I 1 A IIenrt A. Farbonb, Jr. Editor THCR8IMT, NOVEMBER 25 1876 Republican Pyramid 1875. OHIO. IOWA. MAINE. KANSAS. ILLINOIS. COLORADO. W I 8 CON 8 I N. NEW YORK. NEBRASKA. NEW MEXICO. NEW J R R S E Y. MINN E80T.A. R II 0 D E I S L A N D. CALIFORNIA. P ENNSYLVANIA. MASSACHUSETTS. N E W II A M P S H I R E N O R T H CARP LIN A The total number ot votes oust ia this State for the four years ia as follows 1872, Governor ...672,406 1373, State Treasurer 464.103 1874, Auditor General 554.300 1875, Governor 099,491. The vote this year, 55,13(5 greater than last year; is s;ill 62.910 (.bort of that of 1372; and as the the (etui vute of th State roust hove increased to over 700 000 siDoe 1872, the real falling off is about 100,000. It is not a consoling reflection to cherish that one vote out ot every seven rem tins at home at a time when great principles are at stake, ye such seems to be the fact. There or. nearly if not quite 100.000 voters h this StHte of ours who do not cure which side gains or looses. The vote for Reorder of Jloutgomcr. cour.ty was returned on election nigh i as showing a majority of one for the Deaiocnttio candidate. On the official count, however it waa ascertained thai in Limerick townshio there were 554 votes returned, and only 533 names on the list. 1 he election ifbcers and boxes of Limerick township were sent for, and it was found that ono man voted two tickets. One of these were thrown out, leaviog the vote on Recor der a tie 8.362 for each candidate. Judgo loss has ordered th-it the elec tion boxes from every district in the county shall be brought into court, and th it a recjunt ba made- The Judges, and inspectors of eleciion are to have thcin all at Noriistuwa by noon on Tuesday next. This is rather a remaka ble occurrance a tie vote between two candidates in such a heavy vote. There is a very common error, which appears in most of the afternoon papers of yester lay, that cn the death of Mr. Wilson, Sir. Ferry becomes ''acting Vice President." There is no suoh thing as an "ac'ing Vice President.;' The Vice President never acts. He simply waits, ready to take the place of the President in case of the death, re moval or disability of the latter, and while he is waiting he presides over the Senate, by way of having something to do. Whenever he is absent or sick the Senate elects a temporary president who goes back to his desk, however, when the Vice President returns. Be fore the adjournment of the Senate, Mr. Wilson Laving left Washington, the Senate elected Mr. Ferry, of Michigan, .resident pro tempore, and he is now by law, the next in succession to the Presi dent until tho Senate shall reassemble in Docembir. It may or may not Hgain elect Mr, Ferry, but whoever it then elects will be presideut of the irenate pimply, and the offioe of Vice President will rem.tn vacant until filled by the electors chosen at the general electiou to 1876. Should the President die the President of the Senate would be come ''acting President" only until an election could be held to fill the Tacancy. Phila Times. Tho new "tramp" law in New Yo.L has so far proved successful, and the State Board of Charities of Pennsylva nia mihl inaugurate a similar system here. A 1'oughkeepsie dispatch says that reports from different comities in New York State show that last month, and thus far this month, the applica tions from tramps for shelter and food at the various alms-houses have fallen off nearly one hundred per cent., when compared with the same months last year. The superintendents of the alms houses say this is because of the action of the State Board of Charities requiring every tramp applying for aid to give his nuino, age, and where he last came from, and also requring the Superintendent to take a full descrip tion of the applicant's features, hair, eyes, clothing, &o , and forward tbem to (hd State Board at Albany. The tramps shrink from this. Hence the great falling off ia applicants. The Superintendents believe it is the enter ing wedge to the complete solution ot the vexatious tramp question. If such a system cannot be introduced into Pennsylvania, the Legislature should be called upon at its approaohiog sess ion to adopt such legislation as will ena blo city and township, authorities to deal promptly and efficaciously with the tramp nuisance, Anutueh Bold ArreMpr Ou Saturday night of last week, as Mr. Henry Miohle, (a noal digger) of Lime stone tqwnship, this oonnty, was return ing to his home from Mecaniosville, he was stopped on the road by a man who came" out of the woeds and demanded his money. Mr M. replied that ho had no money, and after a few impertinent questions from the rascal, he was al lowed to pursue his journey unmoles ted until he had gone about half a mile, when he was aeain stopped by another, or the same man, who made a similar demand of him, Mr. M. replied that he had nothing about his person but some papers which were of no value to any one save himself, and after interchang. ing a few more words, the villain gave him permission to prosecute his journey and he arrived safely at home that night without being intercepted any mire by highwaymen, no doubt, being fully per. suaded that it was lortuuate (somctimts) to have been born poor. Clarion Jack Ionian. The Grbat Potato Year.- Accord ing to tbe New York papers, potatoes are pouring into that city from all di retions. They come down the Hudson from points along tho river. Can' boats ore freighted with them; and even us far west as Michigan letters are re ceived inquring the chances lor selling Four hundred car loads sometimes arrivi in a single day, and large tows com down the river, every boat loaded with from six to eight thouand bush eh. New York is the leading State in th potato business, the number of ac planted in 1873 being 241,990. tin iverage yield U3 builieU to the acre and the average price 54 cents pei bushel. In that year the entire potti. crop of the Uuited States wa 106 037. 000 bushels of which nearly one quarter, or 54 925,000 bushels were produced in New York. Although tht abundant yield thi year m-iy be dissp pointing to tho tanners on account ol the consequent low prices, it will be a isreat blessing to tho poor during the coming wi nter. What is Indian Summer? Prob ably not one person in twenty thousand Knows. iN early every warn day in the tall is spoken of as Indian Summer, li was an old and popular bilicf that this smoky season was caused by tho burn ing of the leaves on the Iudian hunting rnuuds But the 1,500 mile stre.ch of whi'e settlements between Western Pennsylvania and the home of the red man dissuades us from this fanciful opinion. 1 he only practical sense ide.i we remember ever to have seen is from an eminent aivine, who sDokc thus; The leaves generally begiu to fall in October, after the first frost, and con tinue to do so during the month. Then very generally, when all the leaves have fallen, there comes a cold rain and a j bitter frost, fomentation and decom position which adds warmth to the earth, causing that warm, misty atmos phere which continues until nearly the end ol November. And it is during this warm spell in November that tra ditiou says (in this latitude) the Indians luid up their corn for winter." Dreadful Warning to Hunters. From the Osceola Reoeiile. of the 3.' inst., we copy the following sturtling aye horrifying report of a hunting acci dent. Let it bo a warning t hunters everywhere: "With the return of the hunting season recurs the increasing mortality list growing out of accidental shooting. The first case of fatal shoot ing ocenring this season, happened near Hazeltown Pa., in Tobhanna township A hunter named James Philips, being out on Pocono mountain, put his dog alter a deer, which ran in the direction ot a lurge swamp, called "Shades of Death." Philips followed, and after some time, heard the dogs coming to ward him. Observing a movement in u dump of bushes, only about Slty vard I'lstant, he raised his gun Dud fired Before he had time to reload the deei run past him, and supposing he hao partly disabled it, ho proceeded to tic place where he supposed the deer ! have been when lie shot, and was hoi rifled to find the body of a littlo bo riddled with buck shut, lying in a poo of blood. The littlo lellow was aboo nine years of age and near his bod stood a basket partly filled with beasi nuts, showing his fatal errand to the dismal "Shades of Death." We give the principal facts of this sad ease hoping that the warning may save the life of some human being who otherwis mitrh t become a sacrifice to the careless ness of some over-confident but incapable hunter." "He shall have the power to till any vacancy that may happen during the recess of the Senate, in the office of Auditor General, State Treasurer, Seo retary ol Internal Affiairs, or Superin tendent of Publio Instruction, in a judical office, or any other elective ofljce during the sessioa ot Senate, the Governor shall nominate to the Senate, before their final adjournment, a proper person to fill aaid vaoaocy; but any such case of vacaucy, in an elective office, a person shall be ohoseu to said offioe at the next general election, unless the vsoancy shall happen within three cal ender months immediately preceding such election, in which caaj the elec tion for said office shall be held at the second cucceediog general election," A wise examiner in the Paiem Office at Washington refused a patent for a new mode of fastening coiton bales, on the ground that the same principle was embodied in a patent already issued for a lady $ garter. It is obviously a good thing, at any rate, that women and cot ton bales can be firmly seoured by a common principle, and it is not so sur prising that one attachment answers for both. There always was an affinity be ween 'em. E. B. FOOTE, M.D . 120 lexicon Arcnne, Cw.JP.28tA St., NEW YORK, An IndependentPhysician, TREATS ALL FOBMS OP CHRONIC DISEASE, AND RBCE1VM Letters from all parts oj the Civilised World. IY Hit BRieiHAl WAT it Coniuctinc a Medical Practice HE IS TREATING Xumcront Patients in Europe, the West Indies, the Dominion of Canada, and in every Stat of the Union. ADVICE CIVEN BY MAIL FREE OF CHARGE. Vo mtrenrlal vedfclnet or deletcrtoat drug), a ted. Bi during tht pMt twenty years treated Buccrw futly nearly or quit 40,000 cabm. All facta con nected with each caae are carefully recorded, whether they be communicated by letter or in person, or observed by the Doctor or hie asmodata physi ciene. The latter are all scientific medical nee. All InTaltde at a distance are required to answer an extended Hit of plain questions, which will be furoithed by mall free, er at tne office. A com plete system of registering prevents mistake or confusion. Case books never consulted, except by the physicians of the establishment. For free consultation send for list of queslioue. A sixty psge pamphlet of Yitlmcet of sncceet tent fiee also. aadrfrsM rj,r, K. 13. FOOTK,' Box 788, New York AGENTS WANTED. Da. Footi te th. author of ' Uidical Com mon BrxiE." bonk tbt reached a circulation of oTtr 1150,000 copies; alio, of "I'uim Horn Tale," more recently publiahed, which hn Mild to th. extent of 70,000 coplee ; alio, of " Sciixca U Stobi," which ia now being published in eerie.. COKTCKT TABLR. f all, excepting th. lint-mentioned work (which la out of print), will be eent free on application to either Dr. fooia, or th. Murrij Bill fuWiii ll( CompilT, whoM offlo. la 1!I9 But 88ih Strut. Agent. bith men and women wanted to aril the foregoing aorka, to whom a liberal profit will be allowed. Th. beginning, of mail fortune, have been mad. in telling Dr. Footi' iwpular work.. "Flair Hoke Tiu" i particu'arf adapted to adult, and "Science m Sioar" ia fntt th. thing for th. young. Send for content. It blee and eee fur jounelvee. Th. former aniwera a multitude of qur.tlon. which ladie. and gentla. aaen feel a delicacy about asking of their phytidana. Then ia nothing la literature at all li'.e either t the foregoing worka. "Bcreitca la Btobt" an only be had of agrnta or of th. Publisher. TLAIM HOUR TALK" If published In both th. Boglish and ti.rmao Language!. One. mora, 'Aaenta Wanted ADDRESS AS UIOVX. T JTA K77S VEGETABLE SICILIAN IT A IB RENEWER. Every year increases tho popularity of this valuable Hair Preparation; which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the only reliable and perfected prep aration for restoring Gray oe Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimu lates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, tho hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical Hair Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives tho hair a splendid, glossy ap pearance. A. A. Ilayes, M.D., Stato Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents aro pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality; and I consider it tho Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Sold by ail Druggi'tt, and Dealen in Utdieintt. Frioa Ono Dollar. Buckingham's Dye FOB THE WHISKIES. As our Rencwer in many cases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray ov faded Whisk ers, wo have prepared this dye, in ona preparation; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash offi Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO.. UY mail, aa CENTS ' J! 44. rAKK nOW I KEWYOB1C aW -743-"Z?V ADVERTISE THE ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE ONLY REPUBLICAN PAPER IN ELK COUNTY. Office in Thnjar k Hagerty'a Block, RIDGWAY, rA. SUBSCRIBE, 8U15SC11IBE, SUHSUMBE, SUBSCRIBE. TEKMS TWO DOLLRS A YEAH GIVE US A CALL FOR JOB WORK I CARDS, TAGS, ENVKLOPES, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HE AS, BILL HEADS, MONTH LY STATEMENTS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, &C. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Addrwi, THE ADVOCATE, KidjfYay, Klk Co., Pa CUE Al EST A SI) Jitsr.t PETEESQFSMAGAZINE fOSTAGI f RE-PAID CN ALL 8?S5Sir TICKS. Oy Every tnbtcribtr for 187G will he qrttenttd with a tuptrb, large-tized Heel eniraving of Trumbull' $ celebrated pic ture of " TJie Signing of the Declara tion of Independence." Thi Peterton'i" Centennial Gift. "Peterson's Magazine" contains, every year, 1000 pages, i4 steel plates, 12 colored Ber'iu pattern, 12 ujuuj moth colored laihion plates, 24 pages ol masio, and 900 wood cuts. Great improvements icill be made in 1876. A niung them will be a series ol illutttruted articles on the Groat Kiinbi tioo at Philadelphia, which will alone be worth the iuWription price. 'I hey will appronriHtelv cnlleH. TEE CENTENNIAL IN TEN AND PENCIL! The luiiiieie circulation ot "I'ciir son" enables its proprietor to spend more money on esulililiiiiciits, ytotiep, c. &o , than iinv other. It gives more Jor the monrjf than any in the xcjrld. Its. THRILLING TALES AND NOVEL ETTES Are the best published anywhere. All the n ost popular writers ore employed Ai write originally fur " J etcrton " In 1376, in addition to the u.-uul quantity "I short .tones, FIVE OltlGlNAL I'OPYUIGHT NOVELETTES will be .niveu, by Mrs. Ami 8. rit'pheus, Fran!; I. en Benedict, Mrs. F. 11. Burnett, and others Uammoth Colore! F&sLion Hates Ahead ul all uiliura. '1 nese .lutes ate enjjtaved ou tsicel, TW1CK the usual blZK, and are untqiulod for beauty I hey will he superbly coloied. Aiso, Household and otlier receipt?; in td.ort everything iiiteresiin; to ladies. A', li As the lulilinhrrs now pre p'li,s th. jwstrge to utl tnail suhscrdwrt l eterson is CH KAPKtt J UAN i.vtR; in lad is TUB ClltAPKST IN TUit Wt'KLU. TEF.US Always In AdVancOy$2.00 A YEAR. 2 Ccpfos for$3,63 3 Coplas 4,03 W nil a copy nl iii pieiuiuui u zz'iiuii l21x2li) "t'llKISIMAS M OHM NO." a five dollar engraving, to the peioti get- iiol' up l tie i tub. 4 Coploa for 50,33 7 Capias for t1,QO. twin uu eilla tui.y ul lno .Wuu tint: tor J 870. ait a pveuiiuui, to ilie Jiermjn getting un lie "li.h 5 Copies for 3,50 S Cc.clsa (or 12.50 12 CcpUs tor tfc.UJ. .ih tiuiu un exli it c. it I lie :iii.zine In: 1H7C, ami llie trniii,m mezzoniit a fine ddlar myravwj, to (he jytrsou gcf.iug ui. llio Club- AdJiffS. post-paid, CHARLES J. FCTEF.eCK, 306 Chastest Ct., Ftatai.c-.ttfa, Pa. )jatr"tpi'CiUieu Mm iiik u niiiitn lor. l'ricr, Tvtfr.iy-fict Cents. ' ADVERTISING MISEIT-Eiriirni EDITION. Conlaining a eoinplct list of nil the towns in the Lulled Mates, ih Terr'.tones ul tUe Ltumiuiou i.t C in a d . bavini; a j'(,j.ula l ou gi (finer iIihu o,UO uccirtliii(. to II. Ih K t ci-i.SHM, tpgviiier uli the linmeK of 11. t Iit npnpt'is L iving iln; U. jirM lucul cocu I. U ion m cue li of ili plates nauti. Ala CEitnli.g'ie o.' u; ) u fis mUilIi tie rt uouitnt'init-tl to ml v . 1 1 tatii n an jr.riiig re.it tul value iu piuporlioii to 0 .cf cii.iigeJ Atto, ul iifwdpHtieis iu tha UuueJ K.ulia UDil t'uiiudii pruning over o.OI'O curr meli lime. Alro. all ilif Htligioua, Aii cultui'iii. r-'ci-nl itiu ami Mtftln.uu ul, .'J i-l c.il, Musjinc; Jiiveui.e. Kuui..,iio:.ri, Co:n heic.nl, lii-uiuuce, lleit Kmue. Lnw. spoiling. Aiu.sical, En: bimi, u id rilin fijtciii) eluss jouri a'f; ti-ry c.nnii eio .ii-in logpilii'i witli a eompleli. list ot over JiOO Gtfiir.Liu pnpo'B piiiiied in tiie L'liiied ;-hiic. Abu, an emiy ujiou udveii.M.i: ninny ti.b.es ot raieK. hli. wr.j; il.e cod of iidvi i lining in Miii. mis i.i'(.np. is. and eteiytliii. ulii.li n bigu.nei in noveiiix. i ii would like lo l.n.w Address UK) P. UOKKLl & () . 11 Park How, New iort. I N-frPt.Dor i jho f': :ur-.t Tlrjco. 1 1.: .5 lor No'T L.rf!x. I. . ..r.u-.! fi. :f..u i. :....irfti.jis, !.& " ' '-. ...-. f,iiei, j! 1 -ri l li .i.t. i ? . i t ..I ilu ,;.vo , toj. a'. i ! tm.n tln ??n. a C'i, r. J-t !ra oa ssni.wr:F;i.Y r,cs, n x vr.A . ' i'jj ie ui' am reucr 1 c .-rtr . ''': KF.Iil.vr b .t a real . rvai ut oi nLU'-el nr.w.'.u roa ti.ie, a A f r-it i!.M;r l . i t.-w' t l. it?rl!o.awitu E it :rltikM. va.m- t o.o; iwir a wu la.itjl oroaro4l;. TIIE Lilir 83A V-AIU A .T.i-' rul h n v-. ,.. f.. At re i.'ii I :t i.i ih-i ,i ., .j ;wt.-at. .1 : arte In i.'j .!. ii. A 1 : .. e. -o.ii M'tplKi e.is a Cuu , . wall Ti:n,M3 to cLunn. TUT. 101.1.AU Wl.EU.LY ht'N. iTe e-vt".. one voii, f.;. ara:iv . .l-i- .1. 1 '.lilTt. T roptu, ono Tw.ijn.rjli:. al lirt .t (.i..il a i emruooi , tol.ie.jt.tr uj il !u;. i KliJt JOclt'irv rwb.it rnr;v, .i.m fair. i'ra'i'l u;.l.-.rta Cu -d aa e&Lrn ejj.y w ki:tt -r ... ,. ,':..oi. If'.fi0i'n lo':ra, f.jyr o.a. t! er, loom a tjrra ril tao bl.W- lick f out y. :i- I I k-cl. I; .. l-: rl 'tl, Talrt7-.Ur ja Ioiin. fifiy roBir ona rea'. 'rpiu .ite v n l:c ei u. 1 t.'.o bciul-WtaiilT una yn.i.' 'u Hit it o i iik). Uirir-ar j OtiUarv ra honi:reit rn. nn voar. no i.t lre Mn I tao i.Wiy for cum ye-, to 'hii 'tr too? Cia- VUtr it.i:ur. It hir-drM o-iih,. una . ar. . iun r u. ilrcc'i. .nal u.8i.'liuro. .! i n. ....K oof claw. M Iinliura, tnr. HEMI.WEEriLV tJUS. Tlvj coalca, on yaiu.irpaiattlv ,m.t. fciabl Uollara, liU'iilct, nne verr irpura o; t a -...ri.. U (mid aa utiKcopj to t,u.r u;. .r . I ) Hxteto Dollura. jevd Torn SIOHUT oPo.t rwflra r.r.l.-. c6ua. or draft cn Vi Tork. whre- t. macloni if ,.t, li en melnZ U auun ooataluw .o-iay. jWiUi-i- a. W. tJfk.Aln, rub'tiV. Sa ottn. Stw Yvtu OStf. New goods, every duy in the year except Sundays and legal holidays at tho great UJUQiuioth Grand Central Store of P. & K'i. No braggiDg around. Call for wbatyou wact. AOtNld A'ANTi.1) TO SELt The FoliticHl, I'eroonul, and Properly "Rights 'Citizen, Of the United States Iow to exercise and how to per serve them. liy Theophilut J'ar sons, LL. IK Containing ft comtncntury on' the Fed eral and State Comtiiuiion, giving their liislory nod origin, and ft full expianmioa of their principles, purpof.es and provis ions; the pow rg and. duties of I'ullio Ufli rors; the rights of the people, and the obligations incurred in every relRtion of lit'; also, parliamentary rules tor deliher l ivo bodies; nad full directions, and legnl forms for nil business trtisoctions. as n aif ing Wills, iJeeds, Motlgnges Lenses. Notes, Drafts, Contracts, etc A law Library in n single volume. It meets the nnnls of all classes mid sells to everbod. JONES liROTUERd & Co., l'liila. Fi. PAUT II 53 AD'. 1I1E SPLENDID lLI.UdTHATED WOUK "A CENTURY AFTE OU I'ICTUilE QUE PHILADELPHIA. fr'LtMl'SKS OF AND 1'E.INSYL VAN'IA." Including Fairtnount Pnrk. the Wissa hick. in. mill iliu pr iniiietil roumntio lnculi lies nnd liindniapes of I'cniiyylvnuiii: pie eiiting in a Feiies of superb engravings the xceiicry, lit'..', in inin.-rs. cli ir.iui er. au l ul c .i i i ;. i uio of till! cities of i lie Si.il 0. The iiiiihI fmili li'-s piulnriil work yet of fered lo llie American public. Eueli part will ciiniain a number of en pinvingj, pr idiici'd under llie supervision. ..f .1. IV. I.iiudu bucli; nftcr designs by Urnley. Tlionini. Muinii, Woon win d. Iteu sell, nnd oi ii.'i pr..iiiiiii m Ameriuia artisis. Edited by Edunrl Si rtili nil . To be published in Ciftkkn Skmi M intiii.t 1'AitTsai Fifty Cknts each, prin 'ed on superior toned paper, tize IOxlJ inches. At! i:TS WANTED KVERTWHEflK. I'aiiies residing in loci, lilies wlinre iiL'ents l.aven il been nppuiulcd can obtain llie work by addressing . LI. EN. LX.N'. 4- SCOTT, & J. W. LA TI DE KU AC II. PuMishora, 233 South Fifth Street Philadelphia. tT S or mAnrwv' taa m.t naula ma ailrertlra. men l'.r-0:'r natluat, w m Ul interpret and elabo. raM it 5 ii.vM : i. JI. FOOTU, Kn'htr at l-n U mm laik. Wulirvl C.nninon Sn, M-a-o ai Hun. ate., ll Iiim.iii inn (ror. IH. tVSl i. Hvt Yrk. ad Isiir.iKNi.FKT r-urwl.k. m.v all forma af l.itluti tul r CAmiM llu ant rim-iTca Ictien Irwu all parti of taa 0iri4aKii ''.AH. ftf vi-'' oanAi"!"? a Urdinal Pra Uiv.. I. Mi.iry tmr nr iikii arou" t.aticnt. in rCra-va. (M luclli-", Uuirlttton Of ttaiiia, a4 ia evr.y ii t of lh- Un uil biatca, NO MKBCUHIAL Ot ilaW'rt.ia Srcet u.l, He hna, dunnx tbo pat ywmnj titnv yiwr.. iraauid mHiiwhtUy i i;y r qtiita 4.Uui ota. all fa-t" wnmi'ti d wilh well ra-a lira car.utty rMttnird. ii Lather tlifj Im aiinn.unicuUil by lanar tt lu larwio, or cii-wvH l.y tliu Doi-n.r or lila aaaM .baiolaa. Xba latter aro ait acteiiUA aaciual mca. E0"7 IS7ALI3S AT A EISTAHCB Aja trr tiaj. Ail invalid.! at a liriiuoB nn ri-qinrod w anavar a Hat uf plaMi qncaii..n whl.i aiiclta eveiy yia-i,uu nu-iar m-Mirh Lite tnvall.l ralTt-ra. All cum-twtiAJti't- frnttfd 9-riclty Viinfl'lehttttl. A i!tmpl.-ta ayw(cia uf r.fr-o-rin pr vrrta mip.aka. or confiition. I..BI ot q in.t.o an. it five, on nin.liar.ti.in, to any IMtrt of ta jrl i i ) pi pamplilct o( BvniciirM o ftuecKa. alwj int tn. Ail iheae tritiiiiuiiiaU ara Irum iA-m wli" hnve la-'ii treatiM by r.ail and eniireaa. Auvi.-K m orrit'it, on bi ifiu tans or cbauos. iikii on ot aldr-6W on. n. D. FOOTE, Vo. 120 lexlngtoa Ave., W.Y. Vbntcd to .fell Vpuiks Plain HomtlaUe and ' Sfcdiait OunuicH. &'ensa:AliO 2)r .Wei- Science in &ijry. RrKrrikulars odJtS3 ,,.ru Ifurrsy I iill f iibiishi no (iinpar.y 120 TaiiJrbt J J ' ke'.v yimic Dr. iiorj3:'s la-is Bowsl anl jrilo P.lls. Tli'i pil;a ura an Inf illpile remnlj for cnnattpatlon and i.IIjs oaiw I by woiknean or mippreat.-n of tha rairiati'tio mut.O'l .'.f tllff iKiwela. Tliry rery Hantlf iucreaiii th-i ativty of the lut' fl'tu.tl camil, pr dnca l aottat-ii arl relieve pilii. utona. Tki"n.iit.d hava 1 bu:n cii.a.1 by thuul. rrioe 5.1 cents sent by mail on ra-.-.t .if nrico. Prepared only I.) F. ALFRKD RHICit Vttlir. l'unMAOinr, 4'J i Focara Avvscs, Nkw V.iui Citt. Er. Cscgir'i Coa.jjua.l Fluil Extract o" Eh'iiir'a 'and Sandslio.i. Th ltt oomoi.i .tion of pnreTy veirtab'o mdioinea t ealiiuly rep'tca Culotnel ur Blue i'..l. It atimuiatea tai uvdr, incre ia.M the flow of bile, and thna runi.ivea at ja.M torp. tity of th. liver, bll ..uiieei and I.Hl.iliml ooi.tipaU'in. an I the die.iGe arilnif from anch aa dv.pa.iaia. aiok head .che. flatulence, evs. Tllo effeo tiTeiiaa uf tllia Euract will be prov.1, visibly, at out a to th'i pitieniaa .me or two Imtlle ore cuflic'ent t ol r tli-i o-i n i.eti in b'liutifullr. nivl remove pimples ad ataina ntnaeil l.y lier iroilbes. Price $1 perb tlla. G b-itUea, $i; will bo aent on rcc-ipt of the piica ta an addreaa. free nf chnr'e prepared only by V. ALPRSn ItCICHlltUT, FUaJUI4CUI,aC2il'OUaaa Ivaaca. ks Yosa Gift. Bakers weft Chocolate 1 OWl'.l.L & KIME'S. at Ynunt; man if you want to ad.i jjveally to your apresranee pa at onei t I O'.VEI.L & KIME'S t.i rand Cen tra' Store, ami get youfcelf a new white linen bumui i-hiit. You can fret a gooil fittine white ctaao. shirt for $1.23 and Irom that up. IJeyer'. Poultry Powder. warra.nied.lf nsed In time, tocure rliit ken cholera and g.pef. Waliaatipi'lyofttite Powder and u b--gtowalof ortliuuiyiitienlit n toelean. llneae aud proper reedlLg, will, a naa.lfnl annnlv i.t eaat.ffrltandeczatiell-firniliiK maie. Inl.anr one muy keeppooltrylevenluconflii- nu'in )for any lenclh of time, with l.oui profit nnd ple.t-are. riii-kHge25cti.. tvefor Si.no. MX. ym.r dealer. Bent free upon re ceipt of pr Ite. Adrfrcte, A. C. METER CO.. Baltimore, Hates of Advertising. One column, one year $75 00 1 40 Ot. t .-. 25 ta. I 15 0 Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.50, I In ee insertions $'2. Business cards, ten lines or less, per year $5 Advertisemeats payable quarterly. Ainsr.Ttei.NG; Ciikap. Goon, Syi-tema-tio All persons who contemplate uiukitig coutracts with newspnr era for the insertion of advertisements, tlioulJ send 25 ceuts to Ueo V. Lowell J- o., 41 Park Kow, fcew Voi-k, for their PAMPHLET BUOK ninety-seventU edition,) eoutaiuing lists of OTer 2000 newspapers and estima tes, showing the cosi Advertisements taken for leading papers in many Biaies at termeudoua redtciioa from publishers rate. Git thi soot, t bo 48 l . -ffi sir. LIViiltY STABLE IN 9-0 DAN SCR113NEU WISHES TO IN form the Citizen of Kid g way, and the publio generally, thai he bag started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Buggies, to let upon llie most reason. ble terms 8Q1. II o will also do job teasing. Stable on Broad street, above Mala. All orders left at the Post Offioe will meet prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. The Weekly Sun. A lavge eiftht pnge independent, hnneat and tearless newspui er of 60 broad columns, especially designed lor the farmer, the me, chimin, the merchant and the Professional num. nud their wives and children. We aim to oi'ike the Vbkk.lt Sun the best family newspaper in the world It is full of entertaining nnd instructive reauing of every sori, but prints uolhing to offend the u. est scrupulous and delicate taste. Price SI. 120 per year, postage prepaid. The uheupit paiM-r published. Try if Address Tut Si n, New York City. Elk County Directory. President .ludge L. D. tVetraore. Additional Law Judge lion. Ji- P Vincent . Associate Judges Chas. Lulir, J V llouk. District Altorney--J. K. P, Hall. Slieiill 1). t'ciill. Piotlru.oti.ry Jjc, Fred. Pchotnisg. . Treasurer Joseph Wiudfel.ler. Coutiiy Snpciiniendeiii Gen. R. Dixon. Commissioners Michael Weidert, Julius Jones, tieo. I'd. Weis. Auditors Thomas Irwin N. G. lSundy, Coutiiy Surveyor lico Wilmsley. Jury Coiiiinissi mers. Phillip tkreighle I'liiinoin T. Kylcr. I'tHt SALE BY E.K. ORESH, Masmiio Hull Building. Ridgway, Fa. VA1T VLECK'S t'ELKUUA'lhl) 1'Alhi.M SPRING JJHD lihST tempered fteel spring wire, these fpiirs can be laid on tho sluts uf any common bed aud are CO.MI'LEI E IN TllEMSELVKA 1 Alo aetit lor Weed. Seving Machine, Easiest Kuniiiiig, Must Uui able, aod SKIT MAOIl.Nt; u the murket. Call aai cxniiue before puicliasing else a bar. v-lnlliit'$, jF YOU WANT TO UTJY GOODS CHEAP GO TO JAMES II- IIAGSRTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. Dll Y GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAFtt, GLASS AND QUEENS W ARE, WOOD AND W II. LOU'. WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARt. A I.arpf Stock f Groosrics and Provisions. The BHST IU1ANDS of FLOUK ,'t .iiMtiiiitly uu haud, and Bold aa cheap a the CUEAI'EST. JAMEJ II. IIAGEIiTY. SLUItS ,tJil) I' LA JITS. 0. C. i tie l iuo Cnpii Cod Cranberry, C. best port tor li plund, Lowland, or uuidvii. by mail prepaid, 81 per 1U0, 85 per 1. 000. All tne New, Choice Straw neri ies uud 1'eucties. A priced Cata gnu ot tln-e uud uil Fruits, Ornamen ut Trees Kveigreeus, Shrubs, Bulbs, .iu?es, I'linim, Ac, and FKES11 i-ljWElt & G ALU) EN SEEDS, tho i;lioiee.st collection iu tho country, with ill uovenie.s, will be sent gratia to any piiiiu address 25 eorts of either flower, tuidiu; Ttee, Eruit, EvergrePD, or tletb feeds, lor 81,00, bent by mail, prepaid. WHOLESALE CATA LOGUE TO IMS TKADE. Agent. uuied. B. M WATSON, Old Colony Nur seites and eed H aiebouse, l'lyoioutb, .Muss. Established 1812. I 0 THE LIIIZEX8 OF PENNSYL VAMA. Your nitention is specially .nviied lu the fact ih .1 the National ltnnks are now prt-pnrd to receive subscriptions to the Capital Stock ol the Centennial t.ourd ot r iuaiice. The fundsrealixed from his source aro to be employed in the ereo ou of the tiuiiuiuga lot- i ho Internationa i.xiubitioii, and tiiu txpenses couueoied itn the KHine. It i. coulideuily believed .urn ilie Keystone jSiuio will be represented mo uuiue of every vitizen alive lo pairi. one coinuieiiiiiruiiou uf the one hundredth, bum day of the nation. The shaves o siock me o tie red tor $10 each, aud sub acribers aill receive a handsome engraved ii'iincaiu of Mot-k, suitable for framiog una (iieservaiiou as a uaiional memorial. lni treat at the rate of six percent, per unuuiu will be paid on uil payments of Cea .euuial Slock from date of payment to juuuary I, IbTti. bubacribei'k who are not neat a Nation Hunk can remit a check or post office order .0 the undersigned, rUEU'K t'UALEV, Treasurer, ikl-i Walnut (it., Philadelphia Al'PLtTONS AMkBICAN CvCLOrtDIA that the revibtJ, uud elegantly illus trutud edition ot this work, now being published, a volume of 800 pages onoa iu to uioutliB, L the best Cycloped 5 America, is certaiu. No library is com plete without it. It is a complete ona in itselt. It ouly costs $3 a month t get it in leather biodiug. Th best tod cheapest library in the world. Addreaa, 0. K. Judson, Fridooia, N. Y.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers