I at w KNvji "i I I il I I l I i o3 Henry At Parsons, Jr., THURSDAY, JAN. Ktliior. 27TII, 1870. Tiik ilonth of (lie widow of ex-Profd-dt'iit Johnson, , In nnnoiUH-i'd. She died on thfr night of the Kith Inst., nt the residence of her dnulitor, Mi's. Patterson", inflivenville, Tonn. 8hc had never recovered from the Hhoek occasioned hy the sudden death of her huslinnd. (iovernor Tilden has commuted the death sentence of Jjodcca Fredcnlmrg to imprisonment for life, mid has Htnvcd the trial of her son Albert. His action was owlui' to u confession of perjury hy an old witness named Marin'Pavis. "Washington, January 20. The Sen ate finance comniiUeeto-day agreed to renoit favorably on Senator Howe's bill for the appointment of a commis sion on the simied 01 me mcnouc liipior trallic, and to recommend its passage, with certain aminendinents, the most important being u reiiiirc ment that fermented liipiors and the manufacture of all kinds of limior shall be included anion? the subjects of the proposed inquiry. Washington, January 20. The sub committee of the House military com mittee will make an adverse report to the fn il committee upon the pro. do! it ion to reduce tlte numerical strength of t lie army, but will reccom luend consolidation of stall" olliccrs and their report relative to the con tinuance of colored regiments will be unfavorable. Tlie sub - committee makes no recommendation regarding the transfer of the Indian Bureau to the control of the War-Department The superintendent of the bullion department of Wells, Kar.L'o ic t'oV. J'.xnress report the production ot in precious metals in the States and Tcrrirorles west of the Missouri river dnvintr 1ST"), as amounting totlio vain i('Ssn,hS9.o;;7. beimr an excess of '?, JS7,!S2 over 1S71, the greatest previous annual yield in the history of the Pacific Coast. Nevada, (.'olorad Mexico Oregon, British Columbia, Montana, and Ai'iouia increased while California, Idaho, Utah am Washington .decreased in production during- the year. It is further said that present prospects indicate an ag- eiviiate yield of iH'.MUMKl.tiOil for lS7(i, of which Nevada will doubtless produce .-,11,000,000. Altoona, January 20. The State Convention of Poor Directors con tinued in session throughout the day. The principal business transacted was the preparation of a bill in relation to the tramp nuisance and intended for its suppression. The bill now before the State Senate was taken as the basis for the action of the convention. The bill was referred to a committee of thirteen delegate's, who, in con junction with tlW) State Board of wChariticF, are instructed to present it to the Legislature and urge its passage The next meeting of the convention will he held at Lancaster, September 19, 1S70. The gathering is considered very successful. Many oucstions of importance in the government of charitable institutions were discussed with ability and earnest ne.s. The proceedings' will be published in pam phlet form and distributed through the Slate. The convention adjourned this evening. General Soles. The pension appropriations this year amount to SU,7S3,500. American refineries arc now ing Canada with sugar. supply- A Reformed Episcopal church is to be established in Boston. Switzerland possesses 108 cotton miita, running 2,059,35C spindles. The real-estate sales in Chicago dur ing the past year foot up 653,000,000. Boston is going to introduce a new sewerage system at cost of 6, 500. 000. Gas in Brooklyn and New York will cost 32,75 per thousand feet after Feb ruary 1. Colonel T. B. Ellis offers to pay tho expenses of sending a regiment of Ar kansas Guards to the Centennial, Our leather exports to Europe but year served to keep stocks dowu and prevented a large declino in price. The receipts from taxes, in France, last year exceed the Budget by 17, 000,000. Brooklyn is to be divided into small pox districts with a physician in charge of each. A large number of Scandinavians have colonized near Falls City, Wash ington Territory Richmoud, Va., is growing steadily and solidily. It now claims a popula tion of 72,500. There ard 6trong indications heavy produco shipments from West during th3 next lew weeks. Tho New York station-houses of the arc crowded nightly by many who have been brought up in refined society. Regular trains are now rnnniug on the New York Elevated Railway from the Battery to Central Park. The receipts of the New York city street railroads sixteen in number, foot up over $8,000,000 for last year, A remarkable featuro of Mount Shasta, m California, is a collation of hot springs 200 feet below the sum mit. The Sing Sing Prison laundry ii in juring the washing business in New York city. Evert Ah sing can't com pete with Sing Sing. Fifteen jenrs ago the business oi Kansas City amounted in round num bers to 83,180,000. La.it year it ag gregated 8455,832,018. A petition signed by two hundred and sixty-five women of Fayette county has been forwarded lo the Legislature asking that the prohibitory law be not repealed. The Sharon Methodists lack only 51, 500 of enough to build a new 15,000 church. They are making a strenuous effort to raise the full amount with a view of commencing work in tho spring. Mayor Evans, of Reading, recom mends Councils to repeal the ordinance requiring the registration of dogs, for the reason that only about one-third of them are taxed, no attention being paid to the remainder. State Notes. An ax factory is being erected in Huntingdon. The question of a paid fire depart ment ia boing agitated in Meadville. The Clinton Mill, South Side, Pitts burg, resumed operations a day or two g. Governor Ilortranft sold a span of horses of big own raining the other day for 81,000. The Sliso Mill, on tlie South Side Pittsburg, started up six boiling furna ces during the week. A Carlisle man has been offered $5,- 000 for"l!otneo," the largest bullock in tho country. A Blair county deaf-mute killed a bear weighing two hund.-ed and twenty pounds with an ax last Sunday. The Rockhill Iron and Coa! Company Huntingdon, have a pay-roll of almost (00 hands- A small army. The sewing-machine works now in course of erection Hn Downingtown will bring over ono hundred families into that borough. The first railway in China is about to be built. In the Minnesota Legislature all the members were bom out of the State, In the Maine Legislature all but four teen were borne in the State.. An order has been issued by tbo Pennsylvania Railroad Company for fifteen "consolidated'' engines to be commenced at tho Altoona shops at once. Tho new furnace at Orbisonia, Hunt ingdon couuty, is doing much better than was expected. She will not reach her full capacity for several weeks yet. There is a decided feeling growing in favor of the removal, or rather ot the building, of a new prison to serve the wants of Chester county. Among a crowd of men committed to jail for vagarancy in Reading was one who a few years ago filled a profes sor's chair in one of tho leading col leges ol New England. Those Hamilton Corsets at P & K's are the most durable, and the cheapest in market. Over Coats? from 85 to 25 a large and splendid stock. Step in and get cn at P. & K's. Rostcd coffee a genuine article, at P. & K's. Summer Clothing, for those Boys and children, Linen, Alapaca and sum mer Cashmcr at P & K's Give i lie Aunocate cilice a call for bill head, letter-heads, cards, shipping tags, and if you are going to get married leavo us an order for your cards New goods, every day in the year except Sundays and legal ho!idaS at the great mammoth Grand Central Stoie of P. & K's. No bragging around. Call for whatyou want. A complete stock of ladies misses and chi'.drens slices, light, medium and heavy at P. & K's. Now is the time to buy. AlpicM e'aeaper thaa ever b.for known at P. ii K's. 8th. Hats and Caps a complete assortment at P. & K's. Hunting Rubbers! with and without heels, a large lot at P. & K's. All other kinds of rubber boots and shoes. Coodfish boneless and skinless. Also some of the old fashioned in lull dress, at J. &, K's. "King Bee" and many others kinds of chewing tobacco. Also smoking of all the popular brands at P. & K's. Those new style prints, at P & K's are the general talk of the town. Go aud see them. Paper collars the nobbiest! with turn down corners also the good old Byron style at P. & K's. A full stock of fresh Family groceries, such as Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Rice, Syrups, Spices, 11. B' Powder, Baking, and Sweet Chocolate, and every thing in that liuo, at P, & K's. A general stock of winter clothing, at very low prices at P. & K's. If you want a bag of feed, or a bushel of potatoes or a barrel or sack of bour or even a small sack of Graham flour, it will pay you to step into P & K's fur it If you want any bl'ched or Jbrowo muslins, irom to 10-4 wide any quali.'y, ga to head quarters, Powell & LCima's and select to your taste. PAY AS YOU GO. If you pay for goods when you buy them, you will never be troubled with the nigt-raare of debt, your sleep will be sweet your dreams pleasant, and your wifo and children will greet you with a smile in the morning. Go to Powell & Kime's model store with your cash, get more than its value and go homo satisfied. They have adopted the cash system, and say it is working charm ingly. Wedding and Mouroiug outliig for la dies at MAY & SILVERMANN'S, opposite th co&rt house, Williamsport, Pa. CHEAP! CHEAP! CUE AIM Soods marked down to astonith the world. Call and see us. MAY & S1LVEK. MANN, Williausport, Pa. Millinery goods, hair switches, jewelry, fancy eoods, notions, ladies & hildrens cloaks, chesses & undergarments: Whole sale & Ketail at MAY & SILVERMANN'S eppesite the court house, Wilhamsport, Pa MADAM UEMOREST PATTERNS. We are agents for madam demoreit pat terns, catalouges free, send for one, pat terns sent by mail. MAY & SILVER 11 ANN'S Williamsport Pa. 1876.1 CENTE1TKI ALYEAE. THE riTTSBURQ DAILY DISPATCH. A Paper for the People The Leading Journal of Western Penn sylvania, and Ono of the Largest, " Liveliest, Cheapest and Rest Newspapers in tho United States. FURNISHED IN CLURS OF TEN AT SIX DOLLARS A YKAU AND POSTAGE PREPAID- Every One Should Subscribe For It. Those of our readers who desire ft good c!tv Dailv should, by all means, subsoribe for the J'ittsburgh Dispatch, a Large, Live Independent Paper, always lorcmost m oD taininr and furnishing the Latest News, and, beyond question one of tho most readable, reliable and entertaining Daily journals published in the United btatos. The Dispatch will enter upon its Thirty First vcar on the 8th of Februury, when it will appear in new typo now being cast for it. and otherwise improved in all its de partments. It is the largest pater in the State, publishing from thirty-six to forty columus of matter daily, as the exigencies of the occasion requires, and giving the latest news by mail and telegraph from all quart rs of the globe, including the fullest and most reliable Commercial and Finan cial Reports, home and foreign; full and reliable Cattle Market and Oil Uepcrts; daily report of current events in the oity, including Court News, Police Reports, and General City intelligence; Personal l'oliti calrnd Society News, with carefully diges ted Editorial Comments upon all the more important topics of the day Special Torres nondeuc. from various points of interest, Original Pcctry, Etc., Etc. Whether for ihe Merchant, the Manufacturer, lhe Pro. essional man, the Farmer or the Family, ihn Ditnatch will be a most valuable and reliable journal, and as such we can cheer fully commend it to the reading public. The beBt evidence of the popularity of the JJispatch ie the fact it is read by all classes, regardless of Country, Creed or Politics, andeniovs a circulation more than double that of an.v panel' in the State outside of Philadelphia. TERMS Hy mail lo single subscribers, pealagc prepaid, $8,00, per annum in clubs of 10 $0,00. Served by agents or carriers to single subscribers at Id cents per wcok. Postmasters are authorised to receive s.n crl Ruhcribers at SO 00 each. Send for a speciman copy. THE WEEKLY DISPATCH One of the Choicest,; Cheapest Beet Family Newspapers PublUbd. and Every One Should Subscribe for it. Tho ruuburgh 'SYtckly JJispatch, like the Daily, is printed from clear new type, and is one of the choicest, as well as ono of the cheapest Family papers published. It is a large folio sheet, containing th'.rty-Bix col umns of matter, embracing all the more im portant news of the week, carefully collatod and condensed aud omitline nothing essen tial to a general knowledge oi every thing of interest transpiring tiirougnout gtne country- Indeed, as a newspaper, it is not surpassed by any suniliar publication in America; while the caro with which its selections are made and their great variety render it a most d.sirable journal for the family a journal replete with interesting reading, and one that cannot fail to please. The Commercial, Financial and Oil Reports oftne H ee My .Dispatch are made up with great care, and ar. always full aud reliable, while to its Cattle Market reports equal at tention is given. The Weekly JJispatch is furnished to single subscribers at $1 50 a year, or in clubs of ten at $1 00, with a paper gratis to the party getting up the club, li is tho cheapest paper in America, its size and the amount of reading matter it gives considered, and every family should have it. Address, O'NEILL & ROOK. Publishers Daily aud Weekly Dispatch, Fifth avenue. Pittsburgh, Pa. Vick's Flower & Vegetable seeds. are the best the world produces. They are planted by a million people in America, and the result is, beautiful Flowers and splendid Vegetables. A Priced Catalogue sent free to all who enclose the postage a 2 cent stamp. Vick's Flower & Vegetable Garden is the most beautiful work of the kind in the world. It contains nearly 150 pages, hundreds, of fine illustrations, and four Chromo flatci of Flowers, beautifully drawn and celored from nature- Price o- ce nt in paper covers; 65 cents. bound in slogan oloth. Vick's Floral Guide This is a beautiful Quarterly Journal, finely illustrated, and containing an elegant colored Frontispiece with the first number. Price only 25 cents for the year. The first number for 1867 just issued. Address J AM it a VICK, Kech.ster, M. Y. Private Tuition. Pupils wantisg to receive instruction in Greek or Latin, or desiring to prepare for Uuliege can u&vv oppuriuuuj mi uuiug bu by applying te the Rector of Grace Church. Ho having made the necessary arrange' meats will be glad to receive a limited number of young ladies and gentlemen for instruction. For information as to terms &o apply to REV WM. JAS. MILLER, A. M Ridgway, Pa, Aug 19,8m ' tOOOD WORK. A Startling Cause of Debility and Siok- ness fully explained in a large octavo Trea tise by Dr. O. PHELPS 13ROWN, 21 Grand Btreet, Jersey uiy, . J. t-vt-tin man AND WO.tlAN who is ailing in any way should send ana get a copy at once, as it is sent free, prepaid by mail. Address the author, as above. v5u38yl 1876. THE WEEKLY SUN. 1778. NEW YORK. 17. Eighteen hundred and eevenly-six is the Centennial year. It is also the year in whioh an Opposition House of Representa tives, the first since the war, will be in powei at Washington; and the year of the twenty-third election of a President of the United States. AH or these events are sure to be of great interest and importance, especially the two latter, and all of them and everything conneoted with them will be tuny and freely reported ana expounded in THE SUN. Tho Opposition House of Representatives taking up the line of inquiry opened years ago by THE SUN will sternly and dilli- cently investigate the corruptions and mis deeds of Grant's administration, and will it is to bo hoped, lay the foundation for a new and better period in our national his tory Of all this THE SUN will contain complete and accurate accounts rurnismng its readers with early and trustworthy in. lormation upon these absorbing topics The twenty-tbird Presidential election, with the preparations for it, will be mem orable as deciding upon Grant's aspira, Hons for a third term of power and plun der, and still more as deciding who snail be the candidate of the party of Reform, and as elected that candidate Concerning all these subjects, those who read THE STN will have the constant means of being thoroughly well informed. lhe Weiklt SvN.which has attained a cir. culation of over eighty thousand copies ai re ad has its readers in every State and Ter ritory, and we trust that the year 187G will see their numbers doubled. It will con tinue to be a thorough newspaper. All the g.aeral news of fie day will be found in it, condensed whet unimportant at full length when ofjmoment, and always, wa trust treated in a cletr interesting and in structive manner It is our aim to mtke the Wieklt Sun the best, family newspaper in the world, and we shall continui to give in its col umns a large amount of miscellaneous read ing such as stories tatos, poems, scientific intelligence and agricultural information for which we are not able to make room in our daily columns. Vhe agricultural de partment especially ia one of the promi nent features The fashions are also regu larly reported in its ctlumns; and so are tho markets of every k!nd. The Weekl'y Sun, eight pages with fifty six broad columns is only $1,20 a year.poa tage prepaid. As the price barely repays the cost of the paper, no discount can be mode from this rate to clubs, agents, Post masterB, or anyone Tho Daily Sun, a large four page news. paper of twenty-eight coltmns gives all the news for two cents a copy. Subscription, postage prepaid 65o a month or $0,50 a jcar. Sunday edition extra $1.00 per year n e have no traveling agents Address XitJS SUN, New lorn city Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R'y On and after November 28th. 1875, and until further notice, trains will leave Buffalo from the Buffalo, New YorV & Philadelphia ttailroaa Depot, corner exchange and Louisiana streets, (BuffaloUme) as follows: 7:3U A. H., .MAll, (dail; except Sun days) sloping at Ebeneier 7:55 Spring brook 8:05 Elma 8:11 Jamison's 8:17 Aurora 8:23 Wales 8:34, Upland 8:44 Pro tectien 8:54 Arcade 9:05 iforkshire 9:12 Machias 9:19 Franklinville 9.37 Ischua 9:55 Hinsdale 10:10 Erie Railway 10:24 Ulean 10:35 Weston's 10:43 PortviHe 10:50 State Line 10:58 Eldred 11:11 larabee's 11:20 Sartwell 11:25 Turtle Point 11:30 Tort Al icgeny 11:42 Libeity 12-.0S P. M. Keating 12.09 Shippen 12:2b mpoK.um 12:4U r. H OouueciiuK ai Oleuu with Erie Ry. for local points west, and for the 0:1 Territory, arriv ing at Limestone at 1:0 and Bradford at l:2u P. at Larubee s witn tlie McKean & Buffalo R. R., and a Emporium with the P. a E. R. R. for loial points west to Erie. 8:05 A. M., ACCOMXODATION, (daily except Sundays! sloppiig at Ebenezer at 8:50, Spring Brook 9:15, Elma 9:35, Jnmi son's 9:47, Aurora 10:0 Wales 10:40 Hoi land 11:10 Protestion H3a Arcade 12:10 P. M.. Yorkshire 12:3) JJachias 12:ol Franklinville 1:35 Isclnn 2:25 Hinsdale 3:02 Erie Railway 4;05feau 4:15 P. M. 4:00 P. M., EAfKEBS, (Uaily erccpt Sundavs) stopping at Ebeneier i:z6 Spring Brook 4:33 Elna 4:38 Jamison's 4:43 Aurora 4:48 Walel 5:00 Holland 5:10 Protection 5:20 Arcade 4:33 Yorkshire 6;40 Machias 5:50, Franklinrille 6:06 Ischua 0:25 Hinsdale 6:39 Erie Kailway 6:55 Olean 7:10, Weston's 7:18, Pjrtville 7:25, State Line 7:32, Eldred 7:43, Larabee's 7:52 Sartwell 7-57, Turtle loint 8:02, Port Al legany 8:14, Liberty S;d2, Koaung :4U Shippen 9:00, Emporiun 9:15 P. M. Con necting at Larabee's with McKean & Buf falo R. R. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORI TJM. 4:00 A. M.. EXPRESS, fdaily cwopt Sundays) stopping at Shippen 4:15, Keat ing 4;34, Liberty 4:42, Port Allegmy 5:01, Turtle Point 5:13 Sartwell 5:18, Larabee's 5:24, Eldred 6:32, State Line 5:45, Port ville 5:52. Weston's 6.00, Olean 6:21, Erie Railway 6:23, Hinsdale 6:37, Ischua 6:52, Franklinville 7.09 Madias 7:25, Yorkshire 7:33, Arcade, 7:40, Piotection 7:53, Hol land 8:03, Wales 8.11. Aurora 8:23, Jami- Bon's8:29 Elma 8;34, Spring Brook 8:40, Ebenezer 8:50, Buffalt 9.15 A. M. Connect ing at Larabee's with the MoKcan & Butialo R. R. 1:40 P. M.. MAIL, (daily except Son- days) stopping at Shippen 1:55 Keating 2:15 Liberty 2:23, Port Allegany 2:43 T.,wl Pniitt 9..rr SirLwell 3:00. Larabee's 3:07, Eldred 3:15, Plate Line 3:30, Port ville 3:liH, Weston's iS;o, uiean .uo,r.rie Railway 4 05, HinBdale 4 21. iscnua sb, Franklinville 4 68. Machias 6 15 Yorkshire 5 25 Arcade 6 33 Protectiou 5 47 Holland 5 68 Wales 6 08 Aurora S 20 Jamison's 6 27 Elma 6 31 Spring Brook 6 36 tbeueier 6 45 Buffalo 7 10 P. M. Connecting at Olean with Erie Railway from Limestone aud Bradford. TRAILS LEAVE OLEAN 6 40 A. M.. ACCOMMODATION, stopp ing at Erie Railway 6 60 Hinsdale i 20 Ischua 7 60, trankUnvuie o vj macniue 9 27 Yorkshire 9 50 Arcade 10 10 Protection 10 49 Holland 11 10 Wales 11 36 Aurora 12 07 P. M. Jamison's 12 24 Elma 12 36 Spring Book 12 60 Ebeneier 1 15 Buffalo 2 OOF. M. SUNDAY TRAIN LEAVES Bur t ALU 9 00 A. M., stopping at Ebeneier U 22 SDrinir Brook 9 81 Elma 9 87 Jamison's 9 48 Aurora 9 47 A M. SUNDAY TRAIN LEAVES AURORA 6 42P M.. slopping at Jamison's 6 4a, Elm 6 63 Horinir Brook 6 68 Ebeneier 6 06 Buffalo 6 30 P. M. J. D. YEOMAN S. II. L. LYMAN, Gtnl. 8w t. G ' r A dviutiii.no: Cuiap. Uood, sjvstiha tio. All persons who contemplate making contracts with newspapers for the insertion of advertisements, should send J5 cents to Geo P. Kowell $ Co., 41 Park Bow, Hew York, for their 1'AMrilLKT BOOK ninety-seventh edition,) containing hats of over 2UUO newspapers anu eum- tes, showing the cost Advertisements taken for leading papers in many States at a termendaua redustiea frees publishers taaa. east Mil & v M 4J If TOBTXTORK. We are now prepared O TV to doall kindsof JOU WUHK, bnveleDes. Tans. Bill-heads, Letterheads neatly and cheaply executed. Ofiiee in Thayer & Hagerty'i av building, Uaia era Xidgvay, Fa. THE ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE ONLY REPUBLICAN PAPER IN ELK COUNTY. Office ia Thayer & Hagerty'a Block, RIDGWAY, PA. SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE. TERMS TWO DOLLARS A TEAR. tssA GIVE US A CALL FOR JOB WORK ! CARDS, TAGS, ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEAS, BILL HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, JkC. ORDERS BT MAIL PROMPTLT ATTENDED TO AMraM, TUB ADTOCATI, aUtoa fe On CHEAPEST AND BESTlm PETERSOITSMAGAZINE rOSTAQl m-FAID OK ALL SUBSCRIP TIONS. 07" Evert tultcribtr for 1876 will be qretented with a mperb, large-tiztd iteel engraving of TrumbulVt celebrated pic ture of " The Signing of the Declara tion of Independence." Thit trill be "iVferson's" Centennial Gift.t "Peterson'a Magazine" contains, every year, 1000 pages, 14 steel plates, iz colored lierlin patterns, VI mam moth colored fashion plates, 24 pages of music, and 900 wood outs. Great improvement will be made in 1876. Among them will be a series of illustrated articles on the Great Exhibi. Hon at Philadelphia, whioh will alone bo worth the subscription price. They will appropriately called. TEX CENTENNIAL IN PEN AND PENCIL1 The immense circulation of "Peter- . . . a eon enables its proprietor to spend more money on establishments, stories, &0., &o., than any other. Il give more for the mon-ey than any in the world. Its. THRILLING TALES AND NOVEL- ETTE3 Are the best published anywhere. All the most popular writer are employed to write originally for "relerton. In 187b, in addition to the usual quantity of short stories, FIVE ORIGINAL COPYRIGHT NOVELETTES will be given, by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, Frank Lee Benedict, Mrs. F. II. Burnett, and others. ITammoth Colored Fashion Plates Ahead of all others. These plates ate engraved on steel, twice the tjsoal size, and are unequalcd for beauty They will be superbly colored. Also, Household and other receipts; in snort everything interesting to ladies. N, li. A the publisher now pre paifS the postage to all mail subscriber, "i'eterson ' is cheaper than ever; in fact IS THE CHEAPEST IN THE WORLD TERMS (Always In AdVanc)S2.00 A YEAR. 2 Copies forS3,60 3 Copies ,80 With a copy of the premium mezzotint (21x26) "Christmas Morning," a five dollar engraving, to the person get tins; up the Club. 4 Copies for SB, 80 7 Copies for 11, CO. With an extra copy of the Maga tine for 1876, as a premium, to the person getting up the Club. B Copies for $8,50 8 Copies for 12.BO 12 Copies for 18.00. With both an extra copy of the Magazine for 187G, and the premium mezzotint, afivt dtllar engravxng, te the person getting up the Club Address, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, 30S Chestnut St.. Phlladelohla. Pa. MrSpccimens sent gratis if written for. tmf A iTnt tarni ail adnrtlse mm mi.f M limt, W witt laMpnt mm eUM. tmmm MlM i K. II. FOOTE, mt rUi Im Tilk, H4Wal Common stoma. i mt law. M.. ISO LJKOunon Annua (oor. h IMail, rv Tor, imtmoMwi en fanx ot Uogtring or Chroma as nrtm Mten fewn all part of the ST 0rlmm?m f ndetfai a Medical Fra U k. 4. f illi MM mumtsm mtiwiU In uads, m la mry put mt lb Value BMa. WO MEBCVBIAL . Ha haa. durin Mm pi raM raaaa, kMata MaaaiarauT naaiiy or uita I aua AB Saota oanacta wita aaea . 1 1 iitl. wfcaahar tfcar ba ooaunajuoatad bf lataat ar ta mmttm, at iiSnnit fey tho Daotar or hla Tno lallir mo au anaowao K0W tVTAUM AT A BIKAVCa aTaU4i a a tiatanna an rasnSro4 r a Mat mt aaaam mtmUmmm, wkieh atlaita arerf whul ama lavana amsara. am immm I tmrtmUg oanjMaruMI. a eempkno aaavaata Biiatakaa or onnroolna. I of m ol i aana troo, am appUaattaa, to any pan mt oka works. alrtr-MO paaipuat al imiiim mm evooaoai aiao aaaw ri aa " oaoao Moaumaaiaai aa. fcooi okoaa wfco bar kaoa analil oy Mil oa azpraaa t Una m oa bi suoa isaa oi eauaaa. ajajar odaoaaj e B. E. Bi FOOTE, . If Lotlagtea Ave., . T. aWl tin Aoorw. iTLTTV " saw loax. . lanh teale level and Pile Pills, Thar pOaar aa lnt.SM fooaody to eonetlpattea oott aBaa. oaaaa of n S i nan ac mpproaalaa ol tao paiin iif - at tho oawila, Thayfrary toatly Caaaaao ho oaTty ol tho ktBuSual eoaal, prodnoo a ataata aaS rottore pUaa at oao. Taooawiaj ho - mtU aa - Priaa SO oaata. aaat by mall on ol prloa. TrtmmrmA only by . AUTRBQ KalOataJRDT, PaaaMAOUT, 4 WOVKM AvaJKa Maw IQ COT. Br. Boraor's Compound Plaid Xxtraet at Btknbarb aad Saaielion. Tha ha iljnMni ol anroly vofotoblo audlolBa la oaateotr roptaao CWootal or Bloo P1U. It atiataUta tho Una. In ai lam th flow ol Mia. and thaa rauunraa a aai aaaaidiur al tha uror. bUioaaaaao and habitual I a iMaaam oad tho eiimiai axiaiut from auah aa liimiiaa. otok haadaaha, aaoolauaa, ato. TfcooSoa. " mt Oala Ixtroat will ba preTOd. VlalMy. at ta tho patioal, bo aao or two ooKleo in aumoiantta otaar tho aanvaiaxloa kaaoolfaily, aad taiaoTo aim aiao Mud aoioa oaaaad oy Utot tauablao. rrioo SI par haoiia. aiiiat, a I wis ba oast oa raoaipt of tho priaa aa aav BddraoB. Iroo ol oharao. tPraparad oqIt bp r. AXJPaan aaicaABDT, rajuiAcvi, vsaiovaie aTBonra. in lasm. vm. Bakers Sweet Chocolate at POWELL & KIME'S, Young man if you want to add rreatly to your appearance go at once to POWELL & KIME'S Grand Cen tral Store, and get youself a new white linen bosom shirt. You can get'a good fitting whit olean ihirt for $1.25 and Irea that up. Bites of Advertising. One eelumn, one year....... ...$75 00 t. ... u w An nn I" ' " ................... 25 00 " " 16 00 Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser I lions. $1.60, three insertions, $2. Business cards, ten lines or less, per year $6. i - . . ... SlrvuitBHii payaeie e,iriariy. mmm SSa NEW LIVERY STABLB IN ftlDGlVAV. DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO IM form the Cittieos of Ridgway, and the publio generally, that he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGIS Buggies, to let upon the eit reaaaee ble terms. SQfc.IIe will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Male All orders left at the Post Ofiee will bhI prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. The Weekly Sun. A large eight-page independent, heaaat and fearless newspaperef 68 broad colonist, especially aesignea lor the farmer, the me, chanio, the merchant and the Professional man, and their wives and children. We aim to make the Wisklt Sou the best family newspaper in the world. Il ie full of entertaining and instructive reading ef every sort, but prints nothing to offend tbt most scrupulous and delicate taste. Prioe $1,20 per year, postage prepaid. The cheapest paper published. Try it- Address Tbi Sen, New York City. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Ji- P Vincent. Assooiate Judges Chas. Lnkr, J T Houk. District Attorney J. K. P, Hall. Sheriff D. Scull. Frothonotary do., Fred. Schcenlng. Treasurer Joseph Windfelder. County Superintendent Geo. R. Dixen. Commissioners Michael Weidert, Julius Jones, Geo. Ed. Weis. Auditors Thomas Irwin N. O. Buady, County Surveyor Geo Wilmsley. Jury Commissi mers. Phillip Kreigble Ransom T. Kyler. FOR SALE BT E.E. GRE8H, Masonio Hall Building, Ridgway, Pa. VAN VLECK'S CELEBRATED PATEMT SPRING BED BEST tempered steel tpriag wire, these springe can be laid ea tke lats of any common bed and arc COMPLETE IN THEMSELVES I Also agent lor Weed Sewing Machine, Easiest Running, Most Durable, and BKIT MACHINE in the market. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. v4aI6tO$, JF YOU WANT TO BUT GOODS CHEAP - - TO JAMES II- HAGERTT Main Street, Ridgway, Ps. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Largs Stesk ef Groceries ani Provlsloni. The BEST BRANDS oi FLOUR Constantly on hand, and sold at aheap aa the CHEAPEST. JAMES H. HAGERTT. SEEDS -MTU PL.AMTB. C. C. The True Cape Cod Cranberry, C. best sort tor Upland, Lowland, ar Garden, by mail prepaid, SI per 100, 16 per l,UUt. All the Hew, Choice Straw berries and Peaches. A priced Cata logue of these and all Fruits, Ornamen tal Trees Evergreens, Shrubs, Bulbs; Roses, Plants, &c., and FRESH FLOWER & GARDEN SEEDS, the choicest collection ia the country, with all novelties, will be sent gratia to any plain address, zd sorts ot either D lower, Gardenj Tree, Fruit, Evergreen, of ilerb seeds, for $1,00, sent by mail. prepaid. WHOLESALE CAT A LOGUE TO THE TRADE. Aeenta Wanted. B. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nur series and Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Mass, .established 18-iZ. T, THE CITIZENS OP PENNBTL VAN I A Your attention is specially invited to the faot that the National Banks are now preparsd to reoeive eubscriptioas to the Capital Stook ot the Centennial Board of Finance. The fands realised froua this souree are to be employed in the eree tion of the buildings for the Internationa Exhibition, and the expenses conneote4 with the same. It is .confidently believes) that the Keystone State will be represents by the name of every citizen alive to patrl. otio commemoration or tne one nundredlh birth-day of the nation. The shares stock are offered for $10 each, and euh scribers will receive a handsome ' engraved Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing ana preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate or six per eent. cor annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Stock from date of payment ta January 1, 1870. Subscribers who are not.neai a Natieaa Bank can remit a cheek or poet efiee order to the undersigned. riuin'a r HALEY, Treasurer, 801 Walnut St., Philadelphia Appletonb American Cyclopipij. that the revised, and elegantly illu trated edition ot tbia work, now being published, a volume of 800 page ones in two months, u the belt Cy eloped 5' America, ia certain. No library is sea plete without it. It ia a complete oaa in itself. It only costs $S month I get it in leather binding. The bast at4 cbeapeit library in the world. fHHrws Q.t. JUea, ftaaai-,l.T.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers