. - - li:n1'ia 4. RATIUiUN, lUlorucy-nt-Utf, i 2 If. RUFUS Ll't'ORE, Attorney-al-Linr HMgw'fty. Elk Co., Pa. Ollioo in Hull' icW Brick I'miUiinfC Cliiims for Collection promptly titt'cnilcd to. 3nlly. 11 ALL fr M'CAULEY, Attorneys-t.-Lw. OiTicein New Illicit Building, Mnin St Ridewny, ElV Co., l'a. v3n2tf. J. 0. If. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW. Vlnzoyl. RidEwny, Elk County, Pa. Agent for tho Traveler's t.ifo arid Acc) dent Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn. JAUES D. FULLER TON, Surgeon Dentist, linving permanently lo cated in Rigwny, offers his proi'essionl ser vices to the citizens of Hiilgwny Unci sur rounding country. All work wnrrnnlcd. Office in ScrVioe & Wheeler's Building up stairs, first door to the left. V3-n-3i ly CHARLES HOLES, Watehnmlier, Engraver and Jeweler Main street. Uidgway. I'n. Agent tor tlir Howe Setting Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Wntclics etc, dorewilh he B.iuie accuiccy us heretofore. Satis fiction gunrault'i.-d. vlnly G. O. MESSES G Ell, Druggist and Panr.actetitlct, K. W. cornel of Main and Mill street?, liiilgway, Pa. r..n .iMvin.rti! Hi' cm elullv selected For eign anl Domestic Dings. Prescriptions tarefully dispurtdlit all hours, (lay nr niht. 'l"3y T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician ana Surgeon. Office in Diug Store, corner Droad and Main St?. Residence enrntir Broad St. opposite the College. Ottice hours lrom 8 to 10 A. M. and from 7 to 8 P. M. vlu-Jyl. J. S. LORD WELL, M. D., Eclectic riiysic'uin and Surgeon, hus remov ed his otlice liom Centre sti eel, to Mail si. Itidgway, I'a,, in ilio second story of I lie no 'brick building of John G. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store, Otlia luurs: t to 2 P M 7 to 9 P M HYDE HOUSE, Ridovtat, Elk Co., Pa W. II. SCIlltAM, Proprietor Thankful for the pairomge licretot'urt so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, fcy paying strict a. teulion to the comfort au l convenience ol guests, to merit a continuance ol iht same. Oct 30 180:1. KERSEY HOUSE, Ceiitk kti ll r i Li.K Co., Pa. John' Collins, Proprietor. Thaukful for the patronage hurctolor bo libenlly bestowed upou luifl, tliu new proprietor, hopes, by pay ins strict at tention to tho uoiuiort ulU convenience of gu.'sis. t'mciit a coiiii.iiii.tice eft-lit eauio. 1 IV. HAYS, DCALE-. IN ry Good.i, Notions, Grcccries. and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Parley M. O- lu47tf. RAILROADS- PENNSYLVANIA KAIL ROAD Philadelphia- & Erie R. R. Division WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after MONDAY, MAI 24, 1875, the trains on the Philadelphia & trie Uuilroud will run as follows: WKSTWARM. KANE ACCOM leaves Keuovo 4 3jp si ' Di ill wood., u f5 p m " " Eniporiuji 0 Go p in " " St Marys... 7 53 p m " ' " l'.hlgwuy... 8 5 p m ' " Wilcux I) 05 p ui arr at Kane.. 9 UU p m ERIE M UL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p m " " Renovo 11 05 a in " Bmporium. ...... 1 10 p at St. Mary's 2 00 p m Ridgwuy i 2 25 p ui " Wilcox 2 63 p in " arrive at Eric 7 50 p in EASTWARD. ftEOVO ACCO M leaves Kune..'. 8 00 am " Wilcux 8 83 a nj " Ridgway.. 9 23 a m " S: Marys 10 01 a m " Emporium...... 11 05 a m Drill wood 12 15 pm ' Renovo 1 40 p Hi ERIE MAIL leaves Ki-io 11.20 a ui ' ." Kauo 3 45 p in ! Wilcox 4 OB p ni " Kidgway. 4.45 p iu ' St. Alary'g 6.10pu " Eiupui'iuui 0.05 p m Rcuovo 8.25 p m " " arr. at Philadephia... 0.50 a ui Renovo Accora and Kane Accom connect cast antl west ui East with tow tUrude Di vision and li ti V S P U K WU, A. BAlDWIN. Oeu'l Sup't. Fresh family Grucerins, uad C'nnoed rMilii at P& lC's. The cbeapost uud PARLOR 1 f mMwmMSMMM' I ill sji 5 "3 Z i'1' J X3.sk- .v5SB 'iVi-ste"ii " i wit J i; . J 9 Thwc rrciarUaMc iniirn-nerts posswi CTpiciti for n'.itsical etrcu and exprejsion nver before tlined. AUap'M. fcr Amstcvr snd rrcfr?,sior.al, 1'rtJ an il-iimm'ciii in any parlor. 1 47" Beautiful New Style!, HOW rsidy. GliO. WOODS Si CO.. Cambridgeport, Mass. lT.inEP.OOVSi Ci.8 vTstMrrio'a St.. lloaton; 170 state St.. Chicago; 28 I.ndgaU Hill, loadela. PlITTrjl TTxAV 111T'.T TT A K-aJIn; M'liical Journal cf aelected imwie and valuable reading IWil. U. 'v'll "li. .-li miner, lly nii.il main, f-rn. $j to Si oitl. nf 'S- fi..- t .eirit'J 0iu.i -. NEW TIVEIIY STABLE IN mm DAX SCJtlDNKU WISHES 10 IN 'iirui tbc Cittzcns of Ri'lgwav, and the public gCLtvally, that he h5 ttatted a Liv ery Stable and tVill keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Uujjies, to let jpon the ut reasona ble ter.is Gc5!l will a!?o do job teaniug. Stable on Rroad street, above Main All orders left at the Post Office ivill ireet prompt attention Aug 20 1870. If. F YO(J WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP CO TO JAMES II- liAGEttTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS SHOES, HATS AND GAl'S, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW. WAKE. TOHACL'O AND CIGAR'S. A Lnr-gS Stbck tt Groceries arid Previsions. Tie REST HRANDS ol FLOUR Constantly on hand, and t-nld n.s clitup as the CHEAPEST. JAMES II IIAGEI'.TY. Hidgvay Cemetery. Lois arc now olliored for taic by the Ridgway Ccniet.iry Association in the hew Cemetery Tho present low price for lots may soon be advanced. Apply at tho office of S. HAMBLEN, Secretary RiJgwcy, Sept. 7 1875. n-29 Private Tuition. Pupils wantisj to leneive in.itiuciion in Greek Or I.aiin, or desiring to prepare for Colli go can have opportunity of do'icg so by opp yiug to tho Rector of Grace Church. He having made the ncecssary arrange' mer.ts will be glad to receive a limited uuniber of young ladies and geullemen fof inslvuolion. For information at to terms &i apply to KEV WM. JA8. MILLER, A. M. Kidgway, Ps, EDtt'D J. li CO; NUKSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN YOKKj Pexn'a. SEBS. Garden and Flower Seeds, Glas tweeds, Heed Corn, Seed PotufOes; Seed Wheat, Tree utul Hedge Seeds, ite. Bulks, of all kinds, for Spring und Fall planting. BULBS. 'IREES. Ktamliu il uud Dwarf Fruit Trees, Grapes and Small Fruits. Evergreens,- Ornamental Trees anil Shrubs, Ko.ses, Hedge Plaits, feo. En close Stump for priee list, ioc for Full Descriptive C'utulogue. Exeeutrlx's Xotleo." Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of J. V. Houk late of Kidgway township, deceased, have been grapted to the undersigned. All persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, und all persons having claims will present them properly authenti cated lor settlement JEANNETTE GARONNE HOUK, nol-ut Executrix. Executors' Notice." Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Francis Tegeler, late of St- Mary's borough, deceased, have been granted to the un-d6rslgn'ed.- All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate ure requested t6 make immediute payment and all persons having claims will pre sent them properly authenticated for settlement- ADOLPH FOCIITMAN T?,,ra nGl-Ct CliAS LUHH LX " T6BXT70UI 'OIIIC. W are now prepared t) VV to do all kiudsof JOB WUKK, tnvelepes. lags, cui-agaas, i.euer naa neatly sod' ehesply executed. Ottiee in Thayer 4 Hagerty't tew tuililing. Mail frost IUtywjr, P. ORGANS t'r 4t yer vear. or len centra numocr.ji.acn numor C0. Vi'OOUS & CO., Publishers, Cambridgeport, Mas ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ESTATE of Thos. Campbell, dr.'; late ot ! highland township. Llk coiinty de oeafed. All persohs liidrbteil to Bnid es taie nrn l'rqi:esti'd to maha immediate pay ment, nnil those having legal claims against the same ill present I hem without delay iu proper cider. f.r sc'tlonient, to UOBt. 1. CAMPISECIj, Administrator, fiidgwsy. Pa.. Match 15. 1870 tit Bt HOTIdE."" V. S. INTERNAL REVENUE SPECIAL TAXES, May 1, 1S70, to April 30, 1877. rpnn revised statutes op tiif United Stale, Sections 3232, 3238 and 3239, require ecry person engaged in any business, avocation, or employ nienf, which renders him liable to a PPPC1AI. Tax, to phdcuke and tlacgcon. spkuouslv in 1113 establishment OK PLACE OF BUSINESS A STA.i?P de notir g the payment of snid SPECIAL TAX, for the Special Tax Year beginning May 1, 1876, before commencing or continuing business after April 3D, 17U. TIib Taxes bmhtacid within the provis ions, of the law above quoted aro the fol lowing, vir: Kcttitiers...;. $)00 00 Dealers, re'ail liquor 25 00 Dealers. Vfholesale liquor 100 00 Dealers in malt liquors, wholesale. ;..r0 0(J Dealers in mal' liquors, retail 20 00 Dealers in leaf tobacco 25 00 Reiail dealers la leaf tobacco 500 00 And on sa!e of ov-r $1,000, fifty oents for eirery dollar in excess of fl.OOO Dealers in niauufactured tobacco .5 00 Manufacturers of stills GQ 00 And for each still manufactured 1W 00 And fur cai-h worm manufactured. ..20 00 Manufactuieis cf tohacco 10 CQ Manul'actureis of cig ns 10 'A; Peddlers i.f tobncoo, first chics(more than two horses or oilier animals. ..00 00 Peddlers of tobacco, second class (iwo hcrcs or other animals 25 00 Peddlers ot tobbacco, third class (one horse or other animal) 13(0 Pc-ddler? of tobacco, foitrth clits (od . foot or .nhlic conveyance) 10 00 j'rev.ers of less than iUI) barrels 50 00 Biewewcis of i0:i bancs or moic.100 00 Aiy person eo liable, who shall tail to comply wiih ihe fort going requirements will bo subject 10 severe penalties. Persons or firms liable to pay any of the Special 'fates nntned above apply to E. t UWaN, Deputy Co li'Clur of Internal P.ev. enue at WAltllLN, PA., and pay for and procure the Special Tax Stamp or Stamps they need prior to M;y 1, 1570, and vYUHidT PUUTilEU NOTICE. D. l. PU ATT, Comiiii.sioncr of Iuterual 7i'evenue. Orncr. or 1tbp..i. I'.kven'i e. 1 . V AimxOToN, D. C, Keb. 1, 1870 t,t EXEtt'TOirs NOTICE. Eslale of Patrick Smitli, dee'd. L ETT KR 8 T EST A M EX T A R Y upon the above etate have been granted to t lie undersigned, all per sons indebted to said cstuteare reques ted to make payment, and those hav int; claims to present the same with out tleli, to LAWJtENCE MOHAN, SR. Exr. or to his Atlornevs HALL A: M'C'nuley, rt'--ut Kidgway Pa. A cuuiplete stock ut ladies ntisscs and cliildreiis slices, light, medium aud heavy at V, & K's New is the time to bay. Alpacss eheaper titan biki befor khbwu at P. & K's In the (.'ourt of Cotumon 1'lctis of Elk County. No 153 May Term 1875. .'j ay 1 li. 1. lU'blQSOD & Co ts.- 1'eniier & Co. DOM ESTIO ATI aCII M KNT. Notice is hereby giveu that tho Trus. tecs appointed in the above etiiitlc cause have filed their report in my olRce, aud unless exceptions are hereto filed, the said Report will be confirmed at the next term ot th'fs Court. FRED SC110EN1N9, v5-(4 Prothonolary. ELK COUNlt SS: The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of mid County Grt eting: Vie command you that you attach Jonn A. Andirion late of your County by all singular the. goods and chattels, lands and tenements ot the said J obn A Anderson iu whose hands' or possession soever the same may be found, so in.it they be acd appear betore our Courts of Common Flcasto le holdei at Ridgway. fn and for sa d County on the fourth Monday of May next, there to answer Jackson IS. Echultx, Maurice M. Schulu, Jndson fchults, John Eruhout and' J, L. Brown us Tunnng aud Lumber Company. And AM, , That you summon theperoohor persons in whose hands or possession the same nisy he tound, so that the; be and appear before our Said Coutt on the fourth Monday of May next, to answer what thall be objected against them aud ubide the judgea.ent cf tbe Court therein. And have you then and there fins writ' Witness tbe Honorable L. D. Wet more, President Jude of cur said Court at Kidg way, this 27ih day ot January A. D.1870. t'UED. KCHOtNINO, protbouotary. Per W. 8, HOKT0N, Depty. Sheriffs Olhce, Ridgway Pa. febry. 16 1876. HSIEL SCULL, Sherif ELK COUHTY AWOCilE Only kepudlican papeii tx Elk cbuNTh Office ib Thayer & tlagerly's Block, WugWaJt, I'A. SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCKIB1?, SUBSCBiilG, SUBSCU1BE. TEUMS TWO DOLLARS A YEAK GIVE US A CALL FOR j on Work ! CARDo, LETTER HEADS, NOTE rfEAS, BILL HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, &C. ORDERS BY MAIL' PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Addratf, THE ADVOCATE : liilixv.' fUW C , Fa mi a a JL i A 7 THUUSDAY, MAHCII 30TII, 1S7C Arrival and IpjSnrfctrc of 3Iails. Eastcra Daily except Sundays, arrives at 2:30 p m., leaves at 4:45 p in. Western Dnily excrpts Sundny9j leaves at 2:30, arrives at 4:43 p m. Uroouvillu Daily except. Sunilnysi ar rives at 12 m.,. leaves at 2.30 p in, Spring Creek Arrives Tuc-daya and Thursdays At 11 W ni leaves Weducsdajs and Fridays at 9 a m. Lodge Meetings. Elk Lodge, No 870, A. V. M., meets the second an! fourth Tuesdays of each month in the Masonio Hall. Elk Chapter, No.i210 . A. M., meets on the third Tuesday of each month in Musnoio Hall. Orient Ouncil, No 40 meets the first Tue'day of each month in Masonic Hall tnapp Commandery, No 40. K T Inecls the fourth Thursday of each month in Magonio Hall. Township OBIrers. Judge of Election II. B. Thayer. Inspectors A Cummings, p A Mead. Justices of the Peace C'liarles Mead, J D. Fullertoti. School Directors Jerome Powell, O II Grant, G T Wheeler, W II Ostcrhout, W 8 Service, Eug J Miller Supervisors W II CMerhout, 0 B Fiteh Treasurer W II Hyd'-j Assessor II A Parsers, Jr. Auditors C V Gillis, J K Whitmore Clerk W I) Dickinson. CoLstable J W Morgester County Officers. PresidcHt Judge Hon L D Wetmore Associate Judges Hon J V Houk, Chas Lnhr SheritT Daniel Scn'l Treasurer Jacob M't'auley District Attorney JKIMIall County Superintendent Georgo li Dixon l'rolhonotary, &c Fred Schrening Deputy Prjlhonotary W S lloiton C'onniissioners M chael Weidert, W II Ostcrhout George Iteiisuher Auditors W 11 llydc, U I ,'pangler, George .'olhrock. Cbaimissioncrs' Chrk W Hor'oo Correspondence. Itidgway, March 2'th. 1S70. Mr. Editok: Is this a free country? if it is a person has a right to decline to t'iko or stop a paper if he sees fit, and thisbeinjr so where is the point in "Bantam" Miller's article in the UMi wtifcr Democrat in which he calls peo ple, wlio discontinue his filthy sheet "thin skinned?" I have been in the habit of rending newspapers all my life and B. M. is thefirf.t editor lever heitrd call a man ''thin-sVinned" be cause he refused to tuke or returned his paper; but this important editor of the Dishwater D. yelps like a whip ped cur. "Bantic" goes on the plan that lie lias the right to publish what soever suits him about his subscribers or neighbors, in jest or Blander, and he is not very particular who or how it hits nnd then when they refuse to read his tracli he cul's them "thin skinned." In u former issue he writes about victims of "iiihp'KiL'cI confi dence." pivinti: 3onie of tho school boys a rub. Now, we all know, that he 1ms beenthe worst victim of "misplaced confidence" ofany youngiuttn in town. ami it in becomes "isantie ' in a com niunity where ho i-j so well known to come out and call his friends and neighbors, and even school children victims of "niisp'aced conlldcnce.'t Bantie" you can go and have a game of base-ball as soon as the snow goes oil", but. one word before you go, if you continue your personal abuse through thecoltinins of the Duhwutcr D. you will soon have occasion to call many more of your subscribers "tl'iii skinned" NAD. Brookviilc, Pa , March 27ih. 1876. Mr. l'.iuroH: In order that the outside world may not fe'.'get that there is such a place as Brookville, I take a few moments 'eisure aud let you know that we are still moving. Winter in this section tins ap peared wrong end foremost, aud we aro now having weather that would have done credit o midwinter. Our people are still as energetic as of yore, notwithstanding the scarcity of money, and the general stagnatiou of busi ness. We are, however, about to lose one of our most energetio oitizeas in tux per son of ex-Sheriff Johu S. Carr. who leaves this week to take ch irgo of the American House, in Pittsburgh, wh'ch is now being refitted for the accommodation of his nu merous friends, who may have business iu that city. It is not a matter of doubt that Sheriff Burr knows how to keep a hotel, aud we are mtiisned that the American House, under his management, will become a favorite resort for his in.iny friends while sojourning iu the Smoky City. tiheritf Barr in thus leitviug us casts quite a dam per on his friends iu this county who were determined to make him the Bepublican candidate for the Legislature, uud hr.J he have got the nominatiou there would have been no such thing as defeating him. But as it is as necessary to have goa 1 hotel s and landlords as it is good legislators, we will cheerfully put up with our disappoint ment. We are again h iving gome excitement in this section over the prospects cf auother railroad being built into this county. This time we are to be connected directly with the lakes, by a railroad from our vast coal fields to Buffalo. This ror'a as at present spoken cf will pass directly through Brook ville, and thence south of u,'where already thcro has been considerable land, under laid with superior coal, purchased by Buffalo parlies. . - ... But for fear that Jou may think I am taking up too much of your valuable space I will close this, and promise more interest ing matter next 'lime,' DICK. "King Bee" and mauy other kinds ofohewing tobacco. Also smoking of r-1 11 Hf 1 'ill II' all tie forul.tr brands at P. & KY Ridgw ftj Public Schools. Principal's lkpc'rt for month ending March 21st, 187(1: . , v i a r TE AC lit 113 Miss II 10 Wit. cut Miss A P Tay lor Mr and Mrs J B Johnson 80, a C71 G7 43 80 1 8oj 22 U 40 ol 161! fcummary 111 17! Names of those neither luo nor ab sent during the month: moit SCHOOL rKfAUTMF.Xr. Thomas I. Malone, IVa O. Sherman, OtisO. Kelts; Daniel Irwhi, Charles Johnson, Eddie bulhor, Fydora Irwin. 1 N T K ItMK 1 ) I A T K DKPARTMK.Vr. Annie Kline, Sarah Gorton, Gussic Woodward, Chtutncey Wilcox, Willie Malone, Ada Malone, Viola Neill, Flora Irwin. Gertie Lindgrome, Amanda, tindgrome, Joseph Weaver, Eddie Hoi-ton, Martha Walker. 1'llIMARY UEPATtTMKXT. . . Frank Paine, Wallace Dill, Frank Oyster, Albert Gorton, May Scull. Clarice Dordwell, Daisy Kinie, Maudie Milc3 Jerome Gorton, Warren Irwin, Charlie Slight, Mack Lewis, Sadie Scull, Lizzie Flynn, Josephine Tompuin. Names of those best iu deportment. I X T E 1 1 M K I1 A T UK I'A It T M V. XT. Bertie Lindgrf'it'c, Amanda Lind grome, Lizzie Shack, Churl iu Geary. Katie Meenan, Oscar Iliekard, Elmer Itickard, Walter lUc'.tard. John Whit more, Lizzie O'Brien, .Mack Kinio, Wil lie Schram. li'illieLutUcr, Edilie Hor ton, Kittic Whitniore. Joseph Weaver, Maggie Flynn, Ezra Taylor, Chaunecy Wilcox, Holland Y6k. l'KIMAUY LiEPAIlTMEXT. The toucher of this department re ports the deportment of all as very satisfactory. IIKilt SCHOOL IiEl-AKTMKXT. As the conduct of those mentioned in last month's report Is improving, and the deportment general'y being very good, will oniy mention the names of.tlie young gentlemen who left school at recess on a certain day without permission. They are as fol lows: Win. Messenger, Louis W. Ely, and Libbeus Luther. Names of those who passed the best examination. IIHill SCIIOOI. DKPARTJIEXT. A GHALh Julia Flynn, Carrie Luther, Jennie Gresh, Ida Luther, Chas Olmsted, Katie Gresh. U GRAUH Helen Little, James Cunningham. CGUAUi: Fydora Irwin, Hattic Ilimls, Ada B. Stevens, Chas. Mccnan, Katio M'Closky, Thos. W. Jackson, Orin Head, Oscar Gardner, Ira C. Sherman, Hennie Xi 11. a f) GUALiE Charles Johnson, Daniel Irwin, Patrick Holland, Willie Mceuan John Shack, Elmer Gardner. IXTKUMEDIATE DEPAItT.MEXT. 0 IIADK Daniel Cunningham, Hol land Cook, Addie P.ordwell, Llla i'iuie, Viola Xeili. F GRAOE BrrUe Ljiidgroinc, Annie Klilte. Amand.i Lindgrome, Martha Walker, Millie Schram. G Gil ABE Giiiisle Voodward, Eddie Horton, Olinuncey Wilcox, Eddie Lay mott, Katie Mectitin, Flora Irwin, Min nie Miles, Alice Neill, Hannah Malony. I'HIMAItY DEI'AUTMEXT. B GUAUiJ Gienni Johnson, Barney Fannon. Preston Mercer, Wallace, l-'ill. Freddie Bruuuer, VTaliaco Woodward, Carrie Ely, Clarice Bordwell, Lily Gard ner, I'mma Seymour, Lizie. Flynn, Josephine Toutpiin, Georgo Shack, Coryell Boss, Louie Rhincs. Frank Paine, Robert Johnson, Wilson Greeti- wald, Edith Sherman, Matie Sherman Luly Citn'iwii'gs. Mary Johnson, Grace t'critiiief, Sadie Sci.U. , C GUABE E.ldio Holaday, Charles 6'light, Franii Oyster, Willie Bhines. Freddie Hart ey, Willie Shcun, Johnie lirtinner, Daniel Maloney, Joiinie Neill, Warren Irwin, Jerome Gorton. Hiram Woodward. Maud Kimo, Aindc Wall er, Minnio V7oodward, May Van tirsdiill, Lotie Holes, May Scull, Annie M'Gtiffcirl. The following answered every ques tion correctly at the examination in the branches named: Ju iu Flynn, liellen Little, and Oscar Gardner in SjieUiiig. Bora Irwin. Mary Homing. Dun. Irwin, Chas. Johnson, , John Shack, Patrick Ilolland.Willie Meenan. Elmer Gardner. Alfred N. Sherman and James Cunningham in Mental Arithmetic Elmer Gardner, Jennie Gresh, Katie Gresh, Julia Flynn. Ida Luther; Carrie Luther; Ilattie Hinds; and Ada Stevens In written Arithmetic. Dora Irwin; Ira C Sherman; Charles Meenan; Charles Johnson; Willie Mcenaii; Pitt rick Holland; Ilattie Hinds; und Ada Stevens iu Geography Juliit Fiynu; Thos W Jackson; Katio M'Closkey; Daniel Irwin; Dora Irwin; l.attie Uinds; Ada Stevens and Charles Johnson in Grammar. Julia irlynn; and Helen JI Little in llintory. A C Olmsted in Physical Geography Jennie Gresh in Algebra aud Geometry Gussio iroodward; Eddie Horton; C'hauiicey Wilcox; and Katie Meenan of thelitterniedbte department passed a perfect examination. Helen M Little; Hattie Binds; and Emma Bom were ucrfrct in Spelling during the month; . . ... The nameof Gussie Woodward (should have appeared among those best in deportment in last month's report sdeknoss and tho bervices at the Catholic church caused considerable irregularity in attendance during the month- ' . Visitor's Messrs. Eug J Miller; O B Grant; Jeronus Powell; W S Service; G T Wheeler; G ! M'Cracken and Calvin Luther. Mrs H Little and Mrs J Powell. Miss Nellio Schram; Miss Aggio Barrett; Miss S-usio Fairel and Miss DukcloW. J. B. JOIIKSON, Principal. Now veal !a hi hiPikt.;. .. . Pomt. in was h?rve5te;l Ingt vet. :. , The time forsettinghens l-.rsnrrlveu,. Woxder if this will be a good year for beys. Soox wo will lux.uralo on lr.tnb mi l green pea i, A xn'.v .v.vuing h:vs been pat up on the front of llouk'g store. A keli.ov; wanted to know of us tho other dny how o'd Daniel Webster was when ho wrote fun ilkdionnry. TiiK.ino't Is ealdto be In tho right quarter for a continue.! poll of weather. 1 if wedidn't have the "probabilities'' every day 'idgway would soon ain't Into insignificance. How unreasonable some folks aro, A chai) wanted to borrow a half-dol'ar of us the otlu r day. "Nurshig their dreses" is wliat the lalies say when they hold their trails e'ear of muddy crossings. Kid gloves for children r.ro made to fit little ones a year and a half old, and from this age up. rf tins is . the. season of Lent no reason why we should lend our money all over the country to Toiu, Dick and Harry. No doubt our readers are highly da lighted with our continued ttory en titled, TreASurer's Sale of Unsealed Lands."' The Brooklyn Argm pro lift a si'ocdy return to calico dresses and plain collars. When calico d rcsses coat from !?jiJ,t" ?i,0JO they will be very fashionable. Said if young girl in tt. M.iry's to an o'.d iiuitin one day this week: ' My husband i.j not so good a husband as he should be, but he is a powerful sight better than none " WjieX you see a follow-mortal slip into a stairway mid rub liis back against ihe old tacks driven into bill boards that means buckwheat. It's working out on him. What follows The liort and tho lamb ehall lie down together nnd a little eliilil shall follow. "Married in Freeport, Pa , Mr. Alfred Lamb aud Miss Lueretiii Lyon." PiiKsiiYTKiuAX. Rev. John C. llench, of Venango county, will preach in the Lutheran church next Sunday, April Unit, morning ait d evening. Also at the same place on Saturday evening next at 7 o'clock. Tnt: chap that runs the Brock way-, viile paper is going to quit the busi ness because his (subscribers don't pay Pour deluded youth! a i though sub scribers to newspapers ever paid any thing. It is now demonstrated to uncer tainly that whisk"y drinking don't kill men; its friction. The contact of the glass with the teeth jars the pystem and the jar produces friction and that's what Wears men out. Ax item for "Bantie" Miller: A. nvaii who. tei yci'rsago, was known all over the United States as one of the most promising of base ball players living has for a few days past been peddling onions and potatoes about the streets of Elizabeth, unnoticed and unknown. Two sleighing parties went to Con trevillc on Ihe sleighing last week. With, the poet we will sing: Bells a ringing all tho day, Money fpenl and thrown away, Cure there is the d 1 to pay, When a man gives out a sleighi ng. Women aro allowed tc vcte iu Wyo ming,. but tlu-y aro indi.Teient as to who or what they vote for. At a -recent loi-id e'ection there a follow run ning .lor town cKtk, iiriDeu ctguteen. female voters with one pound of chew ing gum. A o'.se ofgei'eval average: "Aren't jou rather old to ride for- ha'f-price!" suid u car conductor to tho elder of two boys. "Well," remarked the youth, I am under 11, and this boy with mo is under 0. That don't make " and you will ta'te two boys under 10 for half price cueh." Ar.d betook them. A L.visoc Purer of Coal. On Tttc.s- daj lust a piece of bituminous coal, weighing seven! y-ses-cn luindred pounds, or nearly half a car load, was put on the cars :.t this p'aco for ship ment to the Centennial Exhibition at Phi'adelphiii. The coal was mined on tho farm of John Keys about a mils from Brockway ville on the Urookvillo road. Geo. I?. CjtiTTEsDEX, of 1 llefonte, Pa., spent lat Sunday in llidgway, visiting the Sabbath Schools and preaching lu the Lutheran church in the evening. Mr. C. called upon us be fore leaving on Monday and expressed himself much gratified with his visit, the object of which was to make ar rangements for ' a county Sunday School Convention at an early day un der the auspices of tho Pennsylvania istate Sabbath School Association. QUOTATIONS White, PcWell & Co: bankers and brokers, No. 42 South Third Street, riiiladelpbia, March J3t, 1870. HID. ASlvKIt U. S. lbbl. e li Jo a '20, o 'V2. M and IS 1 Called do dj 'C4 du f do do 'to do 118 llff do do. 'ujJanJJ.. uu llaf do do i do lH lJlJ do do .... 'hi do V2'2 V23 HMO, t'o euupoa .lp.j H'jj. do Pucitiu O acy lut. oil", liiiiV 1U(1 .NevrdsUeg. lSl..... llb IIS " C. lSbl.......,, UHi llSg GW , Uoi Hi iiver ... a, , .... I cuQsyiyauiii. 601 561 604 '2)t 60 62 137 Ui 37 1 48 j 100 KeuUin. 6u l'iiiladuifihi.'t iX Lriu LeuisU iNuvigatiou 00 v 61 ex. div..lU7 "... UJ ..ex; di 87 m do V alujy Uuited It R Oi K J Mil I 1 1- NonUeiu Cuuirul , Cvuual Xraatpori.il iua ntsqutjiiouing.... C it A Mor'gftge S' , 100 i' J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers