CO il IT Henry A. rnraons, Jr., Editor. THUHSDAY, AUGUST 81ST., 1870. csrnsLiSAiT National ticket. F.)ll PltKSIliKXT. RUTHERFORD B. HAYES, nK onto. 1'OK VICE-Pni'HIDKNT, WILLIAM A. WHEELER, OK NEW YOl! K. KI.KCTOKS AT I.AItli K. 1't'U'niuili H. Hrewster. of riilliidclphui, .lulin W. (.'liulliitit, if Allt'KliLMiy. HWTKICT KLKCTOII. 1 John '2 T'.eurv l)ltn, .'I Chris. .1. llnil'iiiiiii, I ('litis. T. Join's, r. Kihvln A. Kit ley, II Henlinnlu ISmllli 7 .1. W. Hei-iiunl, K .lili'uli Kliillib, !l .l.'hll I!. Wlllfcl, m ,In.'h Tlnmas, J 1 Al In I'unlin, 12 Lewis l'liu'lic, l-'t F.l. K Silllin:n, II William (.'aider, V, Miles I.. Ti-m-y. ilil S.W. NtiirliMuitbcr, 17 liiiulel .1. Morrill, I IS .li-ri'liilnli Lynns .I'l Wlllinin Hay, i-'l Win. I'lUnerim, .1. li. loniU'llv, ii.! ((uiiiil O'Neill, lit! William, "Jl A. H. rereniT, 111 Nllll. M, JlU'KKim, I'll .IllS. WOKllTIIIIIll, 17 W. W. Wlll'i'i. Speaker Kerr Is the first Speaker of the House who died while In oflii'i'. The Clih'K','o (stunts Zellunp, which has come out for the Iicputillt'iiii Ktuto ticket, pi'i'dicts that the Republicans will carry Illi nois by from 2").U(J to 30.W0 majority. The ship ('olden State, which mails from New York on September 1st for Shanghai will take out 4m bales of domestic drilling mid shirtings, the largest shipment of Ameri can cotton goods since ltsm). When Tilden was a member of the Assem bly In 1S72, the yeasnnd nays werp called 1,-5-iS times. He answered to his name only 1"! times, anil dodged 1,'VJ times, '-iteioi in Is necessary.'' The I)emoeratie editors of Maine arc an swering C'olontl Ingersoll by showing that lie is an infidel. The spectacle nf the sainted I 'emocraey rallying to the support of religion Is a noble one. The party always wns noted for deep piety. X. Y, Tribune. When Samuel Sloan, of New York, asked Tilden to sign a call for n I'nlon meeting dur ini the war he replied' "I am very busy." And about election day the boj-R in blue will h "very busy" voting for the soldier candi date, ltulhcrford II. Hayes. The New Yol k Tribune of Wednesday goes o far n.4 to say that unless Governor Tilden c m llntly meet the startling statements con cerning lii.s alleged swindling of the govern ment during the war by swearing to false re turns of his income, "it is a much more seri ous business fur the Governor than the whole re 'ord oi'iuilway wrecking' put together." A few fastidiom men, scattered here nnd there oerl lie country, cannot think of vot ing for Hayes because Uabcock nnd lloss shepherd are Republicans. So they propose to turn round and vote for Tilden, who is supported by all the secessionists, Ku-Klux, and iullationlststhioughout thecountry hav ing lor his special champions such "reform crs" us John Monissey, Fernando Wood, and liutcher Ilutler of Hamburg fame. We never saw better illustration of straining at a gnat and Mvnlhnv n camel li. Delhscli, t lie must extensive boot anl shoe niiiiuifai tiirer ol'Jiuflalo, has Jiiaite an assignment. Tito Liberal Itepuhlieniiii of county, X. Y met at Utiea last l'ri 'l;ty anil jmsseil resolutions endorsing Hayesi ami Wheeler. Providence, 11. I., Attjr. !28. In view of the improved demand for prints, the Hprn-iue Mills in this Plate and .Maine, and the Connecticut l'rint Works, which have been idle several weeks, will start up at onee. Tin: story which the I ndiona Demo crats are circuiatintr about n private letter from ( ieneral ivil put rick to Gov ernor Hayes, giving a very nloomy ac count of Kepublican prospect in that stale is declared to be a "c;iinimkrn roorback" by the Mow Voile JlcruUl'ut W eititesday. The travel-rope that was taken ever the towers of the lirooklyu bridge on Saturday has been moved'from the line o;' the one which carried it over to its place on the north end of the towers inn! aiicltora''.esl)vslidini;unon creased jilanks. On the lirookl vn side it had to be raised over a derrick near the inclini'iure, and to accomplish this, one of the ligfrers emiiloyed let himself down on the wire from the nnchorafje pier and swinging oll'tinon the derrick lifted t lie wire over it mid thou climbed oack, hand overhand. George Adams, who so successful! v played the rvtc of hero in the late averted railroad disaster of the -Uth mst , nt J-'airport, has been arrested at i'.ud'alo, N. A'-, and confesses that he misplaced the switch which threw the train from the track of the Lake rhore ami .Miciiteau i-outlierii Kuiiroud on the 11th inst., whereby the eiijnnccr aim n reman were uailiy scalded and the engine wrecked. On the loth inst he drew the spikes from the tic and the bolts from the lish joints, throw ing a train down an 'embankment, wrecking the engine and tli fee pass enger coacnes and tnc baggage and postal cars, luiiiii'' w. 1.. Clemen conductor on the Great Western Ihiil- woy. Adams pkads in cMeuuation Ids intention to notify the train in time to avert accident, honing thereby to place the company under obligation to iurnisii mm witii a bituation. "Wk print letter-heads and bill-heads neally and cheaply. Lutvri lU laliu fu Newsjiapcr Siihscrip (ions nufj Arrciir;i!rt's. 1. Suhscriberj wlo do not give express liulice ttituc contrary, are considered wish ingio coulinue ilieir tuluciiptiuu. 2 If t ubcribei s order I lie dituontiuu uiiou of theii' periodicals, llie puhlisLiers amy uontimie lo tend thuiu uniil all urreurgus uro puid. 3. It subscribers neglect or refuse to iake their purioJicuU from the office r.iicrc they aru duectod, thev uro held respousi- b!o until they have s.tilfl their bills, ami oidereu them discoutuaieti. 4. If subscribers move to Iher places without informing the puiiliohers. ami the papers are sent to tin- tuiincr dirtctiou. they ara held responsible. 5. The courts hive o'eciJed that 'relit ing lo tuke periodicals from the oflec, or re- moving nnd leaving them uncalled fjr is prima facie evidence of . iutcutional fraud " (i. Any person who recives a newspaper and maken use of it. whether lie lias ordered it or not, is held in luw to be a sub soribcr. 7. If subscribers pay iu advance, they are bound to give notice to the publisher at the end of their lime, if they do pot with to continue taking it otherwise the publishers are authorized to send it on, una tne slid scribers wili be held responsible uutil uu express notice with payment or au arrears, sent to the publiblitr. A a KK -V nM Vrii JK. I h- M II I I I il i II' SIIERIFF'.S SALES. BT virtue of smiilry writs of fieri facias, ulins fieri facias, venditioi.i exponnf, levari facias, alias levari facing, and tes tatum fieri facing, issued out of the Court of Common Plcns of Elk county, and to me direoted, I, Daniel 8cull, lliRti Sheriff of utiid county, do hereby give notice that 1 will expose tu puhlio sale or outcry, at the Coiirt House, iu Ridgwny, at one o'clook V. M., on MOMDAY, SETT EMQKll 18, 1870, the following described property, lo-wit. All the right, tillo interest , cliim nnd de. mnnd of the defondnnt. iu nnd to nil that cer tain tract, pitco or parcsl of land situate in Ben.inger township, Klk county, and state of reniipylviinin, bounded and detoribed as Co. lows: Bec'inning at tho township (or wnrrnnl lines dividing warrants 40'JX nnd lO'.i!)) dividing the lownsliips of llenzinger nnd b'ox, on the old rond running from Ml' Mnrys to Kcrsy, thence enst along paid line oae hundred and (l.T) perches, thence north twelve (1) perches, tlience wet one hundred and thirty. five pcieheB (130 peruhes), tlience along the old road southerly twelve perchos (ll! perches) mure or less, to die place of beginning, con taining ten acres, mure or less, nnd being lot No on South St.. Marys road, in the map or plan of the town or settlement of St. Marys, t'pon which iH erected a story aiid-onc-hnlf stone house !0 by oOfoet, nnd n frame barn HO by M feet. Xho whole of said laud is under cultivation, and has n nell ei good water nnd au orchard ol lruil trees thereon. Also nil that certain oilier tract, piece or parcel of land iu the town or settlement of St. Marys, fclk comity, and slato of Pennsylvania, beginning til the warrant line running nortli nnd south dividing war rants W.'S nnd 4087 about twenty perches south of Hie nortli corner of said line, Iheuce west ono hundred, tliirty-llireo nnd one-third (IijoJ perches) to a post, tlience south liventy-lour perches to a post thence entjt oue hundred and thirty-three and one third (looj perches) to a post ou warraul line, thence north twenty-four (24) perches to the place of beginning, contninicg twenty acres, beiug the same lands which Charles Schreiber conveyed to Andrew Mcisel by deed dated July 1(J, lH"2,nnd re corded in tlk county, iu deed book "1"' page 21 xc, nnd conveyed by Andrew Mifcluud wile to lobi tireincr by deed uated October 10 1674, and recorded ic Klk county iu deed book "IV pugo '24ij, &o. aid laud has about three acres under cul tivation, and is enclosed with a fence. Seized and taken in execution, ana to be sold us the property of Tobi Oreiner. ALSO all the interest ol John Maiscl, the defendant, in all that certain lot of ground situated in the borough of St. Marys, LIU county, Pennsylvania described as follows: Ilcginning nl a post on a line parallel to the l'hilndclphia and Erie railroad twenty feet more or less, north of the said railroad line, and ninety feet cast of Lafayette street said post beiug the south westerly corner ol the piece ol land now being described, tletice north fifly-tivo degrees, forty minutes east ( 52 4(1' ) on said parallel line to t lie railroad, twenty leet to a post, thence north thirty-seven degrees twenty minutes west ( 37 20' ) ninety-one feet aud seven-tenths of n foot (111-7 feat) to a post on the south side of an alley, thence south eighty degrees, thirty minutes west ( N'l' S'J' ) twenty-two feet, to a post (22 leet,) theuco south thirty-seven degrees, twenty minutes cast ( ai3 2(r ) one hun dred and one teet and tivo-tenllis oi a loot llul-oj to the place of beginning, contain ing uineteen hundred and thirty-two square feet (l'-'Di s. ft.) lioing the same land which Leonard Witton:i nod wife by deed dated the seventeenth day of June con vcyed to linlbina Maiscl, now deceased, wife of said John Maisel. Upon which is erected a two-story frame house twenty teet by forty feet, deep, which is used as a dwell ing, store room and oakery, also, outmn'd and a good we'd of water upon said lot. The lot is encloied by a substantial fence. Seized, taken in execution, nnd to be sold ns the property of John Maisel. ALSO All that certain piece or parcel of land beginning nl liiu north-west corner of town lot No. bi on St. Joseph tot. thence north 213 perches, thence east Go perches, thence south ll)o perches thence east iio perches, thence souih 10S perches to the uorihern rue ol town lots on St. Joieph street thence we?t following the northern line ol town lots on t. Joseph meet 04 perches to the place of beginning marked "C" on St Joseph St. and contain ing one hundred aero. Also lots No. "O and 72 on Michael street each 100 feet front by 200 feet deep, said 100 acres situated in the towuship of lien?.iii(;er County of Klk State of Pennsylvania and the Haiti town lots in the Borough of St. Marys County and state afor said, upon which is erected a frame dwell ing house, two stories high, 20s'J0 feet, a frame bain 2tix3li feet with shed attached, 24x31! feet, a barn 32x40 feet. There is a good orchard nnd a good well of water upon said land the greater part of the land is improved nnd under cultivation. Seined taken in Execution nnd to be sold as the property of Ludwing .Sinibcck nnd Jacob llapple ntsuit of Charles tul.r. ALSO all the right, title nnd interest of the defendant in nnd to the following de scribed real estate. ALL that certain tract of land situalo in tbnt portion of Beuzinger township, iu the County of Klk and State of 1'enusylvania, formerly known ns the Saint Marys Settlement, and bounded nnd described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a post ou North Saint Marys road; thence west ninety two (U2) perches, more or leis, to the lauds of Casjier J-iielckf: thence north along said C. J. lieleke's land twenty-two (22) perches, moro or less, to lauds of Joseph Ehrig; thence east along J Khrigs land ninety-two ('J2l perches, more or less, to Saint Marys; thence somb erly along Saint Marys rond tw?nty two (22) perches more or lets, to the pluce of bexinuiug. containing thirteen (13)acies, more ir less, and so much of the southern part of number niuetcen IU on North Saint Marys road in the map or plan of the settlement of Saint Marys, Being llio same land ihnt John Burgers and wile conveyed, by deed dated 14th of August, A. D. 1X00, to Joseph Wiuiifclder, which deed is recorded iu Llk County deed book "O," page 103 &;o, Lpou which is erected a frame dwelling house, ouo story and a half high, lbx'J-j feet fra-ne barn 27x37 feet, and a shingle house 10x21 feet. The said land is all mi proved and under a good state of cultivation mid lias two living stream ot water thereon. Also All that certain piece, parcel or lot (it grouud situulc in the borough ot St Marys, Elk county, I'euuiylvania, known in the map or plan ol said borough as lot -o 10, u n Centre siieet containing 100 feet front ou said street by 200 leet iu depth, niton which is erected a iwo-story frame dwelling houe. 24x33 feet; also, an old shop, one-story aud a half high, 29x33 feet. Suid lot is enclosed by a substantial feucc, and has a well of water thereon, beiug the same lot conveyed to Joseph Wiodf'elder by Wulbuvger Xicoch, executrix of Mathius Tresch, deceaBud, by dcod dated October bib, J671. Also All (hose two certaiu ionnlotsiu the borough cfSt. Mary's in the county of Kik State of Pennsylvania, situate ou Ceutre tlieet, eaou containing iu front on Ceutre street one hundred feet by two hundred feet deep at right angles, aud being numb ers seven aud nine on Centre street ac cording to the map or plan of the borough of st. Marys, upon which is ereoted a frame dwelling house, two stories high, 18i30feot, with frame wing attached, cue story and a half high, 25x3tt feot; also, s two tory frame building and stone basement, 30x00 feet, used as a brewery and licensed hotel, with shed attached. 12x30 feet, two underground beer vaults, steam engine and other fixture belonging to eaid btwery; ako a tram building, two stories high, 30x88 feet, used nsa puhlio hall; also, a frame barn, 2'.)x41 feet, with ash 2d attached, 14x29 feet: nlso, a stable attached, 14x40 feet , a stable and wagon shod, 81x31 feet, shop and ware house, 20x35 feet, n frame dwelling house, 10x25 feet, ntr ice house, coal shod and other outbuildings; also, two good wells of water upon snid lots. The sai.l buiWlings are all iu a good slate of repair, nnd tlio brewery is in good running order. ltesci ving, however, out of tho forepoing premises the following described piece of land: Beginning nt a point on the line of W. Lyons lot, liil feot from tho eoutliwost corner; of lot No !l ahovo described; tlienco along YY. Lyons lino nortli 20. west 170 feet, lo a post, being Urisseuholf's south west corner I hence north lioj" cast 40.0 feet to a post on the right hank of a run; thenco along said run south 10; cast, 170 feet lo a post in tlic run nenr the right bank of tho same; thenco south Clil west IS feet lo the place of beginning, containing 5,3H0 square feet. Being tho land heretofore sold and cjiiveyed by tjo Deft. Joseph Windfcldcr to John Leber. Also reserving out of th rear end of lot r?o 7 a piece of land 30x100 feet, beiug the same land which Ilia Deft conveyed to Leonard Hoffman, now owned by nnd iu the the poi-sessi in of Casper Wdbner. Also. All those cer'aiu lots of land in the township of Beuzinger, Klk county, l'cnusy Ivanin, situate in Wiudfeldcr's ad dition to the borough of St Mnrys, bounded on the north by. Depot street, on the east by I'.tV b. railroad nnd l-oelilinan s land, on the south by Mrs. Kckel's land, mid on the west by M. Olatt s land and litbcrger prop erty, described as follows to-wit: l'irst. One lot on tho east: side of Wind felder street, being 135 feet long on said street, on t lie souih side 117 feet, on I he en.H side, bordering on I lie P. & K. Itnilrond properly, 100 feet, ntiJ on l he north side, bordering on Depot street, 1 10 feet, upon which is erected two frntnc dwelling hoii-cs, each one and a half stories high, 17x25 feel, wood house and coal shed 17x18 feet, nn I one other frame dwelling house, one story high, lXx32fect. Second. One lot south of the above on east eide of Winfelder street, containing in front ou said street 121 feet, on the south sulo along Elk creek 100 feet, on the enst side 120 lest, aud on the north side 117 feet, upon which is erected two frnmo dwelling houses, each one story high, one 17 by 20 feel nnd the oilier 25 by 27 feet, one burn; 12 by 10 feet and ono coal shed. Third Ouo lot on cast sido of Winufclder street commencing on the southwest corner; thence along Yuudfeldcr street 00 feet; thence along Ticrney's lot on the nortli side 2:t feet; tlienco nlong Fochtman's land on cast sido !I0 feet; thence ou south side nlong Mrs. Eckel's land 23H feet, upon which is erected a two-story frame dwelling house 21x31 feel, nnd a coal shed, being the same lot which the defendant by articles of agree ment, sold lo Patrick Mnleny. Fourth One lot on west side ofWiudfel der street, containing iu front on said street 50 feet on the south side, 220 feet, border ing on Sullivan lot, on west side, along M. Olatts laud 00 feet, nud on north side along Elk creek 234 teet, upon which is a living spring of water, said lot being kuewn us John Gibbon's lot. Fifth One lot on west, side of Vi'indfol ler street, containing in front, on said street 40 ft. ,on the south side nlong Elk creek 131 feet on the west side 40 feci, and on tho nortli side 133 feet upon which is ercc'.ed n onj audahalf story dwelling house frame. 17 by 2.) toct Sixth Ouo lol ou west side ot mii'llel- der street, containing in front on said street 100 feet, on the south side l.'j-J tjet, on the west side 1 IS feet and on the northside 138 feet upon which is erreotcd two frame dwelling), 1$ stories high, 1x2i feet, a coal house, &c; also, a living spring ct water upou this lot. Seventh. One lot lronting on Depot fet 00 feet, on the east side nloug Widow Sim moils' lot 7o leet, on the south side along Sianel's laud 50 teet. nnd on the west side alone Uoeer Welsh lot 75 feet, upon which is erected a frame dwelling hrnuo, one story hinli lix2- teet, a tramo barn 12x12 teet; nlso, a good spring of water outhnbit. bein f the same lot which the said defendant sold to George Weis, bv articles of agreement Also. Ail that cerinni parcel or piece oi land situate iu the borough of St. Marys, Klk county, Pennsylvania, known as the Al Dine House lot. bounded and described as follows, to-wit; Besiutiiug at a post on Washington street, being the northeast cor ner of land lately ownedby B. Eckel; tlience south 13 east nloug sa'.d Kckel s land; uinctv-two feot and oue. sixteenth of a foot to thu southeast corner of said EcKtl's land thence south HOl west eighty-two and five leuths feel to a post; thence soutii 3i.lca8t tnuety-niiio eel more or less, to the line of the Philadelphia and Erie railroad; thence along the line of said railroad north 42 40 cast 10i feet to a post; tlience nortn v west 1 50 feet, more or less, to a post ou the lino of Washington street; I hence; south 81 west (jO 5 leet to the place of beginning, containing 13,033 square feet of land more or less, upon which is erected a two-story frame dwelling house, teet, v.uu ad dition one story high, 8x31 feet ouo frame barn, 12x20 feet, and au ice house. A good well of water on the lot Also One other piece of ground in tho borough of St. Marys, E!k county. Penn sylvania, described ns follows, to-wit; giuning at a point on the Philadelphia and Erie railroad depot joad, at the l.ortbensl corner of Jno. King's lot; thence north 52 40' cast luO feet, more or less, to the north cast corner of Louis Burger's lot; tlience south 32J east one hundred and seventy three (173) feet; thence north 73 west 7t feet; thence north 70J0 west 71 feet; thenco south 83 west sixty-two feet; more or less to the rear line of John King's lot; theuco 34J west 2:J feet to the place of beginning containing lo,iU4 square leet, more or less. upon which is erected ono frame barn, 40x 18 feet, and a harness room, 10x10 teet Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the rjropert v of Joseph Wind.'elder. All the riuht. title, interest, elnim nnd drum lid of the deleiidant in and to thuso twoeertiim town lots situnleln the iiorou;n ol St. Murvs. Klk count v. IVniisvlvnniii. bi-ini; lots .u. 1 and 2 on Park street on the niiip or plan of l.ulir s addition ol ht. Mary s borough, inch being lilt y feet front on 1'nrk street and ono hundred and thirteen feet deep. On No. 1 is erected a two-story Inline dwelling house, l.r! feet. ISaid house bus a good stoned cellar thereunder, and the lots have a goon wen oi wiuor iiiereoii, ni e under leiii'u and Improved. Suid lots nre the same purchased by the said defenduut of I'liarles l.Hhr, by articles of ugreeinent. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold ns the property of l'liitlip sneezer. TEUMM OK BALE; Tho following must bo strictly complied with when the properly is struck oil': 1. All bids iiiust be paid in full, except where the plnintitr or other lien creditor becomes I he niiri-liiisiM-. in winch case the costs on the writs must tic paid, hk well us all liens prior to that of tho purchaser, und a duly certified list of Hens shall be furnished. Including mortgage (.eurchea on tho property sold, to gether with such lien creditor' receipt" for llio amount of tho proceeds of the sale, or such port ion thereof us lie shall appear to be entitled to. a. All sales not settled immediately will bo continued until six o clock l il., al wiin-n linn, nil nroiiertv not settled for will again lie put up, and sold ut luu expense ami risk of the person to wiioin it was nisi siruciv on, nnd wlio. in case of denciciicy ut such re-sale, shall make good the sumo, and in liolnstance u ill iIihiIi-hI be liresented in court for con- Hi illation unless thu bid isuctuully settled lor with the bherin as DAMl-X SCULL, (Sheriff; Sherllf's Oillee, Itidgway, I'u. I An.' a tsiti. f Seo Pardon's ingest, Otli edition, page -110: Smith s forms, patio .1M. ADMINISTRATOII'S NOTll'K. Estate of Cornelius AVuinwright dee'd. Letters Testamentary upon the nhove estate have been grunted to tne un dersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same witnout delay to RALPH JOHNSON, Admr Vnnhington, August 25. circular has just been issued to postmasters In forming them tiiat hereafter the transmission of internal revenue stamps to ofilccra of that service shall lie made through tho mails in regis tered packages. There is to he tt regis tration fee of ten cents. The postage will he computed nt the rate of one cent for each ounce or fractional part thereof. A NEW HAIR TONIC WORTH HAVING IT IS THE BEST. WOOD'S IMPROVED HAIR RKSTOR AT1VK is unlike nny other, and lias no equal. Tho Improved has new vegetable touio properties, restores grey linir to a glossy, natural color; restores faded, dry harsh and lulling, hair; restores dresses, gives vigor to tne hair; restores hair lo prematurely bald head; romoves d indi itlf, humors, scaly eruptions; removes irritn. tion, itching and scaly dryness. No arti cle produces such wonderful cllccts. Tiy it, call fir Wood's Improved Hair Restora tive, and don't be put oil' with liny other article. Sold by all druggists in this place and dcaleis everywhere. '1'rade supplied at inniiulaciiifers prices by O- A Oojk & Co , Chicago, Hole Agents for tho United Stales and Camillas, utid by Johnston, lloilojvny & Co., Philadelphia. 15. Wnchtcl, St. Mar.vs l'a. repre sents 1 1 io followiiii' ComnaiiVM lor Klk and McKean counties .Norih Jlridsli and .Meicatn He. 27,000 000 IVIlll. UilPl'll'il ...7,0,10 (100. aierson. A. .) l 0,000 ,...I,oon,on(i ....2,00(1,0(10 nta.on ot Cincinnati, "cniintl Ainci'n-aii, r- iu) 'ara, y,. Y ....1,00(1,000 Koclicstcr, l'a ....CIO, (III r. JitleiV Aeciiictit, Jlal'tloru t,ooo,ooo n-27-t-l.l. Trial List. 1. "V. (J. llcaly vs. Isaac and hrani Uownian, Jin. 31, August erm 1872. 2 The Spring Hun Coal Company s. Toinas Tozier In'o. 10, January Term, 1800. 3 John Tudor vs. II. owlwanl el . No. 0, August Term, 1870. 4 M. V. Tyler vs The Hen net t's Ih'aneh Improvement Co. ct al. .No ugust Term. 18-1 J. V. llottk vs- Salver Jackson No. 13 January Term, lSiO. 0 A. Wolt it Son vs Martin No 23, Sent. Term, 1870. . J. W. iirown vs. 1). 15. I'olen No. ol, Sept Term, 1870. a Ueoi'ge Jl. J'age vs. l . fs. T'yier. No. 03, September Term, 18 70. U. the Cultimliui insurance Co. vs Jacob Kraus No 243, September Term 187a 10 The Columbia Insurance Co vs icori;e Scliitut No 211 September Term, 1870. 11 The Columbia Insurance to. vs Anthonv Sehaucr No 210, September lerm, la- 12 The Columbia Insurance Co. vs Amreheti Klausniun, 1a r, Ve. .n i, "ciitemiier lerm, lr,o l i 1) J M'Don.ild vs Martin Va:.. No Nevember Term, 1870. 11 Al i". Lesser vs J V ilouK, i'.xe u'.i'ix of J V Honk, Dce'd- No l-ii, January Term, 1870. 2m fki;u. sciKEXiNt;, rio. The National l'urk IJiuik,") In the Court ut ul New lork, Loiniiiiui I'u'i.s vs. V ol Klk ' 'i-uir.y. liohei t llalsey and lleiny i Nj. r-i-j.t -in.' .er 1 laiM-y. I i erm. j. W llll Ol- Hinlil'JS AT1'ACUM1..V1'. Klk Cvuiii;, s.s. ,- v i lie Common wculUi oi i e'.ni kic .t il ii-i -i n ;.i i.t i in. vii.M-i tv nl' ..m !, i 'ounly, grvxiiug: We com mand you tliut you titlacii Jioiicri llalscy and llemy ilaUey, late ol your County, by all ami :.-i!igu!.ir the noils ami eliattlcs, lamis aiul tene ments, moneys, rtght. and credits ol thu said Defendants, or eil:ici' of then;, iu hands or pussc.-sioii or cus tody of any pciv-on or persons v!t;ti.--o- evcr, und summon cacli person or per sons us garnishees, in pica dfilcbijSw that they be ami appear before our Court ol Common I'll as, to be hidden .it ltidgwav, in and for said Counfy on the THIUL) -MONDAY OK SKI' rivMIJKll NEXT, there, to answer The Park Hank, of New York. And, also that you summon the said Ciaiui.-liees (the person or pi rsott-; in whoso hamls ami properly o; mc aid iiobert lhi'sey or I It nry HaUi y may tie loiimljso tnat liny t e ami il iiea r before your said Coti- l on Hie Till III) MONDAY Ol-' SKt'TKM- IIKU NKXT, to answei what r-l.all be biecti d a-'aiiut tiiein, and id ide by the jiidgemeiit of 1 1 to Court ibi-i'e'iii. And liave vou then and there llii-j writ. W itness the Honorable L. 1). "Vv'ti- litore, lTesldi-Ilt Jll'l-ic l our said Court, at ltidgwav, this Midday of July, A. I). bSiii. T Xli-D. Si'lKiON iNU,i'roui(.uoiai y. A true copy. Attest l)AXii:i.S( l I.l..,Sh lid'. Slieriil's Oftice, llidgway, l'a., July 01S74-7t., A CARD- To tt'l who are miii-' iiitr (Votn i'te errors mm liiib: cruiums in yoiUii. uei vmis wi'.tl.tK' . . i-.i'-'y ilii i" ! . of liiaiihoinl, etc., 1 will n'tuhi h i io i'.Kii will t-itrc you, FuKUOFCHARCiK. This jit' R'ntc'ily wa-Jtlihi ovc't'il by a mis sionary in Fou ill A hum ica. f-oiul a nl uililiv.-M'tl nivi'lopc to i in; Kav. Jo. i: mi T. 1 s.MAN". ti'a,'iun 1. l'Ao'c JIoii J tr York ( 'fy. NEW IIVBllY KTAKLE IN R DAN SCltllJNKK wishes to in (urui tlio Cittzeus of HMj-'way, uad the public generally, that he hus started a Liv cry Stable nnd will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD OAiUlIAUEt Buiei, to let '.ipon the uiot roasona ble terms &5L.1I6 ale0 Jo J0,t tenaing. Stable on Droad street, above Maiu All orders left at the Tout OHiee will ueel prompt attention Au 20 1870. tf. SUBSClUliE, 13U13SC11IBE, SUUSClilBE, SUBSCRIBE LIFE, Growth, BEAUT 2". LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER LONDON HAER COLOR RESTORER Not a lyc; mnltcs hnrjh hair soft nn I silky; olennsrs the scalp from nil impurities, causing the hair lo grow whsro it hog fallen oil or become thin. Can be npplicd by thu hand ns it does not slain the ukiii oi-oil the tim.'l linen. An n Hair hrcsiiin it in tho twist, peii'eot. tho world has ever produeed. The hair is re novated nnd fMrenjjihene.l, and natural co'or restored wiihout tho application of mineral pubslannes. Since Ihe introduction of this truly Viilu nble prrparntiun into this country, it has been tho wonder nnd admiration i f nil cliii ses, ns it lino proved to bo the only nrticlo that will iibsolulely without dieeption, re store pray liair toils original jolor, lie.ilth fot'lnc-is, luslrc nnd beniily, nnd proilucu linir on hal l lieaild of it s original growth and C"! ir. This beautiful nnd frnjii'iiiilly perfuined article i.-i cuinplete wilhiu iise'l', im wa ,Iiiiii; or prepar itiim bel'ui ornl'ier its u.-e, in iiceiiinpaiiy iiivut i f any kind hemy re'puri. d to olnaiu lliese div-i i-iib'e re.-ultri. Here is (ho Proof of its SUPERIOR LXCLLtt. Vi'eud this llnine Cei l ificaie, l"f-!ilicd In tiy biiwalii I!, (i.inigiten one of llie in,m loiiiputeiit l.'r.ij!(;ists and 3 of I'lnla- li-1 1 1 li 1:1 , it tuaii wline none can iliillht. i li in happy to mil tii . tiMi'iin iy to 1 1 e prent va'iie nf the l.niiduii i.eir (,',i iir i.c htiu-i-r ivliieh restored my hn.r ti it.i nriiri mil Color, and the line appears to be per manent. 1 mil s:it i.-lii'il licit this prepara tion not n dye but operates iiimn Ihe se cretions. It ia iilsn a beautiful linir dress ing and protnot03 ihe growth. I purchastd I lie first bottle from h Iwar I 15. Oarrigues, hiiglMsl, Teuth and Coale.s street, who can al-:o testify uiy hair was ipiile prav when 1 coniiiienced iia ui-c. 11!W. MlLhtlR, No. 7-it) Nortli Ninth street, l'hila. hr. r-wiiy no o; iSuti, Respected friend.--: I have the pleasure to inform you ihnt n lady of my iicijiiaintante, Mrs. Miller, is delighttd with the success of your Loudo:! Hair Color llcsloier." Her hair was last tailing nud ijuite gray. The color has been restored, thu fulling off eutirely stopped. Mid n new growth of hair is the result. IC. 15. ij.WUUUUI.S, llriifTgist, cor Tenth and Coatcs,' l'liiln. BOSTOK TCSTtsWCY. July Td-l, l!r'71. lr. Swnyno .V Hon: Last winter while in Trenton, N. .)., 1 pro cured 3.x botlles London Hair Color Re- sloicr, which 1 li'.'.c very much, ia fact bet ter than any tiling I have used in ihe Inst nine years. If you please, tea l me oue duzeu bottles C U i) care W fi rV,g!cr .V Son Druggist!!, No 7;1 Tiemcat Mreet. bus-ion. llepcctfulty yeurs, A i)A RAKLK No "J ilmiiiiid Siuare. I.uiidon Hair Colur Restorer ni.d Itressinjr Has eoijip! j:e!y restored my hair to its original color nnd youthful beauty, aim enti-i.-'l a rapi-1 nnd luxuriant grow! It. .M RS. ANNUO MOUUU-i, No til'i Ni.rtli -l.tll (illeet, I'iliiil'l-. ipiiia. i-'r. L'alinii c-f Philadelphia, s-iy. of il. The Loiidon Hair Color l.e.;; orn1 is c.-e i very extensively :.iiiiii lay patients mi l t.-aws. a-i veil as i-y iiiy.-A ii. j. i !.e: el ..i't spo.iU tVo'n e tpt-i-ieii'.-e. Address i.rJeis to L'r. .'' A V .' i : .:i. ', Ni-rlii i .sole I'lu'-ri .reel, l'iiinideii'l.ia, I' i HI'S. Hi 2.1, am i' as t ll j-T "l i: n t; .-7 COH w m ON! 1 lli.-U'(.'-lI): Vll'i ".UI.i'iT'itlf -.uUil-; uti'J ns j'Tf.-initiiiu-i-' inj.ii.nis, ii (riV a i L-ted r.iLC ilt ha h'V.T i c, i::;iium : V cm "d i;y 2 J CIiS-li-.V. tiiiiiM.'.in'i:- A 1 rtii.o!-i;er . , iunii:.ry Cnii.-utiipii'jii. is ciiai-ic: in :.i ci.tarih, or uii.uiom 1. 1 the m:u-ui:i bi-iiiie of the nir pa -s igvs, with -.n:jjl txpeiHiiiiit'-iiii, shuii lire.-i'ii. Iu.ii.' p.iius in the ciie.-t. For n. I ,i uiiein ii tivli, euro ilirnat, lu-s ot .1 1. CoHvpsTiiid, Cyrap of IS A !-It-.N Wild Cherry ft- !t I'V lleiunri hii,', 1 locoed Iroi.i ll pill ill U' 111 lull, lllll :i., ii'Lioliia, lii'uucina i'l" liihJ :iii,i ari-e.s lioui v.u ion.? eau-es, : untitle ph :cal e'ert iiiii, .iet iuu a. t r lu.l liess nt' ihe vessels, wnk iun;j. lA'eiil rn-i-lig ut tlie, siipjui. s.-cl evacu ii inn, uii si rue iuu of l he spleen or l.ver, Kc. 111". Mvi'.vi:i'":i Cti:ii;t..ti!. i!ip of " ('.'left'-. liilu:i at the root of disease by purifying he blood, rtstorinn tho liver uuU l.iu.u'Vi to lica;thy action, invigorating the nervous sytier.i. li.e only si iiiulai'il rtiutwy lor ucmor- lliane, bi'oiichi il mi l nil j iilinonary oui;i plamH. Cousunivtivis or those predis posed to weal- lung's should not tail to u.e this great vcetab.e reuie-ly. lis ni.ti veiiiuh power, lint only over cm- cuinpt-on, but over every clirouio disia-o wuere a grauu.'il u.terul.vo action is ueetie 1 L'uder its uso tLe cough is loosened, the night eweats dir.iiiiished, the pain nibsides, the pulse returns to us natural ptaiului l. l be bl o in u c Ii i.i improved in in power lo di gest and assimilate the lood, utid every organ has u purer and belter I'ualiiy ol blood Fiipphe l lo it, out ot which new re citative and plastic material is u-ade. l'repared only by Uft. SiVAYME & &Gvi, 335) -N'urtli SixlU Stmt, ri,i!;ti!tl;.Ui.!. t-Ol-U II V ALL rilOMINE.NT 1U I't.i: ts H. itching Piles ! I'lLES, I'l EES, ITCHING WLE', I'osit'vclv ccrki) by the use of SWAYNES O INTMEKT 1HI.MK TES f l.MON V. I was sorely u iiitied with one of the most dlsircM-itig of all disease l'riiritus or l'ru ri;;o, ov more coii'rnon'y known as Itching I'iUyh. liieiicliiug at linns was aluiobt in tolerable, increased bv scratching, nud not ti'ificuni'tiily become ijuiieso'e. 1 bouhi a bos of S Wayne's lliui men;; iis uso ijiiiclt lelief, nud iu a thort time niatio n pcr'eci ture- lean now sleep utidistai bid, and 1 would advise all who are eii'-living wi.h ih's disiiessiug coinpliiiut lo procure Swayue'a (Jiu;uu.ul at once. I hud i-ied P'tsc. piions alinoiit iuiiiuuerable, ui.lioui f .ii.l' ig and pi" :. tie Jt vei el'. J' 'M-ll'Il W. CI11MST. (riiiii of Knr lei i!c thrisi.) rod nnd Slice House o 4 I Norih Second fcirtci. I'uiladelphia. SKI IT DISEASES. Swayne'a All hea'iug Ointiiieut is also a ppeoilic fov Tetter. Itch, Salt Rheum, Sjald Head, Erysipelas, Barber's itch blotches, all Scaly, erusiy, cutaueous Er ruptious. Perfectly sale aud harmless even ou the most tender lulant. Price 50 ceuln Sent by mail to any address oa re ceipt of price. SWAYNE'S PA1TACEA. Cclcbrait J ml over llie woria iur lid ltuia blecurpa ot Scrofula, Mercural and 8vpbil- it io complaints. Describe symptoms in nil ocmmicauuiio auums D;ctters to ui SVkrAVM ami S(N, l'bilHdo.lrhia.- n?yl Worn UjO'SL A:-' I',: Till ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE only iu:ri;r,Lio.N tai e'i ix ia a "ou:; it. , o ')i.: r? -i l4 TAG LNYELOPE?, L KITE 11 IIKAL'S, XOTH 11EAS, BILL IlKADS, MCXTil LY STATKMI'.NTi?, rilOiJ UAMMKS, rOiTJSKS, &0. OUDKUS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Address, Tllli ADVOCATE, Uidgway, Elk Co., i - ' '-.-"- Co oeg-ans : S-ll mm m 'A'.' tJl tS 9 Hp a e j.23 wm mi mm nmmm o r. "2 b a a a 3 t-. .t-4 CMresnicn never before attained, -. ?..-' Biautiful New Styles, now tady, J'-'cport, Mass. ( 'i n ;o; 2S l.nittrnte Hill, Loakm. ' f m-!' --Ii-i1 music and valuable reading r Ki 'oits a number. Each number tt-i CO., pj'jnei-SiCambrldgepsrt, Mass. r i 'fin: V.ui: '.:isu Ci ?.s. Wc can furnish e iipiny neiit nl you can ninne y l.iifce pny in your own localities, I v n i. limit l.-iii2 awny frntn home over night. ! Ai iits warned in ever;.- town and county to i! ii:e -nl. si-i il.eis l'.,r the Centennial Re loll, the l-ii'if- t public u inn in the United ! ? iates IU p-'i'.'ts, t'.l coin iiiiik; Elegantly i ii- : ::ii' .: Ti'-ins nvly ; 1 per year. ; T in- l;i,i..d is lirvniul lo whatever is of iintiii l ei.ntiecii l with the Centennial '.nr. 'he ricat itioii nt I'hiladel- i I b,v ' i:-ti"'e, in ilelail. Every it. 'In--' -v b"lt; people feel ' in t1 i-'r i.'iii:-:try's Ceptenniul ! v in: in l.n;w nil about it, ::t mi, . e ei .iy u di-awing pre i' is pi '. iited free to each I : ' . ii :: led . "In rcEcm. i, !!. i b -.It 1 1 Anniversary -; i 'i s of tin: I. niicd Stales, i.tiii. .. one can become i.- i.:, mi- 'i .:! shj'V the paper an I Iuiih! ,'C Is. of snibscribci'D ! . vi-i y Iiere. 'i'iicre is no : v-1 t p.'v lit.-' ibis nt presciit. it- v.-nn n:-.- 1 1 1 1 k. : : :r as high ns :i -1 1 1 i, pw, lids Now is iher .':' ay l.'ieiiiciiilifi' it costi - I in- l..u.-:iie-s a trial. Send .ii. l -i 'ii". ind sa.iipla copy of n . ,- . -: ., . I nil ho apply; i ' ,n, t.-i e n I lit freo I o those t . i: e. Kiii'iiieri and me i , !. ,- s . us an. I daughtei .s v i i ; i : s . Ad licss. I' i " i'i;''liD, I n: i l-iir.l. Maine. V V.';il:;-i i cut iti.e i '- ! I' ll: 'll ll p. ; -i --'.ii' i hi 1 iv it-! OAP , Swilling, 'A 0 .4i ! 1 1',:-;- !V,4 fin-' .'liiii' ;;u J 1'iitil ii :. tl'c umixt f !; i a romnrkalily ' iif.iMit'ul. ll itiii'iiits a l-eitutilul i: - t ilf I.Kjiis an ctiiRtic ll w.r, ImriH, ev-iilili, thaflnp, ; i iK-hii'-s-jj, iiiilmiii, Ireck- v. ii vjf ! li i!i(X M.r, ulcoin, I !i-t r t-ii !:.' 1.. .in! riicl 1- o, itch, iv-li, H-'Iiitijr I'.'tiw-n i!ikoch, itohiiiK : -Iv. j ';!-. (m:-ii--, iM-. r. lifVfS Uio i.i tl ii : ii:itnti t.i l-iiin-; tu tinging ."t- it i-v (.Mi'. iiillv I'.liij'ti'il to tho . m :unl U'-M. vou uti .". ir ;'( i-l-Mii.-. Vir fciUh : :. it i- mn-fpMl'.c-l. 1 ;ni.n who - i'" 't'uii. t vvi nil) ii'-vr !. witliout : ''iii'i.i.i tin' Mr oi' (oii'iration, . 'I ' Nt-'!"': 'it I' M.' tV, (MM .-,trt:i'ly 1)0 iii- -. I'nll .l;i-.'.-ti i-i-i -.I'.otir I'-Rtiy each tkv ir. - m f,.-- r.. . ;;ul ' ft-. ' "r.y iiiuil 7.' Cti.' M.TN DtTfiT AT c, 1321 Gtccu J5t.. FU!a3cl'-h:H. r(,!, ry nil Urnrtln i I', TO OTHS. )8 1 VI3 .1 A il- ii Ail K!!T V ni'i l ei. t, !iVEr, l'a. IONS, JiOOTS AN M CAPS, Mir i'1'.S ii' G . I- v, a hi:, wood a:i - ji.i,)'-v'.m;i'. !iiA(-0 ANi' ( ltlAllx. A I. ::;; i' .-'I -el- "f 1 1 EST JiHANliS of ulil l'LOlIlt as t'lirap !i.-.l:nill; i:i 'iaii'1, utid t t I.c CHE A TEST. JAMES Ii. HAGEUTV LOUIS HAAS, .I!M1U J XitKH OF BILLIAED, CROQUETTE TEK PI IT BALLS, Turner in Hern, Hard and SoHWood A'.l Uinils ol Taol Handles, tc. r.via' i.f -20 Xi'i ih i-'i-i-iiiiil .-t., i.Seeoitil l'U.oi',) l'litla.Ultihut, l'it. 11I6-I1. 9 I i'U fieiieriil Agents in every town in iho L'nitcd Slates fur the Adjustable Pick, with a combination of eibl tools complete in oue viz: pick, mattock, adze, lumping iron, sledge, axe aud polo head, or any oilier tool ibat can be inserted in sockets at about one fourth cost of ordinary tools. J. V. Laifsiih. A 'mi-'h' I . V:-Co., 1H3 South 2d St., I'iuia., u'uauiuer ot l.'mn-uierce.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers