I :Y i I. II li 1(7 IT I : i. c50 Henry A. Parsons, Jn. KJito v,thirsday, febkuahy 25th 1875. ilUlgtv t-j insurance ilgtnty. Reprcsvitiiuj Cash Asset of 5,007.744 41) FIRE DEPARTMENT German Am., New York ?1 ,050,000,00 Niagara of New.York l.iJlO.im.OO Amazon Cincinnati of Pi'O,!!,")? 17 City Ins., Co, of Providence-100,554 o'l LIFE DEPARTMENT Trnvclers Life & Accident Hartford 2.0C0,0!)0,00 Vorth American Mutual of New York 5,000,000,00 lv.tiitablo of New York 1 5,000,0(10,00 Insurance effects in r.ny of the above Ktaudard companies at the most rcasona. terms, consistent with perfect poeurity to tlie insured. J. O W. TLEY, Agent. Auditors' Settlement, Receipts and Expenditures of Elk County Jut the year ending January 17, 1S75: RLCE1FTS. Jan. 1, 187.V ' To tux iecd from unscalcl lands $1:?'M1 117 " " Collectors tlliiTV.' Jury fees find indictments 71 Commonwealth cots collected .Vi 7" Fini'B collected "'l O'l Tax rccd on hinds rel'd by col!? 10 oi Amt reed from Jones twp on ncct of monies paid for support of A. Parsons oil 7-j A nit reed from rienzii.gcr twp on ueet of monies paid lor suppoit of Conrad Nut IP! 11 Arnt reed from Si. Mary's boro on ncct of monies paid for support of Martin (Jrrsror PSGI -licHioS 04 exfexdjtcres. Jan. 1, 1S7.). By amt pd 11 I Cntnnbell Comm'r " ' (ieo. Ld.'Weis " " " Julius Jones " ('. . MTnul-y. Oik Jas. K. P. ilal!, Dist. Afy: D. C. Oyster, fjboria' " " Jailor ,Comnir. Counsel Constables Court Crier Tip staves Prothonotarys County Auditors " ' Clerk Janitor To Constables Justices Peace Witnesses D. C.Oystcv.ShcriiT To .Assessment expenses Registering 'Jo Grand Juries " Traverse " Jury Commissioners I5y nuit. paid W. Penitentiary Dixmont Hospital, as follows: For support of Conrad Nist For support of A. 1'arsoiu For bUppori of J no. Condon Examination of M- Gicg'.r l!y amt. paid for Priutii.g and Election expenses Road Views & Damages fc'tationery and Posiiic Bounties on Wulvcs,i.c Fuel & Lights Jiepairs tu' Public Buildings, Ao Court House expenses Inquests Military Misceihiuco i. J!y paymt. bul due Coninus. counsel, 1J7-! Expenses holding appeals Auditor of Protlionotary ncct. Earley on Bal his ncct as Trpas l io r. ;i on 0 uti Km; 71 M0 (Hi ;:i! ;i-i '. i 00 St) (II "4 : i '." f (HI 00 (.III :;si K i'.:; ! loiow lis 7" ."illl't 07 U'.S 7i 1 110 l!!'.'J-" o- T, 1 I 8 VV. 140 uO 50 1 lil.1.00 I'.'tS 00 U74 OO !7 ." 'mi r.t L'11'j hi 72-!:; OO .-!( 0! 1 1 f. .'0 0 ji o o I I ! 0: 1 1 1 1 Excess of Receipts -141-1 H iio2-;y bi Amis tmil iA'-.bilitt of File C-wi'i. January 1. 1 .'). ASSETS. Jan. 1, IH7" To Tax due from Unseatel lands stiiiject to cum. and cxtmeraiiou 00B1 Tax iun fi-oia Collectors ttubj :ct to com. & exoneiMtioi.s llOij 87 Anit due from Jones tp for support of A. Parsons 00 0! Amt due from Beuzin;rer tp. for support of Conrad Nist 01 7t Aait. due from ?t. Marys boro. for support of Martin Grepor Of Amt. tluc from Lceli Ilaveu boro. for support of J no. Condor '01 00 Amt due from Cameron, Elk 'i Clearfield State itoad 1 30 CO 22073 oO LIABILITIES. Jan. 1.1X75. lly County Orders outntnndinj Douds A.mt. due W. Peiuicr.linry Dixmont Hospilal J. Windfcldcr. Treas. 1). C. Oyster, Slicrin" 11. I. Camitbell, Com. (Ieo. Ed. Weis ilo Julius Jones do Peter Ilonglilailing, Jxnitor Fxcess of tisiclJi ,2H 'A 10 0 0 21 0 :."s .') ;!n; oi (M 10 12 OO is (: 20 tH! 17 ;;o w Amovnt tine Ly the ecveral Valla-tors J Elk County oil January 1, 1675. BTATE AND COUNTY. J. V. Koulc, Rid;.'way tp llSOu ?7 Vvin. MeCauloy, for 18oi 1 11 71 II. F. Overbiduer, llidgway Tp SlO 87 180 Jun. Gleixner, P.enzinger ISO'.t 27.! 12 Levi Ellitliorpo lliirliland tp 1S71 fi Oli J. R. Morey, Jay iflTl 305 SH D. Attleberger, Jones 1871 M Ed Paine, printr Creek 1.71 '15 00 II. II. Wensel, llidgway 1872 "( !i5 ' Oeo. tV. Winslow, Deneietlo 187:1 4-H 05 Thos. Kerner, Derringer ls7:J (M fid F. X. Enz, Fcx1S7o 152 OH Charles St ubbs, Highland 187'! St 52 . Juo. Winklebleck, Ilorlon 1873 72 28 IVui.C. Thomas, Jay 1873 US Si" Henry Warner, Jones 1873 012 50 Win. Clyde, Millstone 1873 53 u James Gardner, llidgway 1873 47011 VH. P.. Mooio.Spring Creek 1873 23007 Erasmus Morey, ISeiiezette 1874 407 03 George Rcuscher.P.enziuger 1871 1034 5'J Jacob Moycr.Fox 1871 1033 7!) Thos Campbell,Highland1874 55 21 George FauFt.Horiou lii74 74051 A.J. Avery, Jay 1874 t-2 24 Michael Weidert.Jones 1874 180 30 A. Ziuiniermau, Millstone 187 1 118 !!0 W. C llealy, Eidgway 1874 0 SO 74 Thos. Irwiu.SpriuK Creek IK.,4 300 ol li. Weidenboerucr, e?t Mary's Boro. 1874 1811 3K 11004 73 NoTE---Those marked with a have fciuco paid. liOL'NTY TAX. I John cch, Fox Tp. 1804 Mi 62 C. W. Poricrtield, Spring Crook Tn. 1S(U onn oo Armel Turley.Jay Tpl8G5 117 05 Deneiei um, ivuigway tp. 18US ' Wi 70 772 14 Amis, tcccivcfl from the tcvrral Col lectors of Elk County during the yar 1874 Win. MeConley, fcox tp. lRfitl 0.142 D, C. Ojstcr, Ilorlon'tp. 1808 74 88 T. J. Taylor, llortnn tp. 1800 ' 133 23 1". W. Hays, Fox tp. 1800 ' 1720 II. 8. Thayer, Rideway tp. 8017 J. It. Morey. Jay tp 1871 8113 John Johnson, Denezcl tp. 1872 87 00 II. II- Wensel, Kulgway tp. 187 104 08 Win. James, ijililand tp. 1872 11 42 Martin Perrin, Spring Creek tp. 1872 50 70 F. X. F.nz. Fox tp. 1873 080 24 Thos Kerner. liciuinger tp. 1873 517 45 Charles Stuhbs, lligtiland tp. 1873 58 00 Juo. Winhlelilcc'-t, Morton (p 1873 170 45 Win, G. Thomas, Jay tp. 1873 200 00 II. Warner, Jonas tp. 1873 170 07 Win. Clyde. Mills'ono tp. 1873 105 83 Jas-Gardner, Ridgway lp. 1873 034 20 II. R. Moore. Fpring Creek tp. 1873 08 07 11. Weidenbocrner, St. Mary's T.oro 1873 800 12 Erasmus Morey Benczelto tp. 1874 220 05 Jacob Meyer, ifox Tp. 1871 453 15 Michael Weidert, Jones tp. 1874 751 15 A. immcrmaa, Millstono Tp. 1874 72 80 W. C. Healy, UiJgway tp. 1874 855 23 0475 lo County lux 0107 29 State lax 07 80 Wc. the undersigned, Commissioners of I.Ik County, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a correct utaleuicnt of the receipts and expenditures, So., of Elk County for the year 1874, and the assets and liibilities ol Hie same. CEO. ED. Wtl8, .ICI.ll'S JONES. MICHAEL WEIUEHT, ' Alts!: C. II McC.u i.kt, Clerk. Comm'rs. Ji'. rph WiiiJ fi LI ', Treasurer of L(h County la aeet. with muf County for the year endin;). Ian. 1st 1875 To tax roe. from unseated lauds 12341 37 To (ax rec. from collectors 0407 20 To lax reo. from 8eatel Lands ret' J lo Co. Om.iims. 10 50 Amt.rocd from Jones tp. Poor Fond cu aocount of monies paid for support of A. Parsons 341 Amt. rec from Dcnzinger Tp. Toor fund on account of monies paid for support of Conrad Nist 4 4 341 Amt. rccd. from St. Mary's Boro. Poor fund on account of nisnics paid for support of Martin G.egor 83 01 Due Ti en surer 430G 01 23074 8.- January 1st, 1875 Ty County orders redeemed 18304 !.' do JJouds do 30KO M0 Exoneration Orders County tax 302 8l dj do Military tax 00 00 Refunding orders loo OO Lauds sold County 453 04 S:atc Treasurers receipt for tax on loans 20 84 Treas. com. on amount received, less ninety. niae dollars Military Ex. order 373 20 Treas. com. on amt. dlsVd 443 70 23074 85 S TA TE TAX A CCOL'XT January 1st. 1875 To lax ree'd from Collectors 07 8;' L'n.c Treasurer 80 80 154 January 1, 1875 l'.y ctaie Treasurer's receipts 114 CO Exoneration Orders 40 15 154 75 ROM) FCM)S liENI'.'KTTK HO AD FUND January 1, U-7". To tax roc' J lioin unsealed lands : lamiarv 1, 1875 1150 70 liy road Aiders redeemed 1G10 00 Towiuhip Treas. receipts 321 00 Treni. com. unit, rje'd 43 1 ill do ilisb'd 38 08 Due l'uv.d 110 8 2150 70 ij::n:mner R3AD fuxii January 1, 1875 To tax ree'd from unseated lands 1740 00 January 1, lb75 liy ro id orders redeemed 1320 00 Refunding orders 13 0." Treas. coin, on ain't ree'd 34 82 do do disb'd 2'i 08 Due fund 34554 174000 Additional Road Fun.l January 1, 1875 To tax ree'd from unseated lands 871 50 Due Treasurer 204 14 11057 January 1, 1875 liy au 1. road orders redeemed Refunding do Township Treas. receipts Tie is. coin- on ata't ree'd u'o tlo dish'd 325 00 70 8(10 00 17 43 22 51 1105 73 FOX ROAD FUND January 1, 1875 To tax ree'd lrom uuseated lands January 1, 1n7j liy road orJers redeemed Refuuding orders Treas. com. on ain't ree'd do" do Tisb'd D o fund 1874 47 10O0 00 21 08 37 40 32 05 202 41 1874 47 Additional Road Fund January 1, 1875 To lax rec'tl from unseated land? 1 874 47 January 1 1875 Ry Township Treas. receipts 70 000 Tseasurcr's com. on am't ree'd 37 40 do do disb'd 14 00 Due fund 1122 98 187447 HKiHLAND ROAD FUND January 1, 1875 To tax ree'd from unseatod lands 1052 44 January 1, 1875 liy road orders redeemed 1380 00 Township Treas. receipts 100 00 Refunding orders 30 05 Treas, com. on am't reo'd 33 05 do do Disb'd 30 f3 Due fund 72 41 105244 UORTON ROAD FUND January 1, 1875 To tax reo'd from unseated lands 1101 52 January 1, 1875 liy road orders redeemed Treas. com. on am't reo'd do do disb'd Due fund 1000 (XI 23 20 20 00 12123 11C4 52 Additional Road Fund Jauuury 1, 1875 To tax reo'd from unseated lands 580 08 Jnnunry 1 1875 1st add. road orders redeemed 80 00 625 00 ll Ol II 10 207 680 08 Township Treasurers receiptg Treas. com, on am't ree'd do do disb'd Due fund JAY ROAD FUND January 1, 1875 To Tax reo'd-from unsealed lands 1021)0! January 1, 1875 By toad orders redeemed 1380 00 38 42 27 00 474 02 102004 Treas. com. on am't reo'd di do disb'd Duo fund JONES ROAD FUND January 1, 1875 lo tax rec u lrom unseated lands 2oi 0-' January 1, 1875 By road orders redeemed 1080 00 Kcfuuilimr orders 30 (18 Treas. Coin, on ain't ree'd 61 3 do do disb'd 20 30 Due fund 477 18 2508 02 M IbtiSTONE ROAD FUND. January 1, 1875 To tax rci'd from unsealed lands 1080 27 January 1 1875 By road orders redeemed 1185 00 Township Treas. receipts 400 82 Treas. com. on am't ree'd 30 78 do do lisb'd 31 72 Duo fuud 331 05 1080 27 R 1 10 WAY ROAD FUND. January 1, 1875 To ta reo'd from unseated lauds 2210 23 January 1, 1875 By road orders redeemed 1803 00 Treas. com. on am't ree'd 41 0.' do do disb'd 37 80 Due fund 273 30 22-10 23 ADDITIONAL ROAD FUND. Jauuary 1, 1875 To la.r ree'd from unseated lands 1000 O'i due Treas. 12S li 1228 12 January 1, 1 875 By township Trcan. receipts Treasurer's com on nniji ree'd do do disb'd 1182 22 00 23 05 1228 7 81'RIN'U CREF.K ROAD FUND. January 1, 1875 fo taj: ree'd from unsealed lauds 1 177 15 January 1, 1875 liy Road orders redeemed Township Treas. receipts Treas. com. on am't ree'd do do disb'd Due fuad 1135 00 200 o: 20 51 20 7i 85 0 j-177 1' ST MARYS ROAD AND CORI'OIt ATION FUND. January 1. 1875 To tax ree'd from unseated lands Road To taz ree'd from unseated lauds, corporation 01 00 45 31 130 31 1 00 '.18 1 8' 1 a 03 02 130 111 133 34 .innuary i xu,.. By refunding orders, road " " corporation Treas. com. on am't ree'd, road " corporation Treas. com, on cm'l dish'd, -road ' " coporatiou Due fund SCllCOL AXl) SCHOOL V.l'lLb JXG 1- CXD6. BF.NIZRTTK SCHOOL FUND January I, 1p-75 To Vajc ree'd from unseated lands school 1502 7'' To tax ree'd from unseated lauds Building t'38 50 Due Treasurer 200 21 2700 02 January 1, H"75. By district trea's receipts-school 1iili0 00 do do do bu4d'g 1000 00 Treas com on amount ree'd 18 02 do do do do disb'd 52 00 2700 02 200 88 808 10 2958 04 450 00 250 00 8 28 3 81 59 10 1 1 24 2172 00 2058 18 IlKJ.ZlNOP.lt scnooi FlXU- January 1, 1875, To taz ree'd from unseated land school Received from unseated land. building Tanuary 1, 1875. By district trccsurcr's'rcccipts school District treasurer's receipt-building Refunding orders school do do building Trea's. com. on amount received do do do Jo disb'd Duo fund FOX KCIIOOL FUND. January 1, 1875. To taz ree'd from unseated land school 2059 85 Ree'd from unhealed iuul-build'g 744 05 2804 30 January I, 1875 By district treas. receipts school 075 00 do do build'g 82 5 00 Refunding order school 2 02 do do b'd'g 21 Treas com on ain't ree'd 50 OS do do di'b'd 20 OO EJiio fuud 1725 08 2804 80 IIIfiULAND SCHOOL FUND. January 1 1875: To taz ree'd from unseated land school Due treasurer 507 34 180 73 017 07 601 05 22 40 10 15 12 43 0-47 07 January 1st, 1875; District treas receipts Refunding orders Treas com on am't ree'd do do disbursed nORTO.N 6CI100L FUND. Jauuary 1st, 1875. Taz reo'd from unseated lands January 1 1875: By dist. Ireasucer's receipts Treas com ou amount received do do disbursed Duo fund 87 11 1047 00 23 74 20 04 00 43 118711 JAY SCHOOL FUND. Jauuary 1st, 1875 Taz reo'd from uns't'd lands-school 1442 63 do do do build'g 480 CO 1923 29 January 1st , 1875 By district treas receipts-school 1280 50 do no do build'g 400 00 Treas com on amount received 88 40 do do do disbursed 83 01 Due fnnd 170 72 1023 20 2008 85 1458 08 JONE8 SCHOOL FUND. January 1, 1875. To tax received from unsealed land school Tax received from unseated land -building 8 107 03 January 1, 1875. By uiKlrjul treasurer s receipts school 1 050 00 1285 08 30 00 27 78 00 88 00 01 20 15 8 107 03 District treasurer's receipts- iiuiming Refunding ordirs selionl do do building Treas. com on amount received do do do disbursed Due fund MILLSTONE SCHOOL FUND January 1, 1875, To tn j! received from unsealed land school Taz received from unsealed land building 1585 27 CH I 27 8170 54 J innary 1, 1875. By district treasurer's receipts school and building District treasurer's reccipts-- huililiiig Treas com on amount received do do do disb'd Duo fund 2181 no 700 00 (10 50 57 02 471 33 8170 61 R1IKIWAY SCHOOL FUND. January 1, 1875 Taz received from unseated land Heboid Received from unseated land.... buildillS 1110 71 708 48 21251 1171 8 January 1, 1875. liy di.-trict lieas receipts-school District treis reccijits-bi.ildiiig Trea's com on am't ree'd do do do disb'd Due fund fi8.', SO 42 50 85 15 2X1 80 2125 10 BI'HINO PUEEK SCHOOL FUND January 1. 1875. To taz ree'd lrom unsealed land school Taz received from unseated land building Taz ree'd from scaled landrel'd .C.nirs' school Taz ree'd from seated land ret' d to Co. Com'rs building 1014 1 302 88 5 50 15 On 235't 70 January 1 , 175 By dslrict treas receipts -.school 1022J27 do do t.uild'g ion 00 Treas coin on aint received ' 47 01 do do disbursed 22 14 Bal due fund 1150 07 1350 70 ST MARYS SCHOOL FUND. January 1st, 1875 Taz lecfeived Iron, unseated lauds January 1st , 1875 liy refunding eider school do i!o buiid'g do do udd'l buiid'g Treas com on amount received do do disbursed Duo fuud 01 OO 1 08 1 40 ;) 1 82 00 85 77 01 CO POOR FCXDS. lH.NZINdKR roOil FUND. January 1st. 1875 To ttiz ree'd from unsealed lands 87150 Due tieaturer " 414 02 1280 50 Jumin ry 1st ? 75: l!v township r.OiiMiror's receipts 800 ( 0 Am t paid lliMmmt Hospital i'jr sup port of Com-i.d Nis.t 413 41 Refunding orders 70 Treasurer's com. on amount received 17 48 do do do disbursed 24 8 12S8 61 Fox roon ri'XD JiUiuary 1 , 1875 To taz ree'd from unsealed lan la 374 80 January 1, 187.") By orders redeemed 140 00 Township Treas. receipts 65 00 Treas. com. on am't ree'd 7 40 do do dis'bd 8 OO Due fuud 107 07 874 80 .jonks I'oon rrxi). January 1, 1S75 To Taz ree'd from unseated lands C59 70 January 1, 1 875 liy am't paid Dixmont Hospital tor suppuit of A. Parsons 311 73 Refuuding orders 0 08 Treat", com. ou nui't ree'd 13 10 do do Disb'd 7 03 Due fuud 2S7 82 o..O 70 spring rnr.F.K ro:r. rr::i. January 1, 1878 To laz ree'd from unseat id hup's 212 88 Scaled land ret'd to Co. Coiiimrs, 12 00 January 1, 1875 By Township Treas. reciipts 220 00 Treas. com. ou am't ree'd 5 OO do Uo disb'd 4 40 Due fund 24 80 254 88 ST. MARYS DODO. I'OOR rCND. January 1, 1875 To taz reo'd from unseated lands 85 01 January 1, 1875 By ain't pail Dizrcont Hospital on account, support of Martin Cregar 33 01 Treas. com. ou ami't ree'd 70 do do disb'd 07 35 01 STATE ROADS. WILCOX AND HAMDMN STATE ROAll January 1, 1875 To tax ree'd from unseated lauds, Jones tp. 1102 37 January l'k1875 By orders redeemed, Jones Tp. Com'r. J.L.Browu'i receipts do Itcfundiue orders Jones tp. Treas. com. on am't ree'd do do disb'd Due fund 800 00 214 72 10 80 22 05 20 08 25 OO 1102 87 KANE, B1DQWAT AMD ST, MARIS STATE B0AD. January 1, 1875 To taz reo'd from unseited land do do Benzinger tp. 1743 98 do do Jones t 2508 80 do do Bidgway 251 70 6504 48 January 1, 1875 By Treas. receipts 4795 68 ltcfunding orders, Benzinger tp. 1 67 do do Jone tp. 89 68 3Treas. com, on am't ree'd 131 2'J do disb'd 00 78 1409 68 Doe fund 6504 48 M'KKAN, M.K AND FORBST STATi ROAD. January 1, 1875 To tax reo'd f om unseated land do dor Highland tp. 2402 25 do do Jones tp. 3884 20 0370 64 8000 00 2000 00 62 44 6U 53 127 58 102 23 1034 81 Jnnimrv 1. 1875 By orders red seined, Jones tp. do do Highland tp, Refunding order, do do do Jones tp. Treas. com. on am't ree'd do do disb'd Due fund 6370 64 nillUWAY AND KROORVII.LE (TATE ROAD. Jan nary 1, 1875 To laz reo'd from unseated, land do do llidgway tp, 2254 13 do do spring Crock tp 1177 18 8781 31 January 1 , 1875 liy Coin' receipts:, llidgway lp. 1(H) 00 Com'rs receipts, Spring Crock lp. 100 00 Treasurer's receipts 2007 70 Treas. com. on nm'l rc'd 74 02 do du disb'd 03 '.15 Duo fund 801 08 781 81 Jus. Windfel ler, l , Treasurer of Elk County, in neo'l. wilh the Commonwealth of Peniny Ivan in for lite year ending Janu ary 1st, 1875. To tavern licenses Killing houses Liipinr licenses Retailers iin'i chan lino Ri sliiui ants & eiiiiug houses Breweries Billiards 650 00 280 OO 100 00 838 00 180 00 02 50 100 00 2000 50 J an u n ry 1, 1875 By Slate treas. receipts, rotailors lioensn Due Commonwealth 755 50 1805 00 2000 50 We, the undersigned, Auditors of Elk county, hiving met at. the Commissioners olllee in Ridjtway. on tho first Monday of January, A. D- 175, being the 4th day of the nionlli, lor the purpose ot auditing, set tling, nn 1 adjusting the accounts of the several county ulliccrs, at which time wc proceeded to au lit, settle and adjust the accounts of the same, and found them cor reel as sel forth in the foregoing report Joseph Wiiid'elder, treasurer, bciug duly notified was represented by J. K. Wind folder. We foui.d due by the said Jos.Wind feldcr, Treasurer, to the several funds as is fully set forth in the foregoing report the sum of thirteen thou-and four hundred and feventoeo dollars and eighty-three cents; and due lo him from funds set. forth in said report 'he sum of five thousand seven hun dred and thirty dollars ana twenty-nine cints. leaving a net balance due by the said Treasurer lo the several funds ol seven thousand siz hundred nud eighty seven dollars and fitty four cents (7087 54;. nnd also duo to the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania the sum of one thousand three "hundred nnd five dollars ($1305.) In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands the 21st day of January A D. 1875. THOMAS IRWIN", ) THOS. J. BL 11 KB, V Aud's. N r. mTx-i, J Attest M. S. Hunk, Clerk. I). C. 0jter, 7;.-xy., llijh Sheriff of Elk Count', in account ictth naid county for tlie year ending January 1. 1875. To commonwealth costs collected $ 555 70 " line com. vs. .Tosciih LMab 10 00 " " " " Supervisors of llciizinger township 1 00 " fino coin. vs. Dan'l M' Geary 10 00 " " " " Jacob QuiiKlo 10 00 " iurv fee com vs . Uranill'et al 2 00 " " " " "'I. M. Webb 4 00 " " " " " T. S. Hartley 4 00 " " " " Louis Vollmer 4 00 " " " " " SiiDcrvisors of Benzinger township 4 00 " jury fee com vs W. Taylor et al 4 00 " " " " " Jacob Ouiccrle 4 00 " " " Curry vs. Paino 4 00 " " " M'Cartv vs. Tho Elk and M'Kean H. R. company 4 00 " iurv foe Wcllcndorf vs. Tho Elk and M'Kean R. R. Co. 4 00 "jury fee Willard vs. Tho Elk ami M'Kean Railroad Co. 4 00 " jury fee Souther & Willis vs. II . S. Belnnp 4 00 "jury loc Hceman vs. llrockway 4 00 " " " Paul vs. Wilcox Tan nins and Lumber company 4 00 "jury fee IJrockway vs. Parsons 4 00 " " " Sorg vs. Kronenwetter 4 00 " " " Tudor vs. Woodward ctal. 40 C " jury foe Selden vs. Sheldrake's administrator 4 00 "jury fee Johnston vs. Johnston 4 00 " county orders on jail expense 1507 71 " " " " sheriffs fees 009 87 " " " " com. costs 38 75 DuoBhciiir 138154 $4198 07 .innuary 1, 187.. liy balance due sheriff at former settlement 1417 08 " coats p'd witnesses in com cases 138 70 " " " justices " " 12 00 " " " constables in" " 30 47 " " " clerk F. Scha-ning in commonwealth cases 50 85 " Bhi'iilfs foes in com . cases 80 05 " ainiiunt paid district at tor torncy in com. cases 7 00 " conveying Hiram Kusscl to penitentiary 120 00 " costs on execution County vs. Hays 2 80 " di.suitches to Philadelphia in cuso of liromli-y 1 80 " costs on execution County vs. l. I. lay lor J 7.) " conveying llcnnis Donovan to penitentiary 120 CO " conveying James A. Burko half for extra man CO 00 " costs on execution County vs. . Morey 8 50 " costs ou execution County vs. William M'Caulcy 2 50 ' conveying James Mosier to penitentiary 120 00 " conveying- Martin Gregor to Dixmont half for extra man 02 50 ' costs in searching for J. Parmer U 00 " mileage and holding inquisi tion County vs. Morey 8 00 " serving rule ou St. Marys boro. in case of Martin Gregor 8 70 " costs paid witnesses Com. vs. John Vaugban 85 08 " conveying Philip Wuhelm to penitentiary 120 00 " conveying Molene & Peterson to penitentiary A of 1240 120 00 " drawing four juries for th year 1874 4 00 " serving subpoenas on Ipart of Commonwealth 88 75 " turnkey fees 80 00 " fees in Commonwealth cases 48 13 " j ail expense, including board, &o., to January 1st, 1875 10C5 35 " serving Bubpcenaa and bench w arrants in Com. cases 89 40 do " serving 8 term of jurors in 1874 and January term, 1875 444 00 4108 07 We, tho undersigned, Auditors of Elk county, having met at the Commissioners' otlice in Hiilgway, on the first Monday of January, A. D. 1875, being the 4th clay of the month, for the purpose of auditing, settling nnd adjusting the accounts of the several county oflicers, and at which time we proceeded to audit, fccttle and adjust the nceounts of the several county oflicers and found them correct, as set forth in 'tho foregoing report. D. V. Oyster, KRq., Sheriff, was present in person. We found tlue to him by the said county of Elk, the num of thirteen hundred eighty-one dollars and fifty, four cents, which sum we hereby certify to bo correct, as set forth in tho foregoing report. In witness whereof we have hcrcunt set our hands tho 21st day of January, A. u. IB I.). THOMAS IRWIN. I. THOS. .1. 11UHKE, Aud'is. N. G. UUNDY. Attest M. 8. Klihe, Clerk. The Comminnioncrn of Elk County in account with the County of Elk for the year ending January 1, 1875. RoiiKtir I. Camtdeli,. To county orders, ?3G1 00 0 00 Balance duo Campbell 370 00 January I, 1811. By 1234 days service ('J ?3 00 ?370 00 Geo. Ki. Weis. January 1, 1875. To county onlnrs, Balance due Weis 304 00 12 00 $370 00 January 1, 187o. By 1231 days service Qt, 3 00 $370 00 Jdmcs Jo.nls. January 1, 1873. To county orders, Balance duo Jones, ?200 00 18 00 $278 00 January 1, 1875. By !)2j days services (7$ $3 00 ?278 00 Hie Commissioners of M'Kean, Elk and Forest State Road in acc't wilh the funds of mid Road for the year endinci January 1st, 1873 To bal. of orders on hand at for mer settlement $7481 89 ' tax from seated land Ser geant tp., M'Kean Co. 253 04 " tax rec d from seated land Hamlin tp., M'Kean Co. 23 " orders from Elk Co for tux '72-' 73 5000 00 ' ' orders from Forest Co. for tax '72-' 73 4000 00 " orders from M'Kean Co. for tax of 72-73 417G 00 " tax from seated land of Wetmoro, tp. M'Kean Co. 103 20 " proceeds of 21 $590 bonds sold 11441 40 " " 1. $1590 " 1590 00 " " " 1. $2120 ' 2120 00 Duo Commissioners 895 18 $37573 0: Jan. 1st, 1875. By cash paid W. S. Oviatt for services in 1873 311 19 "fnsli paid V. H. Oviatt for sorvices rendered, 225 08 " bills and vouchers rendered 571 75 " W. S. Oviatt's com. as Treas. on $37179, 1 per cent. 871 79 " bonds redeemed 36155 29 37575 05 The Commissioners of the Kane, Ridgway and St. Marys State Road, in acc't with the funds of said Road for the year ending January 1st. 1875. To cash ree'd from Elk Co. treas. Jones tp., " cash ree'd from Elk Co $2130 75 891 07 1337 10 1309 81 2120 02 1485 22 treas. Bonzinger tp., " cash ree'd from Elk Co. treas. Ridgway tp., " cash ree'd from M'Kean Co. treasurer Sergeant township " cash ree'd from Elk county, treasurer Jones township " cash ree'd from Elk county, treasurer Ridgway township " cash ree'd from Elk county, treasurer Benzinger tp. Proceeds Bond No. 23 Ridgway, t 4 t 1 it 1183 74 579 39 850 00 752 87 000 00 000 00 723 73 733 85 13 13 14 13 10 Jones, Benz'gor, $10269 21 To bal. duo creditors as follows: " Wilcox Tanning Co. for work Sergeant tp. $1000 93 "B. D. Hamlin for work Ser geant township 23 00 " J. R. Chad wick for work Ser geant township 1 00 " Wilcox Tanning Co. for work Jones township 1793 83 " Wilcox Lumber Co. for work Jones township 115 60 " Wilcox Tanning Co. for work Ridgway towuship 847 70 "W. II. Osterhout for work Ridgway township 413 91 " J. K. P. Hall for work Ben zinger towuship 833 09 $2081027 By balance as per M'Kean Co. Aud. Settlement Junc28, '71, $3238 37 " interest paid on same ad justed by Commissioners, 144 50 " Wilcox Tanning Co. bill of labor, &c., Sergeant tp., 1000 93 " J. K. P. Hall, labor and ser vices, Benzinger tp., 2794 07 " B. F. Ely, labor aud services, Ridgway tp., 579 89 " W. II. Osterhout, labor and services, Ridgway tp., '413 91 " Frank King, labor and ser vices, all tps., 5 00 " Chas. Weis, com. Bonzinger, 22 80 " C. H. M'Cauley services, all tps., 10 00 " Jno. G. Hall, att'ys services, all tps. 04 50 Hall & M'Cauley, attorney's services, all tps . , 117 40 " J . Ernhout, com. Jones tp., 04 50 " G. D. Messenger, com. Ridg way tp., 82 00 " J. K. P. Hall, com, Benzin ger tp., 18 25 " J.V. Houk, com. Ridgway tp. . 80 00 " Juo. G. Hall, retainer all tps., 30 00 " J. L. Brown, 4 years sec'y, 120 00 " cash paid in full of bond No. 1, Sergeant tp., 1304 00 ' 1 cash paid in full of bond No. 2, Jones tp., 589 17 " cash paid in full of bond No. 8, Ridgway tp., 589 17 " cash paid in full of bond No. 4, Jones tp., 583 83 " cash paid in full of bond No. 5, Ridgway tp., 683 83 " cash paid in full of bond No. 0, Ridgway tp., 1230 00 " cash paid in full of bond No, 10, Jones tp., 1223 00 wmnjmi'1 humioii umij cash paid in full of bond No. 12, Jones tp., " cash paid in full of bond No. 13, Jones tp., " cash paid in full of bond No. 16, Benzinger tp., " Sergeant tp,, B. 1). Hamlin, bill legal services, " Sergeant tp., J. R. Chad wick, services Wilcox Tanning Co., labor, Ridgwap tp., Wilcox Tanning Co., labor, Jones tp., " Wilcox Lumber Co., labor, Jones tp., " cash in hands Stato Road Treasurer, 890 06 1137 00 790 75 25 00 1 00 847 70 1792 83 115 GO 840 E9 $20810 27 The Commissioners of lh e Ridgway and Rrookville Stale Road tn acc't with the funds of said road, for the year ending January 1. 1875. To cash ree'd from county treas- f 2997 78 " Kiflgway tp. state road orders 1400 OU " Spring C'k " " " " 700 00 1 1 balance, in hands of II. Car man at former settlement 03 98 " balance in hands of G. D. Messenger at former settlem't 400 !?8 " cash received from county treas. by G. D. Messenger 200 00 " Ridgway tp. supervisors order 89 50 $5892 23 January 1, 1875. By work done under G. D. Mes senger 8i 73 " services by G. D. Messenger, sons and teams, 1080 93 " services under II. Carman 1243 7'i. " " by II. Carman, team, &c. 271 48 " tools furnished by II. Carman O'I 23 .. by D Messenger 22 41 " repairing and tools 140 01 " amount for labor done on south street, Ridgway tp., uneler supervisor Osterliout 39. 50 Duo fund 2140 10 The Wilcox and Hamhlin State Road in, account with J. L. Rrown, Commissioner, for the year end ing January 1, 1875. To balance due commissioner at last settlement $ 200 79 " amount paid Jno. G. Hall 35 00 " 4 days services 8 Go ?249 79 January 1, 1873. By amount from county treas. 214 72 Due commissioner 35 07 249 79 We, the undersigned, Auditors of Elk County, havingmetatthc Commissioners' otlice in Ridgway, on tho lirst Monday of January, A. D. 1875, being tho 4th day of the month, do hereby certify that we have carefully examined, audited, ad justed and settlcil the accounts of tho Commissioners of tho M'Kean, Elk and Forest Stato Road, of the Commissioners of the Kane, Ridgway and St. Marys State Road, of the Commissioners of tho Ridgway and Broykvillo Slate Road, and with J. L. Brown, Esq., Commissioner of the Wilcox and Hamblin State Road, and find them correct, as stated in the foregoing report. . In witness whereof wo have hereunto set our hands the 21st day of January, A. D. 1875. THOMAS IRWIN,) T1IOS. .1. BURKE, jAud'rs. IT? G. BUNDY. Attest M. S. Euitsj Clerk. The Weekly Sun. A largo eight pago independent, honest and fearless nevspaperjef 50 broad columns, especially designed for the farmer, the me, chanic, the merchant and the Professional man, and their wives and children. We aim to make the iVkkkly Sin the best family newspaper in the world. It is full of entertaining and instructive reading of every sort, bul prints nothing to offend the most scrupulous end delicate taste. Price SI. 20 per year, postage prepaid. Tho cheapest paper published. Try it- Address The Sun, iiew York City. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wetinore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jnr P Vincent. Associate Judsres Chas. Luhr. J Ilouk. District Attorney J. K. P, Hall. Sheriff D. t'cuil. Prothonotf.ry c, Fred. Schceuiug. Treasurer Joseph Windfeldcr. County Superintendent Kufus Lucore. Commissioners Michael Weidert, Julius Jones, Geo. Ed. Weis. Auditors Thomas Irwin N. G. Dundy, County Surveyor Geo WilniBley. Jury Commissioners. Phillip Krcighle Ransom T. Kyler. Full BALE BY E.K. GRE3II, Masonic Hall Building, Ridgway, Pa. VA1T VLECK'S CELKliltATED PATENT SPUING BED REST tempered eteel 6priug wire, these springs can be laid on the sluts of any couimou bed and are COMPLETE IX TUEM SELVES I Also agent for Weed Sewing Machine, Easiest Dunning, Most Durable, and BEST MACHINE iu the market. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. v4nl6t9$, JF YOU AY ANT TO.UUY GOODS CHEAP UO TO JAMES II- IIAGEUTY Main Street, P.idgway, Pa. DHY GOODS, NOTIONS, KOOTS SUOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW. WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of 4 Groceries and Provisions. Tbe BEST - BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, and sold as cheaD as the CHEAPEST. . V JAMES II. IIAQERTY. SUBSCRIBE for the ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE. 7 " v..
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