mv.ii t-v i. 1 III ' Yl II Jieury A Parsons, Jr., Editor. THURSDAY, SEPT. 28T1I., 1870. BEPVSLICAIT NATIONAL TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT, RUTHERFORD B. HAYES, OF OHIO. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, WILLIAM A. WHEiLER, OF NEW YORK. ELECTUKS AT LARGf. Benjamin H. Brewster, of Philadelphia. John W". C'hnU'unt, of Allegheny. DISTRICT El.EC'TOU.1. 1 John Welsh. 15 Miles I Tracy. 2 Henry Diton, 3 ClirK J. Hott'mim, 4 Cluis. T.Jones, 5 tvhvln A. Killey, 0 Ben.lnmln Smith 7 J. W. llernard, R Jsicob Knnlib, 0 J.ihn 1!. Wnrfel, 10 Joseph Thomas, . 11 Al io Pardee. 12 Lewis Fuirhe, 13 Ed. S. rMlllmun, 11 William Cakler, 10 s.SV. stai kwi-Ht her. 1 L'aniei j. .uorreu, IS Jeremiah Lyons, !1!1 Wlllinm Hay, ,'20 Wm. i'huil'I'oii. 21 J. H. DonneUv, 22 Daniel O'Neill, 23 William Xebb, 21 A. U. Hergner, '23 8am. M. Jackson, I1M .las. Westorman, 127 W. W. Wllber. Every county in Elaine was carried by the Republicans for governor, something unprecedented in the his tory of state elections. A the returns are received it becomes more npparant that the vicory uchii'ved by the He publicans was one of the grandest on record, Ihe Democrats are trvintf to con-ole themselves for the punish ment they received in this crushiii"; defeat, by declaring that "it was not much ot a shower.'" it thev arc satis- lied the Republicans certainly are. Vermont and Maine show very clearly the drift of public sentiment in this campaign. On 1-; of the beautiful illustrations of Democratic economy is in lhe prevci non or (lisahlcil sol'liers lrom hereulter procuring artificial armsand legs from tiie United States surgeon general's department, the appropriation for this purple havim- been tut down to Sim, 00o, which has been entirely cx nausieu, wiuie not more than a quarter of these entitled to its benelits liuve been supplied. The deficiency lias been csli mated at Si")0,dOU. No action' can be taken in the cases ot others until congress shall provide a deficiency appropriation. The con federate congressmen, no doubl were glad to prevent these maimed sobiiers from receiving' such favors from .the government, under the false cry of economy, ami at the same time Demo cratic orators will try to induce them to vote for Tildcu! Gov. JTayJv' services in the war are thus uiinimaii.ed: "JJotwccn the be ginning of May and lhe end of Octo ber lSU-t, faeswas under fire sixty days, and lie was under lire on seven hundred day in the eourse of the war. lie was four lime wounded the sever est wound being that received at South Mountain. Yet the wound from which lie has s:u tiered most is hardly to be called a wound at all. A fragment of a shell struck so close to his knee as to cut his pantaloons clean away at that point; he rode through the day ami never made anything of the aflair. but now, after twelve years, tidsmcre'y approximate hurt troubles him mere than all the rest, especially in going up stairs." Such devotion to the Union is deserving of the highest reward the Presidency of the United States. Gov, Hayes would never suf fer the old flag to be hauled down in dishonor. Tnio Democratic pipers arc con stantly telling their readers that it Hayes should be elected Presdent of the United States his adminisration would be nothing more nor less than a continuation of that of Grant's und would be controlled by the Chandlers, Camerons, and Mortons. There is nothing to warrant such an assertion. The administration of General Grunt has been in many thinirs verv successful, even if it lias not accomplished till that its most ar dent friends anticipated. It would not distress the country very much, in our humble opinion, if Governor Hayes, when he becomes President, should continue to reduce the national debt as General Grant has been doing, nor would it be any detriment to the nation if he would imitate the exam ple of the piisei t incumbent of the White House I y urging the resump tion of specie payments. Bir. nn-y not Kepublicuns say with equal truth and fairness that if 'lin'.vi shall be elected President his administration will be a mere continuance of James Buchanan's, with Jell' Davis, Toombs and other rebel chieftains at its head? Republicans may say that if we shall have a Democratic at ministration we shall also have the Southern States proclaiming secession, the war shall have to be fought over again and the nation will be thrown back in its pro gress a quarter of a century. We be lieve Governor Hayes' administration will be his own, and that what ever was praiseworthy in those of his predecessors will be copied after, while that which was bluhiuble will be avoided. From the Pittsburgh Telegrn.)ib. Got. Tildeu'i Incomo Tax, A good many Republicans, we doubt not, have never censed to be lieve that there must have been onio mistake about the accusation,' and that If Governor Tflden would unly condescend to make the ncecsnry ex planation, the entire correctness and honesty of bis returns would be mani fest to the meanest capacity. We know that this has been the belief of xomc Republicans who have never been able to regard the charge of fraud or perjury with patience or toleration. Even Gov. Tilden's absolute silence, though painful to these Republicans, iias been interpreted in Ills favor. When pressed with the Injurious presumption It seemed to involve they have demanded with jsonic asperity, what man of sensitive honor in Gov. Tilden'a position and conscious of in nocence could deign formally to vin dicate himself from such a charge alleged in such a manner and for such a purpose? Well, Gov. Tllden has at length con descended to meet the charge. Through the statement published does not bear his signnture, no person of common discernment at all familiar with the Governor's mental handi work can doubt that it was dictated by him. Besides, the ostensible author of the statement, Judge Sinnott, was his confidential clerk at thotime referred to in the accusation, and the statement contains many details which only Gov. Tildcu himself could have furnished. Undoubtedly the paper presents the Democratic candidate's own explanation of his deplorable mis conduct the best defense which the accused has found it possible to make. And wc venture confidently to say that henceforth no Republican will be troubled with any doubts or uncer tainty us to the reason why the vindi cation has been so long postponed. The truth is at length manifest that no satisfactory defense can be made. The vindication does not vindicate, the explanation offered explains noth ing which the public cared to have ex plained, nothing in fact, but Gov. Tilden's failure heretofore to refute the overwhelming charge. To be sure, the Governor shows conclusively that those Republican organs which have attempted to give the items of his income in lt0'2, had not access to trustworthy document:- The Governor shows triumphantly and with admirable (though needless) fullness of detail, that the items given are incorrect. But, alas! the Gover nor tfirofully abstains from telling the public what the Items really were Whereas it is known with absolute certainty that Mr. Tilden's income was many times greater than the sum for which lie was taxed, he deems it sufficient to show that the items of which it consisted have been wrongly stated? Indeed, he admits that his in come was larger than the sum lie was taxed for, but he claims that the in come for ISO'.: having been earned dur- iug man v nrccedin ; years, it was not uable to taxation under the law. Hi reasoning on the subject is not sound, and the conclusion is llatly inconsis tent with the spirit, if not with -the letter of the revenue law. But suppose his explanation with reference to the income of to be satisfactory and in harmony with the revenue law, the Governor is sti 1 as deep in the mile as ever. Why? For the reason that lie allowed the return for that year to be used as the basis upon which his taxes were estimated for the next ten years, or during the entire period of the income tax law. Hence, while it is perfectly well known that in the years following tsili, bis income ranged somwhere be tween 1011,000 and $1200,000, he es caped taxation on everything over fifteen thousand dollars. Comment is surciy needless. N'o e'earer case of defrauding the Govern ment of its revenue can be found in the records of the United States Courts Should suit be entered against Gov. Tllden for the recovery of the tax withheld, no rational man can doubt what the verdict would be And, futhermore, in the case of Gov Tilden peculiar odium us well as peculiar shame attaches to the crime. A veteran politician of the Tunimuny school, Mr. Tilden looked with an evil eye and with unfeigned disgust upon the efforts of the administration to maintain the integrity of the Union Resolute to render the Government no aid he could wlthold, treason seems to have entered into partnership with averlce to defraud the revenue. Evi dently Mr 1 ilden is not the man we need just now for President, and we doubt not the people will decide that they can get on without such reforms as he would be likely to cfiect. 'I am opposed to the election of 5rniiel J. Tilden to tin- Pr- sideuo . AppUnst-1 and a voice in th-t itiwJ. "e nil aie I am oi.pused lo Mr. Tilden because a meat crisis in liix country's late lie proved unfaithful, and when it lav hleedi at every pore from wounds by rebel hordes he passed hj on the oihr side and gve words of aid aim eoiniuri u ner enemies I am opposed to Mr. Tildeu bec.iuse he, bavins btci- in fivor of the resumption ot si-ecie Mivruents on the 1st dm" ot January 187'.'. broke his faith with the cuniry and uami led it cut with iho bud oa ot the We.-1 and the worse repudiation of the t'outh lo sink it lu lhe interest ot souiuen. claims. 1 at" opposed lo Mr. Tilden be Ciuse he, more than any oilier rvoi iln i n man and more than any oilier houiurrn renre.Biilh ibal filial heie-V Cull, o Mate righn -a heresy lhai prod ic di niembf in eiil. loia of life, ani dis.iuuln i f pi oie.ty. 1 am uppi sed Ij Mr Tildeu because iu lhe nan a or a reformer lie is used by thai disbonoruhlo iud disreputable gang (1 use lhe wova auviseuiy; uiai every h filial American abhors, I menu the Democ racy of lhe city of New York, f Applause. lam oppued lo Mr. tilden because he is -member of ne llemocratio party f cheers 1 I lit, t party so just and no good tbn l. candidate here iu Massachusetts tor Gov ernor dare not meuiioii iu name.'' Blaine's Hoeton speech. Republican Financial Management. We hear a great deal of Democratic howling about extravngance and waste in nil departments of the gov ernment, and much complaint of the burdens of taxation and the general carelessness with which it Is alleged the government revenues uru collected and disbursed. The Democrats de clare that the efforts of the Republi can party since the war have failed to restore the national credit, and that we have nothing to show for the Im mense expenditures which have been constantly going on. A few figures will show the utter folly and ignor ance displayed by such talk as this. The following are exact details of the yearly reduction of the public debt for the last teu years; 1 'cur ' J'ublic d(M, July 1 18(36 52,773,230,174 1867 2,678,120,104 1888 2,611;687,8ol I860 2,.r88,432,214 1870 2,480,072,428 1871 2,353,211,833 1872 2,253,251,828 1873 -..2,234,482,903 1874 2,251,600,408 1875 2,202,284,532 1870 Sept. 1 2,095,181,941 The reductions have been each year as follows: Year Reduction. 1807 $ 95, 110,070 1808 60,438,223 1809 22,235,037 1870 107,779,786 1871 127,400,095 1S72 99,900,004 1873 18,768,35 1874, increase 17,207,475 1870, decrease 19,406,930 1S70, Sept. 1, decrease 137,102,091 The total decrease for ten years is over $770,OCO,000, and has been aceom nlished solely by the wise financial policy of the Republican party, which hasat the same time kept our bonds at a high premium, raised. the greenback from a value of 00 cents to 90 cents in gold, reduced the rate of interest on 1500,000,000 of our public debts from 6 to o per cent, and on $300,000,000 more from C to 41 per cent. In addition to this the Republicans have paid an average of $100,000,000 annual interest on our debt so promptly that as we said before the bonds are far above par in the market. They have re duced the annual payments of interest from 144,000,00'J, to $95,000,000. They have paid over $300,000,000, of government debts in the form of claims, back pay to army and navy, transportation, &c., never included in the public debt statements. These were paid out of the current receipts of revenue. The Republican party has not only paid a great deal of the nation's in debtedness but it has saved more money, by rigid economy in adminis tration than would pay a good sized national debt. Let us compare its record with that of previous Demo cratic administrations. The customs receipts during the two years ending June 30, 1875, were $120,271,550,0'; the losses . 3,407,28, just the smallest trifle over one cent the tliounond dolarx. Xow com pare these with the figures in Demo cratic administrations. In Jackson's second term the receipts were $70,185,- 4118,01!; the losses $1,211,500,25. The ratio of loss was $17,26 on the thous and dollars, more than seventeen hundred times as yrcat as during Grant's steond term. In Van Buren's time the aggregate receipts were 1S07,1283,444,08; the losses, 04,502,94; ratio of loss, $393 on each thousand dollars about four hundred times fts much as during Grant's second term. Iu Polk's time the aggregate re ceipts were $110,504,342,31; losses were $7,719,11; ratio of loss on each thous and dollars; six per cent six times as large as during Grant's second term. lu Pierce's term the losses were 5131,277,05. against $3,407,28in Grant's In Buchanan's term they were $ 776.03, a ratio more than twenty times as great as in Grant's. There is not a single Democratic ad ministration in which the aggregate losses in the miscellaneous receipts do not far exceed those in Grant's and in which the ratio of loss is not many times greater. Taking the gross total for all servi ces, the ratio of loss was greater in every Democratic administration with the single exception of Polk's than iu Grant's. The ratio of loss in Grant's second term is twenty-two cents on the thousand dollars. The receipts in these two years amounted to the enormous aggregate of $1,420, 22-,8',i8,02. The losses were only $322, 183,92. What business man in the country would not be satisfied if he could bring down his losses to so small a figure as this? It is no great credit to an adminis tration that it does not waste the peo nle's money. Its business Is to save and economize as much as possible. It would be a gieat disgrace to the Re publican party if the public servants appointed by Grant could be accused of managing the revenue carelessly But when we hear Democrats charg ing all sorts of extravagance on the government it is refreshing to com pare the record of their own adniinis. trutions with Hiat of Grant and see the immeasurable greater faithfullness with which the trust is executed by the Republican ottieiais. St Paul, September 20 Chief of Police of Ki Douis, a member of the police torce in that city and t lie teuper liiteudent of the United Htates Ix- nress Company arrived in this city on Sunday morning. Alter examining the ueau body ot tue roooer Kiueu at Wedaliatney, witnoui Hesitation, pro nounced it to be that of Chancy Pitts, Front photographs they are satisfied that those killed at Northfleld were Rill Chad wick and Clem Miller. The prisoners they identify as Cole Younger, Bob Younger and Al Curter, the latter a notorious rexns aesperaao l aws lit luting to Newspaper Snliscrlp tious and Arrearages. 1. fubpcriberi who do not give express notice tothe contrary, are considered wish Ing to continue iheir subscription. ! If subscribers order the discontinu ation of their periodicals. the publishers may continue to send them unlH nil arrearages are paid. 3. It' subscribers neglect or rcfiipe to take Iheir periodicals from the office where they are directed, they are held responsi ble until they have s tiled Iheir bills, nnd ordere.l ihcm discontinued. 4. If subscribers move toother places without Infot-m'ng lhe publishers, nnd (ho papers are . sent rto the former direction, ihey are held responsible, 5. The courts have decided that "refus in to lake periodicals from the office, or re moving and leaving them uncalled f ir is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud." 0, Any person who reocives a newspaper and makes use of it. whether he has ordered it or not, is held in law lo be a sub scriber i. If subscribers pay in advance, they are bound to give not ice to the publisher at the end of (heir time, iftheydonot wish (o continue taking it otherwise the publishers are nutnomeii (o send it on, and (he sub scribers will be held responsible nuiil au express notice with payment of all arrears. is sent to the publisher. iV ,. is taken Internally, and Positively Cures Jttneumatism, uoui, neuralgia ec Lum bago, TjSold by Wholesale and Retail Druggist everywhere. Bend for circular to HELFHENSTINE t BKNTLEY, Pruggiita, WASHINGTON, D. 0. riMIE GREAT HAH1 TIMES PAPE T) I The Best, the Cheapest nnd the , Most 1'opulnr. iou cannot afford to be without I he CRICKET t HEARTH It is a niiinimolh 10-page Illusiraieii taper (size of Harper's Weekly,) filled with the choicebt reading for old and young. Serial and Short, Sketches. Poems, Useful Knowledge, wit and Humor, "Answers to oirespoudents," Puzzles, Oames; ''Popu lar Songs," etc., etc. Lively, entertaining, amusing and instructive, Thj largest handsomest, best, and cheapest paper of its class published. Only $1 per jear, with choice of three premiums; the beauti.ul new chromo, ''Yes or No?" size 15x16 inches; any one of (he celebrated novels by Charles Dickens or an elegant Box of tstuliouary. Puper without premium, only ids. per yenr. Or we will send it lour Months nn trial for only 2-3 Cents. gSpeciuicn copy sent on receipt of siamp. Agents wanted. Address r. M. LUl'TON CO., Publishers, U7 park How; Newiork v7-n:2 4t. Executors' Kotiec. of Frederick Dippold, Estate de- ceased. Letters 7stamentur)i upon the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are reiicsteil to make pay ment, and those having claims to pre sent the same without delay to CHAKliUS LUmt, C. D. BAYER. Ex'rs Our large lifelike Steel AGENTS tngravings ot the Presidential Candi dates scil rapidly iSeud lor circular. '. Y. En MAKE 18 A DAY graving Co., 35 Wall Street, Box 3200, X. Y. Ailmiiuxtrator's Sotier. Estate ol tilclniel Hemdle denvseil. Letters ofAdministrutimi upon the. above tale have been eranted to the under- siKued. all pcrsuns indebted lo said e- t'Ueare requested lo make p:iy ment, and these haviuu; claims to present the t;uue Without delay to N27ll JU11N li. lliSINDLE, Adin'r ADJIIXISTUATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Cornelius "Wtiinwright, ilei-M. Letters Testamentary uimn tlio above estate liuve been umnteil to tiie un- i)i'ivWi-mil nil ncivniw tiuiidit,-.!! tduiiiil ehttite are rentiesiteil to make uynient, him mose Having eiuiins to present tiie Buine witliout tlelnv to ltAH'H JOHNSON, Adinr. 1 1$. W'achtel. St. Marys J'a reprc- sents tiie following Coniiiunys tor lAii nnd McKeail count led North Uri'ish anil Mercantile. 27,."00 000 Kutu. Harford 7,otio,0(tO. l'aterson, N- .1 4i 0,1X10 Amazon of Ciitfinnaii 1,000,000 Herman American, N. Y 2.000,000 Niagara, N i.o m.ouu Rochester. Pa Mo.uot) Tr. Life & Accident, Hartford 4,000,000 n-2i-t-i,. A CARD To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions ot youin. nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood. I will senda recipe that will cure you, FKEE OF CHAltUK. This irreat remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in Houth America. Send it self addressed cnveloiie to the Rev. Joseph T. In.max, Station D. JJiltle House New York (Jitj. TRY IT - - - AND YOU WILL AL WAYS USE WOOD'S IMPROVED. WOOU'jj 1MPHUVEU HAIR. KbSlOU ATIVE is unlike any oilier, and has no etiual. The Improved has new vegetable tonio properties, restores grey hair to a glossy, natural color; restores laded, dry harsh and fallinc hair; restores drosses, cives vinor to the hair; restores hair to prematurely bald head; removes dandruff, humors, scaly eruptions: removes irriia tion, itching and sjaly dryness. No arti cle produces such wonderful effects. Tiy it, call for Hood's Improved Hair Restora tive, and don't be put on with any other article. Sold by all druggists in this place and dealers everywhere, trade supplied at manufacturers' prices by () A1 Cock & Co . Chicago. Sole Aeeuts for the United States aud Cuuadas, und by Johnston, Holloway & Co., Philadelphia. NEW LIVEltY STABLE IN DAN SUKlbNEU WISHES TO IN form the Cittzeos of R'ulgway, and the public gcLerally, that he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Buggies, to let upon lhe most reasoua ble terms. Bgjulle will alBO do jb teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Main All orders left at the Post Office will meei prompt attention Au 20 1870. tf. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' LIFE, Growth, BEAUT ST.' LONDON HAIH COLOR MTORCR LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORE Not ft Dye; makes hnrsh hair soft and silky i oleanscs ihe scalp from all Impurities, causing the hair to grow where it has fallen off or become thin. Can be applied by the hand as if does not stain the skin orisoil the finest linen. As a Hair Dressing it is the most, perfect the world has ever produced, lhe nair is re novate J nnd strengthened, and natural eo'or restored without the application of mineral substances. Since the introduction of this truly valu able preparation into this country, it has been the wonder and admiration tl an Clas ses, as it has proved to be the only article that will absolutely without deception, re store gray hair toils original oolor, health softness, lustre and beauty, nnd produce hair on bald heads of its original growth and color. This beautiful and fragrantly perfumed article is complete within itself, no washing or preparation before or after its use, or accompany nieut of any kind being required lo obuiu these desirable results. Hero Is the Proof of Its SUPERIOR fead this Home Certificate, testified to bv Edward I). Qarrigues one of the most sompeteiit- Druggists and Chemists of Phila delphia, a mau whose veracity none can doubt. I am happy to add my testimony to the great value ot the London hair toior lie slorer which restored my ha.r to its origi ual Color, aud lhe hue appears to be per manent. 1 am satisfied that this prepara tion not a dye but" operates upon the se- cretious. It is also a beuutitul hair dress ing and promotes the growth. 1 purchased Ihe first bottle from Edward B. Uarrigues, druggisl, Tenth and Contes street, who can also testify my hair was quite gray when I commenced its use. iMKB. JMlLLbK, no. 730 North Ninth street, Phila. Dr. rwayne at Sou, Kespected friends: I have the pleasure to inform you that ladv of my acquaintance, Mrs. Miller. delighted with the success of your Loudon Hair Color Best or er. ' Her nuir was mat falliutr and Quite gray. The color has been restored, the falling off entirely Blopped and a new growth ot hair is tue result. . 13. tfAKtUUU,3, Druggist, cor Tenth and Coates, Phila. BOSTON TESTIMONY. July S!2d. 1871. Dr. Swoyne & Son: Last winter while in Trenton, N. J., 1 pro cured SiX bottles London Hair Color lie stoier, which I like very much, in fact bet ter than any thing i have used in UK last nine years. It' you please, send me oue dozen bottles COD care W s Fogler Sun Druggists, No 723 Tremont -street Uoslon. Keapectfulty yours, A0A 13AK.EK No 09 KulliiLd square. London Hair Color Kestorer nud Dressing Has cohipleielv restored tny hair to us original color and youthful beauty, and caused a rapid and luxuriant growih. MltS. ANN1K MOIUUS, Jo U1B florin Seventh Street, Philadelphia. Dr. Jjalton of Philadelphia, says of it. Iho London Hair Color Itestorer is used very extensively nmung tny patients and friends, as well as by myself. I therefore speak from experience. 75 CEHSS PER BOTTLE. Address orders lo Or. SAAV.vt & tfON 330 Ni rth sixth oaeei. l'lii.iidtipii u, l a . sole Proprietor. T il E L II N U CONSUMPTION! '1 his Ulsli esiu uu J uUbgei'iiUs cotiipiitiui audits pretnonil.ry syniptimis, n-giected coi.gli. tiigni sweats, nourseness, w.isting tiesli lever periiiuneni ly cured liv Dv.luit S WAYNE'S COMrOW- iiYKUf C;i!, Wii.- blttlNChlTLn A preiuouitor or I ul niou. try Ciin.-uinpiion, i ctiaruuleriztd by catarrh, or intiiiuiatiou ti the luuctnu ineiii biuue ol t lie nir pa-tinges, witu cough and expectorat on, short Ijieaih, huiusvne-s, pains in the chest, ror a.l tiioneuial iillcc ti jus. sore throat, loss of voice, uougiis, DR. SrtAYNfS wompouna Syrup of Wild Cherry is A bOYfchtlU.N KhMbDV Hemorrhage, or Spitting of lil-md. may proceed lrom the laryux, iruchiu, bronchi. i or lungs und arises lrom various caues, us undue physical exertioD, plvihorit, or full ness ot the ve'i.ieis, weak luugs, overotraiu- iig ot Ihe voice, suppressed evucuilion, oh siructiouul the spleen or l.ver, &c. Dr. Snayne's toniiioiiiid Syruit of Wild Ciierry. striked at. the root of disease by purifying lhe blood, restoring tho liver and kidneys to healthy action, invigorating tho nervous system. The only standard remedy Tor nemor rhaue, bronchial and all pulmonary com plaints. Consumptives or those predis. posed to weak lungs should not fail to use this great vegctub.e remedy. Its marvelous power, not only aver con cumpt-on, but over every chronic disease where a gradual alterative action is needed t'lider its use the cough is loosened, the night sweats diminished, the pain subsides, the pulse ret urns to lis natural standard, the stomach is improved iu its power to di gest and assimilate the food, and every organ has a purer and better quality of blood supplied to it, out ot which new re creative und pUtbtio material is' made. Prepared only by DR. SWAYNE&SCN, 33!) North Sixth Stmt, Philadelphia. Sold by all Pkominem Druucists. Itching Piles ! PILES, PILES, ITCHING PILES, rosiiiYLLY cubed by the use of S WAYNES OINTMENT HOME TESTIMONY. I was sorely afflicted with one of the most distressing of all diseases Pruritus or Pru rigo, or more commonly known as Itching Piles. The itching at times was almost in tolerable, increased bv scratching, and not unfrequenlly become quite Bote. I bought a bos ot Sway ue's Ointment; its use gave quick relief, and in a short time made a perlectcure- lean now sleep uuaisiui ntu, aud 1 would advise all who are Hutteriiig with this distressing complaint to procure Swayne's Oiuiuienl at onco. I tad tried piescriptious utmost innumerable, without tiuding and permanent relief. JOSEPH W CHRIST, (Firm of Roedel & Christ,) Soot and Shoe House 'Hi North fcecoud street, Philadelphia. SKIN DISEASES. Swajne's AU-heuling Ointment is also a speciho tor letter, itch, Salt Kheum, Sgald Head, Erysipelas, Barber's Itch Blotches, all Scaly, eruBty, cutaneous Er ruptiotis. 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I r.lO,.- 'Hit. I ' I I . ' ! t.i L U;; A A I I. I Oh JOli WOkte! CARDS, TAGS, ENVELOPES, LETTEll 11EADS, NOTE I1EAS, BILL HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, &0. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Address, THE ADVOCATE, Ridgnay, Elk Co., Pa. W oods & Co.'S v OKQANS To Thb Workino Claps.- W! can furnish you enploy-ncnt. at which you can male very large pay in your own localities, without being away from home over night. Agents wanted in every town and county to take subscribers for the Centennial Re cord, the largest publication in the United States 16 pages, 64 columns; Elegantly Illustrated; Terms only $1 per year. The Record ib devoted lo whatever is of interest connected with the Centennial year. The great Exhibition at Philadel phia Is fully illustrated in detail. Every body wants it. The whole people feel great interest in their country's Centennial Birthday, and want to know all about it. An elegant patriotio crayon dr.iwing pre mium picture ib prosunted fro? to each subscriber. It is entitled. ''In remem, branco of Ihe Ono Hundredth Anniversary of the Independence of Ihe United States, Size 23 by 30 inches. Any one can become a successful agent, for but show the paper and picture and hundreds of subscribers are obtained everywhere. There is ne business thnt will pay like this at present. We nave niients who are making a high as $20 per day and upwards Now is the time: don't delay. Remember it costs nothing to gWc the business a trial. 8end; for our circular, terms, and sample copy of paper, whioh are sent tree to all who apply; do it to-d.iy. Complete outfit free to those who decide to engage. Fanners and me chanics and their suns and daughters make the very best of agents. Address. . THE CENTENNIAL UIX'OIU), Fori lu ml, .Maine. Sulphur Soap U Cleansing. Dcodorizinir, Disinfecting, Soolbisg, Healing aud rurtfjiog. It rTuWs tbe conraoNt akin remftrkably not't mul healthful. It iminiita a beautiful tiioothnt-cs to tho akin, and forms an elMtlc wliitfin-M. It cures burns, scaWi, chafing, "xt'utmtions. ruugliuc(t, tan, Bunhurn, freck led, livr spots, rlwpp'Ml hands, sorea, leers, d.i -tlrulT, Mi-ttPW on the Imnde and feet, itch, i'1'iiiiil it li,it'tihig liL'twutiu the toee, itching f tho body, piles, corns. Also relievos the iirhiuir nnd irritation of bitinc and stinitlnK itiKivm, As It in eHjiecialty adnptwl to the Tnii.KT, Ni KHEity, and Bat ii-room, you can ttik'. a Sulphur Hath at pleasure. For bath iiilf Childivu, it iri ttuequalled. Ladies who nut- it in their Toilet would never do without it. It nmitnilizes tho odor of per tipi ration, anil, a an external- remedy, can scarcely be tiffed amiss. Full directions accompany each pUCKllge. TUX if. Fiice 25 Cta. per Cio, 3 Cet for 60 Ctt. l)y mail 3d Cts. Uy mail 76 Cts. Main Depot at Ir. "Van Iylco Oflloo, No. 1321 Green St., Philadelphia. Sold by all Drunclatt. USE NO OTHER. JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP (JO Til JAMES II- IIAUKItTY Main Street, P.idj;way, Pa. RY OOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND W1LLOW.WARE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large titock of Groceries and Provisions. The REST R RANDS of FLOUR Constantly ou hund, and Bold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAME3 II. IIAGERTY. LOUIS H A A G , MANUFACTURER OF BILLIARD,. CROQUETTE AND TEN PUT BALLS, Turner In Horn, Hard and Soft Wood All kinds of Tool Handles, &c. Rear of 220 North Second St., (Second Floor,) Philadelphia, Pa. nl6-4t. General Agents iu every town in the United States for the Adjustable Pick, with u combination of etgai tools complete in one vii: pick, mattock, adze, lamping iron, sledge, aie aud pole head, or any other tool that can be inserted ia sockets at about one fourth cost of ordinary tools. J. V. Laffsbty. Adjustable Pick Co., 133 South id St., Phila., Chamber of Com. nfei'co. IS!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers