,. ft A 4 It I WW & Henry A. Parsons, Jk. Editor THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1876. Pennsylvania Offl:lal At last we have the correct Vole for Governor and State Treasurer officially proclaimed lrom the office of the Secre tary or the Commonwealth at Harris burg showing the following aggregate: Governor. Treasurer, Republican 304,175 Democratic. .....292,145 Prohibition. ...... 13,244 302,875 293,150 12,483 Aggregate 609,534 608.493 This gives Hartraoft over I'ershiog 12,030; Rawle over Piollct 0,725. In 1872 ihe total' vote for Governor was 672,406, showing a fulling off this year of 62.872. EDITORIAL NOTES. Roth Houses of the forty-fourth Con gress of the Uuitcd States will convene nt the Capitol, at Washington on Mod day, the 9th of December. The inter est in the new Congress will center in the House, as it is the first time that the Democrats have had a majority in that body for the pist eighteen years.' Hon. Oivis S, Ferrey U. S. Senator from Connecticut, died at Nor walk Sun day afternoon last, alter a protracted illness. He has occupied a prominent plae in public for twenty five years past; was a member of the Thirry-sixth Congress, a Colonel and Brigadier Gen- crat m me army, ana at Hie time oi iiisj death was serving his second term as U. S. Senator. The resolution of the Republican State Convention of 1874, endorsiug Governor Hartranft as ' Pennsylvania's choice for President in 1876. is meeting with a cordial endorsement from the organs of the party in all sections oi the State. His many personal qualifi cations and his record as Governor de fyin; the criticisms of his oppuents are stroug poinis in his recommendation. The mania for mammoth and costly hotels is on the increase. St. Louis is to have one named the Grand Hotel. Ii will be situated at the corner of Grand and Page avenues and occupy 120.000 square feet 24,000 more than the Pal ace Hotel in San Francisco. There are to be 2,000 rooms and the cost exclusive of furniture, will be 81,950,000. Work will be begun by the contractor Dext spring, and the coutract provides that the hotel shall bo completed by Sept. 4, 1877. Sam Randall, Pennsylvania's candi date for the Speakership of the next House of the United States, is described os a man over six feet in height, ana about 185 pnuuds ia weight; forty seven years old, active and energetic for his age stoop-sbouldered and losely built; face clean shaven sallow and wrinkled with much scheming and thought;, head good sized, with short black hjir, slightly tinged with gray; voice ery shr.ll and metallic; is not a flowing talker, but his dogged earnest ness and untold courage make him al ways a prominent figure in the fore' ground of the debate. Sixteen National Banks have beep organized within the past three months with an authorized capital of 82.000,- 000. In the same time 86,752,535 ol legal tenders have deposited for the re deroption of circulation aod over 85, 500,000 of them have actually been re tired and burned. In the three months 81,916.710 of additional circulation has been issued to new banks. The totui number of new banks organized during the year ending Nov. I, was 117 Jith an authorized capital of 832,104,000. This tiicluljs tw gold banks with an aggregate capital of 8200,000. It is said that the following subsides are waiting to be pressed upon fhe at tention of the uext congress Northern Pacific railroad 800,000,000; Southern Pacifio railroad 890,000.000; New York and Erie canal rnlargemutit 810,000,- 000; Ohio rivr slack water 840,000,- 000; James river and Kaiiawa canal 875.000,000; Atlantic and Western (Georgia and Tennessee) . canal 850 -00i),000; Teuuessee river 820.000,000; improvements of the Mississippi 820,. 000,000; levees of the Mississippi 815, 000.000; Chesapekae and Ohio canal 820,000,000; total 8400,000,000. Seven of these schemes are southern. Hon. William II. White one of the most promiuent leaders of the State Democracy, died at his residence in Philadelphia on Fiiday. in the fifty eighth year of his age. Mr. While had been a member of Congress, and was three tioies iu succession defeated for the nomination fur Governor. During the last the years he had not taken a very active part in politics. About two years ago he commenced the publication in Philadelphia of a Democratic weekly paper. The Commonwealth, with which be remained until within a lew weeks. Mr. White was one of the ablest and most popular stump speakers in tbe rtuki of the Demscracy of the State. He was a delegate to the State Convention which met in Library Hall , Pittsburgh in 1874. NKWS ITEMS. The offioial tote of Oregon eives Lio.e Democrat, for Congress, a ma jority of 267. Reports of wrecks of several schoon ers in Lake Huron have been received at Detroit. The New York canals will be closed on December 10. The navigation of the Red River ol the North is closed for the season. There is great rejoicing-ht Alabama over the victory for the constitution. John Clark, the murderer, of John Trevor, was hanged at Rochester on the 19th instant. The Hazard and thfi Excelsior trans fer elevators at Buffalo were burned on the 19th. -' Massachusetts' population as finally, corrected at the Census Bureau is 1, 651,902. M. B. Ryan, produce roe rob ant, of Montreal hs suspended, with liabilities aid to be over 8100,000. Well-informed cotton men say the prcNPnt crop, it it can be gathered, will be the largest since tbe war. I-aao Welsh, Chio State Treasurer, died Monday last at St, Cluirsville, of dropsy. The Arkansas Senate on the 19th passed the House bill appropriating 816,000 for the Centennial. It now goes to the Governor. At the Women's National Temper ance Convention on tbe 19th, Mrs, Annie Wittemyer, of Pbiladelpha, was unanimously rs-ected president. Cutter, Tower &Co's Boston liabili ties are 8173 000 and their assets 889, 285 Their creditors have agreed to ao i opt 35 per cent. Robert Payne, seriously wounded by the powder explosion at Locustdale, Schuykill county, several days ago, died Tuesday, being the fourth victim of the accident, Ao unprecedented religious revival is now in progress at Port Jervis. Over 600 persons have been converted dur ing the past few weeks, and the work still continues. The R. W. Grand Council Mystic Band of Brothers of the United Staus assembled Tuesday at Easton M. W. Ureat Chief, Frederick . Coppes, ol Washington, 1). C,, presiding. A resident of Pike county, this State, has organized a colony of the natives ol Alsace and Loraine, which he expects to locate in the county early iu tbe spring. The settlers in the west of Manitoba are complaining ol the Sioux, and say that unless they are protected lrom In dian outiages it will be impossible for them to remain on their claims. Col. Joyce, of St Louis the con victed ex-Ueveoue Agent has just been sentenced to tliiee years and six mouths in the penitentiary, and to pay a Sue ol three thousand dollars. National Bunks, since their organiza liou aud up to the end of the last fiscal year, have inid into the United States Tieasury 864.989,374 as taxrs. Dur ing the last year they have paid 87,270, 768. A match-game of billiards for 81 000 and the champion lodge 600 poiuts, three bails was played on the 23d al Tammany Hall, between Maurice Daly aud Cyrille Dion, aud was wou by Dion in the forty-eighth inning. Daly hiv ing scored 557. Three men were arrested at Ironton Ohio, on the 18th charged with coun terfeiting These are a portion of a L'Htig who have been operating iu Southern Ohio for sometime. Their business consisted in manufacturing nickels it is Dei loved that two Italians girls who were arrested at Patterson N J., lor passing counterfeit 810 bills on the Naiiorjal Bank and Farmers and Manu facturers' Bank of Pougbkeepsie which, by the way, are well executed, are tbe agents of a Jtlew Yorif gang. There are 530 inmates of the Berks County Almshouse These eat in a week three steers, each weighing 800 or 900 ponnds, and twenty barrels ot nour baked into bread. Uu an average 112 loaves, each weighing seven oi eight pouuJ;; are baked every dav. Murray and My res, the Perrysville murderers, found guilty iu the Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Allegheny county, will be banged on the 6th of January, Governor Hartranft having isucd their death warrants on the Ctli inst The new Sheriff will have this unpleasant duty to perform very shortly alter being inducted into office. The gu;ird has been removed from Gui Lord's grave as the cement is suffi ciently hardened to defy a removal of the body. The reply of the cute of Notre Dame to the counsel for the Institute Canadian, who demanded eo clestaxtical rites over the remains ot uuiDord under patn o: damages, has been published' Tbe letter reluses the demuuds. The remains of a human body were found on the mountains near Mount Cailou Schuylkill county, this State on Monday. Near by was found a revol ver with ao empty chamber, and a slouch hat, coat aud a Hebrew book The body, which has not yet been iden tified appears to have been lyiug in the woods for several months. Mathew Christi and Archibald Mo Causland, bookkeepers in the First Na tional Bauk of I aterton N. J , were ar rested on Tuesday afternoon for em bezzling obout 82 000 from that institu tion. They made false entries of credit iu their own names when uo money was despositcd. Christie's embezzlement ia believed to have extended over two years. Three thousand citizens of Indian apolis have signed a declaration com plaining ot the depression of business and the mistaken financial policy of the Government, and demanding the un conditional repeal of the resumption act the retirement of all national-bauk notes the substitution therelor of legal tenders and the refunding ol a portion of the national debt into 3-05 interconvertible bonds. THE WEEKLY SUN. 177S. NEW YORK. 1876. Eighteen hundred and seventy-sis is the Centennial year. It is alio lbs year In which an Opposition House of Representa tives, tbe first sinee the war, will be in puwet at vt ahmgton; Mid the year of tbe, twenty-thud election uf President of the United Slates. AH of these evtnls are sure to be of great interest and importance, especially the two latter, aud all of them and everything connected with then will be 1'illy and freely reported and expounded in HIE SON. The Opposition House of Representatives taking up the tine of inquiry opened years ago by THE SUN rill sternly and dilli gently investigate tbe corruptions and mis deeds of Qatar's administration, and will it is to be hoped, lay the foundation for a new and better period in our national his tory Of all this THE SUN will contain complete and accurate accounts furnishing its readers with early and trustworthy iu. formation upon these absorbing topics The twenty-third Presidential election, with the preparations for it, will be mem arable as deoiding upon Gbast's aspire, tions for a third term of power and plun der, and still core as deciding who ahull be tbe candidate of the p-irty of Reform, and as elected that candidate Concerning all these aubjecte, those who read THE STN will have the constant means of being thoroughly well informed. The Wbkely Sum, which has attained a clr. culation ot over eighty thousand copies al read has its reader in every State and l'er ritory, and we trust that the year 1B78 will see their numbers doubled It will con tinue to be a thorough newspaper. AH the general news of the day will be found in it, coudensed when vmmportant at full length when of moment, aud always, we i rust treated In a clear intereating and in structive manner It is our aim to make the Weekly Sou i he beet, family newspaper in the world, and we shall oootinue to - give in its col umns a large amonnt of miscellaneous read lug such aa sloriea tales, poem. rrientiS intelligence and agricultural iufoimation for which we are not able to make room ia our daily columns. The agricultural de partment especially is one of the promi uent features The fashions are also regu larly reported in its columns; and so are the markets of every kind. The Wksely Sun, eight page with fifty six broad cotumus is only $l,'JO a year.pos tage prepaid. As the price barely repays the costof the paper, uo discount can be mode from this rate to c'.ubs, ageuts, Post masters, or anyouo. ihe Uailt bus, a large four page news paper of twenty-eight columns gives all toe news for two cents a copy. - Subscription, postage prepaid 65c a month or $6,50 a j ear. Slmuat edition extra $1.00 per year We have no traveling ageuta Address THE SUN, New York City IT PAYS! ITPA'TS! WHAT PAYS? It pays every Manufacturer, Merchant Mechanic, Inventor, Farmer or Profess touul man, to kvep informed oo all the im provements aud discoveries of tbe age. IT PAYS tue head of every family to in troduce into his ntusehold a newspaper that is instructive, one that fosters a taste for investigation, and promotes and en courages discussion among the members. The Scientific American which has been published weekly for the lust th.rty years; does this to an extent be yond that ot any oilier publication, in Uc: it is the only weekly paper published in the United Slates, devoted to .Manutactu:es, Mechanics Inventions and New Discover ies in the Arts aud Sciences Every Lumber is profusely illustrated and its contents embr ce the latest and most interesting information pertaining tu iho Industrial, Mechanical and bctrot nc Progress of the World: Descriptions, with Beautiful Eng uv.ngs, of New Inventions, New Implements, New Processes and mi i roved tudustries of all kiuds; Useful Notes, ltecipes Suggestions and advice, by Practical Y titers, lr Workmen and bni plnyers, in all the various an, forming a complete repertory cf New Invention; aud Discoveries: containing a weekly record not only of the prcgress of the Industrial Aria in our own country, but also of all New Disc -veries and luventions in every branch of Engineering Mechanics, and Science abroad THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN has been the foremost of all industrial publications for the past Thirty 1 ears. It is the oldest largest, cheapest, and the best u-'ckly 111. ust rated paper devoted to Engineering, Mechanics Chemistry, New luventions. Science and Industrial Progress, published in the Hot-Id The practical receipts are well worth ten times the subscription prico. And for the shop and bouse will save many times the cost of subscription. Merchants, Palmers. Mechanics. En sineers, Iuventors, Manufacturers. Cbt-m ists. Lovers of Science, and People of all Professions, will find the scie.itifio Amis icasi useful to them. It should have a place ill every Family, Library. Study, Omce itid V' unting Kooiu: in everr Keaut.g Room. College and School. A new volume comousaces January 1st 1876. A year's number contaius 832 pages and Literal Hckdhio jmohavisos. inous ands of volumes ars preserved for binding and reference. Terms a year by mail, including postage. Discount to iJubs. Ppeoial circulars giving Club rates sent free. Single copies mailed on recSipt of 10 cents. May be hud of all News Dealers. "Pa A rnTTVTrriCI In oonec I M I rill I n tion with the coieuiifio American, iits-oa. Munn & Co. are Solicitora of American and Foreign Patents and have the lprgest establishment in the world. More than fifty thousand application have been made for pateuts inrtiugh their ageney. Patents are obtained on the best terms, Models of New Inventions aud Sketches examined and advice free. A speoial notice is made iu the Soientifie American of all loveut'ons Patented through th Agency wi;h the name aud residence of the Patentee. Patents arc often sold in part or whole, to persons attracted to Ihe in ventiun by such notice. Send for Paraph let, containing full directions fur obtaiuiug Patents. A bound volume con'.aiuing tl e Paient Laws, Census of the U. 8., and 142 Engravings of mechanical movements. Price 25 cents. Address for the Paper, or coucermug Pateuts MUNN & CO. 87 Park Kow, New York. Brauch Office, Cor Jr. 4 7ih Sis Wa.hiiigcon, D. C. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ADVOCATE Til ti ELK COUNTY. ADVOCATE ONLY REPUBLICAN PAPER IN ELK CPUNTY. Office in Thayer k Hagerty'a Block, RIDQWAY, PA. -ip. M .... SUBSCRIBE,:;;',. SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE, ";;;' SUBSCRIBE t ;.-v TERMS TWO DOLLARS A YEAR GIVE US A CALL FOR JOB WORK! 'V cards, taos, ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, i . ? i. '" NOTE HE AS, j BILL HEADS, : MONTHLY STATEMENTS PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, 4C. ORDERS' BY- MAIL . . . ! ..: .' PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AMrtM, Till ADYOCAT1. VULAIEST AM) JiESTl PETERSON'S MAGAZINE rosTAOi r&x-riis on all iuisciip- new i. , . tCfEverv rul$cribrr for 1876 teill he qreunfed with i tvptrb, Inryt-riteU ttetl r.nijravi'ig of TrumtuH'$ ceUbratetl piv , f rfi cf 1 tL - r lure vj me oiynray eviurw ton of Ind'pentlence J hit vtll bt tettrton LenHnnial Uijt jgt "Peterson's itagazint" contains, very year, 1000 pages, a 4 steel plates, 12 colored lieriin patterns, li mam moth colored ta.vhiun plates, 24 pages of tnusio, and 900 wood cuts. Great improvement! teil be made tn 1876. Aiunne tbeui will be a series ol llustrated articles on the Great Kxlnbi tion at Philadelphia, which will alone be worth the subscription price. Ihey will appropriately called. TBI CINTINNIAL IS PXN AND PENCIL! Ihs l mine use circulatiou ol "1'etrr son enables its proprietor to spend more mouey on establishments, stories. dee.. Ao , than any other. It give more Jor the money than any in the wvrld. Its. THRILLING TALKS AND NOVEL- ETTKd Are the best published anywhere. All the wiMf popular icritert are employed to write originally far "I etenon" In 1876, in addition to the usual quantity ot short stories, FIVE OftlUlN AL COPYMGHT NOVELETTES will be piveo. by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, Frank Lee Ueuedict, Mrs. t. li. JJuinett, aud others. Kammoth Colored fashion Flatss Ahead ut all others, ihese plates aie engiaved on ateel, twice tub ukual size, and are unequalcd tor beaaty They will be superbly colored. Also, Household and other receipts; in short everything interesting to ladies. iV. a. A the pufltthen now pre pay the pottoge to all ntail subtcrtbert 1 eterion is CHEAPER than ivm; tn net it THE CHEAPEST IN TU WORLD. TERMS 'Always la AtfVasMjS 2.00 Ik TavJali. Z Csplss frS3,S0 3 CssIm 4,80 With copy ut ills tiieuiiuuj mezzotint (21x26) "Christmas Morning," a fivt dollar engraving, to the persou get- unit up the t.'lub. 4 ConUs if 6.t0 7 Covins tor 11,00. vvith au extra copy ot ilitt Maga- smc for I two, as a premium, to ibe person getting up the Rlub copies lor u,BD O Coeloo for 12.BS 12 Coitlos for 18.0s). .ih both an estra ci.tv of ihe Maeaiina for 1876, and the ptemium meztotiut. dollar enf rating, to the person getting up tha Club- Address, post-paid. CHARLES J. PETERSON. SOS Choalaut St., PhllaOeiphia, Pa. bpeuinjeu aeut gratia il written lor. Trice, Ttetty-fitt Ctnli. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING - KINKTY-EIOHTH EDITION. Containing a eamplet list af all tas towns m the Uuitcd States, ti Territories aa l the Dominion of Ctuada, haviug a pepuia roa stealer than 6,000 according to ih last census, together with tb hames of iLe newspapers haunt the largest local cueu latiou iu each of the plates nan eJ. Also a catalogue o.' nearcpapei-s which ars re uojineuiied to advertisers as giving great, est value ia proportion to prices charged Also, all newspapers in tue United etaira aad Canada priuting ovor 6,Ut0 cop is tueh issue. Alto, all th Keligtoua, Agri cultural. Fciutifie aud Mechanical. Med cal, Masjnic; Juvenile. Educational, Coin k.ercial. Insurance, Ileal Esiaie. Law Sporting. Musical, Fatbion, aid othr. pecial class journa's; very eoniplet ists together wun a complete lint ot over sot German papers primed in the United .Mates. Also, an essay upon advertising many tables of rates, showing the cost ot advertising in various newspapers, ant. everything which a beginner in advertis ng would like to know Addresa OKU- P. KOWELI, Jt CO 41 Park Bow, New York Ayers Cathartic Pills, For the relief and cure or all derange ments in the stom ach, liver, and bow els. They are a mild aperient, and an excellent purgative. Being purely vege table, tliey contain no mercury or mine ral wnatever. aiurn serious sickness and suffering is prevent ed Lv their timelv use; and every lamHy should have them on hand for their protection and relief, when required, Lone exnerience has nroved them to be die saf est, surest, and bei-t or all the f(lt with which the market abounds. By their occabinnal use, th lilttnil t iinrinHl. thn mm, nitons or the bva. ten expelled, obstructions removed, and ihe whole machinery of lire restored to its health activity. Internal organs which become clnuiiv and sluggish are cleansed bv Atirr'm fid, and stimulated into action. Thus incipient dUcaso la changed into health, the value of which change, when reckoned on the vast multitudes who enjoy it, can hardly be computed. Their sugar coating makes them uleasant to take, and preserves Uieir virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so mat tney are ever rrenn, and penectiy rename. Although searching, they are mild, and ouerato tithout dinturbance to ttie vonstitution, or diet, or S'uuation. Kiif I directions are glvjn on the wrar per to ach box, how to use them : s a Family Vhysic, ind for the following complaints, which these flllt rapidly cure: For ISyasMMl or Iwllartlai. I.latlraa- , &4irwr ana im or . yyrtur, uiey would be taken moderately to atiniulate the sloiu- ich, and restore its healthy tone and action. For LlTf rl'sianlalsl and its various srnip toma, Htllawa SlotstlMckio, Mick BSrarf. etch. Jiauadlr or Urrra MU-kmaa. Htk Iowa Colic anil atillona Frvrn, thev fhonln he judi:iouly taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For ItyaBitr.T ol niarrkopa, but- one Vina uose u generauv refiiue(i. .For HboHnawtia'm. Uout. 3rrel, Pul Ettulloa nt (h Itaars, I'm I a In tti iAm. Mili mnii ! ihev should be contin. uously takeu, as required, to change the iliiased action of the system. With such change Uio complaints disappear. For Dratpajr and Dratawlcail Swotllaira, they should be taken in large and frequent doses to produce the effect nf a draxtie purge. For BtauprMalow, a large doce should ba taken, aa it produces the desired effect by syuv uathv. a a IMMr fill, take one or two Pillt to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional doae stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores tha appetite, and invigorates the "system. Hence it ia often advantageous where a serious derangement exist. One who feels i illi makes him feel decidedly better, from their deanati f and renovating affect on tha digestive apparatus. rairAKtD ar Dr. J.C.ATBB CO., PrmetUal CktwtUU, IOWMLL, MASS., V. t. A. fOB IALX BT ALL DBCOOUM KTSBTWBXXJK, JOBTTTORK VTsars now prepared Y to do all kinds of JOB WORK, tuvetepea. xags. uiu-oeaas, kettsr neaas Basil and sneeplT executed. Cffiea ia Tasy 4 Vagsrty's new bulldisf. Mala itmt sudgwajr, ra. AU&Nld A ANTeiU l'U ttKLli The Political, Personal, and Property Eights a Citizen, Of the Vntitd SUitttHore le tttmtt end kow to peitcrvt (htm. By Tkeophtlut Par' ton; LL. D, . Containing a snminentary on the Fed eral and 8tate Constitution, giving their history and origin, and a full explanation of their prinoiples,-purposes and provia. Ions; the pow rs aud duties of Publio Offi cers; the rights of the pecple. and the obligations incurred in every relation of 'if; also parliamentary rules tor doliber live bodies; aad full directions, and legal forms for all business trnsactions. as mak ing Wills Deeds, Mortgages Losses. Niite. Drafts, Contraots, etc. A law Library in a single vnlums. It meets the wants of all classes and sells to everybody. JONES URO IHKKS & Co., Phila. Pa. PAaxn::oTsiAD7. rpiIE SPLENDID ILLUSTRATED WORK "A CENTURY AFTER; OR PICTUKE QUE GLIMPSES OF PHILADELPHIA AND PE.-JNSYL-VANIA." Including Fairroount Park, the Wissa liioknn, and ihe pr.minent romantio local!, ties and landscapes of Pennsylvania: pre senting in a series of superb engravings Ihe scenery, life, manners, character, aud arcuiieuture of the cities of the State. The most fault lens pictnral work yet of fered tu the American publio. Eaoh part will contain a number of en gravings, produced under the supervisions of J. W. Laude, bnchj after designs by Draley, Thomas, Moran, Woodward. IWn sell. and other prominent Aiuericin artists. Edited by Edward trahan. To be puhlighed in SirTRKR Semi monthly Pasts al Fifty Cests ascii. prin ted on superior toned paper, cize 10x12 inches. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. Parties residing iu localities where agents l.avenot been appointed can obtain he work ny addressing ALLEN. LN i SCOTT, & J. W. LAU- DEKRAOH, Publishers. 233 South Fifth Street Philadelphia. Cr aa or earn ' aaa not aaa nia advarthak at ltwrntar HIMiaaa, w wiU lntarptat aa4 alaba. saw is aa Miaw : K. . poote, ic.r. AattMr T Plain Bun Talk, StMlleal Oaaimnn Senas, Balms a Burr, sta. 1S Iaiauf Aveana (ear. aWs Sk tw.tk Nw York, an lDrinKT raraoiia). waa all Siarma 1 Umttrina or Chranf Bimw wt vnMSvas IsOan bmai all srU ( tke Sf in rlpH' af asMtta ateSlnal Praa alar. h si MMnM-fallf mat )air.arsn fatimta In SsiraiM. taa wa lasiw, avawisanoss Catavoelavi aa4 aa mn part af las Vaib Ststa& NO MKXtCTJAIAXa Ot akariw Srasa wmA. B mas, Suriag tie pa vaaw Ursa lean, imml imiriar wmiv m qune IS.Suo aaaa. All tmru apaaeatrS wiU sack ears are r,-l !. taW taaf aa aoaauiuBioaUd M ar la aaa, ar aara v imm wur wi nm mm hj.iS lha lattar at aU adaatiSe B07 XsTTAUSI AT A BIRAKCI Am an ilia All lavaliSa al a sUaunsa an reanlraa e aaawar a Ha a? aAala aoI, which eliotta nary mK.t ! taa lavaHS iwSma. 11 oat- .ii.inaiT araaisa sarteMr nA4tl. A aoaiDlrks jai l f lagimrlaa avaM BUatasw ar eonnuioa. M af S.HSI11 ' mp4 traa, aa al'llaMla. in an j part tl ska wartS. Biatjr aaaa aanphlaS at Bnnaacaa o an isiaas. alsa was traa. All thaas tastuaonlals are (rasa tataas aha have haaa krauad h; auil anS xprasa. AviJa ia arrica, aa ax siacu rmu or caiaaaa. Call an ar aAtraaa o r. e. a. rooTX, Ks. IIP UslagUa Ave., . T, P&xrW r Jtlt JTMm FlmMomeTUk m4 Mtdieai CemH. Sene.-AZi JlrJiWt Science tn Story, Rrfitrthulars tddtets -lbrrayiiaiyaiikjCaapajrj mTjtf&&. Sr. Barzsr'a Teals Bowel aaa file PUls. TkaM allla aia an lafallihle maadr for oaaatlpatlsa aatS aUaa, aaaaai ky waafevaas ar sappnsilon ot tha aariaMltlo aaatiaa al tha aowala. Thay vary gaatly taiaaaai tha autir ty al tha lavatlnal eaaal, produos mmt aanali and rallava Dtla at aaa. Thoaaands fcava aaaa aaraS ky Uuaa. Pnoa 0 aanta, aaat ky mail era ranaint ut prioa. Praaara anly ky V. ALSBKO BSlGH abdt. FaanauauT, sua roosTB Avaaaa, Maw Teas cm. Br. Bsrcar's Csapeasl 71aid Zxtrsst et iiubarb aal Baadslioa. Taa aaat combination of pnralv vaajatabla aadlelaas ka aatlraly raplaoe Calotnal aa Bias rill. It stimalataa Ika uvar. laaraiaaa tha Sow at kila. and tfcas ramovaa at aaaa taratdltr at tha Uvar. hUmoanaes and habttaal aaaattpatioa. aad tha lumsi arising from aash aa Syapaiawa. atok kaadMha, aatalraoa, ale. TbaasTso. tiraaaaa at this Bllraet will ha proved, visibly, at one aa tha patisat, aa aaa ar twa hottiaa ara auroeiaat aa aiaar taa aacaplarlea kaaatirully, and ramave pimplaa aad ataiaa maaad bv Uvar trouklaa. Prioa II par botUa. S kaMlaa, S ; will ka aanl aa reoaipt at Ua prioa aa aav aooraaa, rraa as caanra. rrapaiaa only vj W. ALFBBD aaiCBARDT,rsaaaUCiaS,aaeysul AVaaT sir i aaa una. Bakers tweet Cbosolats 10 WELL A KINE'S. al Youne man if yon want to add treat iv to vour anpssrsnes to at onct to POXELL AKIMK'S Grand Ccn tral Store, and pet yoiuelf a new wliit linen bosom skirt. You can get a poo fitting white clean shirt for $1.25 and lrom that op. m. Vfavsr'a Pfiiiltnr Powder. LV IX. tlL. Warraaiad.lfassd la tlm'a, h S17tjh , .atto an chli-kaa cholera aad S A Spa- Wiihasappiyoltbls M ,ic'.5 X Powdsr aod a btowalof LJn'Y JP ordinary atieatloa toelaan 'J' i- aoS Unaae and prnutr ftedluc. ajaMfcoPE with a haaofoi supply of Bast, rrlt and eaaahall-roriulDg material, any one may kaep Poultry (svanl a eonnn nirat)for any lanath of lima, with hath profltsnd plausare. PsrkacsiScta., a re for SI. 10. Aak ynor dealer. Sent (Tsa apoa ra aelpt ol s rlca. Address, A. C. AIBTIB CO., BalUmoro Sates of Advertising. One column, one year $75 00 1 " 40 00 J5 (HI 15 GV Transient advertisements per square ol eight linrs, one insertion $1. two laser lions, $1.50, three insertions $2. Business cards, ten linea or less, per year $5 Advertisements payablt quarterly. Apvbbt:siho: Cbsap. Good, Ststima tic All persons who contemplate making eontraota with newspapers lor the insertion of advertisements, should send 25 cents to Ueo P. Kowtll j- o.. 41 park Row, fcaw York, for their PAMPHLET BOOK ninety-seventh edition,) eentaining lists of over 2000 nsBspapeia and estima tes, ahwing tbe cost Advertisements taksa for leading papera in many 8' aits at a tarajsadoua rednctisa front publishers wt ibb atattv v a m u mm NEu JL1VKUYSTAUI..K in 1 W DAX SCR1BNKU WISHES TU IN (orui the Cittxcus of Ilidgway, and tha public gcLerally, that be has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Bungles, to let upon the stoat reason ble terms - la-II will also do job tsaaing. Stable on Broad street, above Maa All orders left at the Post Office will mset prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. The Weekly Sun. A large eight page independent, hnasst and feaness newspaper of 60 broad columns, especially designed for the farmer, thn me, chauio, the merchant and the Professional man. and their wives and children. We aim to make the Vkkkl't Sun ihe beat family newspaper in the world. It is full of entertaining and instructive reading of every son, but priuts nothing to offend the most scrupulous and delicate taste. Price $1.20 per year, postage prepaid. The cheapest paper published. Try if Address Tub fci a, New York City. Elk County Directory. President .lodge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jsc P incent. Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, i Y Honk. District Attorney--J. K. P, Hall. Sheriff D. fc'cull. Prothtnotbry d"C, Fred. Schceniag. Treasurer Joseph Windfelder. County Superintendent Qeu. R. Dizea. Commissioners Michael Weidert, Julius ones, Geo. Ed. Weis. Auditors Thomas Irwin N. G. Bandy, County Surveyor Ueo Wtlmslay. Jury Commissi ners. Phillip atreickls Ransom T. Kyler. FOR SALE BY E.K. GRE3H, Masonic Hall Building, Ridgway, Pa. VAN VLECK'S OELKBKAIED PAltM' SPRIN JJKU UKST tempered steel spring wire, these springs can be laid en tka slals o''auy couiuiou bed and ars COMPLETE IN TUEMSELV19 ! Also agent lor Weed Sewing Machine, Easiest Running, Most Durable, and BEST M AL iu the market. Call aad examine before purchasing elsewhere. v4nltit0$, F YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP 00 TO JAMES II- IIAOSRTT Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOT3 BUOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WAKE. TOBACCO AND C1UARV. A Large Stock af Groceries and Provisloni. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hund, aud sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. HAGERTY. sunns uru via jits. C. C. I he True Cape Cod Cranberry, C. best sort tor Uplaud, Lowland, or Gulden, by mail prepaid, $1 per 100, $5 per 1.0U0. All the New, Choice Straw uerries aud Peaches. A priced Cata logue ot these aud all Fruits, Ornamen tal Trees Evergreens, Scrubs, Bulbs, Koaes, Plants, &c, and FKESli FLOWER & GARDEN SEEDS, tha choicest collection in tbe couutry, with all novelties, will be sent gratis to any plain address "5 sorts of either Flower, Garden; Tree, Fruit, Evergreen, or Ueib teeds, lor S1.U0, seut by mail, prepaid. WHOLESALE CATA LOGUE TO 'IHE TRADE. Agenta Wauled. 11. M. WATSON, Old ColonyNur series and Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Mass. Established 1842. T 0 THE CITIZENS OF PENN3YL VANIA Your attention is uDeciall invited to the fact lh a the National Banka are now prepared to receive subscriptions to tne capital stock ol lue Centennial L oard of Finance. The fuuas realised from this source are lo be employed in tbe erec tion of the builuiugs tor tha luteruationa Exhibition, aud the npeuses couuected witn the same. It ia confidently believed' that the Keystone 8tute will be represented oj me mime of every citizen alive lo patri. uiio cuiuuienioratiou of the oae hundredth birth-day of the uution. The shares s..oc are offered for $10 eaoh, aud auk acribers will receive a handsome engraved veriihcaie of Mock, amiable for framing aud preaervatiou as a uaiional memorial. Interest at tbe rate of six per oent. per auuuui will be paid on all payments of Can teuuial Stock from data of payment to January 1, 187b. subscribers who are not neat a Nationa uault cau remit a check or post otlics order to the undersigned, rHEb'K FKALEY, Treasurer, ViH Vtaluut St., fuilada.phia. APVLUONS AMCBICAM CYCLOPEDIA ibat the revised, aud elegantly illus tinted edition ot this work, now beiog publiahed, a volume ol 800 pagea ouct iu two tuontbs, is the best Cycloped 5' America, ia certain. No library ia com plete without it. It ia a complete one iu itseli. It ouly oostnf3 a month I get it in leather blading. The best and cheapest library in lha world. Addre, C. K. Jodaoo, FwdoDia,N.y. V a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers