BINES3 CARDS. ?. A. ft A Tllli VM. Atorney-at-law, wy. P. 2tf. 'i UFUS LUCOHE, Altorney-at-Lav gwsy. Elk Co.. Fa. Ofliee in w Lrick Building. Cluims fo promptly attended to. ALL & M'UAULEY, Attorneys-at-Lxw, n Now lirick Building, Main Si tin Co., fa. v3ni!tr. T. O. . BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Tiidgway, Elk County, Pa. for the Traveler's Life and Acoi lance Co., of Hartford. Conn. MVS D, FULLER TON, n Dentist, having permanently lo- Itie way, offers his professional ser- e citizens or tudgway anu sur. couuiry. All work wamuied Ji vice & Wheeler's Building, up. pi door to the left. "3 n-821y CIIARLES HOLES, tchmakrr, Engraver and Jeweler. reet, Ridgway, I'a. Aceirt tor tb ewing Machine, and Morton GoM opairing Watches, etc, doc with accuracy as heretofore. Satis uarantccd. vl-nly G. MESSENGER, ist and Paimaceutiit N. W. cornet und Mill streets, Kiugway, I'a. rimeut of carefully selected For- Domestic Drugs, rrescription; dispensed at all hours, duy oi 5. HARTLEY. AI. D., rhysiciun ana Surgeou. in Ling !tore, corner iliond and i, Kfejiilviiee corner oinad St. the C'oll'ge. Ulhca hours (low . M. and irom " lu 8 P. At. 1. S. JWR DWELL, M. 1)., rhysicinn and Surgeon, hasvomuy- uoe lroui Imtie mi eel, to Man si. iu I lie eecuud atery of the k buildiug of John 0. Hull, eppo e's store. uoum: 1 to 2 P M 7 to 9 P M HYDE HOUSE, HiDowiiT, Hi.k Co., Pa H. SC11 U AM, Proprietor. ful for thjs patrouage beieiofore lly bestowed upon nun, the ut or, hopes, tv paying sa-ict il- o ilie couilort a ni convenience o) to merit a ooniuiuaoce i the M 183l. XERSEY 110 USE, ClMTB tVILLK, Elk Co., Pa. hs Collins, Proprietor. ful for the patronage heietolort tiy bestowed upou hiui, the new or, hopes, by puyiug strict at- o the coiutur. am couveuieuct t - merit comiuuuucs uf the J'. Y. HA YS, DLALK., IH Joods, Notions, Crcceriee. md General Variety, DX, ELK CO., PA. Parley J. O. RAILROADS- ISYLVANIA KAIL ROAD telpliia Si Erie H. R. Division. INTER TIME TABLE. Idafter MONUAYJMAi 24, 1875, trams on the Philadelphia & Llroad will run a follows: WtSTWAKI). ICCO.M leaves'Kenovo..... 4 35 p m li ut wood.. 0 bo p m " Euiporiuxu j 65 p m " Si Marys... 7 65 p ui " Kiiigway... 8 25 p lu " Wiluoz U 05 p ui arr at luiue.. 9 iio p m I AIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p ui 4 Keuovo 1105 am i Emporium 1 It) p m St. Mary's 2 00 p in Ridgway 2 25 p ui Wilcox Z 08 p m Irrive at Erie 7 6o u m EASi'tt AU.L1. k'O ACCU .1 leaves Kuue... 8 00 a id n ilcux 8 a id a in ' Ridgway.. U 25 in " B. Alar j 10 01 a in " En puriuui 11 05 a ui Drill wood li 15 p in Kenovo I 40 p iu MAIL leaves Erie 11.0 a oi Kaue 8 45 p ui " ilcox 4 08 p ic " Kidgwuy 4. 45 put St. Alury's 6.10 p m Emporium 6.05 p ui " lteuovo 8.25 p ui arr. at Philadephia... 0.00 a m dvo Aocom and Kaue Acoom connect lud west ut East with Low uiade Lf UdJIIiN Viiflt U WJ1, A. Ji ALU WIN. Ueu'l Sup't. Lb family Groceries, and Caotied itl'&K'i. Tk bapMad Wl, THURSPAr, NOVEMBER 18. 2875. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. J. S. BORDWELL Is Local Agat for all kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees shruln. Rose, Flowers &o-, from the best Nursery iu the state of New York. Buy at home and nave money. 6n:17m8 Cur Time at Hldgway. Mail East do West ffenovo Accom East Kane do West Local East 4:45 Ps M. 2 25 P. M. 9:25 A. M 8:20 P. M. 6:40 P. M nado West S;20 A. M The Mail and Through Local carry ssengers, the local does rot. Next Thursday it TbaiAsgsving day. Court is in ess!on here tkis week, Send in yourorders for for job work. Vie will give the court proceedings next week. The Advocatc is, uMvoidably, day late lli is week See dissolutson notice of Goff & Mercer in another column. George Reuscher, County Commissioner elect, was in town yesteriay. Last Tuesday ot fell here to tbe depth of an inch cr so. A lamp exploded in W. II. Schram's hardware store the other evening. The fire was fortunately extinguished before much damage wos done. A little child of John Koch, at Centre Tille. this county, accideutly shot its little sister through tbe head last Wednesday At last accounts the child was alive. BUSINESS LOCALS. Subscribe for die Advocate. Green Uio cuffee a P. St K's 0!i! those beautiful prims at V. Si K's. Kart undersbirti aud drawers, at P & K's. Ladies dress foods newest style a P. K's. Hats and Caps a complete agfoitercot at P. & K's. Those IJauitlMu Coret at J'& K's are the west durable, and the cheapest in market. Over Coats? Irmu $5 to C2f) a large and fplenoid stock. Step in aod get cue at P. & IC's. Hunting liublien! with acd without heels, a larpe lot at P. Si K's. All ( ther kiDds of rubber boots and shoes II jou wulit any bl'ched or rowD muelius, from to 10-4 Vid ay quality, 30 to head (juarters. Powell & Kiiiir'g and select to your taste. Wedding and Muurj'ng ouifii for la dies at MaVl SlLVKK.MnNN'H, opposite be court h ut-e, Willianisport, Pa CHEAP! CHEAP: I HBAP! Coods marked down to toniith the world Call and see us M.iV & i5IJ.CR. .MANN, Williaiiisport, Pa. Millinery goods, hair swiichea, jewelry, fancy -roods, notions, ladies & childreus oloaUs, di esses & tiiidergarmeats. Whole sale & Retail at MAV & SILVEP.MANN'S oppos:tethe s nirt houe. Williamport, Pa. MADAM DviMrtHKST PATTVIINS. We are agems for Tjsdiin demorest pst terus. cataloiige? free, send for one, put trns seul by miil. MAV 51LVElt M ANN'S Williatusport Pa. 'Kin JJee" ni many others kinds ofchewing tobacco. Also smokiog uf all the popular brands at P & K's. COATS & FUBS. From two to ihree hundred ladies cloth ccats laiesc styles also .a large lot of Furs at pricea so low to asiouibh every body MAV & SILVEUM ANN, opposite the Court House, Williainsport, Pa,, Coodfish boneless and bkioless. Also some of the old fashioned in full dress, at P. & K's. Have you been to Williamaport Pa., to buy what you want at MAV 4 SILVER MANN'S, opposite the Court IKmo. They are giving up retail business it are selling goods very cheep. A complete stock of ladies misses and childreus slices, light, tuedititu and heavy at P. & K's Now is the time to buy. Summer Clothing, for those Boys and children, Linen, Alapaca and sum mer Cashmer at P & K'f Give (ho AusocrTB office a cull for bill heads, letter-bends, cards, shipping tags, and if you are going to gel married leave us an order for y ow cards A choice lot of Pastry Flour ai POWELL & KIME'S 'Jryit. Hosted coffee a genuine article, at P & K's 10 HIE PUBLIC! Ill health of Mr, May compells us to retire from the retail busioess, and tor tlut reasou we offer our entire stock oi goods at4aud below cost Our stock, con sists of ladies trimmed aud untrimmcd hats, feathers, flowers, velvets, woolen goods, hair switches and braids, trunks and satchels, ladies and cbildreos cloaks shawls, dresses and undergarments, hosiery and gloves, collars and cufls. lurs and a full aud complete stock ot ladies end childreo's furnishing goods, People will do well lo call or send for what they can use, as great bargains are given. Thirty thousand dollars worth of goods to be Bold in a short time. Huild.Dg and fixtures for sale, lie sure and call. iMaj ni Silvormann opposite the Court House Williamaport Pa. - jTnii Lszm rsou wiSTAirr liaji For the AbVoCAra. Mr. Editor to are well aware that eonw very important, proud and sell'-cooceited personage is of late occu pying the columM of the Democrat giving veottoand feeding it with, his thoughts under the assumed onme of ''Senex" which, were he wise, be would have kept to himself and prevented their occurrence. I say he is proud and conceited though I havi nerer bad the honor of his acquaintance or eveo of glaociog at his great personage to its utmost pitch of greatness do doubt, when he promenades your streets bm I hope I shall, ere he "shuffiVs off this mortal coil." I say it aim ply judging from the tone of his letter. Mr. Editor, these letters of hie together with au swers of some few correspondents have been -hitherto carried on to tbe columns of the Democrat, till in a late issue its Edicor announced that no review on "Senex" would eet tdtuissiou to its pages. This certainly was and partial n the part of its Managers; whether intentionaly, or otherwise, cun tiot be said. The conclusion is plaio, however, viz: it intentional it wta crim inal, not intentional, it wss a blunder, and hakespear says, "a blunder is worse thau a crime." This "Senex" was Srst to cast the stone in a ptneral manner, aud uirder 00 consideration should he hare the last throw, lie de votee most of his last vile production to my letter, the only one I wrote on tbe matter, and Mr. Democrat allows me no place to reply. In doi ng so Ire has acted dishonorable, and 'Btij n-t, conse quently you, Mr. Ed. Advocate, are perlectly at liberty to do under su:h "ircuuistancos, what fce reluses to. This "Senex" also gives vent to the fact that he visited the taiKttn of the Democrat for tiro purpose of reaving au answer 10 "Constant reader," but on hearing that "Header" had already sent .'your Democrat another ktter, and a long-nosed, meddlesome, something. etc , had also presented an article we de clined to give you the artiele above mentioned." One weald naturally con clude he got his information at the Dan crat office, hnd on advice, to hold back and let all these hulls go off to gether with the announecttTent given above, and that next week he could have ell to himself, eo -.Senex" did tafce advantage of the chance g.ven by the Democrat' announcement and abuses away in hopes never to yet a blow again. He evfiii f. ins hints to you Mr. Ed. of Advocatk not to priut what the Demo crat refused. "Stnex" was evidently a'raid ol n answer, aud mean enough to take all advantages, went on with his p rsotnil alme while he was encouraged by the thought that there vcas no chance oi l reply. Hut the goi-d Advocate has not dune as "Senex expected aod has given ro m for a rejoinder. "Senex" thought tbete was no wore c(ince of getting alter hiiu so he lurks away at all oWsidc. The fact is he got into a bad hcrape and had to adoft some such mean trick fo get out; but you are not out of danger yet '-Stiiex," eveo though protected by the Democrat t Wings. I have said he cast the Btone in a gen eral manner though he has the braemi eftioutery, iu bis last, to assert the con trary; that it was a personal affair be tween him and "Reader.' Let the pub lie read his first letter and judge whether it is iu general or particular terms. If intended for any particular party why say "liidgway is full of re ligious factious each trying to proselyte from each other, church is trying to draw from church ilabbaih School from Sab bath School," was not that a general attack, aud why, you craty maniac have you the boldness to say iu your last pro duction, ''the opposing parties have been exceedingly selfish indeed, not only in refusing to allow the controversy begun by "Header" and vour humble servant to be fought out by us singly, but," eto (?) You are a regular flunky of flunkyj ism.- First, iu "Thoughts as they occur' you take yourvicw from a general stand poiut, when attacked you laka narrow gauge and are mean enough to descend to personalities But no doubt these thoughts of yours are the product of a raving,delirious mind; you take in about five or six subjects in your first letter any one of which was certainly enough for a man whose mind waa of euch a small calibre as yours; you took in Sun day Schools, then said something on proselyting, alterwards gave us your childish reason for the necessity of many churches; on any one of thess points you left yourself open to an attack on any aide, yet when pursued you cry out I only meant Header." When at tacked on other points as advanced by him he w:M not try to defend but intro duce a new subject altogether. In his last he is to be found barpiog on indul gences, ai d the Spanish Inquisition That is bis wsy when attacked on bis old doctrines he will jump to something new. I would wish Mr. "Senex" you would take only one subject and keep to it till vanquished, them take new one. Keep, if you will, to your first let ter 00 the necessity of many churches, or acknowledge you are conquered there, and take either the Spaniab Inquisition, or Indulgence lor yor next. As you jump around now from one subject to another, I pitv tbe persou who tries to follow and review your thoughts. Be lieve ire your thoughts are not much aod to save yourself from the ridicule aod contempt of all, and the public Irom tbe pain of reading your sickening productions, for God's sake quit writiug your thoughts. Do wel annoy s by bubbling forth, in its crude state as it lights ou the d sordered inaobioery ot your enreted b win. "Think thrice be fore you spet once," and think well on it, aud digest each thought carefully; you are too loud of aeeiog your produc tions io print, and this together with the faot that you imagine you are very smart, kills you; get over theae ideas and have sense. I just imagine yu isaokifig a cigar, one foot over the other, and reading one of your best produo-1 tiows, Uoa tiicss tbe tuark, in the Demo crat, what a smile of complacency! poor tool! little he knows how many are laughiog at him at the same time. If you have not much to occupy your tiwe for the winter, the best you can do is to confine youri-elf to your room, and jour, tlit,uglit8 to the limited space of yeur crauiuni, this believe tate, better than strutting up and down the streets ol Kidgway or driving through the sui toundiug country, cox-comb like, put ting on 11 the airs f a country wag and puffed up with the idea Of your uwu importance to audi a degree that you think yourself tbe greatest mau lutelicotually, aud otherwise, in towu. As above ttatevl there is uo such thing tr reviewing auj thing ou, "Seuex,:" scribles, every line aimost involve a new subject. That the church is one is a subject 00 which could be written volumes. The Inquisition and Indul gence are subjects on whioh historians aud theologians have been considerably puzzled to account lor; yet Mr. "Senex" takes all in io a few lines; uo matter ou what he commences to write it is hard to tell how be will ead. There will be very little connection betweeu the con clusion aud the premises, lu the present case he commenced ou sahbath schools and ended with Inquisition. As is de lirious or mad, and pity the reviewers of his disconnected thoughts. He has ad vanced the Inquisition agaiost me though it has nothing ut all to da with the question at issue In reply 1 dety that the Homao churclt persecuted auyoue. According to the principles re Sgulating a iicu.-ewd ou any thesis such is my duty when in truth it cao be done, und it is your plase to proved lo prove your statements, and I will be in due time alter you But you must keep to the question soley, und not take in a hundred subjects iu a general way; your allusion to indulgence is a vile lying calumny o! a foul-mouthed igaort aim. Indulgences are for sale, lo be purchased by severe penances; such is exclusively their price tiow as always. This "Senex" in Aes a desperate tffjrt to get over my proofs agaio.-t the idea ul aey churcbee in a style childish, though be ealls it deeply syllogisncal. Here is a specimen of his syllogistic power; an ass has two ears two eyes a nose aud no brains but "Senex" has two ears, two eyes, a nose and uo brains -ergo-draw your own conclusion. But there caunut be much expected from such a crazzed, rambling mind a "Seuex" possesses. Had I known when I first wrote my review of bis thoughts that he would be handled by the honorable pens of "Reader" and '1'uclla" I shiwld never have stained my hauds with his shallow common place, seribblings, the fallacious argu ments ot which could be upset by a school boy of twelve years, either one of these was too much lor "Senex" as the publio ate well aware He has given uotie a fair, reasonable, answer. In answering "Reader" he talks ot boiling pots, and quibbles gcnnerally; the pots have boiled ovor aud scalded "Senex" badly. He hud better never try to boil them again, though he is fit for nothing but boiling pots iu the literal aense. You boiled and frothed pretty badly yourself "Senex" aod should you continue in your strain you will burst if you do hot set a safety valve. In reviewing my letter he Say s I was showing bow I could be vulgar. "Let the publio judge of the vulgarity of my letter It is true, when dealing with au unprincipled, uogentlemanly being like you "Sentx" it ia bard to observe propriety. How are such terms a" those of yours to be oonsidered-"a long nosed, meddlesome something," "a scrofulous production" etc., tbat is bill iugagsie style, showing, indeed, you have got what la commonly called "a newspaper educatiou." you -have a! uozeu times or more quoted tbe same words and have hem and couyht to make up half your trashy lutltr, so thai a person would naturally thiuk the heavy blows on all sides gave you the epizootic" under the influence ot which disease your delirious ihuuglt may bave occurred, hence your rambling, mysterious ideas, on matters. In Lie first letter we were treated to doses of Latin, but iu hia La La gave up the JUatin as lailure, aod treated a to French-iu small Squibs, , His ihouglns and Ideas aro what he ray's the children of Ridgway are "CQSiMpoliteS '' I would advise him never' to try any Ian guage, to give up even English, for his is bad. Allow me to Mil you Mr. "Senex" I am familiar with the lan guages you quote, so much so tbat I Would as soon answer you in them as in English, and oan plainly tell you that in attempting these languages you make a laughing stock of yourself; you re mind me ot Horaces saying to the up start scriblcrs, like you who were io his day Scribmto, indocte doctigWt poemata passivn," so the world was always an noyed by fools like you "Senex." Again your rumbling style of d iing things re minds me of another of the poet's say ings "Dune itultiy vitia vitaat in ton traria currunt." Is that Mr "Senex" good hexameter. If you scan it Tor me I will pardon you for your many peouliar ites. If igooraoce were bliss you "Senex" would be the happtes man liviug. From the way 'Senex" quotes scrip tures I think he must be inspired, well, greater wonders happened, for we are told God spake through the mouth of Baalims' ass. "Senex" eys, himselt and "Header" could still cross swords with out being abusive, yes your sword Senex" will never hurt anyone you may cross as often as you please, and strike as heavily as you like, do not tear hurting anyone. Iu his last re view of my letter "Senex" says I told an untruth cause I caid he gave only one fa'ct to prove the sabbath school question and all the bigotry ot liidg way. I new repeat that you only gave one fact for your proofs, via: two persons speaking on the streets on religious mat ters, you other proofs were your owu as sertions. Head your first letter and com pare with the last aud couut up all the uutrutlis you are guilty of, it you can; you say I assume a false premises. The fact is you canuot distinguish between a , lac.t and au assertion; yuu have such a faculty for getting over questiou by ly mg and jumping trotu one subject to an other that one would be meliued to con sider your loyal subject ol his santubic mnjesty-the father 01 lies-ora lineal do sceudento' the iiupeiiiteui thief ou the cross." "Senex" says 1 used improper lnagusge by calling a church a yope) thopy Well , I say again whuu a pulpit is occupied by such a store box scalawag as you "Senex" it tiecomes a bouncing bench and the church a gos pel shop and pleaching becomes blow ing, 1 .reckon 1 was mistaken when 1 said, you attended Moody's tevivals somewhere. Join them by all mean-, then we will call the gospel firm "Seuex, San- key. Moodv. & Co s, you can uo us well ai some other gospel managers; Dr. W'olpy tells us, speaking of the tiny heroes of the pulpit in his days "a lad, twelve years old, went about the couutry preaching extempore. He became popular aud was much ad mired and patrouizel." I think you will try it be tore you 've up the ghost. It is you and those of your class, that bring on the world such a multitude ol preachers and the couiusion which they generate, as the poet sayst Each pious 'prentice free y may dispense salvation: Licenced uow for eighteen pence And should devotion tempt him from his awl. He'll get his orders if he gets his call. You say ''Senex" tbe word chunk is used in the plural in "revelations," sup pose I told you to read the Hebrew ver siuu or any ot those versions from which the English one is takeu, and told you also it is translated Wi'ou, what uuswer? I again assert it is used oulv iu the singular uuiuber all though the scriptures, when the subject is about the authority aud commission ot the church to teach the doctrines of Christ That in Hevclatious the plural is used in the sense ot many churches teaching different doctrines, I deny, that it is nsed in reterencc,plUrally,to many chur ches teaching the same doctrine. I con. ceed The Horn an catholic church has to day for example, thousands of churches; io evrey seuse--iu languaga, tone, cere moults doctrines, etc., etc , one, us to its number it cao be said the churches, as to as doctrine, it cannot be used plurally. such is the case iu Hevelatious you give your proofs as in yotlr place "Senex ' then 1 will teach you heruieu eutics on that point. Mr. Senex deoies that different de noiuiuations teach truths easeiully dif ferent and says, "Who ever heard of it before." What a coofouudtd you must be. He says all toe essentials of christians are to "believe in God, iu Christ as the son ot God, eto . the bible and preaching ot it. eto." Is that all that- is essential: ll bas been always held that baptism was esseutial till of late, aod uow half the denominations be lieve it not necessary lor silvation; while about as many look on it as essen tial. Many, very many, points, are oou lidered esseutial by out) de nomination and deuied by another. I shall quote for your instruction, ' Senex," a passage from Huditbius, a learoe d Protestant divine, iu his episte to Beza, "what sort ot people to our protestaots. struggling to and o, and carried about with every wind 4 ot doctrine, sometimes to this side au somet imes to that?" l'ou may, perhaps, know what theii sentiments, on matters of religion are to day; but you can tievef certainly tell what tbey will be to-morrow. In what ariiole ot religion do these churches agree whio b have cast off the bishop ol Home? Exa mine all from top to bottom and you will scarce fiud one thine affir med by one which is not condemned im mediately by another tor wicked doctrine The same oonlusioo ot opinions waa des cribed by an English Protestant, tbe learned Dr. Walton, about the middle of tbe last century. Baxter tbe great organ and oraele of tbe sect oi Puritans, also describes it, yet Mr. "Senex" aaya, "wbo ever beard of it before." Behold the igooranoe, O temporoa! 0 mores! Mr Editor, exoue the length ot my letter, thi Senex" liarf taken in so many questions in his trashy letter that it is nut easy to follow aod review hi. rambling thoughts. In one part of hii letnf he esvirted denominations do not differ on vital principles, and a little attef he says "no these above named churchei (maning the Human aud Episcopalians) differ und io, vital prinoi pies. "There is the lie in his own month. Let the publio read his last and see tor themselves. There i no sense in that man's rotters and I shall never again review him or any of bit sort except I can perceive the man kuows something or Rays Botnethii.g worth noticeiag. When you write nense, "Senet," I shall review you in the future, when you write trash I shall laugh at you. As to unity I have argued perfect unity in all matters, except those of dis clipine,and refer you to my first letter, which you have not answered on that point or any other. Ou the point ol holiness I again reler you to my first hitter; can you Underetiind English? Did I not there say by holiness is meant "teaching sound doctrine and producing good fruit." Did I arguo iu favor of u perfect organization? Put on your glasses and read inv letter again. The Spanish Inquisition, as before : stated, 1 shall dt teud when ''Senex": proceeds on the question, as is his place, being the aggressor, but ''Senex" remember, to be noticbd by me you have to seep to one point; to one ques tion, wid put in some svnse. and not a; you foolishly write. If your letteis shall be worth notiocing I shall in quick time be after you. The Inquisition is too heavy a subject to middle with now it w juld take toj mush time) aud spae What ''Senex" says on it, is like bis other assertions barefaced slauder I repeat that the Roman church never per secuted on account of Heiigion or in any way. Those foul and malignant slau ' ders have been refuted long siuce by Ciiholio and impartial Protestaut writers people are not generally aware of the real truth ot the B u-tholomeu uias.-acre in Paris io 1572 and forget that the crime lor it was a crime, wis uot an ecclesiastical affair but wis simply a tuatter'of worldly policy L-it us remember that Fraueo is, aud was. Homao Catholic and that any attempt to overthrow cacholicy in France, where it has flourished for 18 JO year, is useless, yet there were men in the sixteenth cen tury having Calvin for a leader a fierce persecutor who gave Servetus to the Sanies who thought they could with their puny efforts rob this great nation ol Catholic fuuh. Prominent anions those trying to carry ioto execution their wicked schemes was Admiral Coligny Inading the way hy assailing every Catholic in Catholic France. No person denies that the llugueuots were a small minority in the midst ol a catho lic nation, yet ilcy in minority tried to force their religion 011 a nation who detested the teachings which culd barren Calvinism had to offer for ac ceptance The Luuenois were bitter persecntors-and by no means Martyrs. Hear what an Anti-Catholic writer iu u liondou Proteitiint Magazine (Temple Sir, Jitne, lo7o) admits, evidently with reluo'anCe, on this subject; "The Huuuenets s.iys this writer" desecrated churches, broke roods (crosses) cast the consecrated waters to swine. 'There was not an atrocity the HuguenO's spared their victims whenever they obtaiued the uppet-hand. They kilied children in their mothers arm-.! lh-?y dragsied priests Up and down the streetH by ropes at their tieoks; they Ctlt out their tongues, tore out their eyes, sawed them io halt made them drink boilinz oil. dis-mb jwelled them, buried them in the earth up to their necks and made their heads serve as targets for the sol diers to shoot at. M. Owen, a pnest, was roasted aud basted alive and his flesh af terwards cut up aud thrown to the dogs. They eveu violated they graves, digging up the mouldering corpses of the dead, during a rising at Nismes, in 1567. eighty Catholics were butchered in cold blood." Could human nature stand all that? Catholic France could not bear hem longer though it patiently bore them for years, and nov cotus the ter rible retaliation which a'l must lameut There ura.Mr. "Senex" your martyers. what a historian you are! How you can? lie! though I presume youare in invin cible ignorance. Gol help you! To call the Huguenots tuertyrs is to falsify tat), yuigs, they Were cruel, aud Frince, though not all Fiance, retaliated. But such was nit the W'll of the church It always laments it and condemns such acts. The Spanish Inquisiiiou was condemned of Popes why then say these deeds were the church's? what about the persecution of catholics in the reign of Queen Elizabeth? To show anl hold up to the publio the raise hoods of this lying "Senex," I hava wri'ten such a long letter, and for tres pa'iiug to such au extent 00 your prpcr, pardon me Mr. Editor. ' CONSTANT RBAbEIt. Ridgway, Nov. 13th. 1875. NOW FOlt BARGAINS. Messrs May and Silvermann of Wil liamsport bad their afore Closed last Monday and were busy marking their goods at and below cost. This move ment on the part of these geutltmen, we understand is for the purpose ul closing out their retail trade which busioess has increased to such an ex tent as at prerent it is thought to be the largest of any similar store in this sec tion of the state, but on account of tbe ill health of Mr. May, tbey bave de cided to discontinue tbe retail business in a short time and benee this move is adopted to close out ,tbeir entire nock as also offering their building aod fix ture for aale, for that purpose great paint baa been takeu to mark all their goods at aod below cost to enable both rich and poor to obtain good at very low price. (jUOl'A i. lONn Whit. Powell & Co4 UANKF.Ua AND JJMOKEP j, NTo. 42 touth Third Street. Philadelphia, Nor. 16th 1875. BID. AfKFO U. 8. 1881. e 22 M and N 14 29 "I !47 111 22 22 17 24 1 log lbl 14 109 60i 6-)i 19 61 J 62i 183 IU 82 47 68 107 do 6 20, 0 '( do do do 64 do 14, (to do do do '15 do -.V.-.W 16 5 I and J. 1" do do do 67 do Ll Hi8 do 21 10-40, do coupon. ...v.. 17 do Pacifio K's cy Int. off ..... 24 New 6's Reg. 1881 v. 16 " C. 181 lb Gold 14 Silver 107' Pennsylvauia t.t.w 60 Heading , 6"f Philadelphia & Erie .tt ...... IU Lehigh Navigation 61 do Vully 62 United R R of N J k..14iJ Oil Creek .... 11 Northern Central v...-. 81 Central Transportation 46 NesqUehoning 6H 0 & A Mortgage 6's '8a 100 Those new style prints, at P & K's are the general talk of the town. Go aud see them. Piiper collars the nobbiest! with turn down comers also the good old Byron sfjlcet P. & K'a. A full stock of fresh Family groceries, such as Teas, Coffees, Sugars, llice, Syrups, Spices, R. B Powder, Baking, and Sweet Chocolate, and every thing in tbat line, at P. & K'a. A geueral stock ot winter clothing, at very low prices at P. & K'a. Ground coffee at P. & K's. Alpacas cheaper than ever before known at P. & K'a. If you went a bag of feed, or a usflhel ol potatoes or a barrel or suck ot bour or even a small suck of Giatiatu fluur, it will pay you to step into P & K. s lor it FURS! FURS! FURS! FURS! Eztra iuducements offerd in ladies & childreus furs, small seis at $1 00 ladies sets Irom $2 00 aud upwards Sztra bar gains 111 Mink sets first qualiiy as, MAY H MLVEKMANN'S. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! Ladies and childreus coals all stvies and qualities, &2 50 3 00 8 75 4 50 5 00 6 25 7 00 8 75 10,00 aud upwards also shawls aud drecses at MAV & SIVEKMANN'S oppo site the court houe, Williauisport, Pa. Hair switches 75 cents SI 00 2 00 8 00 & 4 50 worth double tbe money and Ruches :or a cents hats from li ceali upwards Turned hats from $1 00 upwards, great re duction in all kinds of gooda at Mas' St SILVERMANN'S, Williainsport, Pa. Prices lo astonish the world. Every thine is bound 10 be sold to auit business: Come every D dy. Cui'ding and (Inures lor sale. M. Y S 8ILVKHM ANN, Wil liainsport oppesu i tbe Court House. READ THIS. MAY & 8IL l-RMAN W ilHamsporl Pa., are discontinuing the retail trade and are selling goods at and below cost. Call and see them they are great bargains. PAY AS YOU GO. If you pay for goods when you buy them, you will never be troubled with (he nigt-mare of debt, your sleep will be sweet your dreams pleasant, and your wife and children will greet you with a smile in the morning. Go to Powell & Kiuic's model store with your cash, get tnore than its value aod go home satisfied. They have adopted the cash system, and euy it ia working charm ingly. - r NEW ADV3ETISE1IE1TTS. CIS30LUT.01T NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that thj co-parinership heretofore existing between A. E. Goff and W. F. Mercer, in tb i butchering business, under the firm name f Goff St Mercer, has been dissolved by mutual consent. The books, accounts, eto., are in the Lands ef W. F. Mercer GOFF & MERCER. Ridgway, Pa., Nov. 11th, 1875. All persons knowing themselves iadeMet to the tate firm of Goff & Mercer will please cjme forward and settle up, V. F. MERCER. Ridgway Cemetery. Lots are uow offered for aale by tho Ridgway Cemetery Association in thj uew Cemetery. The present low pric3 lor lots may soon be advanced. Apply ut tbe office of W. S. HAMBLEN, Secretary Ridgway Sept. 7, 1875. n-29t-f. PE1VATE TUITION Pupils wishing lo receive instruction in Greek or Latin, 01 disiring to prepare lor College can have opportunity of doing so by applying to tbe Rector of Grace Church. He baling made the ueeesrary arrange ment will be glad to receive a limited number ol young ladies and gentlemen f ir instruction. For iufurmaiiou as to terms Sl apply to RKV. WM. JAB. MILLER A. M. Ridgway, Pa, Augl9.8sa JOBTT7RK wara now prepared V to doall kinds Of JOB WORK buvelepes. Tags Bill-heads, Letter head.i, neatly and cheaply executed. Ofliee iu Thayer & Hageity's new buildiug, Mai street Ridgway, Pa. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ADVOCATE
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