MM. HI Uinrv A. Parsons, Jr. . Editor THURSDAY. DEOBMBER 23 1376. The Deinouratio leaders have loudly proclaimed for roaoy years that govern ment salaries ought to bo reduced one half. Tho party has just given places to about a hundred and fifty persons iD the liouie of representative, whose salaries range Iroui eight thousand a year to seven hundred and fifty dollars 'or the scseioD. We shall now seo how much honesty there was in their reform pretensions. Harrisburg, Dee. 13. Attorney Gene-il Lear is now fujly installed in his office, and is buily engaged in the active discharge of his official duties. It is understood in legal circles here that the appointment of Attorney Gen eral was made with the understanding that the appointee takes up his resi dence in Harrisburg, to be here con stantly at the call ot the Governor, like the Secretary of the Commonwealth, Adjutant General, Superintendent ol Public Instruction, and other officials. Since the time ot Mr Meredith, the Attorney Generals have not resided in Harrisburg. That distinguishe J gen tleman did not, during bis six years, absent himelt from his office more than two days at any time, but was as punctual in his office hours as any sub ordinate clerk. His immediate succes sors were tiot ns diligent, it being no unusual thing for Attorney Generals who followed him to be absent from the office for weeks some of them even months, leaving the business in the hands of the Deputy Attorney General It is now understood that Mr. Lear will reside permanently at Harrisburg, to be always near tl e executive departments, lor the counsel which all beads of de partments constantly require. Since the passage of the law, allowing five per cent on all collections made, the salary and tees of the Attorney General will aggregate from 89,000 to 812,000 per annum, nearly equal tothat of the Gov ernor of the Commonwealth, with no expenses attached in the way ot living It was evidently contemplated when the liberal fry was annexed to the office that the Attorney Genetal should reside at the capital. NEWS ITEMS. Ihe Lehigh and Delaware Division eaoals closed ou Saturday. The City of San Francisco ma le the trip bctwecu New York and Sau Frau- Cisco in sixty-twj days, the best time ou record. LiaKe navigation wa closed at Chicago last weeic, most of the vessel? destined lor that port having arrived or tied up somewhere else. The coiorod Methodist Kpi copal t.nurcrt lias uow tour bishops and mem teryhip o 200,000 in the Southern kdJ estein States. The manufacture of malt liquors in the United States has become nn enor mous industry, yielding the Govern ment an annual revenue of nearly tlO, 000,000. Wine has been so abundant in Hur cund? this vear that it the customer would bring two casks to the piess and leave one the owner would fill the other free. The total number of teachers in all the States aod Territories is 2.473.000 being nearly one toeveiy nine children in constant, attendance, ana ot the teach ers about one-half are women. The Khedive of Kgypt has recently . . 1 1 a .... estaousnea a nigti school tor women containing over two- thousand students, similiar in many respects to the normal colleges ot this country. A centenarian of Moulton, Iowa. Mr Singly, after thinking the matter ovei for 104 years, came to the conclusion last week that it was not pond tor man t live tangly, and so wedded- Mrs. Mc Laughlin, aged 80. The pearl fisheries of the Gulf of Cali fornia threaten to be entirely ruiued un less the government shuts down oo the wholesale uso of submarine armor LaM year they yielded about 8100,000' worth ot pearls and 5200,000 worth of hells. while this year's operations will hardly pay expenses. Mr James T. Fields visited Pcmerov, the boy murderer, in his jail recently r ana teurnea trow that he has been a great reader ol bloodand-thunder stories. He had read sixty dime novels, all about scalping and olher bloody per formances, and he hud no doubt these books had put the horrible thoughts into his mind which led to his murder ous acts. The New York Seventh are going to enlarge upon their bill of dress lor the Centennial year, and will adopt a new style ol dress hat for the officers and a nobby fatigue uniform for the enlisted men. The bat will have the new style of round visor, and will be surrmoumed with a plume instead of a pompon. The fatigue-blouse for the men will be ol white Catioel and the caps of white linen. There are thirty thousand tons of iron ore ready for shippient at the mines of the Philadelphia aud Reading Coal and Iron Company, at Sieshotiz vill, Heiks county. The mines have suspended operations in accordance with the order receutly received tr;m headquarters. The . mines had been kept aieadily io operation since 1.873 and ao immense quantity of ore had I tup mined dorirg the last, three year. Tza Boss. . CAN TrUS BE TRU R RUMORS THAT WM. IWRID IB HIDING IN KOHTII WK6TERN PtCNNSVLVANIA A 8KN tsATIONAt, ITEM OF NEWS PRO BABt.Y A CAR1ARD. The Titusville Courier of last week publishes the following sensatio lal item. There is probably not a word ol truth in the matter, but being hard up for an item ol news we publish it: There are many theories put forward as to the hidiug place ol Tweed. Some think he is in Canada; others that he is well on the way to Europe, and sinte profess to balicve that ho is still in New York city, hiding among soma of his trusty, friends. Another theory, is now advanced, and that is that he is in Northwestern Pennsylvania. It is now a well known fact, that two detectives arrived in this city on Saturday night last, from New York. The nature ot their business was discovered by acci dent. It is now thought by par, its in New York city that he left there for Philadelphia when he escaped, that ou his arrival at the latter city he was taken on tho night train over the Penn sylvania Northern Central and I'hil.dcl phia and Erie roads to Irviocton, and from thence went with a party of bis Iriends into the interior of Forest county, where a secure hiding place has been fouud for him or one that it. thought to be secure by his friends. It is one of the wildest and most inac cessible regions o! the state. It is said that Tweed is accompanied iu his re tirement by a band ol faithful adherents who will piss themselves off upon such inhabitants as they chance to come in contract with as hunters or land specu lators. The two dectives mentioned above, left here on Monday Inst, pro ceeded across tho Country to Tionrsta They will hero meet another party I roni New Yoik. and proceed on a jour ney of discovery into the wilds of Forest county. Wheeling, W. u , Deceinui'r IS. For several years the people of Marion ii nd Put man counties in this State, have been subject to the depredut'n n of a re uulurlv organized band of rubbers, who styled themselves the "Friends JJroth ers" or "Red L:gs" and who hid their headquarters in the mountains six miiex from W infield, the county scat ot Put man. Last week a citizen introduced himself to the band, pledged fidelity to the cause, and procured evidence ol th-'ir complicity in a large number of robberies and crimes. This iuiormation was communicated to the citizens ot WmGeld, who or ganized a rompany and started in pure suit ol rubbers, nineteen ol whom were cip'ured and lodged in ja'l. The enptain aud several of the band escaped, but arc )eing puru?d. Buffalo, 'ew York & Philadelphia R'y On and after November 2Rib. 1875. ncd until fur, her notice, trains will leave Kiitr'nlo troin the Buffalo. New Yoik & Philadelphia Knili'ca'l Depot, corner Errluinue and streets. ( l-iifiab. time! is lol!ow: 7:31) A.M., 'MAIL, (daily except Sun days) sloping at Lb-nezer 7:6." Spring brook CMo Klina 8:11 Jamison's fc:17 Aurnra 8-21 Wales 8:04. Holland 8:44 Pro lection 8:54 Arcdn V:Qj Yorkshire t: 1 2 Machius 0:19 Frankiinville 0:o7 Isch.ia P:o.j Hindiile 10:10 trie Kail way 10:24 Oleun 10:35 Weston's 10:1" Ponvide 10:50 Stale l.iue 10:."8 United 11:11 Larabee's 11:20 Savtwell 11:2.) Turtle P .iu 1 ::;o I crt Al iegeny 11:42 liheily 12:02 1. M. Keating 12.09 Sbippen 12:6 Empoiiuui 12:40 1. M Connecting at Oleun with l.i ie Ity tor local points west, a id for lite Oil Territory, arriv inir at Limestone at 1:03 and Bradford at l:2o P. M ; at Limine. 's with the McKeun Ai buffalo K. 1!., aud at Emporium with Ihe P. . R. It. for local points west to A. M., ACCOMMODATION', (flait.v except Sundays', stopping at Ebenczer at 8:50, Spring llrook l':15. Klma U.-35. Jiiiui snu'a 9:4", Aurora 10:05 Wales 10:40 Hl. land 11:10 Protej'ion 1135 Arcude 12:10 l M., Yorkshire 12:30 Vachias 12:51 Frankiinville 1:35 Iscltua '2:25 Hinsdale 3:U2 Erie Kailwiiy 4:05Ole.u 4:15 P. M. 4:00 P. M, EXrKESS, (daily except Sundays) stopping at Ehenner 4:2,-1. Spring Brook 4Mi Elma 4:38 Jati.ij.gii ,. 4:43 Aurora 4:48 Wales 5:00 Holland 5:10 Protection 5:20 Arcade 5:33 Yorkshire 5;4U Muchias 5:50. riitiikliiiviile 6:06 Isohua 11:25 hintdale ti:39 Erie fciailwiiy ti:55 Olean 7:10, Weston'j 7:18, Ponville 7:25, Ktaie i.ine 7:32. Eld red 7:45. Larabee's 7:52 ."urlwell 7-57, Turtle i'oiut 8:02, Port Al legany 8:14. Liburty 8;32. Keating 8:4jj Slnppen 9:00 Emporium 9:15 I. M. Con necting at tarabee's with McKcan & Buf falo It. K. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM. 4:00 A. M , KXPKEnK, (dai'y except Sundays) slot ping at Shippen 4:15. t,et ing 4.34, J.ibcrty 4:42. Port AHcguiy 5:01. 1 urtle Point 5:13 S iriwell 5:18, l.arabee b 5:24, Eldied 5:32. rilale Line 5:45, l'oii. ville 5:52. H'eslun'a ti.uo. Olean 6:21, Erie Knilv?ay 6:23, Hinsdale 6:37. Ischua 6:52, Fr.inklioville 7.09 Xnclpas 7:25. Ynvkehii e 7:33. Arcude, 7:40. Protection 7:53. Hol land 8:03, W ales 8.11, Aurora 8:23. Jami sou's 8:29 Kiiua 8;34. Fpring Brook 8:40. Ebenczer 8:50, Buffalo 9-15 A. M. Connect ing at Larabee's with the McKeaa & Buffalo It. R, 1:40 P. M., MAIL. (dily exeept Mm day) stopping at tShippeu 1:55 Keating 2:15 Liberty 2:23. Port Allegany 2:43 Turtle Point 2:9' Sartwel' 8:00. Larabee's 3:07. Eldred 3:lo, State Line 8:30. Port villo 8:38. Weston's 3;45, Olean 4.03.rie Railway 4 05 lliudale 4 21. Ischua 4 38, FrokliBTille 4 68, Vachias 5 15 Yorkshire 5 25 Arcade 5 33 Proteetiou 6 47 Hollnud 6 68 . ales 6 08 An 'ora ft 20 Jamison's 6 27 Elma C 81 Spring Brook 6 36 Ebei eier 6 45 Buffalo 7 10 P. M. Connecting at CMean with Erie Ua.lway from Limestone aud Bradford. 1RAISS LEAVE OLEAN 6 40 A. M., ACCOM MOD . ION, stopp. ing at Erie Bailwiiy 6 60 Hinsdale 7 20 ibcliua 7 60, Frankiinville 8 40 Machias 9 27 Yorkshire 9 60 Arnade 10 10 Protect.on 10 49 Holland 11 10 Wales 11 Aurora 12 07 P. M. Jamison's 12 24 Elu.a 12 85 Spring Bouk 12 50 fcbeoeter 1 15 Buffalo 2 00 P. M. fcUNDAY TRAIN LEAVES BUFFALO 9 00 A. M., stopping at Ehenezrr 9 i2 Kp:tng Brook 9 81 tlnia 9 87 Jaa.ison' 9 48 Aurora 9 47 A M. fcUNDAY TRAIN LEAVF8 AURORA 6 42P M stoppiuir at Jamison's 5 48. Flma 5 53 Brook 5 68 Ebenezer 6 OU Buffalo 6 30 P. M. J. V. YEOMAKS, U. L. LYMAN. Gtn'L Suft. Gin' I ut'r Agi. Ayerti Cathartic Pills, For the relief and enre of nil ilcrsnRe menu In the stom ach, liver, and bow els. They are a mild aperient, and aft eicollent purgative. Being purely veire tnlile, Uiey contain no merenrv or mine ral whatever. Much, sertoii sickness and Buffering l prevent ed hy their limrly line) and every family should have them on hand fur their protection and relief, when renutrcd. lyong experience has proved them to he ihe faf cut, surent, and lie-l of nil tho l'tll with which tho market nhnund. Ily their occasional use, tho liloocl in pitriileil, the corrnptlons of the nyt te:n expellnil, olmtrnctlom removed, and the whole machinery of life reMorcd to (is healthy ctivltv. Internal organ whh'lt lircomp cloayefl and slunirlah are cleansed liy Aurr' yw, ami stimulated Into action. Tlnm incipient ilien la changed Into health, the value of hlch change, WliiUi reckoned on the vant ninlllluiles who enjoy It, can hanlly he computed. Their sugar eoatltig makes them pleanant to take, and prcxervcx their virtue iinimpalreil for any length of time, to that thev are ever freh, and i lectly rclialile. AlUinugh nearclilng, they arc mild, and operate, j ilhoiit diaturhanuc to lhocoiiiitituOon,ordiet, or ivmiatlon. Fu II diiwtions nrc frlt;n on the wrapper to inch hox, how to n-e them is a Family l'hysle, tnd fur the following complnintH, which thrw hill raphllv cure : For l.vpit'Mtt or Inillirratlnn. I.lattvH Bru, Languor and I.omm of Aimrftce.thcy ihniild lie taken moihrately to Htiiiiitfate the Ktuni-s-h, and restore it healthy tone and action. For I.lvrr ( omiilalnt and Its various symp toms, Nillou llniluclir, stick llrinl. krke. Jiunillc- or tirro HlrknpM, Itll. Wn Colic and Bilious I'eirrs, Ihey shoulii 0c judiriouilv taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions whit li caue it. For IsTsrmerv ol niurrhrnf but- one iiM dne'is gcoerallv required. For Hhmmatlsia, out, rnirl, IhI- CltKtlnn of the llrarl, I'utn in tlie i4r, liurk and Loin, thev should be contin uously taken, as required, to chance the diM-aed action of the system. Willi such change Unite complaints disappear. For IrrT and Itropaltal Hnilllnfrl thev should be taken In large anil frequent ilorca to jiroditco Ihe effect of a drastic, purge. For MtpresloB, a large dose should be taken, as it produces Uio desired effect by sym pathy. As a ysjrr nil, take one or two 7'lf to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose, stimuintes the stomach and bowels, restores Ihe appetite, anil Inviiroratcs the tvftem. Hence it la often ndvantageou where no serious derangament exists. One who feels tc.lprablv well, often finds that a dose of these I iUt makes him feel decidedly better, from their eleansh g and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. rilRPARED BY Vr. J. C. A TFR Jt CO., rraetieal CUtmUtt, LOWELL, MASS., V. B. A. roa sale by alx DBi'ooiaTS Evnai hes C'r Time at ilitlgtcaij. Mail East do West ffenovo Accom Eatt Kane do Weat Local East pado West 4:45 2 25 9:25 8:20 P: M. P. M A. M P. M. 5: 10 P. M 8;20 A. M oarry The Mail and Through Local asengera, the local doea rot. QUOTA IMON'S White, Powell L Co" BANKERS AD bliOKEKd, No. 42 tcuth Third Street. Philadelphia, Dec. Milt, 1370. BID. ASKKIl V. 8. 1881. e 124J 1-5 do 5 20, c '02, M and J 1 io do do '04 do 115 do do '6- do 110 11GJ do do '05 J aud J 120 jj 120 do do '07 do 1.3 123 do do '08 do 122J 10-40, do coupon 1I7 .-8 do Pncitio ti g cy Int. off 122jj i.S New 5'b Heg. 1881 117 i.7 " C. Ib81 1174 "J Gold 1I4J 114i Silver 107 lo'J Peunsyivauia 51 5ij beading 55 fi;, I'hihidelphia & Erie 1'J J 9 g Lehigh Nuvigation -I'J 4',i do Valley 62 Oi'i United It U of N J 134 135 Oil Creek 1(1 1(1 Noriiierii Central 33 33j I'eutral Traa.-porlaiion 40 40 Neip:iehuniug 65 65 C A .Mortgage 0'a '8!) 104 105 ADVEETISINQ MSEIY-EIGIITII EDITION. Containing a complei list f all tha tewna in the United Siatei, the Territoriei aad the Doruioioo of Ciuada, having a popula tion gieaier lhau 5,000 according to the last census, together with the names of ihe newspapers Lating the largest lecal ctrcu lat;ou id each uf the places named. Alsu, a catalogue 0. newspapers winch are re commended to advertisers as giving great. est value in proportion to prices churged. Aluo, all newspapers in the L'uiled feiaies and Canada printing over 5,000 copies each issue. Also, all the Iteligicus, Agri cultural. Scientific and Mechanical, .Medi cal, Masjuie; Juveoiie, Euucalional, C0111-b-ercial, Insurance, Rel Estat. Law, Sporting. Musical, Fathion, aad other special class joui La's; very complete ,ists. together witn a complete list of over 200 Cierinaa papers priuied in tha Uuiied dates. Also, ao essay upon advertisiug: many tables of isles, shuwi'ig the cost of advertising in various newspapers, and everything which a beginner 10 advertis ing would like to knw Address GEO- P. ROWELL CO.. 41 Park Bow, Kew York. A GOOD WORK. A Startling Cause of Debility aid Sick ncss fully explained in a large octavo Trivi life by Dr. O. PiltLPS DiOiVN. 21 Grand Sireet. Jersey Ciiy. N. J EVElli MMt .AND Wo.dAN who is ailing iu any way should vend and get a copy at once as it is set free, prepaid bj mail. Addre-tx the author, aa above. vou38yl SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ADVOCATE JOB T OB K We are now prepared Iff do all kiudsof JOB WuttK, buvelepea. Tags Bill-lieude, Letter beads neatly and cheaply executed.- Offiee in Thayer & Hagerty'i uew building, Mail itroet Bidgwsy, pa. THE WEEKLY bUN. 1776. NEW YORK. 1878. Eighteen hundred and seventy six Is the Centennial year. It Is also the yjr in which an Opposition House of Hepresenla fives, the hi ft nines llm war, will bo in powei at Washington! and tho year of the twctity-thli d election ef a President of the L'niied States. All of these evtnls are sine to he of great interest and importance especially ihe two bitter, and all of them and everything connected with them will be fully and freely reported and expounded in THE SUN. The Opposition House of Representatives Inking up the line of inquiry opened years ago by THE SUN will sternly and dilli gvntly investigate Ihe corruptions and mis deeds of Or 4 nt's administration, and will it is to be hoped, lay tho fiiiindalinn for a new and better period in our national his tory Of all this THE SL'N will contain complete and accurate nccounls furnishing its readers with early and triistwnr.hy in. lormaiion upon these absorbing tonics. The twenty-third Presidential election, with the preparations for il, will bo mem jruble as deciding upon Giiant's sspirn. linns for a third term of power nnd plun der, anil still n.ore as deciding who tlii.ll be the candidate of tho p irty of Kefnr.n, and as elected tlmi candidate Concerning all these subjects, those who read THE STN will have the constant means of being thoroughly well informed. The Ht.r.aLT Sun, which has attained a cir. culatiou ol over eighty thousand copies al tead has iis renders in every Wine and Icr- itory, and we trust that tlra year 1H70 will fcee their numbers doubled. Il will con tinue to be a thiriiigh newtpsper. All the general news of the day will be found iu it., condensed when enimportani at full length whin of moment, and always, wb trust treated iu 11 clear iultresliug aud in structive manner Ii is our aim to make the Wskhly Si'n the best t.iinily newspaper in the world, and we shall continue to give in ns col umns a large amoant of unscel.nucoiM read liig Mich as stories tales, poems, eeieutiti intelligence and agricultural information lor which we are not able to make room iu our daily columns. The agricultural de purtinent especially is one of the promi ncul tcftiiire The lashions ore aleo regu larly reported in its columns; and to ure Hie markets of every kind. The IVkkki.v Sum, eight pages wilii filty siz broad is only $1,20 a year.pus. luge piepuid. As the puce barely repays the cost of I he paper, 110 dmcnuui can be mode from lliis rate to cubs, ngctils, Post masters, or anyone. 'ihe Daily mm, a large four page news paper of twenty-eight Columns gives all tue news fur two ceuts a copy. Subscription, postnge prepaid 55o a month or $0,50 a joar. SiiKtiAV edition extra $).OiJ per ycur V have no traveling ngenis Address THE SUN, Mw lork City IT PAYS! ITPAYS! WHAT PAYS? It pays every Manufacturer, Merchant Mechanic, Inventor, Parmer or Profess muitl man, to keep informed 00 all the im provements and discoveries of the age. 1 1' PAYS tne head of every family 10 in troduce into his niusehold s news-paper that is instructive, oue that fosters a laste fur investigation, and promotes and en courage discussion among Ihe members. The Scientific American which has been published weekly for tho last th:riy years; dues this to 1111 extent be yond that ot any other publication, in tact it is the only weekly paper published in the United Siates, devoted to Munulaciu: es, Mechanics Inventions and New Discover ies 111 the Arts and Sciences Every Lumber is profusely illustrated and its contents embr ce ihe l.tiest uuu must interesting information pcriaiuiug to ihu industrial, .Mechanical and Sciem tic Progress of the World: Descriptions, with lieautiful Eng livings, ot New luvemiuus, New Implements, New Proettses aud no (loved industries of all kiuds; Useful Notes, Kecipe.i Suggestions mid advice, by Practical Writers, lor Workmen aud Em ployers, iu all ihe various arts, forming a complete repertory cf New Invention? and Discoveries; contuitiir.g a weekly recoid not only of the prigress of the Industrial Arts in our own country, bui, also of all New Disc veries and Juveulions in every branch of Engiueering .Meciauics, and Scieuce abroad THEfeUESTIFIC AMERICAN has been the foremost of all industrial publications for ihe past Thirty Years. It is the oldest largest, cheapest, and ihe best tvtekly Ill ustrated paper detoted to Engineering, Mechanics Chemistry, New Inventions, Science and Industrial Progicss, puolishel in the World The practical receipts are wci'. worth ten times tLe tubsciip.iuu puce. Aud lor ihe shop nnd house Will save luuny times the cost of subscription. Merchants, Knrmeis Mechanics. En gineers, iuvenlors, Manufacturers. Chem ists, Lovers of c-cieiit-e, and People 01 all Professions, will find the Suikntipiu Antita ican useful lo Ilium. It should have a place iu every Purnily, Library, otudy, Ollioe i nd Ccmitu g Room; in everv beuui.g Room, College aud hchool. A uew volume commence, o.niuary 1st lb 70. A year's iiuiuber voutatiis 832 pagrsaud StlVtKAL lll'MlUl.U Enukavimis. ihous uuils ol volumes ure preserved for binding and rcleieuce. Terms $3,20 a year by mail, including postage. Discount to V-iubs. circulars giving Club rates sent lice. Single copies mailed ou receipt ot 10 cents. May be hud of all News Dealers. JPjk L J. S " '-e c.euuno .lUiviniau. ..cs.s. Muuu ,V Co. are Solicitors ot American aud Fordign Patents aud have the Ipigest tslaniishini-ut 111 ihe World. .More liiau fitly tuuusand npplicaiion have bieu made for patents tijiough their agency. Patents ure obtami d on the best terms, Mode. s of New luvuliuua and SLetcne examiued aud free. A epeoiul notice is made in ihe Scieuutio American of all luveutiobt Pateuted through the Agency wnh the uauie and residence of the Patentee. Pateuts aru oileu sold in purl or whole, to persona a' it acted to the in vent iou by such notice, tend for Pamph let, containing fuildirecliotis for obtaining Patent. A buuud volume Cuu.aiuiug 11 e Patent Laws, Census of tue U. S., aud 142 Engravings of niechauicul luovemcuis. Price 25 tenia. Address lor the Paper, or concerning Patent MUNN & CO. 37 Park Row, New York. Branch Olliee, Cor F. & 7ih Ma., Wa.hiugtou, D. C. APvibt:iiko: Cucap. Good, Svstema Tiq.aII nei-fanim vim rilit.mtiliilA making eoutraci wnk uewsparers for the 111D61UVU vi auvci ikseiueui, duvuiu seuu 25 cents te Geo p. Rowtll $ 1 0., 41 Park Row. haw i.rk rr tliKiv PAMPUI.I 'f BOOK ninety-seventh edition,) containing lists of over 2000 newspapers and estima tes, showing the cost Advertisements ' iur leaning papers 10 many oiaies at termendout reduction I mm publisher kU. Git tsi Been. no 48 tf ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE ONLY RKPUVMCAX VAVKli IN ELK COUNTY. Offico In Thj8? llagertj's Ulock, RIDGWAY, l'A. SUIiSCUIBE, SUI3SC1UBI3, SUHSCR1DE, SU13SCIUKE T1.:RM3 TWO DOLLARS A YEAR GIVE US A CALL FOR JOB. WORK ! CARDS, TAGS, ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HE AS, BILL HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, kC. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AaJrcu, THE ADVOCATE, RW7, fit P- MTVUbAI-EfiV AAD JifiSTlt PETERSOFSM AGAZINE POSTASS TEE-PAID ON ALL 8U3CSI? TlOS. (r7"AVrn Kuhacribir or 1876 will te qn tented iclfh a wprrft, hirye-tiizeit feel eniTuvvKj of Trumtiult't pit tare, of "The. Sitjninf of the Devlnrti. tintu of Independence. " Thi will be ' J'cterton'i" tutt'iiniul G'ijij&f "iVtrrnorfi Marntine." contains, every year, 1000 fiOf-cts 4 slnel plates, 12 coltirc) ltnrliti phttertu, 12 tnatn mot Ii culnrcd lu-Jiinfi platen, '1 pngc ol tntio, and iHJO wood cms. (! rent inijrovemr.iitn will b mtiAe in 1870. Atiintiir tlitr n will ho 1 penes ot illustratcil urticlcsnn the Great Exliibi ion nt Philadelphia, which will nlutm be worth the subscription price. 'Ihey will appropriately called. THS CEHIENITIAL U PEIT XXS PENCIL! '1 ho i in tin-nc ci'culiiiion ol "Peter aoti" enables its proprietor to fpend more tuouey on cital)lilitiieiits, sturicn, f-c., do , tlnm any olher. It yiicx more, fur the money tlnm tuy in tltv vjjrJ. Its. THRILLING TALES AND NOVEL KTTEs Are the hest published anywhere. All ihe. ".out jinpultir trrittrt ure tmjdoytl to write, ori'jinnlli for " ftersort " In 1 S 70, in addition to the u.-tiul qiin'itity nt hh.ii-t Morits. FIVE OHIGINAI. COI'YKIGIIT NOVELETTE-4 will he yivcn, bv Mra. Anu Stephen", Frank Leo lienedict, Mrs. F. 11. lJumett, and others ll&mmoth Colored FacWon Plates AllCud ol all Utlli.-IM. '1 II esc plates ae eiifriuved on steel, iwirii tiik i:si;ai. hl'.K, and are utir(iinli:-J lor beauty Tiny will be hupcibly colored. A Ho, Household and other receipt!; in fshort everyihion interest in-j to ladies Ar. Ji An the puhliahert now pre pni, th oxlie to nil moil, xubxuribrrx 1 elersoii" in Cll KAI'KIl THAN Kvtlt; til IttLt is 1 tl K CilEAl'l.ST IN liliS Wdltbb. TERMS Always (a AJVsnco 52.03 A YEAR. 2 Copias toi'93,eO 3 Copies 4,80 Willi a copy ot nut pieiiiiuui ii'i zz itlu: ilx20) "t'liititii mas Morning," a fivt. dollar enijrnviiuj, to the person get 1 in tr tin the 1 'lull. 4 Copias for $6,QQ 7 Copies for 11, OU. 1 itli an eiliiioipy ol me .Maga zine lor 1 87 Li. as a premium, to the peisun iteiiini tin the 'Mi.b 5 Copies for $8,50 8 Copios for 12 Copies lor 1B.OJ. nli IidUi all emiii c py f Hie Mug: line Tn: KiTD. aii l 1 11 c priiiiium inezuiin.. n ii- dollar tnyrarutij, lo I lie person u, the Club- AJdreps. post-pnifl. CHARLES J. FETF.RGON, 338 Chostnut St., Philadelphia, Pa, UW'ftpeuiiiieu., tent gnius it untteti lor. s-4 y-yT.'.r t-ylt'y Verges' C T?" A mir tdvrraiwr hat nol made nut ailvcrttse mmit h'.: . -"-h.-T dUtinot, wc wul interpret aca slab raM it u- t-4.e : it. pootn. sr.r., Antbir rrf 1-laiu Il.inie I nVi, Mpdiral Cyoimon fifn, fici -n- Wi etc... 190 LexinirMn Avnno (cor. a- ttti S-j-ertl, Nw y.irk, an Ismrrm.KNT PHTtfoim. iro.tii all forma ot Linanlut it Vhronte i)'i. atH rcT(-iven Icttcni Iroui all pant of the Civiut.vd Woatxv Bv Unorlf mil tMtv of enrit-.irtllit a Medical Prao tlc,' Iw U unee f-illy trenf fi' nnirermv-i imtirnti lit Klirr tiie Weal Indlea, Ifonillllon of Caiiata arid In every irt of ihe Vailed blau-a, NO ISIKIlCUXllAIj Ci dlab-rlui druB uneil. He has. durinr the past tveenty three year., treaietl uniwtufnlly iie.riy ur qutta 4J.IHW ea-e. All f4'-t citnnt-etrd wuh ench ca-e ure enrHf-illy rx'Orilrd. hettier they bu coin inu nicated ti latter or la per.-ia, or oli-ervrd liy tho l)jcur or his ae-uimte i,aiioiaue. The latter are all scientific medical tuea. EO'7 I5VALJ3S AT A DISTAIJCZ Ire trrttcd. All invnl rt at a distanto arc rrqntrrA inaiiflwar a l!t of plain qneelmi. which elicits t-vi-ry symiitooi under winch the Invalid .uJYt'lu. Alt corn miini&iUoii' ireiKeJ llrlcli, inu fl.ltiitlill. A ninililcU irddin ot reffiitermif r-venri niiRiaiie or cot. onion. J.inl ot q.ieHiiina neiit free, oil apiihciition, to any vt ot Ihe world Bixty pwo pamphlet of EvitiSNru ot ur.3a, alo sent tree. A'd incite tm-.iinititr.H ars tto.n ih'ie who have been treated by Tail and expreu, Aovijk i nrnca, oa a uvu raaa or cbabob. Call oa or addreae DR. E. B. POOTE, Ifa. 120 Lexington Ave., 1T.Y. JITmtrd to fell JJ' 'Fotiies Plain Home Talk and Aleticu Common. Sense: Alia J)r Tootes Science in Story. FerPirttkulars acidi-esa , lfarra')lilll,ublisliinC8)npanyl20ras,Z8n'?t. NEW THKK. Sr. Berjsr's Tonb Bovval and til Fills. Then pllitare an infallile remedy for aon:pntlon nd oile oaaen I by we.ikneae or mippreasi-.n of tlis periatillic motion of the bowels. They Tory gently tucreaie the activity of tha inf-i'-lniil ctinal, prv.dnos aott stool ani relieva pllea nt one. ThoiiMahdM havs been eured by t,heui. Price 6-1 rente, sent by inrtil on re-m'-it nr price. Prepared only Ii P. ALKKKD KlitOltAatlT. I'mRMACur, 404 Fooam Aviaui, Mr.w V'lua Citt. Dr. Bergir'2 Compound Fluid Extract ot Baubarb and Dandelion. Thnbevtoomoin itton of purely veifetahla inedlotnea to entirely replaoo Calomel or Blue Pid. It etlmaiates toe tivar, Incre iatM the Auw of bile, and thua removes at on- torpi lity of (he liver, bllouneei and lialitunt soi.tipatlon. an I the dieeaeee arieing- from such as dypejeia. nick head iche, flatulrnce, ete. The effeo tiveneai ot thie Extract will be proved, visibly, atouca to Ihe piticnt, at one or two hotile-i are nfllci-nt ti el ar the o3nt;iezton b-Motifnlly. and remove pimples and suing c iiiaad liy liver troubles Price SI per bottle. 6 bittUa, tt will be aent on receipt of the inica to anv eddreee. free of chnr;e. rn-)ared only by F. ALFRUI) KBICHAROT, 1'aauiacui, 40Sj"euial Avanos, haw 1'ona lint. Bakers Sweet Chocolata ut POWELL & KIME'S. Young marj if you want to add greatly to jour appearance go at once to PO WELL & KIME'S M rand Cen tral Store, and get jouself a new wlsjte Hoeo bosom shirt. You eon get a good fitting white cteaD shirt for 31,25 and Irom that up. . Tatet of .dve.'t'slntf. One column, one year ....$75 00 !" " 40 uu i " , '.'5 U0 15 0D Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.60, three insertions. i. business cards, ten lines or lest, per j ear 55. Advertisements pyU quarterly. v. JL1VK1.Y WTAUL.13 IN vwi j in ii m DAN SURlliNEll WISHES TO lorm the Cittecna of Ridgvray, and tlit public gcLerally, that lie bos started a Liv ery Stable and will keep UOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES BuSe, to let upon the most reaisna ble terms Beguile will also do job lean ing. Stable on Rroad street, above Malar All orders left at the Post Offiee will mot prompt attention Aug 20 1370. If. The Weekly Sun. A Idrffe eicllt ttno-n imianci-..rlAnf hrtnaetf ami learie!-!? tiewcpupcr rl Oti broad columns, especially aesifi.el lor the farmer, tliu me, elianio, tiie merclnint and the Professional mun. fiLii their wires nml ohintrsn w aim to make the Vrkki. Sun tha bet t.iinily newspaper in (be world It in full of ctricrlniniiif; and instructive reaaing of every s-i.'-t, but prints nothing to offend the n.o'i scrupulous and delicate laste. Price 1.211 per year, pot ige prepaid. Th clieapt-M paper published. Try it- Address" i ii e em, nes loiKiny. Elk County Directory. President Judge I.. D. tVetinore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Ja- P Vincent. Associate Judpes Cliaa. Lubr, J V Honb. District Attorney--J. K. P. Hall. Slicrin V. fcirll. Protlnnotury J c, Fred. Schoeuing. Treasurer Jui-epb Windleldcr. County Superintendent Gen. R. Dixon'. CoMiinifiRioiiers Michael Weidert, Juliuit .lone?, (ieo. lid. Weis. Auditors Thomas Irwin N. O. Bundy, Cutinty Surveyor bico Wiltnsley. Jury .'cjiiiini-ii mors. Phillip ireighl Hansom T. Kyler. foil SALK BY E.K. GRESII, Masonic Hull Ciiilding. Kidgway, Pa. VA1T VLECK'S C ELK UK. VI EI) l'A 1 EM SPRINO IJICU UEST tempered tteel spring wire, these FpiitifjH can be laid on the flats of'utiy cotiitiioa bed aud are COMPLETE IN THEMSELVES I Alo aent lor Weed Sewing Machine, Kaaif-I 1. nulling, Mom! Durable, aud BKST MAUILNt, in the market. Call ani e.t ii.ii mc hfore purchasing elseir ber. vtulbt'.'$. F YOU WANT TO IJUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO JAMES II- HAGSRTY Iain Street, T.idgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS fclJOES, II ATS ANI) CAPS, GLASS ANI) QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WAKE, T015ACCO AND (J1UAR. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions'. Tiie 13 EST URANUS' ol FLOUR Ccnstaiitl)' en !i;. ml, aud mid aa ebeap' ,i ii.f. i: I'l'v i- JAMES II. IIAGERTY. 0. C. '1 tiu 'l ine (,'npu Cod Cranberry, U. iiebt port tur I pliiiid, Jitiwland, of Oardvii, liy mail prepaid, $1 per 100, $5r per 1,000. Ail the New. Chuice Stravr berriea uud I'eacius. A priced Cata-ii'i-ue ol thi-HC uud all Fruits, Ornamen tal Trees Evergreens, Shrubs, Bulbs, UuM's, J-'iains, fits., nnd FRESH FLOWER & OAKDEN SEEDS, tha clioicesl collect ion in the country, with .ill uovcities, will be sent gratia to any piuiu addicss 5 Btirts of either Flower, tiardcii; Tree, Fruit, Evergreen, of tltib ."ceds, fur $1,00, eut by mail, prepaid. WHOLESALE CATA LOGUE TO 'IHE TRADE. Agentr U anted. 15. M WATSON, Old Colony Nur-i-eiiesaud teed urehouse, l'ly mouth, .iJasrt. Estublithed 1812. 10 THE tITIZliXS OF PENN8YL VA.MA. Your alteution is specially invited to the fact, th it tbe National Banks are now prepared to receive subscripiinni io tbe Capital Stock ot tbe Centennial l.oard ol Finance. Tbe lundsrealized front bis source ure to be employed in the erec tion of the buildings lor the Iuternationa Lxlubition, and the expellees conuected witli the siitue. It is confidently believed tbut the Keystone btnte wit) tie repieaeiited 03 the nmiie ut every eitizeu ulive to patri. 0110 ouuiuiemoiatiou of the one huiulredlb birlb-duy of the nation. Tbe shares e Stooh are offered for $10 each, aud sub scribers will receive a handsome engraved certificate, of Mock, suitable fur framing aud preservation as a uauonal memorial. interest at tbe rate of six per cent, per anuuiu will be paid on all payments of Cen teuuial Stock iroui date of payment te January 1, IhiO. Subscribers who are aot neai a Nation Hank cuii remit a check or post, otlice order to the undersi gued, rltED'K KHALEY, Treasurer, U01 Walnut St., Philadelphia Ari'LtTONS Ameuigan Cvci.opi.dia that the revibed, uud elegantly illut trated edition of this work, now being published, a volume of 800 pages ouct I in two months, is the best Cycloped ' . America, is certain. No library is com plete without it. It is a complete one i in itself. It only costs 53 a month I get it in leather binding. The best and I cheapest library in tbe world. Addreae, 1 C. K. Judson, Frdoni, N. Y.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers