not. is holdia law to be a sub scriber. ' - 7. Zt subscribers pay in advanee, they re bound to giveuotioeto the publisher al the end' or their time, if tbey do not wish to continue taking it otherwire . the publishers are authorised to send- it on, and the sub scribers will be held responsible until an express notice with payment of- all arrears, eat to tnspuDUBlier. Arqauai at W. B. SMITH'S, PbinthI No use talking, Powell Klme's- do to IFE, Growth,, BEAUTY. (LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER Not a Dye; makes harsh hair soft and llky; eleanses the scalp from all Imr-dritlcs. causing the hair to grow where it has falleu off er become thin. Can be applied by the hand as it does not stain the skin orisoil the finest linen. As a II air Dressing it is tbe most perfect the' world bas ever produoed. The hair is re novated and streniiheoel, andi natural coor restored without tho application of mineral substances. Since tbe introduotion of this truly valu able preparation into tnis country, it tuts been the wonder and admiration ot all clas ses, k it has proved to be the only article that will absolutely without deception, re store frrny hair toils original oolor, health softness, lustre and beauty, and produce hair on bald heads of its original growth and color. This beautiful and fragrantly perfumed article is complote within itself, no washing or preparation before or after us use, or accuuianymctit of any kind bciog required to obtain these desirable results. Here Is the Proof of its SUPERIOR EXCEU-EMCE. A end this Home Certificate, testified In hy Kdward B. Gurrigues one of the most competent Druggists and Cuemists of Pliilu- (lelntiim a mnn whose veracity none cat. loubt. i am happy to add my testimony to the great value of the London Hair SJolor he storer which restored my ha.r to- its origi nal to'sr, and Mf hue appears to- ne per manent. I am satisfied that this prepara tion not a dve but operates upon the te- cietiont. It is also a beautiful hair dress ir-g and promotes the growth. 1 purchased the first bottle from Edward B. Oarngues, drnggisl, Tenth and Coates street, who can also testify my hair was quite gray wnen 1 commenced lis nee. M Ka. MlLLhrl, no 730 North Ninth street, l'hila. Dr. Swayne & Son, Kespecled frionds:- I have tbe pleasure to inform you that a lady of my acquaintance; Mrs. Miller is delighted with the success of your London Hair Color Restorer." Her hair was fast falling and quite gray. The color has been restored, the falling oil eutirely sioppea an J a new growth of hair is the result. . it. UAR1U0UE.S, Druggist, cor Tenth and Contrs, Fhlla. BOSTON TESTIMONY. July 22d, 1B71. Dr. Swayno it Son: Last winter while in Trenton, J., I pro oured s.x bottles London Hair Color Ke sioter, which I like y$ry much, in faol bet ter thun any thing I have used- in the last nine years. If you please, send me oue dozen bottles COD care W 8 Fogler It Son DruggiBts, No 723 Trcmont street, Boston. Respectfully your?, A OA 1IAK.EU No 69 Rutland Square. London Hair Uolor Restorer Dressing lias completely restored my hair to its original color and youthful beauty, and caused a rapid and luxuriant growth. MRS. ANNIE MUltHIS, Jo61oIOTtu Seventh Street, Philadelphia. Dr. Dalton of rniladclpiiia, says of it. The London Hair Color HcnUrcr is used very cxitsiifcivcly i.inong my patients- and friends, as well'ss by myself. I therefcre speak from experience. 75 CENTS PER BOTTLE, Address orders to Dr. SWAVNE SON 330 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, l'a., sole Proprietors. SOLif iei.1Lr. liRUQGISTS THE LUNGS COKSTJltPTJ-OK! Yi.Im JUtivMln.iNiil A........ ..mrl.iiit and its premonitory symptoms, neglected cough, nigbt sweats, hoarseness, wasting nesh lever permanently cured by DJwTQB SWAYKE'S CCMTCVNi, SYS?? OF VILii liKUMjniTIS A premonitor or Pul monary Consumption, is characterized by catarrh, or inflamation of the inucum mem brane of the air passages, with cough and expectoration, short breath, hoarseness, pains in the chest. For all bronchial affec tions, sore throat, les of voice coughs, DR. SWAYNE'K Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry Id A tOVf.iltlON REMEDY Hemorrhage, or Spitting of Blood, may proceed from tbe larynx, irauhia, bronchia or lungs and arises from various s&usca, as undue physical exertion, p!othor, or fuil nees of the vesnels, weak lungs, overetrain- 11 g of the voice, suppressed evacuation, ob struction of the spleen or liver, &c. Dr, Swayne's Compound Hyrtip of Wild Merry. striken at tbe root of disease by purifying tbe blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy aoiion, mvigoratiag the nervous syBteni. 1 lie ouiy standard remedy lor nemor- rhane, bronchial and all pulmonary com plaints. Consumptives or those predis posed to Weak lungs should not fail to use this gTeat vegetable remedy. Its marvelous power, not only over con. cumpt-on, but over every chronic disoase where a gradual alterative action is needed Under its use the cough is loosened, the night sweats-diminished, tbe pain subsides, the pulse returns to its natural standard, the stomaou la Improved in its power to di gest aad assimilate the food, and ever organ lias a purer ana better quality 01 blood supplied to it, out of which rew re creative and plastie material is made. Prepared only by DR.SWAYNE& SON, 839 Horth Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Sold bt allPbominxxt Dkuouists. Itching Piles! PILES, PILES, ITCHING PILES, rosiTiviiT cijtxo by lbs use of SWAYNES OINTMENT HOME TESTIMONY. I was sorely afflicted with one of the most distressing of all diseases Pruritus or Pru rigo, or more commonly known as Itching Piles. Tbe itching at times was almost in tolerable, iiterease 1 bv scratching, aud not unfrequently become quite soie. I bought a box of Swayne's Ointment;, its use gave quick relief, and in a short time made a perfect cure- lean now sleep undisturbed, aud I would advise all who are suffering with this distressing complaint to procure Swayne' Ointment at ouoe. I bad tried prescriptions sIidobI innumerable, without finding and permanent reuer. JOSKPH W. CHRIST, (Firm of Boedel & Christ.) Boot and Shoe House 844 North Second otreet, Philadelphia. SKIN DISEASES. Bwayne's All-beating Ointment is also s specific for Tetter. Itch-, Salt Rheum, Saald Head, Erysipelas, Barber's Itch Blotches, all Scaly, crusty, eutaneoas Er ruptions. Perfeotly safe and harmless even on the most tender infant. Prioe 60 eents Sent by mail to any address on re isipt of price.- SWAYNE'S PANACEA. Celebrated all over tbe world for its renta ble cures ot Scrofula, Mercural and Pyphil itio complaints. Describe symptoms in all oemmicanutio iduross nV.ettera to DA BWAjrNR and SON., rhilade.lphia. n7jl. jso; Woods AJRJ. JOB." ' - fc -m iatissajl I I ..ytW'w TJ f Jfl y fkfv sal rtiipMMlP 11 1- wmm&wMmm ThM remarlcabl; irHtr-inCTf nuss. for riiisiMl i-tl.-cu si.dexprension never iioreaiwino. AdapT'd loXKI -ao-1 I'rMVonal. und an ..r...a.-.. m lu-.y iw-lor. ti'" Bca-jtifu! New Styles, now resdy, . GEO, WOODS & CO,. Cdiv.bridseport, Mass. - TYARETlOnXSi M tTnliln1oi St., I!w1n' 1 J) Sluto W., CaicuKOt 2S l.ii'lgate lllll, London, mrm TTAv UTTT.f A"TA Mu.ifi! ?-rnt of !!:ed mimic and valuable reaiiint: mtmt from to wc.tti of i!;c rri.ei-l muiir. CEO. WOOOa & CO., Publlsners, Cambrldeeport, r.fcv THi ELK COtJUTY ADVOCATE ONLY REPUBLICAN TAPEU IN liLK COUNTY. TERMS TWO DOLLARS A i'KAK GIVE ES A CALL TOR JOB WOiUt I CARDS, TAGS,- ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEAR, BILL HKAB9, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, &C. ORDERS JlY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Address, THE ADVOCATE, Ridgway, Elk Co., Fa. CO '1 'G! OUG-AJNTS -. The Times Are surely getting better notwith standing the croaklngs of politicians; else why should our most sngnclous merchants venture to lay in such tremendous stocks of goods. We no tice that our downstairs neighbors, Messes Powell & Klnie, are opening up one of the largest and most com plete assortments of merchandise that we remember ever before having seen in our town. Indications too are that they have made no mistake in ventur ing to increase their business, for there is a constant rut-h for their new goods. Every department of their well arranged salesrooms seeni3 to bo well filled not only With the choicest of seasonable goods, but also with well pleased and satisfied looking customer If you have not already been there this week, we advise you to go at once. You will never be sorry. F YOU W ANT TO JiUY GOO DS CHEAP Gu TO fl AG !iSi I V Main Str-et, fll-ljxay, Ta. RY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOOT SHOKS, HATS AM' C'Al'S, . GLASS AND QL'KILNS WAHil, WOO I J AN WlLl.OVV.WAKE. TOBACCO AND OKJAKS. A Stock of Gfcosriss ar.d rriviv.icis. The UKST JJUANDH r. Li.OL'u I Ccii.sti) fitly un ii.iii'J, t '.i'l Miitt as ciitKjt !s Ike CliliATWr. ! JAMKa II. 11 Aiil',1; : X I SE ARCH HAS i'.i U CiJ IT. J WOOD'S IMPKOVKD H.Wi. ttKS.'OR- AllVr. is uunke ntiy ol li , imd Un un ecjuEl. 'The Improved ha ui-w vegcub.e toiiio prupei'itles, itsious gi 17 uL.r to a loiy, u:.t'ii-il coior; i -tloii.-3 i.t. ;, dry ii.liyii i::id luiiiui; 1111:1; ie-i- :f.f:t Rivvs vigor to tile li'-.l.; ni . iu. t I': preuiut ui ely buij heau; tew -. :i-:uU, iiuuiors, sciiy erupt. niijy ::c:h, tlOO, ItCillug ulid SJiily ili-yiit:3 i'-'j i.rtl cie pioducei auou wuudeitu. i-tl-.i;;.-. I;; it, call for Wood's lmpiovd !a.r rWti ra tivr, and don't be put off w.tli any o'.l-n article. Sold by all druggists 111 ihi piac aad doitiers every wherv. Trade supp:.r.d at n.anulaourers' prices by 1 A Una- Co , Chicago, Sole Agents for the Uiil'nl Siaies and Cttnadas,. uuu hy .'wHujU.-1, liullonay &, Co., rhiiudiouia. NJEW LIVEIiY STABLE in a DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO IN form tbe Cittzeus of Kidgtray, aud the public goLerally, that he has 6.trted a I.i?-t-r b table e :id w Ul e p GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Bugiej, to let -jpon the most reaBau bletermr. 8,lie will also do job loaning. Stable on Broad etreet, above Main All orders left at tbe Poet Offioe will a eel prompt attention Au 20 1870. tf. 1y B. Wauhtel. St. Marys Pa- repre- sents the following Companys for' KIU and McKeun counties N'onhlli'i'ish and Mercantile- 7,500000' ylCma. Hartford 7.UU0.000. Puterson. N. J 4t6,tXH Amazon of Cincinnati, I,00o,u00 German American, N. Y 2.000,000 Niagara, im. x i,ouu,uuu Itoi-hester, Pa., 180,000 Tr. Life & Accident, Hartford 4,000,000' n-27-i-13. Executor's Notice. ESTATE of Chur'.es Broekl, de ceased. Letter Tistumentary upoir tne above estate have beou granted tor the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested t muke payment, and those having claims to1 present the same without delay to . CHARLES LU11H, Extcutor, 8t6,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers