3 FARM, GARDEX AND HOUSEHOLD, Domestic Hint. An Enoltsh Stbw. Out the meat in nmall find rather thin slices, season them highly with nalt find pepper, and dip eftoh lightly in bread crumbs moistened in gravy or melted buttor. Dress them neatly on a dish, and layover them athin layor of cut pickles, vinegar and the preserved gravy of the roast beef ; heat in a Butch oven and garnish with fried sippets or potato bolls. Washing Vegetahles. Vegetables i i.i -1. i-i i buuuiu uevt'r u wiisuuu until lmmeui ately before being prepared for the table, J-jettuce is made almost worthless in flavor by dipping in water some hours before being sorved. Fotatoes suffer even more thau other vegetables through the washing process. They should not be put in water till just ready f er boil ing. Rb-cooking Boiled Cod. Out cold cod in neat bits or flakes from the bone; 1 "1 ' 1 . I r . ., , piace lu a man uuj eauca ieit oi it, ana pouring over them four ounces of butter melted in cream and thickened and sea soned to your taste with cayenne, made mustard, and fish sauce. Heat thorough ly in a Dutch oven. The dish may have a paste or potato border or be served on another dish on a pulled napkin. Belviderb Cakes. Take a quart of flour, four eggs, a piece of butter the size of an egg, a piece of lard the came size; mix the butter and lard well in the flour; beat the egg light in pint bowl, and fill it up with cold milk J then pour it gradually into the flour, add a teaspoonful of salt, work it for eight or ten minutes only, cut the dough with a knife the size you wish it ; roll them in to cakes about the size of a breakfast plate aud bake in a quick oven. Baked Beans. One quart beans, pick, wash, soak over night on back of range in the pot they are to be baked in, strain in morning through colendar, sprinkle tablespoonfnl each of salt and molasses; add one pound salt pork, scored in squares on top ; fill pot with cold water. Put in hot oven at nine o'clock a. m. Keep pot well filled with water hourly to withiu one of taking np nt six r. m. Waffles. Melt one ounce of butter and add it to two quarts of buttermilk, or sweet milk ; buttermilk is best. Beat separately live eggs, add the yolks, some salt, one teaspoonful soda and flour, sufficient to make a thick batter, lastly the whites of the eggs, Nice Dessert for Children. Stir unsifted graham flour into a kettle of water that is boiling aud salted to taste; it should be stirred in slowly, so as to give it time to cook thoroughly until quite thick ; for sauce use sweetened cream. I.IkIU Versus Heavy Tools. The great end at which all improve ments aim is the maximum power com bined with the minimum of material and weight. A man shoveling dirt with a shovel one pound heavier than it should bo will will lift 6,000 pounds more in a day of ten hours than he would do with a suitable shovel. All this strength is wasted. The same is true of machinery. So simple a thing as an uulubricated pulley is felt in the furnace, and the cost of coal is augmented. Every use less pound iu a truck or carriage takes vitality from the home which draws it, and costs the owner many an extra dol lar for his keeping. The man who pulls an oar in the great boat races at Sara toga puts himself in training and reduces every ounce of superfluous flesh. The race horse carries not one extra ounce of fat to burden him in the effort to win. Yet workingmen will carry through half their lives fifty pounds more flesh than is needed for the best working con ditiona burden which tells against their efficiency aud personal comfort through many years of their industrial life. These may seem little things, but whatever wastos power increases ex penses, and whatever burdens the labor er is not a little thing. Cure forAIance In C'utlle. A correspondent of the New York Times writes : My cattle have the mange, or barn itch, as some term it. What can I do to prevent its spread and Ciire it, that will not be dangerous where the cattle are herding together? Keply. A perfectly safe cure for mange is to give me animal daily one ouueo oi Biupnur in uie leeu lor one or two weeks, aud to apply to the affected parts the following mixture : One pound pure fresh lard, two ounces of flowers of sulphur, and one ounce of carbolic acid. These should be all ground up togemer ana mixcu very intimately into a smooth ointment, which should bo rubbed on the skin where it is affected, every ciay ior a ween or two. Planting Potatoes. tn i i .... au ianu lntenaea ior potatoes iu spriug should be manured and rideed up thorougly without delay, exposing as much surface as possible to the action of the atmosphere. All kinds of charred refuse, soot, charcoal dust aud similar substances form an excellent dressing for potato land. In neither a very wet nor a very dry season are the best re Hults obtained from artificial manures when usr d lor special cror8. HOW IT WAS FOUSD. The DUrovrry ol Gold In ('nlltorninI.o.. of nn Original Land Owner. A letter from Lancaster. Pa.i to the Philadelphia Time gives an interesting sketch of General John A. Sutter, now a resident there, on whose land in Cali fornia gold was originally found. He now seventy-three years old. rind strikingly resembles the Emperor Wil liam of Prussia. He was born in Switz erland and landed at New York in 1834. Traveling across the continent he reach ed Oregon and went down the coast to California. The Mexican crovernment sent him to look after the Indiana, with headquarters where Sacramonto Low stands. Here he cleared a farm and in one year harvested forty thousand bush els of wheat, employing several hundred imiians. lie says that in 1845 a JNlexi can senator offered him $1,000,000 for his estate, but he refused the offer, part ly because the men about him feared that their interests would suffer by the change. His own account of the dis covery of gold nndof his. wrongs is given as touows: While building a mill on American river, a mau employed by me, by the name of Marshall,, discovered yellow spots in the millrace. He procured some of the yellow stuff, and remarked tosev eral men that he believed it was gold ; but they only laughed at him and called him crazy. He came to my office next day, and seeing that he wanted to speak to mo alone, and suspectiug that he was under some excitement, I asked him " What s the matter ?" We went into a room and locked the door. He wanted to be very sure that no listeners were about, and when satisfied, he cave me the stuff to examine; ho had it wrapped up in a piece oi paper. During our in terview I had oocasion to go to the door, opened it and neglected to lock it again. and while handling the open package my ciern unexpectedly came in, wiieu Mar shall quickly put it iu his pocket. After the clerk had retired the door was again locKea and tne specimen closely exam inea. oeverai tests that J. knew of applied as well as I could, aud satisfied myself that it was really gold. One of these tests was with aqua-fortis and the oilier by weighing in water. I told him it was gold aud no mistake, aud hoped the discovery would bo kept secret for six weeks until certain mills would be finished and preparation made for a large additional population. i then hai about eighty white mechanics employ ed. But the secret soon leaked out told by a woman employed as a cook. ineu excitement aud confusion, aud even anarchy, followed. The men then on the ground, and others soon follow ed, seemed to care for nothing butaold. By-and-byethe scum of the world came. They cared nothing for law, property or anything. They took from me what they wanted, and I was powerless. Five butchers took my cattle, and each of them made 860,000 out of that iob. After a year or so civil authority was es tablished, but in the meantime my stock I- 1 1. A 1 1 1 - . naa ueen taKen ana my lands occupie by squatters. Bear iu mind that the lauds were mine, and that up to the time of gold discovery both Mexico and the United otates had recoermzed mv pro- prietorsuip. ut course, 1 claimed an shall cmtiune to claim damages until succeed. Two tribunals one the Uni d States land commission and the other the United States district court decided in my favor, but when it aim before the United States supreme court tne decision was in lavor of the squat ters; not because the laud did not be long to me, but because of a mere tech nical point. Aud so the matter stands to-day. California has for years paid mo a pension, or iu the shape of a pension, on account of what the State considered my just due. On the very same laud which was taken from me I had naid bo tween thirty-three aud thirty-four thou sand dollars taxes, and then when the supreme court had made its decision most of the land was sold at 81.25 per acre, but I was never refunded even the taxes which I had paid. A MIDNIGHT RIDE. Sanctified Real Estate. An old man, who said his name was Cartwright, sat by the stove iu the jail at Kansas City. A friend of the old mau tame in, and, after putting both hands on his knees and bending himself down, took a look at the prisoner. The friend remarked : "I've come to git 'm out." ' Huve you auy real estate?" queried the officer, "Yes." " How much is it worth?" " Dunno; it isin a kind uvquiet place j ime, wnere real state don t pear to up mucn. "Any improvements on it?" (Hesitatingly). . " 'Spose we might call it sich; it's been dug out 1" " Dug out is good. Where is your property ?" "Out yonder," he replied, pointing toward the window. " Well, out where ?" asked the official, sternly. The rough looking man seemed to soften, and with a kind of a faltering voice he said, iu a low tone : " I reckon T i: in i i ... .. i uiun t uuuerotand ye us now, muter, Mllin Jim," the lllonte KlnA Union Pacific Railroad Incident. Let me relate a night's railroad ride with one of the most noted of the Cali fornia sharpers. We are gliding through the Truokee river canyon at night. Nine-tenths of the passengers are dozing and dreaming, when suddenly the door opens, and in, witn tne cold night air, comes the queerest specimen of hu manity I ever saw. One side of his slouched hat is pinned up, and the light, as it flashes from one of the lamps, discloses a face that is young and not unhandsome, a pair of honest looking blue eyes and an intellectual forehead. The beard is unshorn and the hair nn kempt. Every lineament of the coun tenance betrays unmistakable verdancy, and it requires no very deep knowledge ot men ana thiugs to enuble ns to de cide that the fellow ia a green Missou- rian, " fresh from Pike county." One leg of the corduroy pants is stuffed into the top of an old cowhide boot, and to gether with the woolly shirt aud dilapi dated coat aud vest, render his costume deoidetlly seedy As it totally oblivious of the situation and surroundings he begins to hum, in a low, musical voice : Away down South in llixio Away, away s" keepiug time to his weird music as he waltzes with a light, shuffling step through the whole length of the car, aud disappears into the next He has molested no one ho has spoken to no one he has not been rude or boisterous yet everybody in the car is wide nwako and talking about him. The boy on the front seat is convulsed witn laughter the yonug mis9 across the aisle giggles with half suppressed mirth broad smiles creep over tuefacos of men and women, and the more seri ous mutter : " Poor fellow, he is ernzv. Ah, the good wife would hardly have awakened her drowsy husband had she known that tho interest -inspiring stran ger was "Slim Jnn. chieiest of the nionte sharps, in a little time no returns, and with the same abstract air passes slowly through tho car and into the next one, Impelled by curiosity, several of us fol low mm. we soon unit mm, sur rounded by a group of laughing fel lows who are listening to his story, "At Truckee station." says he. lady corned up to the orfice to git a tic ket, an' she found her pus goned, an' so she asked me for forty dollars an' I lent it to her; an' she promised to pay me back when she got aboard the train, an I'll be dogoned if I haint been all through the consarued train without rindin' of 'er." He told his story in such an inde scribably droll way that everybody laughed. even while they pitied mm, He soon proved that ho was not exact ly " strapped " nor much of a subject for charity; for he drew from a pocket a leather basr. full eighteen inches lone, which was at least half full of shining gold pieces, lio told the crowd that he had been swindled out of a largo part of his money by some "fellers called monte sharps "but he'd just learned the game of the rascals, he had, and now he oould play the game most equal to any on 'em. Then he got out a new pack of cards and "explained" the game, and finally offered to bet no one could tell the ace of diamonds, and he handled his cards so nwkwardly that a child could have picked out the right card, and in less than ten minutes he had lost over four hundred dollars to well dressed men among the passengers. The greeny was nonplussed somehow he " hadn't got tho hang of the durned game" he "didn't keer," he'd "try 'er agin, anyhow, if any feller wanted ter." No man ever saw eighteen thousand dollars placed withiu his reach who did not covet the " filthy lucre." So it was with a black visaged mau near who Lad been carefully watching the -perform- ' ances. He now sprang eugerly from his 1 seat to help the greeny lose his money. I Perfectly infatuated with tho idea that ! he wiis sure to win he plauked down all j his money, a large sum, his watch chain ; aud ring and lost. - Just then a station was reached, and j greeny, sweeping his earnings into the leathern pouch, left the cars, as verdant and innocent looking as ever, and sing- I ing: i " Away down Routb," etc. All this, including tho songs, the waltz, the btory, the gaming aud the exit did not occupy over thirty minutes, go ion .eastern people may pity the mau ; wno was thus victimized by the sharper, uut we who saw the eagerness and de termination he manifested to rob the Mipposed greeny, didn't waste much sympathy on him. . His attempt demon strated that at heart he was as much of a rogue as the other, though not so ex pert, But let me say to those who design to travel over the Union .iacihe railroad, you can't be too cautious. Don't allow youselves to be coaxed or excited into auy game of chance whatever. You will be robbed just as surely as yon do and An Unwelcome Visitor, , . . , ( The Cheyenne Newt Las an acoount of how Nathan Williams, near Fort Laramie, got away from a mountain ion. Mr. Williams resides on a ranch near the fort, and recently, while in the mountains after firewood, sat down in a clump of bushes to adjust his overshoes. Hearing the bushes crackle behind he looked around to Ren who was disturbing Lis meditation, and was somewhat sur prised, if not startled, to look into the eyes or a mountain lion. Mr. Williams was quite vexed that the lion should in trude upon him in this unceremonious manner, and therefore slapped him across the face with Lis overshoes.where- npon the Hon ran away and Mr. Wil liams didn't follow him. Mr. Williams lives in a Louse with one room, the only occupant besides himself being a hired uerman. That night he was suddenly awakened by the lion jumping in through the window, deliberately walk ing across tne room, and very composed ly laying himself down by the fireplace. lur. Williams doesn t keep a hotel, and therefore wished that his guest had less oheek, and had remained out of the house until invited in. The broken sash and window was another matter which preyed upon his mind, and it was a mutter of doubt how, if ever, he'd get his pay for that. He lay iu his cot a long time, cogitating in his mind how to manage. His rifle was within reach, and ha once became so ancrv that ho cocked it, but just then he thought what a nieau advantage he would be taking of the lion, who was enjoying the hospitalities of the house, even though unbidden. Besides, he was afraid that he would onlv wound the animal, when the latter might take the little joke as an insult and inflict punishment. There- iore, ne decided not to shoot, but re mained quiet, not forgetting, however, to keep his rifle iu his hands and ready cocked. It was a bright moonlight night, and no curtain, not even glass, intervened to render the cabin dark and dim. The big logs in the fireplace cast a comfortable glow over the room, aud, as the liou was stretched out at full length enjoying the warmth, the picture was a beautiful one, though Mr. Wil liams did not enjoy it. The phlegmatic German was snoring away like the bass notes of a trombone, entirely indiffer ent aud obvious to those matters of in terest. The night seemed to be a long one. It appeared to the owner of the cabin as though some modern Joshua had been along and stopped the moon. He grew tired of waiting, though, singu lar as it may appear, lie did not grow sleepy. It was his usual custom to get up first iu tho morning, but on this oo casion he concluded to let the German do tho morning chorea, thiuking, also, that the guest might desire to remain aud breakfast with them, in which case he was willing that his hired man should do the honors of the table. The lion scarcely changed his position, and. his purring sounded to Mr. Williams like thunder. Daylight at length began to litfhtnp the country. And Hans crawled out of his bed, gathered his pants iu his hand, and started for the fireplace to dress by its warmth. Just as he raised is right leg to thrust it down into his pants, his gaze rested upon the lion. For about half a minute he didn't say nythiug, but his eyeB bulged out like sea crab s. He then gave a shout Inch was enough to waken the dead. and nearly lifted the roof from the cabiu. It lifted the liou, who with a howl of fright spraug out of the window, Mr. Williams giving him a parting salute as he went o t. The state of their appetites and the high prices of food rendered it necessary that they should economize; therefore, they ate a light breakfast. The repast ended they went out to look for their night s guest. The snow on tho oround was marked with blood, and they had no difficulty iu tracing him. In a short time he was overtaken, whereupon each opened fire ud the lion "shed out his life sweetly there." He was a monster in size.woigh iug 617.pounds. Duties 'of a Mother.' v ' She should be firm, gentle, kind, al ways ready to attend to her child. She should never . laugh at him at what he does that is cunning never allow him to think of Lis looks, except to be beat and olean in all Lis Labits. She should teach him to obey a look to respeot those older than himself ) she should never make a command without seeing that it is performed in the right manner. Never speak of the child's faults or foibles, or repeat his remarks bofore him. It is a sure way to spoil a child. Never reprove a child when excited, nor let your tone of voice be raised when correcting. Strive to inspire love, not dread respect, not fear. Remember you are training and educating a soul for eternity. Teach your children to wait upon themselves, to put away a thing when done with it. But do not forget that you were once a child. trt TAKVY C'ARPM, TRtvlM,wlthNm,10c. 3 Address J. B. Huitro. Hasssti. Benes Qo-.N-Y. A HUNTS WANTBO. Great Indooements. Send forOlrcnlar. R, ATWATKR, PlanlSTllle. gonn lOO FOR BAI.R In Dal. Md., Vs., end Pa. Band tor catalogue. J. POI.K, WllmlagtonPal. JOI.I.Y. The TAttTmkM. Bend stamp for sample to VAKKtB PpnusHlNO Up , htonlpgton, Oonn.. Booka F.inhanirad. Famish all oaw. Want old. Wrlta. Namatbla papeT. Amerloan book Bxobapya, N, Y. AQTTTWA and Catarrh Bore Onro. Trial free. A 11 IU A Addreaa W.K.Ballla.Indlanapolla.hid. C19 day at home. A Rent wanted. Ontflt and toraii 'c!n. Addreaa TKUB A ()().. Anirnata, Maine. 5 in $?fl adar at home. Sample worth Wl ten I 9l III tU f. STINKON A OO.. Portl.nrt. M. Tobacco Mania. Wherever it is grown aud, indeed, iu regions where it cannot be raised, when once introduced, a morbid craviug for it is engendered so imperative that per sons oueo nuder its influence will go without food soner than be deprived of tobacco. It is dreadful sufferiug to which those addicted to an immoderate use of it avesubjected in prisons, where, as felons, they cannot have it. Sailors ut sea, without tobacco, become reckless and are indifferent as to their fate. So uuiversal is its use at the present day, no expectation need be entertained of limiting it consumption or driving it out of any oountry. It accompanies civilization as some other customs of savage life follow the refinements of so ciety. Thus earrings, millions of dollars being thus suspended to the ears of Christian women, is sanctioned barbar ism. But they could not be persuaded to abandon them, nor will men of intel lect ever relinquish tobaooo, even if by doing so their lives would be lengthened to one hundred years. His Boy's Question, The other day a Detrciter who has a good record of army servioe took down his revolver to shoot a cat whioh had been hanging around the house. After looking at him while he fired six shots the cat walked away. While he was loading up for more destruction, Lis boy inquired : " Father, did you ever kill any one while you were in the army f " " I suppose so, my son." After a long pause the boy continued: "Then you must have got near enough to Lit -'em with an ax, didn't you ?" It was then discovered to be about sohool time. That piece uv property out yonder thar j my opinion is that it's good enough for ye wouldn't be likely to take on him in ' you if you are. You have no "call " to mo otner room tho old man but it's mighty precious property to me, mister. It's all I've got, too. I buried our little one thar, aud I reckon you won't take the real 'state on the old' man." There was nothing more that appeared humorous in the friend, and those who had listened to him at first with a jeer relapsed into silence. Taking Care of Yisitors. The Philadelphians.who have made up their minds thut the Quaker dictionary does not contain any such word as fail, says a correspondent, have been steadily preparing for the great influx of visitors whom they are certain will arrive. Houses can be rented without the stranger going down upon his knees and , offering the whole contents of his pocket book and his wife's jewelry case. Rooms , can be secured at the middling and minor hotels at reasonably fair rates. nor will there be any determination to extort the same prices as are demanded at the first class houses. The Philadel phians see that they have to popularize their big show, and that it will not run on wheels without considerable shoving behind. The consequence is that in all probability there will be no want of cheap accommodation, as there is now a cer tainty of cheap railway traveling. There will be, as there should, a gradation of accommodation and prices, so that those who desire to economize will have the opportunity. And tho storekeepers are resolved to be prudent, and not to fluy their customers as was done at Vienna, so that the present is a golden oppor tunity for those who would like to keep house in the city of homes during the exhibition season. There is no difficulty in renting houses, aud it is conceded ou all Lands that there will be little rise in the price of supplies. gamble, and fchould Lold your moral in tegrity as strongly when traveling as when iu your own family. Uut all men don 't do this, and therefore many of them lose not only their self respect but their money. 1 saw one. man who lost every dollar he had in tho world by betting at " monte" just after we left Chicago. The passengers, in pity, made up a purse to provide, for him until he reached an i rancisco. uu the same train a young French boy was " monte rd " out of forty dollars and it is just so "with every train that goes over the road. But the Bection of road worst in fested by gamblers is near Battle moun tain. Here keep your eyes widest open for sharpers, and above all, look out for " hin Jim, the monte king, A Western Zephyr. ' A terrific wind storm in Kern county, Cal., destroyed some thirty-five thou sand sheep. It seemed a storm of gravel, sand and stones, the latter driven with force enough to beat the animal to death. A wagon was capsized ana ueany. torn to pieces by the wind, and men on horseback left the animals and came into camp with their faces bruised so as to nearly oloso their eyes, Thousands of sheep were driven into narrow gulohes and finally covered with sand literally buried alive. On the Sun Emidio cattle driven into the beds of the streams were in some places buried completely out of sight. The grass, which had grown to good feed was taken out by the roots and piled np in .waves aiong tne piainsr - 'The mob which is now traveling through the country under the name of the Indiana editors," is what the Indian apolis Hentinel calls them. The Excise Law. The wife of Henry Squires has sued the hotel keeper of Grantham, N. H., for $3,000, alleging that he sold her hus band liquor on the twenty-seventh of December, 1875, " and at divers other times," thereby causing his death. The excise law in New York and other States is also capable o! this kind of punish ment for Boiling liquor to. drunken hus bands or wives, or to minors, or to any person after complaint has been made. More than this, the seller is not bnly liable in damages for the mischief he does, but the landlord is made responsi ble, aiso, tor renting ms store or dwell ing to persons against whom complaint is made. A Box op GnocEniES Fkee to every subscriber is what the publishers of The Housekeeper offer in onr advertising col umns. Messrs. Wingate k Co. will do just what they promise. It is the best chance for agents ever offered, as no good housekeeper who sees the box would fail to subscribe, liead the advertisement. A Remarkable Professional Success. Among the notable professional men of this oountry who have achieved extraordinary suc cess ib Dr. B. V. Pieroe, of Buffalo, N. Y. The prominence which be ban attained bag been readied through strictly legitimate means, and bo far, therefore, be deBerveB the enviable reputation which bo enjoys. Tbi( large meas ure of success is the result of a thorough aud careful preparation for bis calling, and exten sive reading during a long and unusually large practice, whioh have enabled him to gain bigb commendation, even from bis professional Dretuien. Devoting nis attention to certain specialties of the so'ence be has so carefully lnvosiigatea, ne Has Deen rewarded In a re markable degree. In these specialties be has become a recognized leader. Not a few of the remedies prescribed by him have, it is said, been adopted and prescribed by physicians in their private practice. His pamphlets and larger works have been received as nseful contributions to medical knowledge. He has recently added another, and perhaps more im portant work, because of more general appli cation, to the list of his published writings This book, entitled "Ihe People's Common Sense Medical Adviser," is designed to enter into general circulation. Dr. Pierce has ro coived acknowledgments and bouora from many sources, and espociallv scienti4o degrees from two of the first medical institutions in tno and. Jftwourt (St. Louis') Jiepublican, Pimples on the face, rough skin. chipped hauds, saltrhcum aud all cutaneous uffcotions cured, the skin made soft and smooth, by the use of Juniper Tab, Boap. That made by Caswell, Hazard & Co.. New York, is tho only kiod that can be relied on, as there are many imitations, made from common tar, wnicn are worcniess. oom. YHTANTKn V T UtU&r than Oold. AIJKNTK. A, Samvt&a and Ontflt frM OOULTKH CO., Ohlcago. The nnhll.h.m of the HOI !M .K K Kl'HI-A Hr. tJtua Monthly Magntin recommended bf Jennl Jnn. Alar? 1j. hooiu, IT. w. vr. asii, iiinpi rmon uu Hflri Will, On receipt ni me Btiuscnytiun prica vi U'H Hail. I, AHN. deliver to each utiRcrlbfrt'i near est nation, iwt of the MiMlmlpnl Hlver, HIKHi on of their PUKMIUiH MUXES," containing th following artlolea, Tlx : OuVe of B. Morian'e Ron' Supollo Pries 10o Onke of K. Morgan'! Sona' Hand Sapollo Packus K lb. 1 nrjiea'a Hatln Olosa Starch. Pnckafr H Ib.-Duryrft's Corn Starch Hox Htihy'a near, madam Knt Rlxhv'a Ftench Hlulnr . Package llion' Stove Pollah. Dixon Amerloan u (T 4 ftsttQCrioi'iliy. Si-nd for rhromoCaU'.ioyts 4 iJ nmVJ, 11. ttvFroBD'g Sons, B or ton, Must. after decree. J. II. UONKLtN, Box 505. Clnc'nnnll. T1VIR'KS loiallr obtained for Incomnatlbllltv J W etc Realdenoe not required. No nnbltoltr. FVe 1;1T1 ad f( TV! P. O. Box 1037t Chicago. T"IVOIt'F.Sleallr and qoletlr obtained for Incom. A w pftliuiuiy. e-c.l iwaiaonce nnneceeaai decree. A. UOODKIUIi, Package H lb.- nut, Box U lb. Roi nl Baking Powder Bottle Royal Uelery Salt Cake Jesae Oakley 4 Oo ' King Soap. , . . Packaarn v. l omitn uo. b uruaowa rruufi Wheat , Boille Sranldlnn'a Prepared Cine, with Kmph Box j. Tuylor'a Urld Mf dnl Warning i.'ryBliil.. J-T- , -w . . An ... Totm .".v:: XX And HOL WtKlvlU'KK. one year, postpaid. 3 00 fAUIt AOENTS nre mnklnai from 85 to w per dty. Partlcnlara and Uutnt aent free. Ireaa KinillALL, HKU9., Aubnrn, Maine. T 'N 'aJWieiJ loineirrr 'vnyTri T 'ONP o? JumoiJO lol dnnrja of' -joao PPOM 'Can J'oo n,oq ' toi na iaa y YOU BET MniUrY f"''' rapWt with Stencil and Key (Jheck III U II t. I outfit. Oataloa-uea and full partlcnlara FRFR. S. M. Hl'KNOKB, 34 7 Washington St., Boaton fa KANtJY lUIXKD CARDS, with Name, ir Kl ot. Zu Acaualntance oarda. no narr lO ots , past-paid. L. JUNES A OO., Hassan, N. V fJTCNTM V A NTKO. Twenty xl I Mounted Olir m,ia for ml. l.arRott assortment in the World, Continental (Jbhomo Co., 37 Masaaa St., New York tflOEn A Month. Agent Wanted. B4 best sell. ujOiJl lg articles In the world. One sample free. . ,-, W M " IlllllVriV 1 1 I Minn CANCER Ciirns KxtrftorrlluarTl No Knlfn or Hick- tiess. PhyBlotani ami afflicted call or nni for i-ftferrniffe nd pn.rHonlr to Dr. KXINK.W31 Aroh 8t..Phl.ad'a,Pa. A iHlnlntiire Oil Pnlmlnp; on Canvai which will il, ne yoar own lit ken rm, lrne, who Tne Home VWeMv. erit : Mnntds on trial fnt 25 ct. Money to Agents. I.. T. LUTIIEU, Mill VUlnffe, Kris On., Pa. Onft AmitM Wnnteil. Greatm In- tlMF-.WWW linnftmnntM nvnr offnrnd. Terms. ample 7imd Outfit free. Band 2 cM. to pay for post- age ana pAcKinfr. u. is. bahhukh, priatoi, n. 11, PEVEIT BROT Nw At) An Ilufftlo Bill KtvolTtr y&mJJ for t-T. FCLL ffl'TIft Pt-Tl. PAtilfeVllr rnrntti. TlltlltTlted UftUIopu. Fan. Addr.il WESTERN UIX UKK3. CMIOaoo, IU. REVOLVERS III $77 OPIUM S250 r" PKR WKKR OUARANTRFDto Aaren'.B, mne ana remain, in rneir own locality, lernw ana uu i i'ir rKCK. Atiareus P. O. VCfJKKRY A CO., An grist. Maine. and i'lnrphlne ! In bit abwlntaly and onaniiy onrna. ramiens; no pnn'umy, nim Buimr) mr parti cm are. ur. UATiL TOK, 1 HI Washington (St., OhlcaffO.lM, A MONTH AnenU wanted 9tt? where. Business honorable and elf art. Particulars sont free. Addrat WORTH A (JO., Rt. Louis. Mo. Ocralromnnlf. Chromes, SteM FneravlnRfl, Photo frraphe. Scrap-book Plot tires, Mottoes ,eto. Kleeant aamplesand catalogue sent post-paid for lOcts. Agent Wanted. J. u Patten & Co.,lG!2 William t.,NewSork. LininotonAB thousands of Urea and property saved by li-fortunef particulars tree. u. jvi, Bno., New York A Ohiotgo, ittOK A43KNTS Sell Detroit Free Press Man's" AOO-paffe book. Outfit free; pay near, communion, ana an Ttfignt cnari?e5. H. U. 8. TVLKH A CO., Pub's., Detroit. Mich, HOOK AUKNTS. MOODY nnd WAMiEY.-Tbe onl; original, authentic, end complete rrcori of these men and their work. Bricar of fmHnfiona. .send ror circular to AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., Hartford. Ct. Ivins' Patent Hair Crimpers. Adonted by all the Ouensof Kaahl'.n.Nnndforelrenla' K. I VLNS. No. 2 WW North Fifth St., Philadelphln.Fa, m m inn iv-iti!inii rnrrnnninnrvi i Ui fSoul Charming, Mesmerism, and Lovers' FtiNcfnatlon Lovers Guide showing how either box mav fascinate and train the love Mr. affection of any person they choose Instantly, 400 Rffoa, By man our. Hunt a no., i;s . ?tn t.,rnua, AC ENTH WANT Fit I OK TIIR CreatCentennial History tm i hebh. liOw i-rice. wuick p:e. r.xira i bitiib. e. W. Zieoueb a On., 6 1 9 Arch St., Philadelphia. Pa. BOOK AUENTS. ilIAttli TWAIN'S NKW Book nut alls evervthluff. Don't worry about hard times. Sell this book and b6 hofr easy inf'v are. r"nn ior circmnr t j AMRRIMAN PUBMSH1NU CO , Hartford. Ot. :d .MYlt'l A (il 1.1. 'il'uHtri'N !. lieniW'e u, ul 1.U 1 r-ir I r.pitn?. '.:n.ii. LtTClltU k CO., Wii;lumburt'j, New Yonr Name Elegantly Print. ea on 13 Transparent visiting CARnft. for 35 Centa. Each oaraeontaini arena vhieh ta not visible until hfld towards tna light. WothlnnMikethemeverDeroreotTpredin America, illginauce msntato Agenta. Nuvkltt 1'lilNTiNa Co. Ashland. Alaaa. Railroad vs Singe Conch. Ou this point, Charles F. Adams, Jr.. obsorvus : In proportion to the whole number carried, the accidents to passen gers in " the good old days of stage c.oaolis were, as compared to the pres ent time of the railroad dispensation, abonyis sixty to oue. This result, it is true, cannot be verified in the experi ence either of England or of this coun try, lor neituer tho liugn.su nor we pos s( si8 any ntutistics iu relation to the ea.'lier period, but they have such sta tintics iu France, and very reliable they are also, stretching over a period of more than forty years. If these French I statistics held true of New England and considering the character of our roads, conveyances aud climate, their showing is more likely to be iu our favor than against us if they simply held true leaving us to assume that stage coach traveling was not less safe in Massachu setts than in France, then it would fol low that to make the dat.gers of the rail of the present dav eaual to those of the highway of half a century back, ' some eignty passengers should annually be killed aud some eleven hundred injured withiu the limits of Massachusetts alone. These figures, however, represent rather more than fifty times tho actual average, aud from them it would seem to be not unfair to conclude that, notwithstanding the great increase of population and the y"t greater increase of travel during the last half century, there were literally more persons killed and injured eaon year iu Massachusetts fifty years ago through accidents to stage couches than there are now through accidents1 to rail road trains. MM'.KtiVK' PULMONIC SYRUP, SKA W.KKU TONIC mill AIANOttAKIi PILLS, These deservedly celebrated aud popular modiolus. bare effected a revolution In the healing art, aud proved the faltaoy of several maxims which have for many year, obstructed the prog-reea of medical sclenoe. The false supposition that " Consumption Is Incurable " deterred physician, from attempting to find remedies for that disease, and patient, afflicted with It reconciled them selves to debth without malting an effort to esoape from a doom whioh thoy supposed to be unavoidable. It la now proved, however, that Consumption can b cured, aud that It At. heen oured in a very great number of cases (aaiue of tuem apparently deaperat. one.) by Schnck'. Pulmonic Syrup alone; and in other oases by the came medicine In connection with Schenck's Sea Weed Toulo and Mandrake Pills, one or both, aooord In to the acquirements of the oase. Or. Sobenck hiruse,f, who enjoyed uninterrupted good health for mote than forty year., waa auopoaei. at one time, to be at the very gate of death, his physicians hav ing pronounced his otse hopeless, and abandoned him to his fate. He wna cuted by the aforaHulu medicines, und, siuae bis recovery, many thousandebfmiluriy etreot- ea ORV-? us,a lr. schenck's preparations with th aa Kit-n-i few tntelllirant Ladlei an Vw In I C U Oent:meu to eol.clt or.Iers for Unpt. l.tluzier a new work, , Jr thti t,ion. Just the lok for ('entemiial time. All eip'inspt, ad. vnnced Ruf-micM required. OlISTIN, OILMAN A OO.. Hiirlf.,rd, Conn.; t Wcago, 111.; Oinclncatl. Ohio PRINTER'S ROLLERS Made from the Pitent ' f'xri'lMtnl-' Coin tifiHlf Ion will reoast, not ailectr-d by the weather; price, 30 cents per pouna. is usi-M in prtntinir 'nia paper. j; u. vttl.r.. Age. :n nn wt., rs. i. -nil white or tinted Bristol. 20 .ta. : fill nowilake, Marble, Rep, or Damask. 36 ote. ; 50 our name ueautnuiiy pnntea on rai,hltA Pencil Sohepp'. Dealccated Cocoa- 10 I 10 10 10 10 9o 16 II SK h lk MaVln. a total of 84 OU For a. above annouoc.d. Th.nH .hnv.nr.Mnrf r TI1K I HIMI, KSW VOKK I ITV ItkTAII. Pit 1 1 liH. and the good. are the best In their line A. we allow A44hN'J A I.AKMK CAfMk I nminlatilon, 1 O rnr. r... to make mony rapidly ana" neenre a permanent butlnesf. The N. V. Wtflilj Hint of .Inn. IUth,.I7, aayn t "The reader-of ilits paper who would like to uft more than the woth of the r money are referred to me uarenisfnient a " novel Idea." '1 tits 1. a Dew ue partnv." -,.d ne the parties will do all they claim we recommend all our reanera to perufle the same carefully. n i. or ine otei rnanete rnr aifrrrte evtr onerea. CHAM. F. WINHATR - CO. (limited). Publishers, OB Ddane St., New York. p. O. Box tUS. ntinijfn wjijf rm jjibi-i tan wri r'r'ljil J cimii, 1 1 II 1 1 1 II licit 7. Time short. Terras moderate III I II 111 lvOOO testlmontals. 5th year ot on "A AW! DarnlleltM. 8.ccpbs. Dwcitbe cms. Hr. F. 15. fti A Krtulncy, ftllrh. Selected French Burr Mill Stones Of all si 7pm, and unpcnnr worknmnphip. Portable tfilrlnlliijr Mill, upper or iinn'T runnei n, tor f nr lHfrrhftnt work. (Genuine Iftutrli An krr ItollliiirC lolli, mill Pirkft, Com HhHIers and Clettiiers, Gearing, Shaft. dat. 1'iillicH, Ilnngoni, etc.; all kiwi of Mill Machinery and 1-1 i Hera ftupplim. Henri for Vaniphlrt. Mroitb Willi 4'omiMiny. Hot 14 ISO. 4 lnclmmll, Ohio. V WILSON'S OOJtPOTTND 01 1 PURE COD LIVER OIL AND LIME. n-m.n9H .'.. F.tvi Bill ntiri I.lme.PerMnt who have beu Inking Ood Liver Oil will be pleased to learn that Dr. Wilbur hai succeeded, from dlreottona of several professional gentlemen. In combining the pur. oil and lime In such a manner that It la pleasant to the taste, au,l Its etlects In kuug uompimntB are irmy .uu, derful. Very many persoue whoee oases were prouonno ed hoieW, and who haa taken the olear oil (nr a loug time without mnrnea enect, nave neen mnreijuurr, i using thts preparation. Be sure and get the genuine. Slanuiaoturea oniy oy . o. Bobton. Nold by all druggists. IOO FAR.tlf KOR WALK In Del., Md., Va., and Pa. Send for oatalogue. J. FOLK, Wilmington, Del. SMITH ORGAN GO. Boston, Mmm ZJieee standard Inetrutnenta Sold by Music Dealers Everywhere. AgenU Wanted in Every Town. i throughout the United Btates on the INSTALLMENT FLAN Tba It on a System of Monthly Payment. -uroh users i honld ask for the Smith Amzbtca Ohg Oatalogue. and full partlonlar. on application A Gem worth Reading ! A Diamond worth Seeing 1AVE YOUR ETESJmSm-T JiJjOlLix.il your oxuiii, AttAl lum briAiiwua, ! reading onr IUuatra t' PHYSIOLOGY AND ANATOMY of the EYE SIGHT. Telia liow to Me- tT?SiW:v.i,' .? ci 1 m n. I vuion anil mYi.nV n "p iff Overworked Eye how to curs VVenlt. M atery, Inflamed, and Near-Slghted Eye., and all other DI.easea ot the Eyes. WASTE JVO MORE MOSEY Br AOJVSTFXQ TtVQB GLASSES O.V TOUR FOSE AND VISFIO URISQ YOUR FACE. Pamphlet of 100 paces illalled Free. Bend your address to uaaleo. ge C1ARU J KnoT runi'trLnMe Buoce&a. Full dhectlous cccompanj each, muklatr it not abso lutely necessary to perc-oDallv -a Dr. Scbeook ualeaa put lent ft wish their funffs emralned, aud for this pur pose i he la professionally at his principal ottica, Corner Kixth and Aroh Stiwt. Philadelphia, every Monday, where all letters for advice must be addressed. bcheuck'a medicines are sold by alt druggist. The Markets. NKW TO BE. Butl Cattle Pr iiiV.oEytraBuUocka Common to 6k m ieiaus. Milch Gown.. ..,.,- 4 Hogs Live. .., Dreeeea., Sheep JjHiabB (Jottou Middlings Flour Kxtra Vstru.,,,.. . ... HtuloKx'.i-a....,..., Whtat lied wtwteru, No. 3 ttpdug Bye State...,,, ... Larley Stat Barley Ma t.. .... Oats Mi-.ed Wwtcni (loin Mixed WeHtoiu ,. Uay, per owt.IMI,t,M,.,M, t . . , Straw, per cwt . . . nov-s....7o,ii-jfl, ..... vt,u. Pork Mtttfl,, ......,,.,,,,. ... JmikL i'iab iackit 1. No. I, nt-w.. .. No. 2, new Dry ijd.I jmr cw.,iMI Horriii'.', Hcaiod, per t-ox Pet r oleum Oi ud 3. . , , . a08y Wool Calif or 1. Iu r"ltHH;e., Texua , Atibtrahau ; Butter Ht ate Weatiin i'yiry.,.,,, Wetti it. Vt-'Iow...... WeU 1 n Oidlnary Ponn iviiiiia I'iue.,,,,,, .. Oheeae Stato Kictory State btiiiimod.aCt,. Wcat-.ru ........ ..... UUas, 4tl eta. ; wiUi yi Club-. Iie!t of work. W. U. CANNON, 4il Kneelnud them, ami U(i sain Dies of tVDe. aeeata' Drlcedlst. etc ssut by return mall on receipt of price. Discount to Street, H-istou. Refers to S. M. Pettenoill A Oo. Finely Printed JsrlHtol Vleltlnff Cnrda sent post-paid for 2ta. bend (lamp for aamidee of (InHS Cards, iinrble. Snow I hi Urn, Nci'olt, la utiialc. Kto. We have over 1 0( stylos. AfeHt Wantatl. A. 11. It'LLEB A Co., It rook tea. Mass 50 Tha cheaDP.t anit heat teed, in the market. eent stamps for llhi.trttrd catalogue, to se and cotnparv vt. tx. sruur4a.n. jsobioit. jsabb. Send tiro li Mr Illustrated Floral Crualotrun for 18X17 In now ri?.rty. Price lOC'cntB, less tlian half thecost. VlJXIA.; E. Bowpitou.WS Warren St., Boston, HaBS Mk l.V 00 (7 00 OH c 08 0.11. ( 1". 0'n- 07J, IS C4 13.' e oi nut a l ai ( 1 1 a 9i I 90 ( 1 8 ( u (4 C3 t 1 15 IB1I ( 00 JO lli l'.'V !M Oil vt21 0(1 18 00 i417 03 5 CO 6 I'O , V8 (4 '.' Refine 1 It . 30 (4 81 1.4 (4 (4 (4 (4 14 18 8 80 6 88 1 21 1 18 !0 flj 90 7 CI ea 70 ot .1 0' 90 2'l a is '.8 The Bill Poster's Trick. Home years ago a law was passed by the New York Legislature forbidding tlie defacement of every picturesque spot iu the State by the Goths aud Van dals who wished to advertise their wares aud nostrums. It was a source of great congratulation at the time, among the suffering dwellers on the Hudson river, for example, whose view- of the opposite Palisades was destroyed by the abomi nations painted all over them. But after a time it leaked out that the pas sage of the law had been obtained by the first pioneers of these very Goths and N andals, who, having carefully se cured ,'good places for their advertise ments, wished to prevent the institution from being overdone. ' A German engaged in collecting bones on the Kan sasPaoino railroad was attack ed by 'a small party of Indians, who made thirteen bullet holes in his hat and clothes without touching his Bkin. He kept up a steady fire from a sixteen- shooter while he walked five miles, never stopping but to load and fire. The Indians gave it up at last, supposing he bore a charmed life," while they carried away some of his lead in their bodies. Pilgrim names are dyiug out, and Massachusetts is sad. New England parents won t call their boys Moses and "Job," nor their girls "Prudence and " Charity," to please everybody. 07tf(4 01 (4 1 & ALBANY. fcKg" State.. Wheat 1 87 Bye State , 91 Corn Mixed 88 Barley Slate H Oats state 88 BUFFALO. Flour 8 CO Wheat No. 1 Spriug 1 8(1 Corn Mixed .... 60 Oats 87 Bye , (0 Barley 78 BALTIHOBXf. Cotton Low Middlings., 125(4 83 68 88 38 :o 17 bO 13V 07 12 33 THE CHICAGO LEDGER A 83 Paper for $1.50. It li as nood and larger than the New York Ledgtr, Alwaya an illustrated Serial btory. A new Btory com mences about Feb. 1, One year, postage paid, for Cl.ttO. baiuplea sent. Address TUB LKDGKR. Chicago, III T1TT nn P .H.N I I Mill I SAVE .'acts." a Treatlan nn thn Causes, History, Care and PreventlonorPlXES. Pub. llied by 1'. NKIKTAEI). TKK CO., 46 Walker Street. Wew Yors. Cent FKKR toall part, ofthe United state,, on receipt of a letter stamp. MONEY 3 1 SIX a si (4 61 ft ( (I 8 fO MS 1 S) (4 81 88 d 81 & I 01 Ky .ending 84.75 fur auy 04 Magazine and TUB WKl'.KI.Y TR1UUNR (regular prioe SO), or 1)5.75 for tli. Mitfiizine and TUB 8KMI WKEKLY TIU BUNK (regular price 98). Addres. TI1I!THIIJNE, JwJTork, CENTS should writs for Agency for near book by Jinn JtLiliza 3E5E Young UtJU awees. rail capoM oi in Birn- .III 0 tru fientlemen or Ladles. $5 to $10 a say naranteed. i uU particulars sent nree. w rite lmmeuiateiy, u DR.. J. BALL & CO.,cf.o.BoxB7.) No. 91 Liberty Street, Hew XotK uiry, . x. THE 33 EST SCHOOL MUSIC BOOKS! HIGH SCHOOL CHOIR! An admirably r,irn!.ed Bonk far Acudeinles, Semi naries, aud High .Schools. huDga ia ii, i aod 4 parts. CHOICE TRIOS ! Fur three Female volc- music for Stmlour.e.. ps Full of the best nl 8- I.Wi. American School Music Readers In throe T'.ook, It j otc, u() eta., and 50 cts. i'itie Kiadcd course :.r Primary tind (iruinmar Schools. All the pieced ins: w rks ar compilation of those tboroxigh teachers and coiiipoeerf, L. O, Kmehhon uad W. 8. CHEERFUL VOICES I A very popular collection of Bchool Songs. 50 eta. National Hymn and Tune Book ! (40 cts). Contains the Last collection of bacrecl IHoalo ett-a.it ft-r opening and closing aclioo!. We alf,o c.ill attention to those excellent collsctlo'i- j rcltiHl r'ongs : . ., " 41-ny ( hini'.'," "Golden Wreath," " Nlglitlngali ," end "CioMen It Mo," each o( cts.. to " Heeirs' riolfegglus," " Panseron'. A lit)," Perkln'a " lirvnt an," ' Hour o' Sinning," r.ll Tor Hie Hlglu r t-chools , Milton's (Iroat Music t;uai B, S, and Dr. ritreetor's Treatise on " Primary Kleuumts," UO cte. All boobs sent l,y mail, post-fret, for retail pries. OMVEK U1TNON iSc CO., BootoD. tllMM. II. I1TMN 1 1 1 Itroiulwuy, New Yorh. J. V. I1TM. .V CO., , , Succwiors to IjKK WAI.KKB. I'lillnilf Ipllln. Stlliiitf ut the rata of I ble y.tfia of Polygamy lu.tratrd Circular., with comph: ilre.1 nesreit oltlc. of Duatlnn Oilman ii Co.. Hantord, Ck.caicas., ia.,cinciuuu, 0. Flour Extra 8 78 VSTjeat Ked Westoru 1 81 Rye 8'J Corn Yellow 87 Oats Mixed..,,. 46 ( Petroleum 08 FHILACILPHti. Beef Cattle Extra 07 HUeep OSti) iioks iresiM:a l i (4 Flour Peuuwylvama ii,xtra 8 to Wheat Bed Western 1 07 Rye r6 Corn Yellow M tTtk Mixed , : HUta 13 8 78 g 1 ) (4 1-3 61 7 08 V 07 H 07 (A 6 80 ( 1 SO 88 88 88W Oats Mixed il g s3V Petroleum Crnde HJitsHl!' Beflned u WATKBTOWM, MASS. Beef Cattle Poor to Choice 8 00 t 80 Bheep t. 1 00 Q S 60 Lambs.,, MERIDEN Cutlery Co. Make all klcds of Table Knives and ForlvS. Exclusive makers of PATENT IVORY." most dursble WlilTK IIAMI.K known. Always oall lor " I'i una M ark" on the blade. H , Id by all dealers and by 81KKlOKNainXKRY CO., 49 Chambers ht., N. Y. TRICKS! HOW TO TAKK A JIAN VEMT Ff WITIIOITT lfKKVINti HIM COAT. Tola seemingly ridiculous a- d uo reasonable Trlok to tn be performed without cut Una, tearing, or In any way damaging the vest, or without removing either arm irom iu sieeves or me eoar.. i nim is no union." T New nnd Wnittitarl'iil Tilrksi with I ' n trH ta Not one in a thousand has seen these Tricks, but those who have aolcaowledKa them to be (he beat pert aimed with Cards. A Common Pmok of Cards is Used. Full and lraole epls nations for all the above Tflclta, Bent iv aiuii, posouaia, on receipt oi nrioa. luoti, TIIOIAW O'KAINE. lUO Whiihu it.t N. Y. IB Fearful the amount of mnnan thrown away in ao( buying s lines! uivtovtru uv MLVErt TFP. Parents, be wise ! Insist that your shoe dealer abonid keep them. AXso try Wire tiuitbd bul. a. The Atlantic Cable no it two worlds, but not so close or sure as the celebrated C A II Ia I hCHKW WIHK nnltea the sole to the upper ot Boots and bboea. They will not rip or leak. Also try Wire Quilted boiee. " SEWING MACHINES; Liberal Terml of T.r. chaiigefor Second-hand Machines of every des cription. - "DOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS. The But Patterns made. Send Sets, lor Catalogue. iAciizs DOMESTIC SEWING. MACHINE CO. Aeuis Waatso. "M, NW XOUH U J wmsm mmm HALF'S flCNEY OP HOREHOUNL And TaR ' ron THE CURB OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, IIoarsk vSebs, Difficult L'-athino, and alt. Affections of tiiis Thboat, Bbonciiial Tubes, and Lungs, leadikq to consumption. This Infallible remedy Is composed of ttii .Honey r tho plant llorchound, in ciiemicalir onwitu.TAi-BALM,extract-eol from ' ue Lifb Piunciflb of tho forest r a Abies Balsam ea, ot Balm ofGil A. 1" 4 Honey of llorchound soothes AF" BCATTEns all irritations and inflnm rxutions, and the Tar-3alm cleanses and heals tho throat and air-passages leading to the lungs. Frva additional ingredients keep the organs cool, moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre Judice keep you from trying this great medicine of a famous doctor, who has saved thoutt&nds of lives by it In hit large private practice. N. B.The Tar Balm has no ba. tasth or smell. . ' 1 rtaCES, 60 CENTS ANB f 1 PER BOTTLB. : , Great saving to buy large size. ' gold by all Druggists. ( ; Pikes Toothache Drops'' ?!T;-eln 1 minute. . N. Y. N. U. No. 6. VHKN WKIT1NU TO ADVEKTIMKK PleRseaaij thai jmu saw tha adverti sueat la tala waaar.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers