IV VE?.l Henry A. Parsons, Jr. . . Edi itor THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14 1876. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. STATE SENATOR, WM. P. FINLKY, Clarion County. POIl GOVERNOR, JOHN F. IIARTItANFT, TOR TRAESURER, HENRY RAWLE. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. EOR TSA8URER. CHAS. McVEAN, St. Mary's. FOR COMMISSIONER. W. 11. OSTERIIOUT, Ridgway. FOR SURVEYOR. R. W. PETRIKIN, Benczette. FOR AUDITOR. GEO. ROTHROCK, Benezctte. OHIO. A REPUBLICAN! WIITRLWIND onrcsiii STATE. DEMOCRATIC "TIDAL WAVES" AT A DISCOUNT- THE "RAG BABY" TOO DEAD TO BURY. CURTIN AND KELLY CHIEF MOURNERS. REPUBLICAN ROOSTERS HAVE '' R OWED T U E M SELVES HOARSE. HAYES ELECTED BY FROM 10, wv tu zu,U00 MAJORITY. HEAVY REPUBLICAN GAINS. PENNSYLVANIA WILL GIVE iiAKTRANFr 80,000 Majority The telegraphio dispatches from Ohio Tuesday evening and yesterday morning give a Republican majority of Jroni 10,000 to 20,000 for Hayes, Re publican candidate for Governor. I Newark N. J., heretofore Democratic elected a Republican Mayor, giving o republican gain of 2,500. Thcpoopleof Pennsylvania owe i Ho themselves to re elect Gov. Hartranft. Three years ago be was abused shame fully by the opposition, and it was pre dieted that bis administration would be the most corrupt in the history of the State. Instead Gov. riartranft has proved an honest, wise and careful Gov crnor, and ho has won golden opinions from his enemies as well as friends Such a conservative newspaper as the New tYork Evening Post,wbich was bitterly opposed to Hartranft's election lavishly praises his course since he has occupied the Executive chair. Indeed praise is the loude6t .in 1875, where abuse wes most heard in 1872. UST.0WTO08S. TR AVERS JURORS. ! Ralph Johnson. ..Benezette Faraer. 2. Decatur Hewitt .. Laborer. 3. U. W. Dt-Haas " 4 John Goelz Benzinger, Lumberman 6. Ambrose Kreckel " Laborer t. John Gahn ' ..., 7. Joseph Young . o. Jacob Nist Farmer, v. Ocorge Connor Fox Miller 10. Joel .S. Taylor Farmer ll. Keesman Merelith... 12. Ju! n W. Moyer ... Laborer. J J. David Meredith ..... Farmer il. 1 eter Tompson 15. Thos. CompbelVSr... Highland ' 16. F. Raywick e. llorton.. " 17. Henrv Rppriv i l .Kni. J m....'jbu- . 18. Jacob Hartman Farmer JJ. r. M. lirocknay... Lumbcrme M. John S. Ihomns Jay Farmer 21. Armel Turley Hotel Keeper . i. u. m limn Jones. ..Carpenter 3. Theodore Cook " Clerk 24. Casper Roper " Farmer 25, Martin Sowers " ...Merchant, 20. R. I. Campbell Ridgway ...Grocer 27 Horace Little Ridgway... Agent, 28. Geo. Dickinson ltidgway ..F aime 29. Andrew Cuniniings..Ridgway.. Grocer 80. James Riley ...Ridgway Hotel Keeper, Si. Louis Brcndcl..... Ridgway Baker 32. Henry Luhr St. Marys Clerk 3. John iieindelStMarysSaloon Keeper, 84. Michael Bauer... " Carpenter, 85. Anthony Auman " ...Stone Mason, 86 Joseph Rettger... " Carpenter, 87. JoLn Buech ' Laborer, 88. Jerry Meecum " Hotel Keeper, 89. Albert .Weis " Merchant. 40. Johnfogter ......Carpenter. GRAND JURORS. 1 Cornelias Haney... Benzinger Laborer. '2 Chas. Tronenwetter... Lumberman, 3 John Myers Fox Farmer, 4 Mathias Spooler Jr... ...Laborer. 6 Oacar Allen Farmer- 6. John Collins Hotel Keeper. 7. i. H. Dixon Jay 8. R. Morey Merchant. 0. Geo. II. Scull Laborer. 10. Edwurd Fenton 11 Josiah W. Mead... Farmer. 12 John Cramer ......Jones 13 Daniel Atlleberger Laborer. 14, R. M. rainter..Milleton Lumberman. 15 Samuel W. Curtifs Ridgway Clerk. 16 C. U. Earley M. D. 17. rhineas Ernhout Tanner. 18 J. F. Dill Blacksmith. 19. James Colter St. Marys, ..Laborer. 20. Mathias Wellendorf Hotel Keeper. 61. John Frank ' Laborer, 22' Chris. Freindel 23. Henry Fochtman Blacksmith. 21 Thomas Irwin Spring C'k Lumberman mtftm WW Eli County Republican Committee Chairman Jas. H. Hagerly, fidgway. Benexette T. B Winslow, C. U. Wins low. Benzinger Jaoob Hnnes, John Farrer. For U. W. Rogers J J. Taylor. Jay Oliver Dodge, J. M. Brookins. Jones Jos. Tanbine, J. C. Malono. Millstone Myran Raught John Moore. Ridgway II. M. Powers, J. O. W. Bailey. Spring Creek Thos. Irwin, Hirman Carman- ''King Bee" aud many others kinds drchewiog tobacco. Also smoking of all the popular brands at P. & K's. Coodfish boneless and skinless. Also some of the old fashioned in full dress, at P. & K's. A full slock of fresh Family groceries, such as Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Rice, Syrups, Spioes, R. B- Powder, Baking, and Sweet Chocolate, and every thing else in that line, at P. & K's. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. COMMISSIONERS SALE OF UN SEATED LANDS IN ELK COUNTY. In pursuance of an Act of Asoembly passed the 13 day of March A. D. 1:115 en titled "An net to amend an net directing the mode of selling Unseated Lands for 'axes and for other purposes," and the sev eral supplements thereto, the County Com missioners of the County of Elk, will ex pose to sale by public vendue or outcry, at the Court House in Ridgway, Pa., on MONDAV, NOVEMBER 10 A. D.1875, At 3 oclock P. M. the following tracts of land situated and described as follows: BEN F.KETTE TOWNelUP. Warrant acres Warratee or owners 6020 63 John Johnson ct al. BF.NZINQER TOWNSniP. 60 John llenflitig 4883, 612, Wm. Bell, 60, Geo. Ed. Weis, Town lots on A'iJgwav street. Kns. 107, 72, 68, 75, 82, 73, 100, 71, 80 81, 71, 16, 25, 19, 22, 87. 85, 87, 99, 93. 105,95, 10, 70, 69, 101. 98, 103, 94, 110, 83, 76, 77, 64, 65, 07, 66. Town lots on Talbot Street Nos. 31, 32. Butler Street No. 3. Bishop Street Nos. 117, 118. 109-, 110, 119, 120, 115, 116, 123, 113, 112, 111, 125, 126, 124. Railroad Street Nos. 53, 68, 46, 47. 43, 44, 45, 49, 64, 65, 69. 52, 50, .51, 40, 41, 42, 43, 20, 21. rox township. 4272 49. Owner Unknown. 4184 330, Wm. P-ukcr. 4889, 60, Owner Unknown 4890, 387. 4271, 380, " " 4079, 60, Joseph Koch 4184, 100 Moses Hyneman highland township. 3702 1000, John Smilh iiortTON lowNsniP. 4370 25 i Sub. Div: 15 4371 i of 107 J. S. Hyde 43 D. Kingsbury 4371 62 Sub. Div. No. 23 JAY TOWNSUIP. 4893 93, John Paclun GO D. Hutchinson JONES TOWNSniP. 125 J L. Brown. S247 841 McKcan & Elk Land & Inpt. Co. TtlDOWAY TOWNSHIP. 145 S'm. B. Kenneday 4868 101. SPUING CREEK TOWNSHIP. 2789 347. 4551 IOO Chas Portevfield 48 N. E. Cor. Nelion Strong Wt. 00 Crow & Vt ensall 60 A.I. Weddock Estate 4044 242 Corbeit & Newcomb 200 Seth. Clover 2592 200 Thomas Strut hers 4551 76 Poor & Reed 105 W. C. Edwards 43G9 25 fVeth. Clover ST. MABTS 110110. Town Lots Erin St. No. 40 Shamrock St. No. 40 Walburger St. Nos. 7, 67 Benedict St. Nos. 10, 13, 15, 64. John St No. 58. Maurice St. Nos 1, 3- 7, 8, 188 of 44 Rupert St Nos. 49, 58, 97, 107, Patrick St. No. 63 Louis St. Nos 8, 12, 14, 15, 1 Lot assessed to James Gass. TERMS CASH. cn. , GEO. ED WF.1S JULIUS JONES r Commr's MICHAEL WE1DERT Attest. C. H. M'CAULEV, Clerk. Commissioners Office. Ridcway Pa. October 1, 1875. ELECTION PROCLAMATION, W :reas, in and by the 13th section of tbw .ct of General Assembly of Fei-nsyl vania, passed July 2nd 1809 entitled, "An act relatinz to the Elections of the Com monwealth." It is injoined on the Sheriff of every county to give notice of such elect ions to be held, and to enumerate in such notice what officers are to be elected iu pur uance, thereof. I, DANIEL SCULL high Sheriff of the Coun'y of Elk, do therefore make knows and give this pi-blio notice to (he electors of siid county of Elk, that a general election will be held in said county, on TUESDAY ITOVEilLES 2, 1375. (it being the first Tuesday of the month,) for the purpose of electing the following of ficers to wit: One person for Governor. One person for State Treasurer. One person for Bute Senator to repre ent the Counties of Cameron, Clarion, Elk and Forest. One person for Treasurer of Elk County. One person for Prothonotary, &c, of Elk County. Oue person fof Surveyor of J Elk County, 'iln ee persons for Commissioners of Elk County, each elector to vote for but two. Ihree persons for Auditors or Elk County, each elector to vote for but two. And the qualihel electors 01 the county of Elk will hold their elections iu the sev eral districts, as follows. Benezetle township, at the house of L lua. belh Vii.slow. Benzinger township, at the school house on Michael St., near Elk creek bridge. Fox township at the Centrevule school house. Highland township, at the house of Levi Ellethrope. Hortou township, fit the school house near D. C. Oyster's Hotel. Jay township, at me nouse or A'irea Pearsall. Jones townshio. at the Wilcox Tanning and Lumber Co's office in Wilooz. Millstone township, at the house of Henry Herr, at Burr's Dam- Ridgway township, at the lourt nouse. St. Mary's Borough, at the Town Hall. Spring L'rees towDsliip, at the house of Stockdale. Dowuer & Co. I also make known the following act en titled "An act regulating the mode, of vot. iug stall elections in tbe Severn) counties of the Commonwealth," approved March 80, 1808. Bkotiow 1. Dt it tnurted by the Senate ana tne uouti ot lieprutntativt. c, That the quaiinea voters of the several counties of this Commonwealth, at all general town, ship borough and special elections are hereby hereafter authorized and required to vote by ticket, printed or written, or partly written and partly primed, severally classi fied as follows: One ticket shall ombrace the names of all Hie Judges of the Courts to be voted for and to be labelled on the outside, "Judiciary," one ticket shall em brace the names of all State officers to be voted for and labelled State," one ticket shall embrace Ike names of all county o Ul cers to be votea for, including the office of senator, inemner or members or Assembly, if voted for, memjiers of Congress, if voted for and labellod "County;" oue tioket sha II embrace the names of all the township offi cers voted for and be labellod "Borough," or "Township;" and tsch shall be deposited in separate ballot boxes. I also make known aud give notice, as in and by the 15th section of aforesaid act, I am directed that every person except Justioes of the Peace, who shall hold any office appointment of trust or profit, uudor the Government of the United Slates, or this State, or any city or ineorported dis trict whother a commissioned officer or otherwise a subordinate officer or agent who is or Bball be employed under the leg islative or judiciary or executive depart ment of this State or of the United States, of any city or incoiporated district and Also every member of Congress and State Legislature, aud the seleet and common council of any city, Commissioner of incor porated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time the office or appointment of Judge, Inspector or CKrk, of any election of this Common wealth, and Unit no ' Inspector or Judge shall be eligible to any office then to be voted for. Also in the 4th section of the Act of As rembly, entitled ' An act relating to elect ions and for other purposes," approved April I6tit 1800, il is enacted that the 14th section shall be so constructed as to pre. vent any militia or borough officer from serving as Judge, Inspector, or Clerk, at any general or special election in this Com monwealth. I also make known the following: Whereas. The Fifteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United Stales is as follows: Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United Stales or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude, Section 2. That Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appro priate legislation, And uhereai, The Congress of the United Slates, on the thiity-tirst day ot March 1870, passed au act entitled, "An act to enforce the right of cilizcus of the united Stated to vote in the several brutes of the Union, and for other purposos," the hrst aud second seclious ol which are as follows: Jit it enacted, &c, That all citizens of the United States who are or shall be otherwise qualified to vote at any election by the people of any State, Territory, dis trict, city county, parish, township, school district, municipality, or other territorial subdivision shall be entitled and allowed to vote at all such elections, without distinct ion of color race, or previous condition of servitude; any constitution, law, custom, usage, or regulation of any Stale or Terri tory, or by or under us uuihority, to the coulrary, notwithstanding. okction 2. And be it further en ded, That if by or under the authority of the constitution or laws of any Stale or the laws any Territory, any act is or shall be re quired to be done as a prerequisite or quali- ncation tor voting, and by such constitu tion or laws persons or officers are or shall bee barged with the performance of duties in furnishig to citiz:us an opportunity to preform such prerequisites, Jor to become qualified to vote it shall be the duty of every sujli person aud officers to give all citizens of the United States the same and equal op portunity to perform such prerequisite aud to become qualified to vote without distinct ion of race, color or previous condition cf servitude; and if any such persons or offi cers phall refuse or knowingly omit to give full effect to this section, he shall for every such offence, forfeit and pay the sum of five li u tn red dollars; to the person aggrieved thereby, to be recovered by an action on the case, with full costs and such allow ance for council fees as the court shall deem just, aud shall also for every such offence be dremed'guilty of a misdemeanor aud shall on coLViction thereof be fined not less than five hundred dollars or to be imprisoned not less than one month and njtmore than one year, or both, at the discretioi of the court. And whereas. It is declared by the second section of the VI article of the Con stitution and of the U.S. tnat "This Consti tution of the Uui'eJ Spates which shall be made in pursuance thereof shall be the supieme laws of the bind anything in the Constitution or laws of any Stite, to the contrary notwithstanding. And whereat, The Legislature of this Commonwealth, on the C.h of April 1870, passed an act entitled "A further supple ment to the act relating to elections in this Commonwealth," the tenth section provides as follows Section 10. That to much of every act of Assembly that provides that only white freemen shall bo entitled to vote, or to be regibtered as voters, or as claiming to vote at any general er special election of this Commonwealth, be aud the same is hereby repealed, and that hereafter aU freemen without distinction of color, shall be en rolled and registered according to the pro visions of tbe first section of the act ap proved the 17 of April 1809, entitled "An act further supplemental to an act relating to tu e elections of this Commonwealth," and shall when otherwise qualified under existing lrws, be ent i lied to vote at all gen eral and special elections in this Common wealth. I also make known the following: Whereas, By the act of the Congress of i lie tinned Mates entitled "An Act to ainend;the several sets heretofore passed, to provide for the enrolling and calling out i he national forces, and for other pur poses." and approved March third one thousand eight hundred and siuty-five all persons who have deserted the military or naval service ot tne U nited States, and who Have not been discharged, or relieved from thepeualty, or disability thereiu provided are deemed and taken to have voluntarily relinquished, and forfeited, their rights of citueuship, aud their rights to become eiti zens, and are deprived of exercisiug any rights of citizens thereof: And whereas, Persous, not citizens of the United .States, are not underthe constitu tion and laws of Pennsylvania, qualified electors of this commonwealth: Section 1. re it enacted by the Senate aud House of Representative! of the Common-u-ealtk of 1'ennsylv.initi in General Assembly met, and it it hereby enacted by the authority ot the tame. That in all elections hereufier to be held In this commonwealth, it shall be unlawful for tbe judge or inspectors of any such elections to reoeive any ballot, or ballots, from any person, or persons, em braced iu tbe provisions, and subject to the disability imposed by said act of Congress. approved March third one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and it shall be un. lawful for any such person to offer to voia any ballot, or ballots. Section 2. That if any such Judt-e and inspector of election, or any one of tbem shall receive or consent to reoeive. an v such unlawful ballot, or ballots, from any such disqualified person, Ut or they so offend. Iln, .I..IIK. . . -.(.,lm.. .1 upon conviction thereof, in any court of quarter sessions of this commonwealth, he shall, for each offence, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, and to undergo an imprisonment, iu'the jail of the proper county, for not less thau sixty days. Section 3. That if any person deprived of citiihUBhip, and disqualified as aforesaid, shall at any election hereafter to be held in this commonwealth, vote or tender to tho officer there, and offer to vote, a ballot or ballots, any person so offending, shall be deemed guilty of a misdomeanor, and on oonviction thereof, in any court of quarter sessions of tlifl commonwealth, shall, for each offence, b pnnisbed in a like manner as is provided in the preoeeding section of this act, in the case of officers oi election receiving such unlawful ballot or ballots. Suction 4. That if any person shall hereafter persuade, or advise, any person or persons deprived of citizenship, and dis qualified as aforesaid, to offer any ballot, or ballots, to the officers of any election hereafter to be held in this commonwealth, or shall persuade, or advise, any such offi cer to receive any ballot, or ballots, from any person deprived of citizenship, and dis qualified as aforesaid, such person, so of fending, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, in any court of quarter sossions of this commonwealth shall be punished in a like manner as is provided in the second section of this act, in the case of officers of such election re ceiving such unlawful ballot or oallots. I also make known the following sections of nn act approved the SOth day of Jan uary, A. D. 1874, entitled "A further sup plement to the act regulating elections iu this Commonwealth:" Section 6. At all elections hereafter held under the laws of this commonwealth, the polls shall be opened at seven o'clock A. M. aud closed at seven o'clock P. M. Section b. In all election districts where a vacancy exists by reason of the disqualification of the officer or otherwise in an election board heretofore appointed, or where any new district shall be formed, i lie judge or judges of tho court of common pleas of the proper county shall, ten dys before any general or special election, np. point competent persons to fill said vacan cies and to conduce the election in said new districts; and iu the appointment of in. specters in any eleotion dis'rict both shall not be of the saire political party, and the judge of elections shall, in all cases, be of the political party having the majority of votes in said district, as nearly ns the said judge or judges can ascertain the fact; and in case of the disagreement ot the judges as to the selection of inspectors, the politi cal majority of the judges shall select one of such inspectors, ond the majority judge or judges shall select the other. . Suction 7 Whenever there Bhall be a vacancy in an election board on the morn ing of an election, said vacancy shall be filled in conformity with existing laws. Section 8 . At the opening of the polls at all elections it shall be the duty of the judges ot clectiou for their respective dis tricts to designate one ot the inspectors, whose duty it shall be to have in custody the registry of voters, and to make tho eu tries therein required by law; audit shall be the duty of the other of said inspectors to receive and number the ballots preseuted at said election. Sf.ction 9 All elections by tin citizens shall be by ballot; every ballot voted Bhall t e numbered in the order in winch it sh aU be received, nnd the number recorded by I he clerks on the list of voters opposite the mime of the elector from whom received. And any voter voting two or more tickets, the several tickets so voted shall each be numbered with the number corresponding with the number to the name of the voter. Any elector may write his name upon his ticket, or cause the same to be written thereon, and attested by a citizen of the district Section 10 - On the day of election any person whose name Bhall uot appear on tho registry of voters, and who claims I lie right to vote at said election, shall produce al least one qualified voter of the district as a witness to the residence of the claimant in the district in which he claims lo be a voter, for the period of at least two months im mediately preceeding said election, whic'i witness shall be sworn or affirmed and sub scribe a written or partly written and partly printed aff idavit to the facts stated by him, which affidavit shall define clearly where the residence is of the person so claim, ing to be a voter; and the person so claim ing the right to vote Bhall also take and subscribe a writtei or partly written and partly printed affidavit., stilting to the best of his kuowlcdge nnd bul.el', when and where ho was bom; that he has been a citizen ot the United States ior one month, and ot the commonwealth ot Pennsylvania.; -that he has resided in tho commonwealth one year, or, il formerly a qualified elector ot- a native born citi zen thereof, and has removed therclroni and returned, tint he has resided therein six months next prececdiug suid clec tiou; that he has resided iu the district in which he claims to be a voter for tbe period of at least two months immedi ately preceding said election; that he has not moved iuto tho district tor tbe purpose of voting therein; that he has, it twei-ty-two years of age or upwatds; paid a klate or county tax witluu two years, which was assessed at least two months and paid at least one mouth be fore the election. The said affidavit bhall also state when and where the tax claimed to be paid by the affiant was assessed, and wneu and where aud to whom piid; and the tax receipt therefor shall be produced for examina tion, unloss the affiant bhall state in his affidavit that it has been lost or de stroyed, or that ho never received any; and if a naturalized citizen, shall also state when, where and by what court be was naturalized, and shall also produce his certificate of naturalization tor ex amination. But if the person so claim ing the right to vote shall take and subscribe an affidavit that he is a ua tive born citizen of the Uuited States, it born elsewhere, shall state the tact in his affidavit, and shall produce evideuce that he has been naturalized or that he is entitled to citizenship by reason ol bis father's naturalization, aud sl.a'l further state in bis utiidavit, that he is, at the time of making the affidavit of the age ot twenty-one and under twenty two years; that ho has been a citizen ot (be Uuited States one month, and has resided iu the state one year; or; if a native born cilizeu of the state aud re moved therefrom uud teturned, that he has resided,- thereiu six mouths next prceediug said election and iu the elec tion district' immediately two mouths preceeding such election, he shall be en titled to vote, although be thall pot have paid taxes. - The said affidavits of all persons making such claims, and the affidavits of tbe witnesses to their resi dence shall be preserved by the election board, and at the close of the eleotion they shall be enclosed with tbe list of voters, tally list and oilier papers re quired by Jaw to be filed by the re turn iadue with tho rrothoutsrv, and shall lemain on tile therewith in tbe prothunotary's office, subjeot to examina tion as other eleotion papers are. If the election officers shall find that the ap plicant possesses all the legal qualifica tions of a voter he shall he permitted to vote, and his name shall be added to the list of taxables by the election offi cers, the word "tax," being added where the claimant claims to vote on tax, and the word "age," where he claims to vote on age; tho same words being added by the clerks iu each case, respectively, on the lists of persons vot. ing at such election. Section 11. It shall be lawlul for any qualified citizen of the district not withstanding the name ot the proposed voter is contained on the list of resident taxables, to challenge the vote of such persoo, whereupon the same prool of the right of suffrage as is now required by law shall be publicly made and acted on by the election board, and the voto ad mitted or rejected, according to the evi dence. Kvery person claiming to be a naturalized citizen shall be required to produce his naturalization certificate at the election before voting, except whore he has been for five years consecutively a voter in the district in which he offers his vote; and on the vote of such person being received, it shall bo tho duty of the election officers to write or stamp on such certificate tho word "voted," with the day, month and year; and if any election officer or officers shall re ceive a second vote on the same day, by virture of the same certificate, excepting where sons are entitled to vote, because of the naturalization of their fathers, they and the person who shall offer such second vote, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined or imprisoned, or both, at the discretion of the court; but the fine shall not exceed Sve hundred dollars in each case, nor tho imprisonment one year. The like punishment shall be inflicted, on conviction on the officers of election who shall ncclcct or refuse to make, or cause to be tnado the endorse ment required as vlbresaid on said naturalization certificate. Suction 17. The respective asses sors, inspecters and judges of election shall each have the power to adn inister oaths to any person claiming the rifiht to be assessed, or the riu,ht ot suffrage, or in regard to any other mutter ur thing required to bo done or inquired into by any of said officers under this ac'; and willul false swearintr by any person in relation to any matter or thins, concern ing which they shall be luwlully inter rogated by any of said officers or over seers, shall be perjury. Part op Section 19. Any person who shall, on the day of any election, visit a polling place in any election dis trict at which he is riot entitled to vote, and shall use nny intimidation or viol ence for tho purpose of preventing any officer of election from performing the duties required of him by law, cr fot the purpose of preventing any qualified voter of suah disiriet from exercising his right to vote, or from exercising his right to challenge any person offering to vole, such persou shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, aud upon con viction thereof shall bu uuihlicd by u fine not rxccediug oue thousand dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding two years, or both, at the discretion ot the court. Section 21 Any person who, on oath or tilfirmatiou, in or before any court in this state, or officer authorized to administer out lis, shall, to procure a certificate of naturalization for himself or any other person wilfully depose, de clare or affirm auy matter to be fact, knowing tho same to be false, or shall in like manner deny any matter to be tact, knowing the same to be true, shall be deemed guilty of pcijuiy; and nny certificate ol naturalization issued in pursuance of any such' deposition, de claration or affirmation, shall be null and v ji J, and it shall be the duty of the court issuing the same, upon proof be ing made before it that it was fraudu lently obtained, to take immediate meas ures foi recalling the same tor canella tion; and any person who shall vote or at'empt to vote on any paper so obtained, or who shall in auy way aid iu, connive at, or have any agency whatever iu the issue, circulation or use of any fraudu lent naturalization certificate, shall be deemed guilty ot a misdemeanor, nnd upon couviction thereof shall uudergo an imprisonment in the penitentiary for not more than two years aud pay a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, for every suth offense, or either or both, at tho discretion of the court. Pursuant to the provisions contained in the thirtccth section ot tho act last aforesaid, the judges of the aforesaid disticts living within twelve miles of tho prothouotary's office, or within twenty-four miles, if their residence be in a town, village or city upon the line of a railroad leading to tho county sen shall, before two o'clock past meridian of the day alter the eleetiou, and all other judges shall, before twelve o'clock meridian of the second day after eleo lion, deliver said return, together with rcturu sheet, to tho prothonotary of the court of commou picas o! Elk county at Hidgway. Given under my baud at Ridgway, the 4th day of October, in the year ol our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, and of the indepen dence of tho United States tho ninety ninth. DANIA'L SCULL, Sheriff. SUEKIFF'8 Ol'FICR, ) Ridgway, Pa. Oct., 7, 1374. 32t4. Summer Clothing, for those Boys and children, Linen, Alapaca and sum mer Cushmer at P & K's Give the Ausocira . ohjoe a call for bill heads, letter-heads, cards, shipping tags, and if you are going to get married leave us an order for your cards. Those new style prints, at P & K's are tbe general talk of tho town. Go and tee tbem. BARGAINS! BARGAINSI BARGAINS! Ladies and childrens coats all styles and qualities, $2 60 8 00 8 75 4 60 6 00 ti 25 7 (JO 8 75 10,00 and upwards also shawls and dresses at MAV At 1 VEHMANN'H oppo site the court nouce, WiJlianisport, l'a. AGENTS rYANTlSD TO SELL The Political, Personal, and Properly Rights0; Citizen, Of the Vniied States How to exercise and how to perterve them. By Theophilut Par tons, LL. D. Containing a commentary on the Fed eral and State Conttitulion, giving their history and origin, and a full explanation of their principles, purposes and provis. ions; the powers and duties of Vublio Offi cers; the rights of the pecple, and the obligations inourred in every relation of life; also, parliamentary rules' for dcliber tive bodies; and full directions, and legal forms for all business trnsactions, as mak ing Wills, Deeds, Mortgages Leases, Notes, Drafts, Contracts, etc. A law Library in ft single volume. It meets tbe wants of all classes and sells to everybody. JUNES BROTHERS & Co., l'hila. Pa. PAP.THK0WMAE7. T. HE SPLENDID ILLUSTRATED WORK "A CENTURY AFTER; OR PICTURESQUE GLIMPSES OF PHILADELPHIA AND PENNSYL VANIA." Including Fairmount Park, the Wissa hickon, and the prominent romantic locali. ties and landscapes of Pennsylvania; pre senting in a series of superb engravings, the scenery, life, manners, character, and architecture of the cities of the State. The most faultless pictornl work yet of fered to the American public. Each part vill contain a number of en gravings, produced under the supervisions of J. W. Lauderbach; after designs by Dralcy, Thomas, Moran, Wooawurd, Ben sell, ami oilier prominent American artisis. Edited by Edward Mruhan. To be published in Fiftekm Semi monthly I'AiiTsat Fifty Cents each, prin ted on superior toned paper. ize 10x12 inch;s, AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. Parties residing in localities where a Rent 8 have not been appointed can obtain the work by addressing ALLEN. LNB $ fcCOTT, & J. W. LAU DERBACH, Publishers, 233 South Fifth Street Philadelphia. ffr our adveruior tuts oat made hii advertise ment ltirKJier rUilinot, we will interpret and elabo rate it an tullowA : K. IS. rOOTE, t.T., Anther of Plain Homo TnlV, Mixllca! Common Serine, Hcine in 8:orv. etc.. 1) Lexington Avenue (cor. Ent Suth Street), New York, an iNnF.reNiiENT ruTsiciAK, treats all forme ot Lingering or vhrmia Dinpanre, ani rooeivea Wttent from all parti of tha Citiuxed Wn;jj, ny Lwrnfffiwil wrp of conducting a Medical Troo He, he te Bncwi-fiilly trentin nunieroue luicnt in TCnrope, the VVcat ludteM, Dominion ot Canaaa, and in every part of the United Siatee. NO MKKCTJIlIAri ' Or ialetvloiM drug used, lie hae, during the pat Iweaty three rear, treated nucccafully nearly or quite 40,000 omi AU facts connected with each case are ca-efally recorded, whether they be communicated by letter or ia perron, or observed by the Doctor or lua emulate physlciuu. Xhe latter are all aclentlfta me ducal men. E0T7 I57ALID3 AT A DISTANCE Are treated. All Invalids at n distance are required to answer a list of plain questions, which ellcite every ayiniitoin under which the invalid surfers. All com. nuniocutoru treated nlrictly confidential. A complete system of rv-tfish'r'.ng prevents mistakes or confusion. List fijf questions sent free, on application, to any part at the world. e ity pasre pamphlet of Evidences o Bucccu, nlso sent free. All these testimonials are from those who htve been treated by mail and express, Aim, -is ia iiFric-i, on f Kta tsxl ot cbabob. Call on or address DR. E. Bi FOOTE. Ko. 120 Lexington Ave., . Y. J1 anted to .l? 23rTMe tlain JIbmt Talk and Vertical Comcncn. Sense: Alio DrFootes Science in Story. Br Particulars address IJunTryJIilIMishiCompany ftedsTCSt. NEW YORK Sr. Berger'i Tonlo Bowel and Pile Pills. These pills are an Infallible remedy for constipation and piles, cause t by weakness or suppression of ths ncristiltio motion of the bowels. They ivery gently increase the activity of the intestinal canal, producs soft atou! aud relieve piles at one. Thousands hava been cured by thein. Price 60 cents, sent by mail on receipt of pri-M. Frepare-l only by F. ALFRED KEloiIAKtrr, PBAnuAciBT, i'ri Foubtu Avomdc, haw Yobk ClTT. Sr. Borgor'a Compound Fluid Extract oi Rhubarb and Dandelion. The best combination of purely vegetable medicines t enrirely replace Calomel ur Blue Pill. It stimulates tne livor, inoreases the flow of bile, and thus removes at once torpidity of the liver, biliousness and habitual eonstipa'ion. and the diseases arising from such m dyspepsia, sick hesd.tche. flatulence, eto. Thoefteo. tiveness of this Kxtraot will be proved, visibly, st ones to the pitient, as one or two bottles are sufficient to clear th complexion beautifully, and remove pimplea and staina caused by liver troubles. Price 81 per bottle. S bottles, $; will be sent on receipt of the prioa to anv ndtiross, froe ot charge. Prepared only by V. ALFRED KBiCMARDT, FUABUACUT, 403FOVB1 Avsmcs. Mew Vox ClTT. Bakers 8weet Chocolate at rOWKLL & KIME'S. Young man if you want to add greatly to your apfc:irarjce goat once to FO A'KLL & KIME'S Grand Cen tral Siorp, and get youseif a new white linen bosom shirt. You can pet a good fitting white e'ean shirt for 91, 25 and from that up. njeyer'a Poultry Powder." to cure cblekeu cholera an J eapea. Witbatapply olthi Puwder and a bratowalof ordinary attention to clean llueat au4 proper feedluir. Willi a naadful tlt Vvllanrlaisnahall.fnsinUnM.. 1 1 T ' keep Poultry (even 1 a conOnnueutjfor any lenutb of time, with botn profltand pleasure. Package icU . five for $1.00. Art your dealer. Sent free upon ro 0lp, of prka. Address, ' Mrvu - A. C. METER A CO., Baltimore Rates of Advertising. One column, one year $75 00 i " " " 40 00 " " 25 00 i " 15 00 Transient advertisement per square of eiglit lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.50, three insertions $2. Business cards, ten lines or less, per year $5. Advertisements payable quarterly. Advedtisiko: Cheap. Ooob, Systema tic. All persons who contemplate making contracts wilh newspapers for the insertion of advertisements, should send 2a centg lo Geo P. Kowell J- C o., 41 Park How, Kew York, for their PAMPHLET 1100K nineiy-seventh edition,) containing lists of over L'000 newspapers and estima tes, showing the cost Advertisements taken lor leading papers in many States at a termendous reduction from publishers rites. Git tui uoos. v no 48 tf Nil W J.IVJUHY STABLE IN S SL. DAN 8CR1BNEU WISHES TO IX form tbe Cittzeos of Ridgway, and the publio generally, that lie has started Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Buggies, to let upon the most reason ble terms. Br&.IIe will also do job teaming. Etable on Broad street, above Main. All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. The Weekly Sun. A Urge eight-poge independent, honest and fearless newspaper.nf 66 broad columns, especially designed for the farmer, thn me, chanio, the merchant and the Professional man, and their wives and children. We aim to make the iVebkly Sun the best family newspaper in the world. It is full of entertaining and instructive reading of every sort, but prints nothing to offend the most scrupulous and delicate taste. Prioe $1,20 per year, postage prepaid. The cheapest paper published. Try it- Addrese Tn Si:n, New York City. Elk County Directory. Presidont Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jb- P Vincent. Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J V Honk. District Attorney J. K. P. Hall. Sheriff D. Scull. Frotlnnottry c, Fred. Schoening. Treasurer Joseph Windfelder. County Superintendent Gen. R. Dixon. Commissioners Michael Weidert, Julius Jones, Geo. Ed. Weis. Auditors Thomas Irwin N. G. Bundy, County Surveyor Geo Wilmsley. Jury Commissioners. Phillip Kreighla Ransom T. Kyler. FuR SALE BY E.K. GRE3II, Masonic Hall Building, Ridgway, Pa. VAN VLECK'S UKLKKUATED PATENT SPRINO 11EU BEST tempered steel spring Wire, these springs cun be laid od tho slum o' any coiuuiou bed and nre CUMPLETK IX THEMSELVES ! Also agent lor Weed Sewing Machine, Easiest Running, Most Durable, and BEST MACHINE in the market. Cull anj e.xaaiiue before purchasing else her. v4rilGtJ$, p YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO JAMES II- HAGEKTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. DRY HOODS, NOTIONS, DOOTS SUOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS- WARE. WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, T013ACCO AND CIGAR. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. Tbo REST 12 HANDS ol FLOUR Ccostiiotly on hand, and sold as cbssp as tho CHEAPEST. OAM.es II. IIAGERTY. C. C. The True Cape Cod Craoberrj, C. best sort lor Upland, Lowlaud, or Garden, by mail prepaid, 81 per 100, 85 per 1,000. All the New, Choice Straw berries aud Peaches. A priced Cata logue ot these and all Fruits, Ornamen tal Trees Evergreens, Shrubs, Bulbs, Roses, Pluuts, &c, and FRESH FLOWER & GARDEN SEEDS, tho choicest collection in the country, with all novelties, will be sent gratis to any plain address. 25 sorts of either flower, Garden; Tree, Fruit, Evergreen, or Herb Seeds, Ior 81,00, sent by mail, prepaid. WHOLESALE CATA LOGUE TO THE TRADE. Agents Wanted. li. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nur series and Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Mass. Established 1842. 'MO THE CITIZENS OF PENNSVL JL VANIA. Your attention is specially invited to the fact that the National Banks are now prepared to receive subscriptions to the Capital Slock ot the Centennial I. card of Finance. The funds realized from this source are to be employed in the ereo tion of the buildings for the Internationa Exhibition, and the expenses conuected with the same. It is confidently believed thut the Koystone State will be represented by the name of every citizen alive to patri oiio commemoratiou of the one hundredth birth-day of the nation. The shares o stock are offered for $10 each, and sub scribers will receive a handsome engraved Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of sis per cent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Stock from date of payment to Jauuary 1, 1870. Subscribers who are not neat a Nation. Bank cun remit a check or post office ordor to the undersi gned, FKED'K. FUALEY, Treasurer, y04 Walnut St., Philadelphia Appletons Amebioan Cyclopedia that the revised, and elegantly illus tratiid edition of this work, now being published, a volume of 800 pages once in two months, is the best Cyoloped 5' America, is certain. No library is com plete without it. It is a complete one in itself. It ouly costs 83 a mouth t get it in leather biudiug. The best and cheapest library' ia the world. Address C. K. Judson, Fradonia, N. Y.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers