THURSDAr, JUNE 4, 1876. Vqltjms v. . . numberTs. Evangelical Lutheran Chreh REV. I. BREFEMEN Pastor. Sunday school at 0:43 A. M, All are in vited (o attend. u. s. cbtoch. REV. WM. MARTIN, Pastor. Sunday School at 9:30 A M Morning Service at 11 A M Class Meeting at 12 M Evening Service at 7:80 P M Prayer Meeting Thursday Evening Q2ACS CHUBCH. Service in Grace Church 8u nday next at the usual hours, 1 1 A. M. and 7 P. M. All are cordialy invited to attend. Skats Free to all. Car Time at It ill g tea y. Mail East 4:15 P: M. do West 2 25 P. M Aenovo Accom East 9: 'Jo A. M. Kane do West 4:45 P. M. Local East 6:40 P. M do West 8;20 A. M The Mail,' and Through Local carry passengers, the local does cot. PAY AS YOU GO. If you pay for goods when you buy them, you will never be troubled with the nigt-mare of debt, your sleep will be sweet your dreams pleasant, and your wife and children will greet you with a smile in the morning. Go to Powell & Kimc's model store with your cash, get more than its value and go home satisfied. They have adopted the cash tystem, and say it is working charm- il,gl'" - Those new style prints, at P & K's are the general talk of the town. Go and see them. If you want any bl'ched or brown muslius, from $ to 10-4 wide any quality, go to head-quarters, Powell & Kime's and select to vour taste. Those Hamilton Corsets at ' & K's nre Ihc most durable, and the cheapest in market. Fresh family Groceries, and Canned gonds at P&K's. The cheupest und best. Summer Cloihiug, for those Boys and children, Linen, Alapoca and sum mer Cashuier at P & K's Summer Hats, all discriptiens, the latest stylo at P & K's. Go and see. They also have the latest stales of Fur and Wool hats- If' you want a lag of feed, or a bushel of potatoes or a barrel or sack of dour or even a small sack of Graham flour, it will pay you to step into P & K's and csamine their prices and goods If you want any oats for your horses, corn for your chickens, shorts for your cow, corn meal, or any thing else to feed or eat, you can find it at P & K's. We notice on Powell k Kime's plat form an assortment of those celebiatcd G jwauda Plows, Cultivators &c. Salt, cheaper than dirt at P. & K's Cheese! Choice Factory, at P & K's Subscribe for t lie Advocate. The weather is gettiug warmer. Strawberries will be plenty this year. EgjT3 are selling here at 23 cents i doz. For goo 1 job work give this office a call. The spelling school mania has subsided. Pay the prinler in order that he may pay his debts. Edward Souther has returned home from his vUit to the east. We are prepared to do better heads, bill heads, etc. , in the best strle. Give us call. Seethe advertisement in another column of a "Valuable aud desirable property for sale." Dr. C. R. Eurley has purchased of Mrs Barrett the property at the corner of Centre and Broad streets. The three trees at the southeast corner of the court square, which were struck by lightning last summer, are dead. Our worthy postmaster has male quite an improvement by erecting a broad plat form in front of bis store. The Centennial Base Ball Clul bold e semimonthly hop at the Hyde House to morrow evening. Barney MoCuej the murderer of Deete1 at Mancy dam, has be in sentenced to be hanged at WilHamsport on next Saturday. The nett proceeds of the late Lutheran festival for (be benefit of Rev. I. Brene man, at Rhine's Hall, will reach almost $160. Company II has elected several gentle men honorary members. Quite a sum of money has bjen raised by the contributions of these members. The Hon. James Qillis Is in town. He is as active under his burden of four score years as many another man who has no reached half that number. Peter Ileldebrant had his foot crushed last Tuesday morning at the depot. His horses were frightened by the cars, while he was holding them by the bit. aud stepped on his foot. An exchange says: "Somebody has pro posed that a tree be planted by every man woman and child in the United States, nex year, as a centennial offering to those who may come after them." The majority of the business men in this place don't seem to want to do much bus! ness, judging from the meager wuy they advertiso. Now, honestly, gentlemen do you think an editor can live on air and sleep on bis neighbor's clothes line? Card of Tamil. Myself and family are under great ui:..:-. f tha Altitun. cr.npBll a w"6 ""-"-IB" Ulrtmratr and psnpninlltf. In thnjn nnm. I & V 1 VJ I . l I - - " wwua . " posing the committee of arrangements (or their generous assistance, and untir- ing efforts to make the late festival, for my benafit, a success. May heaven's blessings follow Kidgway's citizens for I their kindlv offices, is the wish of , T TCTtFNTCMAiM i . " I The liroukvilk Republican savs; Monday afternoon a sad and fatal ac- cident occured near the resident of Dr. Hunt, in (Lis borough, by which an infant child of Mr. Harry Katz, of Eldrcd township was almost instantly killed. The mother had been in town and was returning home, seated in a rocking chair in a common lumber wagon, holJiog the child in her arms, when the wagon wheel struck some building stone on the road side, throw ing the child from her arms, striking the ground and inflicting injuries (hat resulted in death in a few minutes. The corpse was taken into Dr. Hunt's and alter a short time) was carefully coffined and taken to the home of its parents during the evening. The sor row of the mother cannot be expressed, and in her great affliction she had the sympathy of our people. A Most Useful Article in every household is a sewing machine. The Wilson Shuttle Sewing Machine com bines in every degree the most perfect machine yet invented. It is elegant in finish, simple to learn, runs smoothly , ' a 7 , and quickly, and what is more important is the cheapest. The Wilson Machine has received the highest praise from all has received the highest praise from all who have used it, and stands at the who have used it, and stands at tho l i ., ..t! head of all sewing machines. Machines will he delivered at any Railroad Station in this county, Iree of transpor tation charges, if ordered through the Company's Branch House at 327 and 329 Superior fct. Cleveland Ohio. They se'id an elegant catalogue and hronio circular free on application. 11ns Company want a tew more ood ageuts. A. Cuiumings, Ridgway, Elk Co.. Pa. is the agent of the Com pany at this place to whom all orders should be addressed. The R'yitoUhvUe Herald says: On r iiday alternoon last, at about two o'clock, while a carpenter named Ellis Turner was engaged working upon the oof of Mr. M. M. Davis' new building on Grant street, he accidentally slipped and wus precipitated from the root to the ground, a disance of about thirty- five feet, lighting upon his head auu shoulders, lie was pickea up iu an unconscious conditiuu and remained iu a seemingly dead state for the space ol ten miuutes. Dr. F. P. Laogtitt was immediately summoned.and restoratives bavins' beeu anDlied animation was re- ' covered hut he still remained un- conscious. He was taken to his resi- dence ou Grant street, where an ex atuination was held by the doctor, when it was found that his collar bune was broken aud his shoulder badly crushed. ilo at tho r,,ii,.t nf rlontVi tnr fittoon . -v y . . - hours, but he is now getting better, aud ii,. i .,,. t fi, ..tonr!; nhKinian informs us hat it is his oo nion the mlorius us that it is bis opinion tne man will cet well. muu bcv ni.ii. Burglary, Saturday nieUt the ttore of Wellman Brothers, in Brockwayville, in which is also the Post Office, was eutered by butg. lars, and and all the loose scrip and nickle in the money diawers, aud some postage stamps taken. An effort was made to blow open the safe with powder, but the first effort was not successful, the powder bursting inside; and not making any open ing. Another eflort to open tne sate was .i. a . i . t. .. 1 M;nA.1 maue irom me u.b, uuiu uc.uS v....iC- for another blast, but they made so much that the w. e of one of th. -' was unucu, aim ... ""'6"" they wore discovered, made good iheir es- cape. Constable a. a., worey ana wr. josepu layior started in pursun, me ourgiars having about four hours start of them, and followed up their trace down Mill creek to Port Barnett, and from thence to Knoxville. where they discovered the party they were after hid taken their breakfast. From Knoxville they were traced over and V t i, .i i i.i through all the rough roads and by -ways possible until arriving at Troutville, Clear field county where they came upon game they were after, and made the arrest of two men, bringing them to Brookvnle on Monday mornine. whsn they bad a hearing before 'Squire Maue, and tne evi- nenoe being conclusive, were committed to jailto await trial at the ensuing term of court. On their examination they gave their names as Joseph Foster and William Austin. A satchel containinz a full set of burcrlar's tools were found in their Douses- sion together with all the supplies neces- .r in thehnsiness thev we.-e discovered encated in. A man of Pennsylvania, with tbeir route matked I Out Upon It Was also found with them. The horse and buggy found in their possession is supposed to be. long rt St- Mary's or Ridgw.iy To the energy and perseverence of Mr Morey and his associates, Joseph Taylor and J. 8. Barber, the latter leading the trail from Fnoxville, are due the capture of these men. They followed the traoes fully sixty miles, and arrested the prison ers within twenty-four hours from the time IhAnrimtt VRi nnm mil tart Rrnnlfiitlld A- publican, June 9th, JJareains in ladies and childrens bats, iJODnets and jllllinery goods at WAi eiiiViUtlJHAJN o WilUamsport r. Am Editor's Apfbai. As the report lh" w 7 wealthy has gone abroad amnl ' subscribers, and bas maue tae a.fl .1 .,. -..-l- ., thlnkln- . . . r r uuuuuen w aoa I wanfc mo muuejr, w - ,. . 1 1 Mten t0 gay tu, report of our weaith it false In every particular. If ocean steam ers were selling at a oent a dozen, we couldn't make the first payment on a canoe The lightning of poverty has struck s lu" " h " beeB rr a rmrul . ... , oi nny our uevu nianagsu to steal irom ii' j i i i ii..u family would be without a mouthful to eat at this moment. Is not this a sad picture, n(1 cn yu delinquent subscribers look uPon 11 w,t,10ut reclin lM greenoacc rustle with indignation in your pocket- books? We do not like to dun you, but we must if you fail to take the hint. Shena doah (Va.) Democrat. The Baltimore Gazette has been pub lishing reports on the condition of pub- lio halls and . churches in Baltimore, with respect to the opportunities they offer for the escape of audiences in case of a disaster such as recently occurred at Ilotvoke, Massachusetts. As was to have been expected, a large number of the churches and public halls are com plete traps, from which a terror-stricken audience would be unable to escape without loss of life and litnb- A peti tion has been addressed to the Balti, more City Council, asking for the en actment of an ordinance requiring the doois of public buildings to be hereafter erected to have their doors hung so as to open outwardly. The Gazette properly says that the ordinance should not only require such a precaution to be taken against disaster in new build ings, but in those already in use; aud la' -""-jr.- so it should be as to all such buildings everywhere. T Kirk We lMrn from T- of. pmj;;,. r iot tbeTionesta Republican of last week that the saw mill ot Mr. Ditheridge of that place was burned on Monday the 31st of May. The loss was about 5, nr rv . it . nr. A anQ D0 nsuianoe- AD0l vuv icbi. ui luuiirei mo xuc mill was the most complete and expen- r ' siveof any ever erected in that regicn. large number ot m3n. The fire was caused by a heated journal. Ihe . v. . c n , " floor. I. . , . .1 1 If . I- wjs in rittsourc at tne oreaKin" out; 01 m ,k t,f i, : T;no.. r,.r ' . . IIs inAO nut lnf m At nt tT" rtmotiifiiv n nv alt nauu., u,,u -, the debris, and all his plans and specia- cations for another mill determined upon and under way before he slept. That's what he't going to do about it. The 1'rest puts the loss at over (100,- 000. A conductor on the Pennsylvania Kailroad recemly got hiuiselt into an embarrassing situation. A lady entered a oar aT Uarrisburg, oarrying a basket I ..... ., . ..! wich tne railroad omciai aeemea en- tirely too bulky to remain in the pas i . y . . . , sender car, mu-51 S u " "lc baggage car. The lady demurred, but the conductor insisted and seized the Then his fair passenger deliberately un- covered tne basket, and behold: two .... charming babies, twins, peacefully sleep- ms. Ihe blushing conductor beat a re. cipitato retreat, and the lady remained r master oi tne situation. J be rotter uiderprist ot i.uay tta, says: Last Sunday evening a severe thunder storm passed over this section During the storm Mr. Alf. Wright, of Liberty, McKean county, was passing from the Forest House to the Allegh any river road, when a thunderbolt struck a large tree not over six rods from him shivering it from top to root Mir. Wright was knocked from his I. . ... w,g0Q (0 tue Krouncl by the shock, and was almost unconscious for a few momenU( Fortuaa(ely he cluQ to the j l nt hues and saved having a run away. Mr. n,iraiu iui a icn uiiuuies auer W. states that ior a tew minutes after i the stroke the air smelled as though Maree Quantities ofeunoowder had been . , , , . . . " ' " . lr 'll-"ea. Icl'"w "u 84,00 worth double the money, Kuches J"! uPw"ds' fe,hawl8 W .uPwardj Hats lrom 25 cents upwards, best and phfianfi9t triraed natin thi nUv at MAY & SILVERMAN'S opposite tbe Court House Williamsport Pa. Beneral Sheridaa'e Wedding Ren. Sheridan was married on Thura. . . . . . T ,.. . . r . . , l ua " "v pa.cum vDU 0. JNone but the members the family and the General's comrades were in attendance. Among the dis tineuished guests present were General D Wrs- Sherman, members of Gen. feher&ian a staff and their wives, Gen eral Au8ur and YP at,d manJ others uo miiui picouuLS wcio riuu BUU uuuiccuus, ma ucroiuuujr wa per (armed by lit. Rev, Bishop Foley, as- fiisted by Rev. P. Riordao, according to tnr ma nt rha I .nrhnliA rhnvAh rf hrLah waauh va oa.w V"UI IV VUUIVUl Ul Tl UIVU both parties are members. After the eollatioQ the bridal pair, accompaied Colonel and Mrs. M T. Sheridan and Mrs. M. C. Feeley, were driven to their residence, which was handsomely - decorated and Drensred for the newlv- mated pair. The General pie sen ted his I ?j . . wife with a carriage and two horses, $5,000 made into a necklace and ear- drops, ana pearl necklace. Among & other presents ws S5UU lace band aercuiei trom A. 1. biewart, , THK ANTllltACITJi ltlOTEHS. ALL QUIET AT MAHANOT TRODBLK iiHWiu.. Pottsville, June 4. Everything is reported quiet this morning about Ma- hanov Citv. The raiders disbanded and scattered throughout the neighboring "uu"" j "w . n day commenocd work this morning un- molested. The only disturbance since the arrival of troops was an -vlarm early this morning. causod by a party of Ma- hanoy City Modocs firing at a body of riders. There was considerable firing, and the troops promptly turned out. Nobody was hurt. One of the soldiers shot yesterday died before $500,000. March Lantern factory in morning. Adjutant General Latta and New York, $200,000. April Ware Gen. Siegfried are ot Mahanoy City, , . M v. (oonnnn. ,nnn . . .. 6 .. j '.: houses in New York ?3JU,UUl): cotton instructing the military and arranging "u ,innr.n l permanent Quarters, the citizens having fire at Charlotte, N. C, $250,000; the petitioned ior their stay until work is freely resumed and confidence estab- hshed, threats having been publicly made to burn the (own It is now al- Pod tha mid ... m.dfl h tha Hani. ton strikers, because they were on the eve of a victory in that region and ar- ranging with the operators (o resume work ou their own terms, and the ar- rangemen( was broken by the resump- .' . . . -, . lion at Mahanoy City. $2o0,000; businrss houses in opring There was much excitement this field; Mass., $500,000. Here is a total morning at St. Clair and Woofarde, A loss of $9,983,000 from the large ccn party of strikers from Heinsherville, flaKra,ioU8 alone, which amount will be Glen Carbin and that vicinity have ,. , , . . stopped Deming & Go's colliery at swclled bJ man7 m,11,0DS more lrom lh Woodside, and driven the miners away, smaller fires, very evenly distributed about one thousand men and boys are throughout the country, which the in marching through St. Clair headed by ...-anna enmnnnies have been called a arum corps, pressing in.o uiur rauas tli a ttion (now tnnuf If ia nnf Irnnti'n iiv suu iai vr Ul v 1 VI aw ia t ' uu n u where they intend going. THE PRESIDENT'S THillU TERM LETTER. REVERDY JOHN- SON'S OPINION OF IT, New york Jun, 4Xbe ncrald publishes a long letter from Reverdy Johnson, dHed Baltimore, in which the writer' eiviDS his 0Pinion of the r res,dent 8 th,rd ,ernj let,er' Bays' .,That wjiat sacrifices, if anv. the Presi dent may have made in accepting the first or second nomination, they have have been subjected to during the time iib nas ne a tne rresiaencv. is eouauv irrelevant. The Constitution docs not I . .. . ... . ... prohibit, and the people are at liberty iu eiuui iu a mini tuiiu. uu uuiu iuc time of President Grant, none ol his predecessors who held the office two terms gave the most distant hint of . " . . . . " ' mav demand the re-election of a Presi. I .! rl nwa nn iIa innnnt. L.nin.. ... v,uuucn, nanus uu umci I . L . I . ' : upp"" uui iue uiuh. tgregious vudhv. I Trio iitAfifmn n r m mtlf iitinr- ( It a mi Vi I i i I a. ii, i uvouuu uvn gnuuug a,ue uul'iw I . . - ... .... . . mnd ,g a het )er U rant b ial be e ected to a third term. Johnson believes he will not be renominated: cr if he i- will hardly receive the vote of a single State. The President seems to regard it as a mere matter of dollars and cents, and Johnson infers that if the salary tne rresiuent now receives suouia ue . i. i . . . ... secured to him as a retiring pension, bo would gladly leave the ofliee al the end of the present term." Pottsville, Pa., June 1. A dispatch from Mahanoy City confirms the report I.Li : L J .a- mai some oi me miners uau gono 10 work at one of the colliiers of the Pbila- i uviuuia ouu iicauiug vvai ouv nuu ('nninanv nt that n'non thii mnrnino at the reduced rate of wages offered by the coal companies. A dispatch from Tre- rnont this afternoon states themenalso reported for work this morning at the Last tranklin colliery near that town at the reduced wages offered. Several furnaces that have lobs been idle will resume work soon. The prospects for k.,.;-.. o,ii v.;i;.. a w-.m Ruv..v ..b...w.6, denidfid linnrnvpment in tha cr and . . iron trade will probably soon develep llaeil. QENEEAL NOTES Mrs. Paul Pyles, of Bulger, Pa., was burned to death while attempting to kindle a hre by pouring ca.'bon oil on the coal. The number of rations issued daily by the Osceola Helief Committee averages about 1,150, the lowest beins .Ill nn i.i , i i in.) tjiww auu me nignest i,io Sioux City, June 4. The farmers re port that the wire worms are destroying lne corn 00 us appearing bdovc i gr0UDc. The worm is doing great da above the am age in West Point township. age in esi roini lownsmp. Peoria. June 4. Thu cornor-6tone of the new Chamber of Commerce was laid yesterday. There was a grand pro cession of all tho civic Masonic bodies I in tho city. Postmaster Creicer tier- formed the ceremony of layiog the stone MsUted b a Dunjbr of proajinent M,. sons Pottsville. Pa.. June 1. A disnateh om Mahanoy City confirms the repoit that some of the miners had gone to work at one ot the colleries ot tbe JPhila delphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company at that place this morning at the reduced rate of wages ottered by .' the coal companies, A dispatch from in Tremoot this afternoon states the men ol also reported for work this morning at the Kast Franklin colliery near that - town at the reduced wages offered Several furnaces that havo long been idle will resume work soon. The pros- - peels for business generally are bright ening aDd a decided improvement in I lu wai auu nuu uaug vviu yivvuuiy soon develop itself. . .. . . . .. Wedding and mourning outfits ladies at MAY & SILVERMAN'S I T 1 1 . -p PV llham8Port rt' by A laree lot of Parasols. Ladies I TTanrlkpmhiofa IInKierv and (1U Trunks and Satohels at MIY fc STT VERMAN'S Williamsport Pa J, O. W, BAlLEYt ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. vln.avl. Bidswav. Elk Countv. Pa - 1 Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aooi dent lnsuranoe Co., of Uartford, Conn. Leaving out the minor fires which have happened during the past five. montng here J8 ft lilt of (hose which have invoi-ed- B loss of $200,000 and upwards.-January Partial destruction of Oiaugeburg, S. C, $200,000; tnhnnnn warehouses at Baltimure. Md.. j350 OOO; crockery warehouse in New York, $200,000: iron works at Cautoh, , Mass., 2o0,000; fire at Rutland, Vt., $200,000. February Business block in Buffalo, N. Y., $350,000; business blocks in Hartford, Conn., $25C,000; Wahl's glue works, Chicago, $400,000; locomotive works at Scranton, Pa., Oshkosh conflagration, $2,000,000; Weber furniture factory, Detroit, Mich $300,000; tannery in Port Ley- ' , ' ' n. , deD.N- Y- 8200,000. May-Carpet mills, Brooklyn, N. Y., $500,000; the recent Pennsylvania fires, $3,000,000; business block at Worcester, Mass., 0.Jfi0 nnn - B. T . . v u tQ I The Vlarion Republican says: The PeoP,e of tho (luiet little town of llcd'i' burg, this county, were in an uproar ot excitement ou Friday morning of last week by the 8tartlini;fact of arobbery ee' startiin0 roooe on the previous night. The burglar, or Durglars wenl 10 81 ,ne K"cnen wmuow of Mr. Anderson's house, and procedeu to his bed room, where he and his wife were enjoying the peaceful slumbers of the night. They took Anderson's watch, some scrip, and took the key of VVIson fc Anderson's store, and secur : u i .u. i , . . , . ... Btnrn ojhmo Ihpo rnhhpil thr till nl S 1 .1 ' v -"f o - $50 or $75. From here they went to tha store of H R Frammon. His store waB en(ered by boring t,)rogh ,he wio I Hnn chnllor .n.l r lion tab inn mil n nntio Ihey trmlr Imm iL fill nf Mr l'r.-nninn tthnnt fi(?tl in Itinnnr- frnm a Hnulr fbpr 1 - took postage stamps to (he umouut ot $11G,65, ranging from one to fifteen cents. They did not seem to be satis fied with this, lor they "sampled" his jewelry and took therefrom all that 'was gold," and a traveling bag. Mr. Fraiupton's loss is estimated at $200. As vet no clue has been had as to the whereabouts of the burglars, but sus picion rests ou two men who were seen in that vicinity a few hours previous to the robbery, and they are on the look out for them. it is stated that the postmaster gen eral is about to issue an order regulat- ...l.i.,.,) mo;i matter between the pr th coun, Undor th( "... inciple cities of the new system all registered matter will be put up registered matter will be put separate touches, with keys odIv at the p01Dt, 0f departure and destination thus , ui "UUU"US mail mater n transit. The first re.- tered nouch will be sent from Hnstnn r . to New Orleans, and should tho system prove successful, the sam facilities will be rapidly extended to other cities. It looks bad to see a dog preceding his master down street and calmly turn down the stairs to the first saloon he ap proaches. It shows there is something lacking, a deplorable tendency on the nart of the do:?. Warren Ledaer. I 1 CT - Madam Demorcsts Patterns We are ageuts for Madam Demorests Patterns. Cataloeuos tree, send foi - one Patterns sent by mail MAV & 5lLV JSKjIAN opposite the Court House U llliamsport Pa - 500 Ladies and children's neatly made dresses from 82 to 85,00 per suit worth double the money at MAY & SILYEKMAK3 opposite house Williamsport Pa. the Court QUOTATIONS or White, POWell & BAKKEBS AND BROKERS. Co. No. 42 South Third Street. Philadelphia, May 25th. 1875. ASKEO U. S. 1881. e. 248 21 171 17 18 2()j 18 20 22J 2i 24 23 ii 10-40, do coupon 18 do Pacifio 6's cy Int. off 24 New 6's Reg. 1881 lt ' 0. 1881 16 Gold IU 8ilver 1071 Pi 16; its ltii Pennsylvania bOg I ItBUUlUK n I : 04 tor Philadelphia & Erie 20 01 Lebieh Navigation Div. off. 10 do Valley 62, United R R of N J Ex. Div. 129J ties Oil Creek Northern Central ... 2il 2V Central Transportation 4o 45 Nesauehoning - o6 60 A & A Mortgage 6's '89... 102 102 do do 't4 do do do '65 do do do '05 J and J do do '67 do do do '68 do Mrs. M. E. Malone has the agency tive bodies; and full directions and f V.K fWt fnr fh ('nmhinatinn utu". " aiisaoiions, as .v,. , Shoulder Brace Corset Adjustable bkirt Notes, Drafts, Contracts, etc A s f!.!l .n . it Aim 1 tue jcixceiaior ouieiu or voraoi viasp. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ONE HUNDRED rOLlABS .EEWASD. I will We the above reward for the ar rest and oonviclion of the parties, if they are responsible when convicted for seven thousand live Hundred dollars, -ho cut ana conveyed about fifty acres of my limber from my premises in r-iK county, i a., tox ownsbip, warrant tvu, or tor the conlcil erate if he is alike responsible. ELIZA B till 11. t'OULTON. Danboro, Bucks Co., Pa., May 24, 1875. Valuable mi Desirable Property for Sale. riHE subscriber offers for sale the I -property ' now occupied by him as a residence iu the village of A'idgway, Elk count, Fa. The lot is pleasantly situated upon Depot street and oontams lb.UUU feet. Upon it is erected a first class IWO-AND- A-HALF 8TO 11 Y DWELLING HOUSE, 24x32 feel, with addition 10x24 leet; a Coal House. Ice House, Chioken Houbc and Barn, There is upon the premises a Commodious Garden, whicn is well stocked frith Fruit Trees in, bearing condition, and co-t.iins Kaspberry, Blackberry, Cur rant and Asparagus Beds. Tor terms, &c. address. EDWARD SOUTHER, jclO lf Ridgway, Elk Co , Pa. TIST OF VENDERS OF MEflCHAN- Following Is the report of the Mercnmile Appraiser of Elk County for the year 18io: venders of uercnancUse. ST. MART S BOBOl'QH. Clam. Sale. Tax. Hamet Joseph Willietm Adolph Fochtmnu 9 $.".0 OOO $25 00 V2 10 11 13 10 10 COO 12 50 Walker & Son 25 OOO 15 OOO 6 OOO 25 0';0 8 000 15 000 30 OOO 9 OOO 0 000 4 OOO 9 000 10 OOO 4 000 4 OoO 4 OOO 4 OOO 4 OOO 4 OOO 8 000 3 000 4 000 4 000 20 00 15 00 10 00 20 00 10 "0 15 CO 25 00 Wcis Brother I. B Cook Gifford Hall & Co Weidenboerner 4s Witt- man 13 Churles Luhr 1 1 Coryell & Muss . Geo H Garner 13 Charles M'Vean 13 Joseph Wilhelui 14 10 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 F L gneerioger 13 J E Weidenboerner 12 12 50 7 00 7 00 William Spnflord 14 Edward M'Bride 14 Clmrlcs Holes 14 Ctiarles Miller 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 L .', line) er 14 MCButsch 14 J Soseneeinicr & Taylor 13 Alois Loetler 14 Mrs Michael M'Nally 14 W J Blnkcly 14 RI DO WAV TOWSSntP. W II Osternout 9 80 000 M'Gloin & M'Gechan 13 9 000 W C llcaly 14 4 000 J V Houk 14 4 OOO Grant & Hon on 11 15 000 11 Uagerty 12 10 OOO Mrs A lluhlman 14 3 000 Hyde & Curtis 13 9 000 G G Messenger 13 9 000 LABrendel 14 4 000 A Cuniniings 14 4 000 W 8 Service 13 6 000 Towcll & Kime 10 25 000 Charles Holes 14 4 000 R I Campbell 14 4 000 J S Puwelt 14 4 OOO T 8 Hartley 14 4 OOO J S & W II Hyde 9 30 000 E K Gresh 14 4 OOO 11 1 Robinson 14 4 000 FOX TOWNC1UP Michael Mohan 13 9 000 D A Tontious 14 4 000 Koch & t-on 10 25 OOO H St rnssley 14 4 OOO J J Taylor 14 9 000 Koch&Entz 14 4U00 25 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 12 60 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 20 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 25 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 20 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 Jacob M'Cuuley 14 4 OOO juia M'.iuiiu 14 '1 OOO 7 00 III.XKZKITE TOWNSHIP. Miles Dent 14 12 14 13 4 000 10 OOO 4 000 9 OOO 4 000 7 00 V U Johnson WilbIow Bros 12 60 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 Fletcher Bros John Van Vjlkenburg 14 jiv township E H Dixon 14 4 OOO Avery ii Brown 13 t 000 HOKTON TOWNSHIP Fararia & Cuneo 14 4 000 Mrs 8 V Wilcoxtadm'r) 13 7 000 7 00 10 00 JSUyde 13 7 100 10 00 MILLSTONE TOWNSUIP Moore Bios. 14 2 000 7 00 I x T Aldrich ' 12 12 000 .lAvva Tnivv'BUti) 12 n ?.yM,"rM.! " 50 Martin Sowers 14 n ooo Eestaurants and Eating Hsuses, I st mary's. Hemdel 8 s - Anton Slmuers 8 800 8(10 000 000 GOO 1 OOO 800 6 00 6 00 6 00 Charles Glausman 8 r n-.,- a u tout r n fnit 5 00 6 00 10 00 Jacob Kraus 8 7 8 BIDOWAY William Gies Geo Schaut 6 00 James Maginnis 500 800 50D 5 000 5 00 5 00 6 00 ox Andrew Hau 8 BENIiZtTTE John Daily 8 Srewers ST. MARY8. Joseph Windfelder 8 12 12 Wiliitun Gies 8 Lawrence Vogcl 8 5 000 0 000 5 000 5 000 12 DENZINGER. F X Sorg 8 12 50 FOX Andrew Hau 8 12 EtUlarlHar.3. ST. MAHY H J F Windfelder . 2 tables 40 00 BIDOWAY C II Rhioes 3 " 60 i James Maginnis 3 " 60 JONES A C Allen 1 80 An appeal will be held at the residence of Albert Weis, St Marys, Pa., on Monday, June Z&th, Ibio, where you, feeling aggrieved by said assessment, can have such redress as the law provides. Respect- lully, ALBERT WE13, je8-4t Mercantile Appraiser. ELK LODGE, A. V. M. The stated meetings of Elk Loip-e, 879, are held at their hall, oorner of Main and Depot streets, on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month- W. C. JIEALV, Sec'y. AGENTS A ANTED TO SELL The Political, Personal, and Properly Rights 7 Citizen, 10'J 60 Of tht Untied Stalet How to ezereue how to penerve them. By Theophilut 4om, LL. V. 51 C21 Containing a commentary on the 130 eral and 8tate Constitutions, giving S'J History ana origin, and a full explanation of their principles, purposes and provis ions; toe pow rs ana dunes or Public cers; the-rights of tbe people, and obligations incurred in every rela lion of life; also, parliamentary rules for delibera- iDg wulgi )eedgi Mortgages, Leases, ln Horary in a single volume, it meets . I wants of all classes and sells to everybody ju.ilo unuincno s uu., fuila. BUSINESS CARDS. G. A. UATHBUX, Attorney-at-law, Ridgway, Pa. 2 2 tf. RUFCS LUC ORE, AUorney-at-Law Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Offios in Hall's new Brick Building. Claims Tor collection promptly attended to. v3nlly. HALL & M'UAtJLEF, Attorneys-at-Lw. Office in New Brick Building, Main St I Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v3n2tf. JAMES D. FULLER TOW, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated iu Rigiray, offers his professional ser vices to the citizens of Ridgway ana sur rounding country. All work warranted. Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, up- stairs, first door to the lelt, J-n-H2-ly CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler. Main street, Uidgwny, 1'n. Ageut for tl Howo Sewing Machine, and Morton GoM l'en. Repairing Watches, etc, doc with he 8 ime accuracy as heretofore. Satis- action guaranteed. vlnly G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and Paraceutist, N. W. cornel of Main and Mill streets, Hidgway, Pa. lull assortment of carelully selected for eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day sr nigtit. vlnsy T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician ana Surgeon. Office in Drug Store, corner Broad and Main Sts, Residence corner Broad St. opposite the C'olloge. Office hours from o io 10 A. M. and from 7 to o r. Al. vln2yl. J. S. LORD WELL, M. D., Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, has remov- eduis office lrom Centre street, to Main si. UiUgway, ra,, in the second story ot the new brick building of Johu G. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store. Qtbec hours: b to 9 a- m: 1 to 2 p. m. T jan 9 74 HYDE HOUSE, Kidoway, Elk Co., Pa,. W. II . SCI1RAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to ucrit a continuance oi the same. Oct 80 18(59. BUCKTA1L UO USE, Kane, MoKean Cs., Ps. R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro- 50 prictor, hopes, by paying strict attention 00 'o the comfort aud convenience of guests. 00 to merit a continuance of the same. Tha 7 oo uu'y stables lor horses in Kane and well kept night or day. Hall attached to the Hotel. vln23yl. KERSEY HOUSE, Ckntbevillk, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, t merit a continuance of the sauie. JJ. W. HAYS, DEALK. IN Goods, Notions, Grcceriea. CO 50 60 Dry and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Earley J. O. vln47tf. RAILROADS. 50 00 00 00 PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division. WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after MONDAY, MAY 24, 1876, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows: No. WESTWARD. KANE ACCOM leaves Renovo-... 4 35 p m " " ' Driftwood.. 5 65 p m " " Emporium 6 65 p m " " " St Marys... 7 65pm ' " " Ridgway... 8 25 p m ' " Vfilooz 9 05 pm arr at Kane.. 9 80 n m ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p m nenovo 11 Oo a m " " " Emporium 110 pm " St. Mary's 2 00 p m " Ridgway 2 25 p ju " Wilcox 2 68 pm " arrive at Erie 7 60 p ra EASTWARD. RENOVO ACCOM leaves Kane... 8 00 a m " " Wilcox- 8 83 a m " Ridgway 9 25 a m " " 8: Marys 10 01 a m " " Emporium 11 05 a m " Driftwood 12 15 pm " ' Benovo ........ 1 40 p m ERIE MAIL leaves Erie .....H.20 a iu Kans.. 3 45 p m ! Wilcox 4 08pm " " " Ridgway....... 4.45 p m " " St. Mary's 6.10 p m " " " Emporium 6.06 p m Renovo 8.25 p m " " arr. at Philadephia... 8.60 am Renovo Accom and Kane Aecom oonaeet east and west at East with Low Grade Di vision aud 0 8 Y & P R R WM. A. BALDWIN. ' Oea'l Bup't. and far - Fed their Offi the legal BaK - Law the ra.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers