r 60 Henut A. Parsons, Ja. Editor THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9. 1875. EDITORIAL NOTES. A contemporary puts the third term business in tho riht light when it says that "thre is not written or unwritten law against a third term but in the case of Grant there would be a majority ol obout 1.000,000 against it, which would perhaps answer the same purpose." Pennsylvania would give a huudrcd thousand of that. There would seem to bo something unattractive about the Stato Treasurer's offico of Ohio. Qovetncr Allen ap pointed J. M Milhkeo, the Repub lican eloct to tho vacant Treasurorsbip but he declned, when the appointment Was tendered to Hon. A. T. Wykoff, Chairman of the llcpublicanState Com: raitce, but he also has declined The ol Dice is still vacant Judgo Van Brunat, of New York, committed a singular freak, not to say crime, some time ago. He compelled his wife to procure a divorce for him and then in violation oi the statuie which prohibits his re-marring, wont to England and, married an English (fill. The judge in still abroad having Le?n traveling a portion oi the time, and ill of brain fever another portion. It is demanded that the governor remove him from tho bench, and appoint some one who knows how to keep the laws, in his place. At the approaching session of con gress ex-Spcaker Blaine proposes to move an amendment to the constitution to provide that l,no money raised by taxation in any state for the support ol public schools or derived from any pub lic luud therefor, shall ever bo under the control ol any religions sect, nor shall auy money so raued ever be divi ded between religious sects or denomina tions." Such a provision is incorporated in the new constitution of this state, but there arc few others that have so provided, and probably Mr Blaine's plan is the one best to adopt to secure a speedy settlement of a disturbing que tion. It is popularly supposed that, in the excitement icllowing the assassination of "resident Lincoln and the impeach ment of Andriw Johnson, the question ol tho succession to the Presidency in the emergency of tho death of the President, Vice Presidetit, President ol the Senate and Speaker of the House, was settled by Congress in the passage of an act intended to remedy the de lects of the law of 1792. It is certain that it was proposed at that time to amend the act referred to so as to pro vide that in case of the four vacancies above specilied the Chief Justice of the United States, and after him the Asso ciate Judges of the Supreme Court in the order of their sonority of their ap pointment, should become PresiJuui. A bill to this effect was proposed iu Congress. Indeed, some go so far as to assert that the bill pasted both houses of Congress and became a law, but there is no record of it to be found in the documents ol Congress for the past six teen years. Even it it had been euacted as is asserted, it would uow be null au'j void 'or the reason that it was not codi fied into the. last Revised Statutes ol the United States, and being omitted therefrom would, under the law ol 1873 stand repealed. Thero is no way cow of supplying the delect of the law ofI792 other than by special act ol Congress declaring the line of succes sion to the Presidency, and making ii long enough to obviate the- remotest probability of such an emergeucy as has been suggested by the death oi vice President Wilson. OVR WAHUIXL'TOX LETTER Washington, D. C, Deo. 4, 1875. WEATHER. WASHINGTON HOTELS AND EOAKDING-HOUSE8 Tim WOUI.DBE OFFICERS (IF TUB IIOI.SR AND THE ARMY Or KtEOCUATlO OiFICr-. SEEKERS THE LAST OI FICIAL ACT OF THE l.ATE VICE PRESIDENT WILSON ECT. There has been in the last few days a decided change in the weather As jet we Lavo bad no snow, but the ground is frtzen and with the present temperature could we have a few inches of snow we would have pood slcghing which is unusual in this climate- The farmers around have concluded their tall work and are dow Mpiuly briotiiiu in the products of the season. Produce generally in cheaper than it has bier for many years yet ia hotel and board ing hou.se prices we and' do- reduction. The fare in the hotel ranges front $2.50 to $4,50 per day, with the reduction of about one-third by the month, in the boarding-houses it ranges from $10 to $75 per month, according to locatioo Dd jooids it has become qu;te custo. mar of late for Congressmen and others of means to rent rooms without board and fake tbeir meals at first-class iotela. Tbis, of course, is oo account of m a k . fMlToiF IT Tip being able to get better looms at less price than can be obtained at the hotels, tt is calculated that the Centennial will improve Washington, in a business point of view, as much as any city iu the country, with the exception of Philadelphia. Very few it is thought of those who come from foreign countries and those in the rcmoto sec tions ol this couniry, will fuil to visit Washington. Tho railroad companies are already aroused to the necessity ol affording moro accommodations for navel during the Centennial months This will necessitate the running ol more trains. There is an effort mndc on tho part of our cititetts. to get the railroad companies between Pliilndel phia and this city, to issue excursion tickets at reduced rates. Only two days more anil we shall witness the meeting of Cougress. Every train arriving in I his city is filled with members of the First, Second and Third Houses, and applicants for office in the next Democratio House Never before in the recollection of your correspon dent has there been so much excitement two days preceding the meeting of Con gress. The first questions asked on the arrival ol ihose offiie-srekcrs arc: ''Who is going to be Speaker?" "Who is going to be Clerk?" "Who is going to be Sergeant at Arms?" "Who i going to be Postmaster in the House?" These questions are asked lor ihe purpose ol ohtaining tho probable one, evidently to determine .whom they should support with a view of getting offico. It is es timated there are now at least one hun dred applicants for posiiion in the House, where there is one lo give. II one out of every ten of these office seekers should come to Washington, which will probably be the ease, we will have three or fourthou?aud hungry dejected looking individuals, button holing their respective democratic mem bers. This will be a strange sight iu deed. The present Republican officers clerks door keepers, etc , will, of course hold their places until their respective successors are elected or appointed. A few ol the present force hope to retain their positions and will uso every effort to that end. Possibly some may be enmo newly converted Democrats Their hopes, however are groundless. In talking with a prominent M. C-, yes terday, your correspondent was told that there would be an entirely new dual, with the exception of the poliee ol the Capitol, who hold their positions by the joint appointment of the Sar Kcants at Arms ol the Senate and the House aud 'he Architect of the Capitol two of whom being ncccessarily Repub licans, it is doubt I til whether there will bo any great ehmge in the police force. The last official art of Vice I resident Wilson was to supersede Mr. Howell restaurant-keeper of the Senate by the appointment of a Mr. Dempster of 1W tou. Mr. lloweil of curse became irrently incensed, and since the deth of the Vice President, has been labnrirg arduously to get reinstated. The position ol restaurant-keeper ol either the Senate or the House, is very lucra tive and lor ll.nt reasou importaut. Mr. Howell has already had his bil's ol fare and order-slip printed and appears sun uine thst they will yet be of ue l' him. There are now many applicants tor this position on the House sitta Members of both parties are being button-holed on their arrival by them Thus far it would uppar that Ti m laibin ol the National Hotel rvho ha been very industrious during tho pat year in seeking ibis positiou stands ahead. Wo learn that the Report of the Commissioner of iviucatiun tor IK.-l recently published is not in the hand.- of tho Commissioners for general distri bution. Parties wishing this document should address their members of Con aress. The Senate has 5000 copies lor distribution and the House 2000. The friends ol the Vice President, pro tern, of the Senate T. W. Ferry. were, some days since considerably ex orcisc over rumors that the East were favorable lo the election ot Senator An thony to the Vice Presidency, aud the con sequence is that there has been consider- erable commotion in the politic: caldron It is dow conceded however, by the ma iniity of both the Iriends of Ferry and Anthony, that the lormer has ihe inside of ihe track. Senator Ferry is man ol no ordinary caliber. He makes a j;ood presiding officer. The exeiieuieut wos treat in the Treasury to day, caused by the rumor that secretary Brisiow hud resigned While the rumor is unfounded, the knowing ones believe in his early re tiremeot from the Cabinet. Also it is not improbable that Mr. Jewell will feel like relinquishing his lurttnUo verv soto. In his report a year siuce it will bo remembered that be said that it wa the first time hi his life that he found I imself at the bead of a department that was not self sustaining, aud intima ted to the country that he was going to tireut iv reduce the expense ot his do putt went. His report this year, which has so mysteriously got into papers in advance ot tho President's Messt.gc shows that t'oo expenses ot the I. O Department are $1,500,000 in excess ol last year. If appear from reports just received from the Democratio caucus now in session iu the Capitol, that the East ern and Middle States will be ignnred in the selection ol the Ollic s in ihe text lloustt. Ol the five vliich hare jus' been nominated, Adams, Thompson, iMtzhugh, Stewart aud J ownseuci, rol one comes north of Mason aud Dixou' I De and this oBe exception, 'J hompson of Ohio ouly a liulo way north of it The selection ot Kerr fur Speaker is well received. Secretary Chandler finds" that great reductloLs iu the clerical force of ihe Interior Departuieut have to be made for ihe reason that the Iorce since toe beeinnrng of ihe fiscal year July 1. 1775) baa been greatly io excess of the uppropnatioo to pty u. and the result is that Secretary Chandlier w at the head ot a department without sufficient money to pay the necessary iorce to conduct it LIFE, Five butlidiiigs ia Melvecsport, IV, were binned on the 24tli ult. Loss, $13,000. The Fi.'st National Bank of Monroe, Mich., was robbed on Tuesday niuht, 23d ult., of $10,000. Worcester. Mass., December 1 Mr. A. O Coca, a prominent and wealthy manufacturer of this city, was thrown Irotu hiscarriago this luoruing and in stantly killed. THE WEEKLY SUN. 1770. NEwYORK. 1878. Eielilern hundred and sevontysiz Is the Centennial year. It is also the ysar in which an Opposition House of Kepresienta tires, the tirst since ths war, will be in powet at Washington; and tho year of Ihe tweuly-third elect inu of a President of the United slates. All of these events are sure to be of great interest anil importance, especially the two latter, and all of them and everything connected with I hem will be fully and freely reported and expounded in the mj.m. The Opposition House of Representatives Inking up the line of inquiry opened years ago by T 1 1 K SUN will sternly and dilli cently investigate tho corruptions and mis deeds of G a4N r's administration, and will it is lo be hoped, lay the foundation for a new and better period in our nniiomtl his lory Of all this THE 6'JN will contain complete and accurate accounts furnishing iis readers with early and trustworthy in. formation upon these absorbing topics The twenty-third Presidential election, with the preparations for it, will be mem orable as deciding upon Gbant's axpira. lions for a third term of power and plun der, aud still n.ore as deciding who slnJl be toe candidate ol the pirty oi He I or in, and as elected that candidate Concerning all these suhjvets, those who read Till-S IN will have the constant means of being thoroughly well informed. The Weekly Sun. which has attained a cir. eolation ol over eighty thousand copies all-end hug its rcadeid in every Stale and ler rilory, and we trust that the year 1870 will tee their numbers doubled. It will con tinue to be a thorough newspaper. All the general news of the day will be found in it, condensed when uuimportant at full length when of moment, and always, wo trust treated iu a clear interesting aud in structive nmuuer It is our aim to make the Wkeklt Sun the best family newspaper in the world, and we shall continue to give in us col umns a large amount of miscellaneous rend ing such us stoiies laics, poems, eeientifi iiiie'.ligence and agricultural information for winch we are not able to make room in our daily columns. The agricultural de purlmeut especially is one of Ihe promi nent features Tho fashions are also regu larly reported in its columns; aud so arc the markets of every kind. The Wkkklt Sun, eight pngei with 6fty six broad columus is ouly $1.20 a year.pos toge prepaid. As the price barely repuys Hie cost of the paper, no discount can be node from this rate to cubs, ngcals, 1'ost luasiers, or anyone. The Daily sun, a large four page news paper of Iweuiy-eiglit columns gives all Uf news fur two cents a copy. Subscription, postage prepaid Ooo a month or Sti.00 a ear. SjMiay edition exira SI. OO per year W e have no traveling agents Address THE SUN, cw York City IT PAYS! ITPAYS! WHAT PAYS? It pays every Manufacturer, Merchant 'ieuhanic, luvenior, farmer or Profess ional man, lo keep informed on all the im provements and discoveries of (he age. IT I'aV'S tne head of every family to in- roJuce into his biusehold a newspaper i liat is instructive, one that fosters a taste for investigation, and promotes and en courages discussion among the members. The Scientific American which has been published weekly for the lust tli.riy years; does this lo au extent be yond thin ol uuy other publication, iu tact it is the only weekly paper published in ihe Vniied Slates, devoted to Mauuluciu.es, Mechanics. Inventions aud Aew Discover ies in the Arts and Sciences. liveiy Lumber is proliuely illustrated uud its contents embr ce Ihe latest anu must iutereting information pertaining to ihe Industrial, .Mechanical aud Suitiit he I'rogiess of the World: Descriptions, wiih Keauitlu! bng avings, ol INew Inventions, Ntw Implements, ew l'rncrsses aud uu- , roved Industries of all kinds; Useful Notes, Recipes Suggestions mid advice, by 1 radical Vt titers, lor Workmen aud Lui plovers, iu all i lie various arts, fonning a complete repertory cf New Invention and Discoveries: containing a weekly record not ouly of the prigresj of the Industrial Arts in our own country, but also of all New Dito veries sad Inventions in every branch of Engineering Mecuauics, aud icieoee abroad. TtiKSUKNTIFIC AMERICAN has been the foremosi ot all industrial publications lor the past Imrty tears. It is lueolde&l laigest cheapest, and the best tettkly 111- ustiated paper devoted to Engineering, Mechanics Chemistry, New luveulions, Science and industrial Jrrogress, published in the World The practical receipts are well worth tory times the subset ip iou price. And lor the shop uud bouse will sava many times the cost ol subscription. Merchants, r'urmeia Mechanics. En gineers, luveutors, Manufacturers. Chum is. s. Lovers of bcience, and l'eopla of air Professions, will find the boisNTiric A.Mta- ic an useful to them. It should have a place in every ruiuily, Library. (Study, Oluce and Counting Koom; in everv hcaUi..g Room, College aud School. A new volume commences January 1st 1876. A year's uumber cemaius 832 pages and SEVERAL IIINUUEU t-NCBAVIXOS. luolls auds ol volumes are preserved for binding and reteiance. ieiins a year by mail, luoluding poslag. Loscouui to (Jubs. Special circulars giving Club rales sent fiee. Single copies mailed n ret-Mpt e 10 cents May be hud of all New Dealers. I ) . rrT7TVT rrO In coueo J2lL d tion witft the 4:uieittlliO itlllki .V.4U. tesalS. Muun & Co. are Solioiturs of American and Foreign I'uteiJts aud have Ihe Ipigest establishmeul in the world. iJore lliau tilt tuuund application nave titen u.ude for puleuts timiuub the.r Buauey. PuteLts m b oliiuiued on tbe best terms, Mode, s of New luveulions and Skeicne examined and advice fiee. A special nolioe is made iu the Scieutifio American of all luveut'cns 1'aleuiad tkrou.h the Agency wi.h the name aud residence of Ihe luieutee. faleuta.aru oueu sold iu pun or whole, to persons vtiaoteu to the in. vtutiou by such uoiioe. tend lor Pamnb let, contaiuiug lulldn eciioas for obtamiug faieot. A buuud volume con.uiuing u e l aieut Laws, census ot tne v. o., aud 14: EugiHvius of Biecbaniual movements, I'rice 25 cents. Address lo be Paper, or eoncernina Patent! MUNN & CO. 87 Park Row, New York. Brauch Office, Cov F. & 7ib Sta.. the ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE ONLY REPUBLICAN PAPER IN ELK COUNTY. Office In Tbayer k Hagerty's Block, R1DQWAY, PA. SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE TERMS TWO DOLLARS A YEAR GIVE US A CALL FOR JOB WORK ! CARDS, TAG 7, ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, NOTE IIEAS, BILL HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, fcC. " ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Ad.Mit, TBE ADVOCATE, C2Jt'AlJST AXD BESTIR PETERS0FSMAGA2INE FOSTAQX m-FAlB OK ALL. 8TOS:BI?- HONS. 7" Everv tuhtcrihtr for 1876 will be qretented with a tunerO, large-tizetl tleel e.mjravi'xg of Trumliutit celrbralcd pio lure of " lite 8'yntng of the Declara tion of Inrftpeniirnce " Thit wilt be 1 etenon I Cenfrnntaf Gift "Petersoo'a ilagatine'' oontains. every year, 1000 pages, 4 ateel plates. li colored lteriin patterns, lz mam moth colored lathiun plates, 24 pages ol musio, and 000 wood cuts. Great improvement will b made in 1870. ' Anion them will be a series ol illustrated articles on tbe Great Ezlnbi lion at Philadelphia, which will alone be worth die subscription price. '1 hey will appropriately called. TH2 CINXENNIAl IK FXH AND ril'OIL! '1 ha ltiiineuse circulation ol "1'ett r son enables Us proprietor to spend mora money on establishments, stories, e., &o , than any other. gives more Jr the money than any in the wjrlJ, Its. THRILLING TALKS AND NOVEL ETTES An tbe best published anywhere. AU the n ott popular tcriteri ore empoueil to write originully for "I eterson " In 18(6, in addition lo the usual quantity ol short stories, FIVE ORIGINAL COPYltlGHT NOVELETTES will be given, by Mrs, Ann S. .Stephens, Frani; Lice iienedict, iMrs. b. II. Jiutnett, and others Mammoth Colore! Fashion Platas Ahead ol all others. Iliese piau-s at' cngtaved oo steel, Twice tub i'mjai, sizk, and are unequalcd lor beauty Ihey will bet superbly colmed. Also, Household and other receipts,' iu short everything interesting to ladies. X. B. A the pnbliih'n note pre paift ths postage to till mail subtenbert leterton t CHEAPER THAN KVKR; tn 'lefts THE CUEAPEST IN TU Wt'KLU. TERHS ( Always In Ad Vance, 92-00 A TEAR. 2 Copies forS3,60 3 Copies 4,80 Witt) a copy o I tne pieiuiuui mtzz itmt (21x2G) "CHUI8TMA8 MoRMNQ," a fivt dollar engraving, to the person get- lint; up the Club. 4 Copies for SS.SO 7 Copies for 11,00. Vita au extra copy ot tne MAga- tiue for lsG. us a premium, to tbe person getting u. the DlIi B Copies lor SB.BO 8 Cosies for 12.50 12 Copies for 18.00. ith boin an axira Cupv ot I lie Aiagusmc In. lcio. anu tue premium Dirztoiint. Jive dollar tnyravtng, to the person get'iog up llie Club- Atldress, post-pnid. CHARLES J. PETERSOH. 300 Chestnut St., Philaiielphia, Pa. Sptciu.tuj bfot giMtu ii mi, i ieu tor. Price, Tvet'y-fot Cents. NEWSPAPER. AiJVEilTISIKQ MHETT-EIGHTH SDITrON. Centaining a eomplet list f all tVia tawos in Ihe Uniiad Mates. ta Itmiiones au.i the llominioo of C inJ". having a pnpuia t:oa gi rater than 5,000 according to the lant. ceniita. tpgeiher wit li the names of I l.e oexppfrs having t b largful looat circu latiou in each uf the plates nu eJ. Ala-i eaialogiic o. nrwtpaprni wlncli ar re- oaoiaienilrd to advrituiri'S as giving great est valua in propoitioa la pr.ce cu.itged Also, all newspaper in the Uuitetl tiairs mvi Canada printing over 5.IXO eopie chcu iseue. AIho, all the lltligiou, Agri ulturai. b'cintific and Mechuuical. Medi cal, Masjnic; Juveuit. EjueHiionul, Cooi- aercial, lohuiaiic. Real Lsiaie. Law, Sporting, tiusical, Fathiow, aad olbrr special class ;ourca ; verv cooipici uia. Toeetber with a complete lial of over SOU German paptia primed in the Cuiied Males. Alao, au ecsav upon advertising: many tables of rates, abowiig the eott of advertising in various newspapers, and everything which a beginner m auvertis ina would like to kucw a. Address GKO- P. ROWELI. CO., 41 Park Kow, hew York QUOTATIONS White, Powell I BAN REUS ANU IIUOKI-Kd, No. 42 outh Third Street. Tbiladelphia, Nov. 30tli, 187i. Co' io. U. 8. 1881. e 1231 124 do 6 20, e '02, tu anu n do do '64 do US do do 'G5 do do '05 do IK 116 12d J aud J ;)20 do do 'C7 do do 'US 10-40, do coupon do Pacific b's cy New S'a Keg. 1881.. " C. 1881..., do 1: do 12-Jj 123 118 117. Int. off 125 lib 117 125 lltii 11-1 1151 Gold... iirT i vt Silver 10 i lO'i Pennsylvania. Heading 60, 65, li 61 2, 134, 10, 61 5o 20 Philadelphia Erie Lehigh Navigation.. 61 C2i do Valley United tt K of N J lib 10, 33 Oil Creek Northern Central 32 Central Transportation 4C Nesquehoniug &i 0 & AMorignge G's '8U 103 4u 65 104 A GOOD WORK. A Startling Cause ot Debility id Sick ness fully eiplaiutd in a Urge ooiavo I're tise r.y Dr. O. PiliU'a UivO.VN. 21 UrnuJ Mitel. Jersey Coy, N. J fcVfcin jia AND WOMAN who ia ailing in any way should tend autl gel a copy at once it u ue-t iree, prenuid by wail. Address the author, as above. voa38y SUBSCllIBE FOR THE ADVOCATE TOBTTTCHIK Wears now prepared VV to doall kindaof JOB WOUK, fcoreleptta, Tags. Uill-heads, Letter heads naeily anol cheaply ezeouted. Otbee ia 1'hayer b Hagtrty'a new building, Mail tiraai niagway, r: AGENTS VANTbU 10 CELL The Political, iVrsonal, and Ptoperty Rights0; Citizen, Of iht Vniied Stulet How to etereiee and ho to pertervt them. By Theophilut Par eoni, LL. D. Containing A ePtnmentsry on tha Fed eral and State Constitution, giving their history and origin, and a full explanation of tbeir prinuiples, purposes and prd' ions; ihe pow rs ami duties of I'uclio t Hi rer"; the rights of the pccple. ami the obligations incurred in evt-ry rclnlion of if; ntso pnrlianienlary rules or delihcr live bodies; and full directions, and legal forms for all business trnr.ctinns. as mak ing Wills Ueecls, Moriguges Leases. Notes, Drafts, Contracts, eto A law Library in a single volume. It meets the wants of all classes nd sells to everybody. .IONK4 UKOiHtiltd & Co.. Phila. Pa PAST II EEAD7. 1 AHE SPLENDID ILI.U3TRATEO W01K "A CENTURY AFTE; OR MCTUilG QUK fVLlMt'SKS OK PHILADELPHIA AND PENNSYL VANIA." Including Kaifrnourtl Pnrh. the Wisn liickon. and ihs pr miiiont ronnintio toculi ties and lan'lncapcs of Pennsylvania: pre spilling in a series of supCrh etiKriiviiigM ihe scenery, life, manners, ell irrfo'ter. and arciiiiecmre of i lie cities of the Suite The most faultless pictnral work yet of fcred to I he American public bach pnrt will contain a number of en grnving-1, produced under the supervision ot J. W. I.mwe. nncli: alter designs by Draley. Thomas. Moran. Wnotlwurd. Hun- sell, iind other prominent Amcricin artisis. Ldiled by Ldwari Mrahan. To be puhlisliil in r lrTRRN Sum Monthly Pasts at FtrtY Cents each, pi in ted on superior toued paper. eiz. 10x12 inches. A (IE NTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. Parties . residing iu localities where agents Lave not been nppoinlei can obtain the work by addressing ALLEN. L A iS r & SCOTT, & J. W. LAU DERBACH, Publishers, 233 South Fifth Street Philadelphia. it nr adTCiar has not mado tofl adverttn. Hnt tlwUirr ALitiaat, kUI lowrprrt and elabo m It aa ltlowt : . K. It. rOOTE, Aadur r I-htin Uuma I tvlk. Mfallcai Common Bcnn, M-one la vn-v. abi., 10 limirO' Svenuii (cor. Sll aintl. Hew Ynrk. an I.iDirKSOK ST rmniv. mM all forma of Linyerin'j or Clirnnte Dm. and reuairvi loOm tnm all uarti of tha b w rtgmiu sy af oondner.ee a vraimi rraa Mm, to wnwnliy lmt'ii( nntnafona iurnt In KairaiM, tlx WM luaica. avwininion C.aaa, and la avcry iait ( laa VaiUd Scaua. HO MERCtTXlIAti Ol aarabMrtnaa drana vaad. Ha haa. during Ika part tvaaur UirM jaan, traaust an(wealnlly nearly or quit eS.Sail aaaaa. AU fic't omactrd with each caara aarafaCv rwordrd, wkather thay be oomtnunicaUd by laaur ar la peron, or observed by tha Dot-tor or tils Dofaloiaaa. id lauar are au KieuiLiw .1 1 EOT IS7ALIDS AT A DI8TAITCS in kretiaa. " 'a"' dtatanoa are rcqn.rM . nw. wnicn encua Tary lyaui aaAar arnica vne idtii ,n3cra. com- larilnflMftn- fraaiaa aa imy oann-ifiai. a njrn yatani of rrfacrinal uvvrnt BilKakaa or coiifunloo. Lmc at ataaafcaiei aant free, an aiMitiauuun, to any part at tha aroria. Sixty sac vmibl8t of Btidxscu of onoaaa, alao arat fraa. at) Uism ttlioiniala ar tcara Uaa aa bare tarn treated by mail and eipreaa, DTi3a la orrira. oa l vtEh nu or taiaaa 4aUl a af address DR. E. B. rOOTE, T. 110 Lezinttoa Ave., N. Y. POetM tmjtli JJ'Jfofet Plain feme, Talk tutd MtticcU Common. Snse:AZiO J)r t'ootes Science in Story, RrPUrtkulars addrtsa KurrjylCUftibliihinS Company Br. Bar;sr'a Tonia Bowel and i'ile Pills. Taaaa ntllaara an lafallltil remedy for conitipatloa aad nllasoaoael by wekneaa or euppreet,.n of tho anriatuuo laotioa ol tne ooweia. inej Tery Ituuny taoraaa. tha atttvity of tha infetln! canal, produo aatc auols and raUav ptlea at oaa. Tnouaanaa nar kee eared br taaia. Price BO centa, aant by mnil nn nmxnt of pfio. Prepared only by f. ALFRKD aBlCHiRDT. raAaMAom, tus roomie atu, Maor Voaa Cm. Or. Barfjr's Coapoaad fluid Extract ot Khubarb aad Dandelioa. Th boat oooabinatton ot purely TrgtUhle m'dlclnea ea aaUrely replace Calomel or Blue Fill. It atimulatca laa uvr InoraM tbe flow ot bile, and tbui remove at eaue torpidity of the liver, bllionaneea anil habitual aaalpalloa. eivr tne aieaae anaing xrom auon aa (yapaoai, alok bvadohe. flalulrnoe, eto. Theeffeo lieeaaaa of tki Bxtraet wiU be prorrd, visibly, atone aa tha puieat, aa one or two bottle ar aufllciant t at -Ar the aaranlexloB boantirully, and remore plmplea aa4 ataine tud by liver trouble. Prlc 11 per bottle. aoaUea, t" ; will ha aant oa receipt or the price k aav addreaa. free of ebama Prrpared only by r. aLFRID RBICHARUT. PtuaXACUI, 4CSfOUSa! avaara. new iou un, Bakers tfweet Ctloeolats at TOW ELL & KIME'S. Young tuan if jou Want (o add greatly to your appearance go at once to POWELL & KIME'S Grand Ced1- tral Store, and get youielf new white linen Worn shirt. Yoa can get a good fitting-white claao shirt for $1.25 and Irom that up. rtjeyer'i Poultry Powdtr. Warranted. If need In tiro, to cur cblrkvu cholera ana fiipea. Wiibaaupplyoltlita rwwdcr and aocatowalof ordinary awfntlon toelean llnew aud proper fet-dlntv Willi a tiA.lfiil innnl nf anat.erltand ererhell-lrtrming materlal.any one may keep Poultry (even I a eoifln nirnOfor any leiiib of tltne. with botb pros tend ploiaure. Parkagecti., five for Sl.no. Ark yrtnr dealer, aont tree upon re ceipt of price. Addren, A. C. MITBR CO., Baltimore, Bates of AiTertlslnft. One eolnmn, one year...... ....$75 00 ! 40 00 M 25 is) 15 f)U Transient advertisements per square ot eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions. $1.60, three insertions i. liusinesa eat da, ten lines or less, per yea: $0 Advertisements payable quarterly. A DVCBT.SINO: CUIAF, OoCD, Sy3TSMA Jtie.- AH aersons who eaatemplate making contracts with oewuj era for tbe insertion of advertiseuienta, should send 25 ceattte Oeo P. Howell Sr I 0.41 Park Kow, ew York, for their PAMfULtl' bUOR. Biaety-eeventb edition,) contaiaiag lists of over 2000 aewspapers aud esiiiaa tes, allowing the cost Advertiseuienta taken for leading papers in many States at a terraendous reduction, freua publishers NtM, OM ftJi aeK. BO 48 af ASK NEW IVEltV HTABLE IN DAN SUJUHNKlt WISHES TO IN form tlio Cittecns of Ridgway, and the publio gouerally, that be has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES' Busies, to let upon the most flasotu bletcftas SjB-He will also do job teflttlng. Stablo on Broad street, above Maid All orders left at the Post Offic will Beet prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. The Weekly Sua. A Urge eipht page indepeudent, honest mid tearless newspaper cf 50 broad columnsi especially designed lor the farmer, tha ire, ohauic, t he merchant and the Professional in ii u, nnd their wives and children. Wa a.m to miko the Vskkly Svh the best family newspaper in the world It in full of entertaining and instructive reading of t-vtry son, but prints nothing to offend the o list scrupulous and delicate taste. Prica $1.20 per year, postage prepaid. The" cites pest piiper piiMishod. Try it- Addren TssMN.hew l'oikCity. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jar P Vincent.. Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J V don't. District AttornC7--J. K. P. Hall. Sheriff U. Ccull. Proth'inotury c.f Fred. Schoening. Treasurer Joseph Windfelder. County Superintendent Geo. R. Dixotf. Commissioii'Jrs Michael Weidert, JuliuS Jones, Geo. Kd. Wcis. Auditors Thtrmas IrWifl R. 0. Bundy, County' Surveyor Oca Wilmsley. Jury Coininissi iners. Phillip feireighU Kansoni T. Kylcr. Full SALE BY E.K. GRESIt, Masonic Hall Building, Ridgway, Pa.- VAH VLECK'S CELEB LlA'l'ED PA'lEM' SPRINO 1510IJ lih.ST tempered steel spring wire, ih j so f (.rings can be laid un the) slats of uuy codjwoii bod and are COMPLETE IN THEMSELVES I Also a:eut for Weed Sewing Machine, Easiest Untitling, Most Durable, and Bits'? M AC 111 MO iu the market. Call aad exa.nine before purchasing else where. v4nl0tS$, jF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP eo to JAMES Ih IIAGERTT Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOT SIJOE3, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WAKE, WOOD AND W1LLOW-WAKE, TOBACCO AND CIGAR. ALargeStookef Groceries and Provisioni. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR. Cuustuntly on hund, aud sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAMES H. HAGERTY. C, C. 'i lie Tiue Cupo Cod Crauberry, C. best sort lor Upland, Lowland, or' liaidon, hy muil prepaid, $1 per 1U0, per 1,000. All the New, Choice Straw berries aud reaches. A priced Cata logue ol these and all Fruits, Ornnmen iul Trees Evergreens, Shrubs, Bulbs; lioses, Plants, iVc, and FKESfct FLU WEB, & GARDEN SEEDS, the choicest collection iu the couutry, with: nil uove'uies, will be 6tnt gratis to any pluirr uddiess. 25 sorts of either Flower, Garden; Tree, Fruit, Evergreen, or Herb feeds, for 81,00, sent by mail; prepaid. WHOLESALE CATA LOGUE TO THE TRADE. Agents Wanted. B. M. WATSON, Old Colon j .Nur series and Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Muss. Established 1842. 'pO THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYL J. VAN! A. Your attention is specially invited lo the tact thit the National bunks are now prepared tc receive subscriptions io the Capital Stock- ot the Centennial t out d of r'iimiice. The funds realised from1 i his source me to be employed in the ereo uoti of the buildings lor the Iuteruatioua bxuibition, aud the expenses connected una Ihe aauie. It is coufideully believed ill iu the Keystuiie Stale will be repteseuted o; ih Hume of every citizen alive to patrt. uiio Ooiuuienvorutiou of Ihe one hundredth; bii-iu-duy of the nation. The shares o e.ock are offered for $10' each, aud sub ecribers will receive a handsome eugraved veruhcatu of Mook, suitable for framing: mid preservation as a national memorial. Interest at ihe rate of six percent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Stock from date of payment to January I, lbTti. subscribers who are not seat a Nation tank tun remit a check or post, office order to the undersi gned, r lttO'K t- KALEY, Treasurer, 00 Walnut tit., Philadelphia APPLfcTONS AMKBICAN CYCLOFDIAt that the revised, aad elegantly illur trated edition of this work, now being published, a volume of 800 pages once in two months, is tbe best Cyoloped ' America, a eertaia. No library is com plete without it. It is t complete od id itsell. It ouly costs (3 a month t get it in leather binding. The best and cheapest library ia the world. Addrer G. ii. Judsoo, Fredooia, N. Y.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers