?. A. HATIIliUA, Attorncy-at-law, Ridgway, Pa. 2 2 If. RUFVS LUCORL Atlornty-at-Law ttidgway, Eii Co., Ta. Office in llall's new Brick Building. Cluims for eolleolion promptly attended to. v3nlly. HALL A M' caulk r, Attorneys-at-law. Office in Kcw Brick Building, Main St Eiditway, Elk Co., fa. x'Ja'At. J, 0. W. BAIL KY, AtTORNEY-ATLAW. VlnZoyl. Ridgway, Elk County, Ta. Agent, for tlio TraTeler's Life and Aoo) lent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES D. FULL KR TON, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Rigway, offers his professional ser vices to the citizcus cf Hidgway ana sur rounding country. All work warranted. Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, up stairs, first door to the left, 73-n-iJ-ly G. G. MKSSKUGKR, Druggist and rartnnceutisf. N. W. cornel of Main and Mil! streets, Hidgwny, l'a. full assortment of cnvcl'illy rc'.e-cted For eign and Donics'.i1? hrugc l'rescriptions carefully dispensed at ill lio'.'.rs, day or hight. vlu3y T. S. HARTLEY M. 0.: I'livsicinn nrm burgeon. Office in li-tig Store, corner lirond and Main Sis, Bo.-ulence curlier ii'.-nad t?t. Opposite the L'oll 'ge. Uliice liutiV 11-oni 8 to 10 A. M. an I from 7 to H 1'. M. vlnJyl. J. S. liV'.WWKLL, M. JJ., r.clcctio rhysioinn nnd Hitigen, lms remov ed his office from Cetttre street, to Miit St. Hidgway. Pa,, in the second story of the hew brick building of Johu G. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store. Offieo hours: 1 to 2 V M 7 to V M 11YDK IWUtjV Kmmiwat, Jit.K Co., Pa W. II. SCIIRAM, Proprietor. Thankful f"r the patronage heretofore Bo liberally bestowed upon him, the nev proprietor, hopes, ty paying s'.vict at tention to the comfort and convenience o! guests, to merit a continuance ei the Same. Oct 30 180(1; KERSKY IIO USE, Ckstkcyillk, Ki.k Co., Pa. John Collins, l.'miictor. Thankful for the patronage licretulur Bo libcnliy bestowed upon l"m, the new proprietor, hope", by paying strict at Icnticn to the comfort ntal convenienct li'gu.'sts. t merit .i coutinuance of ( lit Same. 1!'. HA Yi, DK.U.E IN Dry Goods, lotio::s, Groceries, and General Variety, FOX ELK CO., PA. Hurley M'. O. vln47tf. CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler Main street, Ridgway, I'a. Agent for the Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, donewith he tame accuracy as heretofore. Satis faction guaranteed. lnly Ridgway Cemetery. Lots are now offiercd for tale by the , Ridgway Ccmctary Aiseociatloh id the new Cemetery The pvssent low price for lots tuny soon be advanced. Apply at the office of W. S. HAMBLEN, Secretary Hidgway, Sept. 7 1873. n-2'J JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP OO TU JAMES II- liAGEItTY Main Street, Kidgway, Pa. BUY "GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WAHE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock cf Groceries and Provisions. Ths BEST BRANDS of 1-LOUK Constantly on hand, and sold as cheap bs the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. HAGERTY. Fresh family Groceries, and Canoed poods at P & K's. The cheapest and RAILROADS- PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON andafler BUNDAY.APttlL 10, 1870 the trains on thrj Philadelphia & Erie llailroad will mn ah follbwll I WESTWARD. NIAGARA EX leaves Rsnovo 40pm " ' ' Driawood.. 6 14 pm " " Emporium 6 00 p m " " ' St Marys... 7 05 p m " " Hidgway... 7 35 p m arr at Kane.. 8 43 p m ERIE .MAIL hayes Philadelphia 11 65 p m " " " Henovo.i.., 1105 am " ' Emporium. ..... 1 05 p m " S't. Mary's ..... 1 55 p m Ridgway 2 22 p m " ' Kne ....-.3,40 pm arrive at Erie . 7 60 p tn ERIE EX leaves RenoVo.v. 12.00mid'l " ' Driftwood.;. .,...1.18 a m ' ' Emporium. ...... 2 20 a in " ' St. Mary .3.21 a m ' " Pidgway..; 3.61 am Kane '.....5.30 a m " " arr.atErie.v. ..v. ...10.05 a m EASTWARD. DAY EX leaves Kane 6.00 am ' " Ridgway G.CO a m Si Marys.. i 7 05 a m " Emporium. ..... ..8 10 a m Driftwood. .-.v. ..H 68 p m " Renovo ..10 10 p m ERIE MAIL leaves Erie... 11.20am " " " Kano 4 05 p m Kidgway 5.1flpro " " St. Mary's..;.;; 6.48 p m " ' " Emporium...... 0.55 pm " ltenovo... 8.55 pm 11 " arr. at Philadcphia... 6.50 a m PHI LAD' A EX leaves Brie 7.00 pm " Kane 12.00mid't " ' Ridgway ,.il. 07 a m " ! StMarys;i.l.84 am ' " " FnporiUin..2.30 a m ' lriftwood..3.'J a m " " Renovo... ..5. 15 a iu RenoV'o Accom and Kane Accoin connect east nnd west at East with Low Grade Di vision and R N Y & P R R WM. A. BALDWIN. C-en'l Sup't. NEW I.IVE11Y STABLE l!f DAN SCIUBNER WISHES TO IN form the Cittzeos of Hidgway, and the public generally, that he has started a Liv ery Stable and will kcp GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES liuipj, to let Mpon Use most reason ble term9 8Qi,lIe will also do job teftil. ii:g. Stable cn Piond street, above Main All orders left at the Poet Ottic? will tieel prompt attention Aug 20 1870. If. A complete stock of ladies uii?scs and clii'.dicns ghees, lii-'ht, medium and heavy at P, & K's. Now in the time to buy. MpHiJjs eiiP.r.r-.nr (hiiti fever befo known at P. & K'a WOES FOU THE UNEMPLOYED. The Thistle Edition is the only fully Illustrated Edition of Sir Walter Scott a WAVERLEY HOVELS of Anu-rienn ninUc, nnd is "the host edition of the Iwt English novelist.'' 'iMie lioo'ts rvc stniidard, a!ld will fell for nil time-. The mechanical execution is of the h'st. The price is of the low est. Agerrla wanted oveywhere( to whom liberal terms ami exclusive ter ritory are ottered. Forty-eight Volume; averaging 400 pages Vfich, nnd containing nearly 2,000 illustrations will complete the scries Subscribers supplied with two volumes (a complete Work) monthly, Ei.kvkn Months' Deliverim (21 vt!l umes) arc now ready. Price-in cloth gilt extra per volume $1.50; Half Tur key gilt top $2.25. For terms etc. ad dress K. J. HALE & SON Publishers 17 Murray Street Kew York. A GOOD WORK A Startling Taitse of Debility jlnd Sick ness fully explained in a huge octavo Trea tise by Dr. (). PHELPS BKOWX, 21 Grand Street, Jerscv City, X. J EVERY MAN AND WOMAN who is ailing in any way should s?nd aud get a copy at once, as it is scut fret j prepaid by mail, Address the author us above " v6nl210t A'cw Time Tattlci Eastward DAY EXPRESS 6:59 A: tH. ERIE NIAiL 6:16 P. M. PHILADELPHIA EX v 1:07 A. M. Westward NIAGARA EXPRESS 7:35 P. M. ERIE MAIL 2:22 P. M. ERIE EXPRESS 3:51 A. M. Tho Niagara Express makes the fast cat time of any train on tho road Leaving Kane at 0 A. M., it arrives in Philadelphia at 0 P. JI.; returning it leaves Philadelphia at 7:20 A; M.; and arrives at Kane at 8:43 P. M. ELK COUNTY NORMAL SCHOOL. Wilcox, Elk County, Peun'a w . S. M'PJIEIWAX, Principal. Term commences June 13th, and continues eight weeks. Tuition for the entire term ..$6 00 For less than the term per week... 1 CO The principal is a graduate of, and has been an instructor in, one of the leading State Normal Schools In the United States, with nine years ex perience in teaching. Prof. G. It. Dixon will eonduct the examination at the end of the term anil grant licenses to teach. Number of pupils limited, therefore apply early; Board Reasonable. "VJ"OTICE is hereby given that one J Span of 131aelc Horses, and Uoublo Harness and one Utieu make Team Wagon now in the possession of JOHN D. MARSHALL, are the property of the Wilcox Lumber Company, of Wilccx, Elk Co'. Pa. All persons are forbidden purchasing or intermeddling with the same. A. B. PRESTON, Agent. TIIi ELK COUNti? ADVOCATE ONLY RKFUlfhtCAN PAMsft IN KLlt COUNTY. Office in Thayer iV itdgertj's liiock, HIDGWAY, PA. SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, TEllMS TWO DOLLARS A i'EAlv. GIVE US A CALL FOR JOB WORK ! cards'. TAGS, ENVELOPE LETTER lliSADS, NOTE IllJASj BILL HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, l'KOGliAMMES, rOSTERS, 40. ORDERS BY JlAilj PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AddrcBj, THE AB-fOCATE, Ridgy, Elk Co., P LIFE, Growth, BEAUTY. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER Not Dye; makes harsh balr soft and Silky; tleansea the scalp from all impurities, ttAVtsing the liair to grow Yfhero it has fallen off or become thin. Can fie applied by the hand as it does not stain the akin orjsoil the finest linen. As a Hair Dressing it is the most perfect the world has ever produced. Thd hair is re novated and strengthened, and natural co'or resl'ored without the application of mineral substances. Since the introduction of this truly valu able preparation into this country, it has been the wonder and admiration of all clas ses, as it has proved to be the only nf liclo that will absolutely without deception, re store gray hair to its original oolor, health toftness, lustre and beauty, and produce hair on bald heads Of lift original growth and color. Thisbeautiful an! flagrantly perfumed article is complete within itself, no washing or preparation before or after its use, or accompanyment of arty kind being required to obtain these desirable results. Here Is the Proof of Its SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. Oad this Home Certificate, testified to by Edward B. Oarrigues one of the triost ompctent umggists and Chemists of Phila delphia, a man Whose veracity none can doubt. I ain happy to add my testimony to the great value of tho London Hair Color Re storer which restored my hair to its origi. nal Color, and the hue appears to ce per manent. I am satisfied that this prepara tion not a dyo but operates Up'Ott the se cretions. It is also a beautiful hair dress- ine and promotes the growth. I purchased the first bottle from Edward B. Gnrrigucs, druggisl, Tenth and Coales street; who can also testify my hair was quite gray when 1 commenced its use. MRS. M1LL13R, No. Tot) North Ninth streeti l'hila. Dr. 8wayne it Son, Respected friends: I have the pleasure to inform you that a lady of my acquaintance, Mrs. Miller is delighted with tho success of your London Hair Color Restorer." Her hair was fast falling and quite gray. The color has been restored, the falling off entirely stopped, and ft new growth cf hair is the result. 15. U. OARRIGUES, Druggist, cor Tenth and Contes; l'hila. BOSTON TESTIMONY. July 22d, JK71. Dr. Swayne & Son: Last winter while iu ireuton, n, J., l pro cured six bottles London Hair Color He Btoier, which I like very much, in fact bet tcr than any thing I have used in the last nine years. If you please, send me one dozen bottles CUD care W 8 Fogler & Son Druggists, No I'lo 1 retreat street, Rest on. Respect fully yours, ADA BAKER No o'J Rutland bquare. London Hair Color Restorer ai.d Dressing Has completely restored my hair to iti original color and youthful beauty, and caused a rapid and luxuriant growth. MRS. ANNIE MORRIS, No 616 North Seventh Street, Philadelphia. Dr. Dalton of Philadelphia, says of it The London Hair Color Restorer is used very eitensively among my patients and friends, as well as by myself. I therefore speak from experience. 75 CENTS PER BOTTLEs Address orders to Dr. SWA VNE 60S 330 North Sixth Street, l'hiladelpliia, Pa., Bole Proprietors. SOLO Wl'.JJ.iC ItllbGfilSTS T II E LUNGS C 0 IT S TJ U P T I o m This distressing and dangerous complaint and its premonitory symptoms, neglected cough, night elteats, hoarseness, wasting flesh fever permanently cured by DOCTOR SWAYNE'S COMPOVNi. OF WILD CHERRY. RROiSCHlTIS A prcmonitor or Pul monnry Consumption, is characterised by en limit, or inHu ii'illioii of the biticttm mem brane of tht air passages, with cough and expectoration, e'mrt breath, hoarseness, pains iu the chest. For all bronchial affec tions, sore throat, loss of voice, cdughs, DR: SWAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Gherry IS A SOVEREIGN REMEDY Jlemorrhags, or cpitting ot lnod, may proceed frbiu the larynx: trauhia, bronchia or lungs and arises Irom various causes, i,i undue physical erertion, plethora, or full ness of the vessels, weak lungs, overstrain og of the voieo, suppressed evacuation, ob struct ion ot the spleen or liver, &c. Dr. Swayue's (Vmiionml Syrup of Wild Cherry; strikes at the root of disease Vy purifying the blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy action, invigorating the nervous system. The only standard rc'iicdy for bemor r'liane, bronchial and all pulmonftry com pla.nl s. Consumptives or those predis posed tS weak lt'ngs should not fail to use this great vegctab.o remedy, lis marvelous power, not only over con cumpt-on, but over evfry chronio disease where a gradual alterative action is needed Lnder its use the cough is loosened, the night sweats diminished, the pain subsides, the pulse returns to its natural standard. the stomach is improved in its power to di gest and assimilate the food, and every organ has a purer and better quality of bloo'i supplied to it, out ot which neit re creative and plastie material is made: Prepared only by CR: SWAYNE & SON, 339 North Sixth Street. Philadelphia; Solo by all Pbomixent Druuuists. ng Piles ! PILES, PILES, ITCHINQ PILES, positively cubed by the u!e b'f SWAYNES OINTMENT HOME TESTIMONY. 1 was sorely afflicted with one of the" rilbst distressing of all diseases Pruritus or Pru rigo; or more commonly known as Itching Plies. The itching at times was almost in tolerable, increasel bv scratching, and not unfrequently become quite sore. I bought a box ot swayne J Ointment; its use gave quick relief, and in a short lime made perfect cure. lean now sleep undisturbed, and 1 would advise all who are suffering with this distressing complaint to'prooure Swayue's Ointment at Once. I had tried prescriptions almost innumerable, without finding and permanent relief; JOSEPH W. CHRIST, (Firm of Koedel & thrist, Boot and Shoe House 814 North Second Mreet, Philadelphia. SKIN DISEASES; Swayne'i All-healing Ointment is also a specitio for Tetter. Itch, bait Kbeum Ssald Head, Erysipelas, Barber' Itch Blotches, all Scaly, crusty, cutaneous Er ruptions. Perfectly safe and harmless even on the most tender infant. Price 50 cents. Sent ty m'ailto' any address od re ceipt of price. SWAYNE'S PANACEA Celebrated all over the world tor its reuia ble Cures ot Scrofula, Mercural and Pyphil itio complaints. Describe symptoms in all oommicanutio tddreis nsletters to Da BAWiE ami SON, Philde,lphia.-n7yl vm mmmiu O- J $ liUllSDAY, JUeTth7i87o7" The roads nrvj dusty. Next Thursday Is Corpus Christi. K. I. Campbell has nioved into his new Btore. 6traVerriks hre SfeUing here at 16 cents & Ijask'Ct. It's too bad that everyone can't go Id the Centennial. The Township Auditors are set tling with tho Supervisors. M-. E. Lesser has moved into the rooms over Campbell's store. The post office at this place is open every Hunday morriirtg at 9 o'clock. Catt. James WdofiwARD will move into the place lately occupied by U. I. Campbell. Rev. Montgomery, (Presbyterian) will preach next Sunday in the Luth eran Church. PvRMEMriiai that wc hnVe h fine as sortment 'of visiting cards, note paper, eiivCIclpCs and bill-heads. If you want note-heads, either with or without printing, give the A nvd cate office a call bclore goii'g else where. If any of our subscribers nri in arrears for subscription w e wish tlley would consider this a personal invi tation to them to pay tip. There is some prospect riov of the Mi'itia getting their 1870 appropriation before going to tlie Centennial. This will enable Company H, to go in good tylo. Trout fishing has been carried on to a great extent a week or so pti.st and thousands of tlio ''speck ltd beauties" have died to satisfy the rapnciu maw of wniii. TiiK Jimc-bugs; potato-bugs; bed ugs nnd tomato-bugs have all put in an appearance in this section, the potato bug is said to be more numerous than ever; NeT Monday the Treasurer's Sale ... of Unseated lands will take place at the Court House. Our readers by reference t'J our advertising column will be posted ns to the "Treasurer's Sales.'' The parade of Knights Templar in Philadelphia last week was said to be the largest ever held in the United State's. Over 7,000 Knights were in line. The rroctsslon Wns two hours in passing a given poiiit. Doctor C. It. Ear lb y, inis cht'losd a lot of ground Including the "big spring" cn h'.s sluth street property, with u neat fence, and planted flower seeds in the inclositrc. Another mark of the Doctor's enterprise. Next Wednesday tlie National Bb- jiubliean Convention i ill meet at Cin- nnnttl IS ohuoi-o n Ropbullciin can didate for President. SHme men will be disappointed; for many arc 'called nnd few chosen. The question as to whom will be Vice President seems not to iiiH-rest any on, HARHisnnui, June .-id, 187(1. Tho nienibers of the Republican Htute Committee are requested (o meet at the Liochlel Hotel, Ifarrisliurg, on Wed nesday, the 2lst inst., at 2 o'clock P. L Important I'i'siiiess will be trans actedattl'is meeting, and a full atten dance is desired. Henry M. HoVt, Chairman. A. Wilson Norris, Secretary; Wjr. James, of Kane, was in our ofliee the other day. He says that the fire which burned tlio James ISro's. lumber at Kane, which we noticed in last issue also destroyed n large amount of ehec-v MiA cut-utiil'er lumber for him. -lie had refused 30 a thousand for some of the lumber a few days be fore the fire, but was holding it for a higher pricp. The total amount des troyed was abciut 1,500,000 feet, One half the property of James Bros, nnd the other half the property Of IVm JaiiK Total loss about $50,000, nnd no insurance. Geo. It. Dixox, the Counly Eupbr- ititendent Very much desires that the Secretary of thb New School lloard in eacli district report tit once to him the organization Of the Board, in order that the names of the officers may be sent to the School Department at Har- risburf and the School Journal be mailed regularly and without delay to the address of the Secretary fho: is entitled to receive it f'-ce during his term of oflics. He also hfipes that t he Annual itcports of the Districts may be In thU ivcck. Those who report first will be p'aid first nnd those who delay may not receive the appropriation nt all. Let the work be hitmcdiatch done nnd accurately done, fend in your Reports Mi's week and you may get your money next week. Teuchers examination at Brockpbrt, Ilorton Township, June 10th; at Ar royo, for Spring Creek and Millstone on Junfe 17th, at 10 A. M. em it day. The Greatest Feat on llecord; Jarrett & Palmer's fast trans-continental train, consisting of three cars, a tender and engine, which left Jersey city at 10 o'clock 6ri Thursduy morn ing last, to run across the continent to San Francisco in 84 hours accomplish ed the wonderful feat. The train reached its point of destination at 9.G0 ori Sunday morning, having made the journey Of 3,817 miles 8 hours and 24 minutes ahead of time, or deducting the diflerenee of time between New York and San Francisco, which Is 3 hours and 2 minutes, they were still 23 mhiuteshead of Schedule time. Tho following was the schedule of time for the entire route; To Philadelphia, 90 miles frtmi Jer sey City, 1 hour, 45 minutes; liar risburg, 196 miles, 4 hours; Altooua, 327 miles, 7 hours; Pittsburgh i II miles flta- S. . 10 hours; Chicago, 913 miles, 2') hours; cross Mississippi River at Clinton, 23J hours; Omaha, l,4o5 miles, 32 hours; ClVt-yennu, 1,982 miles, 40 hours; Ogden 2.45G liUl'es, 63 hours; 8nn Fraricisco, 3,317 miles, U hoiifs. The train ran through td Pittsburgh without a single stoji at an average rate of speed of 44 rnilcs per hour its hlghrst rate between the two points being C2 miles per hour. In traversing some Of the Western roads thS sliced nttaih'ed was considerably gtmtfcr aud what is A Utile remarkable riot a single mislia occurvbd during the entire trip. Centennial Letter. THE CROWD GROWING BTIMj LARGER AXD M(TrE APPRECIATIVE THE STATE BUILDIXOS HOW DIFFER ENT STATES HAVE I'ROVIPED FOR THE COMFORT ASti CONVENIENCE OB' THEIR CITIZENS THE KNIOnTS TEMPLAR RE-t.NION. From our Rrgiilnr Corresroiidcnt.l Pliilmlclphia, June Gtli, !S76. One very plengftnt feature on the Exhibi tion Grounds is the buildings ercclcl by the different States for (lib oe'cQthmodation ami convenience of their homo visitors. These buildings do not ns a rule contain anything in the way of exhibits, but are merely ' State headquarters," ivbero citi zens of States mny find a comfortable place to test, write and visit in which they can feel perfectly i.t liotnc, because it is, col lectively, their Own. The buildings are nearly all sitonterl on Slate Avenilo, in (he northern section of the grounds, which is the highest part cf the inclos'.ire and over looks the main exhibition structures. A register is kept iti each headquarter, where in visitdrs from that Stuto are asked to write their name?, and flics Cf the loctd newspapers arB placed at their disposal iu the ptlH'drs and reading robrYs. The latter feature is not very complete as yet; and I would respectfully call the attention of locnl ncwsp.p!!is in yout State to that fact. The publishers will serve a much belltr purpose nnd accommodate more of their home people by furnishing their papers for the State headquarters than by aidiugGeo. 1' Rowell & Co. in a big advertisement of that P.rW. The Pennsylvania building is this largest and is loented within a stone's throw of Machinery Hall, facing the lake. It is 10TjxU5 feet and of Gothic architecture, On citlicr side ot the lmnu entrance are two towers fiaakiui a larger one, while a neat porch extends around tt portion o each of tho four sid'js of the building. The main tull-ahce leads into a large hall about sixty feet long by forty wide, aud high in proportion, the roof being formed t)f riu nitrous graceful arches. Ths walla have been properly painted nnd ornamented, and il is proposed on them shall be hung the portraits of till tho Governors of the Ktnte, from thb time of Pctih to the pres. cut. On cither side of the hall arc two rooifis, each about twenty feel square. The first of thbse on the right is intended fur the tise bf citizens of tile !?ta(c, wilh nu adjoining room fitted up in elegant style ns ft ladies' parlor. The carpet is llrus scls and the furniture of Walnut, covered vVith Uiaroori rep. 'In the opposite side, the first room is intended ns a committee room, and the furniture is finished iu red. The Governor's room adjoins it on the west, nnd is fitted up in fine style, tho fur niture being finished in blue. Each apart ment has connected wilh il retiring rcoms, nnd every convenience is arranged for those who shall frequent the building. The ttl co.'t of the buildlhs nnd furniture was ?17.000. It is in charge of A. C. Mullin, Secretary of the 13:tird of Mauag. ers and General Superintendent, Who is issiste.l by Lcivis G. Dull, Assistant Super iulehdsrit, and a messenger ahd janitor. Hon Morton JIc'Michilel is President of the Hoard of Manngers, nnd ex-Governor Curlin Vice-President. Jt U intended soon to have n formal opening, when mem bvs of tho legislature hud other officials will be invited to enliven the occasion. New York lifts really the most elegnnt Stale building on the grounds; though it is not s i large as Unit of Pennsylvania, nor half so costly. Thero is really a striking contrast in the Iwo buildings, when the cost of each is taken into consideration. Tho total coBt of the New Yb'rk structure is put down at $ 8(X(I, acd yet the furniture, finish and style Of tho whole thing would lead one to estimate its cost above Pennsyl vania's $17,000 building. It is two stories high, trith elant lndlei' parlors tin the second floor, furnished superbly, and hav. ing two rooms for the use of guests. On the walls are large crayon portraits of William Cullen lliyuut nnd Gerret Smith. In the Governor's room is a similar and very fine portrait of Governor Til Jen. The building has a comfortable homelike air, and is withal both thowy and convenient, Tt is built on the square-box plan, with ample piazra room. It is under the man agement of the New York commissioners, headed by Mr Frank Leslie aDd Jackson Schultz. One of the most imposing of the Slate groitp is that of Ohio, btiilt of dressed stone from the quarries of the Htile, and therefore cf a more substantial character than is usual among these essentially tem porary buildings. T6' the rear of it is erected a large hall which Trill serve as a place for meetings bf County and State organizations that may desire to use it during the progress of the Exhibition. The stone for this structure was contributed from twenty-eight difl'erent quarries, nnd have been put into' tho walls both dressed and un dressed, and so arranged as to displuy the different colors and tarities. The top por tion of tho front is of a very fine specimen tf dressed fund s'one from Dayton aud some handsome window sills aud cornice como from llerea. The interior of the building is cool and aiiy, being comfortably finished and withal a very attractive place for Ohio people to reudesvouz while on the grounds. Something over $7000 was ex pended in its construction. F. W. Green, Esq., is in Charge afld will cheerfully show Obiosn's every attention. Governor Hayes is announced for a reception here 6a th 4th of July. Indiana has a good-sized building a dis tinguished feature of which is the repre scoution of the different counties by artis- tically prepared panels, covet,,.? lr., ... i of the reception hall; showing tile cU'ie 'ol settlement of caol), wilh the orgafiliaMnj population, prodWcti, IniUsirlcs and special characteristic', the fbpitlatioa of tho larger villages, with a list of churches and school1 houses. r'rotri the cities, such nslndinnn. polis and tho rest, special tablets furnish items of commercial bows, Near the front ehtrnnce are nonio niticonblo specimens "f timber ind block conl. Illinois has one of the neatest and most attractive white frame collages within the IncloBiire. The memorablo 2lh General Assembly appjoprinted but $10,000 for Centennial purposes, but it has been used to good advantage, and the 5,000 lllinoisans who arc expected lo visit the Exposition (his silmmer will hive ho rcaSoa to feel ashamed of their headquarters. But $6C03 was expended in its co'ns'trtioliori. though it could Kot have beeh completed and furnished in near tho style it is for that morifey Had it not been for liberal con tributions cif lumber nnd material frorn Chicago firm's. Over $1000 worth of fur niture nlolie, lias been provided in this way; and the ladies' pai-ior, though small, surpass is iu elegance any other on tho ground. On the largo register bound iu llussla leather I notice liaong the first names that ot Deacon noes ot tuo in bune. AH (he arrangements for conven ience and comfort are coriifloto nnd per fect. In a prominent place hangs a fino large engraving of IheClilengo Exposition buildings, fetid Mr. J; II Johnson who was connected Willi the secretary's olllcc of that 'show" is superintendent of these head quarters. Iowa lias a neat modest building now compiet ed ot a cost of about $ jOOO, of which citizens of that Stale are justly proud. It does not vary materially in prfhCipal fcai' urcs from the Cillers already described. It mny be reniniked generally, concerning nil these slntclureS. that tllcy itavb with one or two exceptions no di motive architecture other than is expressed in tho term "cot tage," and Ihcy are all constructed wilh the same object in viow, viz: the conveni ence of visitors from their respective Stales Mr. Shaw tho Superintendent of Iowd's department sliyb thiil ihb' feoplo of this growing young western State will show as large d proportion cf visitori asnny-of its neighbors. Idwd has a good display in the Mam Exhibition building; Wisconsin has anotlnr cosy little collage which Cost about $6000. It is fitted up willi much taste and some of the furniture and accessories are of Wisconsin manufac ture. Mr. Ellslla dtarr, of Milwaukee is on the spot to iaake liinise'tf nSrcenblo to the 'Badgers" who happen in. The State ap propriated $20,000 in all, the remaining $11,000 having been used in presenting Wisconsin's display in tho main building. New Jersey's building shoots up the sharp top ofono of its Dutch towers square ly above all the other buildings that front on Belmont avenue; aud its red tiles are among tho first things noticed by one who cnteisthe Belmont gate. The building i8: on tho othct ei lib of the road, separated in a measure from the group of State build ings. Tlia old Holland house architecture in which tlie building is fashioned is thought to bo suggestive of a State containing so' many descendents of the Hutch. New Jersey was the first and probably the most liberal contributor to tha Centennial Ex hibition outside of Pennsylvania. Cou nnuticut is distinguished for her old-fash" ioncd cottage, evidently planned with much care atld regard for ihe supposed character of the State. Indeed it is cicntioned as u fact to tie noted that the general design was1 mado by Honald (J. Mitchell) better kuown as Ik. Marvbl, author of "Reveries of d Bachelor The Massachusetts artist who first painted that Slate's house tho color of pig's liver has come iu for a good htorc of criticism. It has been recently repainted. The orchiicclure is indescribable, but tho building does Hot on the tfholc make a baii showing in tlie Slate group. It is Urge as compared with the other buildings, aud Btands out well from all points of view. The Mississippi building is quite tasteful in the rusli: style, 40 x 30 feet in size. It is striking because of Its elaborate decora- , tion with thb luxuriant rilo'sses aud ever greens of the Slate. Mithigan has a struct ure dboilt like tho other Western State buildings nearly completed. Kansas and Colorado occtipy together a large building 132 x 13'2 iri the form of across, andsur mounted by a cross. It is nf w about ready but has not been formally opened. A large portion df the interior will be devoted to the exhibition o't drficle's illustrating their re sources. In a future letter, though pcrhap.i not the next one, I shall undertake to tclt what the States have displayed iu the Ex hibition buildings. This letter is not what would be classed with the rdcy sort, but it contains m'atterof inlcrcdt to your readers. The tit J is fall of peoplo, and for two or three days past il lids seemed more like the opening day. Much of this influx is due to' the Knights Templar re-unio'ri, but a great deal of it comes from the growing attend ance tit the Exhibition, the beauties and wefndcr3 of which are being daily more ap preciated; Marty gay Sir Knights, with their' ladies, have seen the great world's' fair this week, and Thursday morning the great parade took pluco. It was one of the' finest ever witnessed. Over 13,000 Knights were eipeeted lo be in line, but the actual turnout did nbt reach that num ber. The re-union is recorded as one of the graudest events in the history of the' order. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TRY IT! TRY ITJ THY IT! The Best TGNIO Iri America. Th "B" Celebrated Bitter Cordial; No. 19 North Seventh St., Philad'a. To be had from all first-class Pruggists' throughout the Co'uutr. nl i m3.v - - i patents; Persons desiring to takeout Patents; or desiring Information from the U. 8; Patent Ofliee, should consult F. A; LEHMAN, Solicitor of American ct- Fobbigx Patents Washington, D. C: Examinations free. NO PATET NO PAY. Send for Circular. nl3-lin-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers